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LMP - Lisa Marie Presley

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  • Zitat von Superflysister Beitrag anzeigen
    lisa wollte doch soweit bekannt ist keine kids mit michael!
    ihr dann seine kids nach der ehe mit ihr zu überlassen wäre bisschen unlogisch...
    Hat sie nicht nach der Scheidung gesagt, das sie ihm sogar neun Kinder gebären wolle?! (Wenn er wieder zu ihr zurück kommt?)
    Aber da gebe ich dir Recht. Seine Kinder gingen ihm über alles.

    Er wollte nie ein "Father" sein. Er wollte immer ein "Daddy" sein... Der beste auf der Welt.
    Zuletzt geändert von glampuss; 21.10.2010, 19:05.


    • Ich würde vorschlagen, ihr schaut euch das Interview erst an bevor ihr weiterschreibt.
      Sie klärt vieles auf, sie ist sehr ehrlich. Nix mit Promotion oder Mitleid erwecken, sich beliebt machen... Sie sagt einiges wofür sie manche noch mehr hassen werden.


      • Hier gibt es in Englisch eine Zusammenfassung des Interviews von Lisa und Oprah von irgendjemandem, die/der es wohl gesehen hat.

        Vielleicht will das ja jemand hier in Stichpunkten wiedergeben oder gar übersetzen.
        Wollte nur darauf hinweisen, denn ich habe heute abend andere Dinge geplant als dies.

        Danke fürs Verständnis.



        • Zitat von BritBrit Beitrag anzeigen
          Ich würde vorschlagen, ihr schaut euch das Interview erst an bevor ihr weiterschreibt.
          Sie klärt vieles auf, sie ist sehr ehrlich. Nix mit Promotion oder Mitleid erwecken, sich beliebt machen... Sie sagt einiges wofür sie manche noch mehr hassen werden.
          Woher kennst du denn das Interview jetzt schon?
          Wann und wo hast du es denn gesehen?


          • Zitat von Superflysister Beitrag anzeigen
            Verurteile ich LMP? nicht direkt, ich traue ihr nicht...und das aus meiner sicht zu Recht.
            und fertig und ich gehe darauf gar nicht näher ein...habe schon viele diskussionen gefü führt ins endlose...
            ich sage nur, da ich mich auch über scientology ausgiebig mit befasst habe, traut ihr nicht!
            und ich "reduziere" sie auf scientology-machenschaften, weil das nicht nur mit einem neben-bei-glauben und glaubensfreiheit vergleichbar ist, scientology ist macht- und geldgierig...und so sind auch die menschen geschult, ausgerichtet, orientiert...
            und wie gesagt, ich saug mir das nicht aus den fingern, ich befasse mich damit seit jahren und das gerade lisa "anders" "besser" sein soll als sehr reiche person dieser sekte halte ich für naiv...sie hat MJ für ihre zwecke benutzt und tut es wie es aussieht nach wie vor noch...
            Du gehst sogar noch weiter: Du machst sie für alles verantwortlich, was bei Michael schiefgelaufen ist. Du machst sie für seinen Tod verantwortlich. Sag' mal geht's noch? Ich bin wirklich niemand, der gleich immer nach Beweisen schreit. Aber hier wäre es angebracht, Beweise zu liefern. Und nicht nur so allgemeine Horrorgeschichten über Scientology (wobei ich weiß, daß diese Sekte gefährlich ist und bitte nicht unterschätzt werden sollte). Wenn du mehr über die Manipulation und vermeintliche Execution Michaels von dieser Sekte weißt, dann laß und nicht dumm sterben.


            • Zitat von Lynn Beitrag anzeigen
              Woher kennst du denn das Interview jetzt schon?
              Wann und wo hast du es denn gesehen?
              Ich habs nicht gesehen, ich habs gehört.


              • Danke CTE für den Link!!! Ich wäre so dankbar, wenn das jemand übersetzen könnte!

                Ich möchte gleich mal den für mich bisher entscheidenden Absatz posten:

                Lisa said that she made a stupid move by giving
                2005, last time that they spoke. Lisa was very detached to him when he was trying to talking to him about how she was right about some of the things that she had said years earlier about some of the bad people in his life. He said that it was clear that there were people out to get him and try to kill him and take his catalog and his estate and at the time, she didn't know what to make of it. He asked her if she still loved him and she said that she was indifferent and he was angry and said how can you be indifferent to someone who once loved and he started crying. ANd he named names as to who he thought wanted to kill him. SO, Lisa knows a lot.
                WOW - das ist heftig und wenn Lisa Namen weiss, dann setzt sie sich einer großen Gefahr aus! Ich vermuste, DAS ist ihre Motivation für das Interview kurz vor dem Murray HEaring!!! Ich habe noch nicht weiter gelesen, aber für mich ist das hier eine Kernaussage! STeht nicht Lisa noch in Kontakt mit den Jacksons?? Es könnte sein, dass sie das zusammen geplant haben...?!??!


