Re: Jacksons vs AEG - Day 43 - July 3 2013 - News Only (no discussion)
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
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ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
That concluded Day 43 of testimony, Week 10. We hope to see you all back on Monday. Happy 4th of July everybody!
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Panish told the judge he's now estimating to finish his case in chief another week or so after the July 8th week, his last estimate.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Jury ordered to return on Monday at 10 am PT. Plaintiffs will play Dr Finkelstein's deposition. Kenny Ortega set to testify in the afternoon
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Koskoff: And Dr. Murray gave it to him?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
Dr. Schnoll was then excused and session adjourned. No court tomorrow or Friday.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Koskoff noted that MJ replied it would be safe if done under the supervision of a doctor.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said Lee responded that MJ was taking chances.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan in re-cross: What did nurse Cherilyn Lee said to MJ when he was looking for a doctor to give him Propofol?
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Koskoff asked in re-direct if Propofol was given for the drug or underlying condition. Dr. Schnoll said MJ asked Propofol to help him sleep.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
"They were not symptoms of Demerol withdrawal, but probably of Propofol," Dr. Schnoll testified about MJ's symptoms in June 2009.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said he looked at the totality of the picture, like a puzzle, trying to put everything together to understand what was going on.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said he saw a concern one time of MJ going to Santa Ynez Cottage Hospital for excessive use of Demerol.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan asked if Dr. Schnoll reviewed testimony that MJ had boxes of Propofol at Neverland and asked a doctor to inject him. He said yes.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan asked about MJ's family failed interventions. He said he doesn't know if they were appropriately done; practice not used as much.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll: MJ could've been off the drugs or taking the drugs in appropriate dosages if properly treated
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said he didn't have 100% success rate in his practice and that no one does.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
"That's why your job is to motivate them and help them see the problems with the dependency," Dr. Schnoll responded.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan asked about patients who think they have their addiction under control and don't want to quit the drug.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
He doesn't think the symptoms MJ was having on June 19, 2009 were related to Demerol withdrawal.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll: It was very hard for me to say he was dependent that time.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
"It didn't coincide with when I expected that withdrawal to occur," Dr. Schnoll said about MJ.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
"Was he really dependent?" Dr. Schnoll asked himself. He said the appearance of withdrawal from Demerol usually shows within 24-36 hours.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said he asked for a chart to be made to be able to see how much Demerol MJ was getting and how frequent.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
The expert said that if the withdrawal symptoms were present, someone might have asked why MJ had the flu.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said he would probably give her initial dose of 50 mg.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan asked what would happen if doctor gave her 375 mg of Demerol. "For you? You'd probably sleep for a while, about several hours" he said
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
In April 2009, MJ received 375 mg of Demerol, the highest amount given by Dr. Klein.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said he doesn't think MJ was dependent on Demerol in January of 2009.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said he could not opine whether the treatment after the burn on MJ's scalp was appropriate.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
He's also not absolutely sure, but says MJ was probably dependent on Demerol in 1993.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
He said he continued to investigate the case, looked at more records, and is now uncertain.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
However, Dr. Schnoll says today he's not sure MJ was dependent on Demerol in 2009.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan asked if Dr. Schnoll testified in his deposition that MJ was dependent on Demerol? He answered yes, the time around the Dangerous tour
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan: Is it legal to write prescription to someone under another name?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes, it's illegal
C: Have you ever done it?
Dr: No
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll said you try to look at the whole picture of what was going on and not look at the possibilities, but probablilities.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Dr. Schnoll: I don't like to work under possibilities, since everything under the sun is possible. I like working with probablilities
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan: Could MJ have opiates in pill forms in 2009 from doctors while having Demerol injections from Dr. Klein?
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan: Did Dr. Klein write prescriptions to Mr. Jackson under other names?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan: Are you aware of Dr. Klein being investigated...
