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  • Michael Jackson & Mysticism

    Did the King of Pop practice magic?

    By Dr. Firpo Carr

    Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper

    February 25 , 2010 - March 3, 2010
    Day 245, Week 35, Article 34

    With over 110 million copies sold Michael Jackson's Thriller (1982) is by far history's all time best-selling album. Oddly, though, with sales soaring through the stratosphere, he was concerned that as one of Jehovah's Witnesses he may be giving the wrong impression; an impression that he was into the occult. In the May 22, 1984, issue of Awake! magazine (produced by the Witnesses) Michael wrote the following disclaimer at the beginning of the Thriller video: "Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult." He thereafter blocked further distribution of the film and halted associated merchandizing. Regarding Thriller he proclaimed: "I'll never do a video like that again!"

    Well, this was true--for about ten years. Shortly after the release of Thriller a conflicted Michael Jackson officially distanced himself from the Witnesses while still embracing their Bible-based teachings. A spiritually shaken, emotionally scarred, and somewhat testy King of Pop now had the liberty to make another scary short film he called Ghost (1995); originally called--appropriately--Is This Scary? (1993). What's really scary is that there are reports afloat that his own "ghost" is now showing at Neverland. Also frightening is that his long-time stylist, Karen Faye, and ex-wife, Lisa Marie, have allegedly contact him by way of a séance, a situation whereby demons act as ventriloquists as they speak through human agents.

    Speaking of séances, several months ago (on August 25, 2009, two months to the day after Michael died) the popular Hollywood entertainment news and gossip television show E! contacted me about attempting to Moonwalk my way into the afterworld to shake hands with the Gloved One. It was supposed to happen through the séance-medium thing. Of course, there wasn't a ghost of a chance of me doing that--not a chance in, well, hades. This entire notion of a séance reminded me of the case where a certain king tried to reached beyond the grave in an attempt to communicate with a faithful prophet of God that had died. It's a compelling story.

    Soiled Saul: There was a young man named Saul who was born into a rich family. To top it off, he was the tallest most handsome man in all Israel. (1 Sam 9:1, 2) Because of his humility and other outstanding qualities God instructed his faithful prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as Israel's first king. Samuel did just so. (1 Sam 9:18-10:1, 17-25; 11:14, 15; 15:1) In time, though, a very troubled King Saul, who was to be replaced by a young David of Bethlehem, became unfaithful to God and fell into divine disfavor. (1 Sam 13:1-14; 15:2-35; 16:1-23) For instance, during the time Samuel was alive Saul rightfully "removed the spirit mediums and the professional foretellers of events from the land." (1 Sam 28:3, New World Translation. Worthy of note is the fact that a footnote for the expression "spirit medium" in this text reads: "Human agents used as a vessel for a demon of divination. [In the Greek text], ‘ventriloquists'; [Latin] ma′gos [from which we get the English word "magic"], ‘astrologers.' See Ac 16:16.") These things are objectionable to Almighty God. (1 Sam 28:3b; Ex 22:18; Lev 19:31; 20:6, 27; Deut 18:11; Rev. 21:8) Still, the king continued to harbor a fascination with things otherworldly.

    After the elderly Samuel died (1 Sam 8:1; 25:1), Saul ceased suppressing his fascination with the occult--specifically "divination" and "uncanny power." (1 Sam 15:22, 23, NWT) Consequently, Jehovah refused to answer the prayers of a frightened Saul, eschewing any of the customary ways He answered petitions at that time. (1 Sam 28:5, 6) Undeterred--and true to his reckless character--Saul seemingly circumvents the system by seeking the scary services of a sinister sister. Who might she be?

    Witchy Woman: Prior to the release of Thriller, the American rock group known as the Eagles had the distinction of releasing the world's greatest album. The album, entitled, Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975), was released in 1976 and contains the 1972 megahit, Witchy Woman (side one, song two). While probably not the same lady King Saul contacted, the Eagles' witchy woman is doubtlessly of the same ilk. With Samuel dead and God ignoring Saul's prayers, the king issued the following order to his men: "Seek for me a woman who is a mistress of spirit mediumship, and I will go to her and consult her." (1 Sam 28:7a) This order was consistent with his proclivity to consult the occult. "Look! There is a woman who is a mistress of spirit mediumship in En-dor," he was told. (1 Sam 28:7b) Instead of going to her with much fanfare, the king disguised himself and took a couple of bodyguards with him as he approached her at night.--1 Sam 28:8a.

    Once there, he got straight to the point: "Employ divination, please, for me by spirit mediumship and bring up for me the one whom I shall designate to you." (1 Sam 28:8b) As noted, Samuel had already specifically warned Saul about "divination." (1 Sam 15:23) Yet, undaunted, the king was determined to dabble in demonism. Aware of the God-inspired government ban on demonic practices in the kingdom, the cunning Witch of En-dor repeated the ban to her visitor as a precautionary measure. (1 Sam 28:9) At this time she didn't have a clue that it was King Saul himself making the request. Evoking the divine name, Saul guaranteed: "As Jehovah is alive, guilt for error will not befall you in this matter!" (1 Sam 28:10) Satisfied, the witch asked who was she to "bring up." Saul answered: "Bring up Samuel for me." (1 Sam 28:11) Suddenly, a demon spirit appears, frightening the witch. It simultaneously indicates to her that the mysterious man is King Saul. "Why did you trick me, when you yourself are Saul?" asked the woman.--1 Sam 28:12, 13.

