Was mich an La Toya am meisten nervt ist diese Mordtheorie.Wenn sie so viel darüber weiß, müßte sie auf der Zeugenliste der Staatsanwaltschaft stehen.
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La Toya's neues Buch
Blut ist dicker als Wasser, Blutsverwandschaft..... alles Begriffe aus der Zeit ,wo die Genetik wissenschaftlich keine Rolle oder noch keine Rolle gespielt hat. Es gibt keine Blutsverwandtschaft, ich kann nur genetisch mit jemanden verwandt sein und bestimmte Gene von Vater oder Mutter bestimmen Aussehen, Haarfarbe, Augenfarbe, Hautfarbe u.sw. Ein Kind aus biracialen , schwarz, weiß,Verbindungen ist genotypisch 50% weiß und 50% schwarz, phänotypisch kann dieses Kind jedoch auch weiß oder schwarz aussehen oder wie ein typischer Mischling. Es kommt darauf an, ob die Gene, die dafür verantwortlich sind, reszessiv oder dominant vererbt werden.Genetisch gesehen kann ein Michael Jackson( in seiner Familie gibt es hellhäutige Vorfahren) mit einer weißen Frau hellhäutige Kinder zeugen, genau wie dunkelhäutige Menschen mit weißen Genen in ihrer Ahnenreihe ,hellhäutige Kinder haben können oder Weiße , dunkelhäutige Kinder, mit entsprechenden Vorfahren.
Was mich an La Toya am meisten nervt ist diese Mordtheorie.Wenn sie so viel darüber weiß, müßte sie auf der Zeugenliste der Staatsanwaltschaft stehen.
La Toya Jackson landet auf der New York Times Bestseller-Liste
lol...sie war in einer einzigen Woche (2.7.11) in der Liste...aber nicht unter den 35 besten.Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 20.07.2011, 17:07.
Ach Christine, gönne Latoya das Gefühl irgendwo für eine Woche mit 36 auf einer Bestsellerliste zu stehen.
Der Platz 7000 bis 9000 bei Amazon-books ist ja auch nicht so leicht wegsteckbar.
Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigenDr. Drew showed a clip of Dr. Murray talking to the audience about "I told the truth."
Es wurde ein Video von Murray gezeigt, in dem er behauptet, die Wahrheit gesagt zu haben.
LaToya feels sorry for Dr. Murray. She says he was set up. She feels the "concert promoters" were pushing Murray to give Mike drugs. She says, a concert promoter should do the opposite. They should have told Dr. Murray to keep him healthy, but instead "THEY" were drugging him. She wasn't specific on who THEY were, but insinuated others were drugging him as well as Dr. Murray. She says, Mike never asked for any drugs. She said Mike told her repeatedly someone was going to kill him for his catalogue, etc.
Mrs. La Toya Jackson empfindet Mitleid für Murray. Sie sagte, er sei in eine Falle getappt. Sie FÜHLE, dass die Konzert-Veranstalter Murray gepusht hätten, Michael Medikamente/Drogen zu geben. Ein Veranstalter sollte genau das Gegenteil tun. Sie hätten Murray sagen sollen, dass er Mike gesund halten solle, aber "sie" hätten ihn mit Drugs vollgepumpt. Sie definierte nicht, wenn sie genau damit meinte, aber sie deutete an, dass andere ihn, ebenso wie Murray, zugedröhnt hätten. Sie sagte, Mike hätte niemals nach irgendwelchen Drugs gefragt. Mike habe ihr erzählt, dass man ihn wg. des Kataloges töten wolle....ect. blablabla.
