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  • Hier der letzte Teil der Aussage von TJ. Von oben nach unten. Alles dann hier zu lesen.

    Insgesamt schöne und emotionale Äußerungen über MJ von TJ und Taj.
    Intressant, dass er sagte, dass er traurig war, dass Grace als Kindermädchen von der Jackson-Familie entlassen wurde. Sie wollte die Erziehung der Kinder im Stil von MJ, genau wie TJ und seine Brüder fortsetzen, aber es habe Differenzen mit Teilen der Familie gegeben. Nachdem die Kinder ins Haus der Großmutter kamen sei es schwer möglich gewesen den Erziehungsstil fortzusezten, gleiches äußert er auch darüber über die vielen öffentlichen Auftritte (es sei schwer das Leben der Kinder privat zu halten).
    Insgesamt ist es natürlich eine Aussage um den Verlust zu erläutern, die Jury muss das ja irgendwann im Urteilsfalle in einen Betrag umwandeln. Relevantes zum Klagepunkt erwartungsgemäß nicht dabei. Er sah MJ einmal in 2009, beim Familientreffen. Dort habe er einen glücklichen Eindruck gemacht. Von Phillips nahm er nach seinem Tod für MJs Kids Karten für die Lakers an. Dieses Spiel besuchte er mit den Kindern. In der Depositon sagte er aus, dass er sich bei Phillips für die Karten bedankte, im Prozess sagte er, er kann sich nicht erinnern ob er sich bedankt hat. Die Jackson-Anwältin hebt im Re-Cross später dann noch hervor TJ habe da ja zu dem Zeitpunkt noch nichts von den Treffen von Murray mit Phillips gewusst. MJ hat TJ und Brüdern mehrmals in den 90ern und 2000ern gesagt, dass er umgebracht werden wird auf Grund seiner Erfolges.

    Heute dann Karen Faye im Zeugenstand.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts5m
    After MJ died, Grace Rwamba came back to work with the family, TJ explained. But he said there was a situation where Grace had to move on.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    TJ: I was a little disappointed she had to. Along with my grandmother, she was the mother figure the kids had in their lives.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    "I don't know specifically what happened but I think there had been conflicts between Grace and other members of the family," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    TJ said MJ raised the kids differently. They read a lot, didn't watch tv during the week, one movie a week if they earned, TJ explained

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts3m
    "Once my uncle passed, they came into my grandma's house in regular society, it was hard to maintain the same lifestyle," TJ expressed.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts3m
    "She (Grace) wanted to maintain, as did my brothers and I, my uncle's child raising," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    Boyle asked TJ about Paris deposition regarding Grace. Defendant's attorney objected, they went to a sidebar and lunch break.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina did the cross examination of TJ on behalf of AEG.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Bina asked about Katherine's health problems last summer and if he's aware of any health problems? TJ said no.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Bina inquired how many times TJ saw or spoke with MJ and the children. He said he spoke with his uncle every other month.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    TJ definitely remembers seeing MJ at least once in 2009.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts9s
    Katherine was in court wearing a fuschia jacket. Aside from TJ, she was also accompanied by Taj Jackson.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts33s
    Bina asked if TJ draws salary for being MJ's children co-guardian.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts13s
    "It was hard for me to accept it, my grandmother insisted and a couple of months ago I began receiving it," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts23s
    Bina asked about children being more exposed to the media after MJ died, like going on Oprah and Prince working on Entertainment Tonight.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts5s
    "It's difficult, because they are 15 and 16," TJ said. "It's hard to maintain that private life."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    "It was very important for him to excel in his career," TJ said about Prince.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    "I didn't release music until I was 16 or 17," TJ said. "I encourage them to be children first."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts38s
    Paris wants to be an actress, Prince says he wants to act then become a producer, TJ explained.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Bina: As their guardian you haven't prevented them to be in the public eye TJ: It's hard to do that when he's straight A student with honors

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    'If he really wants to do it, 100%, he should be able to do it at 16," TJ said about Prince working on a television show.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    "I wanted to do for the art of it, I like the quiet, private life," TJ explained.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    "I would say they want to build their own career, and ET is a stepping stone for his acting career," TJ said about Prince.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts59s
    TJ: It's tough, as long as he (Prince) understands his responsibilities and the pitfalls, it's hard to say no

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts40s
    Bina: You didn't go to Carolwood house? TJ: Not before MJ died

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts31s
    TJ said the last time he saw MJ alive was in his grandparents anniversary, where most of the family member were there.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts25s
    Bina notes the anniversary happened on May 14, 2009.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts6s
    "He was in a good mood," TJ recalled. "He was happy, he was talking about the kids, making jokes, that stuff."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    TJ didn't remember MJ being extremely thin then, but said he wasn't concerned to check it.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    "He was just happy and jolly and I was just happy to see him and the kids," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    TJ: We talked primarily about the children, that I wanted more kids, talked about movies.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    TJ said before MJ left, he asked him if he was going to London. "I said 100% and he said ok, see you there," TJ testified.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts17s
    TJ said MJ was excited that TJ was going to London. TJ said he didn't know if MJ was happy because of tour or for being around his family

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts3m
    The only time TJ recalled seeing his uncle in 2009 was at the anniversary dinner.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Bina asked TJ about MJ's wedding gift to him, which was $30,000 in cash. "He wanted to pay for my wedding, but the wedding passed," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    TJ reluctantly accepted the gift. Bina asked if MJ was in financial difficulties then and couldn't afford the gift. TJ said he didn't know.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Bina: Did you ever talk to your uncle about his finances? TJ: No

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    "At the dinner, MJ seemed happy," TJ said. "I don't think he would be sad if he was sad," TJ said about MJ during the anniversary dinner.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Bina: Did you consider your uncle to be a private person? TJ: For the most part, yes

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Bina: Did you ever see a doctor on Dangerous tour? TJ: No

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    "I don't remember seeing a doctor in the HIStory tour either," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts59s
    TJ testified he was familiar with Dr. Metzger. He said he had not heard of the drug Propofol before MJ died.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts41s
    "I've heard many rumors about my uncle that were not true," TJ testified.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Bina: You never personally saw substance abuse? TJ: No

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts55s
    TJ said he didn't believe MJ had a substance abuse problem, never saw him take pills.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts29s
    Bina asked if TJ thought MJ would've told him if he had a drug problem.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    "I don't think he would've told me, but I'm not sure. He told me some things, but I don't think so," TJ responded.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts27s
    "My cousins and I were going to Laker game, they wanted to go to ESPN zone before the game, and that's when I met Randy Phillips," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts39s
    Bina asked if TJ thanked Phillips for getting them tickets. TJ testified he didn't know he got the tickets.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts58s
    But in his deposition, TJ testified he did thank Phillips for the tickets.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts41s
    Bina asked about MJ's lavish lifestyle.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts54s
    "It's hard to measure myself against my uncle, he was kind of person who loved art, liked collectibles, liked the best of the best" TJ said

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts44s
    But TJ noted MJ wore pajama bottoms, V necks, and Mickey Mouse watches.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts27s
    "Homes I would say yes, he wanted nice homes. Cars yes and no," TJ explained.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts41s
    TJ said MJ was very important to him, had a lot of influence on him.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Bina: It's hard for you to believe he could've died of drug overdose? TJ: It's hard for me to know that he's dead

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Bina: Do you believe your uncle was murdered? TJ: I do

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts55s
    "He (MJ) did tell me and a couple of his brothers he would be murdered because of his position, because he was a target," TJ said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts50s
    TJ had conversation with MJ about it during mid 90s to mid 2000s.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts31s
    In re-direct, Boyle said he wanted to talk about the Lakers tickets.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts6s
    Boyle: Did you know at that time that Mr. Phillips had a secret meeting with Dr. Murray? TJ: I didn't know

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    TJ said they didn't go with Phillips to the Laker game, he was just there, at the game zone.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Boyle: Do you think Jackson's kids should be allowed to go to the Laker games? TJ: I think they should go anywhere they want

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    TJ said he began acting as the children's co-guardian shortly after MJ died.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Boyle: Did you do it for four years for free? TJ: It was out of love

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    TJ said his grandma convinced him to accept payment because he has three kids of his own that are losing a lot of his time.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Nothing further from the attorneys, TJ he was excused. He traded places with brother Taj in audience, sat next to his grandmother.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts14s
    Deborah Chang did direct examination.Taj, real name Tariano Jackson, II is 39 years old. He is the first grandson.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts16m
    "I was spoiled with love, let's just say that," Taj said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts15m
    Taj said he was close to MJ. "My uncle, besides being my musical role model, he was like an older brother to us," Taj explained.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts15m
    "He guided our lives, he was everything," Taj said about MJ. "I feel lost some times because he's not here."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts15m
    "When my mom passed, he stepped in and made sure our whole world didn't crumble," TJ said about MJ.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts15m
    MJ helped us with school, Taj said, paid for his college. He encouraged his nephew do it for his mother, to make her proud.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts14m
    Taj said his mother and father were very much in love, but separated. "They loved each other, I never understood the problem."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts13m
    "My mom really looked up to my uncle, leaned on him a lot," Taj testified. "He loved the way that she raised us."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts13m
    "It was known she put us first," Taj said. Dolores (DD) Jackson was Taj's mom's name.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts13m
    Taj said he stayed at Neverland many times. "Neverland to me, he (MJ) always let us know, it was to help people," Taj explained.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts13m
    "My uncle didn't eat candy, it was for the sick children he was bringing to Neverland," Taj explained.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts12m
    Taj said MJ would take hundreds of people from Make a Wish foundation. "He wanted to make them better, he felt that he could."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts11m
    Ryan White became poster child for HIV/AIDS Taj said. This was during the time we were all terrified about it; Ryan was kicked out of school

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts11m
    "They had a really strong relationship," Taj said, explaining MJ took Ryan to Neverland, went into the pool with him.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts11m
    "It was Disneyland," Taj said about Neverland. "He named the train station after my grandma, Katherine. There's a plaque with her name."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts10m
    After Ryan White died, Taj said MJ dedicated the song "Gone Too Soon" to him.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts10m
    Chang played the video clip of the song.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts10m
    Taj: Michael taught us that being a musician and having the influence not only to make music but to make a change in the world

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts9m
    "He was constantly trying to help people," Taj said, adding there were lots of things the media didn't know about MJ.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts9m
    "I was the first Jackson to go to college, he was so proud of that," Taj said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts9m
    Taj also attended Buckley School, went to Loyola Marymount college, studying Music, Film and TV. He needs to finish the last year of school.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts8m
    Chang: Was he your mentor? Taj: Yes, definitely

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts8m
    Taj said his dad Tito was his mentor at baseball. He coached their little league team.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts8m
    Taj said he shared three things with MJ: Music, Film and the Three Stooges, which Michael loved.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts8m
    "He bought me my first camera," Taj said. He shot home video of his mother and brothers while she was still alive in 1994.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts8m
    "I keep my most sentimental things in my safe," Taj explained about a note he has from MJ.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts8m
    Note: Taj, I saw these and thought they were perfect for you. Love always, Uncle Doo Doo

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts7m
    Taj said MJ was very close with Lionel Richie. Played snippet video of 3T.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts7m
    Taj co-directed their last video for album brotherhood. Chang played a snippet of it, quite funny video. Some jurors were laughing.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts7m
    Chang: Was your uncle proud of you? Taj: Yes, very proud

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts7m
    Taj said he lived at Neverland for 6 months. He said his grandma was there all the time.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts6m
    Taj said MJ asked him to help raise the children. Taj said he was just about to begin your with 3T and MJ understood it.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts6m
    Taj became the person in charge of MJ's storage and belongings.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts5m
    Chang asked Taj who was MJ's mentor: "Definitely my grandma, he would tell me that, you could see it, I sensed that," Taj responded.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    "My mom was my mentor and my mom's mentor was my grandma," Taj said. "They all shared the purity in their heart," Taj explained.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    "My grandma was my uncle's compass in life," Taj said. "He was constantly trying to make her proud of him."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    Taj said having children was something they encouraged MJ, since they thought he was going to be a great father.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
    "It lit him up, that's what he lived for, his kids and my grandma," Taj said. When MJ died, Taj said they stepped in right away.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts3m
    "I think it's more difficult because my uncle to them was both father and mother, he was everything for them," Taj said.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts3m
    "When you lose a parent, your life is never the same again," Taj expressed. He said it hurts specially during milestones moments in his life

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts3m
    "I just got married," Taj said, crying. "And my mom wasn't there."

