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Artikel von Dr. Firpo Carr

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  • Zitat von remember Beitrag anzeigen

    Und nicht umsonst wird jetzt -zig mal der Öffentlichkeit suggeriert, wie MJs Zimmer aussah u. was für Rezepte auf fremde Namen total offen herumlagen.
    Das ist auch von vielen Dingen, die mich beim Lesen der Presseberichte schon die ganze Zeit zum Staunen und Wundern bringen: Diese Rezepte. Sollte man nicht meinen, ein (angeblich!) Süchtiger und sein (angebliches!) fleißiges Helferlein, der medikamentenbesorgende und -verabreichende Arzt, verstecken die Dinger ein bißchen besser? Es ging Personal dort ein und aus, überdies sind alle drei Kinder des Lesens mächtig - und man will uns weismachen, da liegen Fremdnamen-Rezepte herum, ohne dass jemand einmal nachfragt, was das soll?

    Das ist doch alles Quatsch...


    • Zitat von Rain Beitrag anzeigen
      Das ist auch von vielen Dingen, die mich beim Lesen der Presseberichte schon die ganze Zeit zum Staunen und Wundern bringen: Diese Rezepte. Sollte man nicht meinen, ein (angeblich!) Süchtiger und sein (angebliches!) fleißiges Helferlein, der medikamentenbesorgende und -verabreichende Arzt, verstecken die Dinger ein bißchen besser? Es ging Personal dort ein und aus, überdies sind alle drei Kinder des Lesens mächtig - und man will uns weismachen, da liegen Fremdnamen-Rezepte herum, ohne dass jemand einmal nachfragt, was das soll?

      Das ist doch alles Quatsch...
      Bis die Polizei in Michaels Haus durchsuchte, verging ja genug Zeit, daß fleissige Helferleins dort genug Sachen verschwinden lassen konnten oder eben auch Dinge hinbringen konnten, die vorher noch nicht da waren.


      • Zitat von Jossie Beitrag anzeigen
        Bis die Polizei in Michaels Haus durchsuchte, verging ja genug Zeit, daß fleissige Helferleins dort genug Sachen verschwinden lassen konnten oder eben auch Dinge hinbringen konnten, die vorher noch nicht da waren.
        Yep - genau das denke ich auch...


        • die rezepte muß ja irgend jemand ausgestellt haben.
          was mich nur wundert, dr. klein hat ja seine forderungen
          beim NLG gestellt und auch tohme erscheint als kläger.
          aber alle anderen, die eine rolle gespielt haben sollen,
          wollen kein geld von michael.
          wurden sie schon bezahlt, oder wollen sie lieber im hintergrund


          • M.j.

            Carr will uns mit seinem letzten Artikel mitteilen

            1. Verschwörer sollen sich nicht gegenseitig kennenlernen

            Für mich: Vllt. ermittelt die LAPD doch noch in andere Richtungen außer Murray?

            2. offene Akten müssen nicht anderen bekannt sein.


            Und Michael hätte nicht gutgeheißen das seine Kinder rund um den Globus zu sehen sind.


            • Also so wie ich das verstehe, besteht evtl. doch Hoffnung, dass diese langfristige Verschwörung (seit 1993?) aufgerollt werden könnte. Nur welche Art von Verschwörung es sein könnte, das erschliesst sich mir nicht. Das liest sich mit dem Translator irgendwie schwer.

              Das mit den Kindern ist einleuchtend. Michael wollte sicher nicht, dass seine kostbare Prinzessin der Weltöffentlichkeit ausgesetzt wird und möglicherweise ebenso der Kindheit beraubt wird, wie er selbst.
              Allerdings las ich kürzlich das Statement von Joe und Katherine Jackson, woraus ersichtlich wird, dass die Kinder unbedingt selbst die Ehrung für ihren Daddy entgegennehmen wollten.

              Soll man nun daraus schliessen, dass diese Ehrung widerum Teil einer Verschwörung ist, um die Kinder vor die Kamera zu locken? Aber mit welchem Ziel....?!


              • Nein Steffi,

                ich denke, die Verschwörer meinen ihr Ziel schon erreicht zu haben.

