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  • Von Ivy, MJJC ##2 + 3

    Re: Jacksons vs AEG - Day 43 - July 3 2013 - News Only (no discussion)

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    For all the latest, watch @ABC7 and to to
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    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    That concluded Day 43 of testimony, Week 10. We hope to see you all back on Monday. Happy 4th of July everybody!
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Panish told the judge he's now estimating to finish his case in chief another week or so after the July 8th week, his last estimate.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Jury ordered to return on Monday at 10 am PT. Plaintiffs will play Dr Finkelstein's deposition. Kenny Ortega set to testify in the afternoon
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Koskoff: And Dr. Murray gave it to him?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes

    Dr. Schnoll was then excused and session adjourned. No court tomorrow or Friday.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Koskoff noted that MJ replied it would be safe if done under the supervision of a doctor.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said Lee responded that MJ was taking chances.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan in re-cross: What did nurse Cherilyn Lee said to MJ when he was looking for a doctor to give him Propofol?
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Koskoff asked in re-direct if Propofol was given for the drug or underlying condition. Dr. Schnoll said MJ asked Propofol to help him sleep.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    "They were not symptoms of Demerol withdrawal, but probably of Propofol," Dr. Schnoll testified about MJ's symptoms in June 2009.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said he looked at the totality of the picture, like a puzzle, trying to put everything together to understand what was going on.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said he saw a concern one time of MJ going to Santa Ynez Cottage Hospital for excessive use of Demerol.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan asked if Dr. Schnoll reviewed testimony that MJ had boxes of Propofol at Neverland and asked a doctor to inject him. He said yes.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan asked about MJ's family failed interventions. He said he doesn't know if they were appropriately done; practice not used as much.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll: MJ could've been off the drugs or taking the drugs in appropriate dosages if properly treated
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said he didn't have 100% success rate in his practice and that no one does.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    "That's why your job is to motivate them and help them see the problems with the dependency," Dr. Schnoll responded.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan asked about patients who think they have their addiction under control and don't want to quit the drug.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    He doesn't think the symptoms MJ was having on June 19, 2009 were related to Demerol withdrawal.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll: It was very hard for me to say he was dependent that time.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    "It didn't coincide with when I expected that withdrawal to occur," Dr. Schnoll said about MJ.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    "Was he really dependent?" Dr. Schnoll asked himself. He said the appearance of withdrawal from Demerol usually shows within 24-36 hours.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said he asked for a chart to be made to be able to see how much Demerol MJ was getting and how frequent.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    The expert said that if the withdrawal symptoms were present, someone might have asked why MJ had the flu.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said he would probably give her initial dose of 50 mg.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan asked what would happen if doctor gave her 375 mg of Demerol. "For you? You'd probably sleep for a while, about several hours" he said
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    In April 2009, MJ received 375 mg of Demerol, the highest amount given by Dr. Klein.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said he doesn't think MJ was dependent on Demerol in January of 2009.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said he could not opine whether the treatment after the burn on MJ's scalp was appropriate.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    He's also not absolutely sure, but says MJ was probably dependent on Demerol in 1993.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    He said he continued to investigate the case, looked at more records, and is now uncertain.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    However, Dr. Schnoll says today he's not sure MJ was dependent on Demerol in 2009.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan asked if Dr. Schnoll testified in his deposition that MJ was dependent on Demerol? He answered yes, the time around the Dangerous tour
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan: Is it legal to write prescription to someone under another name?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes, it's illegal
    C: Have you ever done it?
    Dr: No
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll said you try to look at the whole picture of what was going on and not look at the possibilities, but probablilities.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Dr. Schnoll: I don't like to work under possibilities, since everything under the sun is possible. I like working with probablilities
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan: Could MJ have opiates in pill forms in 2009 from doctors while having Demerol injections from Dr. Klein?
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan: Did Dr. Klein write prescriptions to Mr. Jackson under other names?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan: Are you aware of Dr. Klein being investigated...

    Panish stopped and objected as improper. He asked for a sidebar.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan asked if MJ was seeing other doctors at the same time he saw Dr. Murray, like Dr. Klein. Dr. Schnoll said yes.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Cahan resumed questioning Dr. Schnoll. Katherine left for the day.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
    Instruction cont'd: she believed they, AEG, hired Dr Murray. That violated a court order, the statement is stricken, shouldn't be considered
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Jurors brought in at 3:27 pm PT. Judge read them the following instruction: Yesterday, plaintiiff's expert Jean Seawright said
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Judge admonished Panish to tell all experts to abide by her motions in limine.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Judge: I don't know why you are pointing your fingers that way, Mr. Panish (to AEG's side). I really don't.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Putnam said he agreed with the judge and agrees the instruction should be given as written.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Panish: She said it, I wish she hadn't, I don't want a mistrial
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Judge: There are bright lines Mr. Panish and you don't even go near it because you may cross it accidentally
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Judge: I don't want a mistrial, it's a waste of resources

    Panish: I don't want a mistrial either
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Judge: Every expert is only to make assumptions about hiring. I specifically did that (ruling) for a reason. Advise them about my order!
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Apologies, reached the limit of tweets again.... Here's the remaining of today's testimony.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
    Judge: I don't want this kind of problem that can lead to mistrial. I'm asking you to speak with all your experts
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14h
    An upset judge said:
    This is my concern, we are 9 weeks in this trial and it's getting into mistrial territory. I don't want to go there!
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14h
    Judge: there's a ruling prohibiting any testimony, by any expert, on the issue!
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14h
    Panish: I know you're upset, I can tell that
    Judge: I'm not upset, I think it's entirely appropriate
    Panish: I told her not to do it
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14h
    Judge: This is your crucial, central issue in the case Mr. Panish. I'm surprised you had no discussion with her about it
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14h
    Judge said that violated the motion in limine regarding this issue. Experts are NOT to give their opinion on whether AEG hired Dr. Murray.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14h
    Outside the presence of the jury, judge discussed with the attorneys about Jean Seawright's testifying yesterday that AEG hired Dr. Murray.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said some of the patients might have been addicted to Propofol, but others were just abusing it.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said he has treated tens of thousands of patients and only 5-6 were addicted to Propofol. These people were in the medical field
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    The doctor agreed that some lay people could identify the symptoms as flu.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said most doctors would be able to put all the symptoms together and conclude it is opioid withdrawal.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Some of opioids withdrawal include chills, running nose, tearing of the eyes, dilated pupil, goose bumps.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    The expert said people would recognize there was something wrong with MJ, but may not be able to recognize it as withdrawal from opioids.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said people get confused as to whether the patient is addicted or dependent of drugs.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan: There has got to be some amount of trust between doctor and patient?
    Dr. Schnoll: Right
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: Well, of they came to me to treat addiction, they usually would come because they wanted to treat their addiction
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan: Did some patients did not want to get treatment?
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan: When you are evaluating a patient you rely on the patient being honest with you, correct?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll did not offer opinion whether the amount or type of drug MJ was taking for cosmetic and dental work was appropriate.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    "There was no evidence of addiction at that time," Dr. Schnoll said about MJ in 2009.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said he last prescribed Demerol in the late 1970s. He stopped treating patients in 2001.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: Probably not at all at this point, pain specialist would not keep Demerol handy
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said use of Demerol for pain went into question in the '90s.

    Cahan: How common is for pain specialists to have Demerol handy?
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr Schnoll said Demerol is not commonly used anymore because it has other effects than just opioids, considered a dirty drug the doctor said
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll responded he didn't know, since he doesn't do these procedures.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan asked if it's common practice to use Demerol for Botox injections and facial fillers treatment.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Just the fact that Dr. Klein injected MJ with Demerol doesn't raise concern of a relapse of Demerol dependency, Dr. Schnoll.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: If they have a severe pain problem that can only be treated by opioids, it is appropriate to give it.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    A professional doctor knows the difference between addiction and pseudoaddiction.

    (nurse juror nodding in agreement)
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Pseudoaddiction is when a patient is undertreated for pain, Dr. Schnoll said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said doctor shopping is going from doctor to doctor to receive medication.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    There were weeks he put in 7-8 hours, some didn't do anything. He said it would be hard to estimate, spoke with plaintiff atty 10-15 times
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said he has no idea how many hours he has worked in this case. He was retained back in January.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan said Pinney Associates is charging $790/hour for Dr. Schnoll's time.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll works for Pinney Associates, he's a salaried employee and receives bonus at the end of the year, should there be one.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan: You were never hired as a doctor to accompany a band on tour?
    Dr. Schnoll: That's correct
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    "I knew most of them and I knew them well," Dr. Schnoll said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan asked if Dr Schnoll brought medical students to help him out. He said yes. She asked if he did background or credit checks on them
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said he acted ethically at that job. He worked at rock concerts in the '70s.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan: Did you think that created a conflict of interest?
    Dr. Schnoll: As long as I acted ethically, I did not
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said his primary duty was to treat concert goers. He was paid by the promoters.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said at times he was asked to treat performers, was hired to provide medical treatment at the facility to fans or artists.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    I know some people who worked at concerts, Dr. Schnoll said. He has been one.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Cahan: Do you think it's ethical for doctors to go on tour?
    Dr. Schnoll: It depends on what they do when they go on tour with them
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll created the term "Rock Doc", referring to doctors who work on rock n roll concerts.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff finished direct examination. AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan did cross examination of Dr. Schnoll.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said he's reading Richards' book, but hasn't finished yet. Defendant's objected to the doctor talking about it based on hearsay.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Keith Richards and The Rolling Stones have been performing for 50 years. Richards writes in his autobiography about his drug addiction.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    If MJ got proper treatment, he would have like normal life expectancy, Dr. Schnoll said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Drug addicts can die early due to overdose; infections are very common, like HIV, Dr. Schnoll said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: If appropriately treated, it would have no affect
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Assuming he was not addicted, but had periods of drug dependency, would that have an impact on his life expectancy?
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll agreed MJ had the means to get proper drug dependency treatment.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Based on Mr. Jackson's family, do you know if any members of his family were addicted?
    Dr. Schnoll: I have no indication of that
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: Some of the best outcomes in treatment are with people who have a lot to lose if they continue their addiction.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    "The autopsy said he was in really, very good condition," Dr. Schnoll told the jury about MJ.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Having a supportive family and environment is critical in overcoming addiction, Dr. Schnoll explained.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: He could've been treated, he could've been treated if he had the proper people
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Let's assume MJ really was addicted to Demerol in 2009, do you have an opinion as to his prognosis for successful treatment?
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Assuming MJ was dependent, do you think proper treatment would be able to eliminate his dependency?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said if MJ were treated appropriately for pain and sleeping problems, it would not have an effect in shortening his life.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: Should MJ have someone knowledgeable for treatment of pain, he could've been treated appropriately
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll testified MJ had two major problems: pain and insomnia.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    "He would've been able to continue to perform if he was appropriately treated for the underlying medical conditions," Dr. Schnoll said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: If his underlying medical condition, pain, insomnia, had been appropriately treated, he may have been able to get off the drugs
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff asked if MJ were under the care of a competent doctor, would he have been able to get off the drugs, Demerol and benzodiazepines.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    "They pass catheters and look at hearts, which is totally unrelated to pain," Dr. Schnoll said about cardiologists.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: Dr. Murray was an interventionist cardiologist and that is a highly specialized field. He had no background in treating pain.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Assuming AEG hired Dr. Murray, was he fit and competent to treat Michael's sleep problems?
    Dr. Schnoll: No, he was not
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Assuming AEG hired Dr. Murray, was he fit and competent to treat Michael's pain problems?
    Dr. Schnoll: No, he was not
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's sleep problems?
    Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's drug dependency issues?
    Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's pain?
    Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    The hospital computer overloaded with people trying to get information on what happened with Sinatra, Dr. Schnoll said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said once Frank Sinatra went to the hospital he worked after collapsing on the stage.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Sometimes prescription is given under other people's names, Dr. Schnoll said, since celebrities often don't want people prying their records
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    "If you are dependent, you could have some insomnia if you go off of it," Dr. Schnoll testified.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: What does Demerol do to sleep?
    Dr. Schnoll: When you are taking it, it could make you sleepy
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    He also said this drug would not have had effect on MJ on June 25.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. School said there was no trace of the drug in MJ's body at the time of his death.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    The very last Demerol injection MJ received from Dr. Klein was on June 22, 100 mg dose, according to the records, Dr. Schnoll testified.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Is there a record MJ was getting Demerol from any other doctor?
    Dr. Schnoll: No
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dose went up in January 2009. Dr Schnoll said if a person was previously dependent on Demerol, stops and then resumes, tolerance is built up
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll talked about Dr. Klein giving MJ 100mg doses of Demerol in 2008. He said from mid-year to December it was the same amount.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said Propofol is not appropriate to treat insomnia, even if MJ suggested it.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff asked if there was any evidence MJ was addicted or dependent of Propofol up until Dr. Murray. Dr. Schnoll said no.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Murray used Propofol for sleep, which Dr. Schnoll said was inappropriate. "Plus, he was not an anesthetic or an anesthesiologist."
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    The drug was used for dental procedures and cosmetic treatment, Dr. Schnoll said, adding it was appropriate for that.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Between 1994 and 1996, Dr. Schnoll saw no evidence of any use of Propofol by MJ under any circumstance.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: What kind of specialist was on that tour for Michael?
    Dr. Schnoll: He was anesthesiologist
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll testified Debbie Rowe said yes, but she wasn't sure if it was Propofol or Fentanyl. He didn't think Rowe was a licensed nurse.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff showed a timeline and asked if there was any record MJ received Propofol during the Dangerous tour in 1994.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Propofol is the most popular anesthetic in the world, Dr. Schnoll said. Propofol is the generic term.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said after the Propofol infusion stops, the effect wears off quickly.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    "Typically, they steal it from operating room or critical care unit or inject it in a home, or a bathroom," Dr. Schnoll explained.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll treated patients addicted to Propofol. They were health technicians and none had it administered by another person.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Did he use it for sleep?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes
    K: Is that appropriate?
    Dr: Yes
    K: Did MJ have a sleep problem?
    Dr: Yes
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll said MJ was prescribed Midazolam and Versed which is commonly for short term surgical procedures, dental procedures.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Koskoff: Was there a time MJ did take benzodiazepines?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15h
    Dr. Schnoll: I don’t know if MJ was an addict. I haven’t seen the information that would allow me to make a diagnosis of addiction
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff: On Dangerous tour, was MJ getting opioid drugs according to Dr. Finkelstein?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll talked about the surgery MJ to repair damage to his scalp.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    The expert said he saw evidence MJ was afraid of needles; didn't take medications in excess of what was prescribed by doctors.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll said he saw no evidence that MJ ever used recreational drug or self-injected in the absence of a doctor.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff: Do you agree with that opinion?
    Dr. Schnoll: No
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff asked if Dr. Schnoll read testimony from Dr. Earley saying MJ was a drug addict and that he was going to die early.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff asked if that was consistent with a drug addict. Dr. Schnoll answered no.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff said based on the medical records in the last 16 years of MJ’s life, he was Demerol free for 13 1/2 years.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    The patch was done for treatment of Demerol dependency in early 2000s. The drug would block the effect of the opioid, Dr. Schnoll said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll said he reviewed medical records that Dr. Farshian implanted a patch into MJ's abdomen.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff: Was there a period of time when MJ used Demerol for scalp treatments?
    Dr. Schnoll: Yes
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff: Any evidence from any witness that MJ used Demerol outside the medical setting?
    Dr. Schnoll: No
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    “Opioids are most popular because they work," Dr. Schnoll said. "Pain is the most common complaint that comes to a doctor's office.”
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll explained pain threshold is the level at which someone feels discomfort. They are quite variable, he said.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll: The figures indicate 10 to 12% become addicted, the same percentage of people who become addicted to alcohol.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Some patients become addicted, Dr. Schnoll said. But it's not s large percentage.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll: if they're on long term opioid treatment, they'll become dependent. Opioids are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the US.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff: If a person is being treated, as part of good medical practice, can someone become drug dependent?
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll said addiction can also be treated by competent and fit physicians.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff: Any famous people who have been opioid dependent?
    Dr. Schnoll: President John F. Kennedy (Judge asks why?) Back pain.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    If a person has underlying condition and take opioid they could function better, Dr Schnoll explained. There's no harm in doing it medically
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff: What if a person has chronic osteoarthritis?
    Dr. Schnoll: May have remain on medication all his life
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Dr. Schnoll said the most important factor in determining if the person should go off the drug is to find out what the underlying problem is
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Methodone is an opioid drug used for pain and treatment of opioid addiction. Dr. Schnoll explained how the drug works.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Koskoff asked if you take someone off Demorol suddenly what happens. Dr. Schnoll: “like falling off a cliff, you don’t want that to happen.”
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Katherine Jackson was present in court wearing a long periwinkle jacket and pearl earrings.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16h
    Addiction specialist Dr. Sidney Schnoll resumed testimony. Jackson's attorney Michael Koskoff did direct examination.


    Re: Jacksons vs AEG - Day 43 - July 3 2013 - News Only (no discussion)

    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    Schnoll spent about another hour on the witness stand, reiterating his point that there was no sign in records that Jackson was an addict.
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    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    The judge said the jury should disregard her testimony about whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    The jury was brought in, and Palazuelos read an instruction stating that Seawright violated a court order.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    Palazuelos: “I don’t know why you’re pointing the finger that way.” She told Panish to make sure he warns his experts from now on.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    Panish also said that he was trying to counter questions from AEG’s attorneys that suggested Seawright didn’t have an opinion.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    Palazuelos: “This is my concern. Nine weeks into this trial and this is getting in a mistrial situation.” (We’re in 10th wk of testimony.)7
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    Panish protested, saying “All I was trying to show was that she was trying to show was that she has an opinion.”
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
    The judge said the answer veered into mistrial territory, and that Panish should have warned Seawright to not state her opinion.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Panish had asked whether Seawright she had an opinion on whether AEG Live hired Murray. He said today he thought it was a yes-no question.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Seawright told the jury she thought AEG did hire Murray, based on a question from plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    The judge noted that expert witnesses had been instructed not to state opinions on whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    After the afternoon break, Judge Yvette Palazuelos returned to the testimony of HR expert Jean Seawright. She was upset about yesterday.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    The doctor said he probably hadn’t prescribed Demerol since the 1970s. (He hasn’t been practicing with patients for several years.)
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    AEG defense attorney Kathryn Cahan also asked Schnoll about Demerol. He called it a “dirty opioid.”
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    On cross-examination, she tried to make the point that it’s hard for a lay person to tell difference between addiction and dependency.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Schnoll said even if Jackson were addicted to medications, with proper treatment he could have lived a long, healthy life.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    The doctor also addressed Demerol use, saying there was no sign Jackson received the drug between 2003 and 2008.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Schnoll’s point about the documented use of propofol by Jackson was that it was in medical settings with proper supervision. Until C. Murray
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    He said Rowe used two different names for medications she saw Jackson receive in 1993, so it wasn’t clear if propofol was used.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Schnoll said it wasn’t clear if Jackson received propofol during the 1993 “Dangerous” tour because Debbie Rowe wasn’t clear.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    The records showed that Jackson received propofol for dental procedures dating back to 1997, Schnoll said.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Schnoll reviewed medical records dating back until at least 1997. They included dental records, and files of Arnold Klein.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Schnoll said based on his review of medical records, he saw no evidence that Jackson was addicted to prescription meds.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    I’ve been dealing with some tech issues and a time crunch today, so will address the main points of Schnoll’s testimony.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    As for today's proceedings, testimony of Dr. Sidney Schnoll concluded today.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    Finkelstein's deposition will take the morning session. Kenny Ortega is scheduled to be the Monday afternoon witness.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 19h
    We're done for the day in Jackson vs. AEG Live. Court resumes on Monday at 10 a.m.
    They'll play the deposition of Dr. Stuart Finkelstein.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3 Jul
    He's also started to discuss Michael Jackson's medical history. I may have more updates in a little while. Gotta review some notes.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3 Jul
    Schnoll is being questioned by plaintiff’s attorney Michael Koskoff. He started out discussing pain management drugs, addiction solutions.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3 Jul
    Dr. Sidney Schnoll, an addiction and pain management expert, remains on the stand.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3 Jul
    We’re on a break in Jackson vs AEG Live trial. Katherine and Trent Jackson are here today.


    • LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- An addiction specialist took the stand Wednesday at the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial.


      Dr. Sidney Schnoll painted a picture of the king of pop as a typical pain patient -- that is, he says, until the entrance of Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray.

      Dr. S. Schnoll zeichnete das Bild des KOP, als das eines typischen Schmerzpatienten - so war es, sagte er, bis Jacksons Arzt CM die Bühne betrat.

      Schnoll reviewed 16 years of the artist's available medical records, from the time in 1993 when Jackson announced his struggle with pain medication to the day he died.

