La Toya Jackson ist ein Jahr nach dem Tod ihres Bruders Michael Jackson weiter davon überzeugt, dass der "King of Pop" aus Habgier ermordet wurde. "Sie wussten, dass Michael tot mehr wert wäre als lebendig", sagte die 54-Jährige dem britischen Fernsehsender ITV und fügte hinzu: "Er wurde wegen seiner Musikrechte ermordet."
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Artikel von Dr. Firpo Carr
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La Toya Jackson ist ein Jahr nach dem Tod ihres Bruders Michael Jackson weiter davon überzeugt, dass der "King of Pop" aus Habgier ermordet wurde. "Sie wussten, dass Michael tot mehr wert wäre als lebendig", sagte die 54-Jährige dem britischen Fernsehsender ITV und fügte hinzu: "Er wurde wegen seiner Musikrechte ermordet."Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 04.09.2010, 21:14.
@ Liebe mitelmeerkatze,
Du hast zw auf BritBrit Bezug genommen und sie gefragt, aber es macht ja nichts, wenn ich zusätzlich auch was dazu schreibe. (?)
In meinem vorigen Beitrag hatte ich meine Meinung über den ideellen Wert, der meiner Meinung nach für Michael größer gewesen sein muß als sein Geld-Wert, geschrieben.
Wenn ich versuche, mich in Michaels Lage zu versetzen, dann kann ich ihm leicht darin folgen, wenn er zwar einerseits befürchtet, dass er für den Katalogbesitz umgebracht werden könnte, andererseits ihn selbst mit diesem Risiko auf Gedeih und Verderb seinen Kindern überlassen wollte. Denn seine Kinder sind die Kinder eines Schwarzen, und auf sie trifft das Gleiche zu, wie auf Michael: Sie haben ein beachtliches Stück der von Weißen dominierten Finanzwelt in der Musiksparte in der Hand.
Michael hat sich nie klar darüber geäußert, wer ihm denn ans Leben wollen könnte wegen des katalogs.
Er hatte nur 2005 im Jesse Jackson Radio-Interview gesagt, die Leute seien mächtig.
Das heißt aber nicht automatisch Sony, mafia oder was auch immer.
Mächtig sein heißt ja auch nicht nur, dass man einflussreich ist, über große Mengen Geldes verfügt usw.
Mächtig ist man auch, wenn man über irgendwelche Vorteile verfügt, die der Kontrahent nicht hat:
So ist der Anführer einer kleinen Straßengang von Jugendlichen schon als "mächtig" zu bezeichnen, weil er ein paar Jungs 'unter sich' hat; der schmächtig und allein daherkommende Gleichaltrige wird ohne weiteres sagen: "Die sind mächtiger (stärker) als ich."
Es kommt also immer auf die Relationen an.
Michael hat mehr als einmal seine Einsamkeit beklagt, seine Isoliertheit. Ich meine das jetzt nicht im Sinne von "Abgeschirmtheit", sondern dass er vertrauensvoller Freunde ermangelte.
In diesem Gefühl des Alleinseins mit seiner konfusen Befürchtung, der katalog könne ihn das Leben kosten, reichten theoretisch schon 2 gemeinsam als Einheit auftretende Personen um Michael das Gefühl zu geben "Die sind mächtig".
Ich habe das jetzt mit einem sehr einfachen Beispiel zu erklären versucht (auch mir selber!), aber im Prinzip, denke ich, ist es so.
Fakt ist: Michael selbst hat nie das "Kind beim Namen" genannt.
Durch die Beleihungen, die peu à peu auf dem Katalog erfolgten, ist natürlich von denen, die Michaels Leben verfolgten, die Verbindung zu Sony gezogen worden.
Nun meine ich, dass -wenn Michael wirklich überzeugt gewesen ist davon, dass ihm Sony oder später dann möglicherweise Th. Barrack den Katalog abjagen wollten- dann hätte er nicht alles darangesetzt, den Katalog seinen Kindern zu erhalten.