    Curious as to whom it was that the woman saw that frightened her so, Saul asked reassuringly, "What did you see?" Captivated, she answered, "a god." Intrigued, the king anxiously sought a description. "What is his form?" "It is an old man coming up," she replied, "and he has himself covered with a sleeveless coat." The account continues: "At that Saul recognized that it was ‘Samuel.'" (1 Sam 28:14, NWT) The king was content to interact with this counterfeit "Samuel" as the imitating demon gave the semblance of issuing the same authentic divine message as did the real prophet Samuel. (1 Sam 28:15-20) Saul left defeated, a broken man. (1 Sam 28:21-24) But, can we be certain that it wasn't Samuel that appeared then, or Michael that appeared now?

    The Devil & the Dead: Yes, because the dead are in a deep unconscious sleep from which only God through Christ will awaken them. (Eccl. 9:5, 6, 10; Ps. 115:17; 146:4; Isa. 38:18; John 11:11-24; 1 Thess. 4:13-18) And just as Saul tricked the witch, the deceptive Devil tricks humanity, even going so far as to transform himself into a blinding "an angel of light." (2 Cor. 4:4; 11:13-15) The demon imitating Samuel, the latter being an "angel" (Hebrew, "messenger") of the true God, transformed himself into "an angel of light." But how did the demons get the blueprint of Samuel's psyche?

    Demon Database?: Empirically. That's right, by careful observation. As fantastic as it may seem, the Scriptures ostensibly suggest the existence of an otherworldly, multidimensional, supernatural demon database of all humans--with a special file for faithful servants of God--that the malevolent spirits have ready access to. (Acts 19:15) Or, at the very least, these superhuman creatures with their superhuman memories make it a point to remember the physical characteristics and personality traits of all humans that have ever lived. (Compare Heb 6:10) Whatever the case, the demons documented Saul's physical appearance, clothing, nuances, and peculiarities, as well as those of Michael's.

    Even so, highly educated skeptics may allege that the Bible itself is of dubious origin, and that David of Bethlehem, for instance, may not have even existed. As if by divine providence, the Associated Press released an article this past Monday, February 22, 2010, entitled, "Archaeologist sees proof for Bible in ancient wall," wherein evidence has been unearthed that "support the biblical narrative" about "the kingdom of David." Finally, some believe that Michael's insatiable curiosity about life may have lured him across the line into the world of mysticism. Whatever the case, he most assuredly did not appear to anyone after his tragic demise. He would tell you that if he were here himself. Stay tuned for more Michael Jackson news.


    • Ich weiss,dass nervt bestimmt,aber kann das biiittteeeee jemand übersetzen!!


      • Hallo Brigitte,
        Danke für Deine regelmässigen Postings, hier u. in den anderen Threads. Du bleibst ja immer fleissig dran...
        Leider ist mein Englisch schon ziemlich eingerostet und ich bekomme nur die grobe Substanz aus den vielen Orginallinkbeiträgen mit (Aber auch ein kleiner Motivationsschub mich mit der Sprache wieder mehr auseinanderzusetzen).
        Zum Dr.Carr Thread würde ich gerne von Dir wissen, ob und welche Motivation Du bei Carr vermutest?
        Du kennst seine Texte inhaltlich (bei mir leider eher lückenhaft) und - ich glaube - auf der L.A.Sentinel hatte Dr.Susan Etok ihn im letzten Jahr (ca. Herbst?) über einige kurze Kommentarbeiträge öffentlich etwas diskreditiert (und u.a. behauptet, dass er seit Jahren nicht mehr in engen Kontakt zur Jackson Familie steht...(Vllt habe ich es aber nur fehlerhaft übersetzt...)
        Nun der jetztige Beitrag - wie all die anderen zuvor - dienen natürlich auch zur "ZJ"-Missionierung. Und MJ war früher schon "heissbegehrt" (sh. Gerücht LMP/Sciencetology oder in zurückliegenden Zeiten nicht wenige Muslimgläubige, Fans? die MJ als bekehrten Muslime vereinnahmen/sehen wollten usf.).
        Etwas zum aktuellen Beitrag (bisher nur überflogen wg. Übersetzungsproblmatik).
        "Angeblich" hatte MJ Bücher mit entsprechenden Inhalten in seiner Bibliothek. By the way. Sagt dies jedoch noch nichts über eine Verwendung aus. (P.S. Brandon schilderte ein gemeinsames Experiment ..).
        Und vllt ist/scheint einiges nur vordergründig harmlos?.m.E. mit Vorsicht walten bei sogen. Kommunikation mit verstorbenen Gurus/aufgest. Meistern/ vielen (seltsamen) Engelwesen...bedenklich....auch Mantras zwiespältig....) LG


        • hier die neuesten infos vom nachlassgericht.
          nun ist auch allgood entertainment als antragsteller gelistet.
          hat aber lange gedauert....
          für den, der sich wundert, warum das hier steht, gibt es eine einfache erklärung. ich habe es immer hier notiert!
          Case Summary

          Case Number: BP117321

          Filing Date: 06/29/2009
          Case Type: Letters of Administration (General Jurisdiction)
          Status: Judgment by Court-Petition denied 11/17/2009

          Future Hearings

          03/11/2010 at 08:30 am in department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

          03/30/2010 at 08:30 am in department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

          04/13/2010 at 08:30 am in department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

          05/26/2010 at 01:30 pm in department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

          06/21/2010 at 08:30 am in department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

          06/21/2010 at 08:30 am in department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

          09/22/2010 at 10:00 am in department 5 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

          Documents Filed | Proceeding Information


          Click on any of the below link(s) to see names that begin with the letter indicated:
          A - C D - J K - P R - U V - Y

          A4V DIGITAL INC. - Claimant

          ABRAMS MICHAEL L. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          ADU NONA - AKA