      The opinion of Schnoll is that the music icon was probably drug dependent. He testified there was not enough evidence to conclude that Jackson was an addict, a person who seeks a drug to get high.

      [B]Schnoll überprüfte 16 Jahre aus der Krankenakte des Künstlers, von 1993 an bis zu seinem Tod.
      Schnolls Meinung ist, dass die Musikikone möglicherweise auf Medikamente angewiesen war. Er bezeugte, dass es nicht genug Beweise gäbe, die auf eine Abhängigkeit Jacksons schließen, als eine Person die Drogen/Medis missbraucht um high zu sein. [B]

      Schnoll is testifying in support of Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against concert promoter AEG Live. The expert listed Jackson's medical procedures, including scalp surgeries after pyrotechnics in a Pepsi commercial set his hair on fire.

      Later, months before his death, Jackson was getting cosmetic treatments and dozens of shots of Demerol, an opioid pain medication.

      Schnoll said Jackson's available medical records showed that his treatments were legitimate and that Jackson never abused drugs.

      Der Experte, der für KJ Klage gg. AEG aussagt, listete medizin. Behandlungen auf, darunter KopfhautOPs, nachdem seine Haare durch einen pyrotechnischen Unfall, während eines Pepsi Drehs, in Flammen stand.
      Später, Monate bevor seinem Tod erhielt Jackson kosmetische Behandlungen und Dutzende Demerol-Injektionen, ein Opiat zur Schmerzbekämpfung.
      Schnoll sagte, Jacksons medizin. Aufzeichnungen zeigten, dass seine Behandlungen berechtigt/zulässig waren und dass er nie Medikamente/Drogen missbraucht habe.

      That changed, he said, as Jackson prepared for his comeback tour. It was in the same period that Murray signed on to be Jackson's personal physician. According to evidence in Murray's criminal case, Murray provided infusions of the anesthetic propofol six nights a week for two months.

      The plaintiffs say Jackson's health was deteriorating. Schnoll says that when Jackson missed rehearsals in mid-June, he was showing symptoms typical of Demerol withdrawal, such as chills and runny nose. He said Murray failed to diagnose it.

      Yet on cross-examination, Schnoll said the dates did not coincide with Jackson's Demerol treatments. He said it was hard to say whether Jackson was dependent on Demerol at this time.

      The plaintiffs said Jackson's earnings could go into the billions of dollars. Schnoll said Jackson could have gone on to live a long and healthy life. Under defense questioning, he qualified his opinion, saying it depended on Jackson getting help for his dependency.

      Das änderte sich, sagte er, als sich Jackson auf die Comeback-Tour vorbereitete. Es war in der gleichen Zeit, als CM als MJs persönl. Arzt erschien. Nach den Beweisen aus Murrays Prozess, versorgte er 6 Nächte. die Woche, 2 Monate lang, Michael mit Popofol Infusionen.

      Die Ankläger behaupten, mit Jacksons Gesundheit sei es bergab gegangen. Schnoll sagte, dass, als Jackson Mitte Juni die Proben ausließ , er Symptome von typ. Demerol-Entzug zeigte, solche wie laufende Nase und Schüttelfrost. Er sage, Murray habe es verfehlt, dies zu diagnostizieren.

      Im Kreuzverhör sagte Schnoll die Zeiten stimmten nicht mit Jacksons Demerol Behandlungen überein. Er sagte, es sei schwer zu sagen, ob Jackson zu dieser Zeit auf Demerol angewiesen war.

      Die Kläger behaupten, Jacksons Verdienste hätten in die Milliarden gehen können. Schnoll sagte, Jackson hätte ein langes u. gesundes Leben leben können.
      Unter Befragung der Verteidigung, schränkte er seine Meinung ein, in dem er sagte, dass es von Michael abhing Hilfe für seine Abhängigkeit zu bekommen.

      Katherine Jackson's attorneys allege that AEG hired Murray and had a responsibility to monitor him. AEG says Jackson selected Murray and that AEG executives were not privy to Jackson's medical care.

      Meantime, outside the presence of the jury, the judge warned attorneys to heed her admonishment or they were headed for a mistrial.

      K. Jacksons Anwälte unterstellen, dass AEG CM angeheuert habe und eine Verantwortlichkeite hatte, in zu überwachen. AEG sagt, Jackson habe sich CM ausgesucht u. dass die AEG Veranwortlichen nicht mit Jacksons medizinischer Versorgung vertraut gewesen seien.

      Unterdessen, während der Abwesenheit der Jury, hat die Richterin die Anwälte ermahnt ihre Verwarnung zu beherzigen, andernfalls würden sie einen Fehlprozess riskieren.
      Der Grund hierfür ist ein Statement einer Zeugin der Jacksons am Dienstag. Sie äußerte die Meinung, dass sie überzeugt sei AEG habe CM eingestellt. Die Richterin sagte, dass dies eine Beeinflußung der Jury gewesen sei u. dass die Expertin nicht nach ihrer Meinung hätte gefragt werden dürfen.

      The issue was raised because of a statement on Tuesday by a witness for the Jacksons. A human resources expert testified that in her opinion, AEG hired Murray. The judge says that is a determination for the jury and that the expert should not have been asked her opinion.
      Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 06.07.2013, 19:39.


      • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 40 – June 28 2013 – Summary

        Katherine Jackson is not in court.

        Karen Faye Testimony

        AEG Cross

        AEG defense attorney Marvin S. Putnam is cross-examining Faye. He started out stating it had been 7 weeks since she was last in court. (AP) Faye testified 7 weeks ago, May 10. Putnam asked her if she done anything to prepare, like look at the transcript. She said yes, periodically. "I was deposed for 4 or 5 days and I talked to plaintiffs for 1 day," Faye said. She reviewed transcripts but not what she said on the stand. She didn't look at exhibits, but met with plaintiffs' counsel, Faye said. (ABC7) Putnam asked whether Faye had reviewed her trial testimony. She said she hadn’t. She reviewed her deposition. Faye said her deposition spanned five or six days. At one point, she held up her hands to show how huge the file was. (AP)

        Putnam asked Faye about her interactions with Michael Jackson after his acquittal in the child molestation case. (AP) Faye got MJ ready for the criminal trial in June 2005. She didn't talk to him at the day of acquittal, he left for Bahrain. Putnam: Were you upset you that you had been there every day and he didn't say good bye? "He had been thru a horrible, horrible ordeal. Whatever he had to do to recover from that, that was fine," Faye said. Faye on MJ: "I understood that he wanted to leave." (ABC7) Faye didn’t talk to Jackson after his acquittal. Putnam asked Faye whether that upset her. “It didn’t upset me. No sir.” Faye on not talking to Jackson after his acquittal: “He had been through a horrible, horrible ordeal and I was by his side sir.” (AP)

        Faye said MJ never returned to Neverland after that, neither did she. She didn't see MJ in 2008 at Carolwood. Faye didn't talk to MJ when he came back into the country, heard from him every 3,4, 5 months and they were like brother and sister.

        She said she talked to him every few months, but didn’t see him again until April 2009. She found out about ‘This Is It’ tour from the news. (AP) Faye said she found out about "This is It" tour on the news. She wasn't surprised, MJ had mentioned he had projects. Faye said she got a call from Michael Amir mid March saying he was MJ's assistant; Michael wanted her to go on the tour with him. She said she didn't think it was strange that Michael had an assistant calling her. Previously, MJ would call her directly. "He didn't give me too much information, said MJ would call me from blocked number, make sure to pick up, it had to do with tour," Faye said. It was a really happy and light conversation, Faye recalled. "Work with me Turkle, Work with me Turkle," Faye said MJ told her. "We kind of laughed and chuckled. I think I mentioned in that conversation I was excited for him going back on tour," Faye testified. Faye said MJ told her he thought it was only going to be 10 shows but when he woke up, and it was now 50. He was a little discouraged about the number of shows, Faye said. She told MJ they would have to work on his hair to get him ready to tour. Faye said she knows that was part of their conversation, but wasn't sure if it was part of their first conversation. (ABC7)

        Putnam: He asked you to work on the tour and you said yes?
        Faye: Yes (ABC7)

        Faye said she remembers seeing the media following his bus, but is not sure she saw the press conference announcement live. "His wig was so big," Faye said, explaining that because of her work she notices people's hair and make-up. "I thought his behavior was a little odd, but not out of the ordinary," Faye said. (ABC7) On seeing Jackson’s press conference announcing the London shows, Faye said, “I just thought he had a really bad hairpiece on, sir.” Faye said she thought his wig was too big. Putnam asked her about Jackson’s behavior. She responded, “I thought his behavior was a little odd, but not out of the ordinary.” (AP)

        Putnam: How did you think he looked?
        Faye: Oh, ok. I just thought that he had a really bad hair piece on (ABc7)

        Karen Faye revealed she found texts that helped her remember when things happened during prep for the “This Is It” tour. AEG attorney Marvin Putnam seemed surprised. Putnam asked Faye when she discovered the texts, and when she handed them over to plaintiff’s counsel. She said she turned them in today. Faye didn’t give the text messages to AEG’s lawyers. Putnam: ““I guess we’re getting them now.” (AP) Faye said she found some text messages related to the period, couple of days before MJ's death. Faye said she didn't even know she still had the phone. She said she looked at the texts to remember dates, turned them to defendants today. Faye said she was sick a couple of weeks ago and that's when she found the phone. Faye: You keep asking me things about dates, I'm trying to remember, I was trying to refresh my memory about things. (ABC7)

        Putnam asked if she found anything else and she quipped, “I was going through my drawers. I found some sexy things for my boyfriend and I.” Putnam asked whether she found the proceedings funny. “I don’t think the case is funny at all sir,” Faye responded. (AP)

        "I was concern on how close the shows were together, sir" Faye said. She reached out to Kenny Ortega and Michael about it. Faye said she learned about the tour schedule online. She doesn't recall if there was a three month break. "He might make 1st week but it will go downhill after," Faye said. "I felt the schedule was too difficult for him to maintain" (ABC7)

        Putnam: You didn't see MJ for 4 years and thought it was a problem?
        Faye: I said it could possibly be problem, I didn't say it was definite (ABC7)

        Putnam showed Faye the calendar for the shows of "This Is It." She said she had not seeing it, what she saw was a list online. Faye agreed with the concept that she did call and expressed concern, but didn't say it was dangerous and impractical. "I had no concept of Michael's ability at this time," Faye said. "I was always protective of Michael and his well being." Faye: When I saw that there may be a problem, I did speak out, but exactly what they are talking here, I don't know. "I think he didn't know how the schedule was, he should go a look at the schedule and how he feels about it," Faye explained. "That's funny, my mother said the same thing," Faye said MJ told her. "By the conversation I had with him, he didn't seem to know the structure, only that it was 50 days," Faye said about MJ. Faye: I just wanted him to make sure he knew the schedule and if he was comfortable with it (ABC7).

        Faye was asked about her conversation with Jackson about the “This Is It” shows. She says the singer seemed surprised about the 50 shows. Faye recalled Jackson telling her, “’ It started out as 10 shows and then I woke up and it was 50.’” Faye said she was concerned about how close together the “This Is It” shows were and she reached out to Kenny Ortega, the tour director. “I didn't say definitively that it was going to be a problem,” Faye said. “I said this was something we should look at.” She added that she thought Jackson needed more time to recuperate. Putnam asked whether she called schedule dangerous. Faye said she didn’t characterize it that way. “I said it wasn’t the best schedule for Michael to be successful,” she said. Putnam showed her an email Ortega sent to AEG exec Paul Gongaware saying Faye raised concerns about the schedule. Faye said they were Kenny’s words and not hers. She said she didn’t recall saying the schedule was dangerous. (AP)

        Faye said she worked with a wig maker and they both went to Carolwood to see MJ. "Sir, we needed to prepare for the show, sir." She testified she needed to get some funds to start working on MJ's wigs and was told to speak with Dr. Tohme. (ABC7)

        Faye was then asked about the Jackson family maid, Grace Rwaramba and her role during the molestation trial. She said she thought Jackson was better off when Grace wasn’t living at Neverland Ranch during the trial. (AP) "I really, really loved Grace when I first met her," Faye said. "I adored her, I was really happy Michael used her as the nanny." "As her responsibilities grew, she kind of stood in the way, it seems she always tried to keep me away from Michael," Faye said about Grace. "Michael seemed to have more difficult time when Grace was brought back to Neverland," Faye said, referring to the time of criminal trial. "I just noticed that Michael started having a lot of back pain" Faye said. "With the symptoms of losing a lot of weight, and the pajama day". Faye explained the day during the criminal trial MJ went to court wearing pajamas one day. That day, Michael went to the hospital because something happened to his back and they gave him some pain killers, Faye testified. "The judge was informing MJ he had to go to court or he would be sent to jail" Faye said. So he went to court in pajamas, couldn't get ready. "They were going to throw him in jail if he didn't get there on time," Faye said. (ABC7)

        Faye said a lot of her information came through Taunya Zilkie and their concerns. Taunya took care of Faye's businesses affairs. Putnam said the contract with between the company of her Taunya's company, not Faye. Putnam: Did you have an understating as to whether or not you were an employee of AEG Live? Faye: I worked for This Is It and the production of the tour. "I think I was giving her (Taunya) something to take care of all my business and pay bills, but can't recall the amount," Faye said. (ABC7) Faye was then asked about her contract with AEG to work with Jackson on “This Is It.” She said she wasn't paid until contract was signed. (AP)

        She was asked about the wigs she bought for Jackson, which she said were ventilated. She said she needed 5 wigs for the London shows. (AP) "The process of his hair took a long time," Faye said. Faye said she needed to be able to get to MJ, so she asked in the contract to be close to him. "I don't know where they were going to put me," she explained. "I wanted to make sure they could get to me if they needed." Faye said MJ liked privacy. "When you do somebody's hair there's a lot of things involved and he didn't want people to see it," Faye said. Faye said she needed probably 5 wigs, each costing $3,500. She said it was a long process to get one ready, needed reserves for emergency. "It meant Michael didn't want anybody to know he wore a wig," Faye said. Faye requested the wig receipt be as discreet as possible. (ABC7) She was also asked about contract terms that called for her to submit itemized receipts for expenses only if Jackson approved it. Faye: “I wanted it to be as private for him as possible.” (AP)

        Botox inhibits sweating, so Faye thought MJ could have Botox injection on his scalp and he wouldn't sweat, the wig would stay on. Faye said Latisse and Propecia prescriptions for Michael were under her name. The Propecia rejuvenated hair on men's scalp, Faye said, and she needed as much healthy hair as possible. Faye said one of MJ assistants would sometimes give her skin creams to give to MJ. (ABC7)

        "Ortega demanded Michael to take off sunglasses, they gave me orders sir, but not pertaining to make-up and hair," Faye said. (ABC7)

        Putnam: Did you work for Michael Jackson?
        Faye: He requested me, sir, he called me and asked me (ABC7)

        Putnam: Did they do a background check on you?
        Faye laughed out loud and said, you're so funny. I don't think so(ABC7)

        "No, there was no background check done on me," Faye said, explaining she knows the background check is one of the issues of the trial. Faye said she saw information about the trial on the news and internet. She worked with MJ for 27 years. Putnam asked if AEG did financial check on her if they'd find problems. Plaintiffs objected, asserting witness's privacy. Judge sustained it (ABC7)

        Putnam asked Faye what she did in April and May 2009 to prepare for the tour. She said she attended productions meetings at Center Staging. "I was researching all the adhesives available, trying to figure out ways to have my job be successful," Faye said. Faye said she worked in a bedroom downstairs at the Carolwood house, never went to the second floor bedrooms. Faye doesn't recall how many times a week she saw MJ from March to June. In the first period of rehearsals, Faye said he seemed ok. "In compared to how I used to know him, it was little different, I can't say it was exactly how it used to be," Faye said. "I noticed some physical things that were odd," Fayed recalled. Faye said rehearsal was really, really dried and that kind of bothered her. "His thinness was still bothering me," Faye testified. "He wasn't gaining anything that was a concern." Faye said she was so concerned she brought an old time MJ's cook who had a restaurant nearby to bring him food. "It wasn't the MJ at 29, but he did Billie Jean and it was MJ, everyone was really excited about that," Faye said about rehearsals in June. (ABC7)

        "I asked Michael's security if he was going to see Dr. Klein," Faye testified. "I was kind on the lookout for doctors getting involved," Faye explained. Putnam asked why Faye inquired specifically about Dr. Klein. "Because in the media, there were reports that he had gone to Dr. Klein," Faye explained. "What I asked is how often he went there." Faye said they said Jackson's security confirmed MJ was seeing Dr. Klein maybe 3-4 days a week. That concerned her, Faye said. "Because of the past, when I'd see doctors get involved in Michael's life," Faye explained. Faye said she expressed that concern to Frank DiLeo, MJ's manager at the time. Faye never spoke with MJ about it. "I was really getting worried about Michael's psychological state," Faye said. She was concerned about Dr. Klein and aware of Dr. Murray in the week prior to MJ's death. Faye said she had a conversation with Kenny Ortega about Dr. Murray. She never asked about Dr. Klein. Faye said she can't recall ever having a conversation with Ortega about Dr. Klein. (ABC7)

        Putnam: Did you express to KO any concern you had about Dr. Conrad Murray?
        Faye: Yes, that he wasn't a psychologist (ABC7)

        "I didn't know Conrad Murray at that particular point other than expressed the concern of what I think Michael needed," Faye said. (ABC7)

        Regarding the fitting day, where MJ wore t-shirt and shoulder piece, Faye said she was there but didn't see him when they did the fitting. Faye said she saw MJ down to t-shirt several times, since she had to wire MJ, put wires and battery packs on him. (ABC7)

        Putnam: Did Randy Phillips ever pressure you to get MJ on stage?
        Faye: No
        Putnam: Did Paul Gongaware ever pressure you to get MJ on stage?
        Faye: No
        Putnam: Did Randy Phillips ever personally instruct you to never listen no MJ?
        Faye: No
        Putnam: Did Paul Gongaware ever personally instruct you to never listen to MJ?
        Faye: No
        Putnam: Did you ever observe Randy Phillips tell anyone to get MJ on stage to rehearse?
        Faye: He told me he wanted to build a wall around Michael so he doesn't want to do anything but get to rehearsal.

        Faye said she wasn't around Phillips a lot, so she didn't recall Phillips telling anyone to get MJ on stage to rehearse. (ABC7) Faye told jurors that she was never pressured by AEG executives Randy Phillips or Paul Gongaware to get Jackson to rehearse. (AP)

        On June 22, Faye went over to MJ's house to replace MJ's wig. She waited couple of hours and was told to leave, MJ didn't want to do it. (ABC7)

        June 23 was the first time they were at Staples Center. Faye said she was extremely concerned with MJ's health on June 19th. "I was very concerned during this period of time, I was very, very frightened," Faye explained. She said she had horrible thoughts. "I made a phone call to security Alberto Alvarez on Saturday and asked him to watch MJ very closely that I was concerned," Faye testified. Faye said Alvarez didn't want to stay on the phone, had to go and hung up. Faye said she didn't have an opportunity to talk to anybody on June 22 about MJ and she didn't want to ask the children. On June 23, Faye said there were lots of meetings at Staples Center with MJ. She was alone with MJ at some point in the day. Faye said she didn't remember what she said to MJ, it was probably how are you doing, probably addressed him very casually. (ABC7)

        Putnam: Did you think MJ had a good rehearsal on June 23?
        Faye: It was much improved, sir
        Putnam: How about the 24th?
        Faye: It was improved (ABC7)

        Putnam asked Faye how Jackson's performance was on the 23rd. Her response: "It was much improved." Putnam asked, "Did it restore your hope?" Faye replied, "Oh yeah." (KABC)

        Putnam asked if Faye thought MJ would be ready to tour after those rehearsals. She responded "oh no, oh no!"
        Putnam: You didn't think he was ready to go?
        Faye: Oh no (ABC7)

        Faye explained MJ didn't gain any weight, there were changes that needed to be done to get him ready, perhaps if they could delay it a bit.