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Taj told the jury they chose to marry at Hayvenhurst because it was the place his mom and his uncle would be.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Taj got married on June 16. He said he had a vase with a candle in it lit for his mother.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Taj said he and his brothers wrote the song "Everything" at Hayvenhurst. Judge breaks for afternoon session. Katherine wipes her eyes.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
    Attorneys and the judge discussed extensively about things that one side wants to show the jury but the other side doesn't.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Judge adjourned session early for the jury. They are ordered back tomorrow morning at 10 am PT.

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
    Karen Faye will resume her testimony tomorrow from a few weeks back. We hope to see you then!
    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 28.06.2013, 11:55.


    • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 29. Teil

      27. Juni 2013

      Gestern war’s nun soweit. Einen Tag nach dem vierten Jahrestag von Michael Jacksons Tod nahm sein Sohn Prince den Zeugenstand ein. In den ersten 30 Minuten wurden den Geschworenen von den Jackson Anwälten diverse Videos und Fotos von Michael und seinen Kindern gezeigt. Anschliessend befragte Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish Prince zu den letzten Wochen in Michaels Leben. Michael Jackson hatte oft geweint, nachdem er mit AEG Live Leuten telefoniert hatte, so sein Sohn. “Er hatte gesagt ‘Sie werden mich umbringen; sie werden mich umbringen’”, so Prince. Mit “sie” waren gemäss Prince AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips sowie Michaels Manager Dr. Tohme Tohme gemeint.

      Prince sagte aus, dass Randy Phillips in der Nacht vor Michaels Tod in ihrem Haus war und Conrad Murray besucht hatte, während Michael noch bei den Proben war. “[Phillips] hatte [Murray] am Ellbogen gefasst. Aus meiner Sicht sah’s aggressiv aus. [...] sie waren sehr nah beisammen und [Phillips] gestikulierte mit den Händen”, so Prince. Er habe jedoch nicht gehört, worüber sie gesprochen hatten. Nachdem er den Vorfall beobachtet hatte, rief Prince seinen Vater vom Häuschen der Sicherheitsleute aus an, um ihm zu sagen, dass Phillips bei ihnen zu Hause sei. Michael habe seinem Sohn daraufhin gesagt, er solle Randy Phillips etwas zu essen und zu trinken anbieten. Das war das letzte Mal, dass Prince mit seinem Daddy gesprochen hatte.

      Das nächste Mal, als er seinen Vater gesehen hatte, hing dieser “halb von seinem Bett runter, seine Augen waren zurückgerollt” und Murray hatte versucht, ihn wiederzubeleben. Paris war Prince die Treppe hinauf gefolgt, “aber wir haben sie die Treppe runtergezogen. Sie hat die ganze Zeit geschrien, dass sie ihren Daddy sehen wollte”, so Prince. Im Spital habe Dr. Murray ihnen dann gesagt: “Sorry Kinder, Euer Dad ist tot”, so Prince.

      Im 25-minütigen Kreuzverhör versuchte AEG Live Anwalt Marvin Putnam Princes Aussage betreffend Randy Phillips Besuch bei ihnen zu Hause und dessen Auseinandersetzung mit Conrad Murray zu diskreditieren. Prince blieb jedoch bei seiner Aussage; er gestand einzig ein, dass es möglich sei, dass dieser Vorfall sich zwei Nächte vor Michael Jacksons Tod abgespielt hatte und nicht am Vorabend.

      Brian Panish gab Prince weiter die Gelegenheit über den emotionalen Verlust, den die drei Kinder infolge des frühzeitigen Tods ihres Vaters, erlitten hatten zu sprechen. “Ich kann nachts nicht schlafen. Ich habe Schwierigkeiten, nachts zu schlafen”, so Prince. Der Tod seines Vaters habe ihn für eine Weile emotional von vielen Leuten distanziert gehalten. Er habe es vermisst, mit seinem Vater seine Erfahrungen nach seinem ersten Schultag, mit seiner ersten Freundin oder mit dem Autofahren zu teilen, sagte Prince.

      Prince sprach auch über seine Schwester Paris und wie der Tod ihres Vaters sie speziell hart getroffen hat. (Paris’ Selbstmordversuch und ihre Einlieferung ins Spital wurden im Gerichtssaal nicht angesprochen und es ist nicht klar, ob die Geschworenen wissen, dass dies vorgefallen ist.) “Ich denke, von all meinen Geschwistern, hat es sie wohl am meisten betroffen, weil sie die Prinzessin meines Dads war”, so Prince. Prince sagte auch, dass die zweitägige Befragung durch die AEG Anwälte im März dieses Jahres (im Rahmen der eidesstattlichen Zeugeneinvernahme) von Paris “schmerzhaft für sie” gewesen war. “Sie hatte einige Probleme davor, danach und, so vermute ich, währenddessen”, so Prince. “Sie geht definitiv auf ihre eigene Art und Weise damit um”, so Prince weiter.

      Wie wir am 22. Juni im Rahmen der Aussage von Michaels persönlicher Köchin, Kai Chase, berichtet hatten, feiert Paris ihren Geburtstag seit dem Tod ihres Vaters nicht mehr, “weil es ohne [ihren Vater] nicht mehr dasselbe ist. Dies gilt ebenfalls für Prince. Michaels jüngster Sohn, Blanket, jedoch möchte seine Geburtstage weiterhin feiern. “Im Moment weiss ich nicht, ob Blanket realisiert, was er verloren hat. Er war so jung”, so Prince. Und wie er, habe Blanket keinen Vater mehr, der ihm den Weg zeigt.

      AEG Live hatte versucht, Blanket im Rahmen dieses Prozesses ebenfalls zur Aussage zu nötigen. Die Richterin hatte den Antrag jedoch abgelehnt, nachdem ein Psychologe ausgesagt hatte, dass es dem Jungen schaden würde. Paris wird wie erwähnt aufgrund der laufenden psychiatrischen Behandlung nach ihrem Selbstmordbesuch ebenfalls nicht (mehr) vor Gericht aussagen. Es kann jedoch weiterhin vorkommen, dass Videoaufnahmen von ihrer eidesstattlichen Zeugenaussage im März vor Gericht verwendet und den Geschworenen gezeigt werden.

      Die Geschworenen bekamen von Prince auch einen Einblick in die Welt von Michael und seinen drei Kindern. Unter anderem wurde ihnen ein bisher unbekanntes Home Video gezeigt, das an einem Weihnachtstag von Michael selbst aufgenommen wurde. Darin hatte er seine Kinder gefragt, wie sie “die Welt verändern” möchten, wenn sie gross sind.
      Hier das Home Video( *

      Prince wurde zudem zu seinen Schulleistungen und seinen sonstigen Aktivitäten befragt. So erfuhren die Geschworenen, dass er sehr gute Noten hat in der Schule und Kampfsport betreibt sowie als Mechaniker für das Roboterprogramm seiner Schule arbeitet. Nach dem Abschluss der High School möchte er an die University of Southern California, Film und Business studieren gehen. Sein Vater habe ihm gezeigt, wie die besten Filmemacher ihr Handwerk betrieben. Prince ist ehrenamtlich auch im Kinderspital in Los Angeles tätig für ein Programm, das junge Patienten mit Büchern beliefert, “um sich von ihren Problemen abzulenken”, so Prince. Sein Vater habe “immer gesagt, man solle Gutes tun für die Gemeinschaft und man solle so oft helfen, wie man kann”, sagte Prince.

      Den Geschworenen wurden auch Videos von Michael und seinen Kindern auf der Neverland Ranch gezeigt, bevor sie nach dem Arvizo Prozess von dort weggezogen sind. “Sie haben es meinem Dad verdorben”, sagte Prince. Überall auf dem Gelände der Neverland Ranch waren auch immer wieder Zitate und Gedichte seines Vaters. Eines davon lautet: “Wenn Kinder spielen, Tyrannen weinen, dann gibt es nichts zu sagen”. Als auch Videos von den verschiedenen Bahnen etc. auf Neverland gezeigt wurden, berichtete Prince, “Wir gingen nur bei besonderen Anlässen auf diese Bahnen und zum Zoo, weil mein Dad wollte, dass wir bescheiden bleiben”. Als ein Foto von Prince und Michael an einem Klavier gezeigt wurde, sagte Prince, dass er nie ein Instrument wird spielen können. “[U]nd ich kann definitiv nicht singen”, so Prince.

      Prince erzählte auch, dass er zu Lebzeiten seines Vaters sechs Tage pro Woche Schule hatte; entweder wurde er von einem Lehrer oder von seinem Vater selbst unterrichtet. Ein wichtiger Aspekt war jeweils, über andere Kulturen und Religionen zu lernen. Prince betonte auch, dass Michael seine Kinder immer fragte, wie es ihnen in der Schule ging und was sie machten, um die Welt zu verbessern.

      Ein Thema war auch das Tragen von Masken in der Öffentlichkeit, als sie klein waren, “damit niemand wusste, wie wir aussahen, so dass, wenn wir mal ohne [unseren Vater] unterwegs waren, wir eine normale Kindheit haben konnten.” Nachdem er nun konstant beobachtet bzw. verfolgt würde, verstehe er jetzt, warum sein Daddy das so wollte und gemacht hatte, sagte Prince.


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      Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 28.06.2013, 14:47.


      • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 30. Teil

        28. Juni 2013

        Gestern riefen die Jackson Anwälte Michaels Neffen T.J. Jackson in den Zeugenstand. T.J. Jackson ist der jüngste Sohn von Michaels Bruder Tito Jackson und gegenwärtig Vormund von Michaels drei Kindern zusammen mit Katherine Jackson. Als AEG Live Anwältin Jessica Stebbins Bina T.J. während des Kreuzverhörs fragte, ob er glaube, dass Michael ermordert worden sei, sagte er: “Das tu ich. Ich glaube das, weil er mir und meinen Brüdern ein paar Mal gesagt hatte, dass man ihn umbringen will. Er sagte, nur allein wegen seiner Stellung war er ein Ziel”, so T.J.

        Zuvor hatte T.J. unter anderem über den Mord seiner Mutter, Delores Jackson, vor 19 Jahren gesprochen. “Meine Mutter wurde auch wegen Geld umgebracht.” Anfangs wurde der Tod von Delores Jackson, die sich 1993 von Tito hatte scheiden lassen, als Unfall angesehen. Sie ertrank in einem Swimming Pool. Der Fall wurde dann jedoch 1995 auf Initiative von T.J. und seinen zwei Brüdern wieder eröffnet und es wurde gegen einen Mann Anklage wegen widerrechtlicher Tötung erhoben. Drei Jahre später wurde der Mann wegen Totschlags zu 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.

        T.J. sagte auch aus, welche verheerenden emotionalen Konsequenzen der Tod von Michael Jackson für seine drei Kinder gehabt hat. “Er war einfach alles [für sie]“, so T.J. “Der Verlust meines Onkels hat [Paris] auf eine andere Art und Weise getroffen [als Prince und Blanket] und sie es ist hart für sie. Aber wir lieben sie und tun, was immer wir können”, so T.J. Er sagte, er habe keine Worte um zu beschreiben, was Paris durchmache. Es sei hart. “Sie war Daddys Mädchen. Mein Onkel war die Welt für sie. Mein Onkel hat ihnen so viel Liebe gegeben und seit er nicht mehr da ist, hat es Paris sehr schwer, alle haben’s schwer”. Michaels jüngster Sohn Blanket, der 7 Jahre alt war, als sein Vater gestorben war, “hatte sich immer um [Michaels] Bein geklammert, er war sehr schüchtern. Wo immer mein Onkel war, Blanket war neben ihm. Mein Onkel hat Blanket alles bedeutet”, so T.J. Was Michaels Sohn Prince betrifft, der am Tag zuvor ausgesagt hatte, sagte T.J., dass er Michaels “kleiner Assistent” war. “Er war für sein Alter sehr reif, sehr intelligent. “Mein Onkel hatte ihn für Sachen vorbereitet”, als er mit ihm über Geschäfte sprach.

        Als Vormund von Michaels Kindern müsse er sie ständig vor auflauernden Paparazzis schützen, die Fotos von den Kinder machen wollen. “Um ehrlich zu sein, es nervt total. Es ist schlimm”, so T.J. Er schlug vor, dass es ein neues Gesetz geben sollte, das Kinder von Prominenten vor Fotografen schützen sollte. “Es macht alles nur schwieriger für die Kinder, um trauern, sich vom Verlust erholen und mit dem Leben weitermachen zu können”, sagte T.J.