Deshalb kann ich für mich nur schließen: Michael hat NICHT Sony gemeint, mit seinem Satz, dass er mal eines Tages wegen des Katalogs umgebracht werden würde.
Ich meine, er hat mehr oder weniger dunkel etwas geahnt, vor dem er sich selbst erschreckte und deshalb in Ausflüchte á la "die sind mächtig" erging.
Anders kann ich mir das zur Zeit nicht vorstellen.
Taraborelli behauptet auch, dass LaToya mal gesagt hat, sie wolle die reichste Frau Werden, die jemals gelebt hat oder so ähnlich..
Wir könnten das ja mal auf die Spitze treiben und beide Aussagen miteinander verbinden.
(Daran kann man dann schön sehen, wie leicht man Theorien zusammenstricken kann)
Zitat von Lena Beitrag anzeigenLatoya hat ein paar Wochen nach dem Tod damit begonnen. Glaube auch beim Jahresrückblick bei Gottschalk hat sie davon geredet, dass alle hinter Michaels Katolg herwären.
La Toya Jackson ist ein Jahr nach dem Tod ihres Bruders Michael Jackson weiter davon überzeugt, dass der "King of Pop" aus Habgier ermordet wurde. "Sie wussten, dass Michael tot mehr wert wäre als lebendig", sagte die 54-Jährige dem britischen Fernsehsender ITV und fügte hinzu: "Er wurde wegen seiner Musikrechte ermordet."
Ich kann mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, dass Michael aus Habgier ermordet wurde. Auch wenn die These 'tod mehr wert als lebendig' sich bewahrheitet, glaube ich das einfach nicht.
Das sind einzig und allein La Toyas Hirngespinste, die man getrost beiseite wischen kann.
Da sprichst du etwas an. Dieses Interview mit Jessie Jessie Jackson. Als die Sprache auf Sony kam und den Katalog, hat Michael doch abgewinkt und zu verstehen gegeben, dass er sich darüber nicht in der Öffentlichkéit äußern wolle. Ich habe mir diese Stelle immer wieder angehört (weil ich dieses Interview liebe), kam aber bis zum heutigen Tag auf kein schlüssiges Ergebnis.
Ansonsten verstehe ich dich nicht ganz. Beziehst du seine Ängste nun wirklich auf den Katalog? Ich denke eher, dass seine Ängste diffus waren, ohne dass er benennen könnte, was oder wer ihm genau Angst einflöste. Ich denke nicht, dass er konkreten Anlass hatte, Angst zu haben, sondern, dass es eher aus seiner damaligen gesamten Gefühlslage rührt, was nur verständlich ist.
Habe die Stelle im IV mit Jesse Jackson mal rauskopiert.
Jesse: Nun, wie ist dieses Geld-Thema überhaupt aufgekommen? Eine Reihe Leute riefen an und glaubten, es habe etwas mit dem Sony-Katalog zu tun. Was... was ist dieser Katalog?
Michael: In meinem Sony-Katalog ist die ganze Musik der Beatles, ähm… all die Musik von, weißt du, Little Richard. Mir gehören... mir gehören 'Sly and the Family Stone'... ich... besit-ze eine Menge von so vielen... Elvis gehört mir... so viele Elvis-Songs, und es ist ein riesiger Katalog, er ist sehr wertvoll. Er ist eine Menge Geld wert. Und gerade ist ein großer Kamp im Gange, jetzt, während wir darüber sprechen. Jetzt... ich kann nicht sagen ob oder ob nicht... Ich kann keinen Kommentar dazu abgeben, aber da ist eine Menge Verschwörung im Gange, das werde ich sagen... eine Verschwörung ist im Gange, während wir hier sprechen.
