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  • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 12. Teil

    18. August 2013

    Am Donnerstag kehrte Debbie Rowe, Michaels ex-Frau in den Zeugenstand zurück. Dabei ging es u.a. um Paris Jackson, ihre mit Michael gemeinsame Tochter, sowie Michaels niedrige Schmerztoleranz und seine Ärzte.

    Debbie sagte, dass sie Paris näher stehe als ihrem Sohn Prince und dass sie oft miteinander telefonieren oder sich texten. Als sie gefragt wurde, wie sich Michaels frühzeitiger Tod auf Paris ausgewirkt habe, sagte Debbie: “Ihr Vater ist tot. Ich habe fast meine Tochter verloren. Sie ist am Boden zerstört,” weinte Rowe im Zeugenstand. “Sie hat versucht, sich das Leben zu nehmen… Sie hat das Gefühl, sie habe kein Leben mehr”, so Rowe. Paris wird zur Zeit noch immer in der Klinik behandelt als Auswirkung ihres Selbstmordversuches Anfang Juni.

    Am Mittwoch drehte sich Debbies Befragung durch AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam um die rezeptpflichtigen Medikamente im Zusammenhang mit der Kopfhautoperation nach dem Unfall beim Pepsi-Dreh sowie zwei Momente auf Tour in Deutschland, als Ärzte Michael mit Propofol behandelten, um seine Schlafprobleme zu lösen. Die ersten Aussagen am Donnerstag waren im Zusammenhang mit Michael Jacksons Hautproblemen, inkl. der Weissfleckenkrankheit Vitiligo. “Alle sagten, er bleiche seine Haut, aber das stimmte nicht”, so Rowe. Viele der Besuche bei Dr. Arnold Klein, wo Debbie Rowe 18 Jahre lang als medizinische Assistentin gearbeitet hatte, waren im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung von Vitiligo. Michael machte sich Sorgen, “dass die Leute seine Krankheit oder die Entstellung sehen würden,” so Debbie. Debbie Rowe erwähnte zudem, dass Michael Jackson an Diskoiden Lupus erythematodes (Hautlupus) litt, die sein Hautgewebe erweichte, v.a. an der Kopfhaut.

    Wie am Mittwoch bereits erwähnt, ging es bei Debbie Rowes Aussage auch um die Behandlung von Michaels Schlafproblemen mittels Propofol durch zwei deutsche Ärzte, zweimal während der HIStory Tour in München. Dr. Allen Metzger, der damalige Hausarzt von Michael Jackson, hatte dies arrangiert, nachdem Michael sich über akute Schlafprobleme beklagt hatte und die ordentlichen Schlafmedikamente auch keine Wirkung gezeigt hatten. “Ich glaube, sie hatten es versucht, und es hatte nicht funktioniert, und wenn er nicht schlafen konnte, konnte er auch nicht performen”, so Debbie. Michael Jackson “war am Ende seiner Kräfte; er wusste nicht, was er sonst tun sollte.” Nach acht Stunden unter dem Einfluss des “schlaffördernden” Mittels Propofol habe er sich besser gefühlt und so entschied er, sich nach dem zweiten Auftritt in München noch einmal einer Propofolbehandlung zu unterziehen. CNN erinnerte daran, dass Dr. Metzger beim Prozess gegen Conrad Murray ausgesagt hatte, dass er bei Propofolbehandlungen für Michael Jackson nie involviert gewesen war und er sich erst viel später über Propofol bewusst wurde.

    Was ihre frühere Aussage anbelangte, dass Michael Jackson auch in Frankreich während der HIStory Tour Propofol verabreicht wurde, angelangt, so hatte sie dies diese Woche berichtig bzw. widerrufen.

    1993 wurde Michael Jackson wegen seiner Verbrennung infolge des Pepsi-Drehunfalls 1984 operiert. Seine Ärzte waren nicht im Stande, seine Schmerzen unter Kontrolle zu halten bzw. zu beseitigen und zwei Ärzte hatten sich damals konkurrenziert, wer ihm das bessere Medikament verabreichen konnte, so Debbie Rowe. Debbie hielt fest, dass Michael eine sehr niedrige Schmerztoleranz hatte “und seine Angst vor Schmerzen war unglaublich. Und ich glaube, die Ärzte hatten dies ausgenutzt”.

    Debbie Rowe sagte auch aus, dass viele der Ärzte, die Michael behandelten, “Idioten” waren, einschliesslich Dr. Arnold Klein, für den sie von 1979 bis 1996 gearbeitet hatte. “Michael hatte einen riesigen Respekt vor Ärzten, dass sie zur Schule gegangen waren, studiert hatten… um keinem zu schaden”, so Debbie Rowe. “Leider entschieden einige dieser Ärzte, dass wenn Michael Schmerzen hatte oder so, sie versuchen würden, sich gegenseitig zu überbieten, wer ihm das bessere Medikament geben könnte, und er hörte auf diese Ärzte” und vertraute ihnen.

    Dr. Metzger hatte einen Plan aufgestellt, Michael Jackson dabei zu helfen, vom Schmerzmittel Demerol loszukommen, das er erstmals wegen seiner Schmerzen an der Kopfhaut 1984 erhalten hatte. Aus dem Plan wurde jedoch nichts, als Michael Jackson mit der “Dangerous” Tour weiterfuhr, so Debbie Rowe. Nach sechs Wochen, als die Tour im Herbst 1993 Mexico City erreicht hatte, war Michael Jackson, wie uns bereits ausreichend bekannt ist, in einem miserablen Zustand. “Er war deprimiert” (dies war die Zeit, als Michael Jackson des sexuellen Missbrauchs an Jodie Chandler bezichtigt wurde). “Er hatte irgendwas genommen. Ich weiss nicht was oder woher er es hatte”. Nachdem sie drei Tage lang diskutiert und gestritten hatten, sagte Debbie Rowe, dass sie Michael Jackson davon überzeugen konnte, seine Tour frühzeitig zu beenden und sich zwecks Medikamentenentzug in eine Klinik einzuweisen zu lassen. “Du musst dich dem stellen, was da abgeht und dann schaffen wir das”, so Debbie zu Michael. Debbie Rowe sagte, dass Michael Jacksons Medikamentengebrauch kein Geheimnis war unter den Leuten der “Dangerous” Tour Produktion. AEG Lives Co-CEO Paul Gongaware, zur Erinnerung, war damals Tourmanager.

    Debbie Rowe sagte auch aus, dass der plastische Chirurg, Dr. Steven Hoefflin, in zwei Fällen ein Prozedur vorgetäuscht hatte. Michael Jackson hatte sich über schmerzhafte Narben an seiner Nase beklagt und war zu Dr. Hoefflin gegangen, damit dieser ihm Kollagen spritzen konnte. Hoefflin hatte Michael gesagt, dass er die Prozeduren vorgenommen hatte, obwohl dies nicht stimmte. “Er hatte Michael unter Narkose gestellt und hatte nichts gemacht, ausser ihn bandagiert, wie wenn er ihn behandelt hätte”, so Debbie Rowe. Dr. Hoefflin hatte ihr damals gesagt, er habe dies gemacht, weil er die Narben, von denen Michael dachte, dass sie da waren, nicht finden konnte.


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    • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 72 – August 19 2013 – Summary

      Jackson family is not in court

      Dr. Gary Green Testimony

      Jackson cross

      Green is an expert on medical conflicts of interest who is testifying for AEG Live. He is refuting testimony by a plaintiff’s expert. (AP) Dr. Green said over the weekend he reviewed his testimony from Friday, reviewed materials provided earlier and met with AEG attorneys. (ABC7)

      Bloss: Do you remember Dr Matheson testifying that it didn’t appear Phillips had full recollection of phone call between Phillips-Murray? Dr. Green: Yes, it appears from Mr. Phillips’ testimony he does not have a full recollection of the phone call. Dr. Green: Phillips wasn’t able to recall the specifics content of the phone call, but he wrote email that could indicate of what was spoken. “There’s no evidence that Mr Phillips put any pressure on Dr. Murray in that phone call,” Dr. Green explained. Dr. Green said he has not seen any evidence showing Phillips put pressure on Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

      Bloss asked Green about the 20+ minute phone call that Phillips had with Murray before the June 20, 2009 meeting. Green was asked to assume that Phillips threatened or pressured Dr. Murray, and whether that changed his opinions in the case. “Assuming he made that threat, that does not change my conclusions,” Green said. (AP)

      Bloss asked how Dr. Green reconciled any inconsistency in testimonies. He said he looked if any of them relate to his opinion in the case. “In this case, my opinions are the same as I stated the other day,” Dr. Green expressed. Bloss: Was there any fact inconsistent with your opinion? Dr. Green: Not that I can recall at this time. Bloss: You said your opinion was based on Phillips, Ortega and Gongaware, correct? Dr. Green: That was part of it. (ABC7)

      Bloss: Is the basis of your conclusion that AEG Live did not direct Dr. Murray’s action the testimony of Phillips, Gongaware and Ortega? Dr. Green: Part of it yes, but I may have seen other evidence leading me to that conclusion. (ABC7)

      Bloss showed email chain “Trouble at the Front” and meeting on June 20, 2009. (ABC7) Bloss showed Green several emails the jury’s seen throughout the case, including one of AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips’ emails to Kenny Ortega. That message told Ortega not to be any amateur psychiatrist or physician and try to diagnose Michael Jackson’s health issues. Bloss asked Green whether that email changed his opinion that AEG didn’t create a conflict of interest for Conrad Murray. Green said no. (AP)

      “There were several accounts of that meeting,” Dr. Green said Bloss: Do you recall Dr. Murray telling AEG to “stay in your lane” and that it showed independency? “There’s a little bit of dispute as to what really happened at that meeting,” Dr. Green testified. (ABC7) Green was asked about his recollection of the testimony about a June 20, 2009 meeting between Ortega, Phillips, Murray and Jackson. The doctor initially said he thought Murray had told Ortega and Phillips to stay out of Jackson’s medical care, but Green recalled after some additional questions by Bloss that Murray’s comments were directed only at Kenny Ortega. (AP)

      Dr Green: In my opinion in this case the health interests were aligned and there were no conflict of interests that led to poor medical care (ABC7)

      Dr Green said when Phillips asked what was wrong with MJ it could be Murray was following privacy laws not disclosing MJ’s medical condition. Bloss asked if Dr. Murray said ‘sorry, I can’t tell you what’s wrong because of HIPPA privacy laws’? “There’s not requirement that Dr. Murray would have to say that,” Dr. Green opined. (ABC7)

      “There’s seems not to be any evidence that Dr. Murray was pressured,” Dr. Green said. “It was ultimately up to Dr. Murray to make decisions in the best interest of his patient and he didn’t do that,” Dr. Green opined. Bloss: Even if Mr. Phillips threatened to cancel the tour, that doesn’t change your opinion? Dr. Green: It still does not take away Dr. Murray’s responsibility with the patient. (ABC7)

      Bloss played video depo of Dr Green. He said he accepted as true Phillips’ accounting of what happened in that meeting to issue his opinion. “Mr. Phillip testified under oath, I credited his opinion,” Dr. Green said. He said he also credited other testimony as well, such as Ortega “I have no way of resolving which way is true,” Dr. Green explained about different accounts of the meeting. (ABC7)

      Dr. Green said he’s aware of two people feeling MJ needed psychiatric help and some people being afraid MJ could die. Bloss asked about Phillips saying it was not the right time to introduce a new person into MJ’s life after psychiatric help was suggested. Bloss showed email from Hougdahl saying he has watched MJ deteriorate for the past 8 weeks and the singer needed a shrink to get thru all. Dr. Green said he’s not sure if he was given copy of this email to review before or after his deposition. After reading his depo, he recalled he had not received it until after the depo and did not consider this email in his conclusion. (ABC7)

      Dr. Matheson brought an article entitled “Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice” to his deposition. The definition Dr. Matheson testified about conflict of interest is not the same formal definition Dr. Green relied upon. “Conflicts of interest are defined as circumstances that create a risk that professional judgments or actions regarding a primary interest.. will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest.” Bloss asked if the agreed with the definition above. “I agree that it’s a reasonable definition but not the only one,” Dr. Green said. Another article Dr. Matheson brought to his deposition: Conflict of interest refers to a “set of conditions in which professional judgment concerning a primary interest (patient’s welfare or the validity of research) is unduly influenced by a secondary interest (financial gain)” Bloss: Do you agree with that? Dr. Green: Yes, that’s a reasonable definition. (ABC7) Green agreed that many were valid definitions of conflicts of interest, but that he didn’t agree that money always created a conflict issue. (AP)

      Bloss showed another article "Principles for Identifying and Assessing Conflicts of Interests." Bloss: Do you agree that financial interest is the most powerful corroding force in a conflict of interest? Dr. Green: In my experience, however, I've seen physicians do all sort of things for reasons other than financial. Dr. Green said he's not aware there's way to rate the most powerful conflict of interest. He believes financial interest can create conflict. Bloss showed a report, which summarizes physicians' statements. "When individuals stand to gain by reaching a particular conclusion, they tend to unconsciously and unintentionally weight evidence is a biased fashion." Dr. Green said psychologically speaking, he agrees with the statement above. "I agree money can corrode professional responsibility but I'm not sure it's the most corroding thing in conflict of interest" Dr Green said. Dr. Green said he agreed that the greater the value the more probable its influence is. He highlighted the word 'probable,' though. (ABC7)

      Bloss showed Dr. Green MLB's policy on assessment and management of concussion on ballplayers. Policy was adopted in 2010 or 2011. Since then, MLB has to review team physician's actions before an athlete is allowed to return to play. Dr. Green said his position is more of an administrative position with MLB, he doesn't see the patients. He is responsible to make sure the latest rules regarding concussion is followed. He said it's a very controversial area. Bloss asked if the reason team does not have unilateral power to have athlete return to play is because of potential conflict of interest. Dr. Green responded the reason is because there's competition. "It's not about trusting the team's physician, it's about the competition." Dr Green testify he/MLB can deny a team physician's request to put a player back on the field after a concussion. The union doc also opines. Bloss asked if the reason is because there could be conflict of interest between team physician and his responsibility with the player. "Yes, in very small part," Dr. Green responded. "Part of my responsibility is to return athletes to play," he said. (ABC7) Bloss asked about Green’s work with Major League Baseball, specifically its concussion policy. Green reviews team doctors’ decision when a player suffers a concussion. He said a team doctor cannot return a player who has a concussion to a game without outside review. Green said the MLB policy isn’t about conflict of interests, but making sure no team had a competitive advantage “We have rules for everything, how you wear your socks, how you do everything,” Green said. “It has to do with the competitive balance.” (AP)

      Bloss said on Jun 14 Gongaware's sent email saying "we need to remind him it's AEG, not MJ who's paying his salary"/"what's expected of him". Then on June 16 Dr. Murray received first draft of the contract agreement with provision that if tour were canceled the agreement would too. Dr. Green said that everyday after June 16, 2009, Dr. Murray knew about that provision. And that included June 24 and 25, the say MJ died. (ABC7)

      Bloss asked about meeting nurse Cherilyn Lee had w/ MJ at some point. She testified on April 19 MJ complained of having trouble sleeping. MJ asked Lee to find a doctor who would give him Propofol. Dr. Green said this happened 13 days after Dr. Murray ordered Propofol. (ABC7)

      Dr. Green is a clinical professor at UCLA, approximately 16 hours/week. He said there are clinical and tenure tracks. Dr. Green has no experience in the music business, has never worked in concert or for promoter of concerts. (ABC7)