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        • Ein paar Tweets von McCartney während einer kurzen Pause, Juror wollte ein Asperin. Putnam fragt, ob sie ihre bisherige Aussage nachgelesen habe. Faye verneinte, sie habe nur ihre Deposition nachgelesen, die über 6 Tage ging. Putnam fragt wie ihr Kontakt zu MJ war nach dem Freispruch. Sie habe alle paar Monate mit ihm telefoniert, ihn aber erst im April 2009 wieder gesehen. Über die TII-Tour erfuhr sie aus den Medien. Putnam fragt ob sie enttäsucht war, dass sie mit MJ nicht nach dem Freispruch sprach. Faye: Nein

          Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 28.06.2013, 20:00.


          • Von unten nach oben:
            • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
              Putnam asked whether she found the proceedings funny. “I don’t think the case is funny at all sir,” Faye responded.
            • Putnam fragt ob sie das Geschehen lustig findet. Ich denke nicht das der Fall lustig ist, sagt Faye.

            • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
              Putnam asked if she found anything else and she quipped, “I was going through my drawers. I found some sexy things for my boyfriend and I.”
            • Putnam fragt ob sie noch was anderes fand. "Ich ging durch meine Schubladen. Ich fand einige sexy Dinge für meinen Freund und mich.
            • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
              Faye didn’t give the text messages to AEG’s lawyers. Putnam: ““I guess we’re getting them now.”
            • Faye gab die Message nicht an die AEG-Anwälte. Putnam "Ich denke wir bekommen sie jetzt."

            • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
              Putnam asked Faye when she discovered the texts, and when she handed them over to plaintiff’s counsel. She said she turned them in today.
            • Putnam fragt Faye wenn sie den Text entdeckte und sie dem Klägeranwalt gab. Sie gab sie ihm heute.
            • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
              ... that helped her remember when things happened during prep for the “This Is It” tour. AEG attorney Marvin Putnam seemed surprised.
            • die ihr half zu erinnern wenn Dinge passierten während der TII-Tour. AEG Anwalt Punam scheint überrascht

            • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
              It was about this time that the juror had an issue and court took a break. When court resumed, Karen Faye revealed she found texts (cont)

            Nach einer kurzen Pause sagte Faye sie fand eine Textmassage

            Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 28.06.2013, 21:35.


            • geht zumindest ein wenig konstruktiver weiter, von unten nach oben

              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m
              Faye: “I wanted it to be as private for him as possible.”
              Faye: "Ich wollte, dass es für ihn so privat wie möglich ist."
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

              She was also asked about contract terms that called for her to submit itemized receipts for expenses only if Jackson approved it.
              Sie wurde auch über die Vertragsbedingungen befragt, die ihr auftrugen detaillierte Belege für Ausgaben vorzulegen, die von Jackson genehmigt werden mussten.
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

              She was asked about the wigs she bought for Jackson, which she said were ventilated. She said she needed 5 wigs for the London shows.
              Sie wurde über die Perücken befragt, die sie für Jackson kaufte, worüber sie sagte sie wurden belüftet gekauft. Sie sagte, sie brauchte 5 Perücken für die Shows in London.
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

              Faye was then asked about her contract with AEG to work with Jackson on “This Is It.” She said she wasn't paid until contract was signed.
              Faye wurde dann über ihren Vertrag mit AEG gefragt um auf Jacksons "This Is It"-Tour zu arbeiten. Sie sagte, sie sei nicht gezahlt wurden bis der Vertrag unterzeichnet wurde.
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

              She said she thought Jackson was better off when Grace wasn’t living at Neverland Ranch during the trial.
              Sie sagte, sie dachte Jackson ging es besser als Grace nicht auf der Neverland Ranch während des Prozesses lebte.
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

              Faye was then asked about the Jackson family maid, Grace Rwaramba and her role during the molestation trial.
              Faye wurde dann über das Jackson-Kindermädchen Grace Rwaramba und ihre Rolle während des Kindesmissbrauchsprozesses gefragt
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

              Faye said they were Kenny’s words and not hers. She said she didn’t recall saying the schedule was dangerous.
              Faye sagte, es seien Kennys Worte und nicht ihre. Sie sagte, sie könne sich nicht erinnern, dass sie sagte der Zeitplan sei gefährlich.
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

              Putnam showed her an email Ortega sent to AEG exec Paul Gongaware saying Faye raised concerns about the schedule.
              Putnam zeigte ihr eine E-Mail, die Ortega an AEG exec Paul Gongaware gesendet hat und besagt das Faye Bedenken über den Zeitplan hat.
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

              Faye said she didn’t characterize it that way. “I said it wasn’t the best schedule for Michael to be successful,” she said.
              Faye sagte, sie charakterisierte es so nicht. "Ich sagte, es sei nicht der beste Zeitplan für Michael um erfolgreich zu sein", sagte sie.

              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

              She added that she thought Jackson needed more time to recuperate. Putnam asked whether she called schedule dangerous.
              Sie fügte hinzu, dass sie dachte, Jackson brauchte mehr Zeit sich zu erholen. Putnam fragte, ob sie die Terminierung für gefährlich hielt.
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

              “I didn't say definitively that it was going to be a problem,” Faye said. “I said this was something we should look at.”
              "Ich habe nicht definitiv gesagt das es ein Problem werden könne," sagte Faye. "Ich sagte, dies sei etwas, was man übersehen solle"
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m

              Faye said she was concerned about how close together the “This Is It” shows were and she reached out to Kenny Ortega, the tour director.
              Faye sagte sie war darüber besorgt, wie nahe die "This Is It" -Shows waren und sie streckte die Hand aus um Kenny Ortega, den Tour-Direktor zu erreichen
              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m

              Faye recalled Jackson telling her, “’ It started out as 10 shows and then I woke up and it was 50.’”
              Faye erinnert sich das Jackson ihr sagte, "'Es begann mit 10 Shows und dann bin ich aufgewacht und es waren 50'."

              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m

              Faye was asked about her conversation with Jackson about the “This Is It” shows. She says the singer seemed surprised about the 50 shows.
              Faye wurde über ihr Gespräch mit Jackson über die "This Is It-Shows" gefragt. Sie sagt der Sänger schien überrascht über die 50 Shows.
              Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 28.06.2013, 23:10.


              • Von unten nach oben

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34s
                Attorneys and judge went into sidebar. Then Faye was excused, subject to recall.
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                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
                Faye said on June 18 Michael was almost catatonic, stoic, appeared scared to die.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
                Faye said she discussed with mortician MJ's body weight. Panish asked if he looked worse than on June 19. Faye responded: "He was dead, sir"
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
                "I was quite sure he was deteriorating, sir" Faye said. "I had no idea what was going on, but there was something very, very wrong."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
                Putnam questioned Faye for 5 days in deposition related to Lloyds of London lawsuit. There were no lawyer representing the Jacksons.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                Faye said MJ was scared, paranoid, pressure on the last two weeks of his life.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                MJ went to rehearsal on June 18 but arrived late, Faye said. Ortega was very angry Michael was late to rehearsal.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
                Panish asked if someone has died after getting make-up. "I never even burned someone with a hot iron, sir," Faye responded.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 47m
                Panish: Did you take the Hippocratic oath when you became a make-up artist?
                Faye: No, sir
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                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                Panish: Were you being paid $150,000 a month?
                Faye: No
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                "He was burned a long time ago, had damage to his scalp," Faye said about MJ needing wig. "He had 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burn."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m
                Panish: Who did you negotiate your contract with?
                Faye: AEG Live
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                Faye agreed with Bugzee that MJ was deteriorating in front of everyone eyes.

                "He was not in good physical shape on June 19," Faye said.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                Panish: Did you think that MJ needed some medical assistance that time?
                Faye: Absolutely
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                Panish: Were you seeing Michael not able to sing and dance on June 16?
                Faye: Yes, sir
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 49m
                Phillips responded:
                We control all the footage and it is locked at the vault at staples center
                Phillips antwortet:
                Wir kontrollieren das ganze Material und es ist in einem Tresor im Staples Center
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50m
                In an email on July 1, 2009, Faye expressed concern to Randy Phillips about footage of MJ shuffling and wrapping around in blankets
                In einem E-Mail am 1. Juli 2009 schreibt Faye ihre Besorgnis an Randy Phillips über Material von MJ das ihn eingewickelt in Decken zeigt

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                Email cont'd: Michael's OCD is getting worse. He repeats his actions and rambles words constantly.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 51m
                Faye's email to DiLeo:
                Michael is painfully thin... His bones are protruding. I'm one person that has physical contact ith him very day.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
                Putnam asked about her saying it was between the two alone, and she said her intention was for someone to help Michael.
                Putnam fragt, sie schrieb es sie zwischen ihnen beiden alleine, und sie sagte ihre Intention war jemand zu beommen um Michael zu helfen
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
                No response from Frank DiLeo or anybody else, Faye said.
                Keine Antwort von Dileo oder jemand anders sagt Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52m
                Faye said she was trying to get their attention to do something. "I was desperate. I wanted a therapist for Michael."
                Faye sagt sie versuche Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen.Ich war verzweifelt, ich wollte einen Therapeuten für Michael
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 53m
                "This is between you and me alone," Faye wrote in the email to DiLeo. "I am leaving this in your hands as you have instructed me to do."
                "Das ist zwsichen Dir und mir allein, Schrieb Faye an Dielio. "Ich lasse es in Deinen Händen, so wie Du mich angewiesen hast.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 53m
                "I don't think you, Kenny or Randy deserve becoming the villains, or the financial victims," Faye wrote.
                "Ich glaube nicht, dass Du Kenny oder Randy verdienen die Schurken und finanz. Ofper zu werden, schrieb Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 53m
                "He hurts himself most of all," Faye wrote. Putnam asked what she meant by that and Faye said "He's dead!"
                "Er verletzt sich selbst am meisten, schrieb Faye. Putnam fragt was sie meinte, Faye. "Er ist tot."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 53m
                Faye said she thought there was some sort of fear with MJ.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 53m
                "I thought the best pathway, he needed some psychological help," Faye explained. "I'm trying to figure out what is going on."
                "Ich dachte das beste ist er braucht pyscholg. Hilfe, erklärt Faye: Ich versuchte herauzufinden was vor sich geht
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m
                "It seems like he is setting himself up to be the victim," Faye wrote in the email to DiLeo.
                "Es scheint er macht sie selbst zum Opfer", sagte Faye im Mail an Dileo
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m
                "I felt desperate when I wrote this email, because I felt I wasn't being heard or acknowledged," Faye said.
                "Ich fühlte mich verzweiflet als ich die Mail schrieb, weil dachte das ich nicht zur Kenntnis genommen wurde.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m
                Faye added:
                When he asked me to do this in May and met with him. I saw a slender but strong and coherent Michael Jackson.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54m
                Another fan email forwarded on June 22 from Faye to DiLeo saying MJ was too thin.
                [B]Eine weitere E-Mail am 22. Juni von Faye an Dileo, sagend MJ sei zu dünn. "Als er mich fragte dies zu machen und ich ihn im May traf sah ich einen schlanken aber starken und zuversichtlichen Michael Jackson. Es scheint das er sich selbst als Opfer darstellt..........

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m
                Email cont'd: I'm fearful he I'll make himself so sick be will die. If he doesn't do this show he has no where else to go...
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m
                Faye wrote in the email: Frank... Unfortunate she's right.
                Faye schreibt im Mail. Frank ...Unglücklicherweis hat sie Recht. Ich fürchte er macht sich selbst so krank, dass er sterben wird. Wenn er diese Show nicht macht hat er nichts mehr wo er hingehen kann..
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 55m
                Email Faye sent to Frank DiLeo was a note from a fan concerned with MJ's weight on June 20, 2009.
                E-Mail Faye sendet eine Nachricht eines Fans mit Besorgnis über MJs Gewicht am 20. Juni 2009 an Dileo
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56m
                Putnam: Did you think MJ was self-sabotaging?
                Putnam: Denken Sie MJ sabbotierte sich selbst?
                Faye: I didn't understand what was going on
                Faye: Ich verstand nicht was vor sich ging
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 57m
                Faye said MJ talked about the tour seemed he was trying to convince himself to do it. "It was always like he was talking himself into it."
                Faye sagt MJ versuchte sich selbst zu überzeugen, dass er die Tour machen kann. "Es war wenn er selbst zu sich sprach darüber"
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 57m
                Faye testified earlier in the case that MJ didn't take no for answer. She said it had to do specifically with her work.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m
                Faye said the first time she heard about Propofol was after MJ died. She was surprised about it.
                Sie hörte erstmals über Propofol nach seinem Tod. Sie war überracht darüber
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m
                Faye said MJ believed in doctors and that wherever they prescribed he thought it was ok.
                Faye sagt Mj glaube in Ärzte und was immer sie verschreiben hält er für in Orndung
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m
                Putnam asked if Faye and MJ knew each other well. Faye said he thought so.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 58m
                Faye did not express any of her concerns to MJ's family remembers.
                Faye sagte nichst über ihre Besorgnis gegenüber MJs Familienmitgliedern.

