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Janet Jackson bei Oprah und Jay Leno
CHICAGO, Ill. --
Oprah Winfrey sat down with Janet Jackson for Friday’s “The Oprah Winfrey Show” where the pop singer opened up about her late brother, Michael.
“One thing that sticks in my head is his laughter,” Janet told Oprah, recalling fondly her late brother, who passed away last June at the age of 50 of acute Propofol intoxication. “And, the last time I saw him, which was two days before my birthday (which was on May 16), at my parents’ surprise party, I was being silly, like I always did when we were kids… and he kept looking at me a just cracking up.”
Six weeks after Janet’s birthday, Michael was dead. Appearing on Friday’s “Oprah,” to promote “Why Did I Get Married Too,” Janet got revealing about her brother.
“When you heard that he was gone, and gone because of drugs, were you shocked, or were you feeling like somewhere in the back of your mind, you always felt that that day could come?” Oprah asked.
“I felt that day could possibly come. I think everyone thinks that who has a family member or a friend…” Janet said.
“That’s why you’re having an intervention,” Oprah interjected.
“Exactly,” Janet continued.
Janet told Oprah about repeated attempts to save Michael from his addiction to prescription medications, including full on Jackson Family interventions.
“And how did he receive that?” Oprah asked.
“He was very much in denial,” Janet said.
“He didn’t think he had a problem?” Oprah asked.
“No,” Janet said.
“Were you all worried that something like this could happen?” Oprah asked.
“Of course,” Janet answered. “I mean that’s why we did what we did. I mean, we tried it several times and he was very much… in denial.”
Ist das schon hier gepostet?
[I](CNN) -- The notoriously private Janet Jackson opened up about her brother's death on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" Friday, admitting that the family knew he had a problem.
"People think we were in denial but we weren't. We tried intervention several times. He was very much in denial -- he didn't think he had a problem."
When the news first broke that Michael was ill, Jackson said she first heard about it from an assistant while she was home in New York. The last time she saw her brother was about a month before, she said, at a party she had thrown for their parents. "He was thin then, and we knew that he had a problem; we all did," she said.
His death, she told Winfrey, is "hard to believe still to this day. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it -- that all of us in the family don't think about it -- every single day."
Her brother's passing happened right as Janet Jackson had started production on Tyler Perry's new film, "Why Did I Get Married Too?" and the emotional turmoil she was in comes through in the film, Winfrey said.
"It was very therapeutic," Jackson said of her role.
Tyler Perry, she added, was by her side the entire time, asking her how she wanted to be treated on set, making sure no one had access to images of Jackson crying in character (lest a tabloid run them as evidence of what Jackson was going through at the time), and even changing the ending of the movie, which opens nationwide Friday, for her.
"I changed the ending because at first she was going to speak at the funeral, and the things that she was going to say, it was too eerie," Perry, who also was on the show, told Winfrey. "She didn't want to change it, but I did."
Veering from the topic of his movie, Perry told Winfrey he felt the need to reiterate how hard the Jackson family worked to try to save their brother.
"I'm sorry, but I want people to know this," Perry said. "I want people to know how much they tried. They really, really tried -- the entire family. I want the whole world to know how much they tried."
The family was worried, Jackson said, and did several interventions. At one of them, Jackson said she became so overwhelmed, "seeing him and knowing that there was an issue that he was in denial about," she had to leave the room. "A lot of the relationships I've been in, they've had issues with addiction. It's difficult when you see it. recognize it so quickly because I've dealt with it in past relationships."
For Jackson, it's difficult to even look at pictures of Michael as an adult or listen to his music; the only images she can stand to view are those of the pair as children.
"When we were kids, we had so much fun together," she said. "We used to spend every day, all day, together. I have a beautiful picture in my home of he and I when we were just babies. It takes me to that place, even when he was still here, that I missed, that we would talk about. That [picture] I can look at."
The emotional turmoil Jackson was dealing with, both in her role in Perry's movie as well as personally, began to affect her physically as well: Jackson said she's definitely an emotional eater.
"When I'm feeling down, I do turn to food," she told Winfrey. Her struggle with her weight has even led Jackson to write a book about it, to answer those persistent questions everyone always has about her weight.
"Instead of writing about nutrition, I decided to go into my childhood, where I've always had issues with my weight," Jackson said, adding that the book would touch on issues like self-confidence as well.Zuletzt geändert von Maja5809; 02.04.2010, 22:58.
Das Interview mit Oprah ist hochgeladen worden.
Sie erzählt, dass sie grad zu Hause war, als sie davon hörte, dass ihr Bruder gestorben ist. Eine Assistentin von ihr hätte sie angerufen, um ihr zu sagen, dass Michael krank ist und im Krankenhaus ist. Dann hätte sie die Familie angerufen, sie weiß nicht mehr, wer ihr gesagt hat, dass er gestorben ist.
Es ist immer noch schwer für sie, das zu glauben.
Sie hat sich This is it nicht angeguckt. Sie weiß nicht, ob sie damit zurecht kommt und sie hat auch angekündigt, dass falls Oprah Szenen davon einspielen wird, würde sie sich wegdrehen und nicht zugucken.
Janet hat Michael das letzte Mal einen Monat vor seinem Tod gesehen, auf der Überraschungsfeier für sie.
Dann redet sie eben über sein Medikamentenproblem. Der Teil ist echt schlimm, ich will nichts ausführliches dazu schreiben.
Sie beschuldigt Murray für Michaels Tod.
Zu der Frage, wie es seinen Kindern geht, sagt sie nur, dass es ihnen gut geht.
Und auf eine andere Frage bzgl Papparazzi und wie die Kinder damit umgehen, weil sie ja vorher von ihm verschleiert wurden und jetzt plötzlich überall Papparazzi auf sie lauern, sagt sie, sie wären okay. Es würde helfen, dass sie die Familie um sich herum haben, ihre Cousins und Cousinnen.
Die Kinder wurden nicht als Zeugen Jehovas erzogen, sind aber manchmal zu der Kingdom Hall (die Kirche der Zeugen Jehovas) gegangen. Sie feierten Geburtstage und Weihnachten.
Es ist schwer für Janet Bilder von ihrem Bruder zu sehen oder seine Musik zu hören.
Die schönsten Erinnerungen an ihn stammen aus ihrer Kindheit, in der sie viel Spaß miteinander hatten.
Ihre Beziehung zu Michael soll ab der Thriller Zeit weiter auseinander gegangen sein.
Sie sagt, sie stand ihm am Nahesten von der Familie.
Manchmal gab sie ihm Ratschläge.
Das was immer in ihrem Kopf herumschwirrt, ist sein Lachen. Auf der Überraschungsfeier soll er sie immer angeguckt haben und einfach losgelacht haben.
Das letzte, was sie sich gesagt haben, war "I love you".
Man sieht wirklich an ihrer Körperhaltung und an ihren Reaktionen, wie nahe das alles ihr geht.
An einer Stelle habe ich mich über Oprah aufgeregt. Sie hat irgendwie gemeint, sie sagt zu Freunden, sie sollen sich keine Gedanken machen, dass sie jemals Alkohol trinken oder Drogen/Medikamente nehmen würde, alles was sie brauche, wären nur Chips oder so und dabei hat sie so gemacht, als würde sie sich grad eine Spritze in ihren Arm stechen. Ich fand das Janet gegenüber nicht sehr angebracht....
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