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Artikel von Dr. Firpo Carr
Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigenDürfen Wiederauferstandene nun heiraten oder nicht???
Dieser Carr ist mir einfach suspekt. Ich kann es nicht leiden, wenn Menschen unablässig in Rätseln sprechen. Wenn ich seine Texte lese, verspüre ich so manches Mal den Wunsch, mich von den "Männern mit den weißen Kitteln" abholen zu lassen. Wenn er der Menschheit etwas mitteilen will, dann soll er Tacheles reden und dann ist gut. Der macht mich fertig, der Typ....echt!
Miners Meditate on Michael's Magazine
While in darkness Chile's miners saw the light!
by Firpo Carr
Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper
October 21 - 27, 2010
Heart-warming news surfaced from the bowels of a mine far beneath Chilean soil that earth gave birth to new life for 33 brave brothers of our troubled humanity. Gracias a Jehová. These miners employed different regimens in an effort to stay alive. But there are still some rather intriguing questions that have yet to be answered. For example, Which one of these regimens was perhaps the most helpful to miners? Did an international magazine that Michael Joseph Jackson loved enter the picture? And how are Michael's and a miner's mothers in the mix?
Letter from the Underworld?: Though there are different versions as to the level of hope--and what exactly sustained miners’ hope--the following letter, neatly printed on company graph paper reportedly by trapped miner Edison Pena on August 30, 2010, addressed to Watchtower leaders to be given to his mother, reads:
"Gentlemen: In what way and with what words can I thank you for the nice gesture to pray for me. How can I thank you for the greatness of your hearts and your intentions, because I know and see what you do with great sacrifice for others; I know it because my mother María Villarroel Casanova is one of you, for many years.
"This gesture only gives lights that you are going for the right way, and towards God; and we all who are lost in the world need your words and your deep commitment to the community to show people with Bible studies, going from house to house, walking as hardworking as I see you, in a selfless work so motivated keep you all. Withstanding the slamming doors of the people who do not want to receive you, withstanding people who just want to argue with you.
"Forever thank you for your prayers that have helped us a lot! I just ask from the depths in which I am, that this little letter of thanks, reaches your highest authorities. ...From the first days of confinement until now, we pray every day. There was no Bible down here. But one of those days, before they found us, a partner found in his bag two magazines, and guess what, they were two Awake magazines from the Jehovah's Witnesses.
"I think that we all read both of them, we took turns, it was as a way to find peace somehow. That was all we had....This really happened, I swear!"
Worldwide Witness: Though there are only about 7.5 million Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, nearly 40 million single edition copies of The Watchtower in 180 languages are printed monthly, and over 38 million copies of Awake! are printed 84 languages. The Witness website boasts 407 languages, with an additional 49 sign languages. Michael told me his mother, Katherine Jackson, taught him to love these magazines, as they fulfilled prophecy.
Prophecy Fulfilled: "People will hear of troubling domestic wars close to home, and international wars far away. See to it that you're not terrified. These things are a prelude to the end, but don't constitute the end itself. There's more to it than this. One ethnic group will be stirred up against another; and one government will be roused against another. There'll be worldwide food shortages and earthquakes everywhere. All these things jump start very distressful times.
"People will cause you all kinds of trouble and will even kill you. And because you're my followers, you'll be targeted by haters from all ethnic groups. Then, also, many will become disillusioned and sorely disappointed. As a result, they'll resort to betraying one another and hating each other.
"While individuals are searching for answers, many false prophets will arise and allure countless people with their deception. And because of increasing criminal activity the world over, natural love that most people have had for their fellowman will dissipate and turn to distrust. But he that has endured until God's government annihilates global systemic wickedness will be saved. This good news about God's government will be preached earth wide, as a testimony to all ethnic groups, and then the worldwide system of things in its present form will end."--Matt 24:1-14, Carr's Christian Bible.