[mit Nachdruck]
Jesse: Eine Anzahl von Mitgliedern deiner Familie und Freunde haben behauptet, dass dieser Kampf eigentlich mehr mit diesem Katalog zu tun hat als mit irgendetwas anderem. Glaubst du das?
Michael: Nun, weißt du, ... ich will keinen Kommentar dazu abgeben. Ich will das nicht kommentieren, Jessie. Ähm, das ist ein wirklich delikates Thema und, ähm, …ich werde dich... ich werde dich die Kommentare darüber machen lassen.
Es gibt zweierlei Diffuse Angst:
- eine diffuse Angst allgemein vor allem und jedem, die keinen objektiven Grund hat in der Realität
- eine diffuse Angst, die einen konkreten Bezug hat auf irgendetwas in der Realität, sei sie nun begründet oder unbegründet.
Da sich Michaels Befürchtungen eindeutig auf den Katalog bezogen, sollte man sich sehr davor hüten, eine allgemein diffuse Angst bei ihm anzunehmen.
Außerdem befand sich Michael beim Jesse Jackson-Interview mitten im Gerichtsprozess: Er hatte diesbezüglich natürlich zusätzlich eine sehr konkrete, begründete Angst.
Mir fällt jetzt auch nirgendwo eine Stelle in irgendeinem Interview, in der Michael ausdrücklich davon spricht "Angst" zu haben.....
@ Hippo
Das ist schon richtig.
Aber solange er seine Angst nicht eindeutig benennt, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, können wir nicht eindeutig wissen, ob es sich tatsächilch um den Katalog handelt.
Andererseits scheint er ja irgendwie sich Sorgen gemacht zu haben um seinen Katalog......
Man kann aus diesem IV nicht wirklich Schlüsse ziehen auf die wirkliche aktuelle Verfahrenslage. Es ist und bleibt schwierig.
Trotzdem stehe ich zu meinem Wort: Mögen seine Ängste diffus gewesen sein, mag er aber dennoch einen konkreten Hinweis gehabt haben in Bezug auf SONY und den Katalog. Ich glaube dennoch nicht, dass er deshalb sterben musste.Zuletzt geändert von mittelmeerkatze; 04.09.2010, 22:56.
"G.I." Joe Jackson!
For MJ's parents the battle has just begun
by Firpo Carr
Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper
September 23 - 29, 2010
Back in the day, action figure G. I. Joe from Hasbro was every little boy's dream toy. (G.I. stands for "Government Issue.") But for all the boys in the Jackson and Carr families--whose mothers were Jehovah's Witnesses--the action figures from the prized toy line were not likely to storm the home since we were all taught that servants of God would not "learn war anymore." (Isa 2:1-4; Micah 4:1-4, New World Translation) Not so with "G.I." Joe. As a glove-wearing former boxer, Joseph Jackson, the father of Michael Joseph Jackson, was the original "Gloved One." And as far as Michael's death is concerned, "G.I." for Joe means "Gloving Injustice." He wants to knock it out!
Losing Round One: Since Michael's death in June 2009 his estate--by some estimates--has made hundreds of millions of dollars. In a will that Joe, a number of family members and family attorney Brian Oxman call bogus, Michael supposedly excluded his former manager and father. In plain language, this means Joe gets no money and has no say-so. According to sources close to the issue, John Branca and John McLain may have had a hand in crafting the fake will. In an attempt to recover from this blow below the belt, according to the Associated Press (AP), last November Jabbing Joe "challenged a ruling by a state judge that the estate would be run by attorney John Branca and music executive and family friend John McClain." He lost the round, but the fight is not over.
Action Jackson!: Joe appealed the decision, and as a result, "An appeals court has scheduled a hearing for lawyers for the father of Michael Jackson to argue that he deserves a role in decisions involving his son's multimillion dollar estate." The AP goes on to say, "The Second District Court of Appeal said Thursday the appeal by Joe Jackson would be heard on Oct. 6." Oxman is quoted as saying: "I think it's an important issue for all fathers around the country and around the world that when their child dies they should have a say-so in their child's estate." So, the parties head back into the ring a week from this Wednesday. Previously, Joe Jackson took action against Dr. Conrad Murray by filing a federal wrongful death lawsuit alleging that the cardiologist was negligent in his care for the pop star.