                Michael ist tot.

                Aber die haben bestimmt nicht mit der Hartmäckigkeit der Fans gerechnet!!!!


                • @aurelia

                  > Verschwörer dürfen sich nicht kennen lernen. <

                  Also ich verstehe das ein wenig anders. >Verschwörer brauchen sich nicht zwingend zu kennen oder ihre Operationen abzustimmen. Entscheidend ist nur die gemeinsame Intention. So ungefähr. - Ich glaube, er will damit etwas von der Klischee-Vorstellung weg, dass da irgendwo ein Rudel Männer in grauen Anzügen und Sonnenbrillen sitzt und händereibend Pläne schmiedet.

                  Sorry für die Kürze, bin grad auf dem Sprung...


                  • ATV Katalog

                    Zitat von Blondy Beitrag anzeigen
                    Nein Steffi,

                    ich denke, die Verschwörer meinen ihr Ziel schon erreicht zu haben.

                    Michael ist tot.

                    Aber die haben bestimmt nicht mit der Hartmäckigkeit der Fans gerechnet!!!!

                    Naja, ich will es eigentlich gar nicht aussprechen, aber ich denke, die Verschwörer haben ihr Ziel noch nicht erreicht - den Katalog!
                    Es geht hier um mächtige Leute, die auch bestimmen können, wer mit dem Grammy geehrt wird....

                    Das ist sicherlich weit hergeholt, aber das war mein Gedanke, als ich das las von Carr. Katherine und Joe wollten nicht, dass die Kinder auf die Bühne gehen, aber die Kinder selbst hatten den Ehrgeiz...Nun sind sie öffentlich...und mit drin im Boot.....


                    • haben wir doch tatsächlich den neuen carr vergessen.
                      sorry doc!

                      Conrad in Court; the King in Crypt

                      Jacksons see Biblical justice

                      By Dr. Firpo Carr

                      Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper

                      February 11 - 17, 2010
                      Day 231, Week 33, Article 32

                      This past Monday, February 8, 2010, authorities charged Dr. Conrad Murray with involuntary manslaughter in the case of the death of Michael Joseph Jackson. But, a world is still troubled. Murray's arrest was negotiated so that he would avoid handcuffs; a luxury not afforded Michael Jackson. Tragically, the beloved Gloved One became the scorned Cuffed One. In sum, the justice system gave Murray what amounts to a warm reception in court, as Jackson lies cold in his crypt. After nearly taking an agonizing nine months to give birth to charging Murray with involuntary manslaughter instead of murder, indications are that authorities plan on treating him with kid gloves. Family, friends, and fans are none too pleased. In fact, the family, rooted as it is in religious tradition, wants to see Biblical justice. So what does God's Word say about murder and manslaughter?

                      Manslaughter in the Scriptures: The Constitution of the United States of America is predicated on the Judeo-Christian ethic, hence, precepts found in the Holy Bible, which contains both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. The Hebrew Scriptures (or Jewish Writings) speak plainly of the legal procedures to be enforced when one intentionally takes the life of another person (murder), or accidentally kills another person (manslaughter). The encyclopedic Bible dictionary Insight on the Scriptures (a comprehensive two-volume set that Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson's mother, regularly consults, and that Michael himself cherished) reads as follows:

                      "Jehovah's law on the sanctity of blood was very explicit. The shedding of human blood polluted the land in which the sons of Israel lived, in the midst of which Jehovah was residing, and it could be atoned for only by the blood of the one shedding it. (Ge 9:5, 6; Nu 35:33, 34) So, in the case of a murderer, the blood of his victim was avenged and the law of ‘life for life' was satisfied when the murderer was put to death ‘without fail' by the avenger of blood [that is, the victim's next of kin]. (Ex 21:23; Nu 35:21) But what about the unintentional manslayer, the one, for example, who killed his [fellow Israelite] when the axhead accidentally flew off while he was chopping wood? (De 19:4, 5) For such unfortunate ones Jehovah lovingly provided cities of refuge, six in number, where the accidental shedder of blood could find protection and asylum from the avenger of blood.--Nu 35:6-32; Jos 20:2-9."