                Putnam: That last week, you didn't know what was going on?
                Putnam: Die letzte Woche, sie wustten nicht was vor sich ging?
                Faye: Right

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 59m
                "He would pretend everything was ok" Faye said. But she never asked MJ if he was ok since she thought he wasn't in the state of mind for it
                "Er gab vor alles ist ok", sagt Faye. Aber sie fragte ihn nie ob alles ok ist, weil sie dachte er ist nicht im Zustand dafür.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 59m
                "I was voicing my opinions and what I thought and I wasn't getting too much response, sir," Faye said.
                "Ich gab meine Meinung ab und ich dachte ich bekam nicht viel Antworten, sagt Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 59m
                Faye said she was a bit upset that no one seemed to have been listening to her back in June 2009.
                Faye sagt sie war etwas sauer, dass niemand ihr zuzuhören schien im Juni 2009
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "Because Michael had lost so much weight and he kept losing weight. 136 lbs was a lot for MJ," Faye explained.
                "Weil Michael so viel Gewicht verloren hat und weiter verlor. 136 Pfund war viel für MJ, sagt Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you think it was impossible for him to weigh that much?
                Putnam: Halten Sie es für unmöglich, dass er so viel wog?
                Faye: Yes

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam asked Faye about the fact that Coroner's report saying MJ was 136 lbs at the time of his death.
                Putnam fragt Faye über den Autopsiereport und das er 136 Pfund wog zum Todeszeitpunkt.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said people who didn't know MJ very well would probably not realize he lost lots of weight because of the several layers of clothes.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said that in Mar/Apr she told Michael she was concerned with his weight. She never talked to him about it during last weeks of his life
                Faye sagt das sie im Märzt/April ihm sagte sie besorgt über sein Gewicht. Sie sprach nie darüber mit ihm in den letzten Wochen des Lebens
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "Michael wasn't very coherent that week to have a discussion like that," Faye said.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Were you observing Mr. Jackson becoming thinner and thinner?
                Faye: Yes
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you say he lost 10-15 lbs the last week of his life?
                Faye: It was an estimate, yes
                Putnam: Sagten Sie er verlore 10 bis 15 Pfund in der letzten Woche des Lebens?
                Faye: Es war eine Schätzung, ja

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "Lisa Marie Presley and I became friends and she told me MJ liked to be at 120 pounds," Faye said.
                "Lisa Marie Presley und ich wurden Freunde und sie sagte mir, dass MJ ihr sagte, er liebe es 120 Pund zu haben, sagte Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you ever testify his work weight was 120 pounds?
                Faye: Lisa Marie Presley have me that information
                Putnam: Sagten Sie jemals aus, dass sein Arbeitsgewicht 120 Pfund war?
                Faye: LMP gab mir die Info.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I wasn't concerned for his weight for everyday life, but I was concert for his performance weight," Faye explained.
                "Ich war nicht über sein Gewicht besorgt für das tägliche Leben, aber ich war über sein Performance Gewicht besorgt, sagt Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "He was still cold, but his spirt was better, sir," Faye said.
                "Ihm war immer noch kalt, aber sein Geist war besser," sagt Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said there was hope, though."I saw more of Michael, he was laughing, I saw him participating, yes, there was some relief."
                Faye sagt, da war Hoffnung. "Ich sah Michael mehr lachen, ich sah ihn teilnehmen, ja, es war Erleichterung.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: So you didn't think he could be ready after watching those rehearsals?
                Putnam: So sie dachten MJ war nicht bereit nach diesen Proben?
                Faye: No

                "It was a very strenuous show," Faye said.
                "Es war eine sehr anstrengende Show", sagt Faye.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye explained MJ didn't gain any weight, there were changes that needed to be done to get him ready, perhaps if they could delay it a bit.
                Faye erklärte das MJ kein Gewicht gemacht hat, Änderungen die gemacht werden müssten um ihn bereit zu bekommen, vielleicht wenn sie es etwas verschieben.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: You didn't think he was ready to go?
                Faye: Oh no
                Putnam: Sie dachten nicht das er bereits war (die Shows zu machen)?
                Faye: Oh Nein

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam asked if Faye thought MJ would be ready to tour after those rehearsals. She responded "oh no, oh no!"
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: How about the 24th?
                Faye: It was improved
                Putnam. Was ist mit dem 24?
                Faye: Sie war verbessert.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you think MJ had a good rehearsal on June 23?
                Faye: It was much improved, sir
                Putnam: Dachten Sie das MJ eine gute Probe am 23. Juni hatte ?
                Faye: Sie war stark verbessert, Sir

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she didn't remember what she said to MJ, it was probably how are you doing, probably addressed him very casually.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                On June 23, Faye said there were lots of meetings at Staples Center with MJ. She was alone with MJ at some point in the day.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she didn't have an opportunity to talk to anybody on June 22 about MJ and she didn't want to ask the children.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said Alvarez didn't want to stay on the phone, had to go and hung up.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                I made a phone call to security Alberto Alvarez on Saturday and asked him to watch MJ very closely that I was concerned," Faye testified.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I was very concerned during this period of time, I was very, very frightened," Faye explained. She said she had horrible thoughts.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                June 23 was the first time they were at Staples Center.

                Faye said she was extremely concerned with MJ's health on June 19th.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                On June 22, Faye went over to MJ's house to replace MJ's wig. She waited couple of hours and was told to leave, MJ didn't want to do it.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she wasn't around Phillips a lot, so she didn't recall Phillips telling anyone to get MJ on stage to rehearse.
                Faye sagte sie war nicht viel um Pfhillips so sie kann sich nicht erinnern, dass Phillips irgend jemand sagte MJ auf die Bühen zum Proben zu bringen
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye: He told me he wanted to build a wall around Michael so he doesn't want to do anything but get to rehearsal
                Faye: Er sagte mir ein wolle eine Wand um Michael so das er nichts machen wolle außer Proben
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you ever observe Randy Phillips tell anyone to get MJ on stage to rehearse?
                Putnam: Haben sie jemals beobachtet das R. Phillips jemanden gesagt hat MJ auf die Bühne zu bringen um zu proben?
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did Paul Gongaware ever personally instruct you to never listen to MJ?
                Putnam: Hat PG Sie jemals angewiesen nicht auf MJ zu hören?
                Faye: No

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did Randy Phillips ever personally instruct you to never listen no MJ?
                Putnam: Hat R. Phillips Sie jemals instruiert nicht auf MJ zu hören?
                Faye: No

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did Paul Gongaware ever pressure you to get MJ on stage?
                Putnam: Hat PG Sie jemals gedrängt MJ auf die Bühen zu bekommen?
                Faye: No

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did Randy Phillips ever pressure you to get MJ on stage?
                Putnam: Hat R. Phillips Sie jemals gedrängt MJ auf die BÜhne zu bekommen?
                Faye: No

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she saw MJ down to t-shirt several times, since she had to wire MJ, put wires and battery packs on him.
                Sie sah in mehrmals in T-shirts
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Regarding the fitting day, where MJ wore t-shirt and shoulder piece, Faye said she was there but didn't see him when they did the fitting.
                Bezgül. der Kostümprobe als MJ Schulterteile und T-shirt trug, sagt Faye sie war da, sah aber nicht die Anprobe
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she can't recall ever having a conversation with Ortega about Dr. Klein.
                Faye sagt sie kann sich nicht erinnern jemals eine Unterhaltung mit Ortega über Klein gehabt zu haben.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I didn't know Conrad Murray at that particular point other than expressed the concern of what I think Michael needed," Faye said.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you express to KO any concern you had about Dr. Conrad Murray?
                Putnam: Haben Sie KO gesagt welche Besorgnis sie über Dr. Murray haben?
                Faye: Yes, that he wasn't a psychologist
                Faye: Ja das er kein Psychologe ist
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she had a conversation with Kenny Ortega about Dr. Murray. She never asked about Dr. Klein.
                Faye sagte sie hatte eine Unterhaltung mit Ortega über Murray. Sie fragte nie nach Klein
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                She was concerned about Dr. Klein and aware of Dr. Murray in the week prior to MJ's death.
                Sie war besorgt über Klein und wusste über Dr. Murray die Woche vor seinem Tod.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I was really getting worried about Michael's psychological state," Faye said.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she expressed that concern to Frank DiLeo, MJ's manager at the time.

                Faye never spoke with MJ about it.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                That concerned her, Faye said. "Because of the past, when I'd see doctors get involved in Michael's life," Faye explained.
                Das besorgte sie, sagt Faye. "Wegen der Vergangenheit, als ich sah wenn Ärzte in seinem Leben involviert sind, sagt Faye.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said they said Jackson's security confirmed MJ was seeing Dr. Klein maybe 3-4 days a week.
                Faye sagte die Securtiy bestätigte ihr, er sah Klein 3 bis 4mal die Woche
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "Because in the media, there were reports that he had gone to Dr. Klein," Faye explained. "What I asked is how often he went there."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I was kind on the lookout for doctors getting involved," Faye explained.
                "Es war eine Art Ausschau halten über die Ärzte, die invovliert sind." sagt Faye

                Putnam asked why Faye inquired specifically about Dr. Klein.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I asked Michael's security if he was going to see Dr. Klein," Faye testified.
                "Ich frage MJ`s Security ob er Klein sieht, sagte Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "It wasn't the MJ at 29, but he did Billie Jean and it was MJ, everyone was really excited about that," Faye said about rehearsals in June.
                "Es war nicht der MJ am 29?, aber er machte Billie Jean und es war MJ, jeder war wirklich aufgeregt darüber, sagt Faye über die Proben im Juni

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she was so concerned she brought an old time MJ's cook who had a restaurant nearby to bring him food.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "It's thinness was still bothering me," Faye testified. "He wasn't gaining anything, that was a concern."
                "Die Dünnheit ärgerte mich, sagt Faye. Er wollte nichts, das war eine Besorgnis.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I noticed some physical things that were odd," Fayed recalled.
                "Ich dachte einige phys. Dinge sind seltsam, sagt Faye

                Faye said rehearsal was really, really dried and that kind of bothered her
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "In compared to how I used to know him, it was little different, I can't say it was exactly how it used to be," Fay said.
                "Ich verglich es mit dem wie ich ihn kannte, es war etwas verschieden, ich kann nicht sagen es war so wie es sein sollte, sagt Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye doesn't recall how many times a week she saw MJ from March to June.
                Faye kann sich nicht erinnern wie oft in der Woche sie MJ von März bis Juni sah

                In the first period of rehearsals, Faye said he seemed ok.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she worked in a bedroom downstairs at the Carolwood house, never went to the second floor bedrooms.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I was researching all the adhesives available, trying to figure out ways to have my job be successful," Faye said.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam asked Faye what she did in April and May 2009 to prepare for the tour. She said she attended productions meetings at Center Staging
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam asked if AEG did financial check on her if they'd find problems. Plaintiffs objected, asserting witness's privacy. Judge sustained it
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she saw information about the trial on the news and internet.

                She worked with MJ for 27 years.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "No, there was no background check done on me," Faye said, explaining she knows the background check is one of the issued of the trial.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did they do a background check on you?
                Faye laughed out loud and said, you're so funny. I don't think so
                Putnam: Machten Sie einen Background-Check mit Ihnen?
                Faye lachte laut uns sagte, sie sind lustig. Ich denke nicht.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you work for Michael Jackson?
                Faye: He requested me, sir, he called me and asked me
                Putnam: Arbeiteten Sie für Michael Jackson?
                Faye: Er fragte mich an, Sir, er rief mich an und fragte mich
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "Ortega demanded Michael to take off sunglasses, they gave me orders sir, but not pertaining to make-up and hair," Faye said.
                Ortega wollte das Michael die Sonnenbrille runternimmt, sie gaben mir Anweisung, aber nicht bezgül. Make-up oder Haare."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I think I was giving her something to take care of all my business and pay bills, but can't recall the amount," Faye said.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said one of MJ assistants would some times give her skin creams to give to MJ.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                The Propecia rejuvenated hair on men's scalp, Faye said, and she needed as much healthy hair as possible.
                Propecia erneuert die Haare, sagt Faye und sie brauchte so viele gesunde Haare wie möglich.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said Latisse and Propecia prescriptions for Michael were under her name.
                Faye sagt Latisse und Propecia-Rezepte waren unter ihrem Namen für Michael.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Botox inhibits sweating, so Faye thought MJ could have Botox injection on his scalp and he wouldn't sweat, the wig would stay on.
                Botox verhindert das Schwitzen, so dachte Faye MJ könnte Botox-Injektionen auf der Kopfhaut haut haben und er würde nicht schwitzen und die Perrücke würde halten", sagt Faye
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "It meant Michael didn't want anybody to know he wore a wig," Faye said.