      "There could be conflict of interest in any case," Dr. Green said. Bloss asked if having a sole patient increases the risk. He said it could. Bloss: Does Dr. Murray's financial status matters at all to your opinion? Dr. Green: No, it does not. "I had a general impression that he was in debt," Dr. Green said. He believes his understanding was based on media reports on Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

      Bloss asked if Detective Martinez suspected financial motive for Murray to violate Hippocratic oath. Dr. Green said that's what he testified. Bloss asked if getting easy money, $150,000 a month, created an incentive to bend the rules. "Yes, and I believe he (Det. Martinez) testified it was Dr. Murray's decision," Dr. Green said. (ABC7) Bloss also asked about testimony by LAPD Det. Orlando Martinez, who said he believed Murray needed money and that influenced his actions. (AP)

      Bloss: Is that true you cannot say why Dr. Murray acted ethically in this case? "Not knowing Dr. Murray and not hearing his testimony, I cannot say with certainty why Dr. Murray committed this crime," Dr. Green said. (ABC7) Green: “I cannot say within a reasonable degree of medical probability why Dr. Murray committed this crime.” (AP)

      The doctor was asked whether he’d ever seen an agreement similar to the one between AEG Live, Jackson and Murray. Green said no (AP ) Bloss: Have you ever seen a three-way relationship between a physician, a patient and a third party? Dr. Green: No, nothing like this. Dr. Green testified his understanding is that AEG Live was going to advance money to Dr. Murray on behalf of Michael Jackson. Dr. Green agreed Dr. Murray's contract termination could be done by MJ and multiple ways by AEG Live unilateral. "I agree that the longer the tour went on, the more financial gain Dr. Murray would have," Dr. Green testified. (ABC7)

      Based on MJ's physical condition in June 2009, Dr. Green said he has no reasonable opinion whether the tour should've been postponed or not. (ABC7)

      Bloss concluded his questioning, and AEG Live defense attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina took over on re-direct. (AP)

      AEG redirect

      In re-cross Dr Green said he was retained in the case on March 4, 2013 to consider his expertise in sports medicine and conflict of interest . He was also asked to review Dr. Matheson's testimony. Dr. Green listed the depositions and declarations he reviewed prior to his own deposition. Dr Green attended almost all of Dr Matheson's deposition. He said he wanted to hear him saying his opinion as opposed to reading it on paper. Dr. Green: I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Matheson. If I had agreed with Dr. Matheson's opinion, I'd have communicated it to AEG. Dr. Green said there has been cases where he gave opinion that the attorneys ended up not using in their cases. Dr. Green: I considered the evidence and I came to my own conclusions. Dr. Green: My practice is that I present them to the attorneys and whatever they want to do with that is their business, not mine. "The more information I found, the more it strengthen my opinion," Dr. Green testified. (ABC7) She asked Green what he would have done if his opinion was the same as a plaintiff’s expert. He said he would have told AEG Live’s lawyers. Green said when that’s happened in other cases, the lawyers haven’t used him as an expert witness. “I look at opinions like I would a medical diagnosis,” Green said. He said new info sometimes changes his opinions. (AP)

      Stebbins Bina asked Green about some of the conflict of interest definitions that Bloss asked about. Green said about one document that it was guidance for physicians only, not for third parties or patients. “Patients must be informed of financial incentives that could impact the level of care they receive,” one of the documents read. Green said Jackson was aware of incentives to Murray. “Not only was Michael Jackson informed of the financial incentives, he created them.” (AP) Bina asked about a doc shown on Friday about conflict of interest. Dr. Green said the document is a guidance for physicians on what to do. Bina asked about the article: "Patients must be informed of financial incentives that could impact the level or type of care they receive." Dr Green said the statement further proves his opinion. "Not only was MJ the patient informed of financial incentive, he created it as well" The expert said MJ requested Dr. Murray and suggested the payment of $150,000 a month. (ABC7)

      Stebbins Bina asked Green about emails he reviewed in the case expressing concerns about Jackson’s health and whether they changed his opinions in the case. Green said they didn’t, because they didn’t indicate AEG was directing Michael Jackson’s care. Green said his interpretation of the the emails from AEG executives was that they were showing concern about Jackson’s health. (AP) Dr. Green said email Phillips wrote showed they were very concerned about MJ's health, proved his opinion that parties shared same interest. The expert said the fact that Dr. Murray told Ortega to "stay in your lane" proves the doctor was independent. (ABC7)

      Dr. Green testified that, as a competent adult, you can't make anyone go see a doctor. Dr. Green said Dr. Klein saw MJ on June 22. He reviewed the medical records. He said Dr. Klein had seen MJ about 30 times between March and June and in no case he mentioned psychological problems. Dr. Green: The emails I reviewed really showed concern on behalf of AEG and I did not see anything AEG was directing the type of care. (ABC7)

      Dr Green said he reviewed testimony Murray was off on Sundays. Apr 19 when MJ asked Lee to find a doctor to give him Propofol was Sunday. (ABC7)

      Stebbins Bina wrapped up, and Bloss was able to ask a few concluding questions before court adjourned for the day. (AP)

      Jackson recross

      In re-cross, Bloss asked if $150,000 a month is large incentive, is it not? Dr. Green: In general, yes. "That's more than I make at Pepperdine as the team's physician," Dr. Green said. "By a lot." But he pointed out it's not his only job. (ABC7)

      Bloss asked whether Green had any information about what Phillips and Murray discussed on their June 20, 2009 phone call. He didn’t. Green said he didn’t know whether they discussed drug use, medical treatment or any other topics. He only knew what Phillips testified about. (AP)

      Bloss pointed out that when Dr. Murray told Ortega to "stay in your lane" if Phillips said anything. He said no. (ABC7)


      Next witness is Rhoma Young, HR specialist as AEG's expert.

      Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #75


      Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
      Day 1 - 50
      Day 51 - 70
      Day 71 - zeuge Dr. Gary Green

      Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

      Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

      Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
      Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

      Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
      Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
      Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
      Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
      Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50


      • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 73 – August 20 2013 – Summary

        No Jackson family members are in court today.

        The judge laid out a schedule on when certain motions will be argued in the next couple weeks. Katherine Jackson wants to amend her lawsuit. AEG Live is seeking a dismissal of the case, claiming the plaintiffs haven’t shown enough evidence to send the case to the jury. AEG’s motion won’t be heard until Sept. 5 so that all the lawyers who need to argue it can be present. (AP)

        Rhoma Young Testimony

        AEG Direct

        AEG called their next witness, Rhoma Young. She's a Human Resources consultant. (ABC7) She was questioned by AEG Live attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina. (AP)

        Young said she was asked to look at the practices and policies of AEG Live, their independent contractors and testimony to see if consistent (ABC7) She has testified in detail about the differences between an employee and an independent contractor. (AP)

        Young explained she's been in the business going on 40 years. She has her own consulting company in the Bay area. She has worked with Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, LinkedIn, Roche, UC Med Centers, private hospitals, Kaiser, Chevron. She also worked with small organizations with less than 100 employees. In the music industry, Young said she worked with the Symphony, Ballet and Opera in the Bay area. (ABC7) She has been a consultant for 30+ years. Young has consulted on HR issues with the U.S. government and large tech companies including Facebook, Microsoft and healthcare companies. (AP) Young described her extensive background in the business, the different places she has worked and education. (ABC7)

        Young said she looks at the whole policy and procedures, all documents and how the company operates. Young explained part of her job is to help the organization to develop a plan to perhaps be more consistent with the written word. (ABC7)

        Young reviewed an extensive list of documents in this case. She’s worked in this case close to 200 hours. Her hourly rate for research is $350 per hour and $450 and hour for testimony and deposition. Young said her bill is close to $70,000 as recent as yesterday. In court, she said she testified 95 times, or maybe more. She said she tried to testify half and half for plaintiffs and defendants and has refused work when the balance is off. “I’m not an advocate,” Young said. “Because I testify for both sides, I can’t contradict myself. My reputation is about being balanced.” (ABC7)

        She also does investigations and has helped companies hiring employees. Young said an employee is an individual hired by a company. General there’s a defined way to find the employees, the screen process, layers of screen to determine who’s more qualified and who is not. When you’re hired there’s a supervisor, job title, set of expectation, training, how they are paid, employee benefits, insurance, Young said (ABC7) Employees, Young told the jury, typically apply for jobs, have supervisors, are entitled to some benefits and have a pay range. (AP)

        Young explained there's are different levels of human resources. One aims for perfection and the basic, which includes reasonable practices. In the world of HR, there are certain basics that are covered in workshops, since there always is confusion. (ABC7)

        One is issue between exempt and non-exempt, independent contractor and employee, Young testified. (ABC7)

        Application process is the initial screening process of a potential employee, Young said, if person meets the basic qualification. Young said there could be several interviews and done by different ways, like by one person or group of individuals. (ABC7)

        Young explained independent contractors are usually sourced through different method and different way. The expert said you can get personal referral or look for professional organizations to find independent contractors. There’s no application. Young testify for independent contractors you talk about price, timing, scheduling, license and there’s contract prior to beginning of work. (ABC7) Independent contractors aren’t employees, Young said, and aren’t entitled to insurance or other benefits and don’t have a supervisor. Independent contractors also are typically referred to a job, and don’t get on-the-job training as an employee might, Young said. Young made a point of telling the jury that her definitions of employees and independent contractors aren't legal ones. (AP)

        In order to obtain a medical license, Young said the doctor submits to a fingerprint scan, which goes thru Department of Justice. They also go thru very thorough education background. The State of California does not check financial background of applicants to issue medical licenses, Young said. (ABC7)

        Stebbins Bina showed Young a chart that Shawn Trell and plaintiff’s expert Jean Seawright testified about related to AEG Live’s practices. The chart spelled out in bullet points the company’s practices for checking out employees versus independent contractors. Young said the chart was consistent with HR-established practices for checking out employees and independent contractors. she also described appropriate background check policies. She said financial checks are expected for people working in financial roles with a company, but not necessarily for other workers. Other licenses (driving, medical) would be verified. (AP)

        Bina showed chart of AEG Process to Check Out People. (ABC7)

        - Job posted
        - Interview and resume
        - Verify employability
        – Check reference and work history
        – Criminal background check is warranted
        – Credit check if hired for financial position
        – Obligation based on employment relationship

        Independent Contractors:
        – Previous Working Relationship with AEG Live or Known to the Artist or Known in the Industry
        – Required licenses or permits
        – Fully insured
        – Indemnification provision
        – Obligations laid out in contract

        Employees have deductions and benefits, such as taxes, insurance, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, etc, Young explained. There’s no payroll taxes deducted from pay of independent contractors, the expert said. (ABC7)

        “An employee is brought in with the expectation the person will be with the company for a while,” Young said. Thus the training is different. Independent contractor is supposed to have the expertise right now, she explained. For employee, there’s job description and a set of responsibility very defined. They are usually going to have an employee handbook she said. Handbook details the expectations from the company and what employee can expect from employer, the expert explained. Independent contractors’ duty are worked out in advance and generally with a contract. Young: Generally in my opinion, independent contractors supply their own: their insurance, equipment, etc. They are normally self-contained. (ABC7)

        Young said there’s nothing inconsistent in the way AEG check people out with what’s used in the business. (ABC7)

        Young said in looking at the content of Dr. Murray’s contract, she said it’s consistent with an independent contractor agreement. “That agreement signed by Dr. Murray did contain things I usually would encounter in independent contractor agreements,” Young opined. (ABC7)

        Young: This is little bit of different 3-way agreement. This is AEG acting on behalf, helping MJ getting the doctor he wanted to go on tour. Bina asked who she understood asked for Dr. Murray to be hired. “Michael Jackson,” she responded. Young: My understanding is AEG was to advance funds for other personal staff on behalf of MJ at his request ultimately to be paid back by MJ. “My understanding these choices were being made by MJ. The children chose Kai Chase, but the choices were ultimately MJ’s,” Young testified. (ABC7)

        From an HR point of view, background checks could be part of both, but the way of which they are done are different, Young said. The gathering of initial information includes everything you do to find out about the person or organization you’re thinking of bringing on. For employee, Young said the check would include application, talk to prior employers, check driver’s license. Depending on the type of job, there should be a determination on whether a background check is needed or not, Young said. (ABC7)

        “For independent contractors, in my opinion, you don’t do background check or criminal check,” Young said. “You have a different set of knowledge, referrals,” she said. You may ask them to provide necessary licenses, their own insurances. She said it may all be included in the agreement. (ABC7)

        In an interview, the questions have to be job-related, Young said. Bina: Can you ask about how many children someone has? Young: No! Bina: Can you ask if a person anticipates to get to work on time? Young: You can say ‘the job is schedule to be performed between 8-5. Is that going to present a problem? Young said the rules are in place because you can have privacy issues, you can be asking inappropriate question not fair and equitable. (ABC7)

        Young said AEG does basic checks for employees, such as is the person eligible to work, do they have driver’s license if needed for the job. She said they also do credit checks for people who have fiscal and fiduciary duties and criminal background check on some specific employees. (ABC7)

        Young said that background check is much less frequently done for independent contractors than it is for employees. Young said many licenses go thru detailed background check. There’s also a possibility to do a check during the interview, if needed. She explained licenses check skills, experience. Professionals are to adhere to standards of expected performance from the issuer of license. Independent contractors give you different kinds of assurances when they are self-insured, Young explained. (ABC7)

        Bina: Do you agree or disagree that a credit check was job related for MJ’s physician? Young: I absolutely do not agree. Young: The process for someone to get a medical license is fairly thorough. Secondly, I have worked in health care w/ all different settings. “As fair as I know, they do not do credit checks,” Young said. She checked places hiring, saw no reference as credit check as a requirement. “It’s not common, it’s not frequent, in fact it’s very rare,” Young testified about credit check in the healthcare industry. (ABC7)

        Plaintiffs’ HR expert Jean Seawright testified earlier she relied on a study that 3% of healthcare companies did credit checks of employees. Young said 97% of healthcare company did not conduct any credit check. And that included more than just physicians, she said. Young: I helped organizations conduct recruiting, approximately 280, 300 times. Young has done only one credit check for a CFO. Young said the person was going to be making decisions of the financial and fiscal health of the organization. “It’s more of a judgment issue, how they dealt with, for the health of the organization,” Young explained. “In the professional experience I had, it is not common to do credit checks on physicians,” Young opined. (ABC7)

        She disagrees that Dr. Murray’s job was high risk or sensitive. High risk is when a person performing the work has more likelihood of fatality or injury to the worker, Young explained. Bina: Is there anything here that you considered Dr. Murray’s job high risk and sensitive? Young: No, I do not. (ABC7)

        Young: There were multiple occasions Ms. Seawright seemed to have ignored basic HR standards. Young: When she said there’s no difference between independent contractor and employees, for example. “How she described job relatedness, it was totally at odds from what I’d have expected from a seasoned HR professional,” Young opined. (ABC7)

        Bina finished her direct examination.