                • Du tust schon wieder so geheimnisvoll...
                  Wo und von wem hast du es denn gehört?
                  Wenn du es nicht erzählen möchtest, warum erwähnst du es dann erst?
                  Das ist auch nicht die feine englische und gemein.


                  • Zitat von BritBrit Beitrag anzeigen
                    Ich habs nicht gesehen, ich habs gehört.
                    Deine Englischkenntnisse sind sehr gut, könntest Du bitte - sofern Du Lust und Zeit hast - den von CTE angegebenen Link von dem IV übersetzen??? Sag schon mal Danke.


                    • Etwas detaillierter gibt es das Interview hier (meine Frau hält mich auf Trab ...) :
                      Re: LMP Back on Oprah This Thursday ya know what it serves her right for him to go off for weeks like that if she took her ex on vacation's. I'd be mad as hell to. See why i hate this woman shes as much a backstabbing hoe as Oprah. Oprah is baiting her and shes on the line. this woman pisses me off

                      Und nochmal der vorherige Link mit einer anderen Interviewbeschreibung:



                      • Zitat von Steffi0711 Beitrag anzeigen
                        Danke CTE für den Link!!! Ich wäre so dankbar, wenn das jemand übersetzen könnte!

                        Ich möchte gleich mal den für mich bisher entscheidenden Absatz posten:

                        WOW - das ist heftig und wenn Lisa Namen weiss, dann setzt sie sich einer großen Gefahr aus! Ich vermuste, DAS ist ihre Motivation für das Interview kurz vor dem Murray HEaring!!! Ich habe noch nicht weiter gelesen, aber für mich ist das hier eine Kernaussage! STeht nicht Lisa noch in Kontakt mit den Jacksons?? Es könnte sein, dass sie das zusammen geplant haben...?!??!
                        OMG, in ihrer Haut möchte ich echt nicht stecken....


                        • Zitat von Steffi0711 Beitrag anzeigen
                          Danke CTE für den Link!!! Ich wäre so dankbar, wenn das jemand übersetzen könnte!

                          Ich möchte gleich mal den für mich bisher entscheidenden Absatz posten:

                          WOW - das ist heftig und wenn Lisa Namen weiss, dann setzt sie sich einer großen Gefahr aus! Ich vermuste, DAS ist ihre Motivation für das Interview kurz vor dem Murray HEaring!!! Ich habe noch nicht weiter gelesen, aber für mich ist das hier eine Kernaussage! STeht nicht Lisa noch in Kontakt mit den Jacksons?? Es könnte sein, dass sie das zusammen geplant haben...?!??!
                          Ganz schon heavy, wenn das stimmen sollte! Dann möchte ich aber nicht in ihrer Haut stecken.


                          • Zitat von Lynn Beitrag anzeigen
                            Du tust schon wieder so geheimnisvoll...
                            Wo und von wem hast du es denn gehört?
                            Wenn du es nicht erzählen möchtest, warum erwähnst du es dann erst?
                            Das ist auch nicht die feine englische und gemein.
                            Ich tu gar nix. Es lief doch bereits schon im Fernsehen.

                            Zitat von TheLittleGhost Beitrag anzeigen
                            Deine Englischkenntnisse sind sehr gut, könntest Du bitte - sofern Du Lust und Zeit hast - den von CTE angegebenen Link von dem IV übersetzen??? Sag schon mal Danke.
                            Kann ich machen, falls es niemand anderes macht.


                            • lasst mich bitte wissen, wenn jdm. weiß, wo das komplette interview zu sehen ist....

