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Jackson-Brüder kündigen MJ-Tribute-Konzert in Japan für Dezember 2011 an

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  • #61
    Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen
    22.11.2011: [B]. Die Jackson Brüder und Michaels ältester Sohn Prince Michael signierten je 500 “Beat It” und “Thriller” Jacken, die für USD 2'350 pro Stück exklusiv über zum Verkauf stehen werden.

    Prince hat die Jacken nicht signiert. Er hat seinen Onkeln nur Händchen halten müssen als sie signierten.

    Zurück zum MJ-Forever-tribute:

    Michael Henry und Chris Hunt die im März GLE für das Konzert gründeten verließen das Schiff am 8. Oktober, Tag es Tribute-Konzertes.

    THE firm that staged last month’s Michael Jackson memorial concert in the Millennium Stadium has gone into administration owing thousands of pounds.

    Jackson show organiser put into administration

    by Martin Shipton, Western Mail

    THE firm that staged last month’s Michael Jackson memorial concert in the Millennium Stadium has gone into administration owing thousands of pounds.

    Bristol-registered Global Events LLP organised the event, which was boycotted by some members of the Jackson family and which saw a number of announced acts pulling out before the night.

    A spokesman for London-based insolvency practitioners RSM Tenon confirmed yesterday that Global Events had gone into administration, adding: “We are currently conducting our initial review of the business.”

    Global Events was only set up in March by film producers Michael Henry and Chris Hunt.
    Click here to find out more!

    Documents filed at Companies House show that both men left the partnership on October 8, the day the concert took place.

    Yesterday Mr Henry, who runs a film financing company called Limelight Film Finance from an office in London, said: “All enquiries about Global Events should be made to the administrators.”

    David Donovan, Wales officer of the broadcasting union Bectu, said: “A number of my members are owed money by the company. We can’t do much to help them because the business has gone into administration.”

    A spokesman for the Millennium Stadium said: “We are not among the creditors. We were paid up-front by the company at the time of booking.”

    Up to 50,000 fans attended the Cardiff venue for the Jackson family’s tribute to the Thriller star, who died in June 2009.

    The run-up to the concert was beset with difficulties, including a planned ticket ballot based on charitable contributions – later scrapped – and uncertainty over the line-up.

    Some family members thought it was inappropriate that the event was staged midway through the trial of Jackson’s personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray, for involuntary manslaughter. He was subsequently convicted.

    In a joint statement, Jackson’s brothers Jermaine and Randy said in advance of the concert: “While we wholeheartedly support the spirit of a tribute that honours our brother, we find it impossible to support an event that is due to take place during the criminal trial surrounding Michael’s death.

    “In light of this, we feel it is inappropriate to be involved with such an ill-timed event and its promoter Global Live.”

    The Michael Jackson Fan Club agreed with the two brothers, issuing a similar statement.

    Jackson fans posted messages on the concert’s Facebook page questioning ticket prices and the process for buying them.

    There was also controversy over the inclusion and subsequent removal from the list of bands playing of Kiss, whose leader Gene Simmons spoke publicly at the time of Jackson’s death of his suspicions that the star was a paedophile. Jackson was acquitted of child molestation in 2005.

    On top of this, Jackson’s estate said at the time the concert was announced that the promoters had never sought or obtained permission from the estate’s executors to use the singer’s name or image.

    American hip-hop group Black Eyed Peas pulled out of the show days before it went ahead citing “unavoidable circumstances”.

    But the three brothers who did attend the concert insisted it was a fine tribute to the man known as the King of Pop.

    Explaining why they had chosen Cardiff as the venue, Jackie Jackson said three days before the event: “We wanted to have the event somewhere we could make sure everyone could come and join the festivities.

    “I hear it’s a really nice stadium. It’ll be my first time there and I’m really looking forward to going to Cardiff and saying hello to all our fans there and seeing what it looks like because I’ve never been there before.”

    Read More
    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 26.11.2011, 12:06.


    • #62
      MTV brings viewers the best in lifestyle and competition reality shows, plus live events featuring the biggest names in entertainment.

      Michael Jackson Tribute Promoters File For Bankruptcy
      Global Events LLC, company behind last month's 'Michael Forever' concert, reportedly owes thousands to contractors.

      By James Montgomery
      The company behind last month's controversial Michael Jackson tribute concert has filed for bankruptcy, reportedly due to massive debts owed to contractors who worked on the show. Global Events LLC, the promoters of the "Michael Forever" concert in Wales, have turned their finances over to U.K.-based accounting firm RSM Tenon, according to the Welsh newspaper Western Mail. Tenon told the paper that they are "currently conducting our initial review of the business," and reports state that Global Events owes "thousands of pounds" to workers, including members of the U.K. broadcasting union Bectu.

      The "Michael Forever" tribute concert was held on October 8 in Cardiff, Wales, and though the show went on — featuring performances by Christina Aguilera, Jamie Foxx, Cee Lo Green and Ne-Yo — it was beset by difficulties from the onset. The Jackson estate expressed their disapproval that they were not consulted over use of Jackson's image, Jackson's brothers Jermaine and Randy called into question the timing of the concert (given the then-ongoing trial of Jackson's former physician, Dr. Conrad Murray), and in the days leading up to the show, announced headliners Kiss were pulled after lead singer Gene Simmons reportedly made derogatory comments about the late King of Pop.

      The Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson — both of whom were also announced as performers at the show — also pulled out before the gig.

      Global Events was established in March by producers Michael Henry and Chris Hunt, though according to the Western Mail, both men left the partnership on the day of the concert. When contacted by the newspaper for comment on the company's bankruptcy, Henry said, "All enquires about Global Events should be made [to RSM Tenon]."


