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  • "Dies ist ein großer Erfolg für Phillips und Gongaware, die seit über vier Monaten einen Prozess erdulden müssen, an dem sie niemals hätten teilhaben sollen", so Marvin Putnam der Kanzlei O'Melveny & Myers LLP laut "Pollstar". "Die Jacksons haben deren guten Ruf ohne jegliche Basis durch den Dreck gezogen. Phillips und Gongaware hätten niemals angeklagt werden sollen."
    Na bravo! Konnte man solche Ausführungen jemals anlässlich MJs Freispruch über diejenigen lesen, die auf ihm rumgetrampelt haben?

    Sehr schön auch, dass in dem Artikel völlig unter den Tisch fällt, dass AEG selbst so gar nicht aus dem Schneider ist.


    • @November

      Denk daran, das hier kein diskussionsthread ist.


      • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 18. Teil

        8. September 2013

        Am Freitag wurde den Geschworenen Dr. Barney Van Valins eidesstattliche Zeugenaussage via Video gezeigt. Dr. Van Valin wurde eigentlich als Zeuge für AEG Live aufgeführt, seine Aussagen schienen aber letztlich mehr Gewicht für die Jackson Seite zu haben.

        Dr. Van Valins Arztpraxis ist in der Nähe von Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch. “Wir warten beste Freunde”, sagte Van Valin. “Ich hatte keinen besseren Freund und ich glaube, ihm ging es genauso”, so der Arzt. Michael tauchte fast jede Woche ohne Ankündigung bei Van Valin zu Hause auf. Der Arzt öffnete seine Tür, um am Morgen zur Arbeit zu gehen “und er stand einfach da”, so Van Valin. Sein Fahrer sagte ihm einmal, dass Michael 35 Minuten lang vor seiner Tür gewartet hatte, ohne die Türglocke zu klingeln, weil er dachte, dies wäre unhöflich.

        Wenn Michael Van Valin besuchte, blieben dessen Kinder oft der Schule fern, damit sie den Tag mit Michael zusammen verbringen konnten. “Ich kam von der Arbeit nach Hause und Michael war da und sie schauten zusammen Trickfilme an oder assen Pizza”, sagte Van Valin. Am Anfang war das was ganz Neues, aber mit den Jahren sei es dann zu einer Routine geworden.

        Die Jackson Anwälte fragten Van Valin im Kreuzverhör, ob Michael Jackson ein guter Vater war. “Nein, er war ein grossartiger Vater. Denn ich bin ein guter Vater, aber er war besser als ich. Er respektierte [meine Kinder] und sie respektierten ihn und er wies sie auf eine ganz feine, nette Art zurecht”, so Van Valin.

        Van Valin bestritt, dass Michael Jackson — wie AEG Live das Bild aufzeigen will — Freundschaften mit Ärzten pflegte, um Zugang zu Medikamenten für seine geheime Sucht zu erhalten. Er habe Michael Jackson nie Rezepte für Medikamente ausgestellt, die medizinisch nicht notwendig waren, so Van Valin. Er sagte, Michael Jackson zeigte “klassische Symptome für Schmerzen im unteren Rückenbereich” und ein MRI zeigte, dass eine Schwellung in einer Bandscheibe im unteren Bereich (die von seinem Bühnenunfall 1997 in München herrührte) mit den von ihm beschriebenen und empfundenen Schmerzen übereinstimmte. Entsprechend wurden ihm Schmerzmittel dagegen verschrieben. Van Valin habe nie den Verdacht gehabt, dass Michael Schmerzen vortäuschte, um Spritzen gegen die Schmerzen zu erhalten. “Ich habe darauf geachtet, da es viele Leute gibt, die zu mir kommen und versuchen, mich zu betrügen. Deshalb schau ich immer darauf”, so Van Valin.

        Es gab jedoch einen Vorfall während eines Hausbesuchs im 2002, der in Van Valin den Verdacht regte, dass Michael Jackson zusätzliche Spritzen mit dem Schmerzmittel Demerol von einem anderen Arzt verabreicht erhielt. Nachdem er Michael eine Spritze gab, bemerkte er auf Michaels T-Shirt einen kleinen Blutflecken. “Ich zog [das Shirt] hoch und da war ein kleines Pflaster und ich sagte ‘Michael, ein anderer Arzt hat Dir eine Spritze gegeben.’ Ich sagte, ‘Du weisst, welchem Risiko Du Dich und mich aussetzt, wenn Du das machst? Wer kam und gab Dir die Spritze?’ ‘Oh, nein, das hab ich nicht — es war keine Spritze.’” Van Valin sagte, “Aber es war eine. Er hatte gelogen.” ”Ich habe ihm gesagt, ich sagte, ‘Weisst Du was, ich kann das nicht tun, okay, weil wenn Du Dich zweifach versorgen lässt — ich gebe Dir eine Spritze und Du hast vorher schon eine erhalten’, sagte ich, ‘könnte ich Dich umbringen’”, so Van Valin in seiner Aussage. Obwohl Van Valin Michael Jackson kurz nach diesem Vorfall nicht mehr länger behandelte, blieben sie eng befreundet, so der Arzt.

        Im 2002 hatte Michael Jackson Van Valin gebeten, ihm beim Einzuschlafen zu helfen. “Manchmal sagte er, ‘Barney, mach mir einen Gefallen; schau, ob ich schlafen kann. Ich geh unter die Bettdecke auf der ausziehbaren Couch’ und er sagte ‘Lies mir von einem Buch vor’”, sagte Van Valin aus. “Ich hab ein Buch gefunden, das interessant aussah und ich begann zu lesen oder ich erzählte ihm Geschichten. Das funktionierte nicht, weil er oft in der Geschichte aufging und sagte ‘Das ist wirklich passiert?’ oder so ähnlich. Wie auch immer, ich hab ihm vorgelesen — und als es ausschaute, als ob er schlief, ging ich leise aus dem Zimmer raus, was nicht so einfach war, weil die Türe ein kleines Geräusch machte. Als ich dachte, er schlafe, ging ich raus, und ab und zu kam es vor, dass er dann sagte, ‘Gute Nacht, Barney’, und als ich bei der Türe war, war er vollkommen wach”, so Van Valin. Van Valin hatte auch versucht, Michael Jackson mittels Beruhingsmitteln wie Xanax zum Schlafen zu verhelfen, jedoch ohne Erfolg.

        Im 2003 hatte Michael Jackson Van Valin gestanden, dass er in einem Schrank in seinem Schlafzimmer auf Neverland einen Vorrat an Propofol hatte. “Er sagte, ‘Hilfst Du mir einzuschlafen; ich hab seit vier Tagen nicht mehr schlafen können’, und ich sagte, ‘Womit?’ Und er sagte, ‘Ich habe dieses Zeugs’ und ich sagte, ‘Mike, ich verabreiche keine intravenösen Beruhigungsmittel. Dafür braucht man einen Narkosearzt.’ Und er sagte, ‘Das ist sicher; ich hab es die ganzen Jahre über zwischen den Shows gebraucht, und man hat mir damit zum Schlafen verholfen’. Ich sagte, ‘Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das ein guter Schlaf war’. Er sagte, ‘Nein, es hat wirklich gut funktionert’”, erzählte Van Valin. Van Valin sagte weiter aus, dass Michael Jackson ihm erzählt hatte, dass während seiner Welttourneen ein Arzt ihn an den IV-Tropf hing, damit er schlafen konnte “und er blieb acht Stunden neben mir und weckte mich auf, wenn ich abdriftete — wenn ich zwischen Shows drei Tage hatte, waren das drei Tage, an denen ich nicht schlafen konnte, und ich hätte keine Show auf die Beine stellen können, wenn ich es gewollt hätte, weisst Du; ich meine, ich will, dass meine Shows so perfekt wie möglich sind, weisst Du.’ Es tönte, als ob es ein Arzt war, der wusste, was er machte und was sein Job war; nicht wie dieser andere Typ, der einfach eine Infusion laufen liess und dann das Zimmer verliess und ihn praktisch wie einen Hund einschläferte”, so Van Valin.

        Michael Jackson sei “recht blasiert” gewesen, als Van Valin seiner Bitte nicht nachkam, ihm mit dem Propofol zu helfen und Michael habe ihn nie wieder darum gebeten, sagte Van Valin aus.


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        The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Update

        10. September 2013

        Gestern hat Richterin Palazuelos ihren Entscheid zu einem Antrag von AEG Live zwecks Einstellung des Verfahrens bekannt gegeben. AEG Live war der Meinung, dass die Jacksons nicht genügend Beweise erbracht haben, die rechtfertigen würden, dass die Geschworenen in Kürze über den Fall beraten und entscheiden könnten. Diese Meinung teilte die Richterin nicht.

        Richterin Palazuelos schrieb: “Es wurden während des Prozesses eindeutige Beweise erbracht, aus denen die Geschworenen begründet ableiten können, dass die Beklagten (AEG Live) wussten oder hätten wissen sollen, dass Dr. Murray ein ungewisses Schadensrisiko für den Verstorbenen (Michael Jackson) darstellte”.

        Ferner entschied die Richterin, dass die Jacksons “klare Beweise” erbracht haben, dass AEG Lives Verhalten ein massgeblicher Faktor für den Tod von Michael Jackson war. “Eine Jury könnte aus den Beweisen logisch ableiten, dass (Michael Jackson) starb, weil Dr. Murray infolge eines Interessenskonflikts aufgrund seines Vertrags mit AEG, eine an Schlaflosigkeit leidende und immer schwächer werdende Person behandelte, die nicht in der Lage war zu performen, was Dr. Murray dazu führte, schlechte medizinische Entscheidungen zu treffen, die zu (Michael Jacksons) Tod führten”.

        “Das Gericht ist der Meinung, dass die Kläger ausreichend beweisen konnten, dass Dr. Murrays Behandlungen des Verstorbenen mit Murrays Anstellung durch AEG verbunden waren. Folglich ist der Antrag der Beklagten auf Einstellung des Verfahrens abgelehnt”, so die Richterin.