        Jackson cross

        Jacksons’ attorney, Brian Panish, did cross examination. (ABC7)

        Young said she started tracking cases she’s testified about 15 years ago. She had been testifying about 20 years, 5 years were not tracked. Young came to LA Friday evening. She met with the attorneys Saturday, Sunday and Monday, lunch today. “I don’t bill until I get in this chair,” Young said. She bills different rate when sitting around, which is at $350/hour rate. “It’s true I’m a full-time HR consultant,” Young said, adding she also has another business. Young has an antique business and jewelry design. She works 30-50 hours in HR per week, which she considers full time. (ABC7)

        Panish: Do you know what a CMC certification is? Young: Yes P: And that’s something you don’t have? Y: Correct . Panish asked if she has worked with concert promoters. She said no. Panish: Ma’am, you don’t specialize in the music business? Young: No. (ABC7)

        Young worked at General Motors. There were labor issues and Young represented the company. Panish: During that time, GM was laying off tens of thousands of jobs? Young: At the end of my time there, yes. (ABC7)

        Panish asked if she has ever seen a 3-way party involving a doctor, patient and someone else. “I’ve worked with some clinics and going thru personnel files I saw some 3-way agreements,” Young said. There were some independent contractor situation and 3 party agreements, she explained. This was over 10 years ago. Panish: And the agreement said the doctor took directions from someone else other than the patient? Young: I didn’t read the agreements. (ABC7)

        Young said she has not seen a contract between a concert promoter, doctor and patient. Panish: You’re not familiar with physicians traveling with musicians on tour? Young: Only what I read in this case. She said she’s familiar with a doctor going on “This Is It” tour and that a doctor was present in an earlier MJ tour. Panish: You never dealt with a producer/promoter trying to hire a doctor for an artist? Young: That’s correct. Young said she’s never hired a physician on behalf of anyone. She has helped in the process but was not the person to have the last say. (ABC7)

        Young has not looked at Nevada’s medical license requirements prior to issuing a medical license. There was one child support situation that was late, Young said. She read in the case that Dr. Murray has 6 or 7 children. (ABC7)

        Panish: You’re not disputing AEG could’ve made Dr. Murray sign a authorization for background check, are you? Young: No. Panish: Did AEG have a written policy of what they had to do to supervise an independent contractor? Young: No. Panish: Is there a written policy regarding hiring and retaining independent contractors? Young said that as far as she knew, AEG has a template of draft contract. Young explained there’s a draft, in writing, of template for dealing with independent contractors. She said she could consider that a policy. Panish showed the independent contractor template and what Young said it would be a policy and procedure. Panish: Does it say what they should check out before the employment? Young: No P: Does it say check references, prior employment? Y: No. Panish: It’s important to have clear policies and procedures to hire independent contractor in order for everyone to follow the same rules? Young said it helps. “My understanding is that all went thru legal,” she added. Panish asked what document applies for written policy/procedure for AEG Live hiring/retaining/engaging an independent contractor. “To my knowledge there isn’t one,” Young said. “As far as I know, there are no criteria in writing before hiring an independent contractor.” “I look for effectiveness not correctness when doing my audits,” Young said. Young explained she was not asked to to assess if AEG Live appropriately supervised Dr. Conrad Murray. (ABC7)

        Panish asked what AEG Live did to check Dr. Murray’s license. Young said Kathy Jorrie searched the doctor’s medical license. Panish pointed out that insurance was never provided to AEG. “And the agreement was never completed,” Young responded. (ABC7)

        Panish: Finding someone is different from checking them out, isn’t it? Young: Yes. You may be doing both things at the same time. Panish: In your opinion, AEG didn’t have to do anything? Young: In terms of background check and supervising Dr. Murray, no. (ABC7)

        Young said she does not consider physician’s job dangerous. She said industry considers the danger to the person doing the job not 3rd party. Panish asked if one example of dangerous profession is crocodile’s keeper, wild animal holders. She said yes. “Crocodiles are dangerous creatures,” Young testified. “Have you trained a crocodile before?” Panish asked. “Not recently,” she responded. And Young took a jab at Panish: “I’ve been cross examined by one.” Everyone started laughing. (ABC7)

        Young is donating the trial testimony money to the American Cancer Society. Panish said if he keeps her tomorrow there will be more money to ACS. Defense attorney objected. Everyone laughed again. (ABC7)

        Frasco Profiles does background check for AEG. Panish showed provision that says “Disclosure and Authorization to Conduct Background Check”. Panish: In 2009, AEG Live had the ability to do background check on a person if they wanted to? Young: Yes. Panish: Frasco charges between $40-$125 for background checK? Young said she based her opinion on a competitor of Frasco. The answer is yes. Young is familiar with credit check in general. She doesn’t do them herself. (ABC7)

        Panish: Did you see any evidence in this case that AEG Live did a background check on Dr. Murray? Young said Jorrie checked Dr. Murray’s medical license, whether it was current and if there had been any complaints against him. (ABC7)

        Panish asked Young about Det. Martinez’ assertion that Dr. Murray was in desperate financial troubles. “I learned that he was late in the mortgage payments, I don’t know how far it was in the foreclosure process,” she said. Young said in her deposition that she has no idea how Randy Phillips determined Dr. Murray was extremely successful. (ABC7)

        Young explained she’s familiar w/ State of California’s criteria to issue licenses to physician, but she’s not an expert in physician hiring. (ABC7)

        Panish asked if 10 mins is thorough, detailed background check on someone. Young said it could be, even Seawright said it only takes 5 mins. (ABC7)

        AEG Redirect

        In re-direct, Bina showed “Disclosure and Authorization to Conduct Background Check.” It says “Credit history may be requested, but only where such information is substantially related to the duties and responsibilities of the position to which you’re applying.” (ABC7)

        Young said she thinks the salary discussion alone proves that’s what MJ wanted at the time. (ABC7)

        Jackson recross

        In re-cross, Young said there was an agreement that called for the engagement of Dr. Murray. Panish: If AEG came to you in 2009 and asked if they should hire a doctor on behalf of 3rd party, you would’ve said no? Young: I don’t know. “No, there’s not a chance I’d advise that,” Young said in a deposition, laughing out loud. (ABC7)

        AEG redirect

        Bina asked if the reason she said that was because she’s not a lawyer. She said yes, she doesn’t advise on contracts. (ABC7)

        Young is excused.


        AEG Live plans to play three video depositions tomorrow, Jeffrey Adams, Dr. David Adams and Dr. Stephen Gordon.

        Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #76


        Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
        Day 1 - 50
        Day 51 - 70
        Day 71 - zeuge Dr. Gary Green
        Day 72 - forts. zeuge Dr. Green

        Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

        Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

        Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
        Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

        Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
        Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
        Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
        Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
        Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50


        • Video-Depo von Mr. Adams, (Murays Patient, hat teilweise in der Sicherheit von MJ ausgeholfen, und Schutzmann für Murray nach MJs Tod bis zu seiner Verurteilung. Offensichtlich derjenige der Murray zu MJ brachte

          Von unten nach oben, beginnend im nächsen Poste

          News ‏@ABC7Courts 24s
          Video deposition ended. AEG played the next one, Dr. Stephen Gordon, plastic surgeon from Las Vegas.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54s
          Dr. Murray told Adams he would need a lawyer. Adams was with the doctor in his unofficial position during the criminal trial.
          Dr. Murray sagte Adams er brauche einen Anwalt. Adams war mit Murray in inoffizieller Position während des Prozesses.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56s
          "It was discussed what happened, what was he going to do from there" Adams recalled. He doesn't remember if Murray told cause of MJ's death
          "Es wurde nicht diskutiert was passiert war, was er von da an tun würde" sagt Adams. Er erinnert sich nicht ob Murray ihm den Grund für MJs Tod sagteExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
          Adams said he only saw Mr. Jackson and Randy Jackson come to the house one time while he was there.
          Adams sagt er sah nur einmal Joe Jackson und Randy Jackson zum Haus kommen als er da war.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
          Q: Did you ever feel that Dr. Murray tried to hide his interactions with MJ?
          Q: Dachten Sie jemals Dr. Murray versteckt seine Interaktionen mit MJ?
          A: No.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
          Adams testified he would come over at the house and see Dr. Murray there sometimes after that. But he doesn't know how the relationship went
          Adams sagte aus er kam zum Haus und sah Murray mehrere Male. Aber er wusste nicht wie die Beziehung war.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
          Adams said he wasn't going to ask for a resume because Murray was doing a favor.
          Adams sagte er würden nicht für einen Lebenslauf fragen, weil Murray tat einen Gefallen.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
          Adams said MJ told him "I want to thank you very much, he was a very professional doctor, and I appreciate it."
          Adams sagte MJ sagte ihm "Ich möchte Dir danken, er ist ein sehr professioneller Arzt und ich schätze das"Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
          "Other than Michael thanking me for bringing him over to see the children, that was the only conversation we had," Adams testified.
          "Er hatte keine weitere Konversation mit MJ, nur als MJ ihm dankte das er ihn gebracht hat um nach seinen Kindern zu sehen" sagt AdamsExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
          Adams asked Mr. Muhammad next day if Murray showed up. He said yes, but never discussed anything further.
          Adams fragte Muhammad ob Murray kam. Er sagte ja, aber besprach nichts weiter.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
          Dr. Murray told Adams that he would go at least to assess the situation. The doctor went that night, Adams wasn't there.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
          Adams asked if Murray could check out MJ's children since they couldn't go to regular hospital.
          Adams fragte ob Murray MJs Kinder checken könne, da sie nicht ins öffentliche Krankenhaus können.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
          Adams: I told Murray I needed a huge favor from him, had a high profile client, couldn't give name but once he got there he'd know who was
          Adams: Ich sage Murray ich habe einen großen Gefallen für ihn, ein High Profile-Klient, kann nicht seinen Namen sagen, aber wenn er mal da ist weiß er wer es ist.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
          Adams said MJ wanted resume of Murray, if he could be trusted. "I said he's been my doctor, he's my friend, he definitely can be trusted."
          Adams sagte MJ wollte Auskunft ob man Murray trauen kann "Ich sagte er ist mein Arzt und mein Freund, man kann ihm defenitv trauen."Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
          Adams: And I told him I could reach out to my doctor, Dr. Murray, and see of he would be willing to come over and take a look at them.
          Adams: Und ich sagte ihm ich könnte meinen Arzt rufen. Dr. Murray und sehen ob er kommen mag und nach ihnen schauen.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
          Adams explained it was due to the fact that they didn't have anything to cover their faces.
          Adams sagte es war wegen dem Fakt das sie nichts hatten um ihre Gesichter abzudeckenExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          "He said that MJ's children were sick and needed to go to the hospital and that MJ didn't want to take them to public hospital," he said.
          "Er sagte das MJs Kinder krank waren und ins Krankenhaus mussten und er wollte sie nicht in ein öffentliches Krankenhaus bringen"Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          He did periodic work for MJ. "I introduced Dr. Murray to Michael Jackson," Adams said. It was in early 2007, as he recalled.
          Er arbeitete period. für MJ. "Ich stellte Dr. Murray bei Michael Jackson vor" sagt Adams. Es war im frühen 2007.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          He said he was positive that was the first time the two met. "Mr. Muhammad called me one evening in 2007, I want to say maybe February...
          Er sagt er war zuversichtlich das erste Mal wo sie sich trafen "Mr. Muhammad rief mich an einem Abend in 2007 an, vielleicht FebruarExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Adams orchestrated security for MJ in December of 2006. He said his friend, Basheier Muhammad, who was MJ security, called him offering work
          Adams orchastrierte die Sicherheit für MJ in Dezember 2006. Er sagt sein Freund Muhammad, der MJs Sicherheitschef war rief ihn an zu arbeiten.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Adams said Dr. Murray never described what kind of treatment he was engaged in with MJ.
          Adams sagt Dr. Murray sagte nie welche Behandlungen er bei MJ machte.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          The last time Adams spoke with Dr. Murray was the day he was convicted.
          Zum letzten Mal sprach er mit ihm wo er verurteilt wurde.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Adams went everywhere with Dr. Murray from the day after MJ's death to Murray's criminal conviction.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          We lived together, we had an apartment together, we did everything together," Adams said.
          Wir lebten zusammen, hatten ein Appartement zusammen, wir machten alles zusammmen, sagt AdamsExpand

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          "I made statements, you know, but he never discussed with me how Michael passed," Adams recalled. "He never clarified anything with me."
          "Ich machte Aussagen, aber er diskutierte nie mit mir wie Michael starb. Er klärte nie etwas mit mir" sagt AdamsExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Adams learned through TV reports that MJ had died. He called Murray, who was in Santa Monica. He traveled to LA next morning.
          Adams erfuhr durch TV das MJ starb. Er rief Murray an, der in Santa Monica war. Er reiste am nächsten Tag nach LA.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Adams stayed in Dr. Murray's office when he was in Vegas and Houston seeing patients.
          Adams blieb in Murrays Praxis wenn er in Vegas und Hosuton Patienten sahExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Adams said Dr. Murray's pastor in Houston was also his patient, as well as a number of other pastors and people he went to church with.
          Adams sagt Dr. Murrays Pfarrer in Hostuon war ebenso sein Patient wie einige andere PastorenExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          Adams also travelled with Dr. Murray to Las Vegas, Houston, San Diego, Philadelphia, Boston, Miami.
          Adams reist mit Murray nach Las Vegas, Houston, San Diego, Philadelphia, Boston, Miami.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
          "We went to eat together, we went to movies together, we went to criminal proceedings, meetings lawyers, we took walks together...
          "Wir gingen zusammen essen, wir gingen in Filme, wir gingen zusammen zum Prozess, Anwaltstreffen, wir machten Gänge zusammen...Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
          "I told him he had taken care of my father for me and that I'd be by his side in this situation until it was completed," Adams recalled.
          "Ich sagte ihm er hat auf meinen Vater Acht gegeben und das ich an seiner Seite sein würde bis er fertig ist" sagt AdamsExpand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 13m
          Adams said Dr. Murray told him he needed help because MJ had passed.
          Adams sagte Murray sagte er brauche Hilfe, weil MJ starb.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
          Adams: And I asked him if he was ok and needed me, and he said yes. And at that time my father told me to go to him.
          Adams: Und ich fragte ihn, ob er ok war und mich brauchte , und er sagte ja. Und zu dieser Zeit sagte mir mein Vater zu ihm zu gehen.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
          Adams: The day after MJ passed I called Dr. Murray. He was in California. And I asked him was it true what I was hearing. He said yes.
          Adams: Der Tag nachdem MJ starb rief ich Dr. Murray an. Er war in Kalifornien. Und ich fragte ihn, ob es war wahr ist, was ich da hörte. Er sagte ja.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
          Q: Are you still his patient?
          Q: Sind Sie immer noch sein Patient?A: Oh, he's locked up now. No, not now.
          A: Oh, nein er ist eingesperrt. Nicht jetzt.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
          Adams became a patient of Dr. Murray in Las Vegas, and so did Adams' father.
          Adams wurde ein Patient von Dr. Murray in Las Vegas, und ebenso Adams 'Vater.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
          From the time Adams met Dr. Murray to when he moved to Las Vegas, he saw the doctor 3-4 times at barbecues in Los Angeles.
          Von der Zeit Adams traf Dr. Murray, wann er nach Las Vegas ging, er sah den Arzt 3-4 mal beim Grillen in Los Angeles.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
          Q: What was your impression of Dr. Murray when you first met him?
          Q: Was war Ihr Eindruck von Dr. Murray als Sie ihn das erste Mal getroffen?
          A: Tall, cardiologist. She told me he was a cardiologist. That's about it.
          A: Groß, Kardiologe. Sie sagte mir er ist Kardiologe. Das ist es.Expand
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
          Adams had his own security company called "Knockout Security," started in 2004. He said he met Dr. Murray in early 90s through mutual friend
          Adams hatte seine eigene Sicherheit- Firma namens "Knockout Sicherheit", begann im Jahr 2004. Er sagte, er traf Dr. Murray in den frühen 90er Jahren durch gegenseitige Freunde
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 16m
          Q: At a point, didn't you work for MJ?
          Q: Haben Sie zu einem Zeitpunkt für MJ gearbeitet?
          A: I didn't officially work for MJ, I orchestrated his staff. I didn't actually officially work 4 him
          A: Ich habe nicht offiziell für MJ gearbeitet, ich orchestrierteseine Mitarbeiter. Ich habe nicht wirklich offiziell für ihn geaarbeitet
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
          "I started with Dr. Murray the day after Michael Jackson passed," Adams explained.
          "Ich begann mit Dr. Murray am Tag nach Michael Jackson Tod zu arbeten", erklärt Adams.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
          "It was just understood that I'd be. There was no contract or anything of that nature or a job."
          "Um einfach zu verstehen. Es gab keinen Vertrag oder so etwas in der Natur oder einen Job."
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
          Adams testified he traveled with Dr. Conrad Murray everywhere. "I wasn't paid as his security, but I was his security," he said.
          Adams sagte er reiste mit Dr. Conrad Murray überall. "Ich wurde nicht als sein Sicherheitsmann bezahlt, aber ich war es", sagte er.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
          He also worked at Neiman Marcus during same time, left in 2007. After Adams said he worked as personal security for an attorney in Las Vegas
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
          After 1999 Adams moved to Las Vegas, worked at Burlington Coat Factory as loss prevention, looking at cameras, shoplifters for about 4 years
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Adams said he completed third year of college at Long Beach State University in 1993. He worked school security for 8 years.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Katherine Jackson is not present in court today. AEG called their next witness, Jeffrey Adams, via video deposition.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
          Day 74: Jackson family vs AEG trial -- Week 17 was a video day. Jurors saw 3 video depositions.


