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  • #91
    The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 11. Teil

    30. Mai 2013

    Seit Dienstag ist Paul Gongaware, Co-CEO von AEG Live, im Zeugenstand. Am Vormittag kam Janet Jackson in den Gerichtssaal, um ihre Mutter zu unterstützen. Schwester Rebbie war auch anwesend, was die AEG Anwälte dazu veranlasste, Einspruch zu erheben, da am Anfang des Prozesses vereinbart wurde, dass neben Mutter Katherine jeweils nur ein weiteres Familienmitglied dem Prozess beiwohnen dürfte (siehe unsere Meldung vom 5. Mai, Absatz 7). Janet konnte bleiben und Richterin Palazuelos sagte, die Sache würde zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt diskutiert werden. Es ist zu erwarten, dass die Befragung von Paul Gongaware durch Brian Panish, Anwalt für die Jacksons, einige Tage in Anspruch nehmen wird. Man darf gespannt darauf sein, was Paul Gongaware aussagen bzw. wie er sich verhalten wird.

    Paul Gongaware war während Michael Jacksons “Dangerous” Tour der Tour Manager. Er sagte aus, dass er damals wusste, dass Michael Jackson Schmerzmittel verabreicht wurden, er jedoch bis zur öffentlichen Ankündigung, dass Michael die Tour abbrechen und sich in eine Reha-Klinik einweisen lasse, nicht wusste, wie ernsthaft das Problem war. Der Gerichtsreporter von der LA Times berichtete, wie Gongaware sich locker im Sessel zurückgelehnt hatte, als er von Brian Panish in dieser Sache befragt worden war. “Hatte keine Zeit”, so Gongaware. Schliesslich musste er ja seinen Job erledigen.

    Paul Gongaware begann ca. 1976 für Concerts West zu arbeiten. Concerts West wurde später von AEG übernommen. Eine interessante Zusatzbemerkung von LA Times Journalistin Corina Knoll hierzu: “[Paul Gongaware] arbeitete an Elvis Presleys letzter Tour, die mit dem Tod des Künstlers endete”. Was wollte die Journalistin damit implizieren? Dass Paul Gongaware zwei Superstars auf dem Gewissen hat? Aber zurück zu dem, was sich im Gerichtssaal abspielte.

    Als Brian Panish den Zeugen dann fragte, dass er in dem Fall wusste, was zu erwarten war, als Michael Jackson gestorben war, antwortete Gongaware: “Ich hatte so eine Idee, was geschehen würde, ja.”

    Am 25. März 2009 schrieb Randy Phillips an Gongaware: “Wir müssen jetzt den Stecker rausziehen. Ich erklär’s dir noch.” Gongaware sagte, dass sich dies nicht auf die “This Is It” Shows bezog, sondern auf Karen Faye. “Wir haben nie darüber gesprochen, die Michael Jackson Tour zu beenden, nicht dass ich mich erinnern mag”, so Gongaware. In einer weiteren E-Mail vom 25. März schrieb Kenny Ortega an Gongaware, dass Faye davon “überzeugt ist, dass dies gefährlich und unmöglich ist, wenn man MJs Gesundheit und Fähigkeit zu performen in Betracht zieht”. Gongaware sagte dazu aus, dass er glaubte Kenny Ortega wollte Kayes Anstellung beenden aufgrund dessen, wie sie die Situation gehandhabt hatte. “Sie versuchte den Zugang zu Michael Jackson zu kontrollieren und Kenny mochte das nicht”, so Gongaware.

    In einer anderen E-Mail machte Gongaware Michaels Arbeitsethik schlecht. Er sagte seinem Assistenten, er solle die Farben im Kalender ändern, so dass Michael meinte, er hätte mehr freie Tage. “Finde einen Weg, so dass es ausschaut, als arbeite er nicht so viel”, so die E-Mail.