                Faye requested the wig receipt be as discreet ad possible.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she needed probably 5 wigs, each costing $3,500. She said it was a long process to get one ready, needed reserves for emergency.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said MJ liked privacy.

                "When you do somebody's hair there's a lot of things involved and he didn't want people to see it," Faye said.
                "Wenn man jemanden die Haare macht gibt es eine Menge Dinge die beteiligt sind und er wollte nicht, dass die Leute es sehen," sagte Faye.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I don't know where they were going to put me," she explained. "I wanted to make sure they could get to me if they needed."
                "Ich weiß nicht, wo sie mich hinsteckten", erklärte sie. "Ich wollte sichergehen, dass sie mich holen wenn siemich benötigen."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she needed to be able to get to MJ, so she asked in the contract to be close to him.
                Faye sagte sie musste in der Lage sein zu MJ zu kommen, so sie fragte im Vertrag danach ihm nahe zu sein.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "The process of his hair took a long time," Faye said.
                Der Prozess der Haare brauchte eine lange Zeig, sagt Faye.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye: I worked for This Is It and the production of the tour
                Faye: Ich arbeitete für This Is It und die Produktion der Tour
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam: Did you have an understating as to whether or not you were an employee of AEG Live?
                Putnam: Haben Sie ein Verständnis ob Sie ein Mitarbeiter von AEG Live-waren?

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Putnam said the contract with between the company of her Tania's company, not Faye.
                Putnam, sagte der Vertrag zwischen dem Unternehmen mit der Tania-Firma, nicht Fayes.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said a lot of her information came through Tania and their concerns. Tania took care of Faye's businesses affairs.
                Faye sagte eine Menge ihrer Informationen kamen durch Tania und ihre Anliegen. Tania kümmerte sich um Fayes Unternehmens- Angelegenheiten.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "They were going to throw him in jail if he didn't get there on time," Faye said.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "The judge was informing MJ he had to go to court or he would be sent to jail" Faye said. So he went to court in pajamas, couldn't get ready
                "Der Richter informierte, MJ hatte vor Gericht zu gehen, sonst würde er ins Gefängnis geschickt werden" sagte Faye. Also ging er zum Gericht im Schlafanzug, konnte sich nicht mehr bereit machen

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                That day, Michael went to the hospital because something happened to his back and they gave him some pain killers, Faye testified.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye explained the day during the criminal trial MJ went to court wearing pajamas one day.
                Faye erklärte der Tag während des Strafprozesses als MJ vor Gericht ging mit einen Pyjama
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I just noticed that Michael started having a lot of back pain" Faye said. "With the symptoms of losing a lot of weight, and the pajama day"
                An diesem Tag, als Michael ins Krankenhaus ging, weil etwas passiert war mit seinem Rücken gaben sie ihm einige Schmerzmittel, sagte Faye.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "Michael seemed to have more difficult time when Grace was brought back to Neverland," Faye said, referring to the time of criminal trial.
                "Michael schien eine schwierigere Zeit gehabt zu haben als Grace wieder nach Neverland gebracht wurde", sagte Faye, bezogen auf die Zeit des Strafprozesses.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "As her responsibilities grew, she kind of stood in the way, it seems she always tried to keep me away from Michael," Faye said about Grace.
                "Als ihre Verantwortlichkeiten wuchsen, stand sie auf eine Art im Wege, es scheint mir sie hat immer versucht, mich fernzuhalten von Michael", sagte Faye über Grace.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "I really, really loved Grace when I first met her," Faye said. "I adored her, I was really happy Michael used her as the nanny."
                "Ich habe Grace wirklich geliebt wenn ich ihr zum ersten Mal begegnet bin" sagte Faye. "Ich liebte sie, ich war wirklich glücklich das Michael sie als Kindermädchen hat."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                She testified she needed to get some funds to start working on MJ's wigs and was told to speak with Dr. Tohme.
                Sie bezeugte sie brauchte einige Fonds zu Beginn der Arbeit um an MJ-Perücken zu arbeiten und mir wurde gesagt, mit Dr. Tohme sprechen.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye said she worked with a wig maker and they both went to Carolwood to see MJ. "Sir, we needed to prepare for the show, sir."
                Faye sagte sie arbeitete mit einem Perückenmacher und beide gingen zu Carolwood um MJ zu sehen. "Sir, mussten es für die Show vorbereiten, Sir."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                Faye: I just wanted him to make sure he knew the schedule and if he was comfortable with it
                Faye: Ich wollte sicherstellen, dass er wusste, dass den Zeitplan kennt und das er zufrieden mit ihm ist
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "By the conversation I had with him, he didn't seem to know the structure, only that it was 50 days," Faye said about MJ.
                "Durch das Gespräch, das ich mit ihm hatte, er schien nicht zu wissen, die Struktur, nur, dass es 50 Tage waren," sagte Faye über MJ.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                "That's funny, my mother said the same thing," Faye said MJ told her.
                "Das ist lustig, meine Mutter sagte das Gleiche." sagte Faye MJ sagte ihr
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                "I think he didn't know how the schedule was, he should go a look at the schedule and how he feels about it," Faye explained.
                "Ich glaube, er kannte den Zeitplan nicht, sollte er einen Blick auf den Zeitplan nehmen und wie er sich fühlt darüber", erklärt Faye.
                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 29.06.2013, 10:08.


                • Hier ist jezt eine ausführliche Wiedergabe der Aussage von Prince mit wörtlicher Wiedergabe eingestellt aus den Gerichtsunterlagen. Darin auch ersichtlich das Panish sitpulierte das AEG Prince nicht unangemessen in seiner Deposition befragte. Wenn Ihr Euch erinnert, die Jackson-Anwälte behaupteten dies nach Prince Depostion ebenso wie TJ Jackson in einer gerichtl. Motion. Daraufhin stellte TJ den Antrag, dass Paris Depostion unbedingt an einem öffentlichen Ort stattfinden muss. Prince wird hierzu auch von Putnam befragt und anschließend auch noch von Panish. Der letzte Austausch von Prince mit Panish darüber ist für mich eindeutig einstudiert um das Ganze etwas ins Lächerliche zu ziehen.

                  The below summaries are done from actual court reporter transcript of the Katherine Jackson - AEG trial testimony. They are paid by and summarized by MJJC members. They are posted publicly for everyone to read. Please do not copy them to other websites. Simply post the link to this thread if you...


                  • Erster Zeuge der Jackson-Anwälte heute ein Personalexperte. Seawright hat ihre eigene Firma in Californien und arbeitet für unterschiedliche Klienten. Sie hat bereits in 16 Fällen ausgesagt, darunter einer wo ein Arbeitgeber seinen Angestellten tötete. Seawright erhält 300 Dollar die Stunde für das Zeugnis und hat bereits 100 Stunden in den Fall investiert. Panish beginnt mit einer hypothet. Frage. Sie solle sich vorstellen AEG stellte Murray auf MJs Wunsch ein. Hätte dann AEG die Richtlinien einer guten Anstellung befolgt. Expertin verneint, da Murray einen Hochsicherheitsjob annahm. Nur die Prüfung der Nicht-Vorstrafen sei nicht genug. Social Security-Nummer sei zu überprüfen, die Kriminal, Kredit und Fahrhistorie.

                    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 39m

                    In forming her opinion, Seawright said she relied on the testimony of Dr. Matheson and other witnesses during the trial.

                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 39m

                    Panish questioned whether the absence of a criminal record would be enough of a check. Seawright said no.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 39m

                    She would have also recommended a verification of Murray’s Social Security information.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 39m

                    Seawright said in Murray’s case, she would have recommended the following checks: criminal, credit and driving history.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 39m

                    The factors included Murray working in Jackson’s home, having access to confidential info and the singer’s family and giving medical care.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 40m

                    She said she would have considered Murray performing a high-risk job due to several factors.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 40m

                    Panish asked whether Seawright believed AEG followed adequate hiring practices. She said the company didn’t follow good hiring practices.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 40m

                    Attorney Brian Panish asked Seawright a hypothetical question. He told her to assume AEG Live hired Conrad Murray at MJ’s request.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 40m

                    Doing background checks is relatively inexpensive, Seawright said. A Social Security number check might cost $5, criminal check up to $30.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 40m

                    Seawright said she doesn’t advise different procedures for checking the background of an employee vs an independent contractor.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 40m

                    Seawright is being paid $300 an hour to testify and has done approximately 100 hours of work on the case so far.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 40m

                    The worker had a previous murder conviction, but no background check had been done, Seawright said.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 41m

                    She has testified in around 16 court cases, including one in which an employee killed a supervisor.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 41m

                    Seawright has her own HR-consulting company based in Florida, but has clients in different parts of the case.
                    Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 41m

                    We’re on a break in Jackson vs. AEG Live. First witness today is a human resources expert, Jean Seawright.r


                    • Iiiiinteressaaaant, was sie zu der Frage sagt


                      • Zitat von Mysterious Beitrag anzeigen
                        Iiiiinteressaaaant, was sie zu der Frage sagt
                        Ich glaube die Menschen im Gericht fanden es nicht so intressant. Wird mehrmals erwähnt wie trocken das Ganze war, einige der Juroren schlossen die Augen und ein paar Zuschauer schliefen ein.

                        Und natürlich sagt der Experte, dass AEG die Mindestandarts fürs Personlchecking unterließ und zumindest die Kreditwürdigkeit hätte checken müssen. Er machte alle Aussagen unter der Annahme, dass AEG und nicht MJ den Arzt einstellt. Richter erinnerte die Jury, dass sie entscheiden werden wer Murray einstellte. Zum Schluss gab es noch eine heftige Auseinandersetzung über eine geseztlichen? Regelungstext den AEG zeigte und der besagt, dass das Checken von Arbeitgebern über die Kreditwürdikgeit zur Diskremierung von Arbeitgebern führt und daher zu unterlassen ist. Panish will dass Richterin Jury belehrt, dass der Text nicht zur Kenntnis genommen werden darf. Richterin scheint sich darüber aber nicht schlüssig. Die Entscheidung ob der Text zugelassen wird ist vertagt. Das hier sind nur die letzten Tweets. Alle kann man im Link nachlesen. Morgen wird er nochmals im Stand sein. Morgen ist zudem Dr. Schnoll im Zeugenstand der zu MJs Medikamentenabhänigkeit aussagen wird. Am Mittwoch dann Taj Jackson. Donnerstag und Feitag Ferien, kein Gericht.


