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Artikel von Dr. Firpo Carr

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  • Das finde ich auch Hippolytos. Das müßte sofort rund um den Erdball. Das wäre die Sensation, wenn auch zu spät. Aber uns alle würde es freuen, obwohl für uns es ja eh klar war....


    • Hm ... ich sitze noch sehr vor den sprichwörtlichen Puzzleteilen und sehe diese ganzen kleinen Gedankenpäckchen als Zutaten für ein Gebräu, das Dr. Carr ja schon zuvor als schwerstverdaulich angekündigt hatte ...

      Ich würde mich hier also nicht zu sehr an Einzelheiten hochziehen, sondern versuchen, Zusammenhänge zu spinnen.

      Können wir hier nicht, nicht in echt, ist klar.

      Ich denke nur, dass dieser Artikel so gemeint ist.


      • Zitat von Hippolytos Beitrag anzeigen
        @ Novemer (#1359):

        Dr. Carr kann nicht beanspruchen, dass seine "Botschaften" so andächtig gelesen und weiterverbreitet werden wie die überlieferten Briefe des Apostel Paulus!
        Er teilt Sachverhalte als Tatsachen mit, wohl wissend, dass sie nicht überprüfbar sind.
        Und damit versucht er zu lenken!
        Wir sollen ihm glauben und in der Richtung, die er vorgibt, weiterspinnen.
        Auch wenn er das nicht für sich beanspruchen kann, so heißt das (für mich) nicht, dass er das nicht trotzdem möchte und beabsichtigt. Es wäre trotzdem möglich,
        dass ein Aspekt (neben weiteren) das "Missionieren" für die Zeugen Jehovas sein könnte.

        Gern hätte ich von Herrn Carr einen Beleg für dieses Zitat:
        Im Jahr 1993 hat Jordan Chandler, damals 13 Jahre alt, Michael beschuldigt, ihn (sexuell) belästigt zu haben. Dies widerrief er nach Michael’s Tod, er gab zu, dass sein Vater ihn dazu brachte, den King Of Pop zu beschuldigen.

        Mich persönlich muss er nicht überzeugen!, aber nachdem nun Jermaine Jackson vor 2 Tagen dies auch schon mal in einem Nebensatz erwähnt hat, wäre ich über einen glaubwürdigen Beleg für diesen Widerruf sehr, sehr glücklich!
        Diese Neuigkeit ist nämlich zu schade für einen Nebensatz; sie gehört rund um den Erdball geschickt und sogar -u.U. privat finanziert- mit Groß-anzeigen in die Zeitungen!
        Einen Beleg dafür hätte ich auch gerne, aber leider glaube ich nicht daran, dass so ein Widerruf offiziell stattgefunden hat, da Jordan Chandler dann sicherlich gleichzeitig
        das zu unrecht kassierte Geld zurückzahlen müßte (wenn er das überhaupt noch kann).
        Zuletzt geändert von November; 30.11.2009, 00:57.


        • etwas denkstoff:
          ich weiß nicht, was ich von diesen berichten halten soll und bitte daher um eure aufmerksamkeit und mitarbeit (ihr wollt doch?) danke
          mir ist heute ein gewisser Alvin Malnik immer wieder aufgefallen, also habe ich speziell nach ihm gesucht und auch was gefunden.
          ich hoffe die links gehen auch, habe sie mir nämlich alle aufgeschrieben.

          dieser malnik war RA für Mafioso Meyer Lansky auch genannt thonfolger.
          malnik hatte angeblich auch eine beziehung zu michael und er lieh ihm angeblich geld, sehr viel geld über die Loans of Amerika.
          malnik war befreundet mit tommy motolla und hollywood regisseur brett rattner.
          und sie haben irgendetwas mit diesen gambini (?) zu tun.
          jim garrison als staatsanwalt für jfk wird hier auch erwähnt.
          vielleicht möchtet ihr euch alles mal in ruhe durchlesen.



          die nachlaßverwaltung von branca und mcclain soll befristet sein bis zum 04.01.2010
          schrieb ich ja hier schon einmal.
          aber auch nachzulesen unter
          www. radaronline/category/tags

          also mit branca stimmt m.e. wirklich etwas nicht.
          es ist uns ja bekannt, daß er 2003 gefeuert wurde und michael in 8 tage vor seinem
          ..... wieder eingestellt haben soll-
          joe geht davon aus branca und mottola haben geld in die karibik verschoben.
          zu lesen bei:

          warum vertritt brian oxman joe, der ja kein geld haben soll,
          vielleicht weil er sich erfolg verspricht?

          neue termin beim nachlaßgericht am 08.12.09
          was auch immer das heißt: spousal property und creditors-claim of per rep
          viel spaß beim lesen.
          so nun werde ich erst einmal lesen, was ihr auf den letzten seiten geschrieben habt.
          danke für eure aufmerksamkeit..