Mrs. La Toya Jackson empfindet Mitleid für Murray. Sie sagte, er sei in eine Falle getappt. Sie FÜHLE, dass die Konzert-Veranstalter Murray gepusht hätten, Michael Medikamente/Drogen zu geben. Ein Veranstalter sollte genau das Gegenteil tun. Sie hätten Murray sagen sollen, dass er Mike gesund halten solle, aber "sie" hätten ihn mit Drugs vollgepumpt. Sie definierte nicht, wenn sie genau damit meinte, aber sie deutete an, dass andere ihn, ebenso wie Murray, zugedröhnt hätten. Sie sagte, Mike hätte niemals nach irgendwelchen Drugs gefragt. Mike habe ihr erzählt, dass man ihn wg. des Kataloges töten wolle....ect. blablabla.
Ich empfinde zwar kein Mitleid für Murray und er soll unbedingt seine gerechte Strafe erhalten (was sie mit ihrem "Mitleid" auch nicht meint bzw.ausschließt!), aber insgesamt stimme ich schon mit LaToya in vielen Punkten überein und freue mich, dass sie so kämpferisch ist und bleibt !Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 20.07.2011, 18:18.
Geli du wirst sicher nicht die einzige sein die sich freut.
Mit ihrem blöden Gequatsche, was im übrigen nicht auf ihrem eigenen Mist gewachsen ist...sie ist nur ein Sprachrohr für andere...erweist sie denen die für Gerechtigkeit kämpfen u. ihren Job gut machen wollen (Staatsanwaltschat, Jurymitglieder) einen Bärendienst.
Das große Heulen wird hinterher schon noch kommen...so wahr wie ich in der Top 3 Liste des MJ-net bin.
Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigenMorgen wird Michaels enge Vertraute u. Lieblingsschwester bei der Show von Joy Behar sein "The View" ....das wird lustig.
Ich weiß, es ist wieder mal eine respektlose Frage, aber weiß man was über Mrs. La Toya Jacksons Intelligenzquotienten?
MJ hat ihr erzählt, dass er und Kathrine (ist das mit Kathrine eine neue Variante?) getötet werden sollen und der Estate hat den Jacksons 0 Geld gegeben seitdem MJ starb. Dann hat sie vergeblich versucht einen Moderator davon abzuhalten die Stellungnahme des Estates vorzulesen (das sie ihren Bruder dazu benutzt um Geld zu machen und .......). Danach war sie in der Defensive und faselte etwas davon das sie eine sehr bekannte Persönlichkeit ist mit eigenem Ruhm.
Vielleicht kommen ja noch die Vids. Habe nur in Deutschland gesperrte gefunden.
Wer es sich antun will...
Sie behauptet auch, dass eine zweite Person während der tragischen Ereignisse dabei gewesen wäre...SIE WEISS NATÜRLICH WER DAS IST, KANN ABER NICHT DEN NAMEN SAGEN! (nicht mal der Staatsanwaltschaft...heehee)
kann ja sein, daß sie Namen weiß, aber aus Sicherheitsgründen es nicht macht. Lisa Marie hat ja auch mal geäußert, daß Michael ihr Namen genannt hat, sie diese aber niemals sagen wird.
Wer weiss warum. Sie wird ihre Gründe haben. Sie kannte die Leute um Michael herum. Sie hat Kinder und ist sicher umsichtiger mit dem was sie sagt. La Toya ist da sicher mutiger und man muss ihr auch anerkennen, daß sie sich da hinsetzt und den Mund aufmacht. Wer traut sich das sonst. Sie ist und bleibt in der Sache unbequem und macht sich damit sicher nicht nur Freunde.Manchmal habe ich echt bedenken, daß ihr irgendetwas passiert. Alle anderen bleiben doch eher im Hintergrund und sagen oder machen nix. Ist natürlich bequemer und man geht sicher vielen Dingen aus dem Weg.
Falls jemand das Buch gelesen hat, würde ich mich freuen etwas darüber zu lesen gerade über die letzten 140 Seiten. Im Moment kann ich mich nicht aufraffen Geld dafür auszugeben.Will mir noch die Bücher von Wiesner und Cascio kaufen. So langsam stapeln sich die Bücher.