          AEG LIVE LLC - Petitioner

          ALEXANDER VAN - Claimant

          ALLGOOD CONCERTS LLC - Petitioner

          ALLGOOD ENTERTAINMENT INC. - Petitioner

          ARNOLD & PORTER LLP - Claimant

          ATKINS GRAHAM - Claimant


          AYSCOUGH & MARAR - Claimant

          BENNETT ROBERT E. ATTORNEY AT LAW - Attorney for Claimant

          BONDER TODD W. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          BONE WILLIAM - Claimant

          BRANCA JOHN - Petitioner


          BUA JOSEPH D. SR. - Probate Referee

          BUIE CHARLENE - Objector

          BUXER BRADLEY - Petitioner

          CANNON & COMPANY CPAS LLP - Claimant

          CHARNLEY RICHARD L. - Attorney for Claimant

          COHEN JERYLL S. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner



          CROWE HORWATH LLP - Petitioner

          Click on any of the below link(s) to see names that begin with the letter indicated:
          TOP A - C D - J K - P R - U V - Y


          FEINSWOG KENNETH A. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          FELDMAN MILES J. - Attorney for Claimant

          GRIM LERUE - Attorney for Petitioner

          GROSS ELISHA - Claimant

          GROTKE JEFF ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          HANSELL DEAN ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          HARRIS-SCOTT HELEN M. - Claimant

          HOFFMAN PAUL GORDON ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          HORNBERGER NICHOLAS W. ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          IGLESIAS ANER - Claimant

          IN PRO PER - Attorney for Petitioner

          IRDE AVINASH BRUNO - Petitioner

          JACKSON BILLIE JEAN - Petitioner

          JACKSON JOSEPH WALTER - Petitioner

          JACKSON KATHERINE ESTHER - Petitioner


          JACKSON MICHAEL JOSEPH - Subject Person




          JOHNSON CRAIG A. - Petitioner

          JOHNSON DANIEL ALBERT - Attorney for Claimant

          JORRIE KATHY A. - Attorney for Petitioner

          Click on any of the below link(s) to see names that begin with the letter indicated:
          TOP A - C D - J K - P R - U V - Y

          KAI CHASE INCORPORATED - Petitioner

          KLEIN ARNOLD W. M.D. - Claimant


          LAINER SIDNEY ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          LANDIS JOHN - Claimant

          LAPOINTE RICHARD - Claimant

          LEVITCH BURT ATTORNEY AT LAW - Former Attorney for Pltf/Petn

          LEVITSKY PRODUCTIONS INC. - Claimant

          LODISE MARGARET G. ESQ. - PVP Attorney

          MALINGAGIO PAUL S. ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          MAREQUE JOSE TADEO - Petitioner

          MAYER & M&J INC. DBA VIDEO & AUDIO CNTR - Claimant

          MCCLAIN JOHN - Petitioner


          MILLER-GINSBURG CATHY S. ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          MILLET PATRICIA A. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          MUNDELL THOMAS C. ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          NEWT RONNIE L. - Petitioner

          OXMAN BRIAN - Attorney for Petitioner

          PARRISH LYNDA L. - Claimant

          Click on any of the below link(s) to see names that begin with the letter indicated:
          TOP A - C D - J K - P R - U V - Y

          RANJACK GROUP INC. - Claimant

          RAY OLA - Claimant

          REIMANN NANCY B. ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          RESEARCH VIDEO INC. - Claimant

          RONAY PETER E. LAW OFFICE OF - Attorney for Petitioner

          SCHREIBER JOHN E. - Attorney for Petitioner

          SEGAL LAWRENCE ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          SHEINBERG JONATHAN - Petitioner

          SHERIDAN LYNDA - Claimant

          SIGNAL HILL CAPITAL GROUP LLC - Petitioner

          SMITH LAVELLE JR. - Claimant

          SMITH SHELLIE D. - Petitioner

          STABLER & ASSOCIATES INC. - Claimant

          STINKYFILMS INC. - Claimant

          STREISAND ADAM F. LAW OFFICES OF - Attorney for Petitioner

          SUNSHINE RANDALL J. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner

          SUPERIOR COURT - Court

          THE MACHINE MANAGEMENT LLC - Petitioner

          TOHME TOHME R. DR. - Claimant


          Click on any of the below link(s) to see names that begin with the letter indicated:
          TOP A - C D - J K - P R - U V - Y

          VALLEJO JOSE FREDDIE - Petitioner

          WANDER PERRY C. ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          WEITZMAN HOWARD ESQ - Attorney for Petitioner

          WHATTOFF RANDALL C. - Attorney for Petitioner


          WOLF KENNETH S. ATTORNEY AT LAW - Attorney for Petitioner

          YU SUSAN C. ESQ. - Attorney for Claimant

          Click on any of the below link(s) to see names that begin with the letter indicated:
          TOP A - C D - J K - P R - U V - Y

          Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information

          Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)

          Click on any of the below link(s) to see documents filed on or before the date indicated:
          01/14/2010 11/16/2009 10/02/2009 08/18/2009 07/16/2009

          02/23/2020 Creditor's Claim ($70,000.00 )
          Filed by Claimant

          02/25/2010 Notice-Hearing (Probate)
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/22/2010 Creditor's Claim (CONSULTANT, THE MICHAEL JACKSON CO , LLC $180,000.00 )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          02/22/2010 Creditor's Claim ($3,178.83 )
          Filed by Claimant

