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Charity Event in Gary

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  • Charity Event in Gary

    For the sixth year in a row, the Michael Jackson charity event, hosted by his mother, Katherine Jackson, was held on Friday and Saturday this weekend in his


  • #2
    Mehr bilder und berichte vom event hier.


    • #3
      Was hat die liebe Paris nur mit ihren Augenbrauen gemacht?


      • #4
        Wieso, schaut doch gut aus! Die Paris blüht ja immer mehr auf und an ihren Augenbrauen kann man erkennen, dass langsam aber sicher die Gene ihres Vaters durchschlagen...


        • #5
          Scherzkeks ... ........ *22Zvm*


          • #6
            Lol, ich finde es aber super, das jedes Jahr ein teil des großen clans dorthin kommen und diese Sache veranstalten, an dem Ort wo alles begann.kaum zu glauben, das die Karriere dort los ging.der kleine Michael aus Indiana zum größten Künstler unseres Jahrhunderts. schon irgendwie komisch. Ich hoffe sie behalten dieses Ritual oder Tradition bei! So lebt dieses kleine Kaff auch mal auf.


            • #7
              Auch heuer wieder:

              Event Description

              The 7th Annual Michael Jackson Tribute (2016) in partnership with the Gary Indiana School District is the Official MJ tribute started by Mrs. Katherine Jackson in Michael Jackson's home town. This is the 7th Annual Michael Jackson Tribute (7 was MJ's favorite number), and this year's event will be in honor of Mrs. Katherine Jackson and the entire Jackson Family.

              The event will be held at Theodore Roosevelt High School's football field directly behind the Jackson Family house. Events include Tito Jackson "featuring his new album Get It Baby", a College Marching Band, MJ7 100 Voice Children's Choir, an Orchestra, Marching Parade, Vendors, CharityDinner, White Party, Fan Afterhour Celebration and Special Musical Guest & Jackson Family Members.

              The 7th Annual MJ Tribute takes place August 26-27 from 12pm to 8pm, and is a FREE EVENT, but Special Event Prices include:

              Charity Dinner - $100 Fans & Supporters of the Charity Dinner will be able to meet and greet attending celebrities and family members while supporting a Gary Charity, as well as supporting the event. Saturday, August 27, 8pm - 11pm.

              White Party - $50 per person - A closing White Party with attending celebrities and family members, while supporting the event. Sunday, August 28, 1pm - 6pm.

              MJ Fans After Party at Que's Lounge - $20 per person. A place for MJ fans to meet and socialize. Friday & Saturday, August 26 & 27, 8pm - 1am.

              Gold VIP Pass - $150 - Includes the Charity Dinner, the White Party and VIP seating for both days at the 7th Annual Michael Jackson Tribute.

              VIP Seating - $20 per day - Includes seating in front of the stage at the 7th Annual Michael Jackson Tribute.

              *** ALSO ***

              VENDOR BOOTHS: Limited space - Come and sell your food or merchandise at the 7th Annual Michael Jackson Tribute. All vendors must have their own booth & generator.

              $300 (both days) and $175 (one day) *must meet city requirements re permit & food handlers card

              Vendors must 1) fill out Vendor Application; once approved must 2) Pay money; and 3) set up booth on Aug 25th for inspection.

              ================================================== =========

              SPONSORS: Become a Proud Sponsor for the 7th Annual Michael Jackson Tribute. Sponsorship packages are available.
              HOTELS: We have discounted hotels rooms in Merrillville, Indiana. Please inquire about hotel rooms.
              TRANSPORTATION: We have transportation to and from the airport, to your hotels in Merrillville, to the Friday & Saturday MJ Tribute @ Roosevelt Hight School, to the Fan After Party, and to the White Party.



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