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Joe Jackson live bei Larry King am 08.01.10

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  • Joe Jackson live bei Larry King am 08.01.10

    EDIT: Ich sehe gerade meine Überschrift ist nicht korrekt. Das Interview war am 08.02.10 (Februar)... Wenn ein Mod das sieht, könnt ihr vielleicht ändern?

    Bei youtube gibt es einen Mitschnitt des Interviews, was Joe gestern bei Larry King auf CNN gegeben hat.

    + YouTube Video
    ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.
    Zuletzt geändert von Maxi777; 09.02.2010, 19:04. Grund: Überschrift Edit!

  • #2
    puh, da haben die drei es ja nochmal gut auf den punkt gebracht:
    es wurde fahrlässig mit Michael umgegangen; seiner familie wurde seitens AEG etc. immer nur versichert, alles wäre unter kontrolle, damit die show weitergehen kann;
    es ist ein unding wie mit diesem fall umgegangen wird, denn ein nobody hätte eine größere chance auf gerechtigkeit in dieser welt als Michael Jackson.


    • #3
      Danke für das Video, Maxi
      Das werde ich mir nachher in Ruhe anschauen.


      • #4
        Mein erster Eindruck bei diesem Video war, dass man Joe hier richtig ansieht, wie sehr in das Kraft kostet. Ehrlich, so habe ich Joe noch nie gesehen.


        • #5
          Ich glaube auch nicht, dass Michaels Tod an Joe vorbei gegangen ist. Joe ist ein harter Hund, der Gefühle schlicht nicht zeigen kann (was ja scheinbar schon immer das große Problem war). Aber immerhin ist sein Sohn gestorben und das nicht durch einen unglücklichen Unfall.


          • #6
            LaToya's Statement:

            “Michael was murdered and although he died at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray, I believe Dr. Murray was a part of a much larger plan. There are other individuals involved and I will not rest and I will continue to fight until all of the proper individuals are brought forth and justice is served."

            Michael wurde ermordet und obwohl er durch die Hände des Dr. Conrad Murrays starb, glaube ich daran, dass Dr. Murray ein Teilstück eines viel größeren Planes war. Es sind noch andere Personen beteiligt und ich werde nicht aufhören und werde weiter kämpfen bis alle der richtigen Personen hervorgebracht wurden sind und der Gerechtigkeit wurde Genüge getan.

            LaToya hat über Karen folgendes an die Fans ausrichten lassen:

            This message just came in from LaToya;
            "Karen please thank the fans for me and please tell them to continue to fight for all parties involved in this murder."
            Zuletzt geändert von Donna; 09.02.2010, 19:34.


            • #7
              Hier das Interview Transcript:

              CNN LARRY KING LIVE

              Dr. Conrad Murray Charged in Death of Michael Jackson; Interview With Jenny Sanford

              Aired February 8, 2010 - 21:00 ET


              LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, breaking news exclusive -- Michael Jackson's father Joe is here. And he's lashing out and slamming the state publicly, for the first time since facing the doctor charged today with manslaughter in the death of the pop icon.

              (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

              JOE JACKSON, MICHAEL JACKSON'S FATHER: It's not enough.

              (END VIDEO CLIP)

              KING: Plus, Jenny Sanford rips the lid off the sex scandal that ruined her marriage. Her husband cheated on her and lied about it. And now South Carolina's first lady is cutting him loose and moving on. She lets the public in on a very personal pain in a prime time exclusive next on LARRY

              KING LIVE.

              A couple of program notes before we start.

              We're in Washington -- we're in New York tonight.

              Tomorrow night, we'll be in Washington with First Lady Michelle Obama. And then Wednesday night in Washington with the vice president of the United States, Joe Biden.

              Michael Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, was officially charged today in the connection with the death of the pop star. The one count of involuntary manslaughter alleges that Murray did unlawfully and without malice kill Michael Joseph Jackson. Dr. Murray entered a not guilty plea and was released on bail.

              Joining us are the singer's father, Joe Jackson, and Joe's attorney, Brian Oxman.

              What do you make of those charges, Joe?

              JACKSON: I don't like those charges (INAUDIBLE). He -- he got off too easy in court today. You know, he's -- there's a lot of things that -- a lot of things that went on behind it that's not illustrated, what's been going on.

              KING: Things that you know about? JACKSON: Well, I know that I'm looking for justice for my son. And to me, he's just a fall guy. There's other people, I think, involved with this whole thing. But I think that if he's interrogated, he would come clean and tell everything he knows.

              KING: Did you want him charged with -- with homicide or murder?

              JACKSON: I was looking for justice. And justice, to me, would be the murder charge.

              KING: Because your son, Jermaine, said that the charges were not enough. And I guess you agree with him.

              Brian, is it...

              JACKSON: Oh, yes. No, we all...

              KING: Brian, is it involun...

              JACKSON: know, Larry, we...