Habe ich ja schon gemacht, wie z.b das von Taraborelli, aber Bücher wie The Trials of Michael Jackson von Lynton Guest oder das Buch von A.Jones oder das Buch mit Fangeschichten it is all about love, in the Studio with MichaelJackson bekommst du nicht in Büchereien!
Sorry OT das wars ja auch schon
Bezügliche La Toyas Anschuldigungen und Vermutungen bin ich mir völlig im unklaren.
Nicht im Sinne, dass ich keine Meinung hätte aber um die irgendwie begründen zu können, auch vor mir selbst, reicht es nicht. Aus dem einfachen Grund, mir ist das zu wenig, was ich darüber weiß.
Ich kann mich da einfach nicht festlegen, da ich unter anderem auch vermute,
dass sie sehr emotional eingebunden ist und blickt man dann Sachen immer richtig? Ist es aber so, dass jeder, der angeschlagen ist, psychisch oder wie auch immer nun eine Vollmeise hat und deswegen wie eine dahergelaufene Irre redet? Tja, manchmal ist das so aber nicht immer.
Ihre Glaubwürdigkeit hat ohne Zweifel gelitten - dennoch werde ich mich persönlich - weder gegen sie noch für sie - entscheiden, was man im übrigen auch nicht muss.
Sie ist und bleibt Michaels Schwester und weiß vielleicht mehr oder ist vielleicht doch nur ein hoffnungsloser Fall... wer weiß das schon.
Aber wenn sie was weiß, ob das immer klug, war wie sie damit umgeht, das ist noch mal eine gaaanz andere Frage....
Manchmal kann man Dinge auch wissen und nicht beweisen und manchmal ist das einfach nur Blödsinn. Wer will behaupten, dass hier wirklich immer unterscheiden zu können?
Also da lasse ich das lieber so stehen. Aber das ist nur meine Meinung.
OH Mann, Oh Mann
JOY BEHAR, HLN HOST: Although La Toya Jackson claims her brother Michael told her, "I`m going to be murdered." As we look to the manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, the man accused in the death of Michael Jackson, that eerie premonition certainly comes to mind.
Here to talk about that and other revelations in her new book, "Starting Over" is La Toya Jackson. Hello La Toya.
LA TOYA JACKSON: Hello Joy, how are you.
BEHAR: Have you gotten over "Celebrity Apprentice"?
JACKSON: Have I gotten over it? Look at you. You`re starting already. You`re starting already -- have I? Well, you know, not quite. There`s probably one or two people that, you know, they just can`t go away.
BEHAR: Really, they just haunt you in your dreams?
JACKSON: They will not go away. It`s like a bad seed. Just keeps coming back.
BEHAR: Ok. You know, the book that you wrote is rather serious. You have a lot of revelations about your brother and about your own life and everything.
BEHAR: Before I even get to your life, it said in my intro of you that Michael told you "I`m going to be murdered." When did he say that to you?
JACKSON: Yes. He told me that when we were going through the trial. Just before that period. During that time. And all of this is in the book, word by word.
JACKSON: Not only that he told me several times, and he told my mother, as well. And of course when he first said that, I didn`t believe him, Joy because he was Michael. Who would want to do something to a Michael Jackson, one of the biggest entertainers in the world?
BEHAR: Well, I mean that alone, look at John Lennon -- what happened to him.
JACKSON: There you have it.
BEHAR: Being the biggest star in the world is all that`s required for some of these nutcases out there to kill them.
JACKSON: Well, you just never expect that to happen. Why would someone do this? Why would they do want to do it? What is the reason for it? The purpose for it? And then he broke it all down to me. He says, it`s because of my publishing catalogue which is the biggest -- one of the biggest catalogues in the world, worth billions.
He said, this is what they`re after, they want to take it from me, they want it. And he had a love-hate relationship with this catalogue. He would say I don`t want it, it`s not worth my life. I don`t want it. And then he would go, "No, I bought it outright, I`m not letting anybody take this away from me."
BEHAR: But even if he was killed, God forbid, or dead, how could they just take the catalogue? It would have to be the legal papers?