        Putnam: So you didn't think he could be ready after watching those rehearsals?
        Faye: No

        "It was a very strenuous show," Faye said. (ABC7)

        Faye said there was hope, though."I saw more of Michael, he was laughing, I saw him participating, yes, there was some relief." "He was still cold, but his spirit was better, sir," Faye said. "I wasn't concerned for his weight for everyday life, but I was concert for his performance weight," Faye explained. (ABC7)

        Putnam: Did you ever testify his work weight was 120 pounds?
        Faye: Lisa Marie Presley gave me that information
        "Lisa Marie Presley and I became friends and she told me MJ liked to be at 120 pounds," Faye said. (ABC7)

        Putnam: Did you say he lost 10-15 lbs the last week of his life?
        Faye: It was an estimate, yes

        Putnam: Were you observing Mr. Jackson becoming thinner and thinner?
        Faye: Yes (ABC7)

        Faye said that in Mar/Apr she told Michael she was concerned with his weight. She never talked to him about it during last weeks of his life. "Michael wasn't very coherent that week to have a discussion like that," Faye said. Faye said people who didn't know MJ very well would probably not realize he lost lots of weight because of the several layers of clothes. (ABC7)

        Putnam asked Faye about the fact that Coroner's report saying MJ was 136 lbs at the time of his death.
        Putnam: Did you think it was impossible for him to weigh that much?
        Faye: Yes
        "Because Michael had lost so much weight and he kept losing weight. 136 lbs was a lot for MJ," Faye explained. (ABC7)

        Defense attorney Marvin Putnam asked Faye if she would be surprised that Jackson weighed 136 pounds when he died. Faye's response: "136 pounds would be good for Michael." (KABC)

        Faye said she was a bit upset that no one seemed to have been listening to her back in June 2009. "I was voicing my opinions and what I thought and I wasn't getting too much response, sir," Faye said. "He would pretend everything was ok" Faye said. But she never asked MJ if he was ok since she thought he wasn't in the state of mind for it. Faye did not express any of her concerns to MJ's family remembers. (ABC7)

        Putnam asked if Faye and MJ knew each other well. Faye said he thought so. Faye said MJ believed in doctors and that wherever they prescribed he thought it was ok. Faye said the first time she heard about Propofol was after MJ died. She was surprised about it. (ABC7)

        Faye testified earlier in the case that MJ didn't take no for answer. She said it had to do specifically with her work. (ABC7)

        Faye said MJ talked about the tour seemed he was trying to convince himself to do it. "It was always like he was talking himself into it." (ABC7)

        Putnam: That last week, you didn't know what was going on?
        Faye: Right
        Putnam: Did you think MJ was self-sabotaging?
        Faye: I didn't understand what was going on (ABC7)

        Email Faye sent to Frank DiLeo was a note from a fan concerned with MJ's weight on June 20, 2009. Faye wrote in the email: Frank... Unfortunate she's right. I'm fearful he I'll make himself so sick be will die. If he doesn't do this show he has no where else to go. Another fan email forwarded on June 22 from Faye to DiLeo saying MJ was too thin. When he asked me to do this in May and met with him. I saw a slender but strong and coherent Michael Jackson. "I felt desperate when I wrote this email, because I felt I wasn't being heard or acknowledged," Faye said. "It seems like he is setting himself up to be the victim," Faye wrote in the email to DiLeo. "I thought the best pathway, he needed some psychological help," Faye explained. "I'm trying to figure out what is going on." Faye said she thought there was some sort of fear with MJ. "He hurts himself most of all," Faye wrote. Putnam asked what she meant by that and Faye said "He's dead!" "I don't think you, Kenny or Randy deserve becoming the villains, or the financial victims," Faye wrote. "This is between you and me alone," Faye wrote in the email to DiLeo. "I am leaving this in your hands as you have instructed me to do." Faye said she was trying to get their attention to do something. "I was desperate. I wanted a therapist for Michael." No response from Frank DiLeo or anybody else, Faye said. Putnam asked about her saying it was between the two alone, and she said her intention was for someone to help Michael. Faye's email to DiLeo: Michael is painfully thin... His bones are protruding. I'm one person that has physical contact with him very day. Michael's OCD is getting worse. He repeats his actions and rambles words constantly. (ABC7)

        Hair and makeup artist Karen Faye testified about two emails she sent to Jackson's manager Frank Dileo within the five days before the singer's death that his health was deteriorating. In one of the messages, Faye warned Dileo that he and AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips might become "villains" or "financial victims" if Jackson were to die while preparing or performing a series of comeback shows called "This Is It." Faye said she struck a dire tone in the messages because she felt that earlier concerns about Jackson's health had been ignored. Faye sent the warning that Jackson may die in a message on June 20, 2009 — five days before the singer died of an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. Two days later, on June 22, she sent the warning about Dileo, Phillips and tour director Kenny Ortega being held financially responsible for the entertainer's demise. "I don't think you, Kenny, or Randy deserve becoming the villains, or the financial victims," her email states. She wrote that the message was "between you and me alone." She told jurors she was concerned the men "could be responsible for that in some way. Just kind of like where we are right now," she said, referencing Katherine Jackson's ongoing civil case against AEG Live.Faye's emails described Jackson as emaciated, paranoid and unable to perform. She told jurors Friday that while the singer's performances dramatically improved in his final two rehearsals, she was still not convinced he would be able to perform the 50-concert schedule of "This Is It," let alone its premiere. (AP)

        In an email on July 1, 2009, Faye expressed concern to Randy Phillips about footage of MJ shuffling and wrapping around in blankets. Phillips responded: We control all the footage and it is locked at the vault at staples center (ABC7)

        Jackson redirect

        Panish: Were you seeing Michael not able to sing and dance on June 16?
        Faye: Yes, sir
        Panish: Did you think that MJ needed some medical assistance that time?
        Faye: Absolutely
        Faye agreed with Bugzee that MJ was deteriorating in front of everyone eyes.

        "He was not in good physical shape on June 19," Faye said. (ABC7)

        Panish: Who did you negotiate your contract with?
        Faye: AEG Live (ABC7)

        "He was burned a long time ago, had damage to his scalp," Faye said about MJ needing wig. "He had 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burn." (ABC7)

        Panish: Were you being paid $150,000 a month?
        Faye: No
        Panish: Did you take the Hippocratic oath when you became a make-up artist?
        Faye: No, sir (ABC7)

        Panish asked if someone has died after getting make-up. "I never even burned someone with a hot iron, sir," Faye responded. (ABC7)

        MJ went to rehearsal on June 18 but arrived late, Faye said. Ortega was very angry Michael was late to rehearsal. Faye said MJ was scared, paranoid, pressure on the last two weeks of his life. Putnam questioned Faye for 5 days in deposition related to Lloyds of London lawsuit. There were no lawyer representing the Jacksons. "I was quite sure he was deteriorating, sir" Faye said. "I had no idea what was going on, but there was something very, very wrong." Faye said she discussed with mortician MJ's body weight. Panish asked if he looked worse than on June 19. Faye responded: "He was dead, sir" Faye said on June 18 Michael was almost catatonic, stoic, appeared scared to die. (ABC7)

        Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #42


        Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
        Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
        Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
        Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
        Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
        Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
        Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
        Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
        Day 8 - zeugin Faye
        Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
        Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
        Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
        Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
        Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
        Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
        Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
        Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
        Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
        Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
        Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
        Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
        Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
        Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
        Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips

        Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
        Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips

        Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
        Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
        Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
        Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
        Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
        Day 31 - zeuge Berman
        Day 32 - zeugin Chase
        Day 33 - forts. zeugin Chase; videodeposition Dr. Earley
        Day 34 - zeuge Dr. Czeisler
        Day 35 - forts. zeuge Dr. Czeisler
        Day 36 - forts. Dr. Earley video depo
        Day 37 - Dr. Matheson
        Day 38 - zeuge Michael Jackson Jr.
        Day 39 - zeugen TJ Jackson, Taj Jackson

        Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

        Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7


        • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 41 – July 1 2013 – Summary

          Katherine Jackson is not in court.

          Jean Seawright, Human Resources Expert for Jacksons

          Jackson direct

          Jackson's attorney, Brian Panish, is questioning Jean Seawright, a Human Resources consultant. She has her own company, helps clients find, hire, train, compensate, terminate workers; basically the entire life cycle of an employment. Seawright said human resources relates to the people and the workers in a business. She has clients in various line of businesses: pest control, law firms, restaurants, car dealerships, hospitals, etc. Seawright has BS in Chemistry, has consulted in the field of HR for 25 years, advising owners and managers of human resources practices. (ABC7) Seawright has her own HR-consulting company based in Florida, but has clients in different parts of the case. (AP)

          Seawright said there are several types of background check, including driving, criminal, credit and social security check. Depending on the reports, the cost can be as low as $5, background check from $10-15, $25 with other fees, Seawright testified.

          She has testified in around 16 court cases, including one in which an employee killed a supervisor. The worker had a previous murder conviction, but no background check had been done, Seawright said. (AP) Seawright has testified in approximately 16 cases. Being an expert witness composes about 10% of her company's revenue.She charges $300/hour and has works a little over 100 hours in this case, Seawright testified. (ABC7)

          Seawright has never works in the music or show producing industry, but said that she's qualified to testify since HR principles are the same. (ABC7)

          She said her goal is to hire workers who are fit for the position and who are not going to put themselves or others at risk. Seawright said she doesn't differentiate independent contractors and company employees, since it's just a classification/label of a worker. "The same risks exist, regardless of the label," Seawright explained. "You can't manage what you don't know," Seawright said. "It's important to understand what the history of what an individual is before hiring them," Seawright explained. She said that knowing the background of workers diminish the risks of the hiring. Seawright explained smart hiring process, which can minimize the risks and hire a competent and fit employee. (ABC7) Seawright said she doesn’t advise different procedures for checking the background of an employee vs an independent contractor. Doing background checks is relatively inexpensive, Seawright said. A Social Security number check might cost $5, criminal check up to $30. (AP)

          Panish asked assuming Paul Gongaware knew MJ had prescription drug issues, would that knowledge be critical in hiring a doctor for MJ? "Yes indeed, it would elevate the risk even higher," Seawright answered. Seawright: The organization knows the potential to harm the artist, they have information about the parties, which would elevate the risk.(ABC7)

          Attorney Brian Panish asked Seawright a hypothetical question. He told her to assume AEG Live hired Conrad Murray at MJ’s request. Panish asked whether Seawright believed AEG followed adequate hiring practices. She said the company didn’t follow good hiring practices. She said she would have considered Murray performing a high-risk job due to several factors. The factors included Murray working in Jackson’s home, having access to confidential info and the singer’s family and giving medical care. Seawright said in Murray’s case, she would have recommended the following checks: criminal, credit and driving history. She would have also recommended a verification of Murray’s Social Security information. Panish questioned whether the absence of a criminal record would be enough of a check. Seawright said no. In forming her opinion, Seawright said she relied on the testimony of Dr. Matheson and other witnesses during the trial. (AP)

          "They did indeed fail to follow adequate hiring practices," she testified Monday.Serving as a personal doctor for Michael Jackson was "a very high risk position" that warranted a background check to determine if Murray was fit for the job, competent to do the work and did not have a conflict of interest, Seawright testified. A simple credit check -- taking five minutes and costing less than $10 -- would have revealed the conflict of interest, she said. Credit checks are routine for many companies hiring for high-risk positions, she said. (CNN)

          "I'd recommend criminal background check, credit and motor vehicle check and a social security verification on Dr. Murray," Seawright said. "Dr. Murray was in position of administering medical care but was paid by company that had the ability to stop the tour," Seawright said. "Had that happened, Dr. Murray would not be able to continue to work, he was in a conflict of interest," Seawright continued. (ABC7)

          She said she saw no evidence of AEG conducting checks on Dr. Murray. Panish showed a chart of AEG's process to check out people, which separates employees from independent contractors.(ABC7) Panish displayed a board with a blowup of an AEG Live exhibit that their corporate attorney, Shawn Trell, used in his testimony. The board was titled “AEG Process to Check Out People.” It drew distinctions between employees and independent contractors. Panish gave Seawright a red marker and asked her to write whether they were processes that reflect standard human resources practices. Seawright said some of the processes including on the AEG exhibit were standard practices. Others were not. There were seven items on the procedures for Independent Contractors. Seawright wrote that none were standard practices. The processes included relying on a previous working relationship with AEG, or being known to the artist. She said requiring an independent contractor to be fully insured and indemnifying AEG from liability benefited the company. She said using a process like AEG employed could lead to harm. She said an independent contractor can cause as much harm as an employee. Seawright said at the minimum, AEG Live should have done a credit check on Conrad Murray. AEG Live’s lawyers objected to some of the questions Seawright was being asked, but judge allowed her to respond to most of them. (AP)

          Seawright said there are risks involving employees who are not necessarily dealing with money. The expert said that looking at someone's professional license is not enough to qualify a potential worker. Seawright went through all the procedures AEG has in place to hire independent contractors and said most of their process only protects AEG. Seawright said the label of the employee doesn't change the fact that the company is responsible for the hiring of fit and competent person. Panish: Could independent contractors cause the same damage as employees? Seawright: Yes (ABC7)

          Seawright said background checking minimizes the risk of hiring someone. Seawright opined that just including in the contract that Dr. Murray needed to be licensed is not sufficient to determine his competency. "I did not see any evidence in my review of documents and testimony," Seawright said about AEG checking Dr. Murray's medical license. "You can't just always take people's word" Seawright explained, saying that until you check their credentials you don't know if they are fit. (ABC7)

          Panish: Did you see anything that qualified Dr. Murray as extremely successful? Seawright: I saw nothing that was done to determine that. Seawright talked about Phillips' email where he said Dr. Murray was extremely successful and didn't need the gig. She said Phillips acknowledged what the criteria was, that they needed someone ethical and unbiased"The email is a recognition by Mr. Phillips to hire someone who doesn't need the gig," Seawright opined.. (ABC7)

          Seawright then testified about an email from AEG Chief Executive Randy Phillips to tour director Kenny Ortega, in which Phillips said Murray was “extremely successful” – noting “we check everyone out” – and “does not need this gig, so he is totally unbiased and ethical.” Seawright said that email indicated Phillips understood the criteria for the job and that AEG had a process in place for examining its workers. When asked if she saw evidence indicating the company in fact “checked out” Murray’s background, she replied: “I did not.” Ultimately, she said, the email indicated AEG was in a "sort of trap … where if you don’t check out a worker adequately, then you are in a situation like this.” “It was Mr. Phillips saying what he hoped was the case but we later found out was not the case,” she said. (LATimes)

          Seawright said entertainment companies are not different from others, HR is practice across businesses lines to find fit, competent workers. No matter what business you are, you need to follow HR protocols, Seawright said.(ABC7)

          The expert explained the credit check is used to determine whether or not the person met all his/her obligations, if there had any default. Seawright explained the problem is not the debt at all, it's the fact you are in default of the debt, that you haven't met your obligations. She said credit checks are inexpensive, cost between $5-8 and takes about 5 minutes to get the report. As to Dr. Murray, Seawright said AEG should have done, at minimum, a credit check. MJ was just a referral of Dr. Murray, Seawright said, and AEG should've done further investigations on him. Seawright said Dr. Murray was going to be in MJ's house, would have exposure to confidential information, so he needed to be checked out. Moreover, Dr. Murray would be providing medical care to MJ, and AEG should've checked him out, the expert opined. To get a credit report, you have to have the individual's consent, Seawright said. (ABC7)

          The expert analyzed an email from outside counsel Kathy Jorrie to Phillips recommending background check on Dr. Tohme. (ABC7)

          During deposition, AEG's attorney Jessica Bina showed study where out of 158 employers 3 % indicated they did credit check in healthcare. Another part of the survey related to employees working at people's homes, in which 30% employers conduct credit checks, Seawright testified. Panish: Could AEG have done a background check on Dr. Murray? Seawright: There's no question they could've done that, if they wanted to. "Being in debt is just having debt," Seawright explained. "But default is not paying the debts." (ABC7)

          Dr. Murray had three different social security numbers in his credit report, according to LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez. Seawright said AEG could've run Dr. Murray's background and would've gotten the same information Det. Martinez received. (ABC7)

          Panish: Do you know any special rules that apply to AEG Live? Seawright: No (ABC7)
          Nothing further from plaintiff.

          AEG Cross

          AEG's attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina did cross examination.

          Bina asked if all the opinions Seawright offered are based on the assumption that AEG, not MJ, hired Dr. Murray. She said yes. Seawright said she did not analyze the info assuming Michael Jackson hired Dr. Murray. Judge told the jurors that ultimately they are the ones who are going to decide who hired Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

          Seawright Associates has four employees currently. Seawright said she has no idea if plaintiffs checked her background, but that she did not sign a release to check her credit. (ABC7)

          Seawright said she never ran her doctors' background. She has not worked with concert promoters or the music industry. The expert said this is the 1st case where a person's credit history is major issue. The other cases involved criminal history and behavior (ABC7) She said the Jackson vs AEG Live case is the first one where a person’s credit history was an issue. Other cases involved criminal history. (AP)

          Stebbins Bina tried to get Seawright to define the term “Independent contractor.” Seawright said there wasn’t a standard definition. The effort to define independent contractor prompted a lengthy sidebar. Afterward, Stebbins Bina read a definition from the dictionary. Seawright said the dictionary definition didn’t totally define what an independent contractor was. Seawright wouldn't define the term. (AP) The expert said there's no precise definition for independent contractor; there may be characteristics, but not a definition Bina gave hypotheticals to explain independent contractor. Most common background checks are criminal and reference checks, Seawright said. Seawright: It's important to be able to identify the best way to hire a worker, minimize the risk, determine if they are fit and competent. (Some jurors had their eyes closed at this point. It was very dry testimony, some audience members were sleeping.) (ABC7) A couple of the jurors seemed to be struggling to stay away during Seawright’s cross-examination. (AP)

          A company can be accused of discrimination if the criteria involved in the hiring uses discriminatory practices, Seawright said. (ABC7)

          Before the break, there was a tense session outside the jury’s presence on EEOC guidelines with regard to credit checks. AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina asked Seawright about whether the EEOC now prohibits credit checks. Stebbins Bina showed the jury a printout from the EEOC website that she said showed the agency prohibited credit checks. Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish objected, and pointed out the printout doesn’t have a date on it. He said doc shouldn’t have been shown. Stebbins Bina acknowledged during the sidebar that she wasn't sure if the printout was a federal regulation, so she'll check on it tonight. Panish was extremely upset during the sidebar, saying Stebbins Bina and the judge erred by showing the printout to jury. He wanted the printout and comments about it made in front of the jury stricken from the record, but judge refused for now. Judge Yvette Palazuelos said she would wait to strike the printout and discussion from the record until she hears more about it tomorrow. (AP)

          Outside the presence of the jury, there was a heated discussion about a document AEG showed to the jury. Bina showed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) policy on credit check, saying it is a discriminatory practice. Jackson's atty Brian Panish argued vehemently that there was no foundation as to the date of the document and if it was in effect in 2009. Judge offered to take judicial notice of the document, but Panish said judge couldn't legally do it. Judge Yvette Palazuelos: is this is a regulation, rule, statute I can take judicial notice? Bina claimed the document, printed out of the website, is a policy and judge should be able to take judicial notice. She will look further. "The court should not allow that, plaintiff has been prejudiced by the misconduct of defendants' counsel," Panish told the judge. Judge read the document and noted it says "generally should be avoided", and it doesn't says it is prohibited. "It doesn't exactly say what you said," judge told Bina. Here's the text of the policy.