        Hingegen entschied Richterin Palazuelos, dass das Verfahren gegen AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips und co-CEO Paul Gongaware als individuelle Mitbeklagte in diesem Fall eingestellt wird. Die beiden Manager hätten keine persönliche Haftung übernommen, was die Anstellung von Conrad Murray anbelangt, sondern sie handelten lediglich als Hilfspersonen (Angestellte) von AEG Live. Ein Anwalt für die Jacksons meinte im Anschluss, dass diese zweite Entscheidung für sie keine grosse Bedeutung habe, da die Jacksons AEG Live zuvor bereits angeboten hatten, das Verfahren gegen die beiden CEOs als Einzelbeklagte einzustellen. AEG Lives Anwälte hatten dieses Angebot jedoch damals nicht angenommen.

        Diese Woche finden keine Zeugenaussagen statt, da eine der Geschworenen aus dringenden persönlichen Gründen verreisen musste. Der Prozess wird somit nächste Woche fortgesetzt. Das Ende ist in Sicht…


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        • Weitere handschriftliche Notizen von MJ

          Note 1

          No AEG unless films are involved
          Develop [undecipherable] 2 a year for 6 years
          a movie a year for next 5 years
          meeting Peter Lopez Simon Fuller AEG now
          Call Fuller myself
          MJ musical now
          Should be in Tut [undecipherable] musical
          [undecipherable] family [undecipherable]
          boxed in note : call Turkle, Marcel Marceau Marcell Marceau Interview get [undecipherable]

          Note 2

          Tohmey away from my $ now
          no contact
          where's my house
          Phillips is conflict
          Where's money for 50 shows

          Note 3

          Mother do you need $

          Note 4

          Negotiate 40 more shows
          movies when?
          Randy Phillips
          Halloween special
          Ken Eurlikman
          Delio Peter Jackson
          Randy Phillips
          MJ TV
          MJ Radio London
          MJ Soda Can London Deal Now
          MJ Cookies Deal Now
          games activision now

          Note 5

          jack the giant killer
          sinbad = oman
          AEG - > demand development of these movies
          Aladin Cameron 3D Film 2 hour movie <-- start franchise now
          Sinbad's Seventh Voyage
          101 nights part 2
          alibaba and 40 thieves like Indiana Jones [undecipherable]
          mysterious isla
          [undecipherable] Diamond
          More than human
          Cab Callaway [undecipherable]
          20,000 leagues under the
          AEG develop Now

          Note 6

          Randy Phillips
          need representation accountant, lawyer, manager
          invest with Phil

          Note 7

          MJ announce "last tour"
          the next movies if I don't concentrate film no immortalization
          40 movies classics
          boxed in note: film class [undecipherable] [undecipherable] during tour

          Note 8

          Conrad on plane
          Drip Rim sleep
          No Tohmey near me, No Tohmey on plane or in my house
          Vegetarian cook now fresh produce

          Note 9

          Conrad must practice now I can't be tired after procedure to important Rim sleep
          for plane also with bed
          Hire Conrad exclusive

          Note 10

          Cirque Du Soleil 10,000,000
          AEG 250,000,000
          Nike Deal
          Blue City
          al NOOR
          prince FADIA
          Hire accountant I trust now and lawyer I want to meet him <-- caution caution
          Hire merchandising guy
          I want to sign all checks over 5,000 now
          Auction I want inventory now on all auction items or no auction
          all keys given to Taj
          [undecipherable] house
          I want inventory list now
          Why trust Darrien if you don't know him

          Note 11

          MJ Radio Day London Randy Phillips Organize

          Note 12

          Weekly in come 20 Million a week
          First multi billionair entertainer actor director
          100 billion
          Better than Kelly & Astair
          the greatest ever
          in the likes of Chaplin Michelangelo Disney - these men demanded perfection innovation always


          • Verteidigung hat gestern ihren Fall mit dem weiteren Abspielen der Metzger Deposition abgeschlossen

            Defense Rests Case In Trial Over Jackson's Death
            September 18, 2013 8:51 PM
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lawyers for concert promoter AEG Live LLC rested their defense Wednesday with testimony from a longtime friend and doctor of Michael Jackson in the negligence case filed by Jackson's mother over his death.
            The trial is in its 21st week and jurors are expected to begin deliberations next week.
            Defense attorneys provided an emotional finale to their presentation, playing the videotaped testimony of Jackson's physician Dr. Allan Metzge
            Die Verteidiger boten eine emotionales Finale mit ihre Präsentation von der Wiedergabe des Video von Jacksons Arzt Dr. Allan Metzger .
            With Katherine Jackson seated in the courtroom's front row, jurors heard Metzger deliver a tribute to the star.
            Mit Kathrine Jackson in der vordersten Reihe sitzend hörten die Juroren wie Metzger ein Tribut an den Star ablieferte.
            "I saw him as a great guy ... a wonderful, generous person," said Metzger, whose account, given on videotape a year ago, delivered perhaps the most human view of the superstar by any witness.
            "Ich sah ihn als einen großen Kerl ... eine wunderbaren, großzügigen Mensch ", sagte Metzger , der seine Aussage auf Videoband vor einem Jahr lieferte, den vielleicht menschlichste Sicht auf den Superstar von einem Zeugen.

            Metzger spoke of Jackson's decision to embark on the ultimately ill-fated "[lexicon]This is it[/lexicon]" tour to eradicate the stigma of his child molestation trial.
            "He wanted to redeem Michael Jackson," said Metzger who visited with the singer at home three months before Jackson died and told of the heart-to-heart talk with him.
            "Er wollte Michael Jackson erlösen ", sagte Metzger ,der den Sänger zu Hause besuchte drei Monate bevor Jackson starb, und erzählte von dem Herz - zu-Herz Gespräch mit ihm .

            "He wanted to redeem his image," the doctor said. "He felt this was it and he wanted to go out with a flash. He was still terribly hurt about the trial and the accusations. "
            "Er wollte sein Image erlösen ", sagte der Arzt. "Er fühlte das war es und er wollte gehen mit einem Blitz. Er war immer noch furchtbar verletzt über den Prozess und die Anschuldigungen. "
            Jackson was tried and acquitted in a sensational molestation trial in 2005 then lived abroad for a time and returned to rehearse for his "[lexicon]This is it[/lexicon]" tour.
            Metzger's testimony contradicted many accounts of Jackson as a tortured figure in his last months, forced to commit to more concerts than he was capable of doing and turning to prescription drugs to chase away his demons and find the elusive sleep he craved.
            Metzger Aussage widersprach dem Bild von Jackson als gequälte Figur in seinem letzten Monaten, der gezwungen war mehr Konzerte zu geben als er in der Lage war und mit verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente versuchte seine Dämonen zu besiegen und Schlaf zu finden nachdem er sich sehnte
            Metzger said the star was energized — and scared — by the prospect of the shows.
            Metzger sagt der Star war energiegeladen und hatte Angst bei der Aussicht auf die Shows
            He said their conversation in February 2009 began with "an anxiety call" from Jackson.
            Er sagte ihre Unterhaltung begann im Februar 2009 mit einem "ängstlichen Anruf" von Jackson.
            "I think he was fearful because this was it and he needed to do a lot of perfectionalizing," Metzger testified. "He wanted it to be something that had never been done before."
            "Ich denke er hatte Angst, weil es dies war und er brauchte viel Perfektion" sagte Metzger aus. "Er wollte das es etwas ist was niemand zuvor gemacht hatte"
            One thing that scared Jackson, he said, was the prospect that he would not be able to sleep when he got to London to kick off the concerts.
            Eine Sache, die Jackson verängstige war die Aussicht, dass er nicht in der Lage war zu schlafen wenn er die Konzerte in London startet.
            Metzger said he suggested putting him in touch with sleep therapists in London, but Jackson resisted.
            Metzger sagte er schlug vor ihn in Kontakt mit einem Schlaftherapeuten zu bekommen, aber Jackson lehnte ab.
            In his last meeting with Jackson in April, 2009, the singer asked Metzger for intravenous sleep medication, but the doctor said he refused, telling Jackson it was dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
            In seinem letzten Meeting mit Jackson im April 2009 fragte der Sänger Metzger nach intravenöser Schlafmedizin, aber der Arzt verweigerte und sagte Jackson es sei gefährlich und möglicherweise lebensbedrohlich.
            The doctor also lectured him on nutrition and hydration, noting that Jackson typically dropped seven to eight pounds in every performance.
            He said Jackson never mentioned Dr. Conrad Murray or spoke of taking propofol, the drug that killed him. Murray was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson an overdose of the drug in June 2009. He is serving a prison term.
            Er sagte, dass Jackson nie Dr. Conrad Murray erwähnte oder über die Einnahme von Propofol sprach.
            AEG Live's defense has focused heavily on testimony from Jackson's former physicians, who have detailed their treatments for the superstar. The company denies it hired Murray.
            Lawyers for Katherine Jackson were expected to present a brief rebuttal case this week and closing arguments were likely to begin on Monday.
            Metzger began treating Jackson in the early 1980s. He told of traveling with him to Australia on the [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] and being at his wedding to Debbie Rowe. Jackson suffered from insomnia even then, he said.
            Metzger begann Jackson in den frühen 80er zu behandlen. Er erzählte von seinen Reisen zu ihn nach Australien auf der [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] und das er bei der Hochzeit mit Debbie Rowe dabei war. Jackson litt auch damals unter Schlaflosigkeit.
            Metzger testified about his treatments of Jackson over the years and said the singer could be secretive and often didn't tell him when he was receiving medical care from other doctors. He described the singer's behavior as "doctor shopping."
            Metzger sagte über die Behandlungen von Jackson über die Jahre aus und das der Sänger geheim sein konnte und nicht erzählte wenn er Medizin von einem anderen Arzt erhielt. Er beschreibt das Verhalten des Sängers als "Doktorshopping"
            He said he did not know him to be addicted to painkillers although he had a low threshold for pain and often sought medication.
            Er sagt er wusste nicht, dass er abhänig war von Schmerzmitteln, obwohl er eine geringe Schmerztoleranz hatte und Medizin ersuchte.
            "He was a big baby. He didn't want any pain," Metzger said.
            "Er war ein großes Baby. Er wollte keine Schmerzen" sagt Metzger.
            Metzger said he had not seen Jackson in years when the star suddenly called in 2009 and asked the doctor to come to his house.
            "I was ecstatic," Metzger said. "I missed him. I wanted to see him. The kids were growing up and I had been close to the kids."
            "Ich war begeistert" sagte Metzger. "Ich vermisste ihn. ich wollte ihn sehen. Die Kinder waren groß geworden und ich war nahe zu den Kindern"
            He described a confident Jackson sharing his thoughts with an old friend.
            "He was excited to come back into the public arena in a good light," Metzger said.
            "Er war aufgeregt zurück in die Öffentlichkeit zu kommen in einem guten Licht" sagte Metzger
            The doctor said Jackson also joked about getting older and wondered aloud how his neck and back would hold up. They spoke about his sleep problems, but again there was no mention of Murray or propofol, according to the testimony.
            "His eyes were bright," Metzger recalled. "He was ready to go."
            Der Arzt sagte auch, dass sie scherzten über das Älterwerden und wie sein Nacken und Rücken halten würde. Sie sprachen über seine Schlafprobleme und es gab keine Erwähnung von Propofol laut der Aussage.
            "Seine Augen waren strahlend" sagt Metzger. "Er war bereit"
            Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 19.09.2013, 11:26.