Panish stopped and objected as improper. He asked for a sidebar.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan asked if MJ was seeing other doctors at the same time he saw Dr. Murray, like Dr. Klein. Dr. Schnoll said yes.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Cahan resumed questioning Dr. Schnoll. Katherine left for the day.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 10h
Instruction cont'd: she believed they, AEG, hired Dr Murray. That violated a court order, the statement is stricken, shouldn't be considered
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Jurors brought in at 3:27 pm PT. Judge read them the following instruction: Yesterday, plaintiiff's expert Jean Seawright said
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Judge admonished Panish to tell all experts to abide by her motions in limine.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Judge: I don't know why you are pointing your fingers that way, Mr. Panish (to AEG's side). I really don't.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Putnam said he agreed with the judge and agrees the instruction should be given as written.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Panish: She said it, I wish she hadn't, I don't want a mistrial
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Judge: There are bright lines Mr. Panish and you don't even go near it because you may cross it accidentally
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Judge: I don't want a mistrial, it's a waste of resources
Panish: I don't want a mistrial either
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Judge: Every expert is only to make assumptions about hiring. I specifically did that (ruling) for a reason. Advise them about my order!
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Apologies, reached the limit of tweets again.... Here's the remaining of today's testimony.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 11h
Judge: I don't want this kind of problem that can lead to mistrial. I'm asking you to speak with all your experts
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 14h
An upset judge said:
This is my concern, we are 9 weeks in this trial and it's getting into mistrial territory. I don't want to go there!
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 14h
Judge: there's a ruling prohibiting any testimony, by any expert, on the issue!
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 14h
Panish: I know you're upset, I can tell that
Judge: I'm not upset, I think it's entirely appropriate
Panish: I told her not to do it
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 14h
Judge: This is your crucial, central issue in the case Mr. Panish. I'm surprised you had no discussion with her about it
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 14h
Judge said that violated the motion in limine regarding this issue. Experts are NOT to give their opinion on whether AEG hired Dr. Murray.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 14h
Outside the presence of the jury, judge discussed with the attorneys about Jean Seawright's testifying yesterday that AEG hired Dr. Murray.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said some of the patients might have been addicted to Propofol, but others were just abusing it.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said he has treated tens of thousands of patients and only 5-6 were addicted to Propofol. These people were in the medical field
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
The doctor agreed that some lay people could identify the symptoms as flu.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said most doctors would be able to put all the symptoms together and conclude it is opioid withdrawal.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Some of opioids withdrawal include chills, running nose, tearing of the eyes, dilated pupil, goose bumps.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
The expert said people would recognize there was something wrong with MJ, but may not be able to recognize it as withdrawal from opioids.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said people get confused as to whether the patient is addicted or dependent of drugs.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan: There has got to be some amount of trust between doctor and patient?
Dr. Schnoll: Right
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: Well, of they came to me to treat addiction, they usually would come because they wanted to treat their addiction
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan: Did some patients did not want to get treatment?
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan: When you are evaluating a patient you rely on the patient being honest with you, correct?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll did not offer opinion whether the amount or type of drug MJ was taking for cosmetic and dental work was appropriate.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
"There was no evidence of addiction at that time," Dr. Schnoll said about MJ in 2009.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said he last prescribed Demerol in the late 1970s. He stopped treating patients in 2001.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: Probably not at all at this point, pain specialist would not keep Demerol handy
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said use of Demerol for pain went into question in the '90s.
Cahan: How common is for pain specialists to have Demerol handy?
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr Schnoll said Demerol is not commonly used anymore because it has other effects than just opioids, considered a dirty drug the doctor said
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll responded he didn't know, since he doesn't do these procedures.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan asked if it's common practice to use Demerol for Botox injections and facial fillers treatment.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Just the fact that Dr. Klein injected MJ with Demerol doesn't raise concern of a relapse of Demerol dependency, Dr. Schnoll.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: If they have a severe pain problem that can only be treated by opioids, it is appropriate to give it.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
A professional doctor knows the difference between addiction and pseudoaddiction.
(nurse juror nodding in agreement)
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Pseudoaddiction is when a patient is undertreated for pain, Dr. Schnoll said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said doctor shopping is going from doctor to doctor to receive medication.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
There were weeks he put in 7-8 hours, some didn't do anything. He said it would be hard to estimate, spoke with plaintiff atty 10-15 times
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said he has no idea how many hours he has worked in this case. He was retained back in January.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan said Pinney Associates is charging $790/hour for Dr. Schnoll's time.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll works for Pinney Associates, he's a salaried employee and receives bonus at the end of the year, should there be one.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan: You were never hired as a doctor to accompany a band on tour?