          Document Pre-Employment Inquiries and Credit Rating or Economic Status: Inquiry into an applicant's current or past assets, liabilities, or credit rating, including bankruptcy or garnishment, refusal or cancellation of bonding, car ownership, rental or ownership of a house, length of residence at an address, charge accounts, furniture ownership, or bank accounts generally should be avoided because they tend to impact more adversely on minorities and females. Exceptions exist if the employer can show that such information is essential to the particular job in question. (ABC7)

          Panish said the document is not a rule, regulation or policy and asked judge to admonish the jury to disregard it. Panish said it's misleading, inappropriate, should not be presented to the jury and it's unduly prejudicial to the plaintiffs. Bina argued she thinks it's clearly admissible, doesn't think it's appropriate to instruct jury now. "I do not believe there's any error in showing this document to the jury," Bina said. "You, improperly, took judicial notice over my objection and I'm requesting to admonish the jury now," Panish requested Judge Palazuelos. Judge: if it turns out judicial notice was improper but admissible in other ground, it may be difficult to explain to the jury. Judge wants to make sure they get to the bottom of it, whether it is admissible or not, before instructing the jury one way or another. Judicial notice is a rule in the law of evidence thatallows a fact to be introduced into evidence if the truth of that fact is so notorious or well known, or so authoritatively attested that it cannot reasonably be doubted. This is done upon the request of the party seeking to rely on the fact at issue. Facts & materials admitted under judicial notice are accepted without being formally introduced by witness or other rule of evidenceand they are even admitted if one party wishes to lead evidence to the contrary. (ABC7)

          Bina resumed cross examination, jury back in the courtroom. Bina: Dr. Murray had a medical license, right? Seawright: My understanding, yes. Seawright said that once she checked Dr. Murray's credit check it made him ineligible for employment, thus she didn't investigate further. "There was no need to," Seawright said, explaining the fact that Dr. Murray failed the credit history was sufficient to deny him employment. (ABC7)

          Regarding Dr. Murray's contract "4.1 Perform the Services reasonably by Producer" Bina said it was an error and Producer should read Artist. Seawright said she saw contradicting testimony, several well-qualified people reviewed the contract and it wasn't changed in final version. (ABC7)

          Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #43


          Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
          Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
          Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
          Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
          Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
          Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
          Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
          Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
          Day 8 - zeugin Faye
          Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
          Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
          Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
          Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
          Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
          Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
          Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
          Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
          Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
          Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
          Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
          Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
          Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
          Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
          Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips

          Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
          Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips

          Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
          Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
          Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
          Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
          Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
          Day 31 - zeuge Berman
          Day 32 - zeugin Chase
          Day 33 - forts. zeugin Chase; videodeposition Dr. Earley
          Day 34 - zeuge Dr. Czeisler
          Day 35 - forts. zeuge Dr. Czeisler
          Day 36 - forts. Dr. Earley video depo
          Day 37 - Dr. Matheson
          Day 38 - zeuge Michael Jackson Jr.
          Day 39 - zeugen TJ Jackson, Taj Jackson
          Day 40 - zeugin Karen Faye

          Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

          Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7


          • Gestern startete die Ortega-Aussage. Von unten nach oben

            For the latest watch @ABC7 and go to . We hope to see you tomorrow for full coverage of the trial. Good night everyone
            Expand Reply Retweet Favorite More
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish said defendants have 14,000 exhibits on their list, down from 28,000. There are 1353 documents produced by Kenny Ortega.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Judge adjourned trial until tomorrow at 1:30 pm PT. Ortega ordered to return then. Attorneys remained in court discussing exhibits.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega cont'd: Great news, I couldn't be happier for the Team.
            Ortega: Großartige Nachrichten, es könnte nicht besser für das Team sein.Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega responded:
            Ortega antwortet:
            Yeah! Good for MJ, God knows he's been out through as much negative as any one person should have to go through.
            Yeah! Gut für MJ, Gott weiß er ging durch so viel negatives Zeug wie es keine Person durchmachen musste
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Gongaware responded:
            We stopped at 50 sold out shows at the O2 arena. Demand was there for another 50. This is history and you're part of it
            Wir stoppten bei 50 ausverkauften Shows in der O2 Arena. Der Bedarf war da für weitere 50 Shows. Das ist Geschichte und Du bist Teil davon.Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega responded:
            I'd say we are off to a good start. Congrats to all
            Ortega antwortet:
            Ich würde sagten wir haben einen guten Start. Gratulation an alle!Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Email on 3/12/09 from Gongaware to Ortega:
            Blew out 30 shows today on the presale. Hot doesn't begin to describe it
            30 Shows heute ausverkauft. Heiß ist keine Beschreibung für dasExpand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            "Honestly, I didn't even know if it was for sure," Ortega said. He testified in his depo he was surprised Phillips didn't tell him anything.
            "Ehrlich, ich habe nicht mal gewusst, dass es sicher war." sagte Ortega. Er sagte in seiner Depo er war überrascht, dass ihm Phillips nichts erzählte."Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            "I didn't know anything had happened and I wasn't there, so there wasn't anything to be surprised about," Ortega said.
            "Ich wusste nicht das es passierte und ich war nicht da, so es gibt nichts worüber ich überrascht war, sagt OrtegaExpand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            He said had he known, it would have had an impact on whether to go forward with TII.
            Er sagte wenn er dies gewusst hätte, könnte es einen Einfluss auf ihn gehabt haben mit TII weiterzumachen.Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said Randy Phillips never told him what happened before the TII press conference with Michael Jackson.
            Ortega sagte R. Phillips erzählte ihm nie was vor der TII-Pressekonferenz mit MJ passierteExpand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            At times, Ortega said he can work in multiple projects, but once one takes off he needs to be exclusive to it.
            Zu Zeiten sagt Ortega kann er an unterschiedlichen Projekten arbeiten, aber wenn eines beginnt muss er exklusiv dafür da sein.Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            At this time, Ortega was working on development of movie for Paramount, "Footloose" remake. He was going to direct it.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said MJ kept referring to the tour as "This is it," so Ortega suggested the tour should be called TII.
            Orteag sagt MJ bezog sich auf die Tour mit "TII", so schlug Ortega ihm vor die Tour TII zu nennen.Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Email on Feb 10, 2009 from Gongaware to Ortega was the first email the director remembers about the TII.
            Email am 19. Februar 2009 vo G. an Ortega war die 1. Mail an die er sich wegen TII erinnertExpand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said Paul Gongaware and John Meglan were the ones who contacted him about being part of the TII tour.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega: If the show were to go on to other countries, then I would receive royalties, yes
            Ortega; Wenn die Shows in andere Länder gehen würde, würde ich Royalities erhalten, ja. Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said TII was going to be in London and there was hope for international tour.
            Ortega sagte das TII nach London ging und es gab Hoffnung für eine interantionale Tour. Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega: The scalp burn, I didn't know he was taking medication for it, I knew he was injured from the Pepsi commercial.
            Ortega. Die Kopfverbrennung, ich wusste nicht das er dafür Medikamente erhielt, ich wusste er wurde verletzt in der Pepsi-WerbungExpand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish: Did anyone tell you they thought MJ was 'assisted' with something?
            Ortega: No
            Panish: Sagte Ihnen jemand das sie dachten das MJ mit etwas unterstützt wurde?
            Orteaga. Nein
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            "He was a little... off, loopy," Ortega said.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish: Did you observe MJ different after seeing a doctor?
            Panish: Haben sie beobachtet das MJ anders war nachdem er einen Arzt besuchte?

            Ortega: Yes
            P: Please explain
            O: Off, a little off
            O: Ein wenig off
            P: Loopy?
            O: Yeah
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said he thinks MJ had back problems afterwards. But the director said he never saw MJ take medication.
            Ortega sagt, er glaubt MJ habe danach Rückenprobleme gehabt, sah ihn aber nie Medikamente nehmen
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            "I know he hurt his back," Ortega said. MJ jumped up and went back on the stage. "The show must go on."
            "Ich weiß er hat sich seinen Rücken verletzt", MJ spring hoch und ging zurück auf die Bühne. "The show must go on"Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said because an improper cable replacement, the bridge came down faster that it was supposed to.
            Ortega sagt wegen unangemessener Kabelanbringung kam die Brücke schneller runter als beabsichtigt.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega: In Munich, Michael was on a set held up by cables. During the big conclusion of Earth song there was a bridge supposed to float down
            Brückensturz in München 1999 wir gezeigtExpand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish showed clip of Earth song.

            Ortega talked about shows that MJ did for charity.
            Ortega sprach über Shows die MJ für Charity machte
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said the song "What About Us?" showed Michael's deep concern about healing the planet. "And that went deep," Ortega said.
            Ortega sagt Earth song zeigt MJs Sorge für den Planeten und "Das ging tief".Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Greatest example of it is Man in the mirror," Ortega said. "Change needs to happen within each of us for a change in the world to happen.
            "Große Beispiele sind MIM, Änderung muss bei jedem von uns beginnen, wenn es in der Welt passieren soll"
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish showed video of "HIStory" tour opening. Ortega said MJ wanted his music to inspire change in the world.
            History Opening wird gezeigt
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said he went on first 6 or so dates on both "Dangerous" and "HIStory" tour. He explained it was the normal amount.
            Ortega sagte er ging zu den ersten 6 Shows von der Dangerous und der HIStory Tour. Das ist eine normale Anzahl.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega: The video used for the show would have subtitles saying love one another, take care of the planet, take care of the children.
            Ortega: Das Video das für die Show verwendet wurde hatte Untertitel mit Liebe für jeden, auf den Planeten zu achten, und auf die Kinder zu achten.Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish: Was his creativity or demeanor different?
            Ortega: He was still inspired, raised the bar on himself and on everyone working with him
            Ortega: Er war immer noch inspierend, hob die Messlatte für sich selbst und jeden der mit ihm arbeitete.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega: We didn't always agree on 100%, we allowed ourselves to have creative joust, to play with the ideas and allowed it to ripe
            Ortega: "Wir stimmten nicht immer 100% überein, wir erlaubten uns kreativen Joust, mit den Ideen zu spielen und sie reifen zu lassen.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            In "HIStory" tour Ortega and MJ were co-creators & co-directors. "We used to call creative jousting," Ortega described the creative process.
            Auf der HIStory Tour waren Ortega und MJ Co-Kreatoren und Co-Direktoren. "Wir nannten es kreative Ritterspiele", beschrieb Ortega den kreativen Prozess
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            MJ was then transported to the hospital by ambulance. "It could've been exhaustion, I don't know, I don't recall," Ortega said.
            MJ wurde ins Krankenhaus gebracht. "Es könnte Erschöpfung gewesen sein, ich weiß es nicht, ich kann mich nicht erinnern, sagt O
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega said MJ fainted and the show was cancelled.
            Ortega sagt MJ fiel in Ohnmacht und die Show wurde gecancelt.
            Panish: Can we say he collapsed?
            Panish. Können wir sagen er kollabierte?
            Ortega: Yes
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Ortega: He called me in because he was unhappy with what was going on with his classic choreography, he didn't want it to be changed.
            Ortega: Er rief mich rein weil er unglücklich war was mit seiner klassischen Choreographie geschah, er wollte keine Änderungen darin.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish: Did you ever become aware he was not well?
            Panish: Wurde ihnen bewusst es ging ihm nicht gut?
            Ortega: He was unhappy
            Ortega: Er war unglücklich.
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            In 1995, Ortega was acting as a consultant to MJ for an event at Beacon Theater in NY.
            1995 war Ortega Consultant für MJ für ein Event im Beacon Theater.Expand
            ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1h
            Panish: Did you know Michael was dependent on painkillers?
            Panish: Hörten Sie jemals das MJ abhänig war von Schmerzmitteln
            Ortega: No
            P: Never heard of that?
            O: No
            P: To this day?
            O: No
            Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 09.07.2013, 13:43.


            • Ortega said MJ wanted to improve the human condition for children around the world.
              Ortega sagt MJ wollte die humanen Bedingungn für Kinder auf der Welt verbessern.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              MJ wanted to make sure every child had what they needed, Ortega explained.
              MJ wollte sicherstellen, dass jedes Kind erhielt was es benötigte, sagte Ortega.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              MJ went to an orphanage in Romania before going to his hotel. Ortega said MJ didn't want to do the show before the orphanage was cleaned up.
              MJ ging in ein Waisenhaus in Rumänien bevor er ins Hotel ging. MJ wollte die Show nicht machen bevor das Weisenhaus gereinigt wurde.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "It left people breathless," Ortega said.
              "Es ließ die Leute atemlos." sagt O.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Panish showed clip of opening of Dangerous. "It was one of the most spectacular openings that anyone has seen or done," Ortega said.
              Eröffnungsclip wird gezeigt. " Es war einer der spektakulärsten Eröffnungen die jemals jemand gesehen oder gemacht hat, sagt Ortega.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "He would call that milking the crowd," Ortega explained. "He knew how to work the crowd better than anybody."
              "Er nannte dies das Puplikum melken, Er wusste mit dem Publikum zu arbeiten wie kein anderer."
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              The "toaster" popped up and gave illusion of flying. Ortega said MJ would then stand still on stage for a few minutes.
              Der Toaster stieg auf und gab die Illusion des Fliegens. MJ würde dann für einge Minuten auf der Bühne still stehen.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Ortega helped prepared the opening of the Dangerous tour in 1992. Michael would enter the stage in what they called "toaster."
              Ortega half die Eröffnung die für die Dangerous-Tour 1992 vorzubereiten. Michael kam auf die Bühne mit einem Toaster.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "He always wanted something that was world class and thrilling," Ortega said.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              The opening of the show was significant to MJ. He wanted the audience to think how will be able to top that!, Ortega testified.
              Die Eröffnung in der Show war bedeutend für MJ. Er wollte das das Publikum darüber nachdenkt wie er das toppen kann.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "He wanted to rock the world," Ortega said. "He wanted to let them know he was back."
              "Er wollte die Welt rocken, sagt Orteag. Er wollte die Welt wissen lassen er ist zurück."
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Ortega: It was primarily Michael's vision that I shared. He wanted to put on the greatest show that anyone had ever seen.
              Ortega: "Es war primär Michaes Vision, die ich teilte. Er wollte die größte Show machen, die jemals jemand gesehen hat.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Panish showed clip of "This Is It" movie showing the young dancers who had been chosen to dance with MJ and how he influenced them.
              Panish zeigt TII Clip wo Tänzer, die von MJ ausgesucht wurden über seinen Einfluss sprechen
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "Like no one else in his generation," Ortega said. "I think he was the most influential dancer for generations of kids still even today."
              "Wie kein anderer seiner Generation.., ich denke er ist einflußreichste Tänzer für Generationen von Kindern bis heute."
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Ortega has worked in the industry for over 40 years. Panish asked Ortega how MJ influenced other dancers.

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Ortega described Michael Jackson:
              Musician: world class
              Singer: one of a kind
              Dancer: the best
              Ortega beschreibt Michael Jackson
              Musiker: Weltklasse
              Sänger: Einzigartig
              Tänzer: Der Beste

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "It was exciting, stimulating, awesome," Ortega said.
              "Es war aufregend, stimulierend, atemberaubend", sagt Ortega
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              He said he was co-director of Dangerous with MJ. MJ had a ton of ideas, asked him to realize those on stage.
              Er sagt er war Co-Director mit MJ. MJ hatte eine Tonne von Ideen und fragte ihn diese auf der Bühne zu realisieren
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "I felt incredible, he was the greatest performer on the planet and as far as I'm concerned. The greatest song and dance man ever."
              "Ich fühlte mich unglaublich, er war der größte Performer auf dem Planet. Der größte Song und Tanz-Mann den es gab.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Ortega first met MJ in 1990. "MJ called me to help mount the Dangerous Tour," he said.
              Ortega traf MJ erstmals 1990. "Mj rief mich an um die Dangerous Tour zu entwickeln."
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Ortega: Choreography is about the movement of the human body, technique, dance language, physical, how to instruct
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Ortega choreographed the 96 Olympics in Atlanta, 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Super Bowl half time, World Cup.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "He was very generous, very sweet and kind to everyone," Ortega said about Michael Jackson.
              "Er war sehr zuvorkommend, sehr nett und freundlich zu jedem." sagte Ortega über MJ.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              MJ went backstage. "The cast, they were just crying, and screaming, and just speechless," Ortega said.
              MJ ging Backstage: "Die Mannschaft weinte und schreite, einfach sprachlos, sagte Ortega:"
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              "I know for sure Paris was singing, they were all standing and enjoying it," Ortega recalled.
              "Ich weiß sicher, dass Paris sang, sie standen alle und genossen es."
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 1h
              Panish: How did it make you feel?
              Panish: Wie haben Sie sich gefühlt
              Ortega: (long pause) I'm speechless, I can't think
              Ortega: Lange Pause, ich bin sprachlos, ich kann nicht denken
              P: Was that a big thrill?
              P: War es eine großer Thrill?
              O: Beyond
              O: Mehr als das

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 2h
              Michael and the children went to see High School Musical in Las Vegas.
              Michael und seine Kinder kamen um High School Musical in Las Vegas zu sehen
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 2h
              HS Musical 1 and 2 were released on TV only, 3 was a movie. "It was the number one opening weekend of any musical ever," Ortega said.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 2h
              Panish showed clip of High School Musical. He directed and choreographed 1, 2 and 3.
              Panish zeigte Clips vom High School Musical. Orteag war Direktor und Choreograph für Teil 1 bis 3.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 2h
              Panish showed excerpt of it with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey; snippet of "Newsies," 1st full-length picture he directed/choreographed.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Panish showed a video clip of Madonna's "Material Girl."

              Ortega has been asked to do a new "Dirty Dancing" but he's not sure it will happen
              Ortega wurde gefragt ein neues Dirty Dancing zu machen, aber er ist nicht sicher, dass dies passieren wird
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega did choreography for Cher, Madonna, Kiss, Diana Ross, Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega worked on High School Musical 1, 2 and 3, Dirty Dancing, Newsies, Pretty in Pink, St. Elmo's Fire, etc.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Travis Payne was MJ's partner for the new choreography in TII.
              T. Payne war MJ`s Partner für die neue Choregrahie in TII.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said he didn't do the choreography for the This Is It tour. It was lots of people, some was classic and belonged to MJ for some time.
              Ortega sagt, er machte nicht die Choreographie für TII. Es waren viele Leute, einige gehörten zu MJ seit langer Zeit.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Choreographer creates the dance steps, movements in a stage show or concert or musical, Ortega explained.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega: I was in such awe of him and the brothers. It was such a momentous moment for me, it was like being touched by a star
              Ortega: ich war in solcher Ehrfurcht vor ihm und den Brüdern. Es war ein so einzigartiger Moment für mich, es war vom Star berührt zu sein.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              "He looked at me and smiled. I was overwhelmed," Ortega said.
              "Er schaute zu mir und lachte. Es war überwältigend." sagt O.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              He opened up his own theater company when he was 18. Ortega said around 1963-64, Michael was walking through backstage they made eye contact
              Ortaga eröffnete seine eigene -Theater Firma als er 18 war. Orteag sagt um 1963-64 ging Michael backstage ein, sie hatten Augenkontakt.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said he started dancing when he was 4 years old. There was always music at his house, watched his parents dance.
              Orteaga sagt er begann zu tanzen als er 4 Jahre war. Es gab immer Musik in seinem Haus, schaute den Eltern beim Tanzen zu.

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              "I'm not an employee of AEG," Ortega responded.
              "Ich bin kein Angestellter von AEG" sagt Ortega

              Ortega said he is from Redwood City, CA, grew up in the Bay area.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega was originally named a defendant in this case. Panish asked if he knew why he was dismissed from the suit.
              Ortega war ursprünglich als Beklagter im Fall genannt. Panish fragte ob er weiß warum er von der Klage entfernt wurde.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Panish: Do you consider yourself friend with MJ?
              Panish: Betrachten Sie sich selbst als Freund von MJ?
              Ortega: Yes
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Panish: Do you consider yourself friend with Randy Phillips?
              Panish: Betrachten sie sich selbst als Freund von R. Phillips?
              Ortega: Yes
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega's rep dealt with Paul Gongaware in The Rolling Stones tour.
              Ortegas Rep handelte mit P. Gongaware in der RS-Tour.

              Panish: Do you consider yourself friend with Gongaware?
              Panish: Betrachten Sie sich selbst als Freund von Gongaware?
              Ortega: Yes
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega: I believe Mick Jagger just made me an offer and we accepted it. My agent called me, daily offer, I accepted.
              Ortega: Ich glaube Mick Jagger machte mir ein Angebpt und wir aktzeptierten. Mein Agent rief mich an, tägliches Angebot, ich akzeptierte.

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              The director said he was called by Mick Jagger to work on the 50th anniversary tour, working with AEG.
              Der Direktor sagt das er von Mickl Jagger gerufen wurde um am der 50. Geburtstas-Tour zu arbeiten, mit AEG

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said AEG was Michael's partner in promoting and producing TII, and they were financers of the project.
              Ortega sagt AEG war Michaels Partner in Promotion und Produzieren von TII und sie waren Finanzierer vom Projekt
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said for the creative part, he reported to Michael and to AEG regarding budget or scheduling.
              Ortega sagt für den kreativen Part berichtete er Michael und AEG bezüglich des Budget oder Terminierung.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              He said he's a director, choreographer and sometimes producer. "My role in This Is It, I was Michael's creative partner in the show."
              Er sagt er ist ein Direktor, Choreograph und manchmal Produzent. "Meine Rolle für TII war Michaels kreativer Partner für die Show zu sein."
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said he has earring loss, so he can't hear well. He asked Panish to speak up.
              Ortega sagt, er hat Gehörverlust und kann nicht gut hören. Er bittet Panish lauter zu reden.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said at one point his rep said the negotiation turned from AEG Live to Michael Jackson. He doesn't know the details, though.
              Ortega sagt sein Rep, sagte ihm das die Verhandlungen wechselten von AEG Live zu MJ an einem Punkt. Er weiß nichts zu den Details.

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said his agent and attorney negotiated his contract with AEG Live. Gongaware represented AEG Live.
              Ortega sagt sein Agent und Anwalt handelte den Vertrag mit AEG aus. Gongaware repräsnetierte AEG Live.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              For certain things, Ortega said he reported to Paul Gongaware and Randy Phillips.
              Für bestimmte Sachen, sagt Ortega berichtete er P. Gongaware und R. Phillips.

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said he had a contract with AEG Live. "I was working in communication with them," he said.
              Ortega sagte er hatte einen Vertrag mit AEG Live. "Ich arbeitete in Kommunikation mit ihnen, sagte
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              The director was deposed in the Lloyds of London litigation for several days.
              Der Dirketor wurde in der Lloyds-Klage mehrere Tage vernommen.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega said he read some articles about this trial. He also read Karen Faye's deposition, given to him by his attorney.
              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Ortega reviewed his deposition but did not read testimony given at Dr. Murray's criminal trial.

              ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 3h
              Full name: Kenneth Ortega
              Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 09.07.2013, 18:41.


              • Director of MJ's comeback show takes stand

                By Alan Duke, CNN
                updated 12:15 AM EDT, Tue July 9, 2013

                STORY HIGHLIGHTS

                * Kenny Ortega worked closely with Michael Jackson in his last weeks
                * Ortega wrote of Jackson's "strong signs of paranoia ... and obsessive-like behavior"
                * An expert testifies Jackson was drug dependent, not addicted
                * Widow, daughter of former Jackson manager face jail unless laptop is handed over

                Los Angeles (CNN) -- Kenny Ortega, the director of Michael Jackson's aborted comeback show, began his testimony Monday about what AEG Live executives did and said in Jackson's final days.

                His first hours on the stand Monday afternoon were spent discussing Jackson's creativity, saying his voice, songs and dancing were "like no one else in his generation." He will return Tuesday to resume his testimony.

                Lawyers for Jackson's mother and children argue in the wrongful death trial against AEG Live that those executives ignored warning signs about his health and mental condition that, if heeded, could have saved his life.

                The lawsuit contends the promoters hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's propofol overdose death.

                AEG Live lawyers argue that Jackson -- not their executives -- chose and controlled the doctor, who was giving him nightly infusions of the surgical anesthetic in a desperate search for sleep in his last two months.

                Ortega, who knew Jackson well and worked with him closely preparing his "This Is It" shows, sounded a warning to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips in an e-mail on June 20, 2009 -- five days before Jackson's death -- that Ortega did not think the entertainer would be ready for the shows.

                He described seeing "strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior" with Jackson. "I think the very best thing we can do is get a top psychiatrist to evaluate him ASAP."

                Expert: MJ was 'drug dependent,' not addicted

                AEG says Jackson was secretive about his drug use, which the company contends was an addiction, so there was no way of knowing what treatments Murray was giving Jackson in his bedroom.

                But a drug addiction expert testified last week that there was "not a lot of evidence to support" the belief that Michael Jackson was addicted to drugs.

                If he was an addict, Jackson "would be taking drugs that were not prescribed by a medical professional, taking larger amounts than prescribed and have drug-seeking behavior," Dr. Sidney Schnoll testified.

                There was no evidence Jackson ever took drugs that were not given to him by a doctor or that he took more than prescribed, Schnoll said.

                The bottles of sedatives found in his home after his death had more pills remaining in them than he would have expected if Jackson was an addict, Schnoll said. This "indicated these were not being taken on a regular basis," he said.

                Evidence shows Jackson sought drugs from a number of doctors, but that was not inappropriate because he needed them "to treat a legitimate medical problem," including back pain, scalp pain and dermatologic issues, Schnoll testified.

                While not addicted, Jackson was dependent on drugs, he said.

                The painkillers that forced Jackson to end his 1993 "Dangerous" tour early so he could enter a rehab program were taken to relieve the pain from scalp surgery needed to repair burns suffered when filming a Pepsi commercial, Schnoll said.

                The burns left scars on damaged nerves in his scalp, which becomes "excitable tissue" that "can be firing just like the nerve," he said. The result "can be every painful, like a burning kind of pain -- persistent, sharp, shooting kind of pain," he said. "It's very uncomfortable and one of the most difficult to treat."

                Pain relief is a legitimate use of opioid drugs and a person can function normally if they are taken under a doctor's care, he said.

                President John Kennedy was opioid dependent to relieve "very severe back pain" while in the White House, he said.

                "He did alright as president?" Jackson lawyer Michael Koskoff asked.

                "It depends on your political affiliation," Schnoll answered.

                The Demerol injections Jackson got during frequent visits to a Beverly Hills dermatologist between April and his death in late June 2009 were given for legitimate medical reasons, Schnoll testified.

                If he were addicted to Demerol -- which is a powerful opioid -- he would not have gone 43 days between injections, which medical records show, he said.

                Jackson also went roughly 13 years -- from 1993 until 2008 -- without the drug, he said. The doctor conceded under cross-examination by an AEG Live lawyer, however, that a gap in available medical records may be misleading.

                Jackson's use of sedatives was an effort to treat his chronic insomnia, Schnoll said.

                If the underlying sleep problem could be resolved, the chances of ending Jackson's use of the drugs would have been good, he said.

                There was no indication that Jackson was addicted to propofol before Murray began giving him nightly infusions of the surgical anesthetic for 60 days leading up to his death, he said.

                Unheeded warning signs?

                Ortega, in his e-mail to AEG Live CEO Phillips on June 20, wrote that "I honestly don't think he is ready for this based on his continued physical weakening and deepening emotional state."

                He said Jackson was having trouble "grasping the work" at rehearsals.

                Production manager John "Bugzee" Hougdahl wrote in an e-mail to Phillips hours earlier that Ortega had sent Jackson home from a rehearsal that night because of his strange behavior.

                "I have watched him deteriorate in front of my eyes over the last 8 weeks. He was able to do multiple 360 spins back in April. He'd fall on his ass if he tried now," Hougdahl wrote. "He was a basket case and Kenny was concerned he would embarrass himself on stage, or worse yet -- get hurt. The company is rehearsing right now, but the DOUBT is pervasive."

                Phillips replied to Ortega: "Please stay steady. Enough alarms have sounded. It is time to put out the fire, not burn the building down."

                By "burn the building down," he meant pulling the plug on the tour that was set to begin in three weeks, Phillips testified last month. "In a highly charged situation like this, I just wanted to keep things calm until we could have the meeting."

                Phillips met with Murray, Jackson and Ortega at Jackson's home later that day. While Jackson lawyers argue that meeting was intended to pressure Murray to make sure Jackson was ready for rehearsals, AEG lawyers contend Murray assured producers nothing was wrong.

                Phillips testified that he remembered little about the conversation at the meeting and Murray has invoked his constitutional protection against self-incrimination to avoid testifying in the trial. This makes Ortega's testimony crucial for both sides.

                Hand over evidence or face jail

                A related drama could unfold Monday in another courtroom as a judge in Ohio decides if he'll carry out a threat to throw the widow and daughter of a former Jackson manager in jail for refusing to hand over a laptop computer subpoenaed by Jackson lawyers.

                Frank DiLeo, who served as Jackson's manager decades earlier, reappeared in his life in his last months. He died in 2011. Jackson lawyers want to search his laptop for evidence to support their contention that DiLeo was beholden to the concert promoter and not to Jackson.

                His daughter, Belinda DiLeo, refused a judge's order last week to disclose where the computer was, prompting the contempt of court order. The judge gave the DiLeo's until Monday to hand it over or face jail. A hearing will be held Wednesday to determine of the women complied with the order.

                Jackson changed managers twice in the last three months of his life. In late March 2009, he hired Leonard Rowe -- one of his father's friends -- to replace Tohme Tohme, the manager who initially negotiated the deal with AEG for his "This Is It" tour.

                Jackson lawyers argue that AEG Live forced Jackson to take DiLeo, who had worked for him off and on for decades, as his manager in May 2009 because they did not want to work with Rowe.

                A cache of 5,000 e-mails has already been recovered and a lawyer in Ohio is reviewing them to redact non-relevant and personal information before handing them over to Jackson lawyers.

                Kenny Ortega, the director of Michael Jackson’s aborted comeback show, began his testimony Monday about what AEG Live executives did and said in Jackson’s final days.


                • Einige Info's über Hintergründe und Zusammenhänge zu Dileo's Computer:
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                  • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 42 – July 2 2013 – Summary

                    Katherine Jackson is in court.

                    Testimony was delayed by a lengthy argument over an EEOC printout that was shown in court yesterday. Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish argued the document was a non-binding policy and shouldn’t be raised during trial. Judge Yvette Palazuelos said questions about the document could be asked, but it wouldn’t be allowed into evidence. Panish was also concerned because Palazuelos told the jury the guidance against employment-related credit checks was a law, which isn’t. She’s having the attorneys craft a statement to read to the jury when they come in and HR expert Jean Seawright resumes testifying. (AP)

                    Outside presence of the jury, attorneys/judge discussed the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) document shown to jurors yesterday. Panish: They don’t consider credit checks to be a prohibited practice at all. This is a lawyer making misleading statements, hearsay. Panish: She says “it is a law," it is an official policy. It is not an official policy. It is a guideline at the most. Panish said EEOC guidelines are not controlling law. "This is not a law. If the court is confused, the jury is going to be confused." It is a guideline that has been revoked in a court case, Panish told the judge. Bina said it was DMV photos that were assessed in that case, not EEOC policy that failed in that case. Panish raised his voice, said AEG never claimed this (credit check may be discrimination,) it has never been raised before. "You yourself were misled, your honor, over my objections," Panish said. Bina said she plans to say credit checks are controversial, must be job related. Companies might use care in using credit checks. Panish: Trell never mentioned an EEOC concern. This is not a law or regulation. The document wasn’t raised in deposition with Seawright. Judge told the attorneys to put their heads together and she will read an explanation to the jury. (ABC7)

                    Jean Seawright Testimony

                    AEG cross

                    Before Seawright resumed testifying, the judge read a statement telling jury that the EEO document wasn’t a law. Judge Palazuelos’ statement included language that she would instruct jurors’ on evidence once testimony concludes in the case. (AP) Judge told jurors that yesterday there were references made to an EEOC document. It was not a regulation, but rather a guide. Judge said the document had not been admitted into evidence. Jurors nodded, indicating they understood the explanation. (ABC7)

                    Bina asked if Seawright was familiar with that EEOC guideline. She said yes, it provides guidance. Seawright explained that Title 7 says that an employer cannot discriminate. Bina: Are there studies that show relationship between debt and manslaughter? Seawright: Not that I am aware of. Bina: Are there studies that show relationship between debt and malpractice? Seawright: Not that I am aware of. (ABC7)

                    Bina asked if Seawright knows Dr. Murray's history of treating patients, and he had no record of harming patients. Seawright explained she examined his financial history only, and once he failed that she didn't see need to go any further. Seawright said that, based on Dr. Murray's credit history, he was 180 days behind in his mortgage. (ABC7)

                    Bina asked why background checks are necessary. Seawright said it was because you are putting customers at risk. Dr. Murray wasn't being placed in charge of AEG business, Bina argued, saying he was in charge of the artist. Seawright explained his responsibility was Mr. Jackson's health during the tour. Bina: Does that fact that MJ had a long term relationship with Dr. Murray weigh in your analysis at all? Seawright: No, there's no bearing. Bina: If a contractor had been with hundreds of tours would that person have to be background checked? Seawright: It depends on the position. Seawright said you might have some historical knowledge of how the person performed but need to see if there were problems. If time has passed since you last hired someone, Seawright said you need to go back and check again, it's a rehiring; whole new period. (ABC7)

                    Bina: Lets say MJ had engaged Dr. Murray for 3 years and was going to continue. At that point, would MJ have to do background check?
                    Seawright: I can't give an answer without evaluating the circumstances (ABC7)

                    Bina asked if it's ever appropriate to have different processes for different positions. Seawright said it depends on different risk factors. Bina: Is it ever appropriate to have some policies for employees and others for independent contractors? Seawright: The label doesn't make a difference. (ABC7)

                    Most of AEG defense attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina's questioning centered on doing credit checks on employees. Stebbins Bina walked Seawright through a survey of 158 HR professionals who answered questions about performing credit checks. According to the 2010 survey, 30% of respondents did credit checks on employees in fiduciary duty roles. Much less in other categories. For employees' with "safety sensitive" roles (which Seawright believes Conrad Murray qualified as), credit screens were done in 5% of cases. For healthcare professionals, the figure was 3%, according to figures read into the record by Stebbins Bina. AEG Live defense attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina focused on statistics from a survey of HR professionals. (AP)

                    Bina inquired Seawright extensively about several surveys that she relied upon while writing opinions in other cases. Bina inquired Seawright about expert opinions she issued in other cases. "When hiring someone, we have to look at the potential harm to him/herself, to others, to customers," Seawright explained. "For every job, you have to evaluate all of the risks associated with it," Seawright said. There are risks in every employment. Seawright considered Dr. Murray's position to be high-risk and safety-sensitive. She explained Dr. Murray would be working at MJ's home, in and around his family, with access to confidential information. Seawright said the risk was elevated since Paul Gongaware was aware of MJ's past use of drugs and alcohol during tours. The expert said she read about Gongaware's knowledge of MJ's drug use in his deposition and Dr. Finkelstein also mentioned it. (ABC7)

                    Employers have the right to conduct background check, Seawright said. But she noted their practices cannot be discriminatory. Bina: Would the company be exposing itself to risk if you do background check? Seawright: Not necessarily (ABC7)

                    "Indemnification provision in a contract is not checking out a worker," Seawright testified. Bina argued that if the company is taking responsibility for Dr. Murray's conduct, with indemnification, it offers protection. Seawright said it protects the company, it protects AEG. (ABC7)

                    Bina: Do you see anything in the policy for hiring Independent contractors that AEG didn't follow with Dr. Murray? Seawright and Bina went through the check list for independent contractors hired by AEG. AEG's practice for Independent Contractors: *Known to the artist - Seawright said yes *Required licenses or permits - Seawright said yes. *Fully insured - Seawright said yes *Indemnification Provision- Seawright said yes *Obligation laid out in the contract - Seawright said yes. "It was called final," Seawright said about Dr. Murray's agreement. (ABC7)

                    Stebbins Bina also asked about reports Seawright prepared in other cases. There were objections, but some of the questions were allowed. Seawright stuck to her testimony that Murray should have been considered in a high-risk positive and dealing with safety-sensitive matters. One key factor in that was the fact Murray was working in Michael Jackson’s home, Seawright said. (AP)

                    Jackson redirect

                    Panish asked in re-direct about EEOC policy again. He said Bina brought it up improperly in front of the jury. Judge sustained objection. (ABC7) Panish asked a few questions before asking Seawright about the EEOC guidelines that have been argued over. AEG attorneys objected. Judge Palazuelos: “Why are we revisiting this.” Panish said he was trying to clarify issue for the jury, but judge sustained the objection. (AP)

                    Panish asked Seawright what her understanding is why employers check credit of potential employees. Seawright: They check the credit because they are very concerned that financial stress can compromise people's ethical judgment and behavior. Multiple branches of our government do credit checks on employees to make sure they are not at risk for unethical decisions, Seawright said. "The debt is not an issue at all, it's the delinquent debt they are concerned about," Seawright said. (ABC7) Seawright then said that many government agencies screen people’s credit because they see delinquent debts as a possible risk. She said the agencies view delinquent debts as one way people may compromise their ethical judgment. (AP)

                    Panish asked if Seawright saw anywhere in this case AEG saying they didn't conduct credit check on Murray because it could be discrimination. "I've never heard that at all in all the documents I read," Seawright responded. (ABC7)

                    Panish asked if Seawright could rely in a survey conducted with small percentage of businesses to determine if credit check should be done. Seawright responded she would not rely on that survey to determine the necessity of credit checks in the healthcare field. "I believe AEG Live hired Dr. Murray," Seawright said. Defendant's attorney objected to the response and judge sustained it. Judge: That's because it is your duty, your responsibility to say whether Dr Murray was hired. It's not up to the experts to determine that. (ABC7)

                    Seawright said that Dr. Murray asking for $5 million initially raised questions in her mind why he would be requesting that much. (ABC7) Before the break, Panish asked Seawright whether she reviewed testimony in the case about Conrad Murray’s pay. She said she knew he first asked for $5 million then dropped his rate down to $150,000 a month. She said that raised questions for her. Seawright: “It was a red flag for me at the beginning of the process,” she said of Murray’s expected $150,000 a month salary. (AP)

                    Panish then asked Seawright whether she believed AEG Live hired Murray, a question for the jury to decide. Panish said he asked the question because Stebbins Bina asked a similar question on cross-examination. At one point, Judge Palazuelos rubbed her hands over her face and stopped the proceedings. She turned and addressed the jury. She explained that one of her pretrial orders was that experts could assume Murray was either hired or not hired by AEG Live. She said the experts aren’t supposed to say whether they believe Murray was hired or not - that was for the jury to decide. (AP)

                    Panish asked whether if AEG Live was Seawright's client, would she have recommended hiring Conrad Murray. Seawright responded that she absolutely wouldn't have recommended that AEG hire Murray because of "risks associated with the position." If they insisted, Seawright said she would have recommended a "comprehensive vetting process" (AP) Panish asked if AEG Live were Seawright's client in 2009 and said they wanted to hire Dr. Murray what she would've said. Seawright: I would've said absolutely no, because of the risks associated with the position and the potential for conflict of interest. "If they insisted, I would've recommended a comprehensive vetting process, with credit and background check," Seawright said. (ABC7)

                    AEG recross

                    AEG Live attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina then took over, and made the point that Seawright hadn't done any research into med, concert fields (AP)

                    Bina in re-cross asked if Seawright was aware legislators expressed concern in 09 of unduly use of credit checks. She said she was not aware. (ABC7)

                    Jackson redirect

                    RE-RE-DIRECT Panish: Was EEOC checking credit of people? Seawright: My understanding they were. "Financial distress can impact their ability to make ethical decision, that's the reason that EEOC does it," Seawright said. Panish asked if Seawright would recommend background check for a high-risk, safety-sensitive job? Seawright: I do. Seawright said AEG did not do any check on Dr Murray. Panish: In your opinion, AEG acted inappropriately for not doing that? Seawright: Yes (ABC7)

                    Dr. Sidney Schnoll Testimony - Addiction expert for Jacksons

                    Jackson direct

                    Michael Koskoff, attorney for Jackson's, doing direct examination.

                    Dr. Schnoll resides in Connecticut, born in New Jersey. He graduated in medical school on 1967. He described his extensive background. "Addiction Medicine is the study of the problems of addiction," Dr. Schnoll said. "It is a very broad area." (ABC7)

                    He testified about his experience, background today. He's an addiction medicine and pain management specialist. Been practicing since the early 1970s, but has been consulting since 2001 or so. Schnoll has helped develop risk management programs for pharmaceutical companies. It's a way to understand problems of abuse of a drug. Schnoll doesn't do trial consulting. He said this is the first case in about 15 years that he's testified in. Schnoll has consulted for the NFL Players Association, the Chicago Cubs and Bulls and written roughly 40 textbook chapters over his career. He's also provided medical care at concerts for acts such as the Rolling Stones and Fleetwood Mac. Apparently for concertgoers, not talent. Schnoll consulted for the Chicago Cubs starting in 1982. He recounted the first time he walked into the training room as immediately worried. Schnoll said on one of the counters in the Cubs' locker room was a bottle of amphetamines "which the players called greenies." The amphetamine pills were green, hence the players' nickname, Scholl said. He also noted there was a beer tap in the clubhouse. He said he told the Cubs both items were inappropriate, and they agreed. He instituted a drug monitoring and testing program. Schnoll said the Cubs' drug monitoring program he developed became a model of Major League Baseball at the time. (AP)

                    Dr. Schnoll reviewed medical records, depositions and transcripts in this case. He was also deposed. (ABC7)

                    Dr. Schnoll: Drug dependence is the pharmacological affect of the drug. "You take it continuously and suddenly stop it, you go into withdrawal" Dr. Schnoll said. "If you continue to take it you develop tolerance". Tolerance is when there's a need to take more of the drug for it to take effect, Dr. Schnoll explained.Dr. Schnoll: When you take certain drugs and suddenly stop you go into withdrawal syndrome, which is usually the opposite effect of the drug. Koskoff: Can people who are taking proper treatment become drug dependent? Dr. Schnoll: Yes. If the patient is properly prescribed and monitored, Dr. Schnoll said they can have normal life. Koskoff: Can withdrawal from drugs sometimes be difficult, even for non-drug dependents? Dr. Schnoll: Yes. Dr. Schnoll: Addiction is a chronic disease that's characterized by craving, compulsive use of a drug, continued despite evidence of harm. Primary factor is usually genetics, Dr. Schnoll said about addicts. Dr. Schnoll: One person exhibits addicted behavior in relation to the drug, the other is seeking the drug to treat underlying condition. Dr. Schnoll said there's a difference between being addicted and dependent on drugs. Dependents look for drugs, addicts want to get high. To determine if a patient is dependent or addicted, Dr. Schnoll said it is necessary to look at that person's behavior while using the drug. Usually doctor look at 0-10 pain scale, you then adjust the amount of the drug to give them what's enough to treat their pain. (ABC7)

                    The doctor explained the difference between addiction and dependence. Being dependent on a drug meant someone would experience withdrawal if they stopped taking it. He said dependence is common and can happen under the care of a physician.(AP)

                    Schnoll: "Addiction is a chronic disease that’s characterized by craving, compulsive use of a drug, continued use despite evidence of harm." He said the primary factor in whether someone becomes a drug addict is usually genetics. Schnoll then related the need to evaluate a person's drug use to determine appropriate treatment. He offered an anecdote of a patient. Schnoll said he treated a woman who had severe headaches and kept asking her doctors for more and more pain medications. He told the woman to keep a pain diary of her daily routines, when she got headaches and what she was doing. The problem became apparent, Schnoll said, when he reviewed the woman’s pain diary. The woman “always had her headaches at about 4 o’clock every day, except weekends,” Schnoll said. She wasn’t eating lunch at work. She didn’t believe him at first when he said she needed to eat lunch. He gave her some glucose tests, which bore out his theory. “Her solution to her headaches was to eat 3 meals a day,” Schnoll said. “She needed no more narcotics after that.” (AP)

                    Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #44


                    Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                    Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
                    Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
                    Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
                    Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
                    Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
                    Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
                    Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
                    Day 8 - zeugin Faye
                    Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
                    Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
                    Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
                    Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
                    Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
                    Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
                    Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
                    Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
                    Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
                    Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
                    Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                    Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                    Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                    Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                    Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips

                    Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                    Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips

                    Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                    Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                    Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                    Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                    Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                    Day 31 - zeuge Berman
                    Day 32 - zeugin Chase
                    Day 33 - forts. zeugin Chase; videodeposition Dr. Earley
                    Day 34 - zeuge Dr. Czeisler
                    Day 35 - forts. zeuge Dr. Czeisler
                    Day 36 - forts. Dr. Earley video depo
                    Day 37 - Dr. Matheson
                    Day 38 - zeuge Michael Jackson Jr.
                    Day 39 - zeugen TJ Jackson, Taj Jackson
                    Day 40 - zeugin Karen Faye
                    Day 41 - zeugin Jean Seawright, Human Resources Expert for Jacksons

                    Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                    Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7


                    • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 43 – July 3 2013 – Summary

                      Katherine Jackson is in court.