Kat Strikes Back: "Michael Jackson's mother sued a concert promoter Wednesday alleging the company failed to provide life-saving equipment and a doctor who was looking out for the pop star's well-being as he prepared for what were intended to be his comeback concerts." (AP) Katherine Jackson filing her own lawsuit? This move surprised a lot of people. The suit states in part: "AEG's representations to Jackson were false because in reality AEG was merely doing whatever it took to make sure that Michael Jackson could make it to rehearsals and shows and AEG did not provide a doctor who was truly looking out for Jackson's well-being and did not provide equipment."
Michael's mother feels that a cold, dark, callous corporate entity unabashedly sucked the warm, beautiful lifeblood out of her seventh child, and in the process, left a gaping hole in her soul that nothing in this world could ever fill. Still, not being resigned to this fate, she has opted to take the litigious route. But why now? The answer may lie in a recent Witness publication that elucidates a legal posture assumed by Jehovah's Witnesses insofar as litigation not directly connected to their public preaching is concerned.
Although Witnesses had a de facto policy of not engaging the legal system when it came to personal injustices, they no longer assume this posture. The September 2010 issue of Awake! magazine (with an average printing of 38,451,000 in 83 languages), says that in invoking his Roman citizenship, "Paul set a precedent by ‘defending and legally establishing the good news.'-Acts 16:19-24, 35-40; Philippians 1:7." But with regard to personal matters the article continues by saying that Witnesses "take legal steps to defend themselves." It then states: "Thus, as Christians, the Witnesses rightly take steps to establish certain legal rights." The article came out in September. Katherine sued in September.
While not endorsing any individual lawsuits, Witness leadership recognizes the rights of members to seek legal remedy. Michael's parents are in painful pursuit. The struggle continues. My prayers are with them. Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
The Gloved One & Global Gloom
Did MJ witness to a world beyond healing?
by Firpo Carr
Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper
September 30, 2010 - October 6, 2010
When Michael Joseph Jackson graced the planet with his presence, he wanted to Heal the World. (1992) As he preached peace on an unprecedented scale, ominous clouds of dark forces shadowed the land. The outlook was gloomy. Take terrorism for example. "From 1989 to 2001," says one source, "the nature and pace of terror changed. Previously, the enemy was known, stable, and familiar. Today the enemy is evasive, strange, and incomprehensible."
"Mutated Terrorism": As per the experts, "terrorism [has] mutated and moved outside the domain within which it used to be analyzed." How does yesterday's terrorist group differ from today's? "Today," the source says, "the real menace is posed by hybrid groups that are opportunistic and capable of rapid transformation." So, what can we expect? "For the foreseeable future," it continues, "warfare will have a criminal dimension, a terrorist dimension, or both. Civilians--cities, corporations, the population at large--will be increasingly affected." But, criminal organizations are motivated by greed, fame, fortune, prestige; whereas terrorist groups are ideological, having political or religious motivations. Some "terrorists" want to right the wrongs of society by correcting inequities. Shall the twain ever meet?
There already exists "(1) failed states that have become temporarily or permanently anarchic (Afghanistan, Albania, Liberia, Sierra Leone, etc.) and (2) vast anarchic urban sprawls [discussed below] in the developing world (Karachi, Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, etc.) ... Karachi and Rio de Janeiro are striking examples of urban sprawls as terrorist or criminal strongholds." "Considerable exchanges between criminal and terrorist groups are currently reported." The results are "protocriminal," "nomadic, deterritorialized, transnational" "mutant guerrilla groups"; or simply, "patriot thugs" who "are contemptuous of international law, particularly humanitarian law." Indeed, some nation-states have imploded into "ungovernable chaotic entities." But, "From November 1989 to September 2001, the developed world live in relative peace."