    Eine weitere E-Mail von Gongaware bezog sich auf den notwendigen Auftritt von Michael für die Ankündigung der Konzerttour in London. “Wir können nicht gezwungen werden, dies zu stoppen, was MJ versuchen wird, weil er faul ist und stets seine Meinung ändert, wie es ihm gerade lieb ist und passt”. Gongaware nahm Stellung dazu und erklärte im Zeugenstand, dass Michael Jackson es nie mochte zu proben. Er mochte diese Sachen nicht”. Dumme Frage hier, aber was hat diese Erklärung mit dem Inhalt der E-Mail zu tun?

    In einem weiteren Teil der Befragung beschäftigte sich Brian Panish mit Gongawares Rolle betreffend das Budget für Conrad Murrays Dienste. Gongaware sagte aus, dass (obwohl er der Tour Manager war) er sich nicht um das Budget für die Tour kümmerte. Er vertraute darauf, dass der zuständige Buchhalter “wusste, wovon er sprach”. Und obwohl Conrad Murrays Lohn für mehrere Monate auf AEGs Budget aufgelistet war, betrachtete er es nicht als Geld, das dann auch wirklich ausbezahlt würde. “Potentielle Kosten werden ins Budget aufgenommen, so dass es später keine Überraschungen gebe”, so Gongaware.

    Gongaware habe zweimal mit Conrad Murray telefoniert. Beim ersten Mal habe Murray USD 5 Mio. für seine Dienste verlangt, beim zweiten Mal war Murray mit USD 150’000 pro Monat einverstanden, einem Betrag, den Michael Jackson vorgeschlagen hatte. Conrad Murray habe zuerst gesagt, er wolle mehr. Als Gongaware ihm dann sagte, das Angebot käme von Michael Jackson, “akzeptierte er sofort”, sagte Gongaware aus. “Es war keine beschlossene Sache. Wir hatten uns auf die Lohnsumme geeinigt, aber es mussten noch viele weitere Sachen geklärt werden”, so Gongaware. Gongaware sagte ferner, dass er einen Freund von ihm, der Arzt war, gefragt hatte, wieviel er verlangen würde für diesen Job und dieser habe ihm gesagt USD 10’000 pro Woche, dh. USD 40’000 pro Monat.

    Betreffend AEG Lives fehlendem Background Check von Conrad Murray sagte Gongaware, dass sie Murray im Rahmen ihres Standardverfahrens überprüft hätten. “Wenn wir jemanden überprüfen, verlassen wir uns entweder darauf, ob wir diese Person kennen oder sie in der Branche bekannt ist oder darauf, dass sie vom Künstler empfohlen wird. Und in diesem Fall wurde Conrad Murray vom Künstler empfohlen — der Künstler hat sogar auf ihn bestanden”.

    Übrigens, nur so nebenbei, Mr. Gongaware, der Künstler hat einen Namen: Michael Jackson.

    Sie hätten aber nichts gemacht um zu verifizieren, wer Conrad Murray sei und was er für einen Ruf habe, so Brian Panish. “Nun, Michael Jackson bestand auf in, empfahl ihn und das hat mir gereicht. Es liegt nicht an mir, Michael Jackson zu sagen, wer sein Arzt sein sollte”, so Gongaware. Panish fragte dann weiter: “Sie hätten Dr. Murray jederzeit sagen können, dass seine Dienste nicht länger benötigt waren, richtig?” Nein, so Gongaware. Aber AEG habe Michael Jacksons Kindermädchen entlassen, als ein Assistent von Michael Jackson das verlangt hatte, so Panishs Kommentar.