            • Stell mal verloren gegangene Post ein: News-Artikel zur Metzger-Live-Aussage:

              Michael Jackson's insomnia problems went way back, doctor says
              Thursday, September 19, 2013

              LOS ANGELES -- Michael Jackson's former physician took the witness stand on Thursday, a day after his video deposition was shown to the court.

              It was in 1996 during the HIStory Tour that Jackson's struggle with insomnia became abundantly clear, according to his longtime physician, Dr. Allan Metzger. The entertainer was so adrenalized, it was days before he could sleep.
              Es war 1996 während der History Toru als Jacksons Schlafprobleme augenscheinlich klar wurden bezugnehmend auf seinen Langzeitarzt Dr. A. Metzger. Der Entertainer war so überadrenalisiert, dass er Tage nicht schlafen konnte.

              Metzger says Jackson was in a similar creative frenzy when he wrote "We are the World," the song that raised millions to fight famine. Metzger told jurors that under his care in earlier years, Jackson was able to sleep with traditional sleep medications, but then other doctors overprescribed for the star.
              Metzger sagte Jackson war im gleichen kreativen Zustand als er "We are the World" schrieb, der Song der Millionen gegen Hunger einbrachte. Metzger sagte den Juroren unter seiner Sorge in früheren Jahren war Jackson in der Lage mit traditioneller Schlafmedizin zu schlafen, aber dann haben andere Ärzte dem Star "überverschrieben".

              Katherine Jackson alleges that Jackson's tour promoters, AEG Live, negligently supervised Conrad Murray, who is now serving time for causing Jackson's death. The defense says Jackson's use of meds was his personal choice.

              Jackson's habit with pain meds was spotlighted in a video deposition presented by the AEG defense on Wednesday. Metzger said he heard Jackson "was doctor shopping and took pain medication that the average person wouldn't." He said he heard that from four sources, including Jackson's wife Debbie Rowe and two other doctors.

              Jacksons Gewohnheit mit Schmerzmittel umzugehen wurde in einem Video-Depo von der AEG- Verteidigung am Mittwoch ausgestrahlt . Metzger sagte, er hörte Jackson " macht Arzt -Shopping und nahm Schmerzmittel in einer Weise wie es die durchschnittliche Person nicht macht. " Er sagte, er habe dies gehört aus vier Quellen , darunter Jacksons Frau Debbie Rowe und zwei anderen Ärzten .

              On Thursday, Metzger testified that "doctor shopping" to him meant Jackson shopped for the best qualified doctors when he was traveling outside Los Angeles.

              Am Donnerstag sagte Metzger aus das "Doctor shopping" für ihn bedeutete das Jackson für den besten qualifizierten Arzt shoppte , wenn er außerhalb von Los Angeles unterwegs war.

              Metzger testified that he advised Jackson two months before his death that use of the anesthetic propofol was potentially life-threatening.

              Metzger bezeugte, dass er Jackson geraten hat zwei Monate vor seinem Tod , dass die Verwendung des Narkosemittels Propofol möglicherweise lebensbedrohlich sei.

              But Metzger said he couldn't remember a previous instance when he allegedly prescribed propofol himself. Rowe testified that in 1997, Metzger enlisted two doctors in Germany to administer propofol to Jackson in a hotel room, where they came equipped with monitoring equipment. The defense displayed a signed letter indicating Metzger ordered it.
              Aber Metzger sagte, er könne sich nicht erinnern an einen vorherigen Vorfall als er angeblich selber Propofol verschrieben habe. Rowe sagte aus, dass im Jahr 1997 , zwei Ärzte angeworben von Metzger in Deutschland Jackson Propofol in einem Hotelzimmer verabreichten , wo sie ausgestattet kamen mit Überwachungs-Ausrüstung . Die Verteidigung zeigte einen von Metzger unterzeichneten Brief der anzeigt das Metzger es bestellte.

              The Jackson attorneys planned to have Metzger offer an explanation, but the judge ruled that the Jackson attorneys violated court rules by improperly sharing information with the doctor. They were barred from inquiring about it.
              Die Jackson Anwälte planten das Metzger eine Erklärung anbot aber die Richterin entschied , dass die Jackson- Anwälte die Gerichtsregeln verletzten durch unsachgemäßen Austausch von Informationen mit dem Arzt. Sie wurden angewiesen nicht darüber zu fragen.

              Metzger returns to the stand on Friday. Closing arguments are planned for next week.

              Video auch mit Auszügen der Metzger-Aussage im Link


              (Copyright ©2013 KABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)


              • Und ergänzend Medienzusammenfassung hier und im Folgepost der kompletten Metzger-Live-Aussage im von Donnerstag und Freitag, sowie der Aussage des Metzger- und D. Rowe-Anwaltes im Rebuttal.
                Jacksons vs AEG - Day 82 – September 19 2013 – Summary

                Judge Yvette Palazuelos told the jury she’s allowing Jacksons attorneys to reopen their case briefly.

                Allan Metzger Testimony

                Jackson direct

                Attorney Deborah Chang did direct examination. He said he was traveling, returned 2-3 weeks ago. He gave his deposition in September of 2012, about 3 years after Michael Jackson died. He worked with MJ for 25-30 years. The doctor explained he didn’t have all the medical records when he gave deposition, they were spread around to coroners, attorneys.

                When Chang asked if Dr. Metzger reviewed trial transcript of Debbie Rowe, AEG attorneys objected and asked for a sidebar. ( Side note: Dr. Metzger and Debbie Rowe have the same attorney, Eric George, the son of former California Chief of Justice Ronald George.)

                Dr. Metzger treated other celebrities during his 46-year medical career. He said it’s not unusual for them to use aliases. The doctor said he became very close to Michael Jackson. He started seeing him in 1983 for discoid lupus. After, there was the burn incident. “His pain became unbearable,” he explained.

                Dr. Metzger’s daughter was the first one to visit Neverland. She went as part of a charity organization visit, DreamStreet Foundation. The doctor said Neverland was a place of peace. He visited it 12-15 times, sometimes with friends, family, help feed the kids. MJ supervised. Dr. Metzger: MJ dealt with a lot of adversity with generally a positive attitude. I don’t know anyone can share his degree of charity, the doctor said. Dr. Metzger said sometimes MJ would ask about a disease he wanted to know about, but generally didn’t discuss with him the charities.

                Normally, Michael was very protective of his short films. But he trusted some people, and Dr. Metzger was one of them.

                Over the next several years, he had a terrible burn, issues with his back and neck, he said. The discoid lupus was very scary to him, Dr. Metzger said, and the burns came on top of the discoid. The discoid could travel from his scalp to his face, leading to disfigurement.

                Dr. Metzger said Lionel Richie approached MJ and ion one day he wrote “We Are The World” song. Richie did the music. He and Lionel were able to put so many influential people for charity, Dr. Metzger said. Chang played part of “We Are The World” video clip, with major music stars singing it. The song raised money for humanitarian efforts.

                Dr. Metzger worked together with Dr. Klein, Sasaki and Hoefflin. MJ’s diseases were incurable (lupus and vitiligo). He said he did pre-operative examination before MJ’s surgeries. I always liked to review what kind of medications he was taking to make sure there was no interaction, Dr. Metzger testified.

                Chang: Would you say the first 10 years you saw him were very difficult?
                Dr. Metzger: Yes, very difficult

                Chang asked about Metzger’s reference that MJ was “doctor shopping.” He explained it was a slang doctors used by the doctors who treated MJ. Dr. Metzger: When he was out of our presence, because he travelled so much, he would use hotel doctor. Dr. Metzger: MJ had to shop around in the city for quality physicians for himself and his children. Dr. Metzger said he was always involved in MJ’s medical care because he wanted to make sure MJ was safe.

                Michael was very private, Dr. Metzger opined. He said often he wanted to know about his medical care, but often didn’t. He’d rely on others and had faith in the medical profession, Dr. Metzger said. “He often bounced things off me.”

                Chang: Was your belief he looked for doctors to get drugs?
                Dr. Metzger: No
                Chang: Do you believe he was your friend so he could get prescription drugs from you?
                Dr. Metzger: Absolutely not! I never gave him Demerol or any hard narcotics.
                Dr. Metzger: I worked with Karen Faye, Debbie Rowe, Grace Rwamba.
                Dr. Metzger: I was in touch, not as spies, but wanted to have fingers on the pulse of what was going on with my buddy.

