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Jackson Family: Kleinigkeiten – Presseschnipsel News Sammelthread (keine Diskussion)
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Ich glaube jetzt nicht unbedingt, dass sie dann neue Musik bringen, es ist wohl mehr eine Revivial-Tour angedacht nehme ich an und in der UK hatten sie ja ihre größten Erfolge.
Michaels Brüder haben ja auf ihrer Tour auch keine neue Musik gebracht, obwohl ja einige Konzerte ausfielen, weil wie es hieß sie am neuen Album arbeiteten. BTW wo ist das Album eigentlich?
Apropos Titos Kinder. Seine uneheliche Tochter Taunya startet gerade ihre Musikkarriere. Wenn sie denn wirklich seine Tochter ist (die Halbbrüder bestreiten es, Tito und Joe lassen sich aber immer wieder mit ihr ablichten) dann hat sie vom Talent des Vaters und Halbbrüder nicht wirklich viel abbekommen.
Tanay Jackson relies on family lineage, not talent, for music debut
Tanay Jackson, daughter of Tito and niece of Michael, is trying to make her mark in music. But she's banking on the family name, and not talent to do so. (Tanay Jackson / October 25, 2013)
By Gerrick D. Kennedy
October 25, 2013, 3:05 p.m.
“When your last name is Jackson, people naturally expect incredible talent.” That’s how the release begins announcing the arrival of Tanay Jackson, daughter of Tito Jackson, on the music scene.
What comes next is the typical bombastic overhype of one’s talents in hopes of drumming up attention from the press.
She’s a “rockin' hot performer” in one sentence. A “smoking hot musical powerhouse” in another. And a “dynamo” elsewhere. Of course multiple mentions of being Michael’s niece flood the release.
PHOTOS: Concerts by The Times
"'She looks incredible onstage — a great performer' and 'Tanay obviously takes after her Aunt Janet' are just some of the accolades bestowed on this talented young beauty,” the release goes on to say before offering links to her YouTube videos and performances.
Naturally we took the bait. Partially because we didn't know Tito had a daughter (an earlier presser we dug up said the aspiring singer didn’t find out about “her place in the Jackson family lineage” until she was 17), but mostly because of the lineage.
The good news? No one can ever take away the Jackson name from Tanay.
The bad news? Absolutely everything else.
It’s difficult enough pursing music stardom, but using the Jackson name makes the journey impossible to do so without the crippling shadow of the infamous name and the singular talents (and weighty successes) of Michael and Janet to live up to.
PHOTOS: Michael Jackson | 1958-2009
There’s plenty of offspring that use the family name to get notice, but typically there’s a volume of inherited talent to back it up. Unfortunately this isn’t the case for Tanay.
Her music is one disastrous struggle after another to gain traction using just the family name, which is suspicious in its own right.
The release pointed us to her latest single "Naughty Girls (Need Love Too)," a remake of Samantha Fox and Full Force’s '80s jam.
Tanay’s video for the single is an embarrassing, cringe-worthy dosage of overwrought vocals, ill-advised wardrobe choices, wretched choreography and, saddest of all, a cameo by a Full Force member.
The clip — which she directed and styled, obviously — is trainwrecky enough to warrant some guilty pleasure hate-watching. There’s a dancebreak in what looks like someone's patio, horrific acting from her male lead and in one shot she forgot to clear out the stuffed animals from the staircase she used to film a sexy scene.
Oh, and there’s a random rap verse from an unnammed rapper, because what generic pop-R&B dance track in 2013 doesn’t feature a throwaway guest appearance?
PHOTOS: Unexpected musical collaborations
"Naughty Girls (Need Love Too)," has amassed about 2,000 views since its release in April, and makes us wonder why the PR firm she’s enlisted is sending it out in October. Oh, maybe because its that awful.
The other clips embedded on her YouTube page aren’t any better either. Outside of this being a slow news day, we’re not sure why we’re bringing this mess to your attention. Maybe as a public service announcement that this particular Jackson shouldn’t pursue music. Or maybe because we know you all need a laugh at your desk to get you through the day.
Either way, watch "Naughty Girls (Need Love Too)” below:
Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 02.11.2013, 19:39.
Die Jacksons wünschen sich eine Kollaboration mit David Guetta. Die Band, bestehend aus Jackie, Tito, Jermaine und Marlon, alle Geschwister des verstorbenen Michael Jackson, wünschen sich eine baldige Zusammenarbeit mit dem DJ und Produzenten, um an neuen Liedern zu arbeiten, nachdem sie Guetta bereits im Juni trafen.
Jackie erzählt der „New York Post“: „Wir hoffen, dass wir bald etwas mit Guetta machen können.“ Indes sind die vier Brüder im Studio, um an ihrem im nächsten Jahr erscheinenden Comeback-Album zu arbeiten, für das schon einige namhafte Produzenten engagiert sind.
„Wir werden machen, was die Leute hören wollen, die Jacksons eben“, erklärte Jackie vor kurzem. „Aber wir werden auch einige neue Elemente der heutigen Generation in die Musik aufnehmen, alles von Herzen und aus der Seele.“
Letztes Jahr verriet Tito, dass der berühmte Soul-Funk-Sound der „Jackson 5″ von vielen verschiedenen Gruppen aus Europa beeinflusst wurde. „Es gab großartige Einflüsse, die Rolling Stones, die Bee Gees und die Zusammenarbeit der Beatles mit Billy Preston“, enthüllte er damals.
„Unser Sound hat viele europäische Einflüsse. Und ich glaube, dass die wiederum von amerikanischen Künstlern inspiriert wurden. Musik ist eine universelle Sprache und es gibt nur acht Noten.“
Zitat von Lena Beitrag anzeigenTaj Jackson hat auf Twitter eine 3T-Tour in der UK angekündigt. Abflug aus LA am 18. November, nur die UK sei derzeit geplant.
