ich hab auch was interessantes in diesem Blog gefunden, werd es die Tage auch noch übersetzen.
"Unbreakable" ist angebl. jemand, der bei dem DOME Projekt mitgearbeitet hat.
Ich hoffe, es ist ok dies hier auch einzustellen:
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 8:44 pm ET
I told myself I would not write anything else. But some of your comments have me going nuts.
I don’t care if you believe me or not. I have nothing to prove to anyone.
I also said that I thought MJ was dead. I said I know nothing for sure, I never saw his dead body, I never went to the memorial… nothing of that sort. I was having lunch when I got a call that Michael had been rushed to the hospital. The very next day after his passing I flew back home.
I have flown back twice more to finish up work that will be showcased in the movie.
I know nothing else other than what I saw with my own eyes.
I am not implying I think he is alive, because I do not. All I was saying was I have no idea what happened. One day I was employed by Michael and the next day he was dead.
I am by no means a famous person, just someone who does some free lance work on the side.
I will not address your comments anymore as I feel they are not useful to anyone.
The fact is I DID know Michael and that is all I need to know. I could have come strolling in here the day after he died claiming I knew him and said everything than that I just said now. But I did not.
I don’t see what seems so weird about a person who worked with Michael Jackson to be in here.
I have been reading Larry’s Blogs for a long time. Way before the passing of Michael.
I could also claim I was invited to the memorail or the burial or that had been to his house.
But all of those statements would be lies.
Only thing I can claim is I worked with him his History Tour and The Dome Project, and saw most of his rehearsals as we were getting the kinks out of our CG images we were doing for the London shows.
I was not a close personal friend. But we had a lot of good times. And he respected my work. And I did his. Not so sure what is so unbelievable about those things. And yes, I am a woman, as a matter of fact last week I had a hystrectomy. If you want to see my biopsy report or a mammogram, I got them handy.
I just came here to clear up some things that were bothering me, and it sort of escaladed into this.
Which I regret deeply. I never intended for it to go this far.
And NO I am not looking for attention or fame.
How do I get either by posting things on the LKL blog. I mean really?
If I wanted all that I could make all sorts of outlandish claims.
I thought I was coming into an enviorment of MJ lovers who are seeking the truth about what happend.
So, any questions?
**mj** October 3rd, 2009 9:06 pm ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:06 pm ET
I do not know Karen personally. I have met her, but no I would not stick up for her. I don’t agree with some of the claims she is making. Peroid.
The Dome Project is a secert project Michael was working on that had to do with the London Shows. Part of the show there was to be lots of special effects, which you will see when This Is It comes out. He was also working on other things that were not involved with the concerts, which it is not my place to talk about this, since I was not working on them.
The Dome Project was top secert. But it seems everyone knows about it now…
Any footage you see of Michael where there is a green screen behind him, that is him working on the dome project…
And I would have been there, as I was there everyday.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:10 pm ET
Yes what that *mj* imposter said was right.
Most of what we were working on the dome project was to do with the song thriller.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:14 pm ET
There is are a lot of CG effect in the show… and that is what I do.. I have nothing to do with post production or anythng, I am not an editor or director or producer. So I don’t know what is going on as far as that is concerned.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:20 pm ET
You will see it when the movie comes out…
If there is an Unbreakable at that blog it is not me. You know this is a title to a MJ song don’t you? I am assuming I am not the only person posting things under this name. I am not an insider. And nothing I have said has been in any way disrespectful toward Michael. His friends like the Rabbi and such, those are insiders who pissed all over him. Me, I am not an insider. All i did was work with him.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:23 pm ET
Yes you check with your dancer friend… Although they were not involved in the dome project they do know about it. I am assuming…
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:27 pm ET
@Secret, I have never met or saw Mr Murray.
And to answer your second question, I am not sure.
It was a BIG production, i will say that.
And he was getting thin.
So I can not answer that one, as I am not sure.
**mj** October 3rd, 2009 9:30 pm ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:34 pm ET
Eli, You believe what you want. I have nothing to prove to you. I am not saying anything that has not already been said.. And two days after MJ died his dancers were on LK talking about his health..so yeah, that makes no sense, CG is Computer Generated…(special effects)
I was not part of the concert, I said I was part of the Dome Project. There is a HUGE difference...
And if me saying MJ was in good health seems like a bad thing, than I appologize.
**mj** October 3rd, 2009 9:40 pm ET
L.O.V.E.U. Michael
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:45 pm ET
Eli, if you would have read what I said, I also said I was unsure he could do 50 shows. I do not know anything about any drugs he may or may not have been taking, and if I did that is not something I would write about. Nothing I have said is not anything that is not already known or been said.