                On numerous occasions, Debbie Rowe would talk to Dr. Metzger when she thought other doctors were giving MJ too many painkillers. He said he thinks it’s because Rowe thought he could do something about it.

                Dr. Metzger: No. I saw him groggy but never drunk.
                Chang: Did you personally ever see MJ under the influence?
                I did not ever ever see him intoxicated with too many pain medications, he said.
                Dr. Metzger: I wasn’t concerned about anesthesia, I was always concerned about too many surgeries.
                Dr. Metzger said he would agree that MJ needed the majority of the surgeries he underwent, specially after the burn.

                Dr. Metzger said he did several examinations of Michael for insurance prior to tours. Metzger: I was informed he’d (Forecast) be taking over the medical role, and I would not be needed because of the distance.

                Dangerous tour: Dr. Metzger got a call during the tour. There were couple of issues related to dehydration and Dr. Forecast administering Demerol. Sleep issues: That was the first time I was aware of the issue, didn’t have problems in Bad tour, the doctor said. Dr. Metzger: I think we had 2-3 discussions on how to lower the dose of Demerol. Chang: Did you try to work with Forecast to resolve the issue? Dr. Metzger: I don’t know if he didn’t follow my recommendations or it didn’t work.

                Dr. Metzger said he watched MJ’s short video “Ghost.” Chang showed photo of Dr. Metzger and Michael Jackson as the white mayor. Chang: Did he enjoy going out incognito? Dr. Metzger: Oh, he loved it!.

                The doctor said MJ always had a message in his short film, that humans should be human beings to each other. Chang played clip of “Heal the World” film and “Earth Song.” Dr. Metzger watched them with somber face, shook his head to the beat at times. It’s hard to see that, Dr. Metzger expressed after movies were played, somewhat emotional.

                Metzger said MJ approached him to go on “HIStory” tour. He thought it would be fun, wanted doc to be best man on his wedding to Debbie Rowe. Chang showed letter from Metzger to insurance company that he’d be accompanying MJ, cast members and crew (180-190 people) in HIStory tour Dr. Metzger: I basically asked for nothing (payment). I knew this would be an honor, would bill based on being needed. He said he would’ve charged his normal house call rate, if they needed him during the tour. In the tour, his main responsibility was with Michael Jackson. He said he was never approached by a promoter/producer with a contract. Dr. Metzger said he never had the issue where he had to put MJ in danger to continue the tour. I never put in jeopardy his health for performance, he said.

                Chang showed Murray’s contract to Metzger and asked if he was ever given a contract that says doctor could be terminated by the producer. I’ve never seen a document like this, Dr. Metzger said. He said he would’ve never signed a document that had that clause in it, it’s a conflict of interest. Chang: Were would your allegiance fall, with the producer or patient? Dr. Metzger: Of course the patient, regardless if it was MJ or not

                Dr. Metzger said he knew MJ was going to get married to Debbie Rowe during the HIStory tour. During the tour he found out Rowe was pregnant. Chang: Did he enjoy being a father? Dr. Metzger: Very much so. The doctor said MJ always wanted to be a father.

                Dr. Metzger: The relationship was extremely loving, non fearful. Dr. Metzger: I see he did a wise thing over the years of not exposing their faces, so they could go out and not be recognized. It was a beautiful, caring, solid relationship, Dr. Metzger explained.

                The doctor said he saw several MJ shows, but nothing like what he saw in Sydney, Australia. Chang played snippet of the show. Dr. Metzger saw all the shows in Australia. He said MJ would lose 7-8 pounds after each performance.

                In his deposition, Dr. Metzger said he didn’t remember who Paul Gongaware was. He said he didn’t have all his records with him.

                Chang: As the HIStory tour doctor, were you concerned with MJ’s sleeping disorder during the second leg of the tour? Dr. Metzger: Yes, I was

                The doctor wrote a letter detailing a plan to help MJ sleep. He said he sent a copy of it to the producer, MJ, Karen Faye, Debbie Rowe. I know that Michael can’t sleep when he’s creating, or after he was creating, he always wanted to make it better, Dr. Metzger recalled. The doctor said he didn’t think there was a plan for Dangerous tour. He didn’t think a good job was done then. Dangerous was cut short so MJ could enter rehab. Dr. Metzger said Dr. Forecast gave MJ too much Demerol. I wanted to be proactive and ready, the doctor said about HIStory tour. He testified he sent a copy of the plan to Gongaware, as producer. MJ was really tired and very frustrated, he felt he wasn’t performing well, Dr. Metzger said about his sleepiness.

                Chang: In the 26 years you worked with MJ did he ever ask you for Propofol before the HIStory tour?
                Metzger: Those words were never said by MJ
                Chang: Did MJ ever ask you to find someone to infuse anesthesia in him?
                Dr. Metzger: No

                When not under stress, the doctor said MJ could sleep on Tylenol PM, which generally worked.

                Dr. Metzger: I had one phone conversation in 2009 and I visited him in April 2009.
                Chang: At that time, did MJ ask you for any narcotic or prescription drugs?
                Dr. Metzger: No
                Chang: Did he ever seek painkillers to get high?
                Dr. Metzger: No, I don’t believe this was in any way recreational

                Dr. Metzger said MJ was more stressed when he saw him in April 2009 than during the phone call in Feb. 2009. The doctor said the stress was related to “Can I do 50 shows?” MJ indicated he could not sleep, the doc said. “This time he was in a totally different place,” Dr. Metzger said. The doctor said he had free access to the house and the children. “I was ecstatic to see the children,” the doctor said. He was allowed upstairs at Carolwood, did not see any locked doors, medical equipment or oxygen tanks. I had a feeling that any IV given in a home is potentially precarious, Dr. Metzger explained. After leaving the house, Dr. Metzger said he called a few colleagues to see if there was any other medication or avenues to help MJ sleep. He spoke with the head of anesthesia at Cedars Sinai, since anesthesiologists have to manage pain and sleep. I needed advice getting him to sleep and I also asked about a doctor in London, Dr. Metzger explained. I don’t remember if I called back or just relay the message I couldn’t help, the doctor said. Dr. Metzger: Basically he said any IV treatment is potentially dangerous, that he didn’t know anyone who would administer IV anesthesia. April 18, 2009 was the last time Dr. Metzger saw MJ alive.

                Dr Metzger: One of the things he discussed was Diprivan.
                Chang showed Dr. Metzger the picture of MJ during fitting on June 19, 2009.
                Chang: Did he look like this?
                Dr. Metzger: Oh no, not at all
                C: Would you’ve been concerned?
                Dr. M: Oh yes, oh yes

                (During lunch break: Outside the presence of the jury, Deborah Chang argued she doesn’t think it’s appropriate for the court to sanction. Chang gave 38 pages of Debbie Rowe’s testimony to Dr. Metzger to read. Judge had ruled that non-retained expert witnesses should not be given copies of other witnesses’ testimony. Chang: I don’t think it was intentional violation of court’s order. I believe we acted in good faith. Judge: The good faith exception, huh? Judge then precluded plaintiffs from asking anything related to the issue German doctors and Propofol used to sleep. Bina: He already testified without the taint of someone else’s testimony. Even if she acted in good faith, it irreparably tainted his memory. Bina said she’s asking for fair remedy here, which is keep this part out of Dr. Metzger’s out. Bina said Chang corrupted the witness by giving another witness’ version of the events so he was able to taylor his answer according to hers Cahan said the 38 pages of Rowe’s testimony detailed the set up the anesthesiologist in German, logistic, what drugs have been provided. There’s no other way to fix this other than keep it out, Cahan urged the judge. Panish: What we did, show him the testimony, is appropriate. Non-retained experts can be refreshed. This is about refreshing his recollection with someone else’s memory, Bina argued. Panish: Defense will argue MJ had long history of use of Propofol. The evidence here is that Propofol was used in connection with surgeries. Bina: We can never get back what Dr. Metzger’s memory actually was. Judge: Ok, I’m ready to rule. I’m excluding it. )
                Chang: Do you recall having a conversation with Paul Gongaware about MJ’s inability to sleep?
                Dr. Metzger: Yes, I do.

                AEG cross

                Cahan inquired about the time of deposition whether Dr. Metzger had MJ’s medical files. Dr. Metzger: Some of my records were given to my attorney at the time, didn’t keep medical records. There may be an insurance file and one major file, the doctor said. His counsel did not give his medical record prior to his deposition. Dr. Metzger said that at the time of his deposition, he received a great amount of the file back, but it was out of order and missing pages.

                I told the truth to the best of my ability, Dr. Metzger said about his deposition and his trial testimony.

                The doctor said he looked at some of MJ’s medical records over the past several days. “I did not look at 26 years of medical records.” Dr. Metzger said he had, in bits and pieces, taken care of other Jackson’s family members, including MJ’s children. The doctor was very close to MJ and moderately close to the children.

                Q: And it seems like you also had a very close relationship with Michael’s children, correct?
                A: Yes

                In depo Dr. Metzger’s said: Dr. Metzger said he had a moderately close relationship with the children in comparison with his relationship to MJ. He said there were times the children went to his house for dinner, went to the movies.

                Dr. Metzger met Katherine Jackson many years ago, he said. He provided some medical care to her last summer. He gave Mrs. Jackson advice about traveling because of her health. Dr. Metzger: I advised her to fly to Arizona for a concert. I do not know where she was in Arizona, I did not advise her to go to a spa. Janet and Randy asked me to evaluate her health, Dr. Metzger said. “I’ve previously taken care of Janet many years ago.” I’m well acquainted with the immediate Jackson family and some other members, the doctor said.

                I viewed Michael as a very good friend of mine and I think it was vice-versa, Dr. Metzger testified.

                Dr. Metzger said he spoke with Chang on the phone about 2 weeks ago and met her in person with his attorney 2-3 nights ago for an hour. Doctor said he was out of town from middle of July until mid-Aug. Early July he advised plaintiffs’ counsel about his absence. Dr. Metzger first spoke with plaintiffs’ attorneys about testifying back in April or May. He has been subpoenaed. Dr. Metzger said Chang told him she had an attorney to refer that she thought would suit his needs. She recommended Eric George.
                Cahan: Did plaintiffs’ counsel help you find an attorney?
                Dr. Metzger: Yes
                C: How much does he charge?
                Dr. M: I don’t know
                Cahan: Are plaintiffs’ paying for your attorney in this case?
                Dr. Metzger: I believe so.