The Game Has Changed: Since the start of the twenty-first century "previously clear distinctions--between attack and defense, the state and civil society, the public and private sectors, civilians and the military, war and peace, police and army, legality and illegality--are being blurred. New forms of confrontation have emerged, in which the determining factor is no longer nation or ideology but race, tribe, greed, or religious fanaticism." What about the "rules of engagement"? "In Gaza and Baghdad...the current governments of both armies have suspended de facto the Geneva Conventions (regarding treatment of prisoners and suspects, long-term internment without trial, destruction of civilian targets, etc.)." Some weapons used against terrorist were so atrocious scientists concluded these were "repugnant to the conscience of mankind."
Super Soldiers to the Rescue?: What about the ultra-modern "Super Soldiers" from the West? Well, in "Gaza and Baghdad, crack troops are in the field, equipped with the latest technology and equipment," yet these places "have proved a fatal trap--physically and morally--for the occupying forces; and [these] armies are facing the need for withdrawal in the future, with no decisive or permanent gains."
"Mega Urban Sprawl": A "mega urban sprawl" [mentioned above] is defined as "an immense, chaotic agglomeration of apartment blocks and projects, escalators, markets, malls, highways, airports, severe population, shantytowns, rampant crime--and terrorism." Examples? Experts from various governments cite ‘the Gaza Strip, Bagdad and Bassora in Iraq, Karachi, and Rio de Janeiro, among others.' "Violence and conflicts ravaging the mega urban sprawls and shantytowns concern not only these places but the entire world, first and foremost the developed world." [Emphasis added.] You might think such a mega urban sprawl couldn't happen here. Well, it already has: Hurricane Katrina.
Terror specialists say that regarding that peaceful period from "November 1989 to September 2001," "The West tended to see this tranquility [this false sense of security] as an acquired and permanent situation and took little interest in global disorder, but the period was actually an interlude preceding a chaotic phase of world history."
Conclusion: Corrupt governments breed "terrorists." "When injustice rules, everyone groans." (Pr 29:2, CEV) But the masses, too, can be evil. "The wicked are a restless sea tossing up mud. But I, the LORD, have promised that none who are evil will live in peace." (Is 57:20, 21) Michael Jackson tried to "heal" both sides. Critics of his vision were perhaps well meaning but nonetheless shortsighted. The Gloved One manipulated his gargantuan sphere of influence to work "what is good toward all." (Ga 6:10, NWT) Adoring millions say his efforts were not in vain. Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
Will Michael Marry?
It all depends
by Firpo Carr
Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper
October 7 - 13, 2010
No, Michael Joseph Jackson isn't alive, hiding out somewhere, preparing for a startling comeback. As phenomenal as that would be, the King has indeed passed. So then, why the cruel question? Because it addresses other questions regarding MJ's outlook on life and marriage, particularly as understood by Jehovah's Witnesses in their critique of Scripture. Intriguingly, Jesus unlocks the mystery of marriage, resurrection, and different destinations in an answer he gave to religious and political opposers of his day.
Marriage Made in Heaven?: "On that very same day the Sadducees (unlike the Pharisees who only believe in the writings of Moses, and don't believe in the resurrection) came up to him and asked: ‘Teacher, Moses said, "If a man dies childless, his bachelor brother should marry the dead man's wife, have children, and then raise them as if they belonged to his dead brother." Now, there used to be seven brothers with us. The first one married and died. He had no children, so the next brother married his wife. The same thing happened with the second, the third, and eventually all seven brothers.
"‘Finally, the woman died herself. Now, this is our question to you: Since she married all seven brothers, whom will she be wife to in the resurrection?' In reply Jesus answered: ‘Your reasoning is warped. You neither know the entire Hebrew Scriptures--Moses's Writings included--nor the power of God. In the heavenly resurrection there won't be marriage ceremonies where the groom waits for his prospective bride to be given away. Men and women resurrected to heaven will be like the heavenly angels, who also don't marry.