                      What was to happen upon reaching one of the strategically located cities of refuge? "Upon reaching a city of refuge," continues Insight, "the fugitive was to state his case to the older men at the city gate and was to be received hospitably. To prevent willful murderers from taking cover under this provision, the fleeing one, after entering the city of refuge, had to stand trial at the city gates in the city having jurisdiction where the killing occurred, in order to prove his innocence. If found innocent, he was returned to the city of refuge. However, his safety could be guaranteed only if he remained in the city the rest of his life or until the death of the high priest. No ransom could be accepted to alter these terms. (Nu 35:22-29, 32; Jos 20:4-6) Even Jehovah's sacred altar provided no protection for murderers, as was illustrated in the case of Joab.--Ex 21:14; 1Ki 1:50; 2:28-34."

                      Conrad the "Christian"?: Ironically, Dr. Conrad Murray professes to be a Christian, even mentioning "prayers" and "faith" in his only taped appeal to the public. But reports state that he has seeded seven women who have in turn produced six children. He is said to have paid one stripper $3,500 for one night of her company. If true, these are hardly the actions of a true Christian. Whether Dr. Murray is guilty of a sin of commission or a sin of omission, the fact is, as a trained professional, Conrad the "Christian" knew what the right thing was to do, and simply did not do it. "Therefore," wrote the Christian disciple James, "if one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him." (James 4:17)

                      The Same but Different: Fans of Michael want Murray charged and convicted of first-degree murder. Involuntary manslaughter is completely unacceptable. The totality of Murray's actions--or inactions--led directly to the death of Michael Jackson. However, what fans want and what the law allows are completely at odds. It is like trying to put the proverbial square peg into a round hole. Either way, Dr. Conrad Murray has already been judged in the international court of global public opinion. His sentence? Absent penal powers of capital punishment, the ever-growing world community of Michael's loyal fans has banished him to life in the prison of his cloistered, hated existence.

                      Conrad's Crisis of Conscience: Some have speculated that Murray's high-powered defense team may argue that he simply followed the orders of his boss, Michael Jackson, who insisted the doctor administer potentially dangerous drugs to him. History teaches us that Dr. Murray should have known better. During the Nuremberg Trials that followed the demise of Adolf ******'s reign of terror toward the end of World War II, Nazi officers and soldiers who argued that they were merely following orders in executing unarmed innocent men, women, and children were nonetheless rebuffed. These Nazi war criminals were told that in what one observer called a "sophisticated civilized society" the "higher natural law of justice" should have prevailed. Bottom line, the "law" of their consciences should have directed them not to carry out those atrocious orders. While I am not ready to call him Dr. Mengele, Dr. Murray should have taken a lesson.

                      Conrad at the Crypt: Murray visited Michael Jackson's crypt. Some allege that this was a media ploy, an insincere move to garner public sympathy. Intriguingly, noted body language expert, Beverly Hills Dr. Lillian Glass, a familiar face on national television who is also a communication and forensic voice analyst, intimated to me that his overall body language indicated that his sorrow was sincere. The question is, What was he sorrow for?

                      LaToya Lets Loose: Not one to bite her tongue when it comes to the death of her younger brother, LaToya Jackson lamented to "Michael was murdered and although he died at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray, I believe Dr. Murray was a part of a much larger plan. There are other individuals involved and I will not rest and I will continue to fight until all of the proper individuals are brought forth and justice is served." Brian Oxman, Joe Jackson's longtime attorney asserted: "This charge is a slap on the wrist. There's great disappointment here. He should've been charged with a higher degree of responsibility. What he did was reckless. It was a disregard for human life." Katherine Jackson, the family matriarch, put it most succinctly when he simply said of Murray: "He's a monster." He may well be.

                      According to CNN the coroner's office has released new details in the death of Michael Jackson: "The 51-page report gives vivid detail supporting last August's conclusion that Jackson died from ‘acute propofol intoxication.' Murray told investigators he gave Jackson propofol, a powerful anesthetic, to help him sleep. An anesthesiology consultant hired by the coroner to review the findings of the investigation said that ‘there are NO [sic] reports of its use for insomnia relief, to my knowledge,' according to the report. ‘The only reports of its use in homes are cases of fatal abuse (first reported in 1992), suicide, murder and accident,' Dr. Selma Calmes wrote. ‘The standard of care for administering propofol was not met,' she wrote." Murder she wrote?

