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LMP - Lisa Marie Presley
ich kenn mich mit scheidungen nicht so gut aus, aber ich glaube nicht, dass man den namen des partners (wenn man ihn angenommen hat) nicht wieder ablegen muss, wenn man sich scheiden laesst. sie hat ihn wohl einfach (erstmal) behalten...
So,hab noch ein paar Bilder;wo BritBrit uns doch immer so schön versorgt,steuere ich jetzt auch mal wieder was bei:
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Mit Janet:
Mir fiel letztens noch ein,dass Lisa Marie auch in einem Buch,das ich habe,ist - Making Faces (keine Ahnung,wie der deutsche Titel ist) von Kevyn Aucoin:
Als 'the bombshell':
967.jpg lisamarie.jpg
Und als 'the swinger':
Von Janet sind in dem Buch übrigens auch noch 3 sehr schöne Fotos drin.
danke fuer die schoenen fotos! besonders das zweite gefaellt mir... tolles kleid!ihr style gefiel mir eigentlich schon immer recht gut.
Zitat von Anja K. Beitrag anzeigenNochmal zu der Urkunde:
warum wird LMP denn da "Keough" genannt?
Wieso hat sie den Namen bis zur nächsten Ehe behalten?
Macht die das immer so?
Eigtl hieß es immer, sie hat den Namen von keinem der Männer angenommen mit denen sie verheiratet war, mit Ausnahme von Michael.
Bin jetzt verwirrt....
@Aquamarin: Dankeschön für die Bilder! Michael hat sich da echt eine Schönheit angelächelt.
danke für die schönen fotos, aquamarin! lisa marie ist eine bildhübsche frau und ich finde, sie hat eine ganz aparte ausstrahlung. auf manchen fotos wirkt sie sehr edel und klassisch, auf anderen einfach cool und stylisch - beide seiten gefallen mir gut, besonders aber auch die bilder, auf denen sie nicht so stark geschminkt ist und natürlicher wirkt.
@britbrit: ich hätte es auch toll gefunden, wenn die beiden ein duett veröffentlicht hätten..eine romantische ballade hätte ich mir gut vorstellen können oder auch eine nummer im stil von 'give in to me'. stellt euch mal eine solche performance der beiden auf einem konzert vor..da hätte es zum damaligen zeitpunkt richtig geknistert auf der bühne.Zuletzt geändert von luna01; 12.01.2010, 01:15.
Zitat von Aquamarin Beitrag anzeigen
Als 'the bombshell':
Und als 'the swinger':
Von Janet sind in dem Buch übrigens auch noch 3 sehr schöne Fotos drin.
Das ist ja absolut hammer. Dachte gerade es sei Marilyn Monroe.
Diese Frau ist wirklich wahnsinnig schön.
Michael und sie waren wirklich ein sehr schönes Paar.
Schade, dass es mit den Kindern nicht geklappt hat.
Zitat von luna01 Beitrag anzeigen
@britbrit: ich hätte es auch toll gefunden, wenn die beiden ein duett veröffentlicht hätten..eine romantische ballade hätte ich mir gut vorstellen können oder auch eine nummer im stil von 'give into me'. stellt euch mal eine solche performance der beiden auf einem konzert vor..da hätte es zum damaligen zeitpunkt richtig geknistert auf der bühne.
Okay, hab nochmal andere Interviews, die wir hier noch nicht hatten von Lisa bezüglich Michael für euch und eines von Adrian Grant über beide.
Jeannette Walls Delivers the Scoop (MSNBC)
Lisa Marie Presley: No more men
Presley also told reporters that she had a physical breakdown after splitting from Michael Jackson. When asked by the London Mirror if she's surprised by all the woes facing Jackson, she replied: "I will just say that at one point I did say: 'This is like I'm on the Titanic and it's sinking.' . . . I said: 'I'm either going to jump now, or I'm going to go down with you. So I'm going to get out.' He said: 'Am I sinking?' I said: 'Yeah.' And then I walked. And he is sinking."The Guardian (UK), Saturday June 7, 2003
Her subsequent marriage to Michael Jackson would present the 1990s - a decade obsessed with celebrity - with the ultimate pairing of famous names. >From the outside, the Jackson-Presley union looked like monolithic pop art: a pure Warholian fantasy of fame, wealth and beauty, as it might have been staged by Jeff Koons. The couple's now legendary television interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC's Prime Time Live, in which they announced that they were "just a normal married couple" and would indeed "be expecting a child", prompted the gossip columnist Cindy Adams to retort, "I'll bet my pearls he gets pregnant before she does."