Conclusion: Whether Pena's letter is authentic or not, his fellow trapped miner, Samuel Avalos, 43, is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. He felt as the psalmist did: "If I climb to the sky, you're there! If I go underground, you're there!" (Ps 139:8, Message Bible) Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
also, ich sags mal gleich, ich kann nichts dafür, was der doc. da schreibt.
dreht der jetzt durch? deutsche übersetzung lasse ich mal weg.
Michael Jackson & Marital Sex
Gloom in the bedroom?
by Firpo Carr
.Online Sentinel International
October 28, 2010 - November 3, 2010
Last week, a teary-eyed Lisa Marie Presley, the first wife of Michael Joseph Jackson, revealed her innermost feelings as she reminisced about her late husband on Oprah. King Elvis' daughter even discreetly talked about the couple's sex life. But that he obviously had one argues against the past contemptibly bogus charges of child molestation. In a related story, fans around the world were elated to see his elementary school restore his good name on the auditorium. It was a move long overdue. Interestingly, with regard to marital intimacies, MJ "the Jehovah's Witness" was taught to subscribe to what Witness leadership considered to be taboo sex acts--even those between a husband and wife. Engaging in these illicit acts was punishable by congregation sanctions. What follows may surprise some.
Oral Sex: A History: Historically, all three Abrahamic faiths--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--have condemned oral sex between marriage mates, though contemporary views and more liberal interpretation of Scripture challenge the status quo. For part of the ‘70s, oral sex within the marriage was a disfellowshipping offense as well as grounds for divorce among the Witnesses. But what exactly is oral sex?
One website for teens describes it thusly: "Oral sex is any genital (to the vulva, penis or anus) stimulation (touch) done by a partner's mouth, lips and/or tongue (and often combined with use of the hands). Cunnilingus is the big word for oral sex done upon women, and fellatio, for oral sex upon men. Analingus is a term used to describe oral-anal sex for anyone." As will be shown below, oral sex prohibitions are not restricted to the western religions.
Anal Sex: No Mystery: Unlike oral sex, anal sex (including analingus) remains anathema among the Abrahamic faiths. The act of penile penetration of the anus is specifically condemned throughout Scripture. (Le 18:22; Ro 1:26, 27) Whether it is consensual sex (as is the case at 1 Co 6:9 where the receptive male partner, a malakos [Greek for "soft man"] is mentioned), or nonconsensual sex (as detailed at 1 Tim 1:10 where Paul speaks of "men who forcefully penetrate the anuses of boys and men" [Carr's Christian Bible]), anal penetration is ostensibly condemned in and of itself.
The text at Deuteronomy 23:18, where the footnote in the New World Translation describes "one who practices anal intercourse, especially with a boy," suggests such a conclusion. (For Biblical incidents of places or locations where probable forced sodomy or "male-on-male-rape" had occurred, see Ge 19:1-29 and Jg 19:15-20:48.) Aside from Scriptural censure, there are also medical concerns.
Irrespective of the novelty and orgasmic intensity reportedly experienced by participants there are serious risks associated the practice of anal sex, not the least of which is anal cancer. "Anal cancer is relatively rare," says one source, "accounting for about 1 percent of gastrointestinal malignancies." However, this same source then strikes an ominous tone. "But as many as 4,000 new cases can be diagnosed within a year in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society." Continuing, it notes that "Most cases of anal cancer are related to infection with the human papilloma virus [HPV]. The incidence of the disease has jumped 160% in men and 78% in women in the last thirty years, according to a 2004 American study."
Not surprisingly--at least from a Biblical standpoint--"Receptive anal sex increases the incidence [of anal cancer] sevenfold," according to this study. And insofar as the Sentinel's target audience is concern, it may be particularly disturbing for readers to know that "The sharpest increase was among African American men, whose incidence of anal cancer has more than doubled in the past three decades." Adding insult to injury, "Black men also had a lower survival rate from the disease." All are concerned.
Quandary in the Laundry?: Some argue that neither oral nor anal sex is explicitly defined in Witness literature. Indeed, apparently there's some shyness. JWs published the expressions cunnilingus and fellatio once each when they quoted a physician in The Watchtower July 15, 1974.