JACKSON: Yes, yes, of course. But you have to remember something. The people that were instrumental, even when they came into his life, they were inquiring about the catalogue. Less than a week prior to his death from what I was told.
But the fact is, yes, they could because Michael`s catalogue -- it`s a whole story behind it, all of it is in the book where it would revert back to him, every single penny of it. Everything that he shared with one of the major companies that he was involved with. Everything would revert back to him as well.
I guess just before that happened -- my brother`s not here, he`s gone.
BEHAR: He`s gone.
Now Dr. Conrad Murray seems to be a suspect in the demise, let`s put it that way, the demise of Michael.
JACKSON: In the demise of him, yes.
BEHAR: But you don`t really think that he is responsible.
JACKSON: No, I -- this is what I think, Joy. I think that he`s involved in some point. I think it was a conspiracy because the way my brother laid it out to me, everything happened exactly the way he said it would happen.
I think that there are very many people involved. And this was pre- meditated. It was pre-planned. I think Dr. Murray happened to be the fall guy that happened to be there to probably sort of in a sense -- I don`t want to use the word "ignite it", but instrumental in a bit.
BEHAR: To what? To administer the Propofol you think?
JACKSON: No, no, no. I`m not saying that. He was the one -- I don`t know who actually did it that night. I can`t say, I was not there.
BEHAR: It`s possible that Michael did it to himself?
JACKSON: No, it`s not possible at all, Joy. It`s not possible.
BEHAR: Why not?
JACKSON: I`ve spoken to many doctors about this --
JACKSON: And first of all, you cannot administer this to yourself because the minute you try to inject in yourself -- first of all, you fall asleep immediately. Then within time you wake up, a very, very short period of time, you wake up. So --
BEHAR: I checked that because you mentioned that on "The View", the other day.
BEHAR: The CNN medical folks here, they said that Propofol syringes have a battery powered pump attached which administer the medicine at a set speed which means he would not necessarily wake up.
JACKSON: Within time he would, but let me just say this to you -- what you`re saying what the doctor said, this is what the doctors have told me. Not only that, the coroner has told me and several other people the minute Michael passed, they came the following day and said this was purposely done, it was injected in him, it was enough to kill an elephant.
Somebody who did it had to stand there and make sure it kept going in him, to make sure it was there.
BEHAR: So you don`t think that the set speed that the syringe could be put at would do it?
JACKSON: He couldn`t do it, Joy, because first of all, he was hooked to all kinds of things at that time. There`s no way he could have done -- his hands weren`t free for him to do that. If you knew -- actually what was taking place and what happened at that particular time, his hands weren`t free for that, as well.
BEHAR: So it sounds as though you`re pointing the finger at people that were in his life -- you don`t say who they are, right?
JACKSON: Basically what I`m saying is that -- I`m telling you what my brother told me and the way he said it would be played out. And everything he said is taking place exactly the way he said it would do. What would happen and who would be involved. These people came back into his life that weren`t there.
BEHAR: But you don`t name who they are?
BEHAR: You do not --
JACKSON: It`s all in the book.
BEHAR: I know it`s in the book, but you won`t say the names on TV of the people you`re talking about? Because there are specific people you`re talking.
JACKSON: They know exactly who they are. They know who they are they`re guilty of it. They know who they are.
BEHAR: They -- they`re not named in this thing I`m reading to you now, it`s called Michael`s estate. These are the people who are running Michael`s estate?
JACKSON: That`s not exactly what I`m saying. What I`m saying is that these were the group of people involved. This is a conspiracy.
BEHAR: I know --
JACKSON: When you speak of Michael`s estate, let`s talk about that for a second. You speak to that. Michael`s estate is being run by people, yes, of course. And from what I have seen and been told and heard, I know that Michael supposedly on his will, he did not have these people.
BEHAR: Those people were not in his will?