I was not a dancer and I was NOT part of the show.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 9:51 pm ET
@ Secert, Yes Michael was thin. But he was full of energy and spunk.
As far as his mental state, as far as what i seen, was tip top.
He did tell me that he was getting too old for this… (joking around of course).
But the times I interacted with him, his mental state was fine.
I do not know how he appreared when I was not around, so I can not say anything for sure.
He did appear tired some of the time, but he was working hard.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 10:27 pm ET
You can share good times with a person and not be a close personal friend.
I have many good time with many people, yet would never confind info in them or cry on thier shoulder.
Nothing I have said here about Michael was direspectful at all. I was invited on Larry’s show the week MJ died, i declined while everyone else flocked in droves. Me expressing my feeling and exprience’s I had with Michael is in no way backstabbing him. I know some things that I will not ever tell anyone.
I am not asking anyone to believe me, that is not the point. And I don’t blame you if you do not, because you are right, the internet can house some pretty scary things. I mean with people claiming to be MJ and this Informer, I don’t blame anyone for not believing me, and truthfully this is why I had not said anything before. Fearing I would get this reaction.
I know the truth, and all I was doing was sharing the fact that MJ was a wonderful man and he was not knocking on death’s door. Thats all.
I have no motive.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 10:33 pm ET
Lori, I understand.
And I told you yesterday that I did know the Jackson family, and than today all hell broke loose.
I was going to tell you more last night, but I did have to leave. This has been bothering me for 3 months, this whole situation. I don’t have any answers.
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 10:50 pm ET
I am signing off for the night. I am pretty sure I will not be back after today. I have cleared my chest of the things I had kept bottled up for 3 months.
Michael Jackson was not only an Icon but a caring, loving and giving man.
I feel privileged to have known him, and all I was trying to do was to shed light on how he was.
Don’t buy all the bullcrap the media fills your heads with.
I am not here to “want” everyone to believe me, because frankly I would have doubts as well. SO I get that. Just wait for the movie, and you will see what I am talking about. Although I do not know what is all in the movie, but when they show all special effects, that was me. The WOMAN in the LKL blog who spoke about the Dome Project and told you about the CG effects.
Thriller will be one of the best things you will ever see.
There are no clues, nothing to find, nothing to search for. Just pure fun.
I won’t give it away, but some of the effects we worked on are AMAZING, and no, I am not bragging

This was Michaels dream, he often would say how he could not wait for his kids to see this… All you will see is HIS masterpiece. Enjoy it and watch it knowing he put EVERYTHING he had into this work of art. Just keep an open mind with everything you see and hear.
Thank you for talking with me and I hope I shed some much needed light on the way MJ was.
Take care and God bless.
“Michael, you do that again and I’m putting the heel of my shoe thru your eye.”
“I am assuming that would be very painful, but I am going to continue doing it because your heels are really loud when you walk”
“Will you stop smacking your gum?”
“Hey now, what do you have aginst Big Red?”
I LOVE you Michael and I will NEVER forget a single word or converstaion we shared. May you rest in peace.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 9:39 am ET
Let me just clarify some things.
When I said things like “i have said to much already” I was meaning I gave myself a limit on what I was going to share. I wanted people to know or understand that I knew things witout having to go into any sort of detail..But as the comments kept coming, and i ketp revealing more, I thought i had better tell my story so I could clear up any confusion as to who I was or what my motive was.
I was never told I could not speak about Michael. I was a free lance worker, I did not work for the company who put on The Dome project. I was hired by Michael, my checks came from HIS accounts, not the accounts of the compamy doing TDP. I was contacted by CNN because some of the people involved knew I had worked there. I did not contact them. CNN at some point were trying like hell to get anyone on the show that knew MJ at all.
That is all.
I am not going to dignify the drug questions whatsoever.
Two things I will not speak about.
His children… and his drug use.
Nothing I have said in any way has been disrecpectful to Michael at all.
I never said the man was not flawed. I was not trying to paint this picutre of him as anything other than a human. I witnessed some bad times for him, sure, but that is not something I will ever talk about. Because I am not here for that purpose.
All i wanted to do was clear up a couple issues and that is all.
And YES I said I think Jermaine is involved, and I have my reasons for thinking so. I am not saying I am right. Never claimed it as factual. But I did hear things, that is all.
If you do not believe me, that is something that does not concern me at all. What concerns me are people telling lies about MJ. If my story seems to weird, I am sorry.