Conclusion: "The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibetan Buddhism has said that any sex other than penis-vagina intercourse, including anal sex but also oral sex and masturbation, is ‘sexual misconduct.'" Further, "In an 1997 interview he restated that ‘even with your own wife, using one's mouth or the other hole is sexual misconduct.'" Though this may echo the official Witness posture, Michael's position apparently was, "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
frage mich gerade, ob das wirklich hier stehen soll????Zuletzt geändert von Brigitte 58; 31.10.2010, 21:27.
Ich weiß nicht, was die 14 Jahre nach ihrer Scheidung von Michael und seitdem schon zwei Mal wieder neu verheirate trauernde Witwe da im Ophra-Interview tränenreich Revue hat passieren lassen aus ihrem Sexleben mit Michael.
Und so sehr mich Michaels Leben und seine Psyche interessieren, so desinteressiert bin ich an Michaels sexuelle Praktiken.
Das hier ist kein Geseundheits-Forum und auch kein Sexuelkunde-Forum.
Wenn aber Dr. Carr hier mit erhobenen Zeigefinger über die Gefahren des Anal-Verkehrs schreibt und ausdrücklichdarauf hinweist, dass eine Zunahme von Analkrebs insbesondere bei männlichen Afro-Amerikanern zu verzeichnen ist, dann kann daraus auch abgeleitet werden die drastisch zugenommene Einflussnahme von Religionsgemeinschaften mit ihren rigiden Vorschriften, die bis unter die Bettdecke ihrer Mitglieder reichen.
Ich frage mich: Was haben die da zu suchen? Und dabei ist es egal, ob es ZJ, Dalai Lama oder Benedikt ist.
Diesen rigiden Vorschriften ist auch hinzuzuzählen die Vorschrift, "unberührt", jungfräulich in die Ehe gehen zu müssen.
Und genau dieses Gebot (oder Verbot des außerehelichen Sexes) ist es doch, was die Menschen auf die Suche nach Ersatzmöglichkeiten gehen lässt.
Vor allen Dingen die Frauen müssen jungfräulich in die Ehe gehen (damit der Ehemann weiß, dass er wirklicher (Erst-)Besitzer der Beute ist und keine gebrauchte "Ware" in sein Haus holt.
Wen wunderts da noch, dass die Jungs sich eben dann ihren Spaß untereinander verschaffen.
Und Dr Carr besitzt auch noch den Mut, sich darüber zu empören.....
Zitat von Brigitte 58 Beitrag anzeigendeutsche übersetzung lasse ich mal weg.
Zitat von XydalonaHabe ich etwas verpasst? Wo hat Lisa Marie Presley in ihrem neuen Oprah-Winfrey-Interview etwas über ihr Sexualleben mit Michael erzählt? Diese Frage wurde den beiden 1995 gestellt. Jetzt habe ich nichts darüber gehört oder gelesen, und ich habe mir das Interview selbst ganz angehört. Und im Gegensatz zu dem alten Interview von 2005 mit ihrer Mutter konnte ich Lisa Marie diesmal gut verstehen.
Gibt es etwa Passagen, die nicht veröffentlicht wurden, die aber Firpo Carr kennt? - Verwirrt bin -
Sonst würd das keiner lesen.
Hat sie nicht davon erzählt, wie verliebt und selbstvergessen sie am Anfang ihrer Beziehung waren und erst nach 19 Stunden aus dem Bett kamen, nur um etwas zu essen ?
Täusche ich mich jetzt oder habe ich irgenwo was falsches gelesen ?
Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigenHat sie nicht davon erzählt, wie verliebt und selbstvergessen sie am Anfang ihrer Beziehung waren und erst nach 19 Stunden aus dem Bett kamen, nur um etwas zu essen ?
Täusche ich mich jetzt oder habe ich irgenwo was falsches gelesen ?
Sie hat nichts über ihr Sexualleben mit ihm erzählt.
ups, da ist er schon, der neue carr, diesmal pünktlich.
Michael Jackson & the Godless Generation.