"‘As for those resurrected to earthly life, you guys didn't read where God spoke to you through Moses, saying, "I am Abraham's God, Isaac's God, and Jacob's God"? That's why it's as if they never died here on earth. They're still alive to him, as if they were still here--on earth. For he is a God of the living, not the dead.' On hearing Jesus' words, the listening crowds were astounded." (Matt 22:23-33, Carr's Christian Bible) Jesus brilliantly showed here, and later after his own resurrection and ascension to heaven, that there would be more than one resurrection.--Re 20:5, 6; see also Ac 26:23.
Seven & Heaven: In projecting forward to the heavenly resurrection (as Jesus would do during his earthly ministry; see for example Matt 11:11, 12), Jesus demonstrated that the woman wouldn't be married to any of the seven brothers since it was understood that death ends the marriage. (Also, in his revelation to the apostle John the resurrected Jesus made clear that the number seven signifies completeness in the spiritual heavens as revealed at Re 1:4, 12, 16; 4:5; 5:1, 6; 10:3, 4; and 12:3. Granted, while Jesus didn't introduce the "seven" brothers, the fact that this exchange was preserved in Scripture bolsters its significance.) Although they thought themselves clever the Sadducees, lacking substance, essentially asked Jesus a dumb question, clothe in shallow sophistication.
The inspired apostle Paul reiterated the fact that death dissolves Christian marriages. (1 Co 7:39; Ro 7:2) Consequently, heaven-bound former Christian husbands and wives would be gender neutral. (1 Pe 3:7) They'd be spirit creatures, "like the heavenly angels." (Matt 22:30) They would, however, carry their experiences as former men and women with them to heaven where they'll act as sympathetic kings, priests, and judges. (Lu 22:30; Php 2:5-11; 2 Ti 2:12; Re 5:9, 10; 14:13; 20:4; 22:5) But what about those like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who'd be resurrected to life on earth?--Jn 3:13; Ac 2:34; Heb 11:1-13.
Earthly Resurrection & Marriage: Of the all the persons resurrected by Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, Peter, and Paul, there was no scriptural prohibition against them marrying. (1 Ki 17:21-3; 2 Ki 4:8, 32-7; Mk 5:22, 35, 41-3; Lu 7:11-17; Jn 8:38-45; Ac 9:36-42; 20:7-12) They could've all married later.
Will Race Matter?: Jesus' own enemies acknowledged to him: "It doesn't matter at all to you what the surface skin color of a man's face is." (Matt 22:16, CCB) To a resurrected Michael, who endeavored to imitate Jesus when with us, race won't matter should he decide to marry again.
Conclusion: Will Michael marry again? Not if he's in heaven. If, on the other hand, he's resurrected into the paradise earth he so longed for and tried to duplicate at Neverland, then it'll be his call. We'll just have to wait and see. Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
Zitat von BritBrit Beitrag anzeigenDanke Brigitte fürs Einstellen.
Ich hab das jetzt nur kurz überflogen. Aber es wird immer wirrer, was Carr da von sich gibt. Also entweder er hat ein Motiv, hinter das wir kommen müssen, oder...
diese woche ist er überpünktlich. keine ahnung, was er damit sagen will,
oder will er gar nicht?
Michael Jackson & the Resurrection
Will the dead wed?
by Firpo Carr
Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper
October 14 - 20, 2010
Last week's article, "Will Michael Marry" (October 7, 2010), evoked considerable interest and discussion on the subject of the prospective marital statuses of resurrected ones, and has prompted this additional unplanned article for further consideration. The Bible indicates that the earthly resurrected dead will indeed wed. Since it appears that Michael Joseph Jackson looked forward to everlasting life on a paradise earth (for instance, he never wrote a song discussing his desire to go to heaven), this may be an indication that his will be an earthly resurrection. Of course, God has the final word. In any event, if Michael is resurrected to eternal life on earth, marriage for him is still an option.