JACKSON: The will was not signed that day. The day that they signed it was -- Michael was in New York, and his will was signed supposedly and stamped in L.A., and that`s not true. Michael was in New York at that particular time.
BEHAR: What does his will say? His will says he`s leaving his money to his children?
JACKSON: Truthfully, we don`t know what it says because we truly believe that it`s not the true will. It`s a fake will because we do know that Michael was in New York at that time -- the day it was stamped according to them.
The people that the will was left to, Michael would not have allowed that to happen. I mean these are the same people he wrote about, that he talked to me, my mother, everybody about, that he did not want them in their life. He eradicated them from his life. Now they`re stepping back into the life.
BEHAR: All right. Let me read what they say.
JACKSON: Sure, go ahead.
BEHAR: "These outrageous and obviously false statements made by La Toya Jackson are further examples of a willingness to say anything involving her brother for attention or money. What do you say to that?
JACKSON: I say it`s an outright lie. First of all, Joy, I don`t need attention. I`m known. I don`t need that. I have all the money I want. I don`t need that. Why do I need that? And if you want to look into it deeply, think about this. What they`re saying my intentions for attention and money, no, absolutely not. These are the people that --
BEHAR: You don`t need money, La Toya?
JACKSON: I`m very comfortable.
BEHAR: Where did you make all your money?
JACKSON: I have several different companies Joy that I work on all the time.
BEHAR: Oh, that`s right. You have your perfume.
JACKSON: I have so many things. You have no idea that`s going on. I have a product called ASAP, which is (INAUDIBLE) -- incredible product --
BEHAR: ASAP, isn`t that the thing you did with "Celebrity Apprentice"?
JACKSON: It is. That`s why I named it after that.
BEHAR: Did they allow you to do that?
JACKSON: They didn`t know. They didn`t know.
BEHAR: Does Starr Jones know that you`re using that name?
JACKSON: I made it up. Hey, no. You know what`s so funny -- she was busy saying, yes, it goes like this, this is for -- yes, you`ll see what it mean at the end of the day. Yes.
But it`s very green. That`s a product that`s incredible. It`s -- we wash our cars, I know you`re a New Yorker. But we lose anywhere from 80 to 150 gallons of water a day when we wash our car.
BEHAR: I did pee many times during the night.
JACKSON: Stop it, Joy.
BEHAR: Let me read you something from the book, which is serious. You write that Michael told you this. I want to stay on Michael for a second.
JACKSON: If we`re going to stay on him, we`re going to get back to these guys because when my brother passed, the first thing they did was collect everything that was in his possession, meaning all of his footage, knowing that they were going to put out -- look it, a movie, not only that, the Beatles` catalogue got released all of a sudden.
If you go down the list, they have Cirque du Soleil that`s coming out, whatever that is. They have all these other things that are coming out. You have to look and say, wait a minute, who stands to gain from this --
BEHAR: Take them to court. I mean you`re going to have to take them to court. Let me read you this from your book.
JACKSON: He`s worth more dead than alive.
BEHAR: You say that Michael said this to you. "I`m even afraid to walk around in my yard because I`m afraid they`re going to kill me. I could never perform again because I know they`re going to kill me. They`re watching me, they`re watching me, they`re watching me."
BEHAR: Was he a little bit paranoid?
JACKSON: No, you would think that but he wasn`t because he knew. Because things, Joy, had been happening to him that this was taking place slowly. That`s why he decided to start talking and telling people. That`s why he decided to tell my mother and tell several people. He wasn`t paranoid at all.
BEHAR: Ok. All right. We`ll have more with although Toya in just a minute. Stay there.
BEHAR: We`re back with La Toya Jackson.
Let me start with something in the news, you know, because all this week there`s a lot of talk about J Lo and Marc Anthony getting a divorce. And this -- the scuttlebutt about it is that he`s very controlling. People are saying that. You know a little about that, right. Because didn`t you -- weren`t you married to someone that you said was controlling? Tell me about it.