          02/19/2010 Creditor's Claim (CONSULTANT FOR THE MICHAEL JACKSON COMPANY, LLC $42,000.00 )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          02/19/2010 Notice-Proposed Action (Probate)
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          02/19/2010 Creditor's Claim (NONA PARIS LOLA ANKHESENAMUN JACKSON $0 )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          02/19/2010 Creditor's Claim (ARNOLD W. KLEIN, M.D. $0 )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/19/2010 Creditor's Claim (ALLGOOD ENTERTAINMENT, INC. AND ALLGOOD CONCERTS, LLC $300,000.00 )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          02/18/2010 Creditor's Claim (KLEINBERG LOPEZ LANGE CUDDY AND KLEIN, LLP $628,713.00 )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/18/2010 Creditor's Claim (CROWE HORWATH LLP $38,495.00 )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          02/18/2010 Creditor's Claim (KAI CHASE INCORPORATED $8,000.00 )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/16/2010 Creditor's Claim ($60,000.00 )
          Filed by Attorney for Claimant

          02/09/2010 Creditor's Claim (AMT CLAIM $47,839.73 BY BRADLEY BUXER )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/08/2010 Creditor's Claim (AMT $8,300.00; AVINASH BRUNO IRDE )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          02/05/2010 Request for Judicial Notice
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/05/2010 Notice-Request For Special
          Filed by Attorney for Claimant

          02/04/2010 Reply/Response
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/04/2010 Objection Document (THE ESTATE'S EVIDENTIARY OBJECTION TO AND ETC. )
          Filed by Petitioner

          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/02/2010 Creditor's Claim (AMENDED; AMT CLM $3,300,000.00 BY JOSE FREDDIE VALLEJOS )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          02/01/2010 Notice-Hearing (Probate)
          Filed by Attorney for Administrator

          02/01/2010 Proof of Service
          Filed by Attorney for Administrator

          01/29/2010 Opposition Document (MR. JACKSON'S OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO QUASH )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/29/2010 Notice of Change of Address
          Filed by Attorney for Claimant

          01/29/2010 Proof of Service (PROOF OF SERVICE OF OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO QUASH )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/29/2010 Response (MR. JACKSON'S RESPONSE TO SEPARATE STATEMENT )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/29/2010 Miscellaneous-Other (COPIES OF OUT-OF-STATE AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO RULE 3.1113 OF THE CA RULES OF COURT )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/26/2010 Creditor's Claim (AMT $3,000.00 BY UNIVERSAL MUSIC PUBLISHING GROUP )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          01/25/2010 Creditor's Claim ($212,000.00 )
          Filed by Claimant

          01/22/2010 Probate-Other

          01/22/2010 Creditor's Claim ($285,000.00 BY JONATHAN SHEINBERG )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          01/22/2010 ExParte Application & Order
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/22/2010 Creditor's Claim ($285,000.00 BY THE MACHINE MANAGEMENT, LLC )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          01/22/2010 Creditor's Claim (AMT $374,403.24 BY CRAIG A JOHNSON )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          01/21/2010 Creditor's Claim ($275,446.08 )
          Filed by Attorney for Claimant

          01/21/2010 Objection Document
          Filed by Attorney for Objector

          01/19/2010 Creditor's Claim (AMT $4,722.01 BY JOSE TADEO MAREQUE )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          Click on any of the below link(s) to see documents filed on or before the date indicated:
          TOP 01/14/2010 11/16/2009 10/02/2009 08/18/2009 07/16/2009

          01/14/2010 Ltr-Special Administration-IAEA (EXTENDED until further court order )
          Filed by Special Administrator

          01/14/2010 MOTION - QUASH

          Filed by Petitioner

          01/13/2010 Creditor's Claim ($0 or $2,002,000.00 TBD )
          Filed by Claimant

          01/13/2010 Spousal Property

          01/13/2010 Creditor's Claim ($55,032.16 )
          Filed by Claimant

          01/12/2010 MOTION - SEAL COURT RECORDS

          01/11/2010 Stipulation and Order
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/06/2010 Creditor's Claim (AMT $3,300,000.00 BY JOSE FREDDIE VALLEJO )
          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/04/2010 Order-Court Fee Waiver
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

          01/04/2010 Request
          Filed by Real Party in Interest

          Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

          01/04/2010 Order - Other (ORDER ON MEDIA REQUEST TO PERMIT COVERAGE - DENIED )
          Filed by Real Party in Interest

          12/30/2009 Spousal Property

          12/30/2009 Creditor's Claim (AMT $328,299.03 BY SIGNAL HILL CAPITAL GROUP LLC )
          Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per


          • dear dr. carr,
            I'm terribly sorry, but no one takes knowledge of their contributions.
            why is that?
            Perhaps they should not always so puzzling to write, but
            even talk plain text. what does it look?
            We would be very happy about a article, which we also
            immediately understand.
            I hope they understand what I mean.

            liebe grüße


            • [url] [/ url]

              Earthbound Moonwalker?

              The Spirit of Earth Song

              By Dr. Firpo Carr

              Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper

              March 4 - 10, 2010
              Day 252, Week 36, Article 35

              Earth-shaking events have caused horrors in Haiti and a chill in Chile. Of the last days Jesus declared: "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another." Curiously, these words are found at Matthew 24:7. And what the apostle Matthew wrote has people in fear 24 hours a day 7 days a week that theirs will be the next place the earth will quake. If Michael were here, he would yet again become the King of Philanthropy (a combination of two Greek words: philia, meaning love, and anthropos, meaning mankind).

              In the past, the Gloved One repeatedly told others about living forever on a paradise earth (incidentally, just as the Artist Currently Known As Prince--The Purple One--does so today as one of Jehovah's Witnesses). That the earth is going to be transformed into a Global Garden of Eden--with all ecological and environmental concerns being eradicated--put a glimmer in the eyes of both the Moonwalker and the Purple Potentate of Pop. Michael's concern for our beautiful Orb, as well as its animal life, is reflected in his thought-provoking Grammy-nominated tune, Earth Song (1995). But how can this be with the earth bound on shaken ground?