Taj Jackson @tajjackson3 51m
Dates set, flights booked, One month away till we invade the UK. #2013T
Taj Jackson @tajjackson3 8m
“@MarieJoseGMH: @JacksonSource @tajjackson3 yes how about the Netherlands?? #3T” UK only right now. I'll see if I can reveal more. :-)
Taj Jackson @tajjackson3 18m
“@GoldenCherry: @tajjackson3 And those dates are ... ?!?!?! Xxxx” :-) We leave LA Nov 18th.
Taryll Jackson @tarylljackson 3m
Photo: #3T #Jacksons #Brotherhood #TajTaryllTj
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Michael Jackson - 3T to reunite for Michael Jackson tribute
by Bang Showbiz | 04 November 2013
Michael Jackson's nephews Taj, Taryll and T.J. are set to reunite as 3T for a tribute concert to their late uncle next year.
Michael Jackson's nephews are set to reunite for a tribute concert.
Pop group 3T - which was popular in the 90s and consisted of Tito Jackson's sons Taj, Taryll and T.J. - are set for a comeback next year to mark the fifth anniversary of the late King of Pop's death.
A source told the New York Daily News' Confidenti@l column: ''Taj, Taryll and T.J. believe they have a sound and appeal which would make them a success all over again.''
The trio enjoyed moderate success in the later part of 1990s when they were pitted against the Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC at the height of the boy band boom. Their hit singles include 'Why', which was a duet with Michael, and 'Anything'.
The brothers have reportedly recorded an entire album of new material in secret and are planning to tour the US and Europe.
3T released their debut album 'Brotherhood' in 1995 and followed it up nearly a decade later in 2004 with 'Identity'.
The group have come together several times in the years following their famous uncle's death in June 2009, appearing on stage with Michael's oldest children - Prince Michael and Paris - as they accepted a lifetime achievement award at the 2010 Grammy Awards on behalf of their father.
3T also reunited on stage in 2011 at a tribute concert for Michael in Cardiff, Wales, where they performed 'Why' and 'Heartbreak Hotel' by The Jackson 5.
ContactmusicZuletzt geändert von Lena; 05.11.2013, 20:00.
Hat jemand was läuten gehört, dass angeblich auch Jackie 2014 on tour gehen will?
Hatte mal was gelesen .. allerdings steht auf Jackies HP kein hinweis. ... kann ja noch kommen.
Ach, ich hatte es letztens im Fernsehen gesehen.
Ich hatte gedacht, das das kurz nach Michaels Tod gewesen ist, wusste nicht das es aus einem diesjährigen Konzert war.
Ich fand es aber auch sehr berührend, auch die Kameraschwenks ins Publikum, wo so mancher eine Träne verdrückt hat.Zuletzt geändert von Mysterious; 13.11.2013, 21:27.
Wir machen gerade diesen thrad zum Diskussionsthread,aber so lange keiner meckert.....
Vielleicht sollten wir den verlagern.
Die Reaktion des Publikums spricht Bände. Ich liebe diesen song und keiner singt ihn besser als Michael.
Den hätte er mal live bringen sollen.
Die Jackson 4 traten bei der Ebnoy Power 100 Gala auf wo Berry Gordy für sein Lebenswerk geehrt wurde.
Jacksons perform tribute to Berry Gordy at Ebony ‘Power 100’ gala
NEW YORK — Motown founder Berry Gordy recalls that when he first signed The Jackson 5, he sent them to live in a house in California — and the rowdy kids ended up getting kicked out and had to move in with him.
Joked Gordy: “Be careful what you wish for.”
On Monday, Marlon Jackson thanked Gordy for “letting us come to your house and tear it up,” as well as for putting them on the path to a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame career in a tribute to Gordy at the Ebony Power 100 gala.
“Michael and his brothers were just incredible to be around,” he said of the group, fronted by the late Michael Jackson. “I’m happy they’re here.”
Gordy danced along with the rest of the crowd as the Jacksons — Marlon, Jermaine, Jackie and Tito — performed hits such as “Shake Your Body Down to the Ground” and “I Want You Back.”
Gordy received a lifetime achievement award at the event, which honored blacks who are wielding considerable power, such as President Barack Obama, Forest Whitaker, commentator Van Jones, educator Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Serena Williams.
Among those in attendance were Magic Johnson, Victor Cruz, Lala Vasquez and Condola Rashad. Nick Cannon was the host of the ceremony, which also featured a performance from the actors from “Motown: The Musical.”
Gordy, whose Motown Records not only changed music history but also America’s culture with its sound and image, recalled that the first major cover the label got for its artists was Ebony magazine.
“It was the Supremes. They had no idea how much it meant to us,” said Gordy, who took a copy of the cover out of his pocket to show the audience.
Gordy said Ebony magazine, which has chronicled black culture for decades, was integral to his success.
“I feel like I’ve come full circle because I’m back here at Ebony again,” Gordy said. “I really feel like I should be giving them an award because they were so important to giving us the confidence.”
Besides the musical tribute, the Jacksons gave Gordy a plaque of platinum records marking the millions of records they sold as part of Motown Records.
Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 17.11.2013, 12:36.
Jackie Jackson und seine holländ. Frau Emily haben ein Baby bekommen.
WE HAVE SOME INCREDIBLE NEWS: Jackie Jackson & and his lovely dutch wife gave birth to a little human being!! Please no rude comments! Emily is a very smart girl from the Netherlands who studied crime& Investigation in Amsterdam, She made it till L.A. and is very succesfull at her own. Here a shot from the baby shower. CONGRATS Jackie & Emily
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