Is Jesus "near at the doors"?
by Firpo Carr
.Online Sentinel International
November 4 - 10, 2010
It would have been a curious sight to juxtapose Prince & the New Power Generation and Michael Jackson & the Godless Generation--if only the latter was in fact a band. But, alas, it is not. Although they don't have bands with similar names in common, both men had something else in common: They preached the good news of God's kingdom to the same generation--albeit at different times. They both had urgency about it since they knew the Bible said Christ was "near at the doors." (Matt 24:33) Notice the Lord's own words on this matter.
False Rumors Regarding Christ's Presence: "So, if any one person excitedly says to you, my disciples, ‘Look! The Christ is here,' or, ‘There he is over there!' don't believe it. Oh, there'll be gifted men that'll rise above the others, but they're still false Christs and false prophets saying and doing things so impressive that, if it were possible, they'd even mislead the chosen ones. Listen! I'm warning you ahead of time. Therefore, if a group of people say to you with enthusiasm, ‘Look! He's in that remote, desolate place,' don't go there; or ‘Look! He's in the sacred inner chambers,' don't fall for it. Because just as lightening comes from the east but shines in the west, the presence of the Son of Man will seem like it's one place but will be in another. [But my disciples will know where I am and gather around me], just as eagles know where the carcass is and gather around it."--Matt 24:23-28, Carr's Christian Bible.
The prevalence of false rumors signals that Christ is "near at the doors." These rumors could come from "any one person," or, "a group of people." (Matt 24:23, 26) The rumors differ from the heralding of self-proclaimed saviors that Jesus mentioned earlier.--Matt 24:4.
Celestial Sign of the Son of Man: "Immediately after the ‘Mega Madness' in those days the sun and moon will go dark, the stars will drop from the sky, and the powers of heaven itself will be shaken. This will be the introduction of the appearance of the heavenly sign of the Son of Man. Then all the individual tribes of the earth will pound their breasts in grief and regret, and they will figuratively see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great, luminous glory. And he'll dispatch his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they'll gather his chosen ones together from the east, west, north, and south--from all over the earth; from one end of heaven to the other."--Matt 24:29-31, CCB.
When, symbolically speaking, the sun, moon, and stars cease providing light, the sky will be an eerie pitch black. Then the thunderous "powers of heaven will be shaken." Against a backdrop of stark darkness, "the heavenly sign of the Son of Man" makes an appearance, after which the luminously gloried Son of Man himself comes riding the "clouds of heaven." Those alienated from God will pound their breast in utter frustration.
Now, we can be pretty certain that all but that last part is symbolic. For instance, it's highly unlikely that God would cause the billions upon billions of stars and galaxies to drop from the universe. (So don't go out and try to buy a star-proof celestial umbrella from Wal-Mart.) That's not going to happen. If you want to know what it all means, check with the people that Michael associated with in the past and that Prince associates with in the present: Jehovah's Witnesses.
Disciples to Note Signs of Jesus' Nearness: "Now, learn from the fig tree as I illustrate my point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and sprouts leaves, you know summer's just around the corner. In the same way, when you see everything I've outlined here, know he's near at the doors. I speak truthfully when I say to all of you that the aforementioned generation of earth's doomed individual tribes will not perish until all these things happen. Heaven and earth will perish before ever my words perish."--Matt 24:32-35, CCB.
So it looks like that Pepsi Generation Michael so brilliantly danced for won't perish until all these things occur. Yes, both Michael and Prince knew that "Michael, one of the foremost princes," was "near at the doors." (Dan 10:13, New World Translation; Matt 24:33) Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
Michael's Mother Gets Emotional.
Oprah interviews Katherine Jackson
by Firpo Carr
.Los Angeles Sentinel & Online Sentinel International
November 11 - 17, 2010
The long awaited interview of Katherine Jackson on Oprah finally aired this past Monday, November 8, 2010, wherein Michael Joseph Jackson's mother talked about the life and death of the King of Pop. Why is Katherine opening up now? "I wanted to do it for his fans," she says, "and for the people that misunderstood him." How often does she think of her seventh child? "I think of my son all through the day," she told Oprah, "all the time, and I don't like to talk about him because I get all choked up." She goes on to elaborate: "A baby in my arms, naming him with my mother....That comes to my mind every day....And sometimes during the day, I can hear his laughter in my mind."