              Physical Earth Forever: God purposed for Adam and Eve to live forever on earth. The perfect couple would die only if they willfully disobeyed God, which they did. (Gen 2:15-17; 3:1-3) The Lord originally intended for them and their meek children to possess and care for the earth. (Gen 1:26-28; Ps 37:10, 11, 29; Matt 5:5) He vowed never to destroy it, and certainly didn't intend for them to do so either. (Ps 104:5; Prov 2:21, 22; Eccl 1:4; Isa 45:18; Matt 6:10) "If this is true," some may ask, "why did he speak of creating a new heaven and earth?"

              "Earth" Means "People": According to the Bible the "earth" (meaning people) spoke one language, and some of the divided "earth" (Gen 10:25) were bad. (Gen 11:1-9; see also Gen 10:8-10) Just as the wicked "earth" of Noah's day was destroyed, so will be the wicked "earth" of our day. (2 Pet 2:5, 9; 3:5-7) The righteous new governmental "heavens" ruling over the good "earth" will replace the old corrupted ones. (Isa 66:17; Rev 21:1; 2 Pet 3:13) Indeed, the wicked "earth" will be all washed up.

              Symbolic "Seas": The wicked are also compared to turbulent waters. "‘But the wicked are like the sea that is being tossed, when it is unable to calm down, the waters of which keep tossing up seaweed and mire. There is no peace,' my God has said, ‘for the wicked ones.'" (Isa 57:20-21; Rev 21:1) Now compare this with what a university textbook says about the ungovernable wicked: "There is a global trend toward ungovernability, that is, the declining ability of governments to govern, manage a modern state, and provide adequate or effective services."

              Jesus in the Jungle?: In spirit, Jesus promised to be in the future paradise earth. As he was being illegally and mercilessly executed he told the evildoer next to him, ‘truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.' (Luke 23:43) Some lovers of the Bible are confused by these words. They think the evildoer went to heaven with Jesus that day after they both died. But, is that really what happened?

              The March 1, 1991, issue of The Watchtower, a religious journal that Michael enjoyed reading, and that his children are growing to appreciate, says this about what Jesus meant when he spoke with the evildoer: "Professor Wilhelm Michaelis renders the verse: ‘Truly, already today I give you the assurance: (one day) you will be together with me in paradise.' This rendering is much more logical than that of The New English Bible. The dying criminal could not have gone with Jesus to Paradise that same day. Jesus was not resurrected until the third day after his death. In the meantime he was in Hades, mankind's common grave.--Acts 2:27, 31; 10:39, 40."

              Surely, the Bible speaks of a glorious paradise earth, complete with plush jungles, towering snow-capped mountains, cascading waterfalls, rolling green hills, and other unimaginably breath-taking scenes. The question Michael asks is, Will You Be There?


              • [url] [/ url]
                A Judas in the Jackson Camp?

                Some say the nanny's uncanny

                By Dr. Firpo Carr

                Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper

                March 11 - 17, 2010
                Day 259, Week 37, Article 36

                It has been said that great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; and small mind discuss people. Risking being accused of having a mini-mind I shall resist casting aspersions on anyone's character here. Nonetheless, Michael Joseph Jackson and his family have been bitterly disappointed when longtime trusted insiders and transient security guards sold false, misleading, or exaggerated stories to the plethora of supermarket tabloids in the universe. And a few years ago, seemingly due to extenuating circumstances, even one of Michael's own siblings publicly slapped the face of the Gloved One. More recently, Grace Rwaramba, the nanny for Michael's children, has come under scrutiny as the latest in a parade of Judases.

                Biblical Backstabbers: Judas Iscariot is infamous for having betrayed Jesus. Yes, this one-time faithful apostle "turned traitor." (Luke 6:16; Matt 10:4; John 6:66-71) But there's another lesser-known traitor mentioned in the Bible. The Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures reveal the following about a former trusted counselor of King David: "As David's personal adviser, Ahithophel's sagacious counsel was esteemed as if it were the direct word of Jehovah. (2Sa 16:23) Later this once-close companion treacherously turned traitor and joined David's son Absalom in a coup against the king." Michael Jackson, too, would later have problems with trusted ones turning traitor. But can this Black male be blackmailed even after his death?

                Stun-Gun "Fun"?: A shocking situation supposedly developed at the Jackson estate in Encino, California, that leaked out to a television tabloid show and reportedly to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). The rumor was Michael's youngest son Blanket was tasered by his cousin with a stun-gun. X17 Online quotes Randy Jackson, Michael's youngest brother, as addressing the gossip thusly: "The story is false. I spoke to my children who were present at the time. The stun gun arrived 2-3 weeks ago and was retrieved immediately by security at our family home. The children never played with it and Blanket was nowhere near the vicinity. Since our security handled the situation appropriately and the children were safe there was nothing for the Department of Child Protective Services to confiscate. The lies are outrageous and horrific. Enough is enough."

                The website also reports that Katherine Jackson's attorney Adam Streisand wrote: "Two weeks ago, Jermaine Jackson's 13-year-old son, Jafar, who lives with his mother Alejandra at the home of Mrs. Katherine Jackson, received a package with a taser he ordered online. Jafar opened the package alone in his bathroom and tested it on a piece of paper. Mrs. Jackson and security heard the sound coming from the second floor of the house. Immediately, security went upstairs and confiscated the taser. Mrs. Jackson took control over it and then had it removed from the house. There was no other incident. Blanket Jackson never saw or hear[d] the taser. Neither did Paris Jackson. Prince saw the taser in the possession of security. There is no second taser." But how did certain outside parties catch wind of the electrifying story?