                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        We hope to see you tomorrow for day 42 of trial. Check all the latest on @ABC7 and
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                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        The plan is to have Taj Jackson back on Wednesday. There's no trial on Thursday and Friday due to the holiday.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Dr. Sidney Schnoll, addiction specialist, is also scheduled for tomorrow. He will talk about MJ's prescription drug dependency
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Judge adjourned court for the day. Jurors ordered back tomorrow at 10:00 am PT. Seawright to be on the stand again.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Seawright said she saw contradicting testimony, several well-qualified people reviewed the contract and it wasn't changed in final version.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Regarding Dr. Murray's contract "4.1 Perform the Services reasonably by Producer" Bina said it was an error and Producer should read Artist.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        "There was no need to," Seawright said, explaining the fact that Dr. Murray failed the credit history was sufficient to deny him employment
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Seawright said that once she checked Dr. Murray's credit check it made him ineligible for employment, thus she didn't investigate further.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Bina: Dr. Murray had a medical license, right?
                        Seawright: My understanding, yes
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Bina resumed cross examination, jury back in the courtroom.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        End: and they are even admitted if one party wishes to lead evidence to the contrary.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Cont'd: Facts & materials admitted under judicial notice are accepted without being formally introduced by witness or other rule of evidence
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Cont'd: that it cannot reasonably be doubted. This is done upon the request of the party seeking to rely on the fact at issue.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Cont'd: allows a fact to be introduced into evidence if the truth of that fact is so notorious or well known, or so authoritatively attested
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Here's the definition of judicial notice. Let us know if you think judge made mistake: Judicial notice is a rule in the law of evidence that
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Judge wants to make sure they get to the bottom of it, whether it is admissible or not, before instructing the jury one way or another.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Judge: if it turns out judicial notice was improper but admissible in other ground, it may be difficult to explain to the jury.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        "You, improperly, took judicial notice over my objection and I'm requesting to admonish the jury now," Panish requested Judge Palazuelos.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        "I do not believe there's any error in showing this document to the jury," Bina said.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Bina argued she thinks it's clearly admissible, doesn't think it's appropriate to instruct jury now.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Panish said it's misleading, inappropriate, should not be presented to the jury and it's unduly prejudicial to the plaintiffs.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Panish said the document is not a rule, regulation or policy and asked judge to admonish the jury to disregard it.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Doc ends: information is essential to the particular job in question.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Doc cont'd: because they tend to impact more adversely on minorities and females. Exceptions exist if the employer can show that such
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Doc cont'd: house, length of residence at an address, charge accounts, furniture ownership, or bank accounts generally should be avoided
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Doc cont'd: credit rating, including bankruptcy or garnishment, refusal or cancellation of bonding, car ownership, rental or ownership of a
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Pre-Employment Inquiries and Credit Rating or Economic Status:
                        Inquiry into an applicant's current or past assets, liabilities, or
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Here's the text of the policy. Let us know what you think it says: is it prohibited, based on this policy, to conduct credit check?
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        "It doesn't exactly say what you said," judge told Bina.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Judge read the document and noted it says "generally should be avoided", and it doesn't says it is prohibited.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        "The court should not allow that, plaintiff has been prejudiced by the misconduct of defendants' counsel," Panish told the judge.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Panish: That was complete error for it to be shown, it should be stricken and jury should be admonished. It was also judicial error as well
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Bina claimed the document, printed out of the website, is a policy and judge should be able to take judicial notice. She will look further.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Judge Yvette Palazuelos: is this is a regulation, rule, statute I can take judicial notice?
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Judge offered to take judicial notice of the document, but Panish said judge couldn't legally do it.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Jackson's atty Brian Panish argued vehemently that there was no foundation as to the date of the document and if it was in effect in 2009
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Bina showed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) policy on credit check, saying it is a discriminatory practice.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Outside the presence of the jury, there was a heated discussion about a document AEG showed to the jury.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        A company can be accused of discrimination if the criteria involved in the hiring uses discriminatory practices, Seawright said.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Bina gave hypotheticals to explain independent contractor.

                        Most common background checks are criminal and reference checks, Seawright said.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Some jurors had their eyes closed at this point. It was very dry testimony, some audience members were sleeping.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Seawright: It's important to be able to identify the best way to hire a worker, minimize the risk, determine if they are fit and competent
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        The expert said there's no precise definition for independent contractor; there may be characteristics, but not a definition.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        The expert said this is the 1st case where a person's credit history is major issue. The other cases involved criminal history and behavior
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Seawright said she never ran her doctors' background. She has not worked with concert promoters or the music industry.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Seawright said she has no idea if plaintiffs checked her background, but that she did not sign a release to check her credit.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Seawright Associates has four employees currently.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Judge told the jurors that ultimately they are the ones who are going to decide who hired Dr. Murray.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Seawright said she did not analyze the info assuming Michael Jackson hired Dr. Murray.
                        ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
                        Bina asked if all the opinions Seawright offered are based on the assumption that AEG, not MJ, hired Dr. Murray. She said yes.
                        Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 02.07.2013, 09:52.


                        • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 39 – June 27 2013 – Summary

                          Katherine, TJ and Taj Jackson are in court.

                          TJ Jackson Testimony

                          Jackson direct

                          Plaintiffs called next witness, Tito Jackson, also known as TJ Jackson. TJ is MJ's children cousin and co-guardian. (ABC7)

                          Jackson's attorney Kevin Boyle questioning him Boyle: Have you testified before? TJ: I think this is my first time, so I'm a little nervous. (ABC7)

                          TJ says he goes by TJ Jackson, since his father is also Tito and people would get the two confused. Katherine Jackson is TJ's grandmother. Tito is MJ's brother, member of Jackson 5 with Jackie, Marlon, Jermaine and Michael. TJ is cousin and co-guardian of Michael's children. TJ said he's from Encino, CA, raised there like most of his family. He went to Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, same as Prince attends now. TJ said he has 3 biological children and 2 stepchildren. He has 2 daughters, age 2 and 5, 13 year old son, 19 and 21 year old stepchildren. TJ said he does music with his brothers primarily, he's a third of band "3T." TJ' wife is a fitness trainer, and they have their own fitness center. He's also a real estate broker, has license but doesn't practice. (ABC7)

                          "My primary things are my kids, my cousins and my family," TJ said. Boyle: So you don't have a lot of free time? TJ: No, I don't (laughs)

                          TJ and his brothers Taj and Taryll Jackson compose the 3T group. Boyle: I know you're humble, but you sold millions and millions of records? TJ: Yes (ABC7)

                          TJ lives in Corona, CA. He explained that when he had his son Royal, he wanted to slow down the pace, wanted smaller community feeling. TJ explained Corona is multi-national area. "When I grew up, I was the only black kid in school," he said. "It was sometimes uncomfortable".TJ doesn't go to Calasabas, where the children live, during rush hour. Sometimes he's there for six days in a row, sometimes once a week. TJ testified he's 34 years old and drives a Honda Accord. "I just need something to get from A to B and the Honda has served me well." Prince has a Ford truck, TJ said. No Ferrari, or Porsche, or expensive car. (ABC7)

                          TJ broke down when Boyle asked him about his relationship with MJ. He bowed his head for a few minutes and cried. TJ: "My mother was murdered a month after I turned 16. My world crumbled and my uncle Michael saved it""He was just, he was there. He kept me inspired, he kept me ambitious, he was just there for me," TJ explained about Michael Jackson. He said he was raised by his brothers, father and when he needed advice he'd turn to his uncle Michael. (ABC7) TJ’s mother Delores, also known as Dee Dee, was murdered when he was 16. “My world crumbled and my uncle Michael saved it,” he said. (AP)

                          "He was just everything," T.J., bowing his head in tears and needing a minute to compose himself. (NYDailyNews)

                          TJ said he's teaching MJ's children to be ambitious, be giving, be loving, be honest and to make their mark in the world. (ABC7)
                          TJ said his uncle gave him advice and tried to provide him with inspiration tried to keep him inspired. “He was just there for me.” He said Jackson bought him and his brothers instruments and fostered their interest in music, but wanted them to earn their careers. (AP)

                          TJ said MJ wanted him to go to college. He applied at LMU, UCLA and University of Pennsylvania. He wanted to study Business. "I got into all three," TJ said. They are all considered the top Business schools in the country. TJ said MJ wanted him to go, and he regrets turning it down. "He wanted me to go, he just though it was going to be good for me." "My brothers and I were doing quite well touring around the world," TJ said, that's why he didn't go to Wharton School in Pennsylvania. (ABC7) He said his uncle pushed him to go to the Wharton School of Business, but TJ didn’t end up going. He said he regretted it. (AP)

                          "From the beginning, along with my father, he was there inspiring us," TJ said about uncle Michael. TJ said his mother would call all her children the 3T, which originated the name of the group. "Especially when my mother passed, he took us under his wing and became important part of our success," TJ said about MJ. "I think he wanted us to earn things in our own," TJ explained, saying MJ would not use his power to benefit the group. Boyle showed video of 3T and clip of MJ's song "Why." Boyle: Did you consider your uncle your mentor? TJ: Definitely (ABC7)

                          "He's always wanted to be a parent," TJ said about Michael Jackson.
                          "Eventually he did have his kids, and they were everything to him, the joy of his life," TJ testified. (ABC7)

                          TJ said he never knew how famous his uncle was until he was already grown-up. "On the HIStory tour, I was probably 19, my uncle had a show on a stadium. The whole route there were people clapping," TJ recalled. "That was probably the first time I really realized his impact in the world," TJ said about MJ. TJ: He was very humble, extremely humble, checking on us, talking about school, amazing to see contradiction outside, people cherishing him. (ABC7) He recounted an incident in Spain where people lined the streets for 5 miles to cheer Jackson on. “He was very humble about that,” TJ said. (AP)

                          TJ told the jury about Jackson’s generosity and how he won $200 in a trivia contest his uncle officiated between TJ and his brothers. (AP)"My uncle was kind of person he would give us some cash," TJ testified. "He's always given couple of hundred of dollars to myself, my brothers and pretty much whomever was around," TJ said. "He would drive around to areas with poor people and would give hundred dollar bills to people to make their lives a little better," TJ said. As to MJ's charities, TJ said he knows about "Heal the World." He said MJ visited hospital around the world, worked with "Make a Wish"."He was very giving of his time, everything that help put a smile on children's face," TJ explained. (ABC7)

                          "My grandmother is the queen," TJ testified. "She's the CEO and I help her with the day to day stuff (of co-guardianship) as much as I can." TJ said he does a lot of the doctor's appointments, school stuff, extra curriculum activity, deals with security for children. "Because of who they are, it demands a lot of time and energy," TJ explained saying it's not the kids fault but their high profile status. TJ: Grandma is the overseer, she knows everything that happens, she's there every day, making decisions. "If they want to go out it the movie they know to ask grandma," TJ testified. "She's the one to be commended, her life had changed quite a bit as well," TJ said about grandma Katherine. TJ: I don't think I would be able to live properly my life if I didn't try to help my cousins to be who my uncle wanted them to be. "I can't really see myself far away from them until I make sure they are adults and are what they are supposed to be" TJ said about the kids. (ABC7)

                          Boyle was then asked about each of the children. Of Prince, he said he’s “poised and ambitious” and is extremely smart, reads a lot of books. “I just think the loss of the uncle has hit her at a different level,” TJ said of Paris. TJ then described Paris’ relationship with her dad. He described her as a daddy’s girl who’s struggling with the loss of her father. He said he always thought Prince was his uncle’s little assistant. Blanket was always wrapped his father’s leg, TJ recalled.(AP)

                          "Prince is an amazing person, very strong, very smart," TJ testified; he was always devouring books, very poised and ambitious, very loving. "Paris has a heart of gold as well," TJ said. TJ on Paris: I think the loss of my uncle has hit her in a different spot. She's having a difficult time, but we're giving her love/support. (ABC7)

                          TJ talked about the paparazzi. "It's a complete annoyance, it's awful, I feel there should be something done." He agrees with Halle Berry's attempt to create a law preventing paparazzi to follow children. TJ said he supports it 100%. (ABC7)

                          Scrutiny by paparazzi has made it more difficult for the children of Michael Jackson to grieve for their dead father, TJ told jury.TJ Jackson said the three children don't like the attention, and he supports any legislative effort to curb photographers from pursuing images of the sons and daughters of celebrities. "In my opinion, I know it's making everything harder for the kids to grieve and recover and progress," Jackson said. TJ Jackson said he had to consider whether Michael Jackson's youngest son Blanket should attend martial arts classes on Tuesday because photographers would be interested in getting a shot of the 11-year-old on the fourth anniversary of his father's death. (AP)

                          "I know it's making harder for the kids to progress," TJ said about the paparazzi. TJ on Paris: It's tough. She was daddy's girl. My uncle was her world, he gave her more love for it to be taken away it's been very hard. "For all of them, but for her more being the princess," TJ said about Paris. "Prince was my uncle's little assistant," TJ said. He is very mature. "I think my uncle knew he would have to be very sharp," TJ said. "Prince had always been mature beyond his years." Blanket was always wrapped around behind MJ's leg, TJ said. "Wherever my uncle was, Blanket was just steps away. "My uncle was everything for Blanket," TJ said. Blanket was either 7-8 when MJ died.(ABC7)

                          T.J. Jackson said Prince was Michael Jackson's "little assistant." "He was very mature for his age, very smart. My uncle would prepare him for things" by telling him about his business deals. "He's very strong, he's very smart," he testified. "He was always the smartest kid I'd ever known." As a guardian, T.J. Jackson said he must constantly deal with paparazzi stalking the children for photographs. "It's, just to be frank, a complete annoyance," he said. "It's awful." He suggested there should be a new law to protect celebrity children from photographers. "I know it's making everything harder for the kids to grieve and to recover and to progress," he said. (CNN)

