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Statements von Joe Jackson

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  • Statements von Joe Jackson

    Ich eröffne mal den Tread, weil ich gerade einige Statements von Joe suche und leider nicht finde.
    Kann mir jemand helfen? Es gab in den letzten Tagen mind. 2 Statements von ihm und ich habe in Erinnerung, dass er auch wieder bei Larry King war.

    Könnt Ihr das bitte hier posten? Ich verliere langsam den ÜBerblick. Danke Euch!

  • #2
    Ah, eines habe ich nun doch gefunden....leider fehlt der Schluss. Habe es zufällig bei Twitter gefunden, weiss aber nicht mehr wo....

    [QUOTE]Official Statement from Joe Jackson

    I received information yesterday from my friend Wendy, that Joe wanted to get a message out to the fans. So some of the summary below is a provided by Wendy, and myself.

    Due to the serious nature of the statement she asked me to release. I needed to verify with him personally that these things, he definitely wanted to be told to the fans.

    I (MJSUNIFC) just spoke to Joe Jackson on the phone, and also Majestik. Joe is certain that he wants you to know these things:

    Joe has heard about the protests planned for today and appreciates the fans, feeling that they are Michael’s voice, now that he is unable to fight for himself. He also wants to stand behind the statement made online by a fan that you are a reflection of Michael and you must represent him as he would represent himself, peacefully, respectfully, gracefully, and above all else with love.

    Please remember that your actions will also sway public opinion and that justice can come sooner rather than later depending on the face the fans show the world.

    MJSUNIFC-*Please show your support for each and every Jackson Family member if you go to the court especially Joe Jackson. You are a reflection of Michael. He is Michael's Father and has every right to be there and receive respect by everyone supporting the prosecution of Dr. Murray.*

    Majestik plans to attend the protests to show support and appreciation to the fans for all their love.

    2nd Issue-
    There has been an exhibition planned that will display many of Michael’s personal items. Joe wants to inform fans that those items were STOLEN from Michael’s estate after his passing. Michael nor the family ever intended for those things to be taken. Michael’s personal possessions should belong to his children and the estate, not some company wishing to exploit them.

    It is believed that one of those people, Dr. Tohme Tohme, took those items illegally. There are recorded phone conversations of Michael saying he was afraid of this man while he was employing him. Michael was unaware of several of the dealings this man was making. And, now, Randy Phillips, head of AEG is involved in this mess, which takes Michael’s money away from his children. While John Branca is an executor of the will, this is a service he is paid for as an attorney, but currently he and John McClain are trying to get a stake in all the revenues generated since Michael’s passing for transactions that they approved. They are already paid to do the job they should not receive any part of the money those deals generated that used Michael’s name, face, and artistic work. They are taking the money from his children, and Joe believes they will take it all from them if they are allowed to have their way. He also believes Frank Dileo is involved in trying to take the children's money.

    Joe is unhappy that recently Michael's former manager Frank Dileo accepted an award on Michael's behalf. He was NOT authorized by the family to do so. That in itself is one thing, but what's worse is that he KEPT THE AWARD and did not give it to the children or the family. If the award was for Michael then Michael's children and family should have it. Frank does not speak or act on behalf of Michael or the family.

    MJSUNIFC-*I will also post later an Official Press Release from Joe regarding the decision about allowing the children to appear on the Grammy's, but here is the summary provided to me:

    There has been much discussion lately about the children accepting an award at the Grammy ceremony. Some people are upset that Michael went to great lengths to keep his children out of the public eye and to protect them from the damage the media and public caused him and now the children are being exposed publicly. Also, it is a fact that millions of dollars will be made by media outlets and tabloid press off of the children and pictures from the event, which no one wants. The decision to allow this was NOT taken lightly. There was much discussion about it in the family, even up to the moment. Everyone is very concerned with honoring Michael's wishes and protecting the children. The children and their well being is first on everyone's minds and hearts. After MUCH deliberation, however, the final decision was made by Kate to allow the kids to appear. Her reason for doing so was that the children themselves came to her, with speeches they had written themselves and asked that they be allowed to speak on behalf of their father. She felt she had to let them. After all, who could possibly deserve to accept anything on Michael's behalf more than his own flesh and blood children who meant more to him than anything in the world? <br><br>

    Please understand this; the family is not parading the children around for publicity, nor do they wish to see them all over newspapers and magazines. In fact that is exactly what they do not want to see. But, Kate feels it is not right to deny the children this request. If this is what they need to help them honor his memory and is part of their grieving process, so be it. They have been through too much to not%2
    Zuletzt geändert von Steffi0711; 11.02.2010, 22:54.


    • #3
      ja und das beste ist, ich hab den Text ma übersetzt für die, die nicht Englisch verstehen...aber der wurde ja gelöscht...


      • #4
        Was ehrlich? Wer hat den Text gelöscht? Kannst Du es bitte hier nochmal in deutsch posten? Das wäre super!


        • #5
          nur weil du etwas suchst brauchts du dafür kein extra Thema eröffnen..... die Suchfunktion sollte dir behilflich sein.

          Das erste Statement findest du im "New-Reports" das angebliche zweite Statement ist ein fake und keine offizielle News - dort hat ein reporter wirres zeig gequarkt. Die Sache mit Larry King findest du unter "Memoriam-Talk"

          Das wars.... Leute ich bitte euch nochmals die Foren-Regel zu beachten.
          Verhaltensregeln für das Forenangebot von

          Wir posten doch nicht alles nochmal extra.

          - closed -


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