                The doctor said he reached out to Debbie Rowe after seeing in the media that she testified in this case. He wanted to give her some support. At that time, Rowe also said Eric George was a good attorney.

                Cahan asked if the doc is charging plaintiffs anything to be here today.
                Dr. Metzger: I’ll be sending a bill at the end of the trial.
                Dr. Metzger: I believe it’s reasonable for my time reviewing the records, giving deposition and testimony in this case.

                The doctor said he’s spent about 6 hours of his time. Cahan asked how much he charges and he said he was not comfortable disclosing his rate. Cahan asked the judge to order him to answer, which judge did. He said he charges approximately $1,000/hour. There were no negotiations, I basically said this is my fee and they said ok, Dr. Metzger explained. As to his attorney, Metzger said he knows there’s an arrangement for payment by the plaintiffs and there’s also an arrangement between the two

                Cahan: Have you spoken with Jackson’s family members about this lawsuit?
                Dr. Metzger: Basically no

                My recollection I did not speak with any single member of the family about this lawsuit, Dr. Metzger testified.

                The doctor said his relationship with Michael Jackson was the closest he has ever had with any patient. He went to Neverland 12-15 times. He went to MJ’s CenturyCity house, saw MJ at Dr. Klein’s house and office, saw him in NY, Australia, best man of his wedding to Ms. Rowe. He was both, Dr. Metzger said about MJ being a friend and patient. “I always had his best interest at heart.” I don’t believe I ever crossed any ethical boundaries with Michael Jackson, Dr. Metzger said. The doctor said he understands the Hippocratic Oath to have his patients first, do no harm. Dr. Metzger: In my view, I always maintained proper boundaries. A lot of physicians would not socialize with patients. Dr. Metzger: MJ was the most social I was with my patients.

                He really didn’t like taking medicine Metzger said. “I think he needed medicine because he had low pain threshold when undergoing surgery” He needed it, he didn’t take it for joy, Dr. Metzger said. Dr. Metzger said he believes he never gave MJ Demerol. “Absolutely not,” he responded to the question. Dr. Metzger: At some juncture on that tour (Dangerous), I believe I arranged for Karen, Debbie or security team to bring some medicine to MJ

                Cahan: Was that in Aug 1993?
                Dr. Metzger: I don’t recall.
                Cahan: Do you remember sending pain medication?
                Dr. Metzger: Yes, there was some form of pain medication
                Cahan: Do you remember sending some Demerol?
                Dr. Metzger: I don’t personally believe I prescribed MJ Demerol. It could’ve come from Dr. Klein if it was in the package.
                I don’t remember ever writing a prescription for Michael about Demerol, Dr. Metzger explained.
                Dr. Metzger admitted he used Karen Faye’s name to prescribe medicine for MJ.
                I’ve done it on rare occasions, almost exclusively for MJ and Janet, Dr. Metzger said.
                Cahan: Even though you knew it’s illegal?
                Dr. Metzger: Yes
                C: Why?
                Dr. M: To protect their anonymity
                Cahan: Have you ever been reprimanded or disciplined for writing prescriptions on someone else’s name?

                ( Chang asked for a sidebar. Outside jury’s presence there was discussion about Cahan asking if Metzger was reprimanded for writing prescription under other people’s name Bina: Dr. Metzger pled no contest to a misdemeanor for misconduct. There’s a petition for suspension of Dr. Metzger’s medical license. Bina argued the appropriate remedy should be to strike the question and bar the line of questioning. Cahan apologized saying she misunderstood the court order. She said she thought it had to do with other patients other than MJ and KJ. Panish: She did it intentionally, was setting him up. It was a premeditated plan. It’s not admissible, she severely prejudiced this witness. Panish wants an admonition read and wants to be allowed to talk about the German doctors. Chang argued Cahan did it in bad faith. “The jury is left with the idea that he’s a criminal, that he’d do anything for MJ,” she said. I honestly don’t know what to do to fix it, Chang said. “I just want to throw myself on the floor and cry.” Judge will read an instruction to the jury that Cahan’s question was improper and they should disregard it or anything implied by it. Judge admonished Cahan not to ask anything about it. )

                Dr. Metzger said he travelled to Australia with Debbie Rowe, was there for about 2 weeks. This was HIStory tour. Dr Metzger never rejoined the tour after he came back to LA. “My schedule and MJ particularly wanted me there for the wedding and Australia” He didn’t need me and I didn’t need to be there, he said. Dr. Metzger recalled treating MJ for mild dehydration while in Australia. The doc talked about the plan he wrote to help MJ sleep. He said MJ gave permission for him to share plan with Rowe, Faye and security guards. Michael needed to be told what to do, Dr. Metzger said. The plan detailed what to do before flights and after performances. He was uncomfortable and a little fearful of flying, Dr. Metzger explained.

                Cahan: Did doctor shopping included Mr. Jackson segregating physicians?
                Dr. Metzger: Often I’d not hear about other physicians. I’d hear from security or the ladies if it was serious. At times, I think he probably did keep things from me because he didn’t want me to worry, Dr. Metzger testified.
                Dr. Metzger: I always asked him to go thru the hotel, because the hotel had responsibility to hire competent physician.
                Cahan: Do you think MJ wanted to keep information from one doctor to another so he could more or less do what he wanted?
                Dr. Metzger: No

                Cahan played video deposition in the insurance company lawsuit where Dr. Metzger said MJ would segregate his doctors. Dr. Metzger on depo: I think he didn’t want to appear he was doctor shopping. Dr. Metzger: I think he didn’t want one medical group to know about another medical group so he could, more or less, do what he wanted.


                Plans as of now ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE: – Witness done tomorrow morning, arguments and
                motions in the pm – Jury to be instructed on MONDAY. Closing plaintiff – TUESDAY – Closing defendant – WEDNESDAY – Rebuttal plaintiff – THURSDAY
                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 24.09.2013, 18:01.


                • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 83 – September 20 2013 – Summary

                  Dr. Allan Metzger testimony

                  AEG cross

                  Kathryn Cahan, attorney from AEG, did cross examination.

                  Cahan asked if the doctor met with Jacksons attorneys and other things he did last night to prepare for his testimony. Tried to sleep and chilled out, Dr. Metzger responded. Dr. Metzger said he will bill the plaintiffs $1,000/hour for testifying today. He’ll bill 6 or 7 hours for the time on the stand yesterday. Cahan asked if Dr Metzger were to do this for 8 hours/day he’d make $240 thousand a month. “I’d never do this 8 hours a day,” he answered. The doctor said he retired earlier this year from seeing patients.

                  Metzger: I told MJ I wanted to have as much information as I could about his health wherever he was. Sometimes I got it, sometimes I didn’t
                  Cahan: Did you ever discuss with MJ your concerns about doctor shopping?
                  Dr. Metzger: Yes

                  Dr. Metzger said he explains to all of his patients he wants to know all the doctors they are seeing due to potential harm of medications.

                  Cahan: Michael didn’t take your warnings seriously, did he?
                  Dr. Metzger: At times he did.
                  Cahan: Regarding the risks of taking medication this way, was it your impression he didn’t take you seriously?
                  Dr. Metzger: I believe he took it seriously, but I believe he forgot it at times since he was too busy.

                  Cahan played video deposition of Dr. Metzger where he said he was frustrated that other doctors were giving MJ medication he didn’t know. I don’t think he took it very seriously because he trusted doctors to take care of him, Dr. Metzger said in the depo.

                  I think he really didn’t take it seriously he could have a reaction from taking different medications, Dr. Metzger testified.

                  Cahan: You said MJ took great joy in making it a secret to everybody and that it was part of his mystique, correct?
                  Metzger: It was part of his privacy, his mystique perhaps. There were concerns of MJ seeing several doctors. I’d not call it doctor shopping

                  Cahan played Metzger’s video deposition where he said he heard concerns from Debbie, Karen, Hoefflin, Klein that Michael was doctor shopping. He took pain medication the average person wouldn’t, Dr. Metzger testifies in his deposition. Metzger said privacy and secrecy played a role in MJ’s medical care. He didn’t recall seeing pill bottles with doctor’s name he didn’t know At times, MJ was secretive about the doctors he was seeing, the medications he was taking and the procedures he was having, Dr. Metzger said.

                  Dr. Metzger said he had no restrictions of where to go in MJ’s Carolwood home during the April 18, 2009 visit. Cahan played video of deposition where the doctor said he never went upstairs at Michael’s house. But he said in court he went to the second floor’s landing to get a cat and saw into all the rooms. Cahan asked which one was the truth, whether he went upstairs or not. Dr. Metzger said he did not go upstairs with Michael. Dr. Metzger: I went up to the landing where you could see the room where the kids said Michael was and the doors were wide open.

                  Dr. Metzger claimed he didn’t see any medical equipment in MJ’s house. “He was certainly anxious and desperate over sleep,” he said.
                  Cahan: How MJ looked on April 18, 2009?
                  Metzger: He looked fit, he was bouncing, the same Michael I knew, lucid
                  There was no suggestion of medication I could detect, Dr. Metzger recalled.

                  He said Michael was always trim and muscular. “He was ready to go, except worried about sleep,” Dr. Metzger testified. I think he was handling stress better than I thought he would he said. “I’ve seeing him before other tours, he seemed more anxious” He seemed in charge and ready to go, the doctor said. “He was excited, anxious.”

                  Jackson redirect

                  In re-direct, Dr. Metzger said that on April 18, 2009 he was not aware of MJ having any intravenous medication.. Chang asked if on April 18, 2009 MJ looked skeletal like the picture from June 19, 2009. “Absolutely did not look like that,” he responded.