                      Dr. Sidney Schnoll Testimony

                      Jackson direct

                      Koskoff asked if you take someone off Demorol suddenly what happens. Dr. Schnoll: “like falling off a cliff, you don’t want that to happen.” Methodone is an opioid drug used for pain and treatment of opioid addiction. Dr. Schnoll explained how the drug works. Dr. Schnoll said the most important factor in determining if the person should go off the drug is to find out what the underlying problem is. Koskoff: What if a person has chronic osteoarthritis? Dr. Schnoll: May have remain on medication all his life. If a person has underlying condition and take opioid they could function better, Dr Schnoll explained. There's no harm in doing it medically. Koskoff: Any famous people who have been opioid dependent? Dr. Schnoll: President John F. Kennedy (Judge asks why?) Back pain. (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said addiction can also be treated by competent and fit physicians. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff: If a person is being treated, as part of good medical practice, can someone become drug dependent? Dr. Schnoll: if they're on long term opioid treatment, they'll become dependent. Opioids are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the US. Some patients become addicted, Dr. Schnoll said. But it's not s large percentage. Dr. Schnoll: The figures indicate 10 to 12% become addicted, the same percentage of people who become addicted to alcohol. Dr. Schnoll explained pain threshold is the level at which someone feels discomfort. They are quite variable, he said. “Opioids are most popular because they work," Dr. Schnoll said. "Pain is the most common complaint that comes to a doctor's office.” (ABC7)

                      Koskoff: Any evidence from any witness that MJ used Demerol outside the medical setting? Dr. Schnoll: No
                      Koskoff: Was there a period of time when MJ used Demerol for scalp treatments? Dr. Schnoll: Yes (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said he reviewed medical records that Dr. Farshian implanted a patch into MJ's abdomen. The patch was done for treatment of Demerol dependency in early 2000s. The drug would block the effect of the opioid, Dr. Schnoll said. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff said based on the medical records in the last 16 years of MJ’s life, he was Demerol free for 13 1/2 years. Koskoff asked if that was consistent with a drug addict. Dr. Schnoll answered no. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff asked if Dr. Schnoll read testimony from Dr. Earley saying MJ was a drug addict and that he was going to die early. Koskoff: Do you agree with that opinion? Dr. Schnoll: No (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said he saw no evidence that MJ ever used recreational drug or self-injected in the absence of a doctor. The expert said he saw evidence MJ was afraid of needles; didn't take medications in excess of what was prescribed by doctors. (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll talked about the surgery MJ to repair damage to his scalp.(ABC7)

                      Koskoff: On Dangerous tour, was MJ getting opioid drugs according to Dr. Finkelstein? Dr. Schnoll: Yes
                      Dr. Schnoll: I don’t know if MJ was an addict. I haven’t seen the information that would allow me to make a diagnosis of addiction
                      Koskoff: Was there a time MJ did take benzodiazepines? Dr. Schnoll: Yes
                      Dr. Schnoll said MJ was prescribed Midazolam and Versed which is commonly for short term surgical procedures, dental procedures.
                      Koskoff: Did he use it for sleep? Dr. Schnoll: Yes K: Is that appropriate? Dr: Yes K: Did MJ have a sleep problem? Dr: Yes (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll treated patients addicted to Propofol. They were health technicians and none had it administered by another person. "Typically, they steal it from operating room or critical care unit or inject it in a home, or a bathroom," Dr. Schnoll explained. Dr. Schnoll said after the Propofol infusion stops, the effect wears off quickly. Propofol is the most popular anesthetic in the world, Dr. Schnoll said. Propofol is the generic term. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff showed a timeline and asked if there was any record MJ received Propofol during the Dangerous tour in 1994. Dr. Schnoll testified Debbie Rowe said yes, but she wasn't sure if it was Propofol or Fentanyl. He didn't think Rowe was a licensed nurse. Koskoff: What kind of specialist was on that tour for Michael? Dr. Schnoll: He was anesthesiologist. Between 1994 and 1996, Dr. Schnoll saw no evidence of any use of Propofol by MJ under any circumstance. The drug was used for dental procedures and cosmetic treatment, Dr. Schnoll said, adding it was appropriate for that. Dr. Murray used Propofol for sleep, which Dr. Schnoll said was inappropriate. "Plus, he was not an anesthetic or an anesthesiologist." Koskoff asked if there was any evidence MJ was addicted or dependent of Propofol up until Dr. Murray. Dr. Schnoll said no. Dr. Schnoll said Propofol is not appropriate to treat insomnia, even if MJ suggested it. (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll talked about Dr. Klein giving MJ 100mg doses of Demerol in 2008. He said from mid-year to December it was the same amount. Dose went up in January 2009. Dr Schnoll said if a person was previously dependent on Demerol, stops and then resumes, tolerance is built up. Koskoff: Is there a record MJ was getting Demerol from any other doctor? Dr. Schnoll: No. The very last Demerol injection MJ received from Dr. Klein was on June 22, 100 mg dose, according to the records, Dr. Schnoll testified. Dr. School said there was no trace of the drug in MJ's body at the time of his death. He also said this drug would not have had effect on MJ on June 25. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff: What does Demerol do to sleep? Dr. Schnoll: When you are taking it, it could make you sleepy. "If you are dependent, you could have some insomnia if you go off of it," Dr. Schnoll testified. (ABC7)

                      Sometimes prescription is given under other people's names, Dr. Schnoll said, since celebrities often don't want people prying their records. Dr. Schnoll said once Frank Sinatra went to the hospital he worked after collapsing on the stage. The hospital computer overloaded with people trying to get information on what happened with Sinatra, Dr. Schnoll said. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's pain? Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent. Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's drug dependency issues? Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
                      Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's sleep problems? Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
                      Koskoff: Assuming AEG hired Dr. Murray, was he fit and competent to treat Michael's pain problems? Dr. Schnoll: No, he was not
                      Koskoff: Assuming AEG hired Dr. Murray, was he fit and competent to treat Michael's sleep problems? Dr. Schnoll: No, he was not (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll: Dr. Murray was an interventionist cardiologist and that is a highly specialized field. He had no background in treating pain. "They pass catheters and look at hearts, which is totally unrelated to pain," Dr. Schnoll said about cardiologists. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff asked if MJ were under the care of a competent doctor, would he have been able to get off the drugs, Demerol and benzodiazepines. Dr. Schnoll: If his underlying medical condition, pain, insomnia, had been appropriately treated, he may have been able to get off the drugs. "He would've been able to continue to perform if he was appropriately treated for the underlying medical conditions," Dr. Schnoll said. Dr. Schnoll testified MJ had two major problems: pain and insomnia. Dr. Schnoll: Should MJ have someone knowledgeable for treatment of pain, he could've been treated appropriately. Dr. Schnoll said if MJ were treated appropriately for pain and sleeping problems, it would not have an effect in shortening his life. (ABC7)

                      Koskoff: Assuming MJ was dependent, do you think proper treatment would be able to eliminate his dependency? Dr. Schnoll: Yes. Koskoff: Let's assume MJ really was addicted to Demerol in 2009, do you have an opinion as to his prognosis for successful treatment? Dr. Schnoll: He could've been treated, he could've been treated if he had the proper people. Having a supportive family and environment is critical in overcoming addiction, Dr. Schnoll explained. "The autopsy said he was in really, very good condition," Dr. Schnoll told the jury about MJ. Dr. Schnoll: Some of the best outcomes in treatment are with people who have a lot to lose if they continue their addiction.(ABC7)

                      Koskoff: Based on Mr. Jackson's family, do you know if any members of his family were addicted? Dr. Schnoll: I have no indication of that (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll agreed MJ had the means to get proper drug dependency treatment.
                      Koskoff: Assuming he was not addicted, but had periods of drug dependency, would that have an impact on his life expectancy?
                      Dr. Schnoll: If appropriately treated, it would have no affect (ABC7)

                      Drug addicts can die early due to overdose; infections are very common, like HIV, Dr. Schnoll said. If MJ got proper treatment, he would have like normal life expectancy, Dr. Schnoll said. Keith Richards and The Rolling Stones have been performing for 50 years. Richards writes in his autobiography about his drug addiction. Dr. Schnoll said he's reading Richards' book, but hasn't finished yet. Defendant's objected to the doctor talking about it based on hearsay. (ABC7)

                      Schnoll said based on his review of medical records, he saw no evidence that Jackson was addicted to prescription meds. Schnoll reviewed medical records dating back until at least 1997. They included dental records, and files of Arnold Klein. The records showed that Jackson received propofol for dental procedures dating back to 1997, Schnoll said. Schnoll said it wasn’t clear if Jackson received propofol during the 1993 “Dangerous” tour because Debbie Rowe wasn’t clear. He said Rowe used two different names for medications she saw Jackson receive in 1993, so it wasn’t clear if propofol was used. Schnoll’s point about the documented use of propofol by Jackson was that it was in medical settings with proper supervision. Until Murray. The doctor also addressed Demerol use, saying there was no sign Jackson received the drug between 2003 and 2008. Schnoll said even if Jackson were addicted to medications, with proper treatment he could have lived a long, healthy life. (AP)

                      Koskoff finished direct examination.

                      AEG cross

                      AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan did cross examination of Dr. Schnoll.

                      Dr. Schnoll created the term "Rock Doc", referring to doctors who work on rock n roll concerts. Cahan: Do you think it's ethical for doctors to go on tour? Dr. Schnoll: It depends on what they do when they go on tour with them
                      I know some people who worked at concerts, Dr. Schnoll said. He has been one.
                      Dr. Schnoll said at times he was asked to treat performers, was hired to provide medical treatment at the facility to fans or artists.
                      Dr. Schnoll said his primary duty was to treat concert goers. He was paid by the promoters.
                      Cahan: Did you think that created a conflict of interest? Dr. Schnoll: As long as I acted ethically, I did not
                      Dr. Schnoll said he acted ethically at that job. He worked at rock concerts in the '70s. (ABC7)

                      Cahan asked if Dr Schnoll brought medical students to help him out. He said yes. She asked if he did background or credit checks on them. "I knew most of them and I knew them well," Dr. Schnoll said. (ABC7)

                      Cahan: You were never hired as a doctor to accompany a band on tour? Dr. Schnoll: That's correct (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll works for Pinney Associates, he's a salaried employee and receives bonus at the end of the year, should there be one. Cahan said Pinney Associates is charging $790/hour for Dr. Schnoll's time. Dr. Schnoll said he has no idea how many hours he has worked in this case. He was retained back in January. There were weeks he put in 7-8 hours, some didn't do anything. He said it would be hard to estimate, spoke with plaintiff attorney 10-15 times (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said doctor shopping is going from doctor to doctor to receive medication. Pseudoaddiction is when a patient is undertreated for pain, Dr. Schnoll said. A professional doctor knows the difference between addiction and pseudoaddiction. (nurse juror nodding in agreement). (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll: If they have a severe pain problem that can only be treated by opioids, it is appropriate to give it. Just the fact that Dr. Klein injected MJ with Demerol doesn't raise concern of a relapse of Demerol dependency, Dr. Schnoll. Cahan asked if it's common practice to use Demerol for Botox injections and facial fillers treatment. Dr. Schnoll responded he didn't know, since he doesn't do these procedures. Dr Schnoll said Demerol is not commonly used anymore because it has other effects than just opioids, considered a dirty drug the doctor said. Dr. Schnoll said use of Demerol for pain went into question in the '90s. Cahan: How common is for pain specialists to have Demerol handy? Dr. Schnoll: Probably not at all at this point, pain specialist would not keep Demerol handy. Dr. Schnoll said he last prescribed Demerol in the late 1970s. He stopped treating patients in 2001. (ABC7)

                      "There was no evidence of addiction at that time," Dr. Schnoll said about MJ in 2009. Dr. Schnoll did not offer opinion whether the amount or type of drug MJ was taking for cosmetic and dental work was appropriate. (ABC7)

                      Cahan: When you are evaluating a patient you rely on the patient being honest with you, correct? Dr. Schnoll: Yes
                      Cahan: Did some patients did not want to get treatment?
                      Dr. Schnoll: Well, of they came to me to treat addiction, they usually would come because they wanted to treat their addiction
                      Cahan: There has got to be some amount of trust between doctor and patient? Dr. Schnoll: Right (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said people get confused as to whether the patient is addicted or dependent of drugs. The expert said people would recognize there was something wrong with MJ, but may not be able to recognize it as withdrawal from opioids. Some of opioids withdrawal include chills, running nose, tearing of the eyes, dilated pupil, goose bumps. Dr. Schnoll said most doctors would be able to put all the symptoms together and conclude it is opioid withdrawal. The doctor agreed that some lay people could identify the symptoms as flu.(ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said he has treated tens of thousands of patients and only 5-6 were addicted to Propofol. These people were in the medical field. Dr. Schnoll said some of the patients might have been addicted to Propofol, but others were just abusing it. (ABC7)

                      Outside the presence of the jury, judge discussed with the attorneys about Jean Seawright's testifying yesterday that AEG hired Dr. Murray. Judge said that violated the motion in limine regarding this issue. Experts are NOT to give their opinion on whether AEG hired Dr. Murray. Judge: This is your crucial, central issue in the case Mr. Panish. I'm surprised you had no discussion with her about it.Panish: I know you're upset, I can tell that Judge: I'm not upset, I think it's entirely appropriate Panish: I told her not to do it. Judge: there's a ruling prohibiting any testimony, by any expert, on the issue! An upset judge said: This is my concern, we are 9 weeks in this trial and it's getting into mistrial territory. I don't want to go there! Judge: I don't want this kind of problem that can lead to mistrial. I'm asking you to speak with all your experts. Judge: Every expert is only to make assumptions about hiring. I specifically did that (ruling) for a reason. Advise them about my order! Judge: I don't want a mistrial, it's a waste of resources Panish: I don't want a mistrial either. Judge: There are bright lines Mr. Panish and you don't even go near it because you may cross it accidentally. Panish: She said it, I wish she hadn't, I don't want a mistrial. Putnam said he agreed with the judge and agrees the instruction should be given as written. Judge: I don't know why you are pointing your fingers that way, Mr. Panish (to AEG's side). I really don't. Judge admonished Panish to tell all experts to abide by her motions in limine. (ABC7)

                      After the afternoon break, Judge Yvette Palazuelos returned to the testimony of HR expert Jean Seawright. She was upset about yesterday. The judge noted that expert witnesses had been instructed not to state opinions on whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray. Seawright told the jury she thought AEG did hire Murray, based on a question from plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish. Panish had asked whether Seawright she had an opinion on whether AEG Live hired Murray. He said today he thought it was a yes-no question. The judge said the answer veered into mistrial territory, and that Panish should have warned Seawright to not state her opinion. Panish protested, saying “All I was trying to show was that she was trying to show was that she has an opinion.” Palazuelos: “This is my concern. Nine weeks into this trial and this is getting in a mistrial situation.” (We’re in 10th wk of testimony.) Panish also said that he was trying to counter questions from AEG’s attorneys that suggested Seawright didn’t have an opinion. Palazuelos: “I don’t know why you’re pointing the finger that way.” She told Panish to make sure he warns his experts from now on. (AP)

                      Judge read them the following instruction: Yesterday, plaintiiff's expert Jean Seawright said she believed they, AEG, hired Dr Murray. That violated a court order, the statement is stricken, shouldn't be considered (ABC7) The jury was brought in, and Palazuelos read an instruction stating that Seawright violated a court order. The judge said the jury should disregard her testimony about whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray. (AP)

                      Cahan asked if MJ was seeing other doctors at the same time he saw Dr. Murray, like Dr. Klein. Dr. Schnoll said yes. Cahan: Are you aware of Dr. Klein being investigated... Panish stopped and objected as improper. He asked for a sidebar.(ABC7)

                      Cahan: Did Dr. Klein write prescriptions to Mr. Jackson under other names? Dr. Schnoll: Yes. Cahan: Could MJ have opiates in pill forms in 2009 from doctors while having Demerol injections from Dr. Klein? Dr. Schnoll: I don't like to work under possibilities, since everything under the sun is possible. I like working with probabilities. Dr. Schnoll said you try to look at the whole picture of what was going on and not look at the possibilities, but probabilities. Cahan: Is it legal to write prescription to someone under another name? Dr. Schnoll: Yes, it's illegal C: Have you ever done it? Dr: No (ABC7)

                      Cahan asked if Dr. Schnoll testified in his deposition that MJ was dependent on Demerol? He answered yes, the time around the Dangerous tour. However, Dr. Schnoll says today he's not sure MJ was dependent on Demerol in 2009. He said he continued to investigate the case, looked at more records, and is now uncertain. He's also not absolutely sure, but says MJ was probably dependent on Demerol in 1993. Dr. Schnoll said he could not opine whether the treatment after the burn on MJ's scalp was appropriate.Dr. Schnoll said he doesn't think MJ was dependent on Demerol in January of 2009. (ABC7)

                      In April 2009, MJ received 375 mg of Demerol, the highest amount given by Dr. Klein. Cahan asked what would happen if doctor gave her 375 mg of Demerol. "For you? You'd probably sleep for a while, about several hours" he said. Dr. Schnoll said he would probably give her initial dose of 50 mg. (ABC7)

                      The expert said that if the withdrawal symptoms were present, someone might have asked why MJ had the flu. (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said he asked for a chart to be made to be able to see how much Demerol MJ was getting and how frequent. "Was he really dependent?" Dr. Schnoll asked himself. He said the appearance of withdrawal from Demerol usually shows within 24-36 hours. "It didn't coincide with when I expected that withdrawal to occur," Dr. Schnoll said about MJ. Dr. Schnoll: It was very hard for me to say he was dependent that time. He doesn't think the symptoms MJ was having on June 19, 2009 were related to Demerol withdrawal. (ABC7)

                      Cahan asked about patients who think they have their addiction under control and don't want to quit the drug. "That's why your job is to motivate them and help them see the problems with the dependency," Dr. Schnoll responded. Dr. Schnoll said he didn't have 100% success rate in his practice and that no one does. Dr. Schnoll: MJ could've been off the drugs or taking the drugs in appropriate dosages if properly treated (ABC7)

                      Cahan asked about MJ's family failed interventions. He said he doesn't know if they were appropriately done; practice not used as much.(ABC7)

                      Cahan asked if Dr. Schnoll reviewed testimony that MJ had boxes of Propofol at Neverland and asked a doctor to inject him. He said yes. Dr. Schnoll said he saw a concern one time of MJ going to Santa Ynez Cottage Hospital for excessive use of Demerol.(ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll said he looked at the totality of the picture, like a puzzle, trying to put everything together to understand what was going on. "They were not symptoms of Demerol withdrawal, but probably of Propofol," Dr. Schnoll testified about MJ's symptoms in June 2009. (ABC7)

                      On cross-examination, she tried to make the point that it’s hard for a lay person to tell difference between addiction and dependency. AEG defense attorney Kathryn Cahan also asked Schnoll about Demerol. He called it a “dirty opioid.” The doctor said he probably hadn’t prescribed Demerol since the 1970s. (He hasn’t been practicing with patients for several years.) (AP)

                      Jackson redirect

                      Koskoff asked in re-direct if Propofol was given for the drug or underlying condition. Dr. Schnoll said MJ asked Propofol to help him sleep. (ABC7)

                      AEG recross

                      Cahan in re-cross: What did nurse Cherilyn Lee said to MJ when he was looking for a doctor to give him Propofol? Dr. Schnoll said Lee responded that MJ was taking chances. (ABC7)

                      Jackson redirect

                      Koskoff noted that MJ replied it would be safe if done under the supervision of a doctor. Koskoff: And Dr. Murray gave it to him? Dr. Schnoll: Yes (ABC7)

                      Dr. Schnoll was then excused and session adjourned.