          • Ebenso gestern die Videodeposition von Dr. Adams, nicht zu verwechseln mit der Aussage von Mr. Adams aus dem Vorpost

            Anesthesiologist testifies Jackson wanted him to go on tour

            Dr. David Adams is a Las Vegas anesthesiologist who had put Michael Jackson under four times for dental procedures. There were no complications, and the two had engaged in small talk.
            Dr. David Adams ist ein Las Vegas- Anästhesist, der Michael Jackson vier Mal für Zahnbehandlungen unter Narkose setzte. Es gab keine Komplikationen, und die beiden hatten small talk.

            Then on a Sunday in late March 2009, as he was getting ready to go to church, Adams received a call from someone he had never heard of, cardiologist Conrad Murray, Jackson’s personal physician.
            Dann an einem Sonntag Ende März 2009, als er gerade dabei war, in die Kirche zu gehen, erhielt Adams einen Anruf von jemandem, den er noch nie gehört hatte, Kardiologe Conrad Murray, Jacksons Leibarzt.

            Murray asked that he meet them in his office on East Flamingo Road. Murray would later be convicted of involuntary manslaughter for administering the fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to Jackson in June 2009 to help him sleep.
            Murray hat gebeten, dass sies ich treffen sich in seinem Büro an der East Flamingo Road. .

            Adams arrived first, he testified Wednesday in a video deposition in the wrongful death suit filed by Jackson’s mother and three children against AEG, the promoter of the singer's comeback concerts. Murray drove up soon after, with the singer sitting in the back seat.
            Adams kam zuerst an, sagte er am Mittwoch in einer Video-Ablagerung in der Klage von Jacksons Mutter und seiner drei Kinder gegen AEG.. Murray fuhr bald darauf vor mit dem Sänger sitztend auf dem Rücksitz.

            Jackson was dressed in black, with a scarf, “and it was about a thousand degrees outside,” Adams said. He told the singer how ridiculous he looked.
            Jackson in schwarz gekleidet war, mit einem Schal, "und es war über tausend Grad draußen", sagte Adams. Er sagte dem Sänger wie lächerlich er aussah.

            They walked into Murray’s office and Jackson started talking about his planned comeback concerts in London. “He says, 'The only reason I’m doing this tour is because I want to prove to my kids that I’m the best entertainer in the world,' ” Adams recalled.
            Sie gingen in das Büro. Jackson begann zu sprechen und begann über seine geplanten Comeback-Konzerte in London zu sprechen. "Er sagt:" Der einzige Grund, warum ich die Tour mache ist, weil ich meinen Kindern beweisen will, dass ich der beste Entertainer in der Welt bin '"sagt Adams.

            Jackson and Murray went to the back of the office for 15 minutes.
            Jackson und Murray ging zur Rückseite der Praxis für 15 Minunten
            When they returned, “Murray really looked like he had just lost his best friend,” Adams said.
            Als sie zurückkehrten "Murray sah wirklich aus als wenn er seinen besten Freund verloren hätte"
            Jackson said he wanted Adams to go on tour with him. The anesthesiologist thought it was an odd request, since he couldn’t sing or dance.
            Jackson sagte er wolle Adams mit ihm auf Tour haben. Der Anästesist dachte, dass ist eine seltsame Anfrage, da er weder singen noch tanzen kann.
            Then, he testified, Jackson said, “I would like for you to help me get my rest.” That didn’t make sense to Adams. When Jackson told him that after all the action in his show he sometimes needed an IV, Adams told him that was Murray’s purview.
            Dann sagte er aus, dass Jackson sagte "Ich möchte das Du mir hilfst meine Ruhe zu bekommen". Das machte keinen Sinn für Adams. Als Jackson ihm sagte nach er brauche manchmal eine IV nach all den Aktionen in der Show sagte er ihm das sei Murrays Zuständigkeitsbereich.
            Neither Jackson nor Murray mentioned propofol or that the singer had difficulty sleeping, Adams testified.
            Weder Jackson noch Murray erwähnten Propofol oder das der Sänger Schlafschwierigkeiten habe.
            Jackson said he wanted Adams to come to London with him but that they might take the show to other countries. He asked him how much money it would take for Adams to shut down his practice for a year.
            Jackson sagte er wolle das Adams nach London mit ihm komme, aber das die Show vielleicht in anderen Länder geht. Er fragte ihn wie viel Geld er wolle dafür, dass er ein Jahr seine Praxis schließt.
            “I still wasn’t under the impression I was going to be practicing medicine,” Adams said, adding that he wondered if his job would be to sing Jackson to sleep. “It was sort of mind-boggling that someone would be asking me to go anywhere.”
            "Ich war immer noch nicht unter dem Eindruck das ich Medizin praktiziere. Adams sagte er wunderte sich ob er Jackson in den Schlaf singen solle. "Es war irrsinnig, dass mich jemand fragte irgendwohin mitzugehen."
            After the 2½- to 3-hour meeting, Adams went home to think about the proposition. He said he had three short conversations with Murray and told him he needed $100,000 a month for three years.
            Nach den 2,5 stündigen Meeting ging Adams nach Hause und dachte über die Angelegenheit nach. Er sagte er hatte 3 Unterhaltungen mit Murray und sagte er braucht 100000 Dollar/Monat für 3 Jahre.
            He sent a text to Murray, “What’s going on? I’m on board.”
            Er sendete eine SMS an Murray "Wie sieht es aus? Bin ich an Board"
            He said he never heard from either of them again.
            Er sagte er hörte nichts mehr von ihnen.
            On June 24, Murray signed a contract that would pay him $150,000 a month to go on the “This Is It Tour.” Neither Jackson nor AEG signed. The next day the singer was dead.
            Jackson’s family is suing AEG and three executives, saying that they negligently hired and supervised Murray. AEG says that the singer hired Murray and that any money the company was supposed to pay him was an advance to Jackson


            • Ergänzend zum Artikel zur Dr. Adams Aussage aus dem Vorpost stelle ich noch ein paar Tweets ein, wo er eine Aussage macht zu den 4 Propofol-Behandlungen, die er bei MJ machte
              Von unten nach oben

              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m
              Moving Michael Jackson’s chin would open up his airway and restore his breathing, Dr. Adams said.
              Indem er Michael Jackson Kinn bewegte würde es seinen Luftweg öffnen und die Atmung wieder herstellen.
              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m
              Sure enough, Jackson’s tongue blocked his airway during each of the four procedures, Dr. Adams said. He was able to quickly remedy it.
              Sicher genug, Jacksons Zunge blockierte seinen Luftweg bei jeder Behandlung. Dr. Adams sagt, er war ihn der Lage es schnell zu beheben.
              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m
              The first time Dr. Adams gave met Jackson, he said he noticed the singer had a large tongue. He was worried that could be a problem.
              Das 1. Mal wo Adams Jackson traf, stellt er fest, dass er eine lange Zunge hat. Er fürchtete dies könne ein Problem sein.
              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m
              Dr. Adams didn’t charge Jackson for his services, but told the singer that he wanted him to refer other patients to him.
              Dr. Adams hat keine Rechnung für seine Dienste an Jackson gestellt, aber sagte ihm er möchte das er ihn für andere Patienten empfhiehlt
              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m
              The doctor said he and Jackson never specifically discussed propofol. Dr. Adams said Jackson appeared thin, but healthy.
              Der Arzt sagt er diskutierte nie spez. Propfol mit Jackson. Dr. Adams sagt Jackson erschien dünn, aber gesund.
              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m
              Dr. Adams administered propofol to Jackson on four occasions during dental procedures. He said MJ never specifically requested the drug.
              Dr. Adams verabreichte Jackson 4-mal Propofol bei Zahnbehandlungen. Er sagt MJ hat niemals das spez. Medikament angefragt.


              • Ebenfalls gestern Video-Depo mit Dr. Gordon, plast. Chirurg, von unten nach oben lesen:

                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 52s
                “There was nothing usual or customary about what he was doing, at all,” Gordon said of the 2007 visit. He never heard from Jackson again.
                "Es gab nichts gewöhnliches oder übliches über das, was er tat,«, sagte Gordon über den 2007-Besuch. Er hörte nie wieder von Jackson.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1m
                Gordon said he didn’t give Jackson any pain medication after that visit. His impression was Murray was taking care of MJ’s needs, he said.
                Gordon sagte, er gab Jackson keine Schmerzmittel nach diesem Besuch. Sein Eindruck war Murray kümmerte sich um MJs Bedürfnisse, sagte er.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
                Murray had driving Jackson to the office and sat through the procedure. Jackson received a cosmetic injection, but didn’t get propofol.
                Murray hat Jackson in die Praxis gefahren und setzte sich während der Behandlung. Jackson erhielt eine kosmetische Injektion, aber bekam nicht Propofol.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
                He said Jackson acted like he hadn’t been there before, and he had never had a patient bring their own doctor to a visit.
                Er sagt Jackson verhielt sich als wäre er nicht zuvor schon dagewesen und er hatte nie einen Patienten der einen Arzt zum Arztbesuch mitbrachte.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
                Murray presented himself and Jackson’s doctor and “spokesperson to some extent,” Gordon said. Gordon found the visit odd.
                Murray präsentierte sich als Jacksons Arzt und "Sprecher zu einem gewissen Grad" sagt Grodon. Gordon fand den Besuch seltsam.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
                He didn’t see the singer again for another four years. The next time he came to the office, Conrad Murray was with him.
                Er sah den Sänger nicht für 4 Jahre. Das nächste Mal als er kam war Conrad Murray mit ihm.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
                “I got the impression that he had favors like this done for him before,” Gordon said of Jackson’s request for Demerol.
                "Ich bekam den Eindruck, dass er Gefallen wie diese für ihn gemacht wurden zuvor" sagt Gordon über Jacksons Anfrage nach Demorol.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 2m
                Gordon said that a high dose and he refused to give it to Jackson. The singer didn’t argue, but did say he could handle it.
                Gordon sagt, dass ist eine hohe Dosis und er verweigerte sie Jackson zu geben. Der Sänger stritt nicht, aber sagte er könne damit umgehen.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
                Gordon said he wasn’t going to give it to Jackson, but asked him how much he wanted. 300mg the singer replied.
                Grodon sagt er würde es Jackson nicht geben, aber fragte ihn wie viel er wolle.
                Der Sänger antwortete 300mg.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
                The doctor said as Jackson was leaving, he asked for a shot of Demerol “for the road.” Gordon said he was surprised by the request.
                Der Arzt sagt als Jackson ging fragte er nach einem Schuß Demorol für die Fahrt.
                Gordon sagt, dass er über die Anfrage überrascht war.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
                Gordon removed scar tissue, but said he didn’t find anything inorganic in Jackson’s abdomen. MJ had a wound, but it had healed.
                Gordon entfernte das Narbengewebe, aber sagte er könne nichts anorganisches in Jacksons Bauch finden. MJ hat eine Wunde, aber sie war verheilt.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
                In July 2003, Jackson returned for another procedure. This time he asked Gordon to cut a “foreign body” out of his abdomen.
                Im July 2003 kam Jackson für eine andere Behandlung. Diesmal fragte er Gordon einen Fremdkörper vom Bauch zu entfernen.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
                “Most people really don’t relate to it like that,” Gordon said. He noted he just overheard the conversation with the anesthesiologist.
                Die meisten Leute bezeichnen es so nicht sagt Gordon. Er sagt er hat nur die Unterhaltung mit dem Narkotiseur überhört.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m
                The doctor also said Jackson appeared more familiar with anesthesia than other patients, and referred to propofol as “milk.”
                Der Arzt sagt auch, dass Jackson mehr familiar mit Betäubungsmittel war als andere Patienten und bezog sich auf dieses als Milch.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
                Gordon testified that he had [lexicon]Trouble[/lexicon] getting paid for the October procedures. He described Jackson as a “phantom” and difficult to reach.
                Gordon sagt er hatte Schwierigkeiten für die Oktober-Behandlung bezahtl zu werden. Er beschreibt Jackson als Phantom, dass schwer erreichbar war.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
                While Gordon’s records were unclear, the attorneys agreed to read a note to the jury that a procedure did happen on Oct. 2, 2002.
                Während Gordons Aufzeichnungen unklar waren stimmten die Anwälte überein eine Notiz an die Jury zu lesen, dass eine Behandlung am 2. Okt. 2002 stattfand.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
                “I knew I’d have a little [lexicon]Trouble[/lexicon] explaining this to you,” Gordon told AEG Live defense lawyer Marvin Putnam on the video.
                "Ich weiß ich habe ein wenig Schwierigkeiten dies zu erklären" sagt Gorden AEG-Anwalt Putnam im Video.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
                Gordon said it’s possible the procedure was a touch-up from the previous one, or the anesthesiology chart was for another patient.
                Gordon sagt es ist möglich, dass die Behandlung mit der vorherigen verbunden war oder die Narkose-Aufzeichnung war für einen anderen Patient.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
                The anesthesiologist had notes that a 45-minute procedure was done, but the doctor doesn’t remember what happened.
                Der Arzt hat Aufzeichnungen von einer 45-Minuten-Behandlung, aber der Arzt erinnert sich nicht was gemacht wurde.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 4m
                Gordon’s medical records indicated Jackson returned two days later, but the doctor didn’t have any notes of what was done.
                Gordons Akten zeigen das Jackson 2 Tage später wieder kan, aber der Arzt hat keine Aufzeichung was gemacht wurde.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 41m
                It was a short procedure _ about 10 minutes and Gordon said it wasn't a notable visit and nothing out of the ordinary happened.
                Es war eine kurze Behandulung -10 Minuten und Gordon sagt es war keine bemerkenswerter Besuch und nichts ungewöhnliches passierte.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 46m
                Gordon said having a patient get anesthesia for those types of procedures wasn't typical.
                Gordon sagt er hatte Patienten, die Narkose dafür bekamen, ist aber nicht typ. für die Beahndlung.
                "He expressed a significant needle phobia."
                "Er drückte signifakante Phobie für Nadeln aus"
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 47m
                The injections were both in Jackson's face, some near his nose and he got Botox on at least one of his lower eyelids.
                Die Injektionen waren beide in Jacksons Gesicht, einige nahe der Nase und er bekam Botox unter seinen unteren Augenliedern.
                He got anesthesia.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 48m
                Jackson went to his office on Oct. 2, 2002 for the first procedure, which was done after hours. MJ got some collagen injections.
                Jackson kam zur Praxis am 2. Okt. 2002 für seine 1. Behandlung, die nach Stunden erledigt war. MJ bekam Collagen-Injektionen.