                  Regarding Chang’s recommending Eric George to be his attorney, Dr. Metzger said Chang was enthusiastic about him. In fact, he said, Chang didn’t even recommend that the doctor talked to anyone else. Dr. Metzger and Chang met with George for about 1 hour. Chang: Is it terrifying to testify in front of the entire world? Metzger: Yes. I wanted to make sure I knew how to answer properly about MJ. Chang said she wanted to clear up that her firm is not paying Dr. Metzger’s attorney Eric George. Dr. Metzger: I have not received any bills from Eric George yet. She asked if he had any reason to believe that was not true. He said no. Dr. Metzger said $1,000/hour is the standard rate he charges any attorney when he does depositions or testifies in court. Dr. Metzger charged AEG $9,000 for 9 hours of deposition in this case. He said he charged the same hourly rate for the Lloyds of London depo. Chang: In the 46 years you’ve practice medicine, it the rate pretty standard for doctors? Dr. Metzger: It’s standard in my office. Dr. Metzger said the fee he charges does not influence his testimony in any way.

                  He said Paul Gongaware was the producer at MJ’s tour in Sydney, Australia. Chang: Did you believe it was any secret in Australia that Michael could not sleep after the performances? Dr. Metzger: No, I think everyone understood that. He was a perfectionist, Michael could not sleep after the shows. Whatever he did it, no matter how magical it was, he wanted to make it more magical, Dr. Metzger opined. Chang: Was it for the fans? Dr. Metzger: Yes and for himself, he was a perfectionist. Chang: When someone cannot sleep, does it make someone more anxious? Dr. Metzger: Yes, and it lowers the pain threshold.

                  Chang: During the Dangerous tour in 1993 did you come to learn that too many prescription drugs were given to MJ? Dr. Metzger: Absolutely!

                  Regarding prescribing medication under Karen Faye’s name, Dr. Metzger said it was Latisse for eyelashes, Rogaine and cold medicine.

                  As to doctor shopping, Metzger said his concern about it was in the early 90′s. He said he never prescribed Demerol under Faye’s name for MJ. I’m not aware of any doctor shopping and use of drug that was not appropriate from 1995 and later, Dr. Metzger testified. Chang asked if Dr. Metzger had any proof MJ was taking meds from different doctors. “The only proof I had was word of mouth,” he answered. Michael never told me about many doctors and many medications, Dr. Metzger testified. Chang: And you didn’t have any real evidence? Dr. Metzger: I did hear bits and pieces of medication being prescribed by other doctors in LA. Chang: You agree that you were MJ’s long time doctor and friend for 26 years? Dr. Metzger: Yes

                  Chang: You met Paul Gongaware in the HIStory tour? Metzger: Yes.

                  I was concerned about sleep issue and him being groggy, Dr. Metzger said. As to using intravenous medication to sleep, Dr. Metzger repeated he told MJ it was dangerous and he should not do it.

                  Chang: Paul Gongaware never offered to pay you $150 thousand/month? Dr. Metzger: Correct

                  AEG recross

                  Cahan, in re-cross: If Paul Gongaware offered you $150 thousand/month it would be less than what you’d get for being a witness at $1,000/hr? Dr. Metzger: Yes, the math is correct, but I also said I’d not do this full time.

                  Dr. Metzger recalled overuse of Demerol and some sleep drug issues as being a problem during the Dangerous tour. In 1993, when MJ went to rehab, Dr. Metzger said he learned about it either though Debbie Rowe or Karen Faye or maybe the press. Cahan played video deposition of Dr. Metzger where he said he treated MJ after he went to rehab and never discussed it with Michael. Cahan: Did you discuss MJ’s addiction to painkiller even after learning from the press he entered rehab and continued as his physician? Dr. Metzger: I discussed that in the late 90′s a few times. Cahan: Did he say he had an addiction to painkillers? Dr. Metzger: Yes, he said that in the Dangerous tour he was addicted.

                  I believe I prescribed mild opioids, vicodin, for significant pain, Dr. Metzger said. This was after MJ had left rehab. As to Latisse, the doctor said the prescription was for both MJ and Faye. He believes this was during the Dangerous tour. Metzger said he was more involved in the 90′s than 2000′s. From 03-09, he was involved only by phone, asked about kids, minor medical issues

                  Dr. Metzger is excused.

                  Attorney Eric George Testimony

                  Jackson direct

                  George is an attorney for 20 years. He practices civil litigation matters involving businesses.

                  Panish: Have you ever socialize with me, had dinners with me? George: Not once. I’m very careful the company I keep. Everyone laughed.

                  He represents Debbie Rowe for the past 8 years. Panish asked how George became Dr. Metzger’s attorney. He said he received a phone call asking if he would be willing to represent him. Panish inquired if he was being paid by Panish’s firm to represent Dr. Metzger. George said no, nor would he accept it. George: It would be inappropriate. I’m here to represent the witness, to tell the truth and let the chips fall wherever they may.

                  AEG cross

                  Putnam, in cross: When did you decide you were going to testify? George: It was discussed yesterday after an incorrect answer was given. George said it was suggested that he was being paid about one side. “It concerned my reputation and I wanted to clear that up.” It was something I’d never agree to, he testified.” I was glad to do it and get the record straight.

                  P: Did you charge him? G: Yes. Putnam: Do you work for Dr. Metzger for free? George: No. P: Are you being paid less than the regular rate? G: Much less. Putnam: Your regular rate? George: No

                  George never met Dr. Metzger before his case, but said he heard about him from Debbie Rowe. Putnam asked if he thought it was a conflict of interest to represent Rowe and Dr. Metzger. George said there’s no conflict of interest. I’m proud of saying that I’ve never been accused of conflict of interest or unethical conduct and I want to keep it that way, George said. Putnam asked why George agreed to represent Dr. Metzger. One of the most important issues of this time is corporate accountability and responsibility, George said.

                  Putnam: You made a determination about the outcome of this case? George: I do have strong feelings about this case, yes.

                  George was then excused.

                  Plaintiffs told the court they are resting, pending some issues that are not resolved yet.

                  Both sides stipulated that the total attendance in the U2 concert at the Rowe Bowl on Oct 25, 2009 was approximately 97,000.

                  After jurors left, Kevin Boyle tells judge in order to not lengthen the trial even further they’ll not show Sony’s raw footage of This Is It

                  Attorneys argued plaintiffs’ motion for direct verdict on issue of Katherine Jackson being dependent on MJ. Judge: My tentative would be to grant it. Boyle said he agreed with judge’s position. Plaintiffs want the judge to rule that Katherine Jackson was dependent on MJ for necessities of live. If Mrs. Jackson is considered not to be dependent of MJ, she has no standing in bringing in this lawsuit. Mrs. Jackson didn’t need her son’s money for necessities of life Bina argued. “For 3 years she was getting $120K/year from daughter Janet” Standing is not established if the money from the child only enables the parent to have niceties they might otherwise afford Bina opined. It’s a jury question as to whether the chid’s money is needed, Bina said. Bina argued it’s not contribution to some extent, it’s whether the parent needed the money for the necessities of life. Boyle said the support that MJ was given to Mrs. Jackson was not really disputed. Ackerman testified that Mr. Jackson was paying for many expenses at Hayvenhurst, such as utilities, transportation, food, mortgage. Judge asked if there was record of how money Janet gave Mrs. Jackson was spent. Her money could be for the niceties. Bina said the law is to protect a parent who depends upon a child for necessities of life. Bina: Jury could find Mrs Jackson was not dependent upon MJ for the necessities of life but accepted generous gift to have nicer things. Judge: The fact that he contributes it some way, it doesn’t have to be how much. Boyle argues that the word “need ” is not in any of the case laws. It’s whether they were dependent, to some extent, for necessities of life Judge: The fact in this case is Mrs. Jackson is an 83 year old woman, she doesn’t work, she’s dependent on her children to take care of her. Boyle said defendant’s expert admitted MJ paid Mrs. Jackson’s necessities of life. Bina: A reasonable person could determine that earning $120 thousand a year is enough for food, clothing and shelter. If there was no Michael Jackson at all, Mrs. Jackson would still have $120 thousand a year, Bina said. Notwithstanding how generous MJ was to his mother, the fact is she did not need him to live, Bina argued. Judge to rule within the hour if Katherine Jackson has standing or not. If judge denies motion, jury will have to determine if KJ has standing before they can award her any money — what defense wants. If judge grants it, jury won’t have to make that decision — what plaintiffs want. Big victory in court today for Katherine Jackson. The judge just ruled the matriarch is entitled to seek compensation for the death of MJ.

                  To help fans easily follow the updates in the trial these daily summaries are done from media reports about Katherine Jackson vs. AEG trial. Media sources are credited in parenthesis when appropriate. Please note that as these summaries are made from media reports they might not follow the...

                  Edit: Gestern wurden Jury-Instructions verlesen: Hier zum Nachlesen:

                  Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 24.09.2013, 18:05.


                  • Livestream ins Gericht! Schlussplädoyers


                    • An attorney for Michael Jackson’s family told jurors Tuesday that concert promoter AEG Live hired the doctor who administered the fatal dose of a powerful anesthetic and that the company now should pay for the singer’s death.

                      Michael Jackson's family wants $85 million per child from AEG Live
                      MJs Familie will von AEG Live für jedes Kind 85 Mio. $

                      By Jeff Gottlieb

                      September 24, 2013, 7:09 p.m.

                      An attorney for Michael Jackson’s family told jurors Tuesday that concert promoter AEG Live hired the doctor who administered the fatal dose of a powerful anesthetic and that the company now should pay for the singer’s death.

                      Brian Panish told jurors that AEG should have to pay non-economic or personal damages of $85 million to each of Jackson’s three children and $35 million to his mother.

                      Brian Panish sagte den Juroren, dass AEG jedem von Michaels's 3 Kindern 85 Mio. $ zu zahlen habe u. 35 Mio. an seine Mutter.

                      This marked the first time in the nearly five-month-long trial that the Jacksons have placed a number on damages they are seeking from the entertainment company.