                          "I don't want to go into details on what's going on with Paris now, but could you explain how Paris is handling the loss of her father?" asked Kevin Boyle, one of the lawyers representing Katherine in her wrongful death case against concert promoter AEG Live. "It's tough," TJ said. "She was daddy's girl. My uncle was her world."T.J. acknowledged Michael's death has "been very hard" for all three kids - including Michael’s sons Prince, 16, and Blanket, 11 - but Paris was "the princess of his life.""Paris has a heart of gold," he said of the 15-year-old. "I just think the loss of my uncle has hit her at a different level. She's in a tough spot, but we're all loving her and doing everything we can to get her where she should be." (NYDailyNews)

                          "The loss of my uncle has hit her at a different level and she's in a tough spot, but we're loving her and doing everything we can," T.J. Jackson testified Thursday. He said he was at a loss for words to describe what Paris is going through. "It's tough, you know, it's tough." "She was daddy's girl," he said. "My uncle was her world. My uncle gave them more love and for it to be taken away, it's been very hard for Paris, and for all of them." Blanket, who was 7 when his father died, "was always wrapped around his leg, very shy," T.J. Jackson said. "Wherever my uncle was, Blanket was a foot away, My uncle was everything to Blanket." (CNN)

                          TJ said he lived a couple of blocks away from Hayvenhurst, would go out there to grandma's house quite often. "My uncle just cherished my grandmother, named everything after her, from mountain to next house," TJ testified. "My grandma is the queen." "I think my grandmother was everything to my uncle," TJ testified. (ABC7)

                          TJ on grandma Katherine: It's hard, very hard, it's tough for me as her grandson, don't know what to say or do. I try to help with the kids."Our children is supposed to outlive us, so it's been very difficult on my grandmother," TJ said. (ABC7)

                          Boyle asked TJ about Kai Chase, his uncle’s chef who now works for Katherine. He says he had no idea she might be a witness in this case. TJ said he hadn’t heard of Chase until Prince, Paris and Blanket asked for her. (AP) Boyle: Who hired Kai Chase back? TJ: It was a suggestion I made. A couple of employees were let go, as co-guardian job to replace cook/nanny. "The kids just liked Kai, they asked for Kai, and I asked my grandmother and she was okay with it," TJ said. Boyle asked if Chase was hired back in an effort to influence her testimony in this case. "Not a chance, it's silly," TJ said. "It's impossible, I did a lot of the legwork to get Kai back," TJ testified. (ABC7)

                          TJ first heard of Dr. Murray after MJ passed. (ABC7)

                          After MJ died, Grace Rwamba came back to work with the family, TJ explained. But he said there was a situation where Grace had to move on. TJ: I was a little disappointed she had to. Along with my grandmother, she was the mother figure the kids had in their lives. "I don't know specifically what happened but I think there had been conflicts between Grace and other members of the family," TJ said. TJ said MJ raised the kids differently. They read a lot, didn't watch tv during the week, one movie a week if they earned, TJ explained."Once my uncle passed, they came into my grandma's house in regular society, it was hard to maintain the same lifestyle," TJ expressed. "She (Grace) wanted to maintain, as did my brothers and I, my uncle's child raising," TJ said. (ABC7)

                          Boyle asked TJ about Paris deposition regarding Grace. Defendant's attorney objected, they went to a sidebar and lunch break. (ABC7)

                          AEG Cross

                          Attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina did the cross examination of TJ on behalf of AEG. (ABC7)

                          Bina asked about Katherine's health problems last summer and if he's aware of any health problems? TJ said no. (ABC7) Her first questions before the lunch break were about Katherine Jackson’s absence last year. Stebbins Bina asked whether he was aware of any health problems Katherine Jackson experienced that prompted her time away. TJ said he’d heard talk about Katherine Jackson having health issues, but he’s not aware of any that she actually has. (AP)

                          Bina inquired how many times TJ saw or spoke with MJ and the children. He said he spoke with his uncle every other month. TJ definitely remembers seeing MJ at least once in 2009. (ABC7)

                          Bina asked if TJ draws salary for being MJ's children co-guardian. "It was hard for me to accept it, my grandmother insisted and a couple of months ago I began receiving it," TJ said. (ABC7)

                          Bina asked about children being more exposed to the media after MJ died, like going on Oprah and Prince working on Entertainment Tonight. "It's difficult, because they are 15 and 16," TJ said. "It's hard to maintain that private life." "It was very important for him to excel in his career," TJ said about Prince. "I didn't release music until I was 16 or 17," TJ said. "I encourage them to be children first." Paris wants to be an actress, Prince says he wants to act then become a producer, TJ explained. Bina: As their guardian you haven't prevented them to be in the public eye TJ: It's hard to do that when he's straight A student with honors. 'If he really wants to do it, 100%, he should be able to do it at 16," TJ said about Prince working on a television show. "I wanted to do for the art of it, I like the quiet, private life," TJ explained."I would say they want to build their own career, and ET is a stepping stone for his acting career," TJ said about Prince. TJ: It's tough, as long as he (Prince) understands his responsibilities and the pitfalls, it's hard to say no (ABC7)

                          Bina: You didn't go to Carolwood house? TJ: Not before MJ died (ABC7)

                          TJ said the last time he saw MJ alive was in his grandparents anniversary, where most of the family member were there. Bina notes the anniversary happened on May 14, 2009. "He was in a good mood," TJ recalled. "He was happy, he was talking about the kids, making jokes, that stuff." TJ didn't remember MJ being extremely thin then, but said he wasn't concerned to check it."He was just happy and jolly and I was just happy to see him and the kids," TJ said. TJ: We talked primarily about the children, that I wanted more kids, talked about movies.TJ said before MJ left, he asked him if he was going to London. "I said 100% and he said ok, see you there," TJ testified. TJ said MJ was excited that TJ was going to London. TJ said he didn't know if MJ was happy because of tour or for being around his family. "At the dinner, MJ seemed happy," TJ said. "I don't think he would be sad if he was sad," TJ said about MJ during the anniversary dinner. The only time TJ recalled seeing his uncle in 2009 was at the anniversary dinner. (ABC7) Once testimony resumed TJ testified about Katherine and Joe Jackson’s 40th anniversary party. It was the last time he saw his uncle Michael. He said Jackson seemed happy but they didn’t talk about “This Is It” or music or career issues.TJ said he said goodbye to his uncle Michael, who asked if he was headed to London for “This Is It.” TJ said he would see him there. (AP)

                          Bina asked TJ about MJ's wedding gift to him, which was $30,000 in cash. "He wanted to pay for my wedding, but the wedding passed," TJ said. TJ reluctantly accepted the gift. Bina asked if MJ was in financial difficulties then and couldn't afford the gift. TJ said he didn't know. Bina: Did you ever talk to your uncle about his finances? TJ: No (ABC7)

                          Bina: Did you consider your uncle to be a private person? TJ: For the most part, yes (ABC7)

                          Bina: Did you ever see a doctor on Dangerous tour? TJ: No
                          "I don't remember seeing a doctor in the HIStory tour either," TJ said. (ABC7)

                          TJ testified he was familiar with Dr. Metzger. He said he had not heard of the drug Propofol before MJ died. "I've heard many rumors about my uncle that were not true," TJ testified. (ABC7)

                          Bina: You never personally saw substance abuse? TJ: No
                          TJ said he didn't believe MJ had a substance abuse problem, never saw him take pills.
                          Bina asked if TJ thought MJ would've told him if he had a drug problem.
                          "I don't think he would've told me, but I'm not sure. He told me some things, but I don't think so," TJ responded. (ABC7)

                          "My cousins and I were going to Lakers game, they wanted to go to ESPN zone before the game, and that's when I met Randy Phillips," TJ said. Bina asked if TJ thanked Phillips for getting them tickets. TJ testified he didn't know he got the tickets. But in his deposition, TJ testified he did thank Phillips for the tickets. (ABC7)

                          Bina asked about MJ's lavish lifestyle. "It's hard to measure myself against my uncle, he was kind of person who loved art, liked collectibles, liked the best of the best" TJ said. But TJ noted MJ wore pajama bottoms, V necks, and Mickey Mouse watches. "Homes I would say yes, he wanted nice homes. Cars yes and no," TJ explained. (ABC7)

                          TJ said MJ was very important to him, had a lot of influence on him.(ABC7)

                          Bina: It's hard for you to believe he could've died of drug overdose? TJ: It's hard for me to know that he's dead
                          Bina: Do you believe your uncle was murdered? TJ: I do
                          "He (MJ) did tell me and a couple of his brothers he would be murdered because of his position, because he was a target," TJ said.TJ had conversation with MJ about it during mid 90s to mid 2000s. (ABC7)

                          Stebbins Bina then asked TJ whether he believed his uncle Michael was murdered. “I do,” TJ responded. Michael Jackson told TJ and his brothers a couple times that he thought he would be murdered, he said. He said he didn't believe it at first. “My mother was murdered for money,” TJ said. “I don’t put anything past anyone.” (AP)

                          "Do you believe your uncle was murdered?" AEG Live attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina asked T.J. Jackson. "I do," he answered. "I believe it because he did tell me and the brothers that he was going to be murdered on a couple of occasions. "He said that just because of his position he was a target." T.J. Jackson had earlier testified that his mother, Delores Jackson, was the victim of murder 19 years ago. "My mother was murdered for money, too, so I don't put that past anyone," he said. (CNN)

                          Jackson redirect

                          In re-direct, Boyle said he wanted to talk about the Lakers tickets. Boyle: Did you know at that time that Mr. Phillips had a secret meeting with Dr. Murray? TJ: I didn't know. TJ said they didn't go with Phillips to the Lakers game, he was just there, at the game zone. Boyle: Do you think Jackson's kids should be allowed to go to the Lakers games? TJ: I think they should go anywhere they want. (ABc7)

                          TJ said he began acting as the children's co-guardian shortly after MJ died. Boyle: Did you do it for four years for free? TJ: It was out of love. TJ said his grandma convinced him to accept payment because he has three kids of his own that are losing a lot of his time. (ABC7)

                          Taj Jackson testimony

                          Jackson direct

                          Deborah Chang did direct examination.Taj, real name Tariano Jackson, II is 39 years old. He is the first grandson. "I was spoiled with love, let's just say that," Taj said. (ABC7)

                          Taj said he was close to MJ. "My uncle, besides being my musical role model, he was like an older brother to us," Taj explained. "He guided our lives, he was everything," Taj said about MJ. "I feel lost some times because he's not here." "When my mom passed, he stepped in and made sure our whole world didn't crumble," TJ said about MJ. MJ helped us with school, Taj said, paid for his college. He encouraged his nephew do it for his mother, to make her proud. Taj said his mother and father were very much in love, but separated. "They loved each other, I never understood the problem." "My mom really looked up to my uncle, leaned on him a lot," Taj testified. "He loved the way that she raised us." "It was known she put us first," Taj said. Dolores (DD) Jackson was Taj's mom's name. (ABC7)

                          Taj said he stayed at Neverland many times. "Neverland to me, he (MJ) always let us know, it was to help people," Taj explained. "My uncle didn't eat candy, it was for the sick children he was bringing to Neverland," Taj explained. Taj said MJ would take hundreds of people from Make a Wish foundation. "He wanted to make them better, he felt that he could." Ryan White became poster child for HIV/AIDS Taj said. This was during the time we were all terrified about it; Ryan was kicked out of school."They had a really strong relationship," Taj said, explaining MJ took Ryan to Neverland, went into the pool with him. "It was Disneyland," Taj said about Neverland. "He named the train station after my grandma, Katherine. There's a plaque with her name." After Ryan White died, Taj said MJ dedicated the song "Gone Too Soon" to him. Chang played the video clip of the song. (ABC7)

                          Taj: Michael taught us that being a musician and having the influence not only to make music but to make a change in the world. "He was constantly trying to help people," Taj said, adding there were lots of things the media didn't know about MJ. (ABC7)

                          “I was the first Jackson to go to college, he was so proud of that," Taj said. Taj also attended Buckley School, went to Loyola Marymount college, studying Music, Film and TV. He needs to finish the last year of school. Chang: Was he your mentor? Taj: Yes, definitely. Taj said his dad Tito was his mentor at baseball. He coached their little league team. (ABC7)

                          Taj said he shared three things with MJ: Music, Film and the Three Stooges, which Michael loved. "He bought me my first camera," Taj said. He shot home video of his mother and brothers while she was still alive in 1994. "I keep my most sentimental things in my safe," Taj explained about a note he has from MJ. Note: Taj, I saw these and thought they were perfect for you. Love always, Uncle Doo Doo (ABc7)

                          Taj said MJ was very close with Lionel Richie. Played snippet video of 3T. Taj co-directed their last video for album brotherhood. Chang played a snippet of it, quite funny video. Some jurors were laughing. Chang: Was your uncle proud of you? Taj: Yes, very proud (ABC7)