          At The Forge (from left): Shareef Malnick, Al Malnick, Serena Williams, Michael Jackson, Chris Tucker, and Bret Ratner (front). [UPDATED: Holy shit. Jose Lambiet got Malnik on the phone, and he said Michael Jackson named him the executor of his will and godfather and guardian of Jackson's youngest son, Prince...

          Disfigured, deeply in debt, and with a history of drug addiction—at 46, Michael Jackson is also at the end of a criminal trial for allegedly molesting a 13-year-old cancer patient. But the fading pop icon has shown he still has the power to intimidate key prosecution witnesses. After 12 years of covering Jackson's downward spiral and the recurring allegations of pedophilia, the author explores the absurd and painful spectacle of this courtroom reckoning, the dysfunctional families on both sides of the case, and the dark tactics of Jackson's entourage.
          Zuletzt geändert von Brigitte 58; 29.11.2009, 22:35.


          • Nunja, darüber streiten, ob so eine Kritik wegen dem Abschluss berechtigt ist, kann man schon. Darüber würden sicherlich auch einige Leute streiten. Manche würden sagen, der hätte lieber Kranführer bleiben sollen, und andere Leute würden sagen, dass sowas absolut keine Rolle spielt. Über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten, über Meinungen schon.

            Dass er Jordan wieder angesprochen hat, wundert mich. Also entweder die machen das absichtlich, einfach um Michaels Ruf wieder herzustellen (was ich ok finden würde). Wenn man Dinge erfinden durfte, um ihn zu zerstören, ist das andersrum auch ok, oder aber die meinen das ernst und Jordan hat den Mund wirklich aufgemacht und gestanden. Das könnte durchaus auch sein. Und dass einige Leute vielleicht nicht wollen, dass das raus kommt, weil es Michaels Ruf langsam wieder besser machen könnte, das kann ich mir sehr gut vorstellen.


            • Hallo Brigitte !

              erstmal zur Info für alle, denen der Name Malnik auf Anhieb nix sagt aber bestimmt kennen die meisten ihn von den Bildern, z.B. dieses hier:

              ( über ihn bin ich auch schon an Infos sammeln...)

              Al Malnik Won't Shut Up About Michael Jackson

              Al Malnik, the owner of the Forge with a few alleged Mafia ties, won't shut up about his "friendship" with Michael Jackson. He's going around claiming to anyone who'll listen that he was executor of Jackson's estate and has rights to Jackson's youngest son, Blanket.

              Now he has released a bevy of personal pictures to TMZ, which might be some of the clearest photos of Jackson's children to date. Though the bizarre masks and veils the kids wore during their rare public appearances added to the circus aura of all things Jackson, the garments also gave the kids a bit of privacy and protection.

              Malnik has also given interviews to CBS4 and the Palm Beach Post. At our sister paper, Bob Norman reports Malnick and Jackson had a falling out some years ago, possibly because Jackson believed Malnick was part of a conspiracy to separate him from his stack in the Beatle's catalogue.

              The only question is: Why, all of a sudden, is Malnick so media happy? He's only coming off as a shady opportunist, and sadly it seems Jackson had far too many of those in his life.


              One day after the death of pop superstar Michael Jackson, there seem to be more questions than answers about the final moments of the eclectic singer. An autopsy was performed on Friday, but results have yet to be revealed. As news of the singers death sinks in, the focus has now turned to Jackson's children and who will take custody of them, and a South Floridian may have something to say about it.

              Longtime Jackson friend and Miami businessman Al Malnik told CBS station WFOR-TV in Miami in an exclusive interview that he and Jackson had a signed document that said Malnik could take custody of the youngest child, Prince Michael II, also known as Blanket.

              "I guess in 2003 or 2004, he asked me if anything ever happened to him, if I would become godfather and parent to Prince Michael. So I signed a document at that time agreeing to bring up Blanket in the event anything happened to him," Malnik said.

              According to Malnik, he was the executor of Michael Jackson's will in 2004. But he has no idea what has transpired since then, or if there is a new, updated will. Still, he's sure the children will be taken care of for years to come.

              "I think the royalty income will be bigger than ever before. And, Michael will have no further expenses because he's no longer here. So the kids will be well provided for as a result of his demise," Malnik said.

              As of Friday evening, the Los Angeles Police are looking for the doctor who was with Jackson when he collapsed on Thursday afternoon in his home. Police have indicated he is not being sought in a criminal investigation, but reported Jackson was given a dose of Demerol by the doctor.