Dr. Schnoll: That's correct
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
"I knew most of them and I knew them well," Dr. Schnoll said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan asked if Dr Schnoll brought medical students to help him out. He said yes. She asked if he did background or credit checks on them
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said he acted ethically at that job. He worked at rock concerts in the '70s.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan: Did you think that created a conflict of interest?
Dr. Schnoll: As long as I acted ethically, I did not
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said his primary duty was to treat concert goers. He was paid by the promoters.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said at times he was asked to treat performers, was hired to provide medical treatment at the facility to fans or artists.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
I know some people who worked at concerts, Dr. Schnoll said. He has been one.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Cahan: Do you think it's ethical for doctors to go on tour?
Dr. Schnoll: It depends on what they do when they go on tour with them
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll created the term "Rock Doc", referring to doctors who work on rock n roll concerts.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff finished direct examination. AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan did cross examination of Dr. Schnoll.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said he's reading Richards' book, but hasn't finished yet. Defendant's objected to the doctor talking about it based on hearsay.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Keith Richards and The Rolling Stones have been performing for 50 years. Richards writes in his autobiography about his drug addiction.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
If MJ got proper treatment, he would have like normal life expectancy, Dr. Schnoll said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Drug addicts can die early due to overdose; infections are very common, like HIV, Dr. Schnoll said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: If appropriately treated, it would have no affect
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Assuming he was not addicted, but had periods of drug dependency, would that have an impact on his life expectancy?
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll agreed MJ had the means to get proper drug dependency treatment.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Based on Mr. Jackson's family, do you know if any members of his family were addicted?
Dr. Schnoll: I have no indication of that
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: Some of the best outcomes in treatment are with people who have a lot to lose if they continue their addiction.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
"The autopsy said he was in really, very good condition," Dr. Schnoll told the jury about MJ.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Having a supportive family and environment is critical in overcoming addiction, Dr. Schnoll explained.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: He could've been treated, he could've been treated if he had the proper people
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Let's assume MJ really was addicted to Demerol in 2009, do you have an opinion as to his prognosis for successful treatment?
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Assuming MJ was dependent, do you think proper treatment would be able to eliminate his dependency?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said if MJ were treated appropriately for pain and sleeping problems, it would not have an effect in shortening his life.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: Should MJ have someone knowledgeable for treatment of pain, he could've been treated appropriately
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll testified MJ had two major problems: pain and insomnia.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
"He would've been able to continue to perform if he was appropriately treated for the underlying medical conditions," Dr. Schnoll said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: If his underlying medical condition, pain, insomnia, had been appropriately treated, he may have been able to get off the drugs
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff asked if MJ were under the care of a competent doctor, would he have been able to get off the drugs, Demerol and benzodiazepines.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
"They pass catheters and look at hearts, which is totally unrelated to pain," Dr. Schnoll said about cardiologists.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: Dr. Murray was an interventionist cardiologist and that is a highly specialized field. He had no background in treating pain.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Assuming AEG hired Dr. Murray, was he fit and competent to treat Michael's sleep problems?
Dr. Schnoll: No, he was not
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Assuming AEG hired Dr. Murray, was he fit and competent to treat Michael's pain problems?
Dr. Schnoll: No, he was not
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's sleep problems?
Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's drug dependency issues?
Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Was Dr. Murray competent to handle MJ's pain?
Dr. Schnoll: He was not competent
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
The hospital computer overloaded with people trying to get information on what happened with Sinatra, Dr. Schnoll said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said once Frank Sinatra went to the hospital he worked after collapsing on the stage.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Sometimes prescription is given under other people's names, Dr. Schnoll said, since celebrities often don't want people prying their records
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
"If you are dependent, you could have some insomnia if you go off of it," Dr. Schnoll testified.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: What does Demerol do to sleep?
Dr. Schnoll: When you are taking it, it could make you sleepy
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
He also said this drug would not have had effect on MJ on June 25.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. School said there was no trace of the drug in MJ's body at the time of his death.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
The very last Demerol injection MJ received from Dr. Klein was on June 22, 100 mg dose, according to the records, Dr. Schnoll testified.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Is there a record MJ was getting Demerol from any other doctor?