                      Aside from being a "monster," is Murray also a sacrificial lamb? Is his trial merely a red herring? Are the "other individuals involved" that LaToya speaks of associated with criminal organizations that are "a part of a much larger plan"? Stay tuned for the article, "Michael & the Mob."


                      • M.j.

                        Diese Dr.Selma Calmes spricht Dr. Carr an::

                        Bericht der Gerichtsmedizin zeigt schwerwiegende Fehler von Dr Murray
                        09.02.10 - 06:53

                        In den letzten Stunden seines Lebens hat Michael Jackson eine Verabreichung des Narkosemittles Propofol erhalten, die üblicherweise bei "großen Operationen" und nicht den medizinischen Standards entsprach, so der Autopsiebericht der Gerichtsmedizin in Los Angeles.

                        “Der Standard der Verabreichung und Überwachung von Propofol war nicht gegeben,” so ein Gerichtsmediziner im Bericht. “Patientenüberwachung, eine präzise Dosierung und Reanimation waren nicht verfügbar.”

                        Der Bericht sagt, daß Jackson an akuter Intoxikation von Propofol starb, "von einem anderen" verabreicht. Die Beamten beschrieben rund um Jacksons Bett eine Szene, die eine Reihe von Problemen im Umgang mit Propofol zeigte und das auf einem derart hohen Niveau gewesen sei.

                        Eine Sauerstoffflasche war leer und die Anlagen getrennt, und es gab keine Monitore oder kontrollierte Infusionspumpen für die intravenöse Verabreichung, so der Bericht weiter.

                        Sie stellten auch fest, dass ein Anästhesist eine Sedativa in Jackson's Körper bemerkt hatte, daß die Propofol-Wirkung auf die Lungen und des Herzens ging und diese Wirkung war extrem hoch. Zusätzlich zu Propofol, enthielt Jackson's Blut Lidocain, Diazepam, Nordiazepam, Lorazepam, Midazolam und Ephedrin.

                        "Es gibt keine Berichte von [Propofol's] Linderung bei Schlaflosigkeit ,so mein Wissen ", schrieb die Anästhesie - Beraterin Selma Calmes in dem Bericht. Sie unterstrich das Wort "nein".

                        "Die einzigen Berichte über die Verwendung in Häusern sind Fälle von tödlichem Missbrauch (aus dem Jahr 1992), bei Selbstmord, Mord-und Unfallversicherungen", schrieb sie weiter.

                        Wegen der Risiken, die mit der Droge verbunden sind, sollte man sie nur von Anästhesisten verabreichen oder andere Anbieter, die die Ausbildung für Atemwege oder Herz-Probleme haben und sich dessen zu erkennen geben, schrieb Calmes.

                        "Die vollständige Patientenüberwachgung ist bei der Verabreichung von Propofol unbedingt zu jeder Zeit notwendig," schrieb sie weiter.

                        Präzision in der Dosierung des Medikaments durch eine gesteuerte Pumpe ist notwendig, weil "die enge Zeitpanne zwischen bloßer Sedierung und voller Vollnarkose zu beachten ist."

                        "Die Werte von Propofol, die gefunden worden sind und die toxikologische Prüfung ergaben, daß diese mit den Werten während einer Narkose für größere chirurgische Eingriffe mit Propofol-Infusionen vergleichbar sind."

                        Quelle: LA Times & JAM-FC

                        In Verbindung stehende Nachrichten:
                        Für Murrays Team könnte Ruhm von MJ schwer werden - 10.02.10 20:04

                        Selma H. Calmes, MD ist Chefarzt der Anästhesie im Olive View / University of California Los Angeles Medical Center, Sylmar, Kalifornien und ordentlicher Professor für Anästhesie an der UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles.
                        Zuletzt geändert von aurelia; 17.02.2010, 17:44.