                The Face of "Dissed" Grace?: As I told Time magazine, the Grace Rwaramba I knew and studied the Bible with when she visited my home was an upstanding person. Some charge that Grace changed. They claim that after Michael terminated her for the fifth time, a very distraught Grace flew to Europe. While there, she gave an exclusive interview to the source that financed her trip. In the recorded interview, she is alleged to have said damning things about the Jacksons. X17 Online continues: "Our Jackson family source tells us that ‘Grace is trying to get custody of Michael's kids while trying to paint Katherine as an unfit guardian. She's throwing it in Katherine's face! The children absolutely despise Grace.'" Not surprisingly, sources aver, the family suspects her of having leaked the "bogus" stun-gun story.

                Is It a Sin to Spin?: To be fair, Grace's side hasn't surfaced, and misleading partial truths can be both disconcerting and damaging. For example, recently I co-authored an article in African American Religious Cultures (2009) on Jehovah's Witnesses. Regrettably, I was not given the opportunity to review the final draft with its several wrong conclusions, thereby leaving readers with unsettling misimpressions. Happily, this was not the case with the article I wrote, "Michael Jackson Motivated," for the scholarly Journal of Pan African Studies. (March, 2010) So what's next in the continuing drama of the Michael Jackson saga? Stay tuned!

                Click here to find out how to obtain archival articles on Michael Jackson.


                • Hallo ihr Lieben,

                  ich wollte euch nur alle wissen lassen, dass die Artikel von 2. Juli 2009 bis 7. Januar 2010 von Firpo Carr jetzt auch zum download zur Verfügung stehen , da die Nachfrage so groß war. Kostet allerdings was...

                  Liebe Grüße Lisa


                  • [url] [/ url]
                    The Way You Make Me...Heal?

                    The girl in the video makes good

                    By Dr. Firpo Carr

                    Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper

                    March 18 - 24, 2010
                    Day 266, Week 38, Article 37

                    What do Naomi Campbell, Cheryl Crow, Iman, Lisa Marie Presley, and Britney Spears all have in common? They all came in the wake of Tatiana Yvonne (then known as Tatiana Thumbtzen) as love interests who played opposite the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Tatiana starred with Michael in his "coming of age" mega-hit film short, The Way You Make Me Feel (1988). In it, the Gloved One couldn't wait to get his hands on her. Even though superstars and supermodels would come later, none of Michael's videos or performances, made with the above stellar cast, outpaced the Billboard #1 hit, The Way You Make Me Feel.

                    But on September 3, 2009, the night that Michael Joseph Jackson was finally laid to rest, Tatiana Yvonne was made to feel anything but happy. However, little did she know that a hurt feeling then would turn into a productive healing now. But before we entertain this transition, Tatiana succinctly tells of the tragedy and trauma of that sobering, memorable night.

                    In Encino: "After inquiring about the possibility of paying my respects," states Tatiana, "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson invited me to the funeral, and family friend Majestik was sent to pick me up. Fond memories stirred my emotions as we approached the house. It had been two decades! Unexpectedly, I lost it at the gate. It hurt so much. Majestik, said: ‘C'mon T, pull it together.' We went inside. I didn't see Katherine, who was upstairs, until the service. But Joe hugged me, after which family and friends sat together. There was an uncomfortable silence, which prompted Joe to say, ‘It's too quiet in here!' He then handed me the TV remote. ‘Oh, you handed it to the wrong person,' I confessed. ‘I don't know how to work these things!' Everybody laughed. Suddenly, the phone rang. Joe answered, turned to Majestik, and said: ‘You have to go and do that Larry King piece.' ‘Let's go,' Majestik ordered me. ‘You're coming with us.'"

                    At CNN: Indeed, Tatiana was among the Jackson entourage I encountered at CNN's Los Angeles' bureau on Sunset in Hollywood. As I came off the Jane Velez-Mitchell show, I ran into Rev. Al Sharpton, the stunning actress Lisa Raye McCoy, and the Reverend's entourage. Right after, I saw a teary-eyed, traumatized Tatiana. Although I didn't recognize her at first, my heart truly went out to the petite-sized woman. Angel Howansky, Joe Jackson's publicist, introduced us. Tatiana had a faraway look in her very sad eyes. I didn't think our introduction registered. Surprisingly, it did.

                    Memorial Service: Tatiana continues: "I was overwhelmed by a flood of thoughts that ran through my mind as I sat at the service. At the same time, I was in a complete haze. It was heart-wrenching." Her tremendous sadness was supplemented by the thought that, reportedly, Cory Feldman, Alphonso Riveiro, Margaret Maldonado (the mother of two of Jermaine's sons), Rebbie Jackson, Michael's bodyguards, and Mrs. Katherine Jackson herself, all said that the Gloved One was especially fond of Tatiana; talked about her regularly; and considered marrying her--even to the day he died. "Mrs. Jackson told me," said Tatiana, "‘I know my son loved you. He had feelings for you. He told me this one morning.'"

                    Repast at the Restaurant: A pensive Tatiana said further: "I was also invited and went to the repast at a restaurant in Pasadena. It seemed that everyone was there. But my heart was still aching for Michael. I couldn't really enjoy myself. Not for one moment."

                    Back to Encino: A select few were invited back to the Encino compound, and, not surprisingly, Tatiana was among them. "I felt so sorry for Mrs. Jackson. Even though she tried to be strong for everyone, she was completely distraught." As an artist, Tatiana thanked Michael's parents by presenting a framed drawing of him, which they appreciatively placed in the Michael Jackson/Jackson 5 museum. Unexpectedly, she discovered doing for others was therapeutic.