The marriage lasted 21 months, with Lisa Marie allegedly asking for a separation in December 1995 while Jackson was in New York's Beth Israel North Medical Centre after collapsing with what was reported as low blood pressure. Of Martin Bashir's recent television interview with Jackson, she says simply, "It was like someone antagonising a patient in a hospital - not that he's a patient; but someone who's in a vulnerable position. It just seemed cruel."
But if the Presley-Jackson marriage seemed weighed down by the celebrity, wealth and eccentricity involved, there was, perhaps, a kind of method in its madness. Until now, she has spoken of the marriage only as a "delusional" episode in her life, prompted by a desire to save Jackson from his own demons, and a greater, more infantilist desire that together they could save the world; she has chosen not to comment on what might be seen as the far more understandable reasons she had for attempting marriage to Jackson - and for seeking happiness with the actor Nicolas Cage.
"I think I've been with 14 people in my life, and I'm 35, so that's not too bad," she begins. "Two of them were famous because I realised that, in the other situations I was in, although the men may be amazing people, may be beautiful, may be talented, they would just get pummelled by me. Their egos would be shot to hell, and it would create resentment, and love would never overcome that in the end. Because their identities would be taken away from them, or their importance; basically, they'd have their balls cut off, every time. Probably Michael and I connected because there was an unusual upbringing, unusual circumstances, and I felt honestly more comfortable being with someone who was as famous, or more famous, than me. Because it took the pressure off me and I could feel like a female for the first time - like a regular female, not some female who has balls and who runs everything. I never liked that positioning, even though I'm strong and I have the name and the celebrity and whatever it is I have, it doesn't feel natural. Because I want to be able to have a man who's running things, and who I can admire and respect - and that's always been my dilemma. So... I go with Michael.
"And then when you go with that, that's got its drawbacks; because then you're surrounded by whatever circumstances that person's been in their whole life - which can be completely unrealistic, but that's the way they are and you have to deal with whatever's going on around that person - like entourages, shady people, all that that's about. Then, I left Michael; two more people in a row that weren't anyone. Again, it was all about me, and they'd get..." Here, Lisa Marie pauses for breath. "...Like, I was engaged to someone who was an amazing singer and had a great record out, and none of that mattered - it was about me. And I saw too many men lose their identity and purpose in life because it was all about me. And so I ended up with Nic... It's like ping pong, what do I do? And, somewhere in the middle, there's got to be the answer. But I've got to find something in between where it's not too extreme - right now, I go to extremes.
"And you know what I'll say that I've not said before? I think that me being with these high-profile people is an attempt to hide - it's kind of like I was too afraid, too uncomfortable with the attention on me, so it was kind of a way to hide behind someone, you know what I mean? That's what's really underneath it for me, it's like I can just exist and be a female and not have the pressure on me. It was probably a way to run away and never deal with who I am and what I can do. It was always: hide behind somebody else, because they're good at what they can do. I just realised that. And that probably has a lot to do with it."
Being caught up within such a cat's cradle of contradictory desires seems to have been another spur to her own creative self-expression. Asked if she relates to WH Auden's line about being "hurt into poetry", she immediately comes back with, "Sure - I call it 'bitten by the snake of life'." At the same time, she remarks, "I don't have the instinct to flee. Yet."
"Perhaps I should go on record now and say that there are no songs on this album that refer in any way to [second husband] Michael Jackson," she says, impatiently. "Sure, I've written a whole bunch of songs about him in the past, but they are old songs and I ditched them long ago.
"I write about subjects that are close to my heart, but not every one of them is necessarily about the men in my life. Maybe two or three at most." Which? "I won't say. That's why I called it To Whom It May Concern. Go speculate."
OK, how about "Gone", an unambiguously sour song about a man who likes his girlfriends to call him daddy. Could this be about her third husband, the Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage?
Big shrug. "I don't know. I'm not answering questions like that," she barks, and then immediately relents. "Put it this way. I've been writing this record for the past five years, and I've written about things that happened during that period." She married Cage last year; he filed for divorce 107 days later.