Dr. Schnoll: No
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dose went up in January 2009. Dr Schnoll said if a person was previously dependent on Demerol, stops and then resumes, tolerance is built up
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll talked about Dr. Klein giving MJ 100mg doses of Demerol in 2008. He said from mid-year to December it was the same amount.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said Propofol is not appropriate to treat insomnia, even if MJ suggested it.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff asked if there was any evidence MJ was addicted or dependent of Propofol up until Dr. Murray. Dr. Schnoll said no.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Murray used Propofol for sleep, which Dr. Schnoll said was inappropriate. "Plus, he was not an anesthetic or an anesthesiologist."
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
The drug was used for dental procedures and cosmetic treatment, Dr. Schnoll said, adding it was appropriate for that.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Between 1994 and 1996, Dr. Schnoll saw no evidence of any use of Propofol by MJ under any circumstance.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: What kind of specialist was on that tour for Michael?
Dr. Schnoll: He was anesthesiologist
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll testified Debbie Rowe said yes, but she wasn't sure if it was Propofol or Fentanyl. He didn't think Rowe was a licensed nurse.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff showed a timeline and asked if there was any record MJ received Propofol during the Dangerous tour in 1994.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Propofol is the most popular anesthetic in the world, Dr. Schnoll said. Propofol is the generic term.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said after the Propofol infusion stops, the effect wears off quickly.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
"Typically, they steal it from operating room or critical care unit or inject it in a home, or a bathroom," Dr. Schnoll explained.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll treated patients addicted to Propofol. They were health technicians and none had it administered by another person.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Did he use it for sleep?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
K: Is that appropriate?
Dr: Yes
K: Did MJ have a sleep problem?
Dr: Yes
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll said MJ was prescribed Midazolam and Versed which is commonly for short term surgical procedures, dental procedures.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Koskoff: Was there a time MJ did take benzodiazepines?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 15h
Dr. Schnoll: I don’t know if MJ was an addict. I haven’t seen the information that would allow me to make a diagnosis of addiction
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff: On Dangerous tour, was MJ getting opioid drugs according to Dr. Finkelstein?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll talked about the surgery MJ to repair damage to his scalp.
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The expert said he saw evidence MJ was afraid of needles; didn't take medications in excess of what was prescribed by doctors.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll said he saw no evidence that MJ ever used recreational drug or self-injected in the absence of a doctor.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff: Do you agree with that opinion?
Dr. Schnoll: No
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff asked if Dr. Schnoll read testimony from Dr. Earley saying MJ was a drug addict and that he was going to die early.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff asked if that was consistent with a drug addict. Dr. Schnoll answered no.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff said based on the medical records in the last 16 years of MJ’s life, he was Demerol free for 13 1/2 years.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
The patch was done for treatment of Demerol dependency in early 2000s. The drug would block the effect of the opioid, Dr. Schnoll said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll said he reviewed medical records that Dr. Farshian implanted a patch into MJ's abdomen.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff: Was there a period of time when MJ used Demerol for scalp treatments?
Dr. Schnoll: Yes
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff: Any evidence from any witness that MJ used Demerol outside the medical setting?
Dr. Schnoll: No
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
“Opioids are most popular because they work," Dr. Schnoll said. "Pain is the most common complaint that comes to a doctor's office.”
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll explained pain threshold is the level at which someone feels discomfort. They are quite variable, he said.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll: The figures indicate 10 to 12% become addicted, the same percentage of people who become addicted to alcohol.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Some patients become addicted, Dr. Schnoll said. But it's not s large percentage.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll: if they're on long term opioid treatment, they'll become dependent. Opioids are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the US.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff: If a person is being treated, as part of good medical practice, can someone become drug dependent?
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll said addiction can also be treated by competent and fit physicians.
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Koskoff: Any famous people who have been opioid dependent?
Dr. Schnoll: President John F. Kennedy (Judge asks why?) Back pain.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
If a person has underlying condition and take opioid they could function better, Dr Schnoll explained. There's no harm in doing it medically
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff: What if a person has chronic osteoarthritis?