Sardonic Sadducees: The word "sardonic" means ‘scornfully or cynically mocking.' This is precisely the attitude the Sadducees, who believed only in the Mosaic Law and that people couldn't be resurrected, had toward Jesus. To be sure, there were marriage restrictions in the Torah (or Writings of Moses), and Jesus recognized these.
Forbidden Marriages: Angels were not to marry humans. (Ge 6:1-5; 2 Pe 2:4; Ju 6) Israelites were commanded not to marry pagans. (De 7:1-4) The high priest and underpriests were restricted in who they could marry. (Le 21:7-14; Ez 44:22) And for the Israelites in general, there were other prohibited marriage unions. (Le 18:6-17) Therefore, in strategically answering the Sadducees' question as to whom of seven brothers--who all married the same woman--would get her as wife in the resurrection, Jesus started with a marital prohibition: Persons resurrected to heaven won't marry. (Matt 22:23-30) However, after making this point, Jesus alluded to a man who had been ‘resurrected,' and had later married.
‘Resurrected' Man Marries?: Within the very Pentateuch (Greek for Torah) that the Sadducees prided themselves in knowing, God tested the faithful patriarch Abraham by asking him to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, just like a sacrificial animal. As Abraham was about to kill Isaac--who lay bound on the altar--God sent His angel to stop him. The patriarch had passed the test! Isaac, though, was viewed as good as having been sacrificed, and then was ‘resurrected.' Moreover, he thereafter married and fathered Jacob.--Ge 22:1-14; 24:1-67; Ro 9:7; Heb 11:17-19; Jas 2:21.
Astonishingly, Abraham knew God would've literally resurrected Isaac immediately after Abraham killed him as indicated by what he told the servants traveling with them: "Stay here with the ass, but I and the boy want to go on over there and worship and return to you." (Ge 22:5, New World Translation) Abraham planned on returning with Isaac alive! Even The Watchtower, November 1, 1968, states: "Abraham clearly expected that if Isaac died God would in time resurrect him so that Isaac would be able to produce the seed promised [through his son Jacob]." (Ge 21:12; 25:22-26; Ro 9:10-12) No wonder Jesus referenced Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob when answering the Sadducees!
Yet, the Sadducees didn't connect the dots, prompting Jesus to say: "You neither know the entire Hebrew Scriptures--Moses's Writings included--nor the power of God." (Matt. 22:29, Carr's Christian Bible) After speaking of a heavenly resurrection--again, where marriages don't occur (Matt 22:30)--Jesus shifts gears in the very next verse where he introduces an entirely different kind of resurrection, saying: "As regards the resurrection of the dead [to life on earth!]." (Matt 22:31) Significantly, he then discusses those who died before him, including the seven brothers and the widow.
These Seven Not in Heaven: Because the woman and her seven husbands all died before Jesus--should they be resurrected--theirs would be an earthly one. (Jn 3:13; 5:28, 29; Ac 24:15) Jesus also showed that even if they had been resurrected to heaven had they died after him, none of the seven still would get her as wife since whether resurrected to heaven or earth, death dissolves the marriage. (1 Co 7:39; Ro 7:2) No wonder the crowds were so impressed with his answer!--Matt 22:33.
It should also be noted that when the Sadducees approached him, Jesus had already resurrected a young man (Lu 7:11-18), a little girl (Mr 5:35-43), and his friend Lazarus. (Jn 11:11-14) There's no Scriptural record where, after they were brought back to life, Jesus commanded them not to marry. To deny those resurrected to earthly life the opportunity for romance, love, sex, and marriage, would be tantamount to punishing them for simply dying. Peace and blessings to all. Amen.
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