I was not ever going to reveal that I knew him. That is why I would always avoid the question. But it came down to that I really felt I needed to tell you part of who I was and what I saw, so you would understand why I knew the things I did. I was not Michael’s BFF. I never said that. In fact I said it over and over.
We shared some private things. He did tell me things that are way too personal that even on my death bed would never reveal to anyone. Things I have never even told my husband. Unlike some of MJ “real friends” I am taking those conversations with great pride and keeping them to myself, which is what some of his real buddies should have been doing. Only things I was revealing were good, postive things.
I am not out to make a dime, or to sell MJ out. And yes, i was offered a nice some of money to appear on not only this show, but two other ones. To me, that is selling MJ out and that is NOT how I roll.
I will NOT be tricked into saying unflattering things about Michael. I IWLL NOT DO IT.
No amount of money would ever break the trust he put in me when he told me some of the things he did.
Believe what you will, I am not here to try and MAKE you believe me.
I did not know any of the dancers or anyone doing the show with him. We never interacted. When I was at rehearsals it was mostly backstage and working with computers and such… At times I was sitting in the crowd watching way in the back.
MJ had only been rehearsing at the staples center for around 2 weeks. So out of the two weeks he had been there, I was there I would say 5 times. And only one time did I see the dancers.
I was NOT involved with the show at all. Only The Dome Project. MJ had bought my family and I tickets to his opening show, including the air fare. I joked around with him that on what he was paying me I was not sure I would be able to afford my flight home from CA when we were done… (joking around, i was paid very well.) So if you chose not to belive me, that is ok.
At the end of the day, I know what I know.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 9:55 am ET
Eli, Again I have nothing to prove to you.
Michael died on a Thursday. Before I left for home on Friday while I was still in CA I was approached about doing the show.
I saw MJ EVERDAY but one…(meaning working days, I never saw him on sundays and a few other days mixed in, but 90% of the time I was with him at some point.)
Monday I was contacted again about doing the show, they wanted people who had worked with him in the days leading up to his death. I was also contacted GMA and Nancy Grace. Eli I am not going to argue with you anymore. I accpect the fact you question me. If you do not believe me, why do you even entertain the thought of talking to me? Just ignore me.
I am not going to sit here and try and prove to YOU anything. I am done with that.
You chose not to believe me, and I am ok with that.
The reason I even said anything to start with, was because I have strong feelings about what happend.
And you people were talking about all the things that were bothering me. So, I decided to chime in.
I am not here to prove anything to anyone. So i’m done doing that.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 10:00 am ET
Eli, I am not going to speak about Jermaine Jackson.
You brought it up in here, NOT me. So I wanted to admit the fact i DID say that in a private chat room.
I am not the only one who thinks this. It is JUST MY thoughts. I know nothing.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 10:10 am ET
Jaq, I know nothing about what happend to him.
I suspect he was murdered.
But I do not know anything at all.
I know nothing more than the rest of you on that subject.
That is why I wanted to come clear up thngs. The press and others saying he was frail and being spoon fed. That stuff is not true.
Whether he was doing all those drugs I am not going to get into that, as it is not MY business.
But if this autopsy report is real, which i do not know, you would think there would be liver damage with so much drugs use, yet they said nothing about that. So I do not know anything.
And it breaks my heart everyday when I think about him being gone.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 10:19 am ET
MMJ, I was not accusing Jermaine of anything. I only said it would not shock me if he was involved.
and I also said that was just one theory I had along with many others in your chat room who spoke to me in private chat. I never said I had proof of anything. I did hear some things and that is what made me question him. This is it, I am droping this subject all together.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 10:34 am ET
Stu, I worked with Michael on his history tour and on the Dome Project. This is how it all came to happen. I work with CG (computer generated) things… Like video games and such. It is not a full time job, it is more of a hobby. In around 94 I was in LA working with someone on this video game he was making. A freind off MJ was there, which i did not know that at that time. Later after our work was done on this game he told me that his friend Michael would love this game, because he loved all sorts of video games and such… he asked me if he could take the game to his buddy Mike to see what he thought of it. So I said that woud be ok… (still not knowing this was MJ) A few weeks later the man calls me back and asks me what sort of involvment had in this game, meaning what aspects did I do.
( I also worked on the video ‘Lets get Rocked’ by Def Leppard which was one of the first videos to use CG) he said his friend loved the graphics and wanted to talk to me about a project he was doing.
I told him I really did not have the time as I was getting married in about 6 months and was not going to start no more projects.