              For now, fans all across the globe will mourn and celebrate Jackson's life, who remains as much of a mystery in death as he was in life.


              Teil dieses Artikels aus dem Wallstreet Journal:

              Mr. Malnik brought in Mr. Koppelman, a storied figure in music publishing who is also vice chairman of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. Mr. Koppelman, 65, came on board about two years ago to advise Mr. Jackson on his publishing holdings and other business matters. In an unusual twist, people close to the singer say the Bank of America loan package included a covenant requiring Mr. Koppelman be retained as a consultant. (Mr. Koppelman was also Mr. Jackson's chief rival in bidding for the ATV catalog 20 years ago.)

              According to several people familiar with their thinking, all three of these men favored selling at least a portion of Sony/ATV to salvage Mr. Jackson's finances.

              Early this year, a variety of possible deals were served up to the pop singer. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and private-equity firm Blackstone Group expressed interest, according to people close to these discussions. Before acquiring Mr. Jackson's debt portfolio, investment firm Fortress also discussed buying at least some of Mr. Jackson's holdings, say people familiar with the discussions.

              Messrs. Branca and Koppelman urged Mr. Jackson to accept the Goldman Sachs deal, people familiar with the matter say, which would have introduced Goldman as a third partner in the Sony/ATV venture. Mr. Jackson would have been left with a stake in his beloved publishing company and no debts.

              But even as the criminal trial began in late February, Mr. Jackson continued to resist, partly on the grounds that publishing rights are always more valuable in the long run.

              In early April, Bank of America lowered the boom. According to one person close to the Jackson camp, Mr. Jackson fell short of a scheduled payment by about $300,000. Other people close to the matter say Mr. Jackson had been in violation of his loan agreement for some time.

              Bank of America officials found themselves inundated with pleas from the singer's advocates. Willie Gary, a prominent Florida litigator who has been retained by the singer, says he contacted the bank on Mr. Jackson's behalf. Mr. Burkle, the supermarket magnate, also contacted Bank of America officials and urged them to allow Mr. Jackson to make good on his missed payment before throwing the entire loan package into default. The advisers brought in a Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyer to cover a worst-case scenario.

              In early April, Rev. Jackson called Kenneth Lewis, the chairman and CEO of Bank of America, to lobbyon behalf of the singer. Mr. Lewis declined to discuss the matter, recalls Rev. Jackson, on the grounds that the bank's relationship with the singer is confidential.

              In an interview, Rev. Jackson says it was "a gross injustice" that the singer might have to sell his assets because of the shortfall. "Michael had a cashflow problem because he's not been working and he's on trial," Rev. Jackson says. "But his assets are greater than his debts."
              Zuletzt geändert von Donna; 29.11.2009, 21:35.


              • Zitat Brigitte 58;257150
                malnik war befreundet mit tommy motolla und hollywood regisseur brett rattner.
                die nachlaßverwaltung von branca und mcclain soll befristet sein bis zum 04.01.2010
                www. radaronline/category/tags

                Tommy Mottola wie ein roter Faden - mit allen befreundet-.

                Wenn die Nachlaßverwaltung bis zum 04.01.2010 befristet ist
                vllt. deshalb die Eile die Dr. Carr anspricht in senem letzten Satz.
                Man möchte vllt noch gewisse Dinge unter Dach und Fach bringen!


                • dieser link geht auf unser eigenes forum

                  Michael Jackson was reportedly shocked Wednesday when he received word that Bank of America sold him out.

                  I can tell you exclusively that Bank of America has sold Jackson's $270 million in loans to a private hedge fund. The group is called Fortress Investments, located in Manhattan. Their principals are Peter L. Briger Jr., formerly with Goldman Sachs; plus Wesley R. Edens, Robert I. Kauffman, Randal A. Nardone, and Michael E. Novogratz — all with substantial backgrounds in finance. Their specialty, according to their Web site, is rescuing "undervalued, orphaned and distressed investments throughout the United States, Western Europe and Japan."

                  With this sale, Fortress now stands to become a 50 percent owner in Sony/ATV Music Publishing if Jackson should default on the loan. Technically, he is currently in default. Further, Jackson's deal with Sony comes to an end this December, at which time the company can buy him out for $200 million if he can't come up with a new buyer or enough money to pay back the loan. The Fortress deal is also rumored to include a $70 million loan Jackson has on his own publishing catalog, called MiJac.

                  Jackson was apparently shocked, according to sources, when he got word about the sale on Wednesday morning from Bank of America. He had previously rejected a deal that would have netted him money, cleared debt, and left him in good shape with people who were longtime friends. But now he's in business with strangers.