                    Hope for Haiti: "Seeing a young Haitian boy emerge from the rubble with a broad smile inspired me to do something for the people of Haiti," says Tatiana. "So I came up with a montage painting entitled ‘Hope for Haiti.' When this and other items are purchased at or, 40% of the proceeds go to the Help for Haiti fund. I invite everyone to purchase something and help me help Haiti."

                    Tatiana in Text?: In doing this Tatiana is imitating the spirit shown by a Christian woman in the Biblical text named Dorcas, who abounded in "good deeds and gifts of mercy," including making clothes for certain ones in need. (Acts 9:36, 39; 1 Tim 5:18) Stay tuned for more on the Michael Jackson-Tatiana Yvonne Connection as we explore the chronicles of the King of Pop, and anxiously await justice to be dispensed.

                    Click here to see "The Way You Make Me Feel" video with Michael Jackson & Tatiana Yvonne.


                    • Also irgendwie versteh ich das Google Kauderwelch gerade wieder nicht. Was steht da genau? Michael hat Tatjana geliebt und zwar bis zum Schluss? Es ist ja nun 20 Jahre her...!!?? Hat den Sinn des Textes jemand besser verstanden?


                      • Man könnte es so interpredieren, alle Videoclips die nach The Way you make me feel kamen, (Iman= Remember the Time)Naomi Chambell, Lisa Maria) waren nichts im Vergleich zu eben diesem einen Video mit Tatjana.Vllt. das Erfolgreichste!
                        Michael sagte Katherine dass er Tatjana geliebt habe an einem Morgen( kann jeder x beliebige Morgen gewesen sein), muß nicht heißen bis an sein Lebensende.

                        Und dass sie unter Bezug auf die Bibel jetzt für Haiti eintrete.
                        So verstehe ich das.


                        • ich möchte den gedankengang hier nicht stören, aber ich möchte den
                          artikel von carr vom 12.11.-18.11.2009 noch einmal hervorholen.
                          hier spricht er speziell branca an und der letzte abschnitt gibt mir nun
                          doch zu denken, ganz speziell was die neuen verhandlungen von branca mit sony angeht.
                          Ist das Testament von MJ echt?
                          Ein erschöpfter Joe Jackson stellt die Nachlassverwalter an die Wand.

                          Papa Joe Jackson klagt, weil er das Testament, das angeblich von seinem berühmten Sohn Michael Jackson geschrieben und verfasst wurde, als ein betrügerisches Dokument erachtet. Was er behauptet ist nicht neu. Und als ich letztens mit ihm darüber sprach, wurde ich auch mehr und mehr davon überzeugt.
                          Zu unserer großen Bestürzung entschied Richter Mitchell Beckloff des Kammergerichts gegen den Jackson Patriarchen.
                          Die allgemeine Presse berichtet dazu: „Michael Jackson’s Vater steht es nicht zu, Kapital seines Sohnes zu beerben, er darf die Anordnungen der Nachlassverwalter nicht anfechten, wie ein Richter vergangenen Dienstag entschied.“
                          Richter Mitchell Beckloff teilte mit, dass Joe Jackson im Testament nicht aufgeführt ist, aber er darf einen Antrag an die Familie stellen, um von dort aus eine Erlaubnis zu bekommen, (am Erbe) teilzuhaben.

                          Verwirrenderweise deuten sowohl der Richter wie auch die Medien an, dass es Joseph Jackson nur um’s Geld geht. Aber nichts könnte abwegiger sein. Joseph Jackson will nur Gerechtigkeit für seinen Sohn und Dank des Los Angeles Sentinel (Anmerkung: sentinel = Wachposten/Wächter, das Magazin, für das Dr. Carr schreibt) kann seine Seite der Geschichte erzählt werden.
                          Hier seht ihr die Gerichtsakte, die Mr. Jackson mir gleichzeitig hat zukommen lassen:

                          (mehr sinngemäß als hyperkorrekt übersetzt da Juristensprache)

                          „Antragsteller, Joseph Jackson unterbreitet John Branca und John McClain als Nachlassverwalter und Vollstrecker des Grundbesitzes von Michael Jackson den folgenden Einspruch.

                          „Michael jackson hat Branca als Anwalt am 03.02.03 abberufen. Michael Jackson hat John Branca als seinen Anwalt durch eine schriftliche Kündigung am 03. Februar 2003 abberufen (Beweisstück A). Michael Jackson hat Branda schriftlich aufgefordert alle Aufgaben, die er in Michael Jackson’s persönlichen und beruflichen Leben inne hatte, abzugeben. Branca ist dieser Aufforderung, als Vollstreckungsauftragter zurückzutreten, immer noch nicht nachgekommen.“

                          „Am 3. Februar 2003 hat Michael Jackson Branca aufgefordert, seinen neuen Anwälten alle Aufzeichungen, Akten und Papiere, die sein persönliches und berufliches Leben betreffen, zu übergeben. Während Branca andere Akten übergab, weigerte er sich heimlich den Inhalt des Testaments vom 07.Juli 2002 und die Treuhänderschaft vom März 2002 zu übergeben. Dies bedeutet einen Missbrauch der Treuhänderschaft, zumal er das Testament zurückhielt und es ablehnte, als Nachlassverwalter zurückzutreten. So verblieb er trotz mehrer Aufforderung durch Michael Jackson in den vergangenen Jahren. Branca’s Vorgehen ist unmoralischer Missbrauch, der vom Gericht nicht zugelassen werden darf.“

                          „Michael Jackson hat John Branca wegen Unterschlagung gekündigt. Im Jahr 2003 hat Michael Jackson Untersuchungen durchgeführt bezüglich der veruntreuenden Aktivitäten (bezüglich Geld) seitens Branca.