    Als Panish Paul Gongaware zum Juni Meeting bei Michael Jackson zu Hause befragte, bei dem neben Michael noch weitere AEG Direktoren, Frank DiLeo und Conrad Murray anwesend waren, meinte Gongaware, dass es in dem einstündigen Meeting nicht darum ging, dass Michael nicht zu den Proben erschien, sondern darum, “ob Dr. Murray und Michael alles hatten, was sie brauchten, um sich um Michaels Gesundheit zu kümmern”. Daraufhin wurde den Geschworenen ein Polizeibericht, der das Meeting zusammenfasste, gezeigt. Darin stand: “Gegenstand des Meetings war Jacksons Gesundheit, dh. seine Ernährung, seine Ausdauer und sein Gewicht. Jackson war nicht zu Proben erschienen und man nahm an, er würde zu Hause tanzen. Jedoch fanden sie heraus, dass er sich nur Videos angeschaut hatte. Doktor Murray war empfänglich für die Bedenken [der andern] und sagte, er würde sich um die Situation kümmern”.

    In einem separaten Meeting mit Michael Jackson habe Gongaware festgestelt, dass dessen Aussprache undeutlich war und er “ein bisschen Weg vom Fenster war… Ich glaube, er war unter dem Einfluss von irgendwas, denn etwas stimmte nicht mit ihm”.

    Gongaware sagte auch aus, dass als sie Michael Jackson, den grössten Künstler seiner Zeit, für die Tour unter Vertrag nehmen konnten, diese eine riesen Sache war für AEG. In einer E-Mail im 2008 beschrieb Gongaware Randy Phillips gegenüber, wie sie Michael Jackson und seinen Manager für ein mögliches Comeback angehen sollten: “Wir müssen bei der Grundlagen anfangen. Wie packen wir es an. Der Unterschied zwischen [Live Nation] und uns ist riesig. Unser Fokus ist auf dem Künstler, sie sind Wall Street angetrieben. Wir sind schlaue Leute. Wir sind vollkommen ehrlich und transparent mit allem, was wir tun. So will es Phil [Anschutz, der Gründer von AEG]“.

    Fortsetzung folgt.


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    • #92
      Medienzusammenfassung von Ivy vom gestrigen Tag. Aussage Gongaware geht noch bis einschl. Montag weiter.
      Beide Parteien haben offensichtlich auch schon gesagt, dass die bislang veranschlagte Zeit für den Prozess nicht ausreichend ist und alles noch viel länger gehen wird.

      Anthony McCartney
      ‏@mccartneyAP4h The sense I'm getting is that both sides think this taking longer than they expected. But no one is putting an end date on it yet

      Jacksons vs AEG - Day 20 – May 30 2013 – Summary

      Katherine and Rebbie Jackson are in court.

      The court also heard an update on efforts to get emails and any other records from a computer used by Jackson’s former manager Frank Dileo. Apparently an LA attorney has a copy of Dileo's computer hard drive. Attorneys are working to get a copy of the HD to both sides. The copy was revealed during a deposition of Dileo’s widow earlier this week in Pennsylvania, plaintiff’s lawyer Brian Panish said. (AP)

      Paul Gongaware Testimony

      Jackson direct

      Gongaware said he met with his attorneys again yesterday to refresh his recollection. (ABC7)

      Panish asked if AEG was concerned about Mr. Jackson's health. "When he was sick we obviously had a concern," Gongaware responded. Gongaware said he understood MJ was sick from reading the chain of emails shown yesterday. But Gongaware told the jury he didn't have any particular concern about Michael Jackson. Other than on June 19th, no one told Gongaware about being concerned with MJ's health. (ABC7) Gongaware testified that he disagreed with Houghdahl's opinion, saying he had no "particular concern" about Jackson's health and ability to perform. (CNN)

      Talking about the email Hougdahl sent saying MJ was deteriorating quickly, Gongaware explained: "I didn't see it the way he saw." (ABC7)

      Hougdahl, in response to concerns expressed by Travis Payne about Jackson’s weight, wrote singer needed a new diet.(AP) Email 6/15/09 from Hougdahl to Gongaware He needs some cheeseburgers w/ bunch of Wisconsin cheesehead bowlers and couple of brats and beers. (ABC7 & AP) Panish asked Gongaware whether he thought the email was funny. Gongaware said yes. He also said he wasn’t concerned about Jackson’s health. (AP)