                      Jury ordered to return on Monday at 10 am PT. Plaintiffs will play Dr Finkelstein's deposition. Kenny Ortega set to testify in the afternoon


                      Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                      Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
                      Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
                      Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
                      Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
                      Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
                      Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
                      Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
                      Day 8 - zeugin Faye
                      Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
                      Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
                      Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
                      Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
                      Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
                      Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
                      Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
                      Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
                      Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
                      Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
                      Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                      Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                      Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                      Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                      Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips

                      Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                      Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips

                      Day 26 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                      Day 27 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                      Day 28 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                      Day 29 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                      Day 30 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                      Day 31 - zeuge Berman
                      Day 32 - zeugin Chase
                      Day 33 - forts. zeugin Chase; videodeposition Dr. Earley
                      Day 34 - zeuge Dr. Czeisler
                      Day 35 - forts. zeuge Dr. Czeisler
                      Day 36 - forts. Dr. Earley video depo
                      Day 37 - Dr. Matheson
                      Day 38 - zeuge Michael Jackson Jr.
                      Day 39 - zeugen TJ Jackson, Taj Jackson
                      Day 40 - zeugin Karen Faye
                      Day 41 - zeugin Jean Seawright, Human Resources Expert for Jacksons
                      Day 42 - zeugin Jean Seawright

                      Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                      Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7


                      • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen der Jacksons, 32. Teil

                        9. Juli 2013

                        Letzte Woche war es, wie die treuen und regelmässigen Leser unter Euch sicherlich gemerkt habt, recht ruhig oder zumindest unspektakulär, so dass sich die vom Prozess berichtenden Journalisten von der LA Times und CNN mal mit gutem Gewissen eine kleine Pause gönnten. Wie es scheint, hat letzte Woche abgesehen von der Personalberaterin Jean Seawright (siehe hier ) nur noch Dr. Sidney Schnoll, ein weiterer Expertenzeuge für die Jacksons ausgesagt.

                        Dr. Schnoll ist ein Spezialist für Suchtverhalten. Er hat während seiner Aussage ein Bild von Michael Jackson gezeichnet, das einem typischen Schmerzpatienten entspricht. Dr. Schnoll hatte in Vorbereitung seiner Aussage Michael Jacksons Krankengeschichte von 1993, als Michael das erste Mal öffentlich seine Probleme mit Schmerzmitteln eingestand, bis zu dessen Tod studiert gehabt. Nach der Meinung von Dr. Schnoll war Michael Jackson medikamentenabhängig. Es gab jedoch keine ausreichende Beweise dafür, dass Michael Jackson abhängig war, dh. eine Person war, die Medikamente einnahm, um “high” zu sein. Dr. Schnoll sagte auch aus, dass die Unterlagen über Michael Jacksons Krankheitsgeschichte aufzeigten, dass seine diversen Behandlungen berechtigt bzw. angemessen waren und dass Michael Medikamente niemals missbraucht habe.

                        Dies habe sich jedoch geändert, als er sich für die “This Is It” Tour vorbereiten zu begann — zur gleichen Zeit also als Conrad Murray als Michaels persönlicher Arzt in Aktion trat. Michael Jacksons Symptome bei den Proben Mitte Juni (Kälteschübe, triefende Nase) waren gemäss Dr. Schnoll kennzeichnend für den Entzug vom Schmerzmittel Demerol. Conrad Murray, so Dr. Scholl, habe jedoch versagt, dies richtig zu diagnostizieren. Unter dem Kreuzverhör sagte der Zeuge dann aus, dass die Daten nicht mit Michaels Demerolbehandlung übereingestimmt haben. Es wäre schwierig zu sagen, ob Michael Jackson zu jener Zeit von Demerol abhängig gewesen sei.

                        Während Dr. Scholl dem Jackson Anwalt gegenüber sagte, dass Michael noch ein langes, gesundes Leben vor sich gehabt hätte, berichtigte er unter dem Kreuzverhör der AEG Anwälte seine Aussage dahingehend, dass diese Prognose davon abhängt, ob Michael Jackson für seine Medikamentenabhängigkeit hätte geholfen werden können.

                        Als die Geschworenen den Gerichtssaal verlassen hatten, warnte die vorsitzende Richterin die beiden Anwälte ferner, dass diese ihre Verwarnung ernst nehmen sollen oder es sonst zu einem ergebnislosen Prozess (dh. zu einem vorzeitigen Abbruch ohne Urteil der Geschworenen) kommen könnte. Grund für diese Ermahnung war eine Zeugenaussage der Personalberaterin am letzten Dienstag. Jean Seawright hatte nämlich ausgesagt, dass ihrer Meinung nach, AEG Conrad Murray angestellt hatte. Richterin Palazuelos stellte jedoch klar, dass es an den Geschworenen liege zu beurteilen, ob Conrad Murray von AEG Live angestellt wurde oder nicht. Entsprechend hätte die Expertenzeugin nicht nach ihrer Meinung gefragt werden dürfen.


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                        Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 10.07.2013, 10:51.


                        • Fortsetzung der Ortega-Aussage, von unten nach oben.

                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Court then adjourned. Jury ordered back at 9:45 am PT tomorrow with more Kenny Ortega on the stand. We hope to see you then!
                          Expand Reply Retweet Favorite More
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega said the intention was to get assistance in trying to help Michael in every way possible so he could go to rehearsal.
                          O. sagt die Absicht war Assitenz zu erhalten um Michael zu helfen in jeder möglichen Weise so dass er zu den Proben kommen kann
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          On Jun 14, Ortega wrote to Gongaware that MJ was not allowed to attend the rehearsals the day, asked about MJ's nourishment/therapy.
                          Am 14. Juni schrieb O. an G. das MJ nicht erlaubt wurde von Murray zu der Proben zu kommen und fragt nach einer Ernährungs/therapie.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          June 13th, Payne wrote an email saying MJ was taking a sick day, per doctor's order.
                          Am 13. Juni schrieb Payne. eine Mail an MJ sagend er hatten einen Krankentag auf Anweisung des Arztes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega: The choreographer is not responsible for the artist's physical/emotional, but if they see something they are to report to director
                          O. sagt Choreographer ist nicht verantworltich für den emotionalen/phys. Zustand des Künstlers, aber wenn sie etwas sehen berichten sie dem Direktor
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish showed an email from Alif Sankey expressing concerns about MJ on June 4.
                          P. zeigt E-Mail von Sankey, die Besorgnis über MJ ausdrückt am 4. Juni.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: Did you think he was communicating with clarity?
                          P. Dachten Sie er kommunziert mit Klarheit
                          Ortega: No. For part of the evening. He got better
                          O. Nein, teilweise am Abend wurde es besser.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: Did he seem lost?
                          P. Sah er verloren aus?
                          Ortega: Yes, on the 19th
                          O. Ja am 19.
                          P: Did he seem paranoid?
                          P: Sah er pranoid aus?
                          O: Yes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Regarding MJ's balance, Ortega said there was a period of time it wasn't as good as it had been.
                          Bezügl. MJs Balance, sagt O. es gab eine Zeit wo sie niicht zu gut war wie sonst.
                          Ortega said MJ complained of back pain.
                          Ortega sagte MJ klagte über Rückenschmerzen
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: How about losing weight?
                          P. Wie war es mit Gewichtsverlust?
                          Ortega: I had a concern, yes
                          O. Ich hatte eine Besorgnis, Ja
                          Panish: How about balance issues?
                          P. Wie war es mit Balancesachen
                          Ortega: Yes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega said on June 19th MJ was cold, shivering. "He was slow at growing into the show," Ortega explained.
                          O. sagt am 19. Juni war es MJ kalt, er zitterte. " Er war langsam darin in die Show reinzukommen" erklärt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega explained it was hard for him as a director to work like that, so he went to AEG's high ups.
                          O. sagt es war schwer für ihn als Direktor so zu arbeiten, so ging er zu den AEG-Oberen
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          On June 19, there was a fitting to take place. Michael showed up but very late, Ortega said.
                          Am 19. gabe es eine Anprobe. Michael kam, aber sehr spät.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          They were going to rehearse in London as well. As of June 19th, Ortega hadn't seen MJ for a week or more.
                          Sie würden in London auch proben. Am 19. Juni hatte O. Michael nicht für eine Woche gesehen.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: You had serious doubt?
                          P. Hatten Sie ernsthafte Zweilfe?
                          Ortega: Yes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          "On the 19th I had more than a serious concern that the show could go on," Ortega said.
                          "Am 19. hatte ich mehr als ernsthafte Bedenken, dass die Show weiterging" sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          They were supposed to leave for London on July 3, so they has 10-12 rehearsals remaining.
                          Sie beabsichtigten nach London am 3. Juli zu gehen, esb blieben 10 bis 12 Probetage
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Before June 19, Ortega said MJ hadn't come to rehearsals for a "good week," but it could've been more.
                          Am 19. sagt O war MJ eine gute Woche nicht bei den Proben.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega: I remember there was plan to get schedule in order, it was my feeling we weren't going to make it, there was plan to make it clear
                          O: Ich erinnere mich es gab einen Terminplan, es war mein Gefühl wir schaffen es nicht, es gab einen Plan es abzuklären
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega's first phone call was at 11:25 am and MJ was not at rehearsal.
                          Ortegas erster Anruf war um 11.25 Uhr und MJ war nicht bei den Proben.
                          Panish: Did you learn they had an intervention?
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          On Jun 19, there were several calls between Ortega and Dr. Murray. Ortega remembers this date because there was an issue with MJ.
                          Am 19. Juni gab es verschiedene Anrufe zwischen O. und. Dr. Murray. O. erinnert sich an das Datum weil es ein Problem mit MJ gab.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega said MJ was his directing partner, he needed the artist to get the show on the road.
                          O sagt. MJ war sein Direktor-partner, er braucht den Künstler um die Show auf die Straße zu bekommen
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          "That all we worked, MJ and I, this dream, this goal he and I had, tis desire, was going to fall away," Ortega explained.
                          "Das alles an dem wir arbeiteten, MJ und ich, dieser Traum, dieses Ziel, dass er und ich hatten, dieser Wunsch, all dies schien zu zerfallen" sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: Remember yourself having serious frustration on June 18th?
                          P. Erinnern Sie sich das sie frustriert waren am 18. Juni?
                          Ortega: Yes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          MJ wasn't showing up at all at rehearsals in June, Ortega testified. "I recall MJ not coming to rehearsals for a period of time in June."
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: Were you ever involved in a show where you called a doctor of an artist when he was not coming to rehearsals?
                          P. Waren Sie jemals in eine Show involviert wo Sie einen Doktor anriefen wenn der Künstler nicht zu den Proben kam?
                          Ortega: No
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: Every scheduled day?
                          Ortega: That I don't know
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish: Was Michael coming every day to rehearsal in June?
                          P. Kam Michael zu jeden Proben im Juni?
                          Ortega: No
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          "My own frustrations" Ortega said explaining Murray was creating the schedule, which wasn't working. "He was my lifeline so to speak"
                          "Meine eigene Frustration. O. sagt Murray machte eine Terminierung, die nicht funktionierte.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Ortega said they were already in rehearsals and the only reason KO would call Murray was to inquire about MJ's non-appearance at rehearsals.
                          O. sagt sie waren bereits in den Proben und der einzige Grund das KO Murray anrufen würde war um MJs Nicht-Erscheinen bei den Proben abzukären
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          There were 4 calls between Dr. Murray and Ortega on June 18. One lasted 30 minutes.
                          Es gab 4 Anrufe zwischen Murray und O. am 18. Juni. Einer dauerte 30 Minuten
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          "At some point, it became my number one concern," Ortega said about MJ showing up at rehearsals.
                          "Es gab einen Punkt, da wurde es meine Nummer1-Besorgnis, sagt O. darüber das MJ nicht zu den Proben kam.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          "I just wanted him to come to rehearsal," Ortega said. "In terms of when he came I was willing to structure everything around that."
                          "Ich wollte nur das er zu den Proben kommt" sagt O. " In Bezug auf auf das war ich willens alles drumherum zu struktuieren"
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
                          Panish asked if Ortega had ever seen a situation where a CEO of a company was responsible for the artist's schedule/attendance. Ortega: No
                          P. fragt O. ob er jemals eine Situation gesehen hat wo ein CEO für eine Firma verantwortlich ist für die Anwesenheit eines Künster
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Email cont'd: & structure in consultation with MJ. Randy Phillips and Dr. Murray are responsible for MJ's rehearsal and attendance.
                          & Struktur in Konsultation mit MJ. R. Phillips und Dr. Murray sind verantworltich for MJs Proben und Anwesenheit
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Email on June 23, 2009 from Timm Wooley to Bob Taylor:
                          Email am 23. Juni vom Timm Wooley an Bob Taylor
                          Changes are structural only:
                          KO has responsibility only for the show content
                          KO hat nur Verantwortung für Showinhalt
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Panish: Was there a time you were concerned MJ wasn't showing up at rehearsals?
                          P. Gab es Zeiten wo sie besorgt waren, dass MJ nicht zu den Proben kam?
                          Ortega: Yes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Dr. Murray would give Ortega the schedule rehearsal. Ortega said it was not unusual, but he never had a doctor give him artist's schedule.
                          Dr. Murray gab O. die Probenterminierng. O. sagt es war nicht ungewöhnlich aber er hatte niemals einen Arzt der ihm die Terminierung des Künstlers gab
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          "First it was Dr. Murray and then Randy helped," Ortega said about MJ's rehearsal schedule.
                          "Zuerst war Dr. Murray und dann Randy der half" sagt O. über MJs Probenterminierung
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Panish: Who was responsible for the content of the show?
                          P. Wer war verantwortlich für den Inhalt der Show?
                          Ortega: Michael Jackson
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          It was either Phillips or Paul Gongaware who told Ortega Dr. Murray would be making MJ's schedule and would help MJ get to rehearsal.
                          Es war entweder Phillips oder G. der ihm sagt Dr. Murray würde bei der Probenterminierung helfen
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          MJ went to 2 rehearsals at Staples, June 23rd and 24th. Ortega said Dr. Murray was involved in creating Michael's scheduling for rehearsals
                          MJ kam zu den Proben am 23. und 24. Juni. O. sagt Dr. Murray war involviert in Michaels Probenterminierung
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Ortega met Dr. Murray at the Carolwood home in April or May. He remembers the doctor going to rehearsals once or twice.
                          O. traf Dr. Murray im Arpril oder Mai in Carolwood. Er erinnert sich ihn 1.oder 2-mal gesehen zu haben bei den Proben.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Phillips is quoted in release that "this is a one-off adjustment do purely technical reasons and we don't anticipate any further changes."
                          Phillips wird zitiert " es ist eine einmalige Änderung aus Techn. Gründen und wir erwarten keine weiteren Änderungen"
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          "The show got so big," Ortega explained, saying he needed an extra week to get it ready.
                          "Die Show wurde so groß, sagt O. das sie eine extra Woche brauchten um sie fertig zu bringen."
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Ortega said they were exaggerating, and that he thought the press release was "creatively misleading."
                          O sagt es war übertrieben und er dachte die Pressemitteilung ist kreativ irreführend.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Email cont'd: another planet" or "never before seen staging." We are not doing the Chinese Olympics.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Email cont'd: I feel strongly that it is unnecessary and misleading to both of the press and fans to suggest things as "staging is from
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Email on 5/19/09 from Ortega regarding the postponement of the show:
                          I'm uncomfortable with the way the release reads at this moment.
                          E-Mail vom 19.05.13 von O.
                          "Ich fühle micht nicht wohl mit der Art wie sich die Veröffentlichung liest. Ich denke es ist nunnötig für Presse und Fans zu suggerieren das das Staging vom anderen Planeten ist "oder niemals zuvor Staging". Wir machen nicht die chin. Olympiade."
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          "As a director of the show, I didn't feel we would be ready for the show's original dates," Ortega said.
                          "Als Direktor der Show fühlte ich nicht, dass wir nicht fertig sind zu den orginalen Datum", sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Ortega: Michael and I both wanted to extend our time before opening, so I felt comfortable taking the heat (of postponing it).
                          O: Michael und ich wollten beide die Zeit vor den Konzerten verlängern, so fühlte ich mich wohl mit einer Verschiebung
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          The concerts were supposed to start in London on July 8.
                          Konzerte sollten am 8. Juli beginnen
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          The contract says Ortega could get a total of $1.5 million, plus $100K for each of the five territories and $250K for the US.
                          Vertrag sagt O. bekam eine Gesamtsumme von 1,5 Mio. Dollar und 100000 Dollar für jedes der 5 Gebiete und 250000 Dollar für die USA.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Contract: and incorporated herein by this reference.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Contract cont'd: confirmed in emails between the parties' representatives, which such emails are attached hereto as Exhibit "A"
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Contract cont'd: (the "Agreement) between Company, on the one hand, and Employer and Employee, on the other hand, as previously
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3h
                          Ortega Contract:
                          The principal terms and conditions of Employer and Employee's engagement for the Concerts are set forth in the agreement
                          Ortega Vertrag:
                          Die wesentlichen Bedingungen von Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer für das Engagement und für die Konzerte sind in der Vereinbarung festgelegt....

                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega did not have a written agreement when he did the dancers audition.
                          O hatte keinen schriflt. Vertrag als er die Tänzer-Auditions machte.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega doesn't know when he signed his contract. Panish showed a copy of Ortega's contract. It was executed on April 25, 2009.
                          O. weiß nicht wann er den Vertrag unterschrieb. P. hat eine Kopie. Er wurde am 25. April 09 unterzeichnet.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said he performed auditions for dancers, singers, band and interviewed various people for various designer's role.
                          O. sagt er machte die Auditions für Tänzer, Sänger Band.......
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega: It would all work out and I kept the faith that that would happen.
                          O. Es würde alles ausgearbeitet werden und ich hatte den Glauben es wird passieren
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          He and Payne continued working without a contract. "It was my hope and in the end we would come to terms," Ortega said.
                          Er und Payne arbeiteten weiter ohne Vertrag. "Es war meine Hoffung am Ende würde es zu guten Bedingungen sein " sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega didn't think the negotiations were dead. He kept working in good faith. Ortega and Payne share the same agent (Julie McDonald).
                          O. sagt er dachte nicht das die Verhandlungen tot sind. Er arbeitete weiter in gutem Vertrauen. O. Und Payne haben den gleichen Agent.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish asked if this was a negotiation tactic? Ortega smiled and answered perhaps.
                          P. sagt war es eine Verhandlungstaktik? O. lacht und sagt vielleicht.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish: Were you surprised?
                          P. Waren Sie überrascht?
                          Ortega: Was I surprised? No
                          O: Nein ich war nicht überrascht.
                          "Not what I expected, but sometimes negotiations take time," Ortega explained.
                          "Nicht was ich erwartete, aber Verhandlungen brauchen manchmal Zeit" sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Judge asked what "financial requirements" meant to him, and Ortega said it referred to his salary.
                          Gericht fragt was finanzielle Forderungen bedeutet, O. sagt es ging um sein Gehalt.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          "I remember it had to be approved by Mr. Jackson," Ortega said about the email. He testified he never spoke about money with MJ.
                          "Ich erinnere mich es musste genehmigt werden von Mr. Jackson, sagt O. über die Mail. Er sprach nie mit MJ über Geld.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Email cont'd: I know, but I haven't been able to find a way to make this work. My deepest, most sincere apology.
                          Paul G
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Email cont'd: I'm totally bummed by this. Couldn't sleep last night trying to figure it out. We need to move forward quickly.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Email on March 25, 2009 from Gongaware to Ortega:
                          I'm afraid we may not be able to meet your financial requirements for a deal.
                          E-Mail am 25.03. von G. an O:
                          Ich befürchte wir können nicht Deine finanziellen Forderungen für den Deal eingehen. Ich bin total enttäuscht, aber ich habe keinen Weg gefunden um dies möglich zu machen. Meine tiefste Entschuldigung.