Dr. Schnoll: May have remain on medication all his life
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Dr. Schnoll said the most important factor in determining if the person should go off the drug is to find out what the underlying problem is
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Methodone is an opioid drug used for pain and treatment of opioid addiction. Dr. Schnoll explained how the drug works.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Koskoff asked if you take someone off Demorol suddenly what happens. Dr. Schnoll: “like falling off a cliff, you don’t want that to happen.”
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Katherine Jackson was present in court wearing a long periwinkle jacket and pearl earrings.
ABC7 Court News @ABC7Courts 16h
Addiction specialist Dr. Sidney Schnoll resumed testimony. Jackson's attorney Michael Koskoff did direct examination.
Re: Jacksons vs AEG - Day 43 - July 3 2013 - News Only (no discussion)
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
Schnoll spent about another hour on the witness stand, reiterating his point that there was no sign in records that Jackson was an addict.
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Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
The judge said the jury should disregard her testimony about whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
The jury was brought in, and Palazuelos read an instruction stating that Seawright violated a court order.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
Palazuelos: “I don’t know why you’re pointing the finger that way.” She told Panish to make sure he warns his experts from now on.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
Panish also said that he was trying to counter questions from AEG’s attorneys that suggested Seawright didn’t have an opinion.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
Palazuelos: “This is my concern. Nine weeks into this trial and this is getting in a mistrial situation.” (We’re in 10th wk of testimony.)7
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
Panish protested, saying “All I was trying to show was that she was trying to show was that she has an opinion.”
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 18h
The judge said the answer veered into mistrial territory, and that Panish should have warned Seawright to not state her opinion.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Panish had asked whether Seawright she had an opinion on whether AEG Live hired Murray. He said today he thought it was a yes-no question.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Seawright told the jury she thought AEG did hire Murray, based on a question from plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
The judge noted that expert witnesses had been instructed not to state opinions on whether AEG Live hired Conrad Murray.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
After the afternoon break, Judge Yvette Palazuelos returned to the testimony of HR expert Jean Seawright. She was upset about yesterday.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
The doctor said he probably hadn’t prescribed Demerol since the 1970s. (He hasn’t been practicing with patients for several years.)
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
AEG defense attorney Kathryn Cahan also asked Schnoll about Demerol. He called it a “dirty opioid.”
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
On cross-examination, she tried to make the point that it’s hard for a lay person to tell difference between addiction and dependency.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Schnoll said even if Jackson were addicted to medications, with proper treatment he could have lived a long, healthy life.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
The doctor also addressed Demerol use, saying there was no sign Jackson received the drug between 2003 and 2008.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Schnoll’s point about the documented use of propofol by Jackson was that it was in medical settings with proper supervision. Until C. Murray
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
He said Rowe used two different names for medications she saw Jackson receive in 1993, so it wasn’t clear if propofol was used.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Schnoll said it wasn’t clear if Jackson received propofol during the 1993 “Dangerous” tour because Debbie Rowe wasn’t clear.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
The records showed that Jackson received propofol for dental procedures dating back to 1997, Schnoll said.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Schnoll reviewed medical records dating back until at least 1997. They included dental records, and files of Arnold Klein.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Schnoll said based on his review of medical records, he saw no evidence that Jackson was addicted to prescription meds.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
I’ve been dealing with some tech issues and a time crunch today, so will address the main points of Schnoll’s testimony.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
As for today's proceedings, testimony of Dr. Sidney Schnoll concluded today.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
Finkelstein's deposition will take the morning session. Kenny Ortega is scheduled to be the Monday afternoon witness.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 19h
We're done for the day in Jackson vs. AEG Live. Court resumes on Monday at 10 a.m.
They'll play the deposition of Dr. Stuart Finkelstein.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 3 Jul
He's also started to discuss Michael Jackson's medical history. I may have more updates in a little while. Gotta review some notes.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 3 Jul
Schnoll is being questioned by plaintiff’s attorney Michael Koskoff. He started out discussing pain management drugs, addiction solutions.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 3 Jul
Dr. Sidney Schnoll, an addiction and pain management expert, remains on the stand.
Anthony McCartney @mccartneyAP 3 Jul
We’re on a break in Jackson vs AEG Live trial. Katherine and Trent Jackson are here today.