                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 49m
                "It was a very pleasant sort of flattering experience," Gordon said.
                The doctor said Jackson told him he really wanted to see him.
                "Es war eine sehr angenehme schmeichelnde Erfahrung" sagt Gordon
                Der Arzt sagt Jackson sagte ihm, dass er ihn wirklich sehen will
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 51m
                Gordon said he initially thought it was someone messing with him, but Jackson gave him a callback number and he was convinced.
                Gordon sagt er dachte zunächst jemand scherzt mit ihm, aber Jackson gab ihm eine Rückrufnummer und er war überzeugt.
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 51m
                Gordon never saw Jackson socially. He met the singer after receiving a call directly from him, seeking an appointment.
                Gordon sah Jackson nie privat. Er traf ihn nachdem er einen direkten Anruf wegen einem Termin erhielt
                Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 51m
                AEG next played the deposition of Las Vegas plastic surgeon Stephen Gordon. He performed procedures on Jackson in 2002, ’03 & ’07.
                AEG zeigt Video-Depo mit Stephen Gordon, plast. Chirurg. Er machte Behandlungen bei Jackson in 2002, 2003, 2007.
                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 24.08.2013, 12:31.


                • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 13. Teil

                  22. August 2013

                  Nach Michael Jacksons ex-Frau Debbie Rowe war Dr. Gary Green an der Reihe. Dr. Green trat als Expertenzeuge für AEG Live auf; er ist Arzt für das Sportteam der Pepperdine University. Mit Dr. Greens Aussage bezweckte AEG Live, die Aussage von Dr. Gordon Matheson, einem Expertenzeugen für die Jackson Seite (siehe hier für Mathesons Aussage am 24. Juni), anzufechten.

                  Dr. Greens hatte vor seinem Auftritt die Aussagen und Beweise der vergangenen 16 Wochen durchgelesen. “Ich stimme Dr. Matheson überhaupt nicht zu”, so Green. Es habe keinen Interessenskonflikt gegeben, so Green, da es in Conrad Murrays Interesse lag, dass Michael Jackson gesund bliebe, damit er weiterhin seinen Job machen konnte.

                  Was die E-Mail von co-CEO Paul Gongaware an Kenny Ortega betrifft, in der ersterer schrieb, dass sie (dh. AEG) Murray daran erinnern möchten, dass AEG und nicht Michael Jackson Murrays Gehalt bezahlen und dass sie ihn auch daran erinnern wollen, was von ihm erwartet würde, meinte Green, dass er keinen Beweis dafür fand, dass diese Nachricht jemals an Conrad Murrray kommunziert wurde und er daher glaube, dass sie “keinen Einfluss” hatte.

                  Ferner berief sich Green auf vorherige Aussagen, aus denen herausging, dass Conrad Murray sich gegen jederlei Einmischung durch AEG gewehrt hatte. Einmal hatte Murray AEG sogar gesagt, sie sollen sich um ihren eigenen Kram kümmern und sie sollen Michael Jacksons Gesundheit ihm überlassen. Zudem habe Murray Michael Jackson einmal sogar davon abgehalten, zu den Proben zu gehen, was in Widerspruch zu AEGs Absicht gestanden hatte, so Green.


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                  • Auch Du Ei,wirds gleich mal verbessern.

                    Defense Expert: Conrad Murray’s Medical License A Built-In Background Check
                    Verteidigungsexperte: Conrads Murrays med. Lizenz ein Gebäude im Background-Check

                    LOS ANGELES ( — A human resources expert called to the stand by AEG Live Tuesday testified it is rare for a company to check the credit of an independent contractor, particularly a physician with a medical license.
                    Ein Personalexperte von AEG Live am Dienstag in den Stand berufen sagt, dass es selten ist für unabhänige Aufragnehmer Credit-Checks zu machen, besonders bei einem Arzt mit med. Lizenz.

                    Human resources consultant Rhoma Young was called to testify in the wrongful death lawsuit brought on behalf of Michael Jackson’s mother and children.

                    When Jackson asked AEG to hire Dr. Conrad Murray to serve as his personal physician for the ill-fated ‘This Is It’ concert tour, AEG negotiated an independent contractor agreement with the doctor.

                    In July, attorneys for the Jackson family called their own HR expert to the stand, who testified that proper hiring practices require companies to assess the risks posed by an independent contractor. Conducting a credit check on Murray would have shown that the doctor was deeply in debt.
                    Im Juli haben Anwälte für die Jackson-Familie ihre eigenen Personalexperten in den Stand gerufen, der aussagte das richtige Einstellungspraktiken verlagnge, die Risiken durch eine unabhängige Auftragnehmer zu beruteilen. Die Durchführung einer Bonitätsprüfung hätte gezeigt das Murray tief verschuldet war.

                    “I absolutely do not agree,” Young testified Tuesday.
                    "Ich stimme damit absolut nicht überein" sagte Young in der Aussage am Dienstag.

                    According to Young, it is not common practice for a company like AEG to perform a credit check on an independent contractor.
                    Bezugnehmend auf Young ist es nicht üblich für eine Firma wie AEG Credit-Checks üfr einen unbhänigen Auftragnehmer zu machen.

                    Young also testified that a physician’s medical license is a built-in background check, requiring a criminal background check and the verification of skills, education and experience.
                    Young hat auch ausgesagt, dass die medizinische Lizenz eines Arztes einen eingebauten Hintergrundcheck aufweist beinhaltend die Überprüfung eines kriminellen Hintergrundes und die Prüfung der Fähigkeiten, Ausbildung und Erfahrung.

                    Katherine Jackson alleges AEG Live was negligent in the hiring and supervising of Murray, who was convicted of administering a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol that killed Michael Jackson in 2009.

                    AEG denies any wrongdoing and maintains the doctor was brought on at Jackson’s request.


                    • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 14. Teil

                      23. August 2013

                      Am Mittwoch hat Jeffrey Adams, der für die Sicherheit an Spezialanlässen von Michael Jackson verantwortlich war, vor Gericht ausgesagt bzw. wurde die Videoaufzeichnung seiner eidesstattlichen Aussage den Geschworenen gezeigt. Jeffrey hatte Michael Jackson Conrad Murray vorgestellt gehabt. Er war “sicher”, dass Michael und Murray sich zum ersten Mal im Februar 2007 getroffen hatten.

                      Adams sagte, dass eines Tages Bashier Muhammad, ein Security Guard von Michael Jackson, ihn anrief und ihm mitteilte, dass Michaels Kinder krank waren, er sie aber nicht ins Spital bringen wollte, weil sie “nicht parat waren oder nichts hatten, das ihre Gesichter bedeckte”, so Adams. Conrad Murray war Adams Hausarzt und hatte auch seinen Vater behandelt. Als Muhammad Adams fragte, ob man dem Arzt vertrauen konnte, sagte letzterer: “Ich sagte, er ist mein Arzt. Er ist mein Freund. Man kann ihm definitiv vertrauen”. Innert 10 Minuten rief Adams Murray an und sagte ihm, dass er ihn um einen riesen Gefallen bitten möchte. Er habe einen berühmten Kunden, für den er arbeitete und ob er rüber kommen könnte, um seine Kinder zu untersuchen. Muhammad bat Adams um Murrays Lebenslauf, den Adams ihm aber nicht geben wollte, da es sich um einen persönlichen Gefallen handelte. Am nächsten Tag hatte ihm Muhammad gesagt, dass Conrad Murray Michael Jackson in dessen Las Vegas Residenz besucht hatte und alles in Ordnung war. Auf die Frage hin, wie oft Conrad Murray Michael Jackson oder seine Kinder behandelt hatte, antwortete Adams, dass ihm das nicht bekannt sei.

                      Adams sagte aus, dass er Conrad Murray zum ersten Mal in den 1990er Jahren durch einen gemeinsamen Freund getroffen hatte und bis zu Murrays Verurteilung im November 2011 dessen Patient blieb. Als Michael Jackson im Juni 2009 gestorben war, rief Adams Murray an und fragte ihn, ob er ihn brauchte. “Ich sagte ihm, dass er sich um mich und meinen Vater gekümmert hat und dass ich an seiner Seite bleiben würde, bis alles durch war”, so Adams. So kam Adams am folgenden Tag in Südkaliforien an und lebte bis zu Murray Verurteilung mit ihm zusammen, kümmerte sich um dessen Sicherheit und reiste mit ihm an verschiedene Orte in den USA, inklusive Las Vegas und Houston, wo Murray einige Patienten behandelte. Die Einzelheiten betreffend Michael Jacksons Tod habe er nie mit Murray besprochen, so Adams.


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                      • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 15. Teil

                        26. August 2013

                        Am Mittwoch wurde den Geschworenen auch noch die eidesstattliche Videoaussage von Dr. David Adams, einem Narkosearzt, sowie Dr. Stephen Gordon, einem Schönheitschirurgen gezeigt. Am Ende dieser Meldung sind zudem die Links zu den Protokollen von Debbie Rowes zwei Tagen im Zeugenstand ersichtlich für diejenigen, die es interessiert.

                        Dr. Adams hatte Michael Jackson im 2008 im Rahmen von kosmetischen Eingriffen im Zahnbereich viermal Propofol verabreicht gehabt. Conrad Murray hatte, so Adams, im März 2009 ein Treffen mit Michael Jackson und den beiden Ärzten arrangiert, bei dem Michael Jackson Dr. Adams fragte, ob er mit ihnen nach London reisen würde. Nachdem Adams anbot, die Stelle für USD 100’000 pro Monat für eine garantierte Zeitdauer von drei Jahren anzunehmen, hatte er von Conrad Murray nichts mehr gehört. Nur wenige Wochen später hatte Murray das Angebot von AEG Live, Michael Jackson für USD 150’000 pro Monat nach London zu begleiten angenommen. Es kam jedoch nie soweit, dass klar wurde, was Dr. Adams Aufgaben sein würden auf der Tour. Dr. Adams hatte ihnen, so sagte er aus, gesagt: “Ich singe nicht und ich kann nicht wirklich tanzen. Was soll ich also tun?” Daraufhin habe Michael ihm gesagt: “Nun, ich entertaine, ich springe herum, ich mal das alles. Von Zeit zu Zeit brauche ich eine Infusion. Sie müssen wir mir einfach dabei helfen, dass ich mich ausruhen kann.” Michael Jackson und Conrad Murray wären sehr vage gewesen mit ihrem Äusserungen, aber im Nachhinein habe er dann gewusst, was sie meinten, so Adams. Explizit sei jedoch nie die Rede davon gewesen, dass er Michael Jackson Propofol verabreichen oder seine Schlafprobleme behandeln müsste. Dr. Adams stellte auch klar, dass Michael Jackson nie etwas von ihm verlangt hatte, das medizinisch unangemessen gewesen wäre.

                        Dr. Adams hatte in seiner Aussage angedeutet, dass Murray eifersüchtig schien, als Michael Jackson Adams für den Job als Tourarzt anfragte. “Murray hatte ausgesehen, als habe er seinen besten Freund verloren”, als Michael Jackson mit Dr. Adams über die Stelle sprach. “[Murray] war definitiv aufgebracht und verärgert”, so Adams.

                        Von Michael Jacksons Tod erfuhr Dr. Adams während einer Operation in Las Vegas. Er schrieb eine Text Message an Murray: “Es tut mir leid zu hören, was passiert ist. Alles Gute”, worauf Murray aber nie geantwortet hatte.

                        Am Mittwoch wurde den Zeugen auch die eidesstattliche Videoaussage von Dr. Stephen Gordon, einem Schönheitschirurgen aus Las Vegas, gezeigt. Dieser beschrieb die Beziehung zwischen Conrad Murray und Michael Jackson als “sehr seltsam”. Conrad Murray hatte sich bereits am 14. Mai 2007 als Michael Jacksons Hausarzt und bis zu einem gewissen Grad als dessen Vertreter ausgegeben, als Murray Michael zu einem Besuch bei Dr. Gordon begleitet hatte. Gordon hatte Michael Jackson vier Jahre zuvor bereits einige Male behandelt gehabt, aber nicht in der Gegenwart von Conrad Murray; Murray hatte jedoch einen Cheque in der Höhe von USD 1’300 für die Behandlung ausgestellt gehabt.

                        “Die ganze Situation schien sehr seltsam und es machte keinen Sinn und deshalb hatte ich dieser Person nie ganz vertraut. Ich dachte mir, ein erfolgreicher Kardiologe läuft nicht herum und gibt sich als Hausarzt und Vertreter von jemandem aus, so meine Erfahrung”, so Gordon. Gemäss Dr. Gordon machte Michael Jackson den Eindruck, dass er es gewohnt war, den Ärzten zu sagen, was er wollte er und er somit durchaus in der Lage war, allein mit Ärzten zu kommunizieren. So hatte ihn Michael Jackson im 2002 einmal direkt angerufen, als er einen Arzt in Las Vegas suchte, der ihm Kollagen- und Botoxbehandlungen verabreichen könnte. “Zuerst dachte ich, da nimmt mich jemand hoch; einer meiner Freunde habe sich einen Spass mit ihm erlaubt”, so Gordon. Als er aber zurückrief im Hotel, realisierte er, dass es sich um Michael Jackson handelte, der zunächst sein Alias Michael Jefferson angegeben hatte.

                        Seit Donnerstag wurde eine mehrtätige Pause im Prozess eingelegt (der Grund ist uns im Moment nicht bekannt). Ende nächste Woche oder Anfang übernächste Woche soll es wieder weitergehen. Übrigens, für diejenigen, die Debbie Rowes Aussage im Detail interessiert, hier sind mittlerweile die Protokolle zu lesen. Tag 1 und
                        Tag 2 der Befragung.


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                        Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 27.08.2013, 09:10.


                        • Nurse Practitioner Testifies Jackson Asked For Propofol Months Before Death
                          Schwester sagt aus Jackson fragte nach Propofol Monate vor seinem Tod

                          August 29, 2013 5:34 PM

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                          AEG, AEG Live, Death of Michael Jackson, Jackson, Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson, Murray, Propofol

                          LOS ANGELES ( — A nurse practitioner who treated Michael Jackson testified Thursday about the singer’s desire to use propofol in the months before he was administered a fatal overdose of the drug.

                          Cherilyn Lee told jurors Jackson was desperate for sleep on the last day she treated him for fatigue and insomnia in April 2009 while he was rehearsing for his ill-fated [lexicon]This is it[/lexicon] tour.
                          Cherilyn Lee sagte den Juroren Jackson war verzweifelt nach Schlafen am letzten Tage wo sie ihn behandelte wegen Schlaflosigkeit im April 2009 während er sich für seine TII-Tour vorbereitete.

                          Lee testified she tried to convince him to stay away from the powerful anesthetic, also known as Diprivan, and the day she refused was the last day she worked for the late King of Pop.
                          Lee sagte aus sie versuchte ihn zu überzeugen vom dem starken Betäubungsmittel wegzubleiben, auch bekannt als Diprivan und der Tag wo sie es verweigerte war der letzte Tag wo sie für den King of Pop arbeitete.

                          “I said, ‘I understand what you want… You want to be knocked out to go to sleep but what if you don’t wake up,’” Lee testified she told Jackson.
                          "Ich sagte:" Ich verstehe, was Sie wollen ... Sie wollen ausgeknockt werden um schlafen zu gehen , aber was, wenn Sie nicht mehr aufwachen ", " sagte Lee zu Jackson.