                  Still in the equation, however, is grocery king Ron Burkle. He sent a letter to Bank of America several days ago saying that he needed 90 days to help Jackson refinance. Burkle could still be Jackson's white knight and bail him out from Fortress, but so far he's done nothing. Jackson remains cash poor in the meantime as he continues to stand trial for child molestation here in Santa Maria.

                  Michael Cooks His Own Goose
                  Michael Jackson has no one to blame but himself for what's happened to him now. He can't say record producer Tommy Mottola is a racist or that producer Charles Koppleman is out to get him. He's cooked his own goose, with all the trimmings.

                  Jackson was severely taken aback to discover yesterday morning that Bank of America had sold his $270 million debt to a group of private investors. But why was he surprised at all? In the last few weeks, Jackson has done nothing but spit in the faces of the people who have kept him solvent for the last 20 years.

                  First there was his private banker at Bank of America, Jane Heller. Heller came with Jackson's loan from NationsBank when it was merged into Bank of America. But the fact is, Heller has kept Michael Jackson in carnival makeup and llama food for the two last decades.

                  Then there's Al Malnik and Charles Koppleman. They're not the Red Cross; they're savvy businessmen. But they worked hard for Jackson over the last three years to help get his house in order and off the auction block. Jackson was frequent guest at Malnik's Miami manse, bringing with him kids, nannies, etc.

                  In 2003, Malnik told Jackson that he should downsize his life, take stock and stop inviting children into his bed, before the current scandal broke in the fall of 2003. Jackson froze him out and the two have not talked since then.

                  Jackson also long ago stopped speaking to Koppleman and to his long time attorney John Branca — two more advisors who kept him afloat. Instead, Jackson turned to a succession of con artists and hustlers who promised him the moon but simply mooned him.

                  There was also the brief infatuation with the Nation of Islam and the ill-fated association with Shmuley Boteach. To this day no one knows where the money went from the Feb. 14, 2001 Carnegie Hall event hosted by Boteach and Jackson "for children."

                  But the one thing Jackson had with Heller, Malnik, Koppleman and Branca — besides a history — was affection. They cared about him even when he didn't care about them. They protected him, too.

                  But last month Jackson refused a deal they offered that would have bailed him out of debt. He didn't like it because he thought they would get something out of it. In his characteristic sneaky manner, he turned to grocery king Rob Burkle of Yucaipa Companies to save the day.

                  Malnik, properly insulted, quit. The bank, which considered Malnik their only link to reality, obviously had enough.

                  Who knows what the moneymen that bought out Jackson's debt, have in mind for the loan. One thing is for sure: The hedge fund's major principles, Peter L. Briger, doesn't know the former King of Pop and probably doesn't want to.

                  Briger will function very well as a stranger to Jackson, dispassionate and businesslike as the clock counts down to December 20: the day when Jackson will have to either put up or shut for good. One thing's for sure: he will get exactly what he deserves."

                  Michael du Idiot!!!!!

                  So nun kann er endgültig einpacken, denn jetzt ist nicht nur seine einzige Einnahmequelle weg... sondern auch noch zu einem scheiß Preis!

                  bin selber geschockt..... trotzdem allen einen "guten morgen"


                  die google -übersetzung kann ich nicht reinsetzen:
                  Betrugskünstler, die ihm den mond versprachen..
                  Zuletzt geändert von Brigitte 58; 29.11.2009, 22:03.


                  • was ich auch immer lese,
                    sein ganzes leben wurde er begleitet von mistviehern.
                    diese muß man ausrotten!!


                    • Zitat von Brigitte 58 Beitrag anzeigen
                      was ich auch immer lese,
                      sein ganzes leben wurde er begleitet von mistviehern.
                      diese muß man ausrotten!!
                      Wie kann ein einzelner Mensch nur so viel Schrott und Aasgeier um sich rum haben, das hätte ja für eine ganze Armee gereicht. Ich könnte heulen vor lauter Zorn, der arme Kerl ist ganz alleine auf verlorenen Posten gestanden.


                      • Also ich habe ja schon einige Posts von Dir gelesen aber für mich sprichst Du irgendwie immer in Rätseln, Brigitte........

                        Versuch doch einfach mal Dich genauer auszudrücken......


                        • blondy
                          frag doch einfach, wenn du etwas nicht verstehst.
                          wie soll ich dir sonst antworten.
                          wo sind die Rätsel?
                          danke schön.


                          • M.j.

                            Also Brigitte 58, ich verstehe Deine Beiträge immer


                            • ich glaube wir sind auch ganz viele


                              • Ja, es ist erschreckend wieviele Aasgeier Michael um sich rum hatte. Und darum ist es ja schon auch irgendwie eine Art Wunder, dass er 50 Jahre auf dieser Erde wandeln konnte.


                                thread unten