                          Taj said he lived at Neverland for 6 months. He said his grandma was there all the time. (ABC7)

                          Taj said MJ asked him to help raise the children. Taj said he was just about to begin your with 3T and MJ understood it. Taj became the person in charge of MJ's storage and belongings. (ABC7)

                          Chang asked Taj who was MJ's mentor: "Definitely my grandma, he would tell me that, you could see it, I sensed that," Taj responded. "My mom was my mentor and my mom's mentor was my grandma," Taj said. "They all shared the purity in their heart," Taj explained."My grandma was my uncle's compass in life," Taj said. "He was constantly trying to make her proud of him." (ABC7)

                          Taj said having children was something they encouraged MJ, since they thought he was going to be a great father. "It lit him up, that's what he lived for, his kids and my grandma," Taj said. (ABC7)

                          When MJ died, Taj said they stepped in right away."I think it's more difficult because my uncle to them was both father and mother, he was everything for them," Taj said. "When you lose a parent, your life is never the same again," Taj expressed. He said it hurts specially during milestones moments in his life. "I just got married," Taj said, crying. "And my mom wasn't there." Taj told the jury they chose to marry at Hayvenhurst because it was the place his mom and his uncle would be. Taj got married on June 16. He said he had a vase with a candle in it lit for his mother. Taj said he and his brothers wrote the song "Everything" at Hayvenhurst. Judge breaks for afternoon session. Katherine wipes her eyes. (ABC7)

                          Taj Jackson is 39, is TJ’s older brother and a member of 3T. “I feel lost because he’s not here,” Taj Jackson of his uncle Michael. He added, “When my mom passed, he stepped in and just made sure that our whole world didn't crumble.” He broke down when he described the impact of losing a parent. He cited them being gone for major milestones. Taj cited his wedding last weekend. He held it at the Jackson family’s Hayvenhurst home in Encino. Taj said he wanted to have it in a “place where both my uncle and my mom would be.” (AP)


                          Attorneys and the judge discussed extensively about things that one side wants to show the jury but the other side doesn't. Judge adjourned session early for the jury. They are ordered back tomorrow morning at 10 am PT. (ABC7)

                          Shortly after this, there was an afternoon break and they held a sidebar hearing over notes that Taj was going to testify about. One of the notes was from Paris to her father, expressing happiness that she got a hug. The judge ruled it couldn’t be shown to jury.
                          Another note that Jackson wrote about something Blanket said at age 6 will be shown to jury, but with his age will be redacted. Plaintiff’s attorneys argued that the notes were “classic wrongful death evidence” and should be allowed in. The Jackson vs AEG Live trial ended for the day on arguments about whether Phil Anschutz could be ordered to come testify. Judge denied it. (AP)

                          "Paris is not going to be testifying," lawyer Deborah Chang told Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos while the jury was out of the courtroom. "We have a little girl in so much pain right now, she cannot come," Chang said. Chang confirmed Paris won't take the witness stand as she argued to admit a handwritten note the King of Pop's daughter purportedly wrote to her dad in the months before his death. "Dead Daddy, I love you so much & I'm so glad I got a goodnight hug," the note reads. "Sleep well. I love you & good night. I'll see you tomorrow! XOX Goodnight. Lots of love, Paris Jackson". Chang argued that the pencil-written note depicts how Paris "felt about her father" and the great love they shared. A lawyer for AEG objected that it was hearsay, and the judge agreed. The note was not admitted as evidence. (NYDailyNews)

                          Karen Faye will resume her testimony tomorrow from a few weeks back. (ABC7)

                          Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #41


                          Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                          Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
                          Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
                          Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
                          Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
                          Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
                          Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
                          Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
                          Day 8 - zeugin Faye
                          Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
                          Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
                          Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
                          Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
                          Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
                          Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
                          Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
                          Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
                          Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
                          Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
                          Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                          Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                          Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                          Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                          Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips

                          Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                          Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips

                          Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                          Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                          Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                          Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                          Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                          Day 31 - zeuge Berman
                          Day 32 - zeugin Chase
                          Day 33 - forts. zeugin Chase; videodeposition Dr. Earley
                          Day 34 - zeuge Dr. Czeisler
                          Day 35 - forts. zeuge Dr. Czeisler
                          Day 36 - forts. Dr. Earley video depo
                          Day 37 - Dr. Matheson
                          Day 38 - zeuge Michael Jackson Jr.

                          Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                          Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7
                          Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 08.07.2013, 11:54.


                          • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 31. Teil

                            2. Juli 2013

                            Am letzten Freitag fuhr AEG Live Anwalt Marvin Putnam mit seinem Kreuzverhör von Karen Faye fort. Gestern rief Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish mit Personalberaterin Jean Seawright eine weitere Expertenzeugin für die Jackson Seite in den Zeugenstand.

                            Am letzten Freitag wurde Karen Faye, Michaels langjährige Hair & Make-up Artist und langjährigen gute Freundin, nach sieben Wochen seit ihrer ersten Befragung zurück in den Zeugenstand gerufen. AEG Lives Anwalt Marvin Putnam wollte mit seinem Kreuzverhör weiterfahren, das sieben Wochen zuvor abgebrochen wurde. Was Putnam mit seiner Befragung bezweckte bzw. für seine Seite herausholte oder holen wollte, ist (auf jeden Fall auf den ersten Blick) nicht ersichtlich. Es gab, wenn man den Bericht der LA Times liest, weder neue Informationen noch kam es soweit, dass Karen frühere Aussagen ihrerseits widerrief bzw. korrigierte. Ein Grossteil der Befragung schien sich um die diversen Perücken von Michael drehen. Weshalb das von Interesse und vor allem von Relevanz sein soll, das wissen die (AEG) Götter. Wer interessiert ist, kann hier das Protokoll von Karen Fayes Kreuzverhör nachlesen.

                            Gestern rief Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish einen weiteren Experten für ihre Seite in den Zeugenstand: Jean Seawright, eine Personalberaterin. Seawright sagte aus, dass nach Durchsicht der Unterlagen, AEG Live es unterlassen hatte, das angemessene Anstellungsprozedere bei der Wahl von Conrad Murray anzuwenden, ungeachtet dessen, ob er als Angestellter von AEG Live oder als selbständiger Unternehmer betrachtet wird. Conrad Murrays Rolle wurde von Seawright als eine Position mit “sehr hohem Risiko” beschrieben, wenn man die damit verbundenen Pflichten in Betracht zieht (inkl. Zugang zur Krankengeschichte von Michael Jackson und dessen privates Leben). Ein Unternehmen, das sich korrekt verhält, wenn es um die Personalanstellung geht, wägt die Risiken ab, die mit der Stelle verbunden sind. Als Brian Panish seine Zeugin fragte, ob sie der Meinung sei, dass AEG Live dies gemacht habe, antwortete sie, dass sie keine Beweise gesehen habe, die dies bestätigen würden. Wie bereits einige Male zuvor, wurde auch hier die E-Mail von AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips an Kenny Ortega zum Diskussionspunkt. Es handelte sich um die E-Mail, in der Phillips Ortega geschrieben hatte, dass Murray ein sehr erfolgreicher Arzt wäre und sie jeden, den sie anstellen überprüfen. Phillips schrieb in der E-Mail auch, dass Murray diesen Job nicht brauche und er daher total unbefangen sei. Gemäss Seawright weise die E-Mail darauf hin, dass Phillips die Kriterien für diesen Job kannte und dass AEG ein Prozedere aufgesetzt hatte, um (potentielle) Mitarbeiter zu überprüfen. Sie habe jedoch in den Unterlagen nichts gesehen, dass bestätigen könnte, dass AEG damals Murrays Background überprüft hatte. Und nun hätten sie, salopp gesagt, den Salat.


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                            • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Was letzte Woche sonst noch Interessantes lief

                              2. Juli 2013

                              Zwei Ersatzgeschworene berichteten der vorsitzenden Richterin am Freitag, dass während einer Pause eine Frau mit ihnen Kontakt aufgenommen hatte.

                              Ersatzgeschworener Nr. 1 sagte, die Frau habe gesagt “Bitte gebt ihnen (den Jacksons) kein Geld”. Dem Ersatzgeschworenen Nr. 5 habe sie gesagt: “Ich wollte nur sagen, dass Sie ihnen kein Geld zusprechen sollen”. Beide Ersatzgeschworenen sagten, der Zwischenfall würde ihre Fähigkeit, ein faires Urteil in diesem Prozess zu fällen, nicht beeinträchtigen.

                              Kommentar von Wie bereits bei den Anschuldigungen von Wade Robson sowie den neuen Anschuldigungen in der Boulevardpresse (siehe unsere heutige Meldung dazu), ist neben dem Inhalt das Timing höchst interessant — und suspekt.

                              Interessant war auch AEG Lives Reaktion auf die obigen Ereignisse. So nahm AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam diese zum Anlass zu beantragen, dass die Richterin die Zahl der Michael Jackson Fans, die im Gang zum Gerichtssaal Michael Jackson T-Shirts und Schilder zur Unterstützung von Katherine Jackson tragen, reduzieren möge. Richterin Palazuelos wies den Antrag ab mit der Begründung, dass die Jackson Fans das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung hätten und sie dieses Recht nicht einschränken kann. Manchmal nimmt es mich ja schon Wunder, was in Putnams Kopf vorgeht. Aber vermutlich ist es besser, wenn wir das nicht wissen.


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                              • Michael Jackson was not abusing pain medication in years leading up to comeback tour deal with AEG Live, says doctor

                                Michael Jackson missbrauchte keine Schmerz Medikamenmte in den Jahren vor seiner Comeback Tour, sagt ein Arzt.

                                Michael Jackson apparently was clean and not abusing pain medication in the years leading up to his comeback tour deal with concert promoter AEG Live, a Connecticut doctor testified Wednesday.

                                Dr. Sidney Schnoll based his opinion on medical records stating the King of Pop only needed 100 milligrams of the narcotic pain medication Demerol to knock him out for a dermatology procedure in late 2008.

                                Dr. Sidney Schnoll begründet seine Meinung auf den medizinischen Aufzeichnungen, die besagen, dass Mj nur 100mg Demerol benötigte, um ihn in einer OP 2008 zu betäuben.
                                Schnoll sagt, würde eine zu hohe Toleranz afgebnaut haben, dass diese Dosis wirkenwürde, wenn er Opiate missbraucht hätte ab dem Prozess 2005.
                                „Er hätte dann viel höhere Dosen Demerol nehmen müssen, um den nötigen Effekt für eine OP zu erzielen.“ sagt Schnoll den Juroren.

                                Schnoll said Jackson would have built up too much tolerance for that dose to work if he frequently abused opioids during the era of his 2005 molestation trial and subsequent travels abroad.
                                “He would have to take a much higher dose of Demerol to get the (necessary) effect for the surgery," Schnoll told jurors.
                                The New Jersey-born doctor was acting as a paid expert witness for Jackson’s mother, Katherine.

                                Der Arzt sagt als bezahlter Experte für Jacksons Muter Katherine aus.

                                Katherine Jackson, 83, is suing AEG Live for wrongful death, claiming the concert promoter negligently hired Dr. Conrad Murray as tour physician and set the stage for her son’s fatal 2009 overdose on the surgery-strength anesthetic propofol.
                                AEG vehemently denies any wrongdoing, saying Jackson personally hired Murray and begged for secret, bedroom-based infusions of the intravenous drug he called “milk.”

                                During his testimony, Schnoll said he didn’t believe Michael was an addict who craved and used drugs recreationally. Rather he was a patient who developed an opioid dependence because of legitimate pain related to his burned scalp.
                                He said plenty of celebrities have suffered opioid dependence, including President John F. Kennedy, who had debilitating back pain.
                                Schnoll said Jackson even got a Narcan implant in his abdomen in 2003 that steadily released Naltrexone, a drug that blocks the euphoric effects of opioids.

                                Während seiner Aussage sagt Schnoll, er glaube nicht, dass MJ ein Süchtiger war, der Drogen zum Spass ("Freizeitdrogen") gebrauchte. Er war vielmehr ein Patient, der eine Opiat -Abhängigkeit entwickelt hatte auf Grund von Schmerzen, die er von seiner Kopfverbrennung hatte.
                                Er sagte dass viele Celebrities Opiat Abhängigkeiten haben, incl. Präsident J.F. Kennedy, der unter Rückenschmerzen litt.
                                Schnoll sagt, MJ habe 2003 sogar ein Narcan Implantat bekommen, welches konstant Naltrexon abgibt, ein Medikament, was die euphorisierenden Effekte von Opiaten blockiert.

                                Übersetzung von maja5809


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