              KING: Oh. Go ahead, Joe.

              JACKSON: No, we all agree that it was not enough. Even the fans all over the world agree that this wasn't enough. Believe me, it was not enough.

              KING: Brian Oxman, though, involuntary manslaughter means that the doctor was not there to kill him and while he may have used something that -- I'm gathering this -- that shouldn't have been used, it certainly was he didn't intend for him to die. So it had to be accidental.

              Isn't that the only charge he could bring -- Brian?

              BRIAN OXMAN, ATTORNEY: No, Larry. I -- I am heartbroken by these charges. Everyone in the family is heartbroken by these charges because you've got a reckless endangerment of a human life here. This doctor is giving this drug -- this Propofol -- like it was some kind of Sleep Ease it's -- or a pill for sleep. It is an anesthesia. It's dangerous when you do it outside of a hospital and you don't have the resuscitation equipment, you don't have the necessary monitoring of the heartbeat and the pulse and the oxygen level in the body.

              I'm sorry, as a parent, I wouldn't let me child receive this. And I'm sitting here next to Joe Jackson. I'm sorry. This is what his child received. It is dangerous. It raises to the level of implied malice. And that is murder two.

              KING: All right. We have a quote, by the way, from La Toya. The quote is: "Michael was murdered and although he died at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray, I believe Dr. Murray was part of a much larger plan. There are other individuals involved and I will not rest. I will continue to fight until all of the proper individuals are brought forth and justice is served." We should remind you that Dr. Murray has only been charged. He has pled not guilty. And in this country, you're innocent until proven guilty.

              Do you know, Joe, what your daughter means by "other people and other things they did?"

              Do you know what she's referring to?

              JACKSON: Well, I think she was referring to people this -- this was behind all of this. It's not just Dr. Murray himself...

              KING: Like what people?

              JACKSON: All of the people that was involved with Michael. I don't know exactly what all of them's names are. But, sure, there was a whole slew of them. And if...

              KING: (INAUDIBLE)...

              JACKSON: ...if he was interrogated enough, that they would find out everything from Dr. Murray.

              OXMAN: That's right.

              KING: Now, why do you -- why do you believe -- hold it, Brian.

              Why do you believe, Joe, that other people were involved in your son's death?

              Why do you believe that?

              JACKSON: Well, who -- who's paying Dr. Murray?

              Michael's not paying him because he's not here.

              Who's paying all these other people that's involved?

              Frank DeLeo -- all of those guys are no good guys, as far as I'm concerned. And -- Dr. Toomey (ph) is another guy that's in trying to -- all of Michael's memorabilia, he's out there with it and we can't find it. We're looking for it to sell because it belongs to the kids.

              KING: Are you saying, Joe, that these people wanted Michael to die?

              JACKSON: Michael said that himself, that -- that he would be killed. And he told his mother that. Because he was afraid that -- he was afraid to even do all of these shows because he was afraid that he wouldn't get a chance to finish all of those shows, because he couldn't. You don't do all those shows back to back. Even his kids say that he had told them that he would be murdered.

              KING: Joe, do you know the doctor?

              JACKSON: No, I don't. I don't (INAUDIBLE)... KING: Do you plan to -- Brian, are there -- are there any civil lawsuits going to come out of this?

              OXMAN: Oh, absolutely, Larry. Sure enough. You've got liability on the part of a physician who was giving this drug on a regular, ordinary basis. And -- and what La Toya is talking about -- and I've talked to her a great deal about this -- is that all the people around Michael, they knew of the danger. I warned of the danger. I -- I'm sitting here going, I saw it. And I said, look, people, this man is going to die from the administration of these drugs.

              And the family -- La Toya was shunned, Mr. Jackson was shunned. Everyone in this family was told, hey, we -- we have it under control. No, sir. They did not have it under control. It was reckless...

              KING: So what was the purpose, Brian...

              OXMAN: was irresponsible.

              KING: So there was just...


              KING: You don't think they intended to harm him, do you?

              Or do you?

              OXMAN: I think they intended to take a -- a superstar, a megastar and have him do what they wanted him to do. And one of the ways to do it was to give him every drug that he possibly could ask for. The one thing we don't do in this society is say to people who are addicted to medications, here, have everything you want. That is reckless. It's dangerous. And, frankly, Larry, anyone who says to a drug addict here, let me give you what you want, and then they die, I'm sorry, if their name isn't Michael Jackson as the victim, they're going to be charged with murder two.

              KING: All right. We're going to have you both back very soon.

              And, Joe, we'll talk more about the foundation.

              That's Joe Jackson and Brian Oxman on the news today that Michael Jackson's Dr. Conrad Murray charged with -- in the death of the pop star -- did unlawfully and without malice kill Michael Joseph Jackson. That's the charge.


              • #8
                Bitte, bitte, das kurz auf Deutsch zusammenfassen.


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