                      Those figures could be dwarfed by the economic damages, however. Panish told jurors they would have to sort that out, but he showed them a slide that reminded the panel that an expert witness testified the singer would have earned $1.2 billion to $1.6 billion if he had lived, from new music, tours, endorsements and a Las Vegas show.

                      “We’re not looking for sympathy,” Panish said. “We’re looking for justice, full and complete.”
                      "Wir sind nicht auf Sympathie aus, " sagte Panish. " Wir wollen Gerechtigkeit, voll und ganz."

                      Panish, speaking in a much more low-key manner than when he took testimony, quoted Abraham Lincoln and the Book of Exodus during his day-long closing argument.

                      He also went straight at the question of Jackson’s culpability in his death. “It’s about shared responsibility,” he said. “Michael probably has some fault.... I’m not going to deny that Michael used prescription drugs and that people told him it’s risky to use propofol.”

                      Er ging auch direkt auf die Frage nach Jackson's Mitschuld an seinem Tod ein. " Es geht um Mitverantwortung, " sagte er. "Michael hat wohl einige Fehler gemacht...Ich werde nicht verleugnen, dass Michael verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente gebrauchte u. dass ihm Leute warnten, es sei gefährlich Propofol zu benutzen."

                      But he said that unless Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave Jackson the anesthetic for 60 days to fight insomnia, had been hired by AEG, Jackson would still be alive.
                      Aber er sagte auch, wenn Dr. CM, der Jackson 60 Tage lang mit Propofol gegen seine Schlaflosigkeit behandelte, nicht von AEG eingestellt worden wäre, wäre Jackson noch am Leben.

                      “No Murray, no AEG, no propofol, Michael’s still here,” he said.
                      "Kein Murray, kein AEG, kein Propofol, Michael wäre noch hier," sagte Panish.

                      The Jacksons have sued AEG over Jackson's death, saying the entertainment firm negligently hired and supervised Murray. AEG maintains that the doctor worked for Jackson, and any money the firm was supposed to pay the doctor was an advance to the singer.

                      AEG attorneys are set to make closing arguments Wednesday, and the case could be in the jury’s hands by the end of the week.

                      Die AEG Anwälte werden am Mittwoch ihr Abschlußplädoyer halten u. der Fall wird wahrscheinl. Ende der Woche der Jury übergeben.
                      Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 25.09.2013, 07:48.


                      • Jackson, Mutter des verstorbenen King of Pop Michael Jackson, darf auf Schadensersatz wegen fahrlässiger Tötung klagen. Das hat nun ein Richter in Los Angeles entschieden.
                        Eigentlich darf in einem Fall wie bei Katherine und ihrem berühmten verstorbenen Sohn Michael Jackson laut kalifornischem Recht kein Elternteil auf Schadensersatz wegen fahrlässiger Tötung eines ihrer Kinder klagen. Es sei denn, der Kläger kann beweisen, dass er voll und ganz auf das Geld seines Kindes angewiesen war. Genau dieser Argumentation ist nun ein Richter in Los Angeles gefolgt und spricht deshalb Michael Jacksons Mutter das Recht zu, auf Schadensersatz zu klagen.
                        Die Anwälte der Gegenseite, der Konzertveranstalter AEG Live, hatten eingewandt, dass Michael Jacksons Schwester Janet Jackson ihrer Mutter ebenfalls über Jahre rund 10.000 US-Dollar monatlich zugesteckt habe. Dazu der Richter in seiner Urteilsbegründung: "Es gibt keinen Beweis, dass Janet Jacksons Zahlungen Katherine Jacksons Abhängigkeit von ihrem Sohn Michael Jackson beeinträchtigt hat." Nun darf Mutter Jackson also mit den drei Kindern des King of Pop offiziell mitklagen, wenn es vor Gericht weiter um eine Entschädigung von Seiten AEG Live geht.
                        Der Konzertveranstalter habe sich nach Meinung der Kläger strafbar gemacht, indem er den Arzt Conrad Murray einstellte, der am Ende für den Tod von Michael Jackson mitverantwortlich gewesen sei. Murray sitzt derzeit hinter Gittern, nachdem er wegen fahrlässiger Tötung durch die Verabreichung einer zu hohen Dosis Propofol verurteilt wurde.
                        Im Prozess gegen die Veranstalter von Michael Jackson geht es um gigantische Summen. Die Rede ist von bis zu 40 Milliarden US-Dollar wegen entgangener zukünftiger Einnahmen und weiterer finanzieller Einbußen.


                          1. Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigen

                            Michael Jackson's family wants $85 million per child from AEG Live
                            Brian Panish told jurors that AEG should have to pay non-economic or personal damages of $85 million to each of Jackson’s three children and $35 million to his mother.

                            Brian Panish sagte den Juroren, dass AEG jedem von Michaels's 3 Kindern 85 Mio. $ zu zahlen habe u. 35 Mio. an seine Mutter.


                            ABC sagt hierzu was anderes:

                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
                          1. If they award everything Jacksons attorney asked, it's over $1.5 billion $325 million in non-economic damage $1.2 billion in economic damage
                          2. Wenn sie alles geben was die Jackson-Anwälte erfragten ist es über 1,5 Milliarden, 325 Millionen nicht ökonom. und 1,2 Milliarden ökonom. Schadensersatz

                          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9h
                          Jacksons attorney Brian Panish has just concluded closing arguments for the day. Defendants will have their chance tomorrow at 9:45 am PT


                          • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 84 – September 23 2013 – Summary

                            Jury Instructions was read today.

                            Final Jury instructions can be found at the link below

                            The document is comprised of repetitions of the phrase "jjc mommunity" and variations thereof with no other discernible words or meanings. It does not provide any essential information due to being entirely nonsensical repetitions of an unclear phrase.

                            Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #88


                            Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                            Day 1 - 50
                            Day 51 - 70
                            Day 71 - zeuge Dr. Gary Green
                            Day 72 - forts. zeuge Dr. Green
                            Day 73 - zeugin Rhoma Young
                            Day 74 - zeugen Jeffrey Adams video depo.; Dr. Stephen Gordon, plastic surgeon video depo.; Dr. David Adams video depo
                            Day 75 - zeuge Dr. Petros Levounis
                            Day 76 - forts. zeuge Dr. Petros Levounis; zeugin Dr. Christine Quinn; zeugin Cherilyn Lee
                            Day 77 - forts. zeugin Ch. Lee
                            Day 78 - zeuge Dr. Paul Earley
                            Day 79 - forts. zeuge Dr. Paul Earley
                            Day 80 -
                            zeugen Dr. William B Van Valin Video Deposition; Dr. Neil Ratner Video Deposition; Dr. Allan Metzger Video Deposition
                            Day 81 - zeuge Allan Metzger Video Deposition;
                            Jackson Rebuttal Case - LAPD Detective Scott Smith
                            Day 82 – zeuge Dr. Allan Metzger
                            Day 83 - zeugen Dr. Allan Metzger; Att. Eric George


                            Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
                            Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                            Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                            Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                            Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                            Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                            Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                            Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                            Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50

                            Weitere transscripts sind einsehbar; Quelle: Ivy, MJJC #84

                            Jeffrey Adams Deposition Transcript

                            Dr. David Adams Deposition Transcript

                            Dr. Gordon Sasaki Deposition Transcript
                            Dr Stephen Gordon Deposition Transcript

                            Dr David Slavit Deposition Transcript
                            Dr Neil Ratner Deposition Transcript

                            Dr. William Van Valin Deposition Transcript

                            Randy Jackson Deposition Transcript

                            Transcript of Metzger Video Deposition

                            Jury Instructions

                            Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 25.09.2013, 20:16.


                            • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 85 – September 24 2013 – Summary

                              Closing arguments started, it was Jacksons turn.

                              Source: HLN is live-blogging closing arguments. Read below for minute-by-minute updates from the trial

                              1:24 p.m. ET: Katherine Jackson and daughter Rebbie have entered the courtroom. Grandchildren Taj and TJ Jackson (the sons of Tito) are now sitting with their grandmother.

                              1:34 p.m. ET: Jackson family attorney Brian Panish begins his closing argument by thanking the jury for its service. Jurors have been listening to this case for five months.

                              1:37 p.m. ET: Panish says Michael Jackson “danced, walked, moon walked on this earth for nearly 50 years… someone like that only comes around every so often. We may never see the likes of Michael Jackson ever again… That gift came at a huge price.”

                              1:39 p.m. ET: “The whole world stopped when the King of Pop died and everyone grieved,” said Panish.

                              1:42 p.m. ET: "He had abused prescription medications during times of pain, anxiety, stress," said Panish.

                              1:45 p.m. ET: Panish says AEG wanted Jackson to perform so badly "they would do whatever it took to get him on stage and they told that to Dr. Murray."

                              1:47 p.m. ET: An AEG exec had to throw Jackson in a shower and slap him before the press conference that announced his "This Is It" tour, according to Panish. Executives exchanged e-mails after saying, "We can't back off now, it would be a disaster for the company.

                              1:51 p.m. ET: Dr. Murray broke his Hippocratic oath and AEG Live is responsible, according to Panish.

                              1:53 p.m. ET: Panish is walking jurors through what needs to be proven in this case and who has the burden of proof.

                              1:55 p.m. ET: "If the scale [of justice] tips ever so slightly, we have met the burden of proof," said Panish, who must show AEG Live negligently hired, supervised or retained Dr. Murray.

                              1:58 p.m. ET: On the issue of whether AEG Live hired Dr. Murray, Panish says the evidence overwhelming shows that they did.

                              2:04 p.m. ET: Panish is still going over the first jury question: "Did AEG Live hire Dr. Conrad Murray?" He says a contract can be written or oral, partially written or partially oral and that oral contracts are just as valid as written contracts.

                              2:13 p.m. ET: Panish is showing e-mails between AEG Live and Murray that he says prove they had a contract.


                              2:19 p.m. ET: Why would AEG let Murray have control over Jackson's rehearsal schedule if he wasn't hired by them, asks Panish.