                        • Krytisch wie immer

                          Danke für den neuen Carr. Er schreibt allerdings kryptisch wie immer. So richtig werde ich nicht schlau draus. Weiss jemand, was er mit dem Artikel - Michael & the MOB meint?

                          Stay tuned for the article, "Michael & the Mob."
                          Ausserdem widerspricht Carr seinem ersten Artikel, wo er vom Schocker schreibt, dass Murray nicht der wahre Täter sei - oder so ähnlich...

                          Bei Bericht von der Selma Calmes fällt mir folgendes aus:

                          Eine Sauerstoffflasche war leer (??!!) und die Anlagen getrennt (!!??), und es gab keine Monitore oder kontrollierte Infusionspumpen für die intravenöse Verabreichung, so der Bericht weiter.
                          Das sieht meiner Meinung nach manipuliertem Tatort aus. Murray ist doch meines Wissens mit dem Krankenwagen und Michael in die Klinik gefahren.
                          Th.Th. hat in der Zeit alle Angestellten enlassen. Somit hatten da einige Leute Zeit, ein bisschen "aufzuräumen". Meine Meinung.


                          • M.j.


                            Dr.Carr hat diese Ärztin zitiert, und ich schaute was ich über sie finden kann und was sie zu sagen hatte.
                            Ich habe den Autopsiebericht nicht gelesen und werde ihn auch nicht lesen!!!


                            • Stay tuned for the article, "Michael & the Mob."
                              könnte es vielleicht sein nächster artikel sein?
                              müßte auch diese woche noch erscheinen.
                              LAPD und Carr ich glaube das gab es vor jahren wirklich.


                              • Read about the Jacksons first concert since Michael passed!

                                Michael & the Mob

                                On Jackson did "they" do a job?

                                By Dr. Firpo Carr

                                Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper

                                February 18 - 24, 2010
                                Day 238, Week 34, Article 33

                                Care should be exercised in identifying a criminal organization. Indiscriminately labeling an organization "criminal" may be as reckless as Italian mobsters gunning down innocent White men, women, and children on the streets of Chicago during the Roaring ‘20s; or African American gangbangers in L.A.'s inner city enclaves mowing down Black bystanders of all ages here in the new millennium. According to the ungodly, immoral, and unethical laws codified in America's southern states, Harriet Tubman's Underground Railroad, responsible for freeing numerous slaves, was a "criminal organization." In countries like the Russian Federation where Jehovah's Witnesses continue to preach the Bible-based good news of God's kingdom--a work that Michael Joseph Jackson was enamored with--despite being banned or restricted in some way, the Witnesses are viewed as a "criminal organization." These realities notwithstanding, there are organizations legitimately called "criminal."

                                Michael & "the Mafia": Michael himself was very aware of criminal organizations connected with the music industry. Moreover, he purposefully chose to deal with them! The King of Pop was well aware of the cleverly titled book, Hit Men (1990), by Fredric Dannen. "Since the Depression," writes Dannen, "the Mafia has played a key role in artist management and booking." Dannen then candidly confesses, "especially of black performers." The author even goes so far as to describe Frank Dileo as a "convicted bookie who became Michael Jackson's manager." For a certainty, the book helps those interested to better appreciate the complexities of the intricate connections between the music business and criminal organizations.

                                Intriguingly, even prior to the publication of Hit Men, criminal organizations excited Michael's inquisitive nature; elevating sheer curiosity to outright fascination. Evidence of this can be seen in a few of his music videos (or "film shorts"). In Smooth Criminal (1988; originally titled Al Capone in 1986) he associates with and is in the company of violent mobsters, greedy gamblers, and pretty prostitutes. Jackson shoots an assailant who creeps up behind him with a rather large knife, and when the nightclub ("Club 30s") is surrounded by armed law-enforcement personnel, the King of Pop pops off a number of machine gun rounds in the agents' direction. (In assessing Michael fairly, it should be noted that he also had great admiration for law enforcement officers the world over, often posing in pictures and being videoed with them. Even the Smooth Criminal video has a remote association with famed detective novelist Mickey Spillane, who himself was one of Jehovah's Witnesses.)

                                In the film short You Rock My World (2001) Michael follows an attractive woman into a club full of mobsters. Eventually he and his own thuggish hat-wearing friends take on the mobsters whose boss is none other than Marlon Brando of The Godfather (1972) fame.