"I do like to write nasty songs," she admits. "It's a useful weapon to have, and it's cathartic as well, because I create art out of anger, something positive out of something negative." She says, coyly, that she recently played "Gone" to the "person concerned". His reaction was this: "Ouch." Slowly, Presley starts to grin. "It hurt him, but he had to admit that it was a pretty good song."
Adrian Grant: ‘MJ was a normal guy’
August 11, 2009
Lisa Marie has said he was much different in real life; that his voice was deeper and he was more regular. Was that true?
He was very aware of his image in public. I met him when he was with Lisa Marie and, again, the perception was that it was a fake relationship but it wasn’t. On the occasions I met them, they were very protective of each other. She asked Michael who I was and why I was there and he comforted her that I was a trusted person and then she opened up. They were like a normal couple. He would ask her opinion of his songs and play with her children. The Michael I knew was regular person away from the cameras but very shy.
danke für die interviews britbrit!
hier noch eine einschätzung von jomaria holloway, die auf der allexperts-seite schreibt, michael sehr hoch schätzt und im allgemeinen wirklich gute kenntnisse zu den unterschiedlichsten bereichen aus seinem leben hat. dies hat sie bezüglich der ehe/beziehung zwischen lisa marie und michael gepostet. mir erscheint es insgesamt sehr schlüssig und ich empfinde vieles ähnlich. an einer stelle war ein tippfehler, der die gemeinte negation in eine positive aussage umgekehrt hat, das habe ich aufgrund der sinnveränderung im text markiert und korrigiert.
"First I want to say, when I answer a question I do not consult tabloids, paparazzi, nothing like that. I know the Jackson family, I have met them and have known them including Michael for many many years now. So I go straight to the source for my answers. I also know many people who know them ( family friends). I also have met and talked to Lisa Marie ( I did ask her about Michael). Having said that, I have said before and will continue to say, Lisa Marie did love Michael Jackson. She wanted her marriage to work. Lisa Marie is an heiress herself. She has plenty of money, She has access to recording studios etc. She did not need Michael for any of that, Therefore I am sorry anyone who feels that she was using him I do not know where they get that from. As for Lisa "mistreating" Michael, How did she do that? She loved him, She stood and stuck by him throughout what he was going through (the initial accusations). Their marriage was the real thing and not a sham. The hardest thing she ever had to do, The hardest decision that she ever had to make was to walk away. She did not want to file for divorce. She tried to work things out with Michael. She wanted to "save" Michael from the dangerous people that he continued to surround himself with, Also the (what she calls) "his destructive" path that he was on. Michael was not trying to listen. Michael can be very hard-headed, very stubborn, and sometimes hard to talk to. How can you communicate with a person like that? Especially in a marriage? Also, if the marriage/relationship is'nt working out, Why would you bring a child into that? Lisa has children, She did not want to bring a child into an unstable environment, No matter how much she loved Michael and she knew that Michael loved her. When they got divorced, It was Michael who invited her ( Lisa & her children) to London, to Australia, To Africa etc. Lisa agreed to go, However, Michael invited her. Michael did love her very much, He admitted it. Both Michael and Lisa were/are good people. I love Michael more than anyone knows trust me, However, I also know what he is like good and bad. As for Lisa's comments about Michael to the press. I know that she was angry and hurt. She later stopped and refused to comment anymore on Michael or their marriage. As for how she was at the funeral. I was there. She cried as soon as the casket was brought to the service. She was crying out of love definitely. As for her crying tears out of guilt.. I know it was for that reason also. So were his brothers, So was I. We all felt that guilt. We all asked ourselves: How could we let this happen to a person that we love? Were there signs that were there but we either did not see or did not want to see them? Could we have tried harder to get him help? A lot of different things went through everyone's mind that were there and still go through our minds everyday. However, Lisa is a good person."Zuletzt geändert von luna01; 12.01.2010, 02:04.
Schön,dass euch die Bilder gefallenHabe auch noch ein paar Babyfotos;fand mich letztens mehr so "aus Versehen" in einer Elvis-Austellung wieder und da waren auch noch Babyfotos von Lisa Marie,also habe ich hier auch noch ein paar für euch:
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Habe auch noch mehr Fotos von ihr,wenn ihr wollt,kann ich die auch noch posten (sind,ehrlich gesagt,sogar 'ne ganze Menge).
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