                          Die Ermittler, eine Firma namens Interfor aus New York, berichteten im Februar, März und mit einem finalen Bericht vom 15.April 2003, dass eine ungebührliche (Geschäfts-)Beziehung zwischen Tommy Mattola und John Branca bestand, in der Branca und Matolla auf illegalem Wege Geld von Michael Jackson auf ein ausländisches Konto in der Karibik transferierten (Beweisstück B).
                          Der Bericht der Interfor verärgerte Michael Jackson sehr und daraufhin verlangte er, dass Branca mit seinem Geschäft, seiner Familie und seinem Privatleben nie wieder etwas zutun haben möge.
                          Michael Jackson hat John Branca gekündigt, weil er glaubte, dass Branca sich kriminell ihm gegenüber verhalten habe. Branca hat hierdrauf nie reagiert, hat sich nie in die Bücher schauen lassen noch in seine Aufzeichnungen bezüglich Michael Jackson.“

                          (ja es ist recht frei übersetzt, aber ich denke, es gibt wieder worum es geht, lest halt auch den englischen Text, der ist so verdreht)

                          „Ob es nun wahr oder falsch ist, dass Branca Geld von Michael Jackson unterschlagen hat -- es war Michael Jackson’s bestimmte Annahme, dass es so war und auf dieser Basis hatte er die Kündigung ausgesprochen und Branca ist dem nie nachgekommen.
                          Also besteht ein Zerwürfnis zwischen John Branca und dem Anwesen von Michael Jackson, denn es würde eine große Nachlässigkeit jedes Nachlassverwalters darstellen, den Bericht der beauftragten Ermittler zu ignorieren.
                          Branca hat wie auch immer keine Untersuchungen der finnanziellen Vorgänge zwischen ihm und Michael Jackson offengelegt … (stark verkürzt, hier versteh ich nicht alles, denn der Ausdruck „conflict of interest“ hat so viele Bedeutungen)
                          Branca hat willentlich die Gründe seiner Kündigung diesem Gericht vorenthalten, dass nämlich Michael Jackson annahm, dass Branca Geld unterschlagen hat.

                          „Michael Jackson war am 07. Juli 2002 nicht in Los Angeles. Er war in New York City, er war nicht in Los Angeles um um 17:00 Uhr dieses Testament zu unterzeichnen.
                          Branca und MaClain haben dem Gericht die Tatsache vorenthalten, dass Michael Jackson das Testament am 07. Juli 2002 nicht unterzeichnet hat, obwohl sie dies an Eides statt mehrmals behauptet haben.

                          (…) ich kürze es ab, der nächste Absatz wiederholt Selbiges in anderer Wortwahl.

                          Richter Beckloff erkannte dieses ganze Dokument nicht an, trotz seiner zwingenden Wahrhaftigkeit. Er hat es noch nichteinmal in Betracht gezogen, hat ihm keinen zweiten Gedanken gewidmet.


                          • Richter Beckloff erkannte dieses ganze Dokument nicht an, trotz seiner zwingenden Wahrhaftigkeit. Er hat es noch nichteinmal in Betracht gezogen, hat ihm keinen zweiten Gedanken gewidmet.
                            Tja. Und was sagt uns das? -

                            NIX wird untersucht: Zumindest wenn man von diesem Artikel ausgeht.

                            Dass Motolla seine Finger drin hat, haben wir eher gewusst.

                            Apropos "Held": Im Spirit-Thread wird noch drüber diskutiert, ob MJ ein Held wär. Was soll da diskutiert werden?
                            Gibts nicht genug Fotos von der Demo gegen Sony 2002, Videos, wo MJ gegen die Musikindustrie auftritt, einzelne Leute öffentlich zur Verantwortung zieht od. Plakate mit dem "Teufel Mottola" mit 2 Hörnern festhält? Wenn man allein nur das bedenkt, was MJ in der Öffentlichkeit gegen diese Leute ALLEIN bewirkt hat, ist wohl der einzige Rückkehrschluss, dass diese Leute sich gegen MJ zusammengetan haben.

                            Was soll man sich fragen: WARUM hat MJ die Leute in sein Leben reingeLASSEN? Schon wieder muss der King "mit sich alles machen LASSEN", o je, lol.

                            Ich glaube, solche wie Mottola, Branca, Thome & Co brauchen gar nicht zu fragen, ob sie rein dürfen. Das sind Kriminelle, die die Welt noch selten gesehen hat.

                            Die brauchste nicht mal reinLASSEN: Sie platzen selber rein. Und die kannste nicht mal gerichtlich (!) rausschmeißen!
                            Zuletzt geändert von remember; 19.03.2010, 18:02.


                            • conflict of interest bedeutet, daß michael herausgefunden hatte, daß Branca nicht nur seine Intessen vertritt, sondern gleichzeitig für Sony arbeitet . Ich konnte mich erinnern das gelesen zu haben und glaube Joe Jackson. Leider hat der Richter scheinbar seinen Einspruch falsch interprediert und auf finanzielles Interesse zurückgeführt und Branca Glauben geschenkt , der sich natürlich als Fachmann sehr clever aus der Affäre gezogen hat. Ich finde das Ganze sehr vervenaufwühlend und schade ! Ich weiß allerdings nicht, ob diese Angelegenheit nun schon restlos vom Tisch ist.


                              • eigentlich traurig, wenn man bedenkt, wer da alles mit michael hätte stehen müssen.
                                (gegen sony)


                                thread unten