                              2:22 p.m. ET: Panish says Murray was included on AEG Live budgets.


                              2:27 p.m. ET: Panish moves on to the second question on the verdict form: "Was Dr. Conrad Murray unfit or incompetent to perform the work for which he was hired?" Panish says it's obvious Murray is unfit and incompetent because he killed the King of Pop and wasn't trained to treat insomnia.

                              2:36 p.m. ET: Murray had two obligations: One to the entity paying him money (AEG) and one to his patient (Jackson), according to Panish.

                              2:39 p.m. ET: "Was Dr. Murray swayed by the conflict of the money vs. the patient?" asked Panish.

                              2:40 p.m. ET: Panish says Murray swore to do no harm but did it anyway: "Why did he do it? For the money."

                              2:42 p.m. ET: Panish shows this e-mail to the jury, sent between AEG execs: "We want to remind him that it is AEG, not MJ who is paying his salary."

                              2:47 p.m. ET: Video being played in court shows AEG executive Paul Gongaware being asked about the e-mail he sent (mentioned in previous entry). He says he doesn't member sending it or what it means. "We weren't paying his salary," Gongaware said. He then says he doesn't know whose salary he's even talking about.

                              "It would be funny, but for somebody who has lost his life... I don't think it's funny," Panish said.

                              2:50 p.m. ET: Panish says AEG Live wanted complete control over Murray and that some people do things they normally wouldn't do because of a need for money.

                              2:52 p.m. ET: Conrad Murray asking for $5 million to go on tour was a red flag showing he was "unfit, incompetent and outrageous," according to Panish.


                              2:55 p.m. ET: A detective working for the LAPD was easily able to determine Murray was financially "a mess," which was a motivation for what he did, according to Panish.

                              2:57 p.m. ET: "It's not a stretch that he was unfit and incompetent -- come on," Panish said, in reference to Murray.

                              2:59 p.m. ET: The judge has recessed the court for lunch. Closing arguments will resume at 4:30 p.m. ET.

                              4:38 p.m. ET: Jackson family attorney Brian Panish has continued working his way through the jury verdict form, addressing question #3: "Did AEG Live know or should it have known that Dr. Conrad Murray was unfit or incompetent and that this unfitness or incompetence created a particular risk to others?"

                              4:41 p.m. ET: Panish warns the courtroom not to laugh as he replays testimony by a few AEG executives who are edited together to say "I don't know" or "I don't remember" several times.


                              4:48 p.m. ET: Testimony from earlier in the trial continues to be played by Panish.

                              4:52 p.m. ET: Panish says everyone knew Jackson had problems sleeping and needed help to treat his insomnia.

                              4:56 p.m. ET: The director of the show, Kenny Ortega, was supposed to monitor Jackson's health, according to Panish. "The pressure was on," said Panish. Jackson and Ortega then put the pressure on Murray, according to Panish.

                              4:59 p.m. ET: E-mails Panish reads in court show there were concerns about "trouble at the front" when it came to Jackson's health and his tour.


                              5:01 p.m. ET: The director of Jackson's show e-mailed AEG executives, telling them Jackson was in trouble and needed a mental evaluation, according to Panish.

                              5:04 p.m. ET: One AEG employee said Jackson was so thin, he could see his heart beating in his chest. Another employee expressed fears Jackson was going to die and needed to be hospitalized, according to Panish.

                              5:10 p.m. ET: Jackson was described by a witness earlier in the trial as "very, very underweight... like someone who was at the end stage of a -- of a long disease process."


                              5:15 p.m. ET: Panish moves on to question #4, saying the answer is "obviously" yes: "Did Dr. Conrad Murray’s unfitness or incompetence harm Michael Jackson and the Jackson Plaintiffs?"

                              5:16 p.m. ET: Panish tells jurors they don't need to spend much time on question #4 and moves on to question #5: "Was AEG Live’s negligence in hiring, supervising, or retaining Dr. Conrad Murray a substantial factor in causing Michael Jackson and the Jackson Plaintiffs’ harm?"

                              5:19 p.m. ET: A timeline of Jackson's medical treatments is displayed on a slide. Panish says Jackson survived 50 years of procedures with "never a single issue." He says the one thing that changed was AEG and Murray.


                              5:22 p.m. ET: Panish is moving on to the next set of questions, which address compensatory damages.

                              5:25 p.m. ET: "Unfortunately nothing can bring Michael Jackson back… in our society there’s a tremendous value placed on human life," said Panish. He has started talking about Jackson's mom, Katherine, saying there is no word for a parent who has lost a child because it's "an indescribable loss that no parent should ever experience."

                              5:27 p.m. ET: When deciding how much to award Katherine Jackson and Michael's kids, Panish tells jurors they have to use common sense to decide "what is just and fair."

                              5:31 p.m. ET: Panish said Katherine Jackson should be awarded less money than his children, because her life expectancy is much shorter.

                              5:34 p.m. ET: Panish just played a clip from "This is it" with Kenny Ortega saying that Jackson could have sold out 200 shows on his final tour.

                              5:36 p.m. ET: AEG's own accounting figures indicate that Jackson was going to earn close to $1.5 billion on his final tour.


                              5:38 p.m. ET: Panish is playing a video of Jackson's performances for the jury so they can see he could have still earned a substantial amount of money if he lived.

                              5:42 p.m. ET: The video of past performances shows Jackson performing with the Jackson 5 as a child, and also shows him performing to sold out crowds as an adult.


                              5:48 p.m. ET: The video also showed Jackson's first moonwalk at the 25th Anniversary of the Grammy's.


                              5:52 p.m. ET: The video of past performances has been playing for more than 10 minutes now.

                              5:57 p.m. ET: The video is over, and Panish said the video of past performances was the best evidence that Jackson could have still sold out shows if he had lived. Court is now in a 15 minute break.

                              6:19 p.m. ET: Panish has picked back up with his closing argument. He says AEG wanted Jackson to perform, because his tour was going to make a large profit. He also says Jackson invested in his family.

                              6:23 p.m. ET: Panish is now discussing how the Jackson family has suffered loss besides monetary losses. He is explaining that Jackson family will no longer feel MJ's love or comfort.

                              6:25 p.m. ET: "Death lasts forever," said Panish. "This will never be replaced."

                              6:27 p.m. ET: Panish is showing the jury some pictures of Jackson with his family.


                              6:29 p.m. ET: This is a picture of the Jackson family home in Gary, Indiana.


                              6:33 p.m. ET: Jackson wrote poetry for his mother.


                              6:36 p.m. ET: Panish is now detailing the non-monetary losses Jackson's children have suffered from his death.

                              6:42 p.m. ET: Prince was very close to his father, and he was like his father's little assistant according to Panish.


                              6:47 p.m. ET: Panish said Paris was there when her father overdosed, and it was very traumatic for her.


                              6:50 p.m. ET: Panish is playing a song Jackson wrote for his children, while video plays of Jackson with his children.

                              6:55 p.m. ET: Panish said he believes each of Jackson's children should be awarded $85 million dollars for past and future losses.

                              6:59 p.m. ET: Panish has ended his closing argument. He thanked the jury, and told the jury he will give a shorter rebuttal argument Thursday. AEG's attorneys will give their closing argument tomorrow. The judge told the parties to report to the courtroom tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. ET.


                              some videos


                              another set of videos

                              Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #89


                              Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                              Day 1 - 50
                              Day 51 - 70
                              Day 71 - zeuge Dr. Gary Green
                              Day 72 - forts. zeuge Dr. Green
                              Day 73 - zeugin Rhoma Young
                              Day 74 - zeugen Jeffrey Adams video depo.; Dr. Stephen Gordon, plastic surgeon video depo.; Dr. David Adams video depo
                              Day 75 - zeuge Dr. Petros Levounis
                              Day 76 - forts. zeuge Dr. Petros Levounis; zeugin Dr. Christine Quinn; zeugin Cherilyn Lee
                              Day 77 - forts. zeugin Ch. Lee
                              Day 78 - zeuge Dr. Paul Earley
                              Day 79 - forts. zeuge Dr. Paul Earley
                              Day 80 -
                              zeugen Dr. William B Van Valin Video Deposition; Dr. Neil Ratner Video Deposition; Dr. Allan Metzger Video Deposition
                              Day 81 - zeuge Allan Metzger Video Deposition;
                              Jackson Rebuttal Case - LAPD Detective Scott Smith
                              Day 82 – zeuge Dr. Allan Metzger
                              Day 83 - zeugen Dr. Allan Metzger; Att. Eric George
                              Day 84 - Jury Instructions

                              __________________________________________________ __

                              Exklusiv transcripts eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
                              Zeugenaussage von Prince Michael Jackson Jr.; exklusiv transcripts von MJJC # 7

                              Deposition transcripts filed with the court.
                              Note : these are not the full depositions, they are only the portions played in the court.

                              Dr. Stuart Finkelstein Deposition video transcript
                              Dr. Earley Deposition video transcript
                              Tim Leiweke Deposition video transcript
                              Randy Phillips Deposition video transcript
                              Quelle Ivy, MJJC #50

                              Weitere transscripts sind einsehbar; Quelle: Ivy, MJJC #84

                              Jeffrey Adams Deposition Transcript

                              Dr. David Adams Deposition Transcript

                              Dr. Gordon Sasaki Deposition Transcript
                              Dr Stephen Gordon Deposition Transcript

                              Dr David Slavit Deposition Transcript
                              Dr Neil Ratner Deposition Transcript

                              Dr. William Van Valin Deposition Transcript

                              Randy Jackson Deposition Transcript

                              Transcript of Metzger Video Deposition

                              Jury Instructions

                              Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 27.09.2013, 22:05. Grund: vervollständigt


                              • Schlussplädoyers
                                Mr. Brian Panish: Jacksons
                                Teil 1

                                Teil 2

                                Teil 3

                                Mr. Marvin Putnam: AEG

                                ..gehen bei euch alle Vids?....
                                Zuletzt geändert von for a better world; 26.09.2013, 06:50.


                                thread unten