      "Was he joking around about this situation?" Panish asked Gongaware, referring to Hougdahl.
      "I think he was," Gongaware replied.
      "Did you think that was funny?" Panish asked.
      "I did," Gongaware admitted. (NYDailyNews)

      Panish: Was Mr. Hougdahl joking about it?
      Gongaware: A little bit (ABC7)

      Panish inquired whether Gongaware had indemnity clause in his contract. Panish asked about indemnity in Gongaware's contract. The exec said indemnity means that someone else is taking on the responsibility. "I haven't read my contract in 12/13 years, I don't know what it says," Gongaware said. Gongaware said he does not know how many pages his employment agreement is. Panish asked if he AEG would cover for Gongaware should they be found guilty.(ABC7) Gongaware said it was his understanding that he wouldn’t be personally responsible financial if the jury sided with Jackson family. (AP) Panish: That means if you did something wrong... Gongaware: They would be responsible "I've been assuming that," Gongaware responded, adding that depending upon the size of the judgment, AEG could go after him. Panish asked how much AEG would be able to afford, and Gongaware said he didn't know. Panish emphasized there are various ways for AEG to pay a judgment, and Gongaware mentioned they had some sort of cancellation insurance. (ABC7)

      Panish went back to discuss the email from Randy Phillips where he wrote Dr. Murray didn't need the gig and was unbiased and ethical. Panish: Is Mr. Phillips unbiased and ethical, sir? Gongaware: I think he is. Panish asked if it was ethical for Phillips to represent to Ortega that the doctor is 'extremely successful' and 'we checked everyone out'. Gongaware responded that he didn't know what Phillips knew at the time. (ABC7)

      Panish: Is number one priority 'the show must go on'? Gongaware: I don't know if that's number one P: What's number one? G: Getting it right (ABC7)

      Panish showed the email John Branca, Michael's attorney, saying he had the right therapist for MJ and asked if substance abuse was involved. "This is referring to the meeting that was going to happen and I was waiting to see the results of it," Gongaware said. "I didn't believe there was a substance abuse issue," Gongaware testified. "In the entire time I was dealing with him in this tour, I saw it once when he came back from his doctor," Gongaware testified. Gongaware said that was the only time he saw Michael with slurred speech and under the influence of something. Gongaware said he didn't know what Dr. Klein was giving Michael Jackson. When Panish asked Gongaware if he checked Dr. Klein out, he replied: "No, he was Michael's doctor and it was none of my business." (ABC7)

      Gongaware said he once observed Michael looking "slow" and possibly intoxicated after a visit to his dermatologist but he didn't believe the singer had any serious health problems — even after Jackson appeared weak and disoriented at a June 19 rehearsal. "My observation of Michael Jackson was that he was healthy," Gongaware said. "They had a meeting to discuss (the June 19 incident), and he took a couple days off and he came back strong." (NYDailyNews)

      Gongaware talked about the meetings he attended at MJ's house. He couldn't remember how many, but said one w/ Dr. Murray was in June. (ABC7)

      On June 24th, Gongaware saw MJ rehearse the song 'Thriller'. He said he thought Michael was engaged and alert.(ABC7)

      As to insurance issues, Gongaware said he was involved only peripherally. On June 25, Gongaware sent an email saying that if they didn't get sickness coverage in the insurance, they would be dropping the policy. Gongaware said he didn't know why he was pressing for sickness insurance on the day MJ died. Bob Taylor, the insurance broker, wrote back that it was always down to the medical issued from the word go. Regarding Randy Phillips asking for life insurance the day MJ died, Gongaware said he didn't pay much attention to insurance, didn't recall. (ABC7)

      The day MJ died, Gongaware said Phillips called him and told him to get over to the house right away, there seems to be a problem. Randy followed the ambulance to UCLA. "The second call was that he informed me that he had died," Gongaware remembered. On June 25, Gongaware said he went to the rehearsal at the Staples Center and talked to Kenny Ortega. Panish: Were you sad Mr. Jackson died? Gongaware: Very much so (ABC7)

      He