                                Running with the Russians: Michael Jackson's music was prohibited in the Soviet Union. Consequently, said music became a black market item. As such, it was controlled by the Vory v Zakone, better known as the Russian Mafia. The communist empire may have fallen, but not so with the Vory. CNN reports that Michael was "the first international popstar to perform in post-Soviet-era Russia." And when he toured there and later released Stranger in Moscow (1996), observers have concluded that this all had to be done with the permission and cooperation of the Russian Mafia.

                                Being Bad with Brazilians: Michael Jackson filmed They Don't Care About Us (1996) in Dona Marta, one of Brazil's shantytowns or favelas. Although "1,500 policemen and 50 residents acting as security guards effectively sealed off" the area, it "was alleged that Jackson's production team had negotiated with drug dealers in order to gain permission to film," according to several reputable sources. Highly sophisticated criminal organizations operate in the favelas. Having visited the area, it is not at all difficult to imagine Michael having to deal with the dealers.

                                Jackson & the Japanese: Long-time Jackson critic Maureen Orth suggested in a 2004 Vanity Fair article that Michael routinely offered alcohol to minor boys. "She also recounted a 1998 incident," says one source, "in which Jackson took the 13-year-old son of a Japanese business partner to an amusement park ‘and allegedly he was also given Jesus' juice, and it blew the whole [business] deal.'" Of course, that Japanese youth, Richard Matsuura (18 in 2004), contacted me and declared that Orth was ‘a goddamn liar.' Michael's obvious innocence aside, if there ever was a business deal in the works, the Yakuza, a "shadow government" that has been identified as a criminal organization, would have inescapably been in the mix.

                                Bopping with Beelzebub?: Why would Michael interact with criminal organizations? As odd as it may seem, even unrepentant criminals have there place in the grand scheme of things. "Everything Jehovah has made for his purpose," says the Bible, "yes, even the wicked one for the evil day." (Proverbs 16:4) Put simply, Michael made an "inescapable choice" to deal with criminals as he carried out his globe-encompassing record-setting benevolent work. Yes, he ‘danced with the Devil,' as it were. In this, it has been said that he imitated the Lord Jesus Christ, who himself dialogued with the Devil several times before opting to abruptly terminate the discussion. (Matt 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13) Why did Jesus engage in the verbal exchange? Perhaps to demonstrate his allegiance to God under these extenuating circumstances and to show others how to overcome tests that we all inevitably encounter. Just as the Devil used human agencies to kill Jesus, did he use criminal organizations to kill Michael? Many think so. God knows for sure, and sooner or later the whole truth will reveal itself. Meanwhile, we can be sure that Jesus' motivations in dealing with the Devil were for the good of all, just as are the motivations of Rebbie Jackson, et al.

                                Jacksons Jam for Haitian Nation: "For the first time since the death of megastar Michael Jackson, family members of the King of Pop, led by older sister Rebbie Jackson, will perform a full-fledged concert which will include a very special nod to the late Thriller singer," states an official press release from the family. "‘A Nod To Greatness: Motown and Michael Jackson,' [is] a very special concert to benefit Haiti Earthquake relief efforts and scholarships at Lackawanna College." Rebbie Jackson states: "As everyone knows, my family and I have had a difficult year, but I'm looking forward to getting on stage in Scranton and giving the audience a great show. There is going to be some surprises, so be there."

                                "Ms. Jackson, who has already donated money for Haiti earthquake relief, said seeing the images from Haiti and knowing the suffering of the people has really had an impact on her. She said she looks forward to doing even more for those who have been less fortunate than she. Ms. Jackson said she and her family choose Scranton for the first Jackson concert since Michael's passing because ‘I'm a low key person and when you do something so special, it's often best not to make too much of it.'" Tickets for the show went on sale this past Monday, Feb. 15, 2010, and will be available at; and by calling (570) 955-1455. The concert will be held at The Mellow Theater, 501 Vine Street, Scranton, PA. 7 p.m. Saturday, April 24, 2010." Michael, I am sure, would be proud. Amen.


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