JACKSON: I know a lot about it. This is what people are getting --
BEHAR: And what do you think about them?
JACKSON: This is what people are getting wrong. I don`t know Marc Anthony and J Lo. Of course, I`ve met them several times, of course. However I can`t tell you anything about that situation.
But I will say to you that my book is about abuse. It`s about what I endured all these years and what he took me through, this individual. And how people and men and we as women allow someone to take advantage of us and control us and take away our self-worth, take away our self-esteem, instill fear in us, which is what he did --
BEHAR: Your ex-husband.
JACKSON: My ex-husband.
BEHAR: Jack -- what was his name?
JACKSON: Gordon.
BEHAR: Jack Gordon.
JACKSON: This is what he did to me. So I want every woman to know when a man hits you one time, that`s one time too many.
BEHAR: Right.
JACKSON: You need to get out and get out of there. There is help everywhere. We have a lobby -- women don`t realize that. There is help if you can`t -- you go on the Internet, you ask for help, tweet me at Latoya anything you want, but there is help out there to get at. So you don`t have to maintain this.
JACKSON: As I speak to you, Joy, right now, every eight seconds a woman is being abused as we speak. And that`s pretty sad because we are afraid -- we don`t do anything about it. We feel that we don`t have the self-worth, that we have to stay into this relationship out of this fear that --
BEHAR: Why did you stay in it?
JACKSON: I didn`t know how to get out of it, Joy.
BEHAR: Why not.
JACKSON: He instilled so much fear in me that I couldn`t make the proper moves that I wanted to make. In other words, if you don`t do this and if you don`t say what I ask you to say, I`m going to kill you and your brother. And that`s what he instilled in me all the time, and I believed him.
BEHAR: Threats?
JACKSON: The threats were major. I believed him because of people that he surrounded himself with. We used to --
BEHAR: What attracted you to him in the first place?
JACKSON: It all began with my mother not being able to go to Japan with me, and then she asked my father to go. My father couldn`t go with me. So my father says, well, can you go with her, Gordon, for a couple of days. And he went with me. When I got over there, he took my passport and said, you`re never going back home. And that`s how it all started.
I was a strict devout Jehovah Witness. I didn`t know anything. I was so naive to the world. And it`s like if you tell me something, Joy, I believed it. I was so naive.
BEHAR: How old were you?
JACKSON: I was too old to be that naive, I tell you that. I certainly was. I was too old to be that naive.
BEHAR: Well, you`re not too old if you`re raised in a very sheltered environment.
JACKSON: Very sheltered, strictly religious and I was the kind of religious person that went overboard. Whatever God said do, I did it. And I overdid it. It`s like I can`t speak you to because you`re not a Jehovah Witness. I was one of those. You`re worldly.
So he saw this person and did the antithesis of everything that I would have done. For instance -- you`re doing "Playboy". I was like, "No, you can`t make me doing do something like that." And, you know, everything that I wouldn`t do is what he did.
The reason I believed the threats of killing my brother and killing myself if I didn`t say or do what he wanted is because we practically lived on Mulberry Street meaning grouping up with these guys that were heads of families and things like that.
And I -- John Gotti, I knew all of them. I knew these guys. So I knew those threats. He would carry them through. I`m not saying they were involved in it. But I`m saying because of those reasons and hearing the conversations that went on. But they would speak openly in front of me and say -- they would call me the kid, would the kid talk. He`d say, no. She knows not to say anything.
BEHAR: Was he like your father?
JACKSON: He was like my father. When you say like my father, you mean like --
BEHAR: Personality-wise?
BEHAR: Your father`s not controlling?
JACKSON: No, my father instilled -- what he wanted to do with us and what he did, if you see the results of my brothers and sisters and the way we are today, my father was a disciplinarian. He wanted them to focus on what they wanted in life.
This guy wasn`t. This guy abused me constantly.
BEHAR: Your father didn`t hit the children?
JACKSON: We got spankings, yes. And I know that you don`t believe in spankings --
BEHAR: I do not.