About 4 months later he calls me back and demands I come to Califronia to meet with his buddy Mike, so I go, still not knowing who Mike was. I go to the meeting and in this room is MJ. I nearly crapped myself. He was wanting me to help design something for a tour he was plannning, but I did not have enough time to get thigns in order, as the tour was starting within 6 months or there abouts.
We tried some things and such but nothing seemed to pan out.. so I told him I could not really help any further as I needed more time.
A few years later he called me asking to help with some CG thigns for Ghosts. I was pregant at the time so I did not help at all, but gave some advice and what not, had no real input on this at all… (meaning Ghosts) A couple more times between 96-2000 I was asked to help with some small things for him. Nothing fancy and nothing that ever went into production.
In late March Michael called me telling me about a project he was going to be starting or had already started for an upcoming concert series in London. Told him I was not going to work in London so I declined, He said all the work would be done in LA. So that is how it started.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 10:42 am ET
MMJ, I am not back peddaling on anything. I admitted I said those things, I did not deny it.
I just do not think a public blog is the place to air such trash.
I did not accuse him, I said I thought his hands were dirty… and I did not trust him. Also said I think he may have something to do with this IF this is a murder.
I also said a few other theories I had, that was not the only one.
But lets not bring that here… I am not going to sit here and publicly accuse Jermain of anything.
I know nothing.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 10:56 am ET
He was very excited and worried at the same time. As anyone would be.
He put everything he had into makin’ this the BEST show for his fans.
He was human, he doubted himself.
He told me many times he was having the time of his life.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 11:15 am ET
Anne your video brought me to tears, I had not seen that.
I see footage of things I worked on.. watch it, there is a scene with michael with a green screen behind him holding a sucker. I was there that day…
As I was everyday.
He looks wonderful, just how I remeber him.
I am going for a bit…
But that video choked me up a bit..
It still seems so hard to believe.
He was one sexy mofo.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 11:23 am ET
MMJ, Thank you for your kind words.
Watch the video posted here, you will see some of the projects I was doing, and there is even a spot he is holding a sucker. I told you guys he always had a sucker. I am going to watch the video one more time.. It brings me joy, yet sadness at the same time. Does he look frail or sick to any of you in this video? I am telling the truth. Please have faith in that, MJ was NOT sick or frail… and this proves it. When you see the movie, it will prove it.
Damn I really miss him..
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 11:28 am ET
Stu, the person coming here is NOT Michael Jackson.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 12:11 pm ET
@MMJ, I am not saying MJ was in perfect shape or condtion. Truthfully I did see things.
What I was saying was he was not frail or boney or any of that nonsense we have heard.
He was by NO means the Michael Jackson I grew up being in love with and wanting to marry.
I will say this, in all honesty, the first time I met MJ back in the mid 90′s he looked spectacular.
I had seen him a few other times over the years and he pretty much looked the same.
However when I met with him for the first about this project, I did not even recognize him.
His face has changed drastically.
I am not trying to say he was perfect,
I was just saying he was not dying.
But overall, to me, he seemed in pretty good physical condition. Do you know what I mean?
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 12:27 pm ET
I am going to share on story, as it is nothing too personal.
Some people have questioned my name… Many know it is a MJ song off his last album.
At the start of May I had to fly home for a surgery… My birthday was May 2 and my surgery was to be May 4th… I flew home Saturday the 3rd… had my surgery Monday and flew back to LA on Wed to get back to work. The next day I returned which was the 6th I think, I was having a very bad time, I was in pain and not feeling good and missing my kids as I had not really spent any time with them in weeks.
I was sitting on the floor next to the mens room… (cause there was no one around) and I was crying… (yes, I AM a baby)
Before I knew it I felt someone sit next to me, my head was between my legs being cradled by my hands… SO i did not see who sat but could feel someone did. So me, being me, and by that I mean I am a bit*ch sometimes, I said… “leave me alone, nothing to see here.”
Than I heard these words.
“Make me.”
I knew it was him.
He asked me what was wrong, as he knew I had just had surgery.
I began to cry and told him I was in pain, I was tired, I was worried about fuc*king up his masterpiece, I felt lots of pressure, I missed my family and I thought I was falling apart.
I then loooked him in the eyes and said… “you seem so unbreakable and here I am crying over nothing”
He than wrapped his arms around me… (and boy, it felt good)
He told me that I was the one who was unbreakable and he can not even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from my kids, as he can’t go a day without his… he told me that he had faith in me and that he did not question or doubt my ability to do this project with him.
And from then on, he always called me Unbreakable..