                          “How did he respond to that?” AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan asked the witness.
                          "Wie antworteten Sie darauf"? fragte AEG Anwalt Cahan

                          “He continued to tell me… ‘You don’t understand… I will be safe as long as I’m monitored,” she said.
                          "Er fuhr fort mir zu sagen.... Sie verstehen nicht.... ich werde sicher sein solange ich überwacht werde"

                          Lee testified Jackson asked her to stay to watch him sleep inside his bedroom in the his Carolwood mansion.
                          Lee sagte aus Jackson fragte sie um ihn schlafen zu sehen in seinem Schlafzimmer in Carolwood

                          She testified he startled her when he suddenly stood up on top of the bed at 4:30 in the morning.
                          Sie sagte aus, dass sie erschreckte als er plötzlich auf dem Bett stand um 4.30 Uhr am Morgen.

                          “(He) stared at me with those nice big round eyes… he said, ‘I told you I cannot sleep all night. All I need is something to sleep, I just need Diprivan to go to sleep,’” she testified Jackson pleaded.
                          "Er starrte mich mit seinen schönen runden Augen an.... und sagte, "Ich sagte Ihnen ich kann nicht die ganze Nacht schlafen. Alles was ich brauche zum Schlafen, ich brauch nur Diprivan zum Schlafen, sagte sie das Jackson bat.

                          “When I said it is only used by anesthesiologists (he said), ‘Why don’t you bring one, you can bring an anesthesiologist and you can come too… so I could be monitored.’ He wanted me to know that he was going to be safe,” she continued.
                          "Als ich sagte dies kann nur von einem Anästesisten gegeben werden sagte er "Warum bringen Sie keinen, Sie können einen Anästesisten bringen und Sie können auch kann ich überwacht werden". Er wollte das ich weiß, das er sicher sein wird, sagte sie.

                          Lee testified she did not give propofol to Jackson, who died in June 2009 following an overdose of the drug administered by Dr. Conrad Murray.
                          Lee sagte aus, dass sie Jackson kein Propofol gab.

                          Murray is currently serving a four-year sentence at a L.A. County jail following his 2011 conviction for involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s death.

                          Katherine Jackson is suing AEG, the concert promoters of her son’s ill-fated [lexicon]This is it[/lexicon] comeback concert series, claiming executives were negligent in hiring and supervising Murray.

                          AEG denies any wrongdoing.

                          The firm’s lawyer, Marvin Putnam, told KCAL9′s Randy Paige outside of court Thursday using the drug was Jackson’s choice and denied the assertion AEG executives pushed him to do so.
                          Firmen Anwalt Putnam sagte außerhalb des Gerichtes zu Randy Paige:

                          “They’ve tried to say in their complaint and otherwise that Mr. Jackson was forced to take propofol by AEG Live and a doctor of their choosing… We see that’s not true,” Putnam said.
                          "Sie haben versucht, in ihrer Klage und auch sonst zu sagen, dass Mr. Jackson von AEG gewzungen wurden Propofol zu nehmen und einen Arzt ihrer Wahl ... Wir sehen, dass das nicht wahr ist ", sagte Putnam .

                          Jackson family attorney Ryan Panish disputed the claims in an interview with Paige.

                          “AEG agreed to pay Dr. Murray $150,000 a month. They didn’t have to do that. The only doctor that killed Michael Jackson or that he ever had any issue with the quality of the care was the doctor that met and spoke with AEG and their top principles,” Panish said.
                          Jackson-Anwaöt Panish bestreitet dies in einem IV mit Paige.
                          AEG stimmte überein Dr. Murray 150.000 Dollar im Monat zu zahlen. Sie mussten dies nicht tun. Der einzige Arzt, der Michael Jackson umgebracht hat oder wo er jemals ein Problem mit der Qualität der Pflege hatte war der Arzt, der sich mit AEG und ihre Top- Angestellten traf und sprach ", sagte Panish .

                          Jackson would have turned 55 Thursday.

                          Edit: Ergänzungen aus einem CNN-Artikel:

                          "After his passing, a young lady walked up to me at an event and she just stared crying," Lee said. "She said, 'I wouldn't be here today if Michael hadn't come to the hospital and paid for my brain surgeries and he didn't want anyone to know.'"

                          "Nach seinem Tod kam eine junge Lady zu mir bei einem Event und fing an zu weinen" sagte Lee. "Sie sagte, ich wäre nicht hier heute, wenn Michael nicht zum Krankenhaus gekommen wäre und für meine Gehirnoperation gezahlt hätte und er wollte nicht, dass es irgendjemand wusste."

                          Although called as a witness by AEG Live, Lee attacked their lawyers' contention that Jackson was "doctor shopping" for drugs. "All he was doing was looking for the best doctor to help with his insomnia," Lee said. "It just breaks my heart for people to label someone as doctor shopping when they're only trying to find the best doctor to give them the best care."
                          Obwohl die Zeugin von AEG Live berufen wurde attackierte Lee ihre Anwälte wegen ihrer Aussage Jackson machte "Doktor-Shopping" nach Medikamenten. "Alles wonach er geschaut hat war zu schauen nach dem besten Arzt, der ihm wegen seiner Schlaflosigkeit helfen konnte" sagte Lee. " Es bricht mein Herz wenn Leute jemand mit Doktor-Shopping betiteln, wenn sie nur versuchen den besten Arzt zu finden un ihnen die beste Pflege zu geben.
                          Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 31.08.2013, 21:25.


                          • Outside the presence of the jury, the judge overseeing the case refused to allow lawyers for Jackson's mother to amend their lawsuit and add a negligence claim based on testimony presented during the trial.

                            Und aus diesem AP-Artikel vom heutigen Tage zu entnehmen, dass das Gericht über den Antrag von Kathrine Jackson entschieden hat.

                            Außerhalb der Präsenz der Jury, hat die Richterin, die den Fall übersieht den Anwälten von Kathrines Jacksons Mutter verweigert einen Fahrlässigkeitsanpruch in ihrer Klage hinzuzufügen basierend auf den Zeugnissen während der Prozesses.

                            Read more:


                            • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 74 – August 21 2013 – Summary

                              No Jackson family members are in court today.

                              Jeffrey Adams video deposition

                              Adams was a security guard for Michael Jackson who introduced him to Conrad Murray in 2007. He later worked for Murray. J. Adams worked with Murray from the day after Jackson died until the day he was convicted of the singer’s involuntary manslaughter (AP)

                              Adams said he completed third year of college at Long Beach State University in 1993. He worked school security for 8 years. After 1999 Adams moved to Las Vegas, worked at Burlington Coat Factory as loss prevention, looking at cameras, shoplifters for about 4 years. He also worked at Neiman Marcus during same time, left in 2007. After Adams said he worked as personal security for an attorney in Las Vegas (ABC7)

                              Adams testified he traveled with Dr. Conrad Murray everywhere. "I wasn't paid as his security, but I was his security," he said. "It was just understood that I'd be. There was no contract or anything of that nature or a job." "I started with Dr. Murray the day after Michael Jackson passed," Adams explained. (ABC7)

                              Adams' relationship with the singer was a bit confusing. He said he worked security at special events for Jackson, but also said he "didn't officially work for Michael, I orchestrated his staff." (LATimes)
                              Q: At a point, didn't you work for MJ?
                              A: I didn't officially work for MJ, I orchestrated his staff. I didn't actually officially work 4 him (ABC7)

                              Adams had his own security company called "Knockout Security," started in 2004. He said he met Dr. Murray in early 90s through mutual friend
                              Q: What was your impression of Dr. Murray when you first met him?
                              A: Tall, cardiologist. She told me he was a cardiologist. That's about it.
                              From the time Adams met Dr. Murray to when he moved to Las Vegas, he saw the doctor 3-4 times at barbecues in Los Angeles. Adams became a patient of Dr. Murray in Las Vegas, and so did Adams' father.
                              Q: Are you still his patient?
                              A: Oh, he's locked up now. No, not now. (ABC7)

                              Adams: The day after MJ passed I called Dr. Murray. He was in California. And I asked him was it true what I was hearing. He said yes. Adams: And I asked him if he was ok and needed me, and he said yes. And at that time my father told me to go to him. Adams said Dr. Murray told him he needed help because MJ had passed. "I told him he had taken care of my father for me and that I'd be by his side in this situation until it was completed," Adams recalled. "We went to eat together, we went to movies together, we went to criminal proceedings, meetings lawyers, we took walks together... Adams also travelled with Dr. Murray to Las Vegas, Houston, San Diego, Philadelphia, Boston, Miami. Adams said Dr. Murray's pastor in Houston was also his patient, as well as a number of other pastors and people he went to church with. Adams stayed in Dr. Murray's office when he was in Vegas and Houston seeing patients. Adams learned through TV reports that MJ had died. He called Murray, who was in Santa Monica. He traveled to LA next morning. "I made statements, you know, but he never discussed with me how Michael passed," Adams recalled. "He never clarified anything with me." We lived together, we had an apartment together, we did everything together," Adams said. Adams went everywhere with Dr. Murray from the day after MJ's death to Murray's criminal conviction. The last time Adams spoke with Dr. Murray was the day he was convicted. Adams said Dr. Murray never described what kind of treatment he was engaged in with MJ. (ABC7)

                              Adams testified that he met Murray in the 1990s through a mutual friend and remained his patient until Murray was convicted for involuntary manslaughter in the Jackson case. He testified that when Jackson died on June 25, 2009, he called Murray and asked if the doctor needed him. “I told him that he had taken care of my father for me and that I would be by his side in this situation until it was completed,” Adams said. He said he arrived in Southern California the next day and lived with Murray until his conviction, providing security and traveling with him to Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Houston, San Diego, Boston and Miami. He said Murray would see patients in Las Vegas and Houston. Murray never discussed the details of Jackson's death with him, Adams said. (LATimes)

                              Jeffrey Adams testified he was "positive" the first time Jackson and Murray met was in February 2007. (LATimes) Adams orchestrated security for MJ in December of 2006. He said his friend, Basheier Muhammad, who was MJ security, called him offering work He said he was positive that was the first time the two met. "Mr. Muhammad called me one evening in 2007, I want to say maybe February.. He did periodic work for MJ. "I introduced Dr. Murray to Michael Jackson," Adams said. It was in early 2007, as he recalled. "He said that MJ's children were sick and needed to go to the hospital and that MJ didn't want to take them to public hospital," he said. Adams explained it was due to the fact that they didn't have anything to cover their faces. Adams: And I told him I could reach out to my doctor, Dr. Murray, and see of he would be willing to come over and take a look at them. Adams said MJ wanted resume of Murray, if he could be trusted. "I said he's been my doctor, he's my friend, he definitely can be trusted." Adams: I told Murray I needed a huge favor from him, had a high profile client, couldn't give name but once he got there he'd know who was. Adams asked if Murray could check out MJ's children since they couldn't go to regular hospital. Dr. Murray told Adams that he would go at least to assess the situation. The doctor went that night, Adams wasn't there. Adams asked Mr. Muhammad next day if Murray showed up. He said yes, but never discussed anything further. "Other than Michael thanking me for bringing him over to see the children, that was the only conversation we had," Adams testified. Adams said MJ told him "I want to thank you very much, he was a very professional doctor, and I appreciate it." Adams said he wasn't going to ask for a resume because Murray was doing a favor. (ABC7)

                              The security guard didn’t recall the exact date he introduced Jackson to Murray, but meeting came about through another MJ security guard. That guard called J. Adams and asked him if he knew a doctor who could treat Jackson’s children. Adams recommended Murray. J. Adams knew Murray because he had treated him and his father. He asked Murray to do a house call at Jackson’s home, and the doc agreed. Jackson thanked J. Adams for introducing him to Murray, but they otherwise didn’t discuss the doctor or his treatments. (AP)

                              Adams said that one of Jackson's security staff members, Bashier Muhammad, called him and told him that Jackson's children were sick and he didn't want to take them to the hospital "due to the fact that they ... weren’t made up or didn’t have anything to cover their faces.” Murray was Adams' doctor and had also treated Adams' father. Muhammad asked if the doctor could be trusted. “I said he’s been my doctor," Adams testified. "He’s my friend. He definitely can be trusted.” Adams said he called the doctor within 10 minutes. “I told Dr. Murray that I needed a huge favor from him, that I had a high-profile client that I was working with -- I couldn’t give him that name, but that once he got there he would know who he was -- would he mind going over there" and examine his children, Adams testified. Adams declined a request from Muhammad to provide Murray's resume: "We were doing him a favor," Adams said. Muhammad told him the next day that Murray had visited Jackson's Las Vegas home. "Everything's fine," Muhammad told Adams. Adams said he did not know how many times Murray treated Jackson or his children. (LATimes)

                              Adams testified he would come over at the house and see Dr. Murray there sometimes after that. But he doesn't know how the relationship went
                              Q: Did you ever feel that Dr. Murray tried to hide his interactions with MJ?
                              A: No. (ABC7)

                              Jeff Adams knew Murray was at Jackson's house because he would sometimes see his car there. Likewise, Jeff Adams, said when he worked for Murray, they never discussed Murray’s treatments on Jackson. (AP)

                              Adams said he only saw Mr. Jackson and Randy Jackson come to the house one time while he was there. (ABC7) Adams was also asked about which Jackson relatives he saw visit MJ while he lived in Las Vegas. He only saw Randy and Joe Jackson. (AP)

                              "It was discussed what happened, what was he going to do from there" Adams recalled. He doesn't remember if Murray told cause of MJ's death. Dr. Murray told Adams he would need a lawyer. Adams was with the doctor in his unofficial position during the criminal trial. (ABC7)

                              Jeffrey Adams had known Murray for years and the cardiologist had treated his father's heart ailment in 2007. He testified that he called Dr. Murray to offer his help after he saw on television that Jackson had died."I told him he had taken care of my father for me and I would be at his side until this situation was complete," Adams testified.Murray told him that night "he was going to need a lawyer," he said.He and Murray "did everything together" from June 26, 2009 --a day after Jackson's death -- until November 7, 2011 -- the day Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, he said.Jeffrey Adams said he served as Murray's bodyguard for more than two years without pay.Despite his close relationship to Murray, Adams said he has not spoken to the doctor since he was put in handcuffs in the courtroom and taken to jail. (CNN)

                              Dr. Stephen Gordon, plastic surgeon from Las Vegas, video deposition

                              He said his records are electronically saved. He located the "Michael Jefferson" file. He said MJ chose to use this name to protect privacy. Dr. Gordon saw MJ professionally 3 times, never socially, spoke on phone maybe twice. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Gordon detailed his education background and experience. He is board certified in general surgery and plastic surgery. Doctor said he teaches plastic surgery to medical students and physicians' assistants students from Touro University. That started 3 yrs ago. Dr. Gordon does cosmetic surgery in his office, which is elective surgery intended to improve the appearance of a person. Dr. Gordon said he probably does more breast surgery than anything else, followed by body contour and facial rejuvenation. The doctor has an accredited surgery center her performs the procedures called Surgery Unit at ACCSC, A Complete Cosmetic Surgery Center. (ABC7)

                              He said if the surgery is major, the patient is always under general anesthesia. Only for minor things it's local anesthesia. Botox is generally done under local or no anesthesia, Dr. Gordon said. Filler usually has a local anesthetic component of some sort. Dr. Gordon: They have to get an UV started first. Then they're usually given some type of hypnotic that puts them to sleep, Diprivan. Dr. Gordon said he does not tell the anesthesiologist how much drug to give. (ABC7)