JACKSON: -- but in the old days people got spanking --
BEHAR: I didn`t and I`m much older than you.
JACKSON: I don`t know.
BEHAR: I don`t believe in spanking any time ever.
JACKSON: The Bible says spare the rod and you ruin the child --
BEHAR: Who would believe that?
JACKSON: I`m not saying that. No. But when I left him the FBI came to me, and we had several meetings with them. It was like six, seven, eight --
BEHAR: How did you leave? What made you leave him?
JACKSON: He was forcing me to do a pornography movie. He says that he`s getting paid millions and millions of money. And you`re doing it. He says after you do it, I`m done with you. I said you know what; you`re just going to have to kill me right now. But before I said I begged for my passport because I knew I didn`t have a way out. I said, please, can you give me my passport --
BEHAR: Where was this -- what country were you in at that time?
JACKSON: No. Actually I happened to be here, right here in New York.
BEHAR: So why did you need your passport.
JACKSON:I had no identification to get away. He kept my passport, he kept everything. He took -- the minute I was with him, he transferred everything -- I never saw one penny of my money when I was working or anything. He controlled me, controlled everything.
BEHAR: How did you manage to break free emotionally from him?
JACKSON: It took a lot of me just being very analytical. I stayed at home, I was afraid to get out the door. I became very analytical and said to myself why would someone treat another person, individual like this, who`s been nothing but kind, worked for them, was their meal ticket, worked as a slave practically and do this? That`s how I became very analytical.
Then I found out that he was raised in a brothel and was --
BEHAR: He was raised in a brothel?
JACKSON: Yes. He was raised --
BEHAR: Really?
JACKSON: His uncle told me that he was raised in a brothel. As a little boy he would dance on top of the piano and the whole bit --
BEHAR: How long were you with Jack?
JACKSON: Too long.
BEHAR: Two years, ten years --
JACKSON: Too long, Joy. It was nearly ten years, I think. Nearly 10 years. A long time. A long time.
BEHAR: Are you dating anybody else now?
JACKSON: No, but I would love to say yes, yes, yes, and yes -- yes.
BEHAR: Yes? Is that yes?
JACKSON: I would love to say yes.
BEHAR: You would love to say yes. But it`s not?
JACKSON: Yes -- I have a very, very --
BEHAR: Are you scared to meet another guy because you might get ensnared in some other crazy relationship?
JACKSON: I tell you, something Joy, I think from life -- I learned every life is a learning lesson, I`ve learned a lot from this. I know the first time is not always your fault. But the second time, if I do this again, this time it`s my fault.
BEHAR: Are you still a Jehovah`s Witness?
JACKSON: No, I`m not. I`m very spiritual, but I`m not Jehovah Witness but I believe in God.
But I will say this and I`ll turn this thing back to my brother --
BEHAR: I have to go. One more thing, go ahead.
JACKSON: I know. But I want to say something, follow the money trail, if you`re dealing with Michael. All of these people are the people -- they`re afraid of me. They`re afraid what I know, what I might say. That`s their problem.
BEHAR: Are you scared? Aren`t you scared?
JACKSON: Why are they complaining about me being on a show promoting a book that has to do -- that was written before Michael passed and Michael approved of the book. He loved it.
BEHAR: Well, you`re accusing them so they`re defending themselves. That`s all -- in public.
JACKSON: I`m not accusing them. I`m just saying that -- I`m telling you what my brother told me.
BEHAR: You`re saying there`s a conspiracy to kill Michael and you --
JACKSON: That`s what Michael told me. My mother. And there was a conspiracy. Once you read the book, you will understand everything. It puts everything together.
JACKSON: And it`s like, oh, now I get it.
BEHAR: All right. La Toya, always a pleasure to have you on the show.
JACKSON: Thank you.
BEHAR: Her book is called "Starting Over" and it`s out now.
We`ll be right back.
Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 23.07.2011, 23:52.
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