                              ich habe meinen teil an ansicht geleistet...
                              habe nicht gesagt, dass lisa KOMPLETT für ALLES verantwortlich ist! mit keiner silbe?!
                              aber sie hat ihren teil negativ dazu beigetragen, michael in den "wahnsinn" zu treiben...
                              davon bin ich überzeugt und das darf man ja wohl äußern oder?!
                              und sich jetzt anmasen, sie hätte ihn vl. "retten" können mit einem "wie gehts dir anruf" - ist richtig blöd...sorry..
                              wenn sie das privat vor seinem grab macht...ihre sache und "edle einsicht" (zu spät trotzdem aber immerhin) aber bei oprah!!! hallooooooooo...
                              unter aller sau sorry....die armen kinder von michael...das ist wie eine ohrfeige ins gesicht sorry...

                              hier mal ein ausschnitt eines statements von michael...darin sagte er auch, dass er kinder wollte aber sie dann doch nicht...und auch, dass sie katherine nach der scheidung anrief und bettelte, sie würde ihm doch kids schenken wollen, wenn sie doch wieder zusammen kommen würden...und ja, wie oben jmd. schon geschrieben hat...erst reicht madame die scheidung selbst ein, dann sowas?! scientology-gedrillt - seh ich genauso - danke! (aber das hab ich jetzt nicht kopiert, hier ein ausschnitt, wie einseitig, egoistisch lisa nur dachte - ihre kids sonst zählte wohl wahr michael eben nicht....tja)

                              Zuletzt geändert von Superflysister; 21.10.2010, 20:20.


                              • Hier hat auch ein user eines anderen Forum die Interview zusammengefasst:
                                Not sure if you guys would like this posted again, but the air date for LMP's interview has been changed to this Thursday, October 21. Check your TV Guides - All New! For The First Time: Lisa Marie Presley Speaks Out About The Death Of...

                                She started out saying in past interviews she was defensive and barky when the subject of MJ came up because she was always promoting a project and the interview would turn to be about MJ or personal things. She felt like this would be better to do the interview before her record comes out

                                They spoke a bit about her husband and kids in the beginning and why she moved to England. She felt LA has gotten over the top in its superficiality.
                                Her and Oprah went hiking this summer, so they've spoken about MJ before this.

                                Oprah started saying the star-crossed love affair between LMP and MJ started in 1993 from friendship and grew to something more.
                                They had not spoken in more than a decade before he died..
                                She said she was barky during the last interview with Oprah about MJ because she didn't understand her relationship with him
                                Oprah said she understood her defensiveness but LMP came across to her and the rest of the world as confusion and publicity.

                                LMP said MJ was a master manipulator of the media in a lot of ways. He was brought up that way. She said before she starts answering questions about him you have to understand how he was raised which was different than anyone's except her father. He was conditioned to get himself where he needed to go for his talent. He became good at creating and puppetering. She said she always confused the manipulation as he didn't love her but she understands now it was a survival tactic for him.

                                She's gained all this clarity about MJ since his death.
                                She was in England when she first heard, she was crying all day and didn't' know why. She got the news from a friend, John Travolta text her was she alright? She was floored and shocked.

                                She can't explain how or why she gained all this clarity, that's why she waited so long.
                                She felt she failed to help him.
                                She didn't suspect a drug problem until Decemeber 95 when he collapsed. She said their were all these reports, low blood pressure, viral infection, dehydration, she couldn't get real answers. She felt there was drug use after various indications.
                                She said their were times she would pick him up from doctor's offices and he would not be coherent.
                                At the time she just thought it was the injections, that he would need. Oprah asks things for what. She said injections dermatological. Oprah asks for his skin, LMP says yes and for various things he needed.

                                Oprah asks did she feel she was kept in the dark. LMP says no, everything was spoken, If he needed to wake her up and talk he did.
                                Oprah asks did he have trouble speaking then, LMP says yes, he was like a gnome, She would call him a gnome. because he was always up and about. she says he did have a hard time sleeping.

                                Oprah asks did she feel she was a nuturer. She says yes and she loved it. When her and MJ were together and they had an understanding about the people and things going on around him, she never felt such a high in her life.

                                Oprah asks she told the producers her time with MJ was the highest and the lowest of her life. Oprah asks her about the lowest. LMP skirts it and says when she speaks about him now, its all good and she was all this love and understanding for him. LMP then proceeds to try to answer Oprah's questions but of course oprah interrupts and asks were you angry with him when you left the marriage.
                                Yes she was very angry. She felt they were so united then he pushed her out.
                                Oprah asks why did the marriage ends, she said there was point when he had to make a decision her or the people around him.

                                Oprah asks he seemed to be drawn to people like that. LMP says like her father MJ had the luxury of creating his own reality and when people disagreed with him, you were out. She felt disposable. MJ wasn't a bad person, that's just how he functioned.
                                When its this unusual reality mixed with an addiction, its trouble.