                              Gordon never saw Jackson socially. He met the singer after receiving a call directly from him, seeking an appointment. (AP) Dr. Gordon said Michael Jackson called him and the answering service transferred the call to his cell phone. This was in 2002. "At first I thought it was somebody playing a prank," Dr. Gordon said. "I really thought it was one of my friends just fooling around." "It was very pleasant sort of flattering experience," Dr. Gordon said. The doctor said he didn't believe it was Michael Jackson on the phone. Dr. Gordon testified he asked MJ which hotel he was staying. He said Four Seasons. The doctor called the hotel back. MJ told him to ask for Michael Jefferson. "I got the impression he was going to be interviewing me, as much as I might be interviewing him" (ABC7) Gordon said he initially thought it was someone messing with him, but Jackson gave him a callback number and he was convinced. "It was a very pleasant sort of flattering experience," Gordon said.The doctor said Jackson told him he really wanted to see him. (AP) Jackson appeared to be capable of dealing with doctors on his own, Gordon said. "He gave me the impression that he was used to telling doctors what he wanted them to do." Jackson personally called him in 2002 when he was looking for a doctor in Las Vegas to give him collagen and Botox treatments, he said. "At first I thought it was somebody playing a prank, one of my friends fooling around," Gordon said. He realized it really was the pop star when he called him back at his hotel -- asking for him under his alias "Michael Jefferson," he said. (CNN)

                              The doctor said MJ wanted to come after hours, when the office was closed and nobody was around, which doctor thought was a reasonable idea. Dr. Gordon said MJ came with 2 or 3 people entourage. He said his ex-wife and anesthesiologist, Dr. Virgil, were in the office. He said Dr. Virgil was there because MJ gave an indication he may wanted something done. The doctor testified he doesn't recall exactly what MJ wanted done, but it was some adjustment of some sort on his face. (ABC7)

                              On October 2, 2002, Dr. Gordon did first procedure, collagen injection of upper nasolabial folds. The Botox injection in Michael Jackson's lower eyelid area was for crow's feet, the doctor testified. First page of record was an agreement as to what will be done and what the itemizes charges for that service will be, including anesthesia . Collagen was administered under general anesthesia. Gordon said MJ expressed needle phobia, didn't want 2 see needles sticking on his face "It didn't seem an unreasonable request," Dr. Gordon said. Once MJ got into building, the entourage left. "He just wanted to have a little bit of collagen, nothing dramatic," Dr. Gordon explained. He said MJ requested to go under general anesthesia, was vey specific as to what he wanted. Putnam: How long was he there? Dr. Gordon: Couple of hours, probably. Prescription was under the name of Michael Jefferson. Dr Gordon said they were homeopathic medications: Arnica Montana, Bromelain, Vitamin A. "The patient desired correction of an unattractive area in his nasolabial folds bilaterally," the chart said. Dr Gordon wrote on the chart that he examined the patient, MJ, and he was found to be in good health, no obvious contraindication to surgery. Propofol was used in the induction of anesthesia in 2002, isoflurane, nitrous oxide and oxygen. Doctor also used Lidocaine to numb the skin. Under allergies, there are a few medications listed. Demerol and morphine cause nausea, it says. Dr. Gordon said the chart shows anesthesiologist doing his job from 9:00 to 9:20. (ABC7) Jackson went to his office on Oct. 2, 2002 for the first procedure, which was done after hours. MJ got some collagen injections. The injections were both in Jackson's face, some near his nose and he got Botox on at least one of his lower eyelids. He got anesthesia. Gordon said having a patient get anesthesia for those types of procedures wasn't typical. "He expressed a significant needle phobia." It was a short procedure _ about 10 minutes and Gordon said it wasn't a notable visit and nothing out of the ordinary happened. (AP)

                              Gordon’s medical records indicated Jackson returned two days later, but the doctor didn’t have any notes of what was done. (AP) Dr. Gordon said MJ visited 2-3 days later. He wasn't really happy with the collagen injection. He said he had a very small injected again. Surgery was on Oct. 2, 2002 and next appointment was Oct. 4, 2002. Dr. Gordon said he does not remember this visit. "It wouldn't surprise me if he came back 2 days later and wasn't happy with something," he explained. Dr. Habashi was the anesthesiologist. The surgery was from 8:25 to 8:55, longer than the first one. "This was in his record, and it's got his name on it." Dr. Gordon: These might be longer than they really were only because there may have been conversation in the operating room for all I know. Propofol was used again as anesthesia. Dr. Gordon said he knew he'd have trouble explaining it. "I can't even tell you exactly what we did." "The only thing that makes me think this is MJ is because it has his name on it," Dr. Gordon said. There's anesthesia record but not surgery record. Dr. Gordon said he knew this would be difficult to explain. The doctor said this record could be for another person. "I'm a little embarrassed to admit that, but it could be another patient," he said. Kathryn Cahan said in court the parties stipulated there was no procedure done that day. (ABC7) The anesthesiologist had notes that a 45-minute procedure was done, but the doctor doesn’t remember what happened. Gordon said it’s possible the procedure was a touch-up from the previous one, or the anesthesiology chart was for another patient. “I knew I’d have a little trouble explaining this to you,” Gordon told AEG Live defense lawyer Marvin Putnam on the video. While Gordon’s records were unclear, the attorneys agreed to read a note to the jury that a procedure did happen on Oct. 2, 2002. (AP)

                              Dr Gordon said he remembered trying to speak w MJ after surgery, but it was difficult to get hold of him post-op. "He'd come then disappear" (ABC7)

                              "I thought he was healthy," he opined. "He was pretty robust. He was taller than I thought he would be. And he seemed physically healthy." "Michael was a little bit of a whiner, having an IV started and about, you know, having Propofol injection," Dr. Gordon recalled. Dr. Gordon: He made the remark that it burned. And he actually referred to Propofol as milk, which I thought was a little unusual. "He just seemed to be more familiar with Propofol than other people," Dr. Gordon recalled. "He knew it was white and looked like milk." Dr Gordon doesn't know if MJ asked whether Propofol, "milk", was going to be used. He didn't recall MJ asking for medication after 1st visit (ABC7) The doctor also said Jackson appeared more familiar with anesthesia than other patients, and referred to propofol as “milk.” “Most people really don’t relate to it like that,” Gordon said. He noted he just overheard the conversation with the anesthesiologist. (AP)

                              The physician said his first encounter with Michael Jackson was in 2002 when he administered collagen and Botox injections for the star. “Did he specifically ask for the general anesthetic?” Gordon is asked. “Yes,” he replied. Gordon testified Jackson was unusually familiar with the anesthetic propofol, which his office used for general anesthesia.“He made the remark that it burned, and he actually referred to propfol as milk,” Gordon said. “He gave me the impression he was used to telling doctors what he wanted them to do.” (CBS)

                              On Mar 25, 2003 Dr Gordon's office sent MJ's bill-paying-people copy of investment analysis. Doctor sent it twice since no payment was made. Dr. Gordon: Normally, we're paid in advance. We took his word that he would honor his financial responsibilities. (ABC7) Gordon testified that he had trouble getting paid for the October procedures. He described Jackson as a “phantom” and difficult to reach. (AP)

                              "Well, he gave me the impression that he was used to telling doctors what he wanted them to do," Dr. Gordon said. Q: And how did he give you that impression? A: Well, just his specificity about what he wanted and where he wanted it and how much he wanted, how he wanted it done. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Gordon testified MJ was familiar with Propofol and that's what he wanted to go to sleep. (ABc7)

                              In July 2003, Jackson returned for another procedure. This time he asked Gordon to cut a “foreign body” out of his abdomen. (AP) Next MJ visit was on July 30, 2003. It was a procedure to explant foreign body from abdomen area. Dr. Gordon: MJ had claimed he had fallen and had sustained an injury to his abdominal area. Dr Gordon: He believed that there was still some glass or some other foreign body in his abdomen. He said it was painful, wanted removed. The surgery was under general anesthesia to cut out the whole thing and sewed the margins back together. Q: Did you remove anything from Mr. Jackson's abdomen? A: I didn't remove any foreign body that I could recognize. Dr. Gordon: There wasn't any glass, there wasn't any metal, there wasn't any wood. There wasn't anything that was inorganic. "So as far as I could tell, it was a negative exploration," Dr. Gordon said. "It didn't show any material thing." Dr. Gordon said he saw a small scar of some sort on MJ's abdomen. He performed this exploratory procedure and Botox on MJ. "I cut around what was supposed to have a foreign body in it, which was presumed to be wound packing, which, again, I saw no evidence of." (ABC7) Gordon removed scar tissue, but said he didn’t find anything inorganic in Jackson’s abdomen. MJ had a wound, but it had healed. (AP)

                              "He was getting ready to go and he said he wanted me to give me as shot of Demerol for the road" Dr Gordon said. "Michael I don't do that" MJ wanted 300 mg of Demerol. The doctor said no, didn't hear from MJ for 4 years. Demerol is a painkiller after surgery. "That's not something I prescribe," Dr. Gordon said. If patient is at the hospital, doctor said ok. Putnam: And he asked for a shot? Dr. Gordon: Yes, he asked for a shot. He said the normal dose of Demerol s 100 mg. MJ was asking for 300 mg, the doctor explained. "That's just too much," Dr. Gordon said. His impression was that favors like that has been done before. (ABC7) The doctor said as Jackson was leaving, he asked for a shot of Demerol “for the road.” Gordon said he was surprised by the request. Gordon said he wasn’t going to give it to Jackson, but asked him how much he wanted. 300mg the singer replied. Gordon said that a high dose and he refused to give it to Jackson. The singer didn’t argue, but did say he could handle it. “I got the impression that he had favors like this done for him before,” Gordon said of Jackson’s request for Demerol. (AP)

                              Dr. Gordon had a preoperative procedure. MJ wanted him to explore "I remember him saying he he had injury," Dr. Gordon said. "He said he could feel it it and it hurt," the doctor said. Dr. Gordon said reading the report it seemed someone did something to him. "I cut and looked at it and couldn't see anything," Dr. Gordon said. Dr. Gordon prescribed some pain medication, but not Demerol. He didn't see MJ for 4 years, until 2007. (ABC7)

                              The doctor said MJ reached out to see him but he was out of town and referred him to someone else. This was between 2003-2007. Dr. Gordon said it may have been a hand injury. Dr. Gordon referred him to Dr. Stephen Weiland. (ABC7)

                              He didn’t see the singer again for another four years. The next time he came to the office, Conrad Murray was with him. Murray presented himself and Jackson’s doctor and “spokesperson to some extent,” Gordon said. Gordon found the visit odd. He said Jackson acted like he hadn’t been there before, and he had never had a patient bring their own doctor to a visit. Murray had driving Jackson to the office and sat through the procedure. Jackson received a cosmetic injection, but didn’t get propofol. Gordon said he didn’t give Jackson any pain medication after that visit. His impression was Murray was taking care of MJ’s needs, he said. “There was nothing usual or customary about what he was doing, at all,” Gordon said of the 2007 visit. He never heard from Jackson again. (AP)

                              Dr. Gordon spoke with Conrad Murray. He said MJ was doing a show or something and wanted some more fillers on his face. "He wasn't too secretive abut being a cardiologist or anything," Dr. Gordon said about Dr. Murray. "He presented himself as being Mr.Jackson's personal physician and spokesperson to some extent" Dr. Gordon testified. It was on May 14, 2007. Dr. Murray arrived with MJ at Dr. Gordon's office. "He walked in with MJ, introduced himself and were there for Juvederm," he said. Dr. Gordon said he found very odd that MJ acted like he hadn't been at his office before, but it was not his first time. "He certainly tried to be the spokesperson for MJ. I never had a doctor feel like they needed to... this was a little different." Dr. Murray wrote a personal check to Dr. Gordon for MJ's procedure. Murray was present during the procedure. He said it was unusual. Dr. Gordon said he had never seen a personal physician pay for the treatment of a patient. Dr. Gordon: Because they had a very close relationship and Conrad made it very clear that he was taking care of his needs. Dr Gordon said he had a feeling that Murray was trying to wear two different hats, being MJ's personal physician and continuing his practice "They might have been there for quite a while that day, fussing with the appearance," Dr. Gordon said. 'He required a fair amount of codling," Dr. Gordon said. "At least he wanted to do under local anesthesia, which was a progress." Dr. Gordon said he wasn't sure if MJ didn't remember being there before or pretending to not remember. He said there wasn't really a doctor/patient because Dr. Murray was kind of the intermediary. The doctor said MJ looked healthy in 2007, didn't change much in his appearance. He never contacted MJ after that. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Gordon wanted to make more difficult to someone else, other than himself, to get their hands on MJ's records, used different last name. Dr. Gordon has an accredited surgery center. He never asked how many plastic surgeries MJ have had. He said he uses tricks so the patients don't get apprehensive with the procedure. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Gordon: He expressed he definitely wanted to do under general anesthesia since he didn't want to put up with many needle sticks. It was Dr. Gordon's decision to use general anesthesia. He did not think it was inappropriate. Dr. Gordon doesn't recall whether MJ inquired with drug was going to be used to put him under. (ABC7)

                              There were 3 contacts between 03-07. Every time was hard to find a vein in MJ, Dr. Gordon said. "Just absence of usable veins." It usually implies vein damage, he said. He doesn't remember seeing track marks on MJ's arms. He said it's unusual not to find vein in males. (ABC7)

                              In the July 30th, 2003 procedure, Dr. Gordon said he removed scar tissue and whatever else was there subcutaneous. The anesthesiologist used Fentanyl since MJ reported getting nauseated with morphine and Demerol. Regarding MJ requesting a shot of Demerol for the road, Dr. Gordon said MJ told him 'That's ok, I've done this before, it's fine'. "He said 300 mg was not excessive for him," Dr. Gordon testified. "He wasn't sufficiently nauseated that kept him from asking for it." (ABC7)

                              The check to Dr. Gordon that Murray wrote was for $1,300. Dr. Gordon was kind of skeptical of Dr. Murray. "He just seemed odd. There was nothing usual and customary what he was doing." Dr. Gordon said he never heard of cardiologist Dr. Conrad Murray before, and he knows several other cardiologists in Las Vegas. "He'd have me believe he had successful invasive cardiology practice in Las Vegas and Houston," Dr. Gordon said. "But if it he was that successful, why would he be someone personal physician?" Dr. Gordon questioned. "It seemed something he was telling me wasn't true" Dr Gordon said. "It's fair to say the whole situation was very odd and didn't add up." "I felt that a successful cardiologist doesn't go around being somebody's personal physician and speaking for them," Dr. Gordon testified. (ABC7)

                              "He presented himself as being Mr. Jackson's personal physician and spokesperson to some extent" when Murray accompanied Jackson on an appointment to have cosmetic filler put in his face on May 14, 2007, Gordon said. Gordon had treated Jackson several times four years earlier, but not when Murray was with him -- and he even wrote a $1,300 check to pay for the procedure, he said. "The whole situation seemed very odd and it didn't add up and that caused me not to fully trust the person," Gordon testified. "I felt like a successful cardiologist doesn't go around being somebody's private physician and speaking for them, in my experience." (CNN)

                              Dr. David Adams video deposition

                              Dr. Adams is a anesthesiologist in Las Vegas. He works independently with surgeons or medical providers. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Adams administered propofol to Jackson on four occasions during dental procedures. He said MJ never specifically requested the drug. The doctor said he and Jackson never specifically discussed propofol. Dr. Adams said Jackson appeared thin, but healthy. (AP)

                              Putnam: Did you ever administer Propofol to MJ?
                              Dr. Adams: Yes
                              P: How many times?
                              Dr. A: Four (ABC7)