Reportedly, Katherine stated she was "out in service" when she got the news that someone from Michael's house was taken by ambulance--covered with a sheet--to the hospital. She stated that as one of Jehovah's Witnesses she was participating in the door-to-door ministry (or was "out in service" as the Witnesses call it) when she heard. Joe Jackson, her husband and Michael's father, had called her on her cell phone to inform her of the news. Although she hoped and prayed that it wasn't Michael, she relates that she knew in her heart that it was.
The King's Closeness to Katherine: When Oprah interviewed Lisa Marie Presley, Michael's first wife, Lisa noted that Michael's love for Katherine was unconditional, and that there was simply nothing that he wouldn't do for her. He had implicit trust in Mother Katherine. "He used to trust people," says the Jackson matriarch. "And after that trial, he didn't trust anybody. ... He would always tell me: ‘Mother, I don't trust anybody. The only person I trust is you.'"
At the same time, it was reported that Katherine also noted that though Michael loved her very much, he still didn't share everything with her. This is consistent with what happened when Michael, Katherine, Rebbie (his oldest sister, also one of Jehovah's Witnesses), Grace the nanny, his children, and I were all together at the Beverly Hills mansion he was renting at the time. He wanted to discuss several things with me that he did not want neither his mother, nor Rebbie, nor Grace to know.
Consequently, as I've stated on more than one occasion, he called me into a private meeting (daughter Paris insisted on attending, with the promise that she and her brother Prince would behave) to discuss some very sensitive matters, including his desire to have his children raised as he himself was--as Jehovah's Witnesses.
Joe Administers Justice: Despite being criticized for how he handled the grief of tragically losing his son, Joe Jackson, also interviewed, says he thinks about Michael every night. This is consistent with the Joe I know. "I just can't picture him gone," Joe says. "Every time I go into some place--a restaurant or a casino or something--his music is playing. ... It brings back memories because I remember the songs. I was at every recording session he ever did." After declaring that he never "beat" his children, Joe rightfully boasted: "Nine kids, never been in jail." When Oprah asked, "Do you regret those strappings on your children?" Joe responded: "No, because it kept them all out of jail. I raised them right," he continued, "and they were good kids all the way."
Precious Paris, Proud Prince: How did the children receive the news of the death of their father? "They were crying," Katherine says. "I thought [Paris] was going to pass out. She was just saying: ‘Daddy, I can't make it without you. I want to be with you. I want to go with you.' I felt so bad for them." Prince explained a tender moment between him and his loving father: "We were in Bahrain. [Jermaine and I had preceded them there and had returned stateside.] We used to wake up early and walk the beach." Paris adds, "He was a great cook!" Must be in the blood.
When I lived with Michael's younger brother Randy in his luxury condo in Marina Del Rey, near Venice Beach, he cooked me the most incredible steak ever. While I hadn't eaten red meat in over two decades, I was given one bite. That was it. (I still don't eat red meat!) Be strong Jacksons. Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
Mat 7,14-16:
„Aber die Pforte ist eng, und der Weg ist schmal, der zum Leben führt, und wenige sind es, die ihn finden! Hütet euch aber vor den falschen Propheten, welche in Schafskleidern zu euch kommen, inwendig aber reißende Wölfe sind. An ihren Früchten sollt ihr sie erkennen. Sammelt man auch Trauben von Dornen, oder Feigen von Disteln?"
Jer 14,14: „Da sprach der HERR (aka MJ) zu mir: Lügen prophezeien diese Propheten in meinem Namen; ich habe sie nicht gesandt, ihnen nichts befohlen und nichts zu ihnen geredet; Lügengeschichte und Wahrsagerei, Hirngespinste und Einbildungen ihres eigenen Herzens predigen sie euch.”
Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 12.11.2010, 11:31.
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