                                Oprah then asks about the similarities between MJ and Elvis, LMP doesn't understand it but she sees it.
                                The home MJ died, was right across the street from Elvis' former home.

                                Oprah asked about the blog. and why she entitled it he knew.
                                she said he told her he was afraid he would end up like her father during a conversation at neverland sitting by the fire.

                                Oprah asks why did she fall in love with him. LMP says because he was an incredible person. She never felt so high in her life. He had something so intoxicating about him and when he was open it wasn't like anything.
                                Oprah then says oh I felt that too when I first met in 92 when he shined his light on you.
                                LMP says she always wanted to be around him. He was a drug for her. she never felt like that with another human being except her father.

                                Oprah asked did she feel love by Michael in the beginning. She did. she knew he didn't really have many women in his life, a few dates
                                Oprah asked how did he propose-- they were in the library in front of the fire at neverland, MJ pulled out a 10 carat ring, got on his knees and propsed. Oprah asked did she feel it would last forever, she said yes.

                                Orpah said when they were together it was like a circus. She said it was but they were together mostly with no cameras and alot of that was because History was coming out.

                                Oprah asks does she feel manipulated- yes but she knew she had to do his thing but she understood as his wife, she needed to do certain things.
                                Oprah asked was there alot of pressure to have a baby- LMP says yes and she wanted to , but she wanted to make sure things were stable.
                                Oprah says several months after they divorced it was announced that Debbie Rowe was pregnant.
                                LMP says it was a bit retalitory act on his part
                                She knew DR was there the whole time telling him she would have his baby, because he told her if she didn't debbie would. They would get into an arguments about it. At the time she felt hurt, she did things that hurt him. She was torn because she left her husband for Michael. While with MJ she never felt good about it. Danny was about her her life and MJ didn't know what to do with it. He was upset about the Hawaii vacation. He would leave and she couldn't find him. She says when she did things that upset MJ or when MJ got uncomfortable he would icy you out.
                                But in retrospect, he tried very hard and went through so much with her. He never did that with any other female or anyone. They would argue for 3 days straight breaking to eat and sleep. She admires that he gave it a good shot. she didn't appreciate it then and she wishes she did.

                                Did he have to die for her to realize he loved her. Yes she says when they were together they were really in love, had rough patches, she had to make a decison to walk because she saw the doctors coming and it scared her so she left but they spent 4 more years after the divorced getting back together, breaking up, talking about getting back together then she pushed him away because she wasn't moving forward.
                                She still loved him after she left him, She left him to make a stand and it was a stupid move because basically MJ called her bluff. He's stubborn.
                                Afterwards she was still flying all over the world with him.

                                Last spoke in a good conversation in 2005- she was removed and detached. He could feel it. He wanted to tell her she was right about the people around him. He asked did she still love him, she told him she was indifferent, he did't like it , he cried, he didn't understand how she became so detached.
                                Final part of conversation, him telling her he felt someone was going to try to kill him to get ahold of his catalouge and estate, He named names but she doesn't want to say but he was concerned about his life.

                                OPrah asks about the allegations, LMP says she did not see anyting like that.
                                He called LMP about the trial. She told him to keep his head together. he said like what drugs. she said yeah. There was a time random things were coming out the BAshir interview, she saw him high as a kite,
                                Oprah asks about the sleeping with young children comment MJ made in the bashir interview. LMP says she feels MJ says those things at times to be defiant like a little rebel because he got so angry so he would say things he knew people didn't like.
                                Oprah goes back to the charges. LMP says no she doesn't like they were true but of course she can never know excatly what went on in the room but she doesn't think they are true.

                                Did she get closure at the funeral- no. She was the last one standing up with him, she went back in because she didn't want to leave him. cue picture of her standing over the casket. She couldn't make peace, she wanted to apologize. She wanted to save him, she regrets she didn't at least try to call him or something.
                                FAmily and friends tried to help him but if he didn't want you around making him confront things, you wouldn't be. That was a train headed in a certain direction and no one could stop it

                                Oprah asks about current husband. Husband happy when she'll be done with this interview. He understands and she doesn't like it but she's had to deal with all this. She thanks God for him because it's highly unusual to deal with.

                                She feels really alone that she's dealt with all this with her father and Michael but honored at the same time. June 25th is a day she dreads like August 16th.
                                She's not talking about it again.
                                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 21.10.2010, 20:21.


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