                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish: Did you ask Bugzee to write an email on your behalf?
                          P: Sagten Sie Bugzee er solle eine E-Mail im Namen von Ihnen schreiben?
                          Ortega: Not that I recall
                          O: Nicht das ich mich erinnere.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          "I wouldn't have called him stage manager," Ortega said about Bugzee (Houghdahl).
                          "Ich würde ihn nicht als Stagemanager bezeichnen sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said Bugzee was not the stage manager. He worked under Paul Gongaware as accountant, Ortega explained.
                          O. sagt Bugzee ist nicht der Stage-Manager. Er arbeitet unter P. Gongaware als Buchhalter.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said Karen Faye reached out to him, had already spoken with MJ about being part of the crew.
                          O. sagt Karen Faye erreichte ihn als sie bereits mit MJ gesprochen hatte und wusste das sie Teil der Crew ist.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish showed an email with names of artists who were to be involved in the "This Is It" tour.
                          Namen von Künstlern wird gezeigt, die in TII involviert waren
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said he obviously wanted to make Michael look good, but the intention was to tell the story.
                          Ortega sagt natürlich wollte er das Michael gut aussieht, aber seine Intention war es die Geschichte zu erzählen.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          "My goal was to edit together the pieces to tell a story about what Michael's goals for the show were," Ortega explained.
                          "Mein Ziel war es die Stücke zusammenzubringen um eine Story zu erzählen was Michaels Ziele für die Show waren" sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said the turns are called pencil turns, and he compared MJ to the famous ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          "I think Baryshnikov and Michael battled it up to see who could do more multiple 360s," Ortega testified.
                          "Ich denke Baryshnikow und Michael hatten einen Wettkampf um zu sehen wer mehr 360er Spins machen kann" sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Jackson and Travis were more involved in the actual dance steps and performances, Ortega said.
                          Jackson und Travis waren mehr involviert in die aktuellen Tanzschritte und Peformances sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega had not worked with MJ for more than 10 years. In terms of creativity, Ortega said not much had changed between the two.
                          Ortega hat mit MJ seit 10 Jahren nicht mehr gearbeitet, in Bezug auf Kreativtät habe sich nicht viel zwischen den beiden geändert.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          "I didn't discuss financing with MJ," Ortega said.
                          "Ich habe keine Finanzen mit MJ diskutiert" sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish asked if AEG wanted to do production within reasonable costs. "I think that's general position of responsible producers," Ortega said
                          P. fragt ob AEG die Produktion machen wollte mit angemessenen Kosten.
                          "Ich denke das ist die generelle Postition von verantwortlichen Produzenten" sagt O.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said he was only involved in the negotiation of Travis Payne's payment.
                          O. sagt er war nur invovliert in den Verhandlungen für T. Paynes Bezahlung
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          "In order to get into each other's head and for me to be in the same page with MJ on where his plans were for the show," Ortega explained.
                          "Um sich in den anderen hineinzuversezten, um auf der gleichen Linie mit den Plänen zur Show zu sein"
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish asked if at times Ortega would want to meet with MJ alone. Ortega said yes.
                          Panish fragt ob es Zeiten gab wo Ortega sích mit MJ alleine treffen wollte. Ortega bejaht.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Rebbie entered the courtroom. She's wearing a bright pink jacket, sitting next to Mrs. Jackson.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish: Because you cared about MJ's condition?
                          P: Weil Sie sich um MJs Zustand sorgen?
                          Ortega: Yes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish: Less wanting to do it?
                          P. Weniger machen wollen
                          Ortega: Yes
                          P: Less wanting to do it because of MJ's condition?
                          P: Hätten Sie es weniger machen wollen?
                          O: Yes
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Panish asked how Ortega would've been impacted had he known MJ's condition on the day of the press conference.
                          Panish fragt wie es ihn beeinflusst hätte wenn er über MJs Zustand vor der PK informiert gewesen wäre.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said he's not familiar with the details of his contract. Ortega chose his attorney for this case, but AEG is paying for it.
                          Ortega sagt er kann nichts zu Details seines Vertrages sagen. Ortega wählte den Anwalt für diesen Fall, aber AEG zahlt dafür.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Ortega said he didn't want to change any of his testimony from yesterday. His lawyer drove him home yesterday.
                          Ortegs sagte er möchte nichts von seiner gestrigen Aussage ändern. Sein Anwalt fuhr in nach Hause.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Katherine Jackson is present in court wearing a black and white polka dot jacket. Director Kenny Ortega back on the stand.
                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4h
                          Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. There was only afternoon session today in trial between Jackson Family vs AEG.
                          Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 10.07.2013, 14:20.


                          • Übersetzung von maja5809

                            Zwei Artikel über Ortegas Aussage:

                            LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- The director of Michael Jackson's comeback tour testified Tuesday about what he called a very unusual arrangement, being in close contact with Jackson's doctor.

                            Weeks before the planned opening of Michael Jackson's comeback tour, show director Kenny Ortega says he and the star worried that the production would not be ready. Ortega testified that special-effect numbers demanded more time.

                            Wochen vor dem geplanten Start der MJ Comeback Show sagte Kenny Ortega, dass er und der Star sich darüber Gedanken machten, dass die Produktion nicht fertig werden würde. Ortega sagte das die Spezial-Effekt Nummern mehr Zeit brauchten.

                            Further probing by Jackson attorney Brian Panish revealed deeper troubles.
                            Weeks before the production was to relocate to London, Jackson was missing one rehearsal after another.

                            Wochen bevor die Produktion nach London verlagert wurde, versäumte Jackson eine Probe nach der anderen.
                            Ortega sagte aus: „Ich hatte mehr als ernthafte Bedenken. Ich hatte das Gefühl, wir würden es nicht schaffen.“

                            Ortega testified: "I had more than a serious concern. It was my feeling that we were not going to make it."
                            The jurors were shown phone records: Ortega making multiple calls to Doctor Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician.
                            Ortega says he became connected to Murray as part of an arrangement made by AEG executives, promoters of Jackson's tour. Ortega says that to get the production on track, AEG CEO Randy Phillips and Murray would be in charge of getting Jackson to rehearsals. Ortega and Jackson would be responsible for the show.

                            Den Juroren wurden Telefongespräche gezeigt: Ortega machte mehrere Anrufe zu Dr. Murray, Jacksons Arzt.
                            Ortega sagt er kam mit Murray als Teil einer Vereinbarung in Kontakt, die voe den Verantwortlichen von AEG gemacht wurden. Ortega sagt, um die Produktion in die Spur zu bekommen, waren AEG CEO Phillips und Murray dafür verantwortlich, Jackson zu den Proben zu bekommen. Ortega und Jackson waren verantwortlich für die Show.

                            The Jackson attorneys say the arrangement reveals what is called an "implied-in-fact" contract. Even though Murray's independent contract agreement was never signed by AEG or Michael Jackson, that the conduct of AEG executives allegedly demonstrated that Murray was employed by AEG.

                            Der Anwalt der Jacksons sagt, die Vereinbarung zeige einen Vertrag, der sich „Den Umständen nach als bestehend geltend“ nennt. Auch wenn Murrays unabhängige Vertragsvereinbarung nie von AEG oder MJ unterzeichnet wurde, zeige das Verhalten/die Leitung der AEG Leute, dass Murray bei AEG angestellt war.

                            The core of Katherine Jackson's lawsuit is that while Murray caused Jackson's death, AEG is responsible for hiring Murray and failing to monitor him.
                            The defense maintains that Jackson kept his demand for the sedative propofol a tightly guarded secret and that AEG executives knew nothing about the nightly infusions Jackson was getting at his home behind closed doors.

                            (Copyright ©2013 KABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

                            Aus einem LATimes Artikel:

                            “Have you ever seen a situation where a CEO of a promoter and producer and a physician were responsible for an artist’s rehearsal and attendance schedule?” Jackson family attorney Brian Panish asked.
                            “No,” Ortega replied.

                            „Hatten sie je eine Situation, in der ein CEO des Promoters und Produzeten und ein Arzt für die Teilnahme des Künstlers an den Proben verantwortlich waren?“
                            Ortega: „Nein.“

                            Panish showed the director records that there were 13 phone calls between Ortega and Murray on June 19, six days before Jackson died. “I remember that day,” Ortega said. Jackson showed up several hours late for a costume fitting and was cold and shivering, Ortega testified. He said that about that time, Jackson was complaining of back pain, slow at “growing into the show,” losing weight and his balance seemed off.

                            Panish zeigte dem Direktor(Ortega) Aufzeichnungen, dass es 13 Anrufe zwischen Ortega und Murray am 19 Juni gab, sechs Tage bevor Jackson starb. „Ich erinnere mich an den Tag“ sagt Ortega. Jackson kam mehrere Stunden zu spät zur Kostümprobe und ihm war kalt und er zitterte, sagte Ortega. Er sagt, dass Jackson zu dieser Zeit über Rückenschmerzen klagte, und nur langsam in die Show fand, Gewicht verlor und dass sein Gleichgewicht gestört schien.

                            Ortega said he phoned Murray out of frustration that the star of the show was not coming to rehearsal and that the schedule wasn’t working. He said it was fair to call his actions a cry for help. “It’s not beyond how I would have described the call,” he said.

                            Ortega sagt, er rief Murray aus Frustration an, darüber, dass der Star der Show nicht zu den Proben kam und dass der Probenplan nicht funktionierte. Er sagt, seine Handlungen kann man als Hilfeschrei bezeichnen. „Das ist nicht übertrieben, wie ich diesen Anruf nennen würde.“

                            The director said he was working on the concerts for some time without a contract with AEG, which he finally signed on April 25, 2009. The contract would have paid him $1.5 million plus bonuses if Jackson took the tour elsewhere after the London dates.
                            He said he was paid for the work he performed before the deal was consummated. That is a key point for the Jacksons. Murray signed his contract the day before Jackson died, although he had been working as the singer’s doctor well before then. AEG never signed the contract, and Murray was never paid.

                            Der Direktor sagt, er arbeitete einige Zeit für die Konzerte ohne Vertrag mit AEG, und er unterzeichnete ihn schliesslich am 25.4.09. Der Vertrag hätte ihm 1,5Mio$ gezahlt, plus Boni, wenn Jackson die Tour über die London-Termine hinaus ausweitete.
                            Er sagt, er wurde für die ausgeführte Arbeit bezahlt, bevor der Deal abgeschlossen war. Das ist ein Kernpunkt für die Jacksons. Murray unterzeichnete seinen Vertrag einen Tag, bevor Jackson starb, obwohl er als Arzt des Sängers schon davor gearbeitet hatte. AEG unterzeichnete den Vertrag nie, und Murray wurde nie bezahlt.


                            • Ortega hat heute über den 19. Juni ausgesagt und sagte, dass er einen Michael sah, der ihn erschreckte. Sein Zustand verhinderte, dass er an der Proben teilnahm. Jacksons Zustand sei ziemlich offensichtlich gewesen für andere die in der Produktion involviert waren. Ortega sagte aus, dass er zuvor an einer Anzahl von Proben nicht teilnahm und bei 4 Anlässen unter dem Einfluss einer Substanz schien. Ortega brach zusammen als er seine Mail vom 19. an Phillips vorlas. K. Jackson, die im Gericht ist schien ebenfalls zu weinen.

                              Director says Jackson's behavior frightened him

                              Updated: Wednesday, 10 Jul 2013, 3:15 PM EDT
                              Published : Wednesday, 10 Jul 2013, 2:45 PM EDT

                              LOS ANGELES (AP) — The director of Michael Jackson's ill-fated comeback concerts told a jury on Wednesday that he was frightened when Jackson was shivering and seemed lost at one of his final rehearsals.

                              The rehearsal occurred six days before Jackson died in June 2009, Kenny Ortega testified during a lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother.

                              "I saw a Michael that frightened me," Ortega said, calling Jackson's appearance "very, very troubling."

                              Jackson's condition prevented the singer from rehearsing that day. Ortega said.

                              The director-choreographer also said Jackson had missed numerous rehearsals for his planned "This Is It" concerts and appeared to be under the influence of a substance on at least four occasions when he did attend the sessions.

                              Jackson's state was "fairly obvious" to others involved in the production, he said.

                              Ortega later broke down while reading an email he sent to the CEO of concert promoter AEG Live LLC describing Jackson as a "lost boy." The singer's mother Katherine Jackson also appeared to cry during the court proceedings in which her son's final days were described.

                              Ortega testified in the negligent hiring lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother against AEG Live.

                              She claims the company missed warning signs about her son's health and failed to properly investigate the doctor later convicted of involuntary manslaughter after giving him an overdose of the anesthetic propofol.

                              AEG denies it hired Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray. The company also says there was no way it could have known the doctor was giving Jackson propofol as a sleep aid.

                              Ortega previously detailed his observations about the June 19, 2009, rehearsal during Murray's criminal trial.


                              • Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1m

                                I'm headed back into the courtroom, will have updates later today.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1m

                                "I think it would have severely injured the possibility of the show going on," Kenny Ortega said. Shortly after this, court broke for lunch.
                                "Ich denke es hätte die Möglichkeit stark erschwert das die Show hätte weiter gehen können" sagt O.
                                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m

                                Ortega said he was willing to walk away from the show at this point, leaving it without a director.
                                O. sagte er war willens die Show zu diesem Zeitpunkt zu verlassen, sie ohne Direktor zu lassen.
                                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m

                                The director said he called Murray repeatedly that night, that he was most natural person to reach out to for help. Then he informed AEG.
                                Der Direktor sagte er rief Murray wiederholt in der Nacht an, da es die natürlichste Person war um nach Hilfe zu rufen. Dann informierte er AEG.
                                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m

                                Kenny Ortega agreed when plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish asked him whether the email was a “cry for help.”
                                Ortega stimmte zu als Panish ihn fragte ob die E-Mail ein Schrei nach Hilfe war.
                                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m

                                Panish asked Ortega about a line in his email in which he described feeding Jackson. Ortega said he didn’t literally feed him.
                                P. frage O. über eine Zeile in der er beschreibt das er Jackson fütterte. O. sagte es war nicht sprichwörlich füttern.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m

                                Ortega said he wanted Jackson to be evaluated by a professional, someone other than Murray.
                                O. sagte er wollte das Jackson von einem Profi untersucht wird, jemand anderes als Murray
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m

                                After the break, Panish asked Ortega if he was concerned about Conrad Murray. Ortega said yes.
                                Nach der Pause fragte P. ob O. besorgt war wegen Murray. O. sagt ja.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m

                                When the court recessed so Ortega could compose himself, Katherine Jackson rubbed her eyes with a tissue.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m

                                During some of this morning’s testimony, Katherine Jackson appeared to be crying. Trent kept his arm around her for one long period.
                                Während der Morgen-Aussage schien Kathrine zu weinen. Trent hielt den Arm um ihre Schulter für eine Weile.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m

                                “I’m not OK right now,” he told the court. The judge asked if he needed a break. He said he just wanted a second, but judge ordered recess.
                                "Ich bin nicht Ok im Moment sagte er dem Gericht. Gericht fragt ob er eine Pause braucht. Er sagte er brauche nur eine Sekunde aber Gericht ordnete längere Pause an.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m

                                Ortega broke down while reading the email. After reading the line, “It broke my heart. He’s like a lost boy,” he had to stop.
                                Ortega brach ein während er die E-Mail las. Nach dem Lesen der Zeile "Es brach mein Herz, Er ist wie ein verlorener Junge" stoppte er.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m

                                The court took a 10 minute break around this point. When they came back, Ortega read one of his emails sent after the June 19 rehearsal.
                                Nach einer 10 Minunten Pause O. kam zurück und las die E-Mail vom 19. Juni.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m

                                Ortega appeared bothered when Panish asked him about being concerned for the production. “I was only thinking about Michael,” he said.
                                Ortega erschien verärgert als Panish ihn fragte ob er besorgt war wegen der Produktion. " Ich habe nur an Michael gedacht" sagte er.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m

                                “I thought Michael had a problem on the 19th,” Ortega said. “I wasn’t thinking about the ('This Is It') production on the 19th.”
                                "Ich dachte Michael hat ein Problem am 19." sagt O. " Ich dachte nicht über die TII-Produktion am 19. nach"
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m

                                Ortega’s testimony about the June 19, 2009, rehearsal is covered in this story:
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m

                                It was that then that Ortega testified about the night of June 19, 2009 and being “frightened” by Jackson’s condition.
                                Aussage zum 19. folgt.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m

                                Panish asked whether things got better or worse after the June 16 meeting at MJ’s house. Ortega said they got worse.
                                P. fragt ob die Dinge besser oder schlechter wurden nach dem 16. Juni in MJs Haus. O. sagt schlechter.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m

                                Ortega said he had so much going on at the time, he just doesn’t remember it. “I could have had this meeting,” he said.
                                O. sagte es ging so viel vor in dieser Zeit, er kann sich nicht erinnern. "Es könnte dieses Treffen gewesen sein."
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m

                                Panish showed Ortega an email indicating he was planning to go to a meeting with Randy Phillips, others.
                                P. zeigt O. eine Mail worin ein Treffen mit Phillips geplant war und anderen.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m

                                Panish then asked Ortega whether he went to Jackson’s house for a meeting on June 16, 2009. KO said he didn’t remember going to the house.
                                P. fragt O. ob er in Jacksons Haus ging für ein Treffen am 16. Juni. KO sagt er erinnert sich nicht daran.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m

                                Michael Bearden email: “His (voice) sounds amazing right now, he just needs to build it back up.”
                                Michael Bearden E-Mail: "Seine Stimme ist wundervoll derzeit, er muss es weiter ausbauen"
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

                                Bearden in the email wrote that Jackson’s voice was fine, he just wanted strong enough to dance and sing at the same time.
                                Bearden schrieb in einer Mail das Jacksons Stimme gut ist, er muss noch stark genug werden um zu tanzen und singen in der gleichen Zeit.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

                                Singing the ballads would give him time to work up to full strength, music director Michael Bearden suggested.
                                Wenn er die Balladen singt hat er Zeit seine volle Stärke zu entwickeln schlug Bearden vor.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m
                                Panish then showed Ortega other emails dealing with Jackson’s voice. In one, it was suggested that MJ only sing the ballads during the show.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

                                Panish: “It was fairly obvious, wasn’t it?” Ortega: “Yes.” (in reference to Jackson being at concerts while impaired.)
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

                                Ortega said he saw Jackson under the influence of something _ he didn’t know what _ during at least 4 rehearsals.
                                O. sagt er sah Jackson unter dem Einfluss von etwas- er weiß nicht was- bei mindestens 4 Proben.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

                                The director also said that Stacy Walker, who previously testified, expressed concern.
                                Der Dirketor sagte das Stay Walker, die bereits aussagte, Besorgnis äußerte.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m

                                Later, Ortega would identify Payne, Karen Faye, and Alif Sankey as workers who expressed concerns about Jackson being under the influence.
                                Später identifizierte er Payne, Faye und Sankey als Mitarbeiter die Besorgnis kund taten über Jackson unter Einfluss von etwas.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m

                                He said he didn’t recall Travis Payne telling him Jackson looked “assisted” but he doesn’t dispute it happened.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 10m

                                Ortega was then asked about Jackson showing up to rehearsal and being under the influence of something.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m

                                Ortega said he had serious concerns at this point whether or not the “This Is It” shows would happen.
                                O. sagte er hatte ernsthafte Sorgen zu diesem Zeitpunkt, dass die TII Show passieren wird.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m

                                This email was sent roughly a month before “This Is It” was scheduled to premiere at the O2 Arena.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m

                                Ortega email snippet: “He is not in great physical shape. I believe he’s hurting. He has been slow at grabbing hold of the work.”
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m

                                Kenny Ortega discussed emails he sent on June 14, 2009 regarding Jackson’s missed rehearsals, poor condition.
                                O diskutierte E-Mails vom 14. Juni bzgl. Jacksons verpasster Proben, und schlechter Verfassung
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 11m

                                Panish asked Ortega whether he was aware of AEG Live execs wanting to “pull the plug” on him. He said he wasn’t.
                                P fragte O. ob er wusste das die AEG-Live Exes den Stecker ziehen wollten. Er sagt nein.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m

                                Ortega: “I don’t think we discussed stopping the show. I think we discussed that unless things changed, we might have to.”
                                O: "Ich glaube nicht das wir diskutierten die Show zu stopen. Ich denke wir diskutierten wenn sich Dinge nicht ändern, mag es passieren."
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m

                                Ortega initially said he thought that he and Phillips discussed stopping the show, but then clarified.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m

                                Ortega said it’s a phrase he uses, but he didn’t recall AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips using it re: “This Is It.”
                                O sagte es ist eine Formulierung die er nutzte, aber er kann sich nicht erinnnern, das Phillips sie für TII nutzte.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 12m

                                At the start of his testimony, Kenny Ortega was asked about the phrase “pull the plug” in reference to “This Is It” shows.
                                Diskussion zum Satz "Den Stecker ziehen" in Bezug auf die TII-Shows.
                                Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 13m

                                Will get out a few updates from the morning session in Jackson vs. AEG Live before we go back into court..
                                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 10.07.2013, 23:23.


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