He would often say…
“Someone get Unbreakable some dish soap her mouth needs a good rinsing.”
I tend to drop swear words like they are gospel.
Mother Day weekend was the following weekend and Michael arranged, behind my back, for my family to fly out for the weekend. So my kids and my husband got to finally meet him. He was very kind to my family and tried teaching them the moonwalk and also gave them money to play every game in an arcade near by..
So these are the sorts of things I want to say..
That is the kind of heart he had.
And that is why I have this name.
Because that is what he called me.
But really, it applied more to him. In my eyes.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 1:08 pm ET
No I did not know Micko… As far as I know though, he was a dear friend.
I was not invited to the memorial. I mean I am sure I could of tried to get a ticket, but no, I was not there. I did not think it would be a good idea for me to go anyway, because I took this pretty hard, and I don’t think I would hvae handled it well, seeing his casket there.I would have lost it.
I declined because I did not want to be tricked into saying things about Michael that I do not want t discuss. I know how these people work. Also I was grieving, it was to raw. I also did not think it was something Michael would have wanted me to do. That is why.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 1:12 pm ET
The surgery I had was on my leg so I hobbled around for a couple days.
He told me he was going to make me a set of wings so i could fly.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 1:43 pm ET
Jaq, Well I have photos, but all from the Dome Project. Which I will be more than happy to show once the movie is out. I fear I could into some crap if I did before the movie is released.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 1:54 pm ET
Jaq, After I get the clear to show them, I will set up a website to showcase them all.
As of right now The Dome Project is still considered an “active” project. My work on it is complete, but it is still an active project. I never insisted MJ fans do anything to Murray, I said it would not shock me if someone did.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 1:58 pm ET
I am leaving for the day.
Just did not want anyone to think I am ignoring questions.
I will check the next Mj post when it comes out.
I probably won’t wander back into this one.
Good day and God Bless.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 2:01 pm ET
Mara I do not have a facebook, But I will get start one.
I am behind the times on these things.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 2:50 pm ET
I do NOT have a Facebook.
I do not even recall writing that.
Someone else wrote that,because I did NOT!
Now I am going to have to go look thru all these comments to make sure this did not happen more than once. But I do NOT have a Facebook. I remeber writing more than once I did not have one. But I swear, I do NOT have a facebook.
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 3:24 pm ET
I’m sorry, I did not know what post it was from.. Yes, I did say that.
When i first started writing I did not want to come off as anything more than a fan. I was never going to say I knew Michael. I had seen the things that were said on both those facebook pages because it has been posted on other sites I have been to. That is why when i saw LK had a blog about the autopsy I made a comment. When I started out I was NEVER going to reveal anything.
I told people I was nothing more than a fan, and that is how I wanted to be portrayed.
Does that make sense. So yes, that was one white lie I told.
But I do not have a facebook, and that is for real.
Everything I said Friday was me trying to tell what I know without going into detail that is all..
and Eli, I don’t even know what you are talking about.
I never said anything here about Jermaine, not until someone else brought it up.
I said in the chat room that I thought his hands were dirty.
But I will not say anything about Jermaine here… or anywhere…
To me, its not even worth talking about. So I don’t know what BOMB I was dropping.
If you don’t believe me Elli, stop talking to me. But that is the reason I said that about facebook…I do recall saying that now that I see the post. Remember I was trying to come off as nothing more than a fan. And accually my best friend has a facebook and she is freinds with both of those parties.
So that is where I originally saw it. But it has been posted other places as well. Does any of that make sense?
Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 3:37 pm ET
I just went thru and looked at comments made here today.
There is a comment that says it was made by me, but it was not.
I never made the comment about my leg and hobbling around..
But the weird thing is, it is true.
And he did tell me that.
So wtf?
Ok I don’t know what’s going on, but I think I am done posting here.
Because it appears something weird is going on now..
But I hope you understand what I mean about the facebook thing, I had forgot I had said that.
What I am saying is true. I have no reason to lie. I posted on the autopsy one on purpose.
But it sort of grew legs and ran from there.
But now i see this comment I DID not make and my heart is racing.
I don’t know what sick joke someone is playing on me, but that is my cue to leave.
I know for most certainly Michael has passed away, and we need to pray for justice.
I am about to burst into tears right now, because of that comment.
I mean, I did not even notice that until now.
Everyone, I am sorry I posted here.
All I wanted to do was clear Michael. That is all.
But I am offically done.
When I am able to post my pics I will come back with the website for you.
But until then I must go, because something is going on and I want no part of it.
Please understand.
Thank you.
Peace out~
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