      • #63
        Anläßl. des JapanKonzertes gab Katherine eine PK u. gab die Gründung der Michael Jackson Foundation in Japan bekannt.

        Michael Jackson Foundation to Be Established in Japan

        Tokyo, Dec. 12 (Jiji Press)--A charity foundation to continue the legacy of the late singer Michael Jackson, often called King of Pop, will be established in Japan, possibly early next year, to support the well-being of children worldwide, his mother, Katherine Jackson, said Monday.
        The foundation, to be set up at the Japan Information Center under the Cabinet Office, will initially aid children in northeastern Japan areas hit by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
        At a news conference in Tokyo, Katherine Jackson said that she hopes to carry out the wishes of her son, who died in June 2009, by helping disadvantaged children.
        She decided to set up the foundation in the country in view of the enormous damage caused by the March catastrophe.
        As its first step, the foundation is slated to build a temporary theater for children in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, one of the hardest-hit prefectures, a senior official of the Japan Information Center said at the same news conference.

 Katherine video

        "they do a lot of things that they didn't do before so they are enjoying life" Katherine about MJ's kids.
        Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 13.12.2011, 19:52.


        • #64
          Hat jemand eigentlich etwas vom Japan-Konzert mitbekommen? Scheint ja nicht so ganz große Beachtung gefunden zu haben.

          Nichts desto trotz planen die Jackson3 (Tito, Marlon und Jackie) nun eine Eurpo-Tour mit 20 bis 30-Konzerten mit der japan. Sängerin A.I. Soll nächsten Monat alles fest gemacht werden, könnte aber auch alles abgeblasen werden, so weiß TMZ zu berichten.

          The Jackson 3
          Marlon, Tito, and Jackie
          Reuniting for International Tour

          Marlon, Tito and Jackie Jackson were so thrilled with the way they performed during a recent concert in Japan ... they've decided to take their show on the road ... TMZ has learned.

          Jackson family sources tell us ... the brothers will be embarking on an 18-20 show concert tour that will span across Europe.

          We're told the idea came together just two weeks ago ... when the guys were performing in Tokyo with a Japanese pop star named A.I.

          The brothers had such a good time on stage together ... that when the idea of a tour came up, they all jumped at the opportunity!

          Plus, the guys were so impressed with A.I., they've invited her to join them on the road.

          Sources tell us the Jacksons are hoping to get the tour launched by next month -- but we're told their team is still trying to nail down the schedule ... so it could be pushed back by a few weeks.

          So far, we're told Jermaine will not be joining the rest of the family ... but we're guessing he could change his mind ... if the price is right.

          Wie russ. Fans berichten hat Tito an seiner angkündigten Thriller-Tribute show in Russland im Oktober nicht teilgenommen und ließ sich per Audio-Botschaft entschuldigen wegen des Prozesses, obwohl er einige Tage vorab in Wales am Konzert teilnahm, noch Tage vorab twitterte, wie sehr er sich auf die show in Russland freue und er selbst nie beim Prozess erschien.
          Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 24.12.2011, 13:17.


          • #65
            28.12.2011: Beyoncés Tribute an Michael

            Auf Youtube ist Beyoncés Auftritt am vergangenen MJ Tribute Konzert in Cardiff online: Beyoncé - I Wanna Be Where You Are. (In guter Qualität. Der Film wurde aufgrund ihrer Schwangerschaft im Vorfeld aufgezeichnet).

            Zu Beginn der Performance erklärt Beyoncé, wieso sie genau diesen Song ausgewählt hat: “Als eine Tatsache, der erste Song, den ich mit Destiny’s Child aufführte, war ein Jackson 5 Song. Er nennt sich ‘I Wanna Be Where You Are.’ Das war der Song, den wir vorsangen um unseren Plattenvertrag zu erhalten. Es war der Anfang unserer Zukunft. Ich liebe dich für immer, Michael Jackson.”



            • #66
              05.01.2012: AI featuring Jackie, Marlon und Tito - Tribute an Michael

              Die japanische R&B Sängerin AI hat bereits Mitte Dezember einen Song mit Jackie, Marlon und Tito Jackson veröffentlicht. Wer das Video zum Song noch nicht gesehen hat:

              AI - "Letter in the Sky feat. The Jacksons" auf Youtube.

              Es ist AI`s erste Single seit ihrem Wechsel zu EMI Music Japan. In Kontakt mit der Jackson Familie kam sie, als sie 2010 für ein TV Programm nach Los Angeles reiste und die Jacksons sowie This Is It Mitwirkende zu interviewen. Jackie, Marlon und Tito reisten dann im Dezember 2011 nach Tokyo, um an zwei Michael Jackson Tribute Konzerten teilzunehmen. Und zuvor den Themen-Song für das Konzert mit AI aufzunehmen.

              Die Sängerin sagt über den Michael Jackson Tribute Song: “statt einen traurigen Song, nahmen wir das lyrische Konzept, einen Brief an Michael zu schreiben und ihn dann mit einer aufmunternden Melodie zu hinterlegen.”

              Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 06.01.2012, 18:49.


              • #67
                hier war man aber fix, nix geht mehr!!!


                • #68
                  Zitat von Biggi25 Beitrag anzeigen
                  hier war man aber fix, nix geht mehr!!!

                  NEU !!!

                  Michaels Brüder haben eine offizielle Website eröffnet:

                  Dort gibt es neben vielen Informationen auch viele Videos in bester Qualität, so u.a. auch den Song mit der japanischen Sängerin.
                  Leider lassen sich die Texte nicht mittels Translator übersetzen.

                  Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 06.01.2012, 23:49.


                  • #69
                    Rehearsals zu Wanna be Where you are


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