                              Dr. Adams met MJ through Carlos Letilier, who's an oral surgeon in Vegas. Dr. Mark Tadrissi said he had a VIP patient coming in for a few procedures and if he was interested in doing anesthesia. This was in June of 2008. Dr. Adams scheduled a physical exam and the procedure happened a week later, he said. "I realized the magnitude of who I was working with, I wanted to make sure he was healthy and there wouldn't be any problems" Dr Adams said. Dr. Tradissi scheduled the physical with MJ. "They were cosmetic implants, dental implants, had a root canal," Dr. Adams said. "I never discuss really the drugs I'm going to use with the doctor," Dr. Adams said. Propofol is still the drug of choice. Dr. Adams said MJ was going to have a procedure and didn't want to know about it or feel anything. Dr. Tradissi introduced MJ to him. "He said he had them (anesthesia) before and he didn't have any problems." "He seemed thin, pale, but otherwise no medical problems," Dr. Adams said. "I don't believe they weighed him." The entourage and bodyguards were never in the room when MJ was being examined. It was just Dr. Adams and MJ. He checked his chest, lungs and looked inside the mouth. Q: How did he look? "Thin but muscular, healthy" he said. "Just pale." MJ had an abnormally large tongue, which concerned Dr. Adams because they were going to perform work on his mouth with an unprotected airway. Dr. Adams said he explained all the risks to MJ. The artist said he wasn't taking any medication, only vitamins. Dr. Adams checked to see if there was a crash cart in the room, basic emergency equipment in case something goes wrong. (ABC7)

                              Temperature was steady at 97 F and stable all the way thru. 100 by 60 blood pressure. Procedure took about 2 hours. Dr. Adams gave MJ Propofol. "I want to get this procedure done as soon as possible because of the unprotected airway." "I'm not trying to put him to sleep, I just want him not to remember," Dr Adams said. Dr Tradissi gave him anesthetic like Lidocaine as well. Dr. Adams said the amounts of Propofol he gave was the lowest he gives to patients. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Adams said he didn't bill MJ for any of the 4 procedures. He said if MJ referred Dr. Adams to other people would be more valuable. He said he also didn't know what to say when asked for how much it would cost. He normally bills the insurance company about $400/hour. (ABC7) Dr. Adams didn’t charge Jackson for his services, but told the singer that he wanted him to refer other patients to him. (AP)

                              The first time Dr. Adams gave met Jackson, he said he noticed the singer had a large tongue. He was worried that could be a problem. Sure enough, Jackson’s tongue blocked his airway during each of the four procedures, Dr. Adams said. He was able to quickly remedy it. Moving Michael Jackson’s chin would open up his airway and restore his breathing, Dr. Adams said. (AP)

                              There wasn't anything unusual about the first procedure, Dr. Adams said. When Dr Adams administered Propofol, MJ's tongue blocked the airway. They had to position MJ in a different way in the dentist chair to unblock the airway. Other than that, there were no other issues he said. The second procedure was a month later, also at Dr. Tradissi. Dr. Adams said it was pretty much the same procedure as before. Dr. Adams said he's done about 4,000 anesthesias, including colonoscopy. In about 500 times the tongue blocks the airway. Dr. Adams said MJ was perfectly happy with what had happened. First procedure was to take impression of dental. Second procedure was 6/3/08. Third procedure was on 6/18/08. Dr. Odabashian performed root canal. About 2 hours after the first procedure, MJ called to let Dr. Adams know he was ok. He said he was surprise MJ himself called. MJ said he was going to buy the house the sultan used to live. Dr. Adams said MJ was very pleasant, polite, personable and very quiet. The 4th procedure Dr. Adams performed was with oral surgeon Carlos Letilier. It was for screwing the 2 implants into MJ's jaw. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Adams: In the previous 3 procedures, Michael asked me not to give him narcotics. He just said he had had a problem w/ them in the past. Dr. Adams: So if you looks at my records, you won't see any narcotics. I didn't give him any, as requested. Dr. Adams: After it was over, he asked for something for the pain, and I remember saying are you sure? Dr. Adams: And we had mentioned Toradol, which is a nonnarcotic pain reliever, and he requested something stronger. The doctor said MJ told him Toradol wasn't going to work. Dr. Adams ended up giving MJ Versed an morphine for the pain. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Adams said he never discussed with MJ the use of Propofol and never discussed about the other doctors MJ had. (ABC7)

                              Dr. Adams recounted meeting Conrad Murray. The cardiologist called him on a Sunday afternoon in March, asked him to come to his office. Dr. Adams was getting ready for church when Murray called, and he went to the cardiologist’s office thinking Jackson needed medical care. (AP) Dr. Adams met Murray in late March, early April 2009. "After MJ died, I kind of went back through my mind and looked at what I was doing" Dr. Adams: I was up getting ready to go to church. Q: And why did you go anyway? A: If you're having heart attack or heart problem, I'm a doctor. This is MJ. I mean, if he says he needs something I'm going to go. This was at Dr. Murray's office. "Michael and Dr. Murray got out of the car, I got out of my car, we introduced ourselves to each other." Dr. Adams: I told Michael how ridiculous he looked because he had a scarf and he was all dressed in black and it was 1000 degrees outside. Dr. Adams: Usually he had a very relaxed look, maybe even pajamas, but this time he had on a suit coat, a scarf, a hat. (ABC7) Jackson accompanied Murray to meet with Dr. Adams. Despite being extremely hot, Jackson was wearing a suit coat and scarf, he recalled. (AP) Dr. Adams: We started talking and I believe Michael started talking about this tour. Michael explained why he was doing the tour. "He says the only reason I'm doing this tour is because I want to prove to my kids that I'm the best entertainer in the world," he recalled. "And I'm not doing it for any other reason," MJ told him. Dr. Adams said he was wondering why MJ wanted to talk to him. "I'm waiting for him to hold his chest or tell me he's short of breath or he's got chest pain," Dr. Adams said. (ABC7)

                              Instead, Dr. Adams said Jackson talked to him for about 90 minutes about his life, his practice, and other topics. Murray had left the room. (AP) Dr. Adams: I'm sitting in a cardiologist's office with Michael Jackson on a Sunday afternoon, and I'm just sitting," Dr. Adams testified. "He asked me to go on tour with him," Dr. Adams said. He explained Dr. Murray excused himself and MJ talked to him like an interview. "And he was telling me a little bit about him and how he felt and his family and different entertainers, we talked about an hour and a half" Dr. Adams said MJ told him he wanted to build a children's hospital. He talked about his family, kids, everything. "We talked about Steven Spielberg, Bono, the tour. He didn't have good things to say about those people either." (ABC7) Dr. Adams said he was anxious to find out what was going on, but Jackson and Murray conferred in another room. Adams finally told them he had to leave, and they asked him to hold on. Jackson and Murray came back into the room after a few more minutes. (AP) Dr. Adams described how Murray returned and was in the back of the office for 15 minutes talking to MJ. "I go back to the office, MJ and Murray walk back in and Murray really looked like he had just lost his best friend," Dr. Adams said. (ABC7) Murray looked upset by that point. Jackson asked Adams to accompany him on the “This Is It” tour, which took Dr. Adams by surprise. (AP) That's when MJ tells Adams he'd like him to go on tour with him. "And do what? I don't sing, I really can't dance so to do what?" he told MJ. "I'd like for you to help me get rest," Dr. Adams said Michael told him. "Every once in a while I need an IV, and he said I just need you to help me get my rest.". Dr. Adams: I'm thinking the guy's having a heart attack and they're asking me about going on tour. I couldn't even begin to fathom that. Dr. Adams said he had no idea what MJ meant by helping him get his rest. He said he told them he didn't have license to practice in England. (ABC7) The anesthesiologist said he couldn’t understand why he would be needed. Neither Jackson nor Murray ever mentioned propofol. Dr. Adams said Jackson would only tell him he wanted him to help him rest. Adams said Jackson didn’t want an immediate answer. (AP)

                              Adams, who administered propofol to Jackson during cosmetic dental procedures in Las Vegas four times in 2008, said Jackson and Murray never told him what his duties would be if he took a job with the tour. "I said 'I don't sing and I really can't dance, so to do what?" Adams testified. "He says 'Well, you know, I'm entertaining, I'm jumping around, I'm doing this. Every once in a while I need an IV," Adams testified. "And he says 'I just need you to help me get my rest.' They were pretty vague, but on hindsight I know what they were talking about." Jackson and Murray, however, never mentioned that administering propofol or treating his insomnia would be one of his responsibilities on tour, the anesthesiologist testified. Jackson never asked him to do anything medically inappropriate, Adams said. Adams hinted that there was jealously on Murray's part when Jackson courted him for a tour job. "Murray really looked like he had just lost his best friend" when Jackson was discussing it, Adams said. "Oh, he was truly upset." (CNN)

                              Dr. David Adams is a Las Vegas anesthesiologist who had put Michael Jackson under four times for dental procedures. There were no complications, and the two had engaged in small talk.Then on a Sunday in late March 2009, as he was getting ready to go to church, Adams received a call from someone he had never heard of, cardiologist Conrad Murray, Jackson’s personal physician.Murray asked that he meet them in his office on East Flamingo Road. Adams arrived first, Murray drove up soon after, with the singer sitting in the back seat.Jackson was dressed in black, with a scarf, “and it was about a thousand degrees outside,” Adams said. He told the singer how ridiculous he looked. They walked into Murray’s office and Jackson started talking about his planned comeback concerts in London. “He says, 'The only reason I’m doing this tour is because I want to prove to my kids that I’m the best entertainer in the world,' ” Adams recalled. Jackson and Murray went to the back of the office for 15 minutes.When they returned, “Murray really looked like he had just lost his best friend,” Adams said.Jackson said he wanted Adams to go on tour with him. The anesthesiologist thought it was an odd request, since he couldn’t sing or dance.Then, he testified, Jackson said, “I would like for you to help me get my rest.” That didn’t make sense to Adams. When Jackson told him that after all the action in his show he sometimes needed an IV, Adams told him that was Murray’s purview. Neither Jackson nor Murray mentioned propofol or that the singer had difficulty sleeping, Adams testified.Jackson said he wanted Adams to come to London with him but that they might take the show to other countries. He asked him how much money it would take for Adams to shut down his practice for a year.“I still wasn’t under the impression I was going to be practicing medicine,” Adams said, adding that he wondered if his job would be to sing Jackson to sleep. “It was sort of mind-boggling that someone would be asking me to go anywhere.”After the 2½- to 3-hour meeting, Adams went home to think about the proposition. He said he had three short conversations with Murray and told him he needed $100,000 a month for three years.
                              He sent a text to Murray, “What’s going on? I’m on board.”He said he never heard from either of them again. (LAtimes)

                              The doctor said Murray was truly upset with MJ's request. MJ asked that Dr. Adams didn't give an answer right away, think about it. "I never discussed Propofol with Dr. Murray or Michael Jackson," Dr. Adams testified. Dr. Adams said they didn't know how long the tour was going to last, they thought it might go to other countries after London. "I told them I needed enough money to shut my practice down and make it feasible," Dr. Adams recalled. "I think it was $100,000 a month." Dr. Adams asked for a 3 year contract, because he couldn't do it for just a year and then try to reopen his practice. He said he text Dr. Murray back asking what was going on and there was no response and no further communications at that point.(ABC7) The anesthesiologist agreed to think about it, and traded calls and texts with Murray. He was willing to go on the tour. Dr. Adams wanted $100,000 a month, and a three-year contract to accompany Jackson on the tour. He said he never heard back. (AP)

                              Adams said that after he offered to take the job for $100,000 a month guaranteed for three years, Murray stopped communicating with him. "I texted basically, you know, 'what's going on, I'm on board," Adams said. "And no response." (CNN)

                              The day MJ died, he texted Murray, never heard back.(ABC7) On the day Jackson died, Dr. Adams said he texted Murray his condolences. He never heard anything back from the cardiologist. (AP) Adams was in a Las Vegas operating room on June 25, 2009, when he learned Jackson had died. "I texted Murray 'I'm sorry to hear what happened. Take care,'" he said. Murray never responded, he said. (CNN)

                              Q: Did MJ ever ask you to do anything you thought was medically inappropriate?
                              A: Never (ABC7)

                              Dr. Adams said he never saw needle marks on MJ's arms. "Very difficult veins to stick to," he said. "Very muscular arms, very small veins." Sometimes Dr. Adams had to try 2-3 times to get an IV started, he said. (ABC7)

                              And that concluded his video deposition.

                              Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #77


                              Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                              Day 1 - 50
                              Day 51 - 70
                              Day 71 - zeuge Dr. Gary Green
                              Day 72 - forts. zeuge Dr. Green
                              Day 73 - zeugin Rhoma Young

                              Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                              Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                              Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                              Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                              Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                              Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                              Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                              Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                              Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50


                              • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 75 – August 27 2013 – Summary

                                No Jackson family members are in court today.

                                (source : ABC7 unless otherwise indicated)

                                Dr. Petros Levounis Testimony

                                AEG direct

                                Dr. Petros Levounis the head of the Psychiatry Department at Rutgers Medical School in New Jersey is testifying. He is an addiction expert.

                                Michael Jackson suffered a "quite extensive" drug addiction the last 15 years of his life, according to an addiction expert. Jackson's drugs of choice were opioids, painkillers given to him by doctors repairing scalp injuries suffered in a fire and during cosmetic procedures to make him look younger, Levounis testified. (CNN)

                                He testified the MJ was addicted to Opioids - in particular Demerol from 1993 to his death in 2009. Dr. Levounis said MJ doctor shopped to keep his supply of medications when his doctors expressed concern with the amount he used. MJ was secretive about the amount of medication he was taking and kept that information from his doctors.

                                Dr Levounis testified the 5 criteria were

                                1. he show evidence of tolerance for Demerol so he took more.
                                2.The Doctor also testfied that MJ would take more than the dosage recommended and there was evidence he was renewing prescriptions often.
                                3. The Doctor testified that MJ was Doctor shopping - that if he couldn't get the medication he wanted he could go to another doctor. MJ tried to cut down on his drug use but relapses. In 1993 goes to rehab in England - evidence of demerol use in 2003 and in 2009.
                                4. MJ showed evidence of physical and social consequences - he passed out at a meeting and his brother Randy tried many times to intervene.
                                5. Finally, MJ couldn't stop despite the fact he knew he was damaging his health..the desire was too powerful.

                                Levouni said addiction happens when a chemical "hijacks the pleasure-reward pathways" in your brain. "You remain addicted for the rest of your life," Levounis testified. "Michael Jackson's addiction was quite extensive and I have very little doubt that his pleasure-reward pathways had been hijacked and he suffered from addiction," he said.(CNN)

                                The last point Dr. Levounis made is that MJ and several of his Doctors had very close friendships and that was a problem. The close relationships made it easier for MJ to ask for medications and it is harder for the Doctors to say no. (ABC7) "A very close friendship between an addicted patient and a doctor is problematic," Levounis testified. "It makes it much easier for a patient to ask for drugs and it makes it more difficult for a provider to resist." (CNN)

                                Jackson cross

                                Under Cross examination Dr. Levounis went over the time that he reviewed the materials sent to him for his expert testimony.

                                Dr. Levounis testified that one of the symptoms is secrecy and yet MJ announced to the world that he had an addiction and sought treatment. (ABC7) "If he announced it to the world it's not very private, is it?" Jackson lawyer Michael Koskoff asked Levounis.
                                "At that moment, he was not secretive," Levounis replied. (CNN)

                                The final point under cross was that addiction is no longer used as a term to diagnose because not specific and the negative connotation. Now, people are diagnosed with substance use disorder!

                                Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #78


                                Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                                Day 1 - 50
                                Day 51 - 70
                                Day 71 - zeuge Dr. Gary Green
                                Day 72 - forts. zeuge Dr. Green
                                Day 73 - zeugin Rhoma Young
                                Day 74 - zeugen Jeffrey Adams video depo.; Dr. Stephen Gordon, plastic surgeon video depo.; Dr. David Adams video depo

                                Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)

                                Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                                Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                                Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                                Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                                Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                                Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                                Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                                Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50


                                thread unten
