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Noch was anderes von 30 Seconds to Mars........
.......und noch etwas zum Namen der Band (Entstehung, Bedeutung):Founded in 1998 by brothers Shannon Leto and Jared Leto, 30 Seconds to Mars began as a small family project. Matt Wachter later joined the band as bassist and keyboard player. After working with a number of guitarists (as the band's first two guitarists, Kevin Drake and Solon Bixler, left the band due to issues primarily related to touring), the three auditioned Tomo Miličević to round out the band's roster.
Jared Leto said the following in an interview regarding the name of the band:
""For us, the name 30 Seconds To Mars has little to do with space, the universe or anything like that. It is a name that works on several different levels. Most importantly, it is a good representation of our sound. It's a phrase that is lyrical, suggestive, cinematic, and filled with immediacy. It has some sense of otherness to it. The concept of space is so overwhelming and all encompassing I doubt there is a song written that doesn't fall within it."[1]
Shannon Leto said the following in an interview regarding the name of the band:
""It represents a lot of things. This professor had a thesis. It was talking about where technology was going; the evolution of man and how that plays a role. A sub-category was 30 Seconds To Mars. It was like the exponential growth of humans. We are literally 30 seconds away from Mars. Everything is right here and right now; everything is just so crazy and fast."Zuletzt geändert von November; 15.02.2011, 18:46.
Zitat von Eisfee Beitrag anzeigen@ Soundchaser RAGE kannte ich nichtDanke, echt G... !!!
(notiert und abgespeichert!)
Gibts zwar schon seit 26 Jahren, haben 20 Alben rausgebracht, sind aber leider nicht dementsprechend bekannt. Allerdings kennt wohl jeder in Deutschland einen Song von denen, ohne zu wissen, dass er von RAGE ist.
Das hier müsste eigentlich so ziemlich jeder aus "Der Schuh des Manitu" kennen:
Kann die Musik von denen nur jedem empfehlen, sind meine Lieblingsband.
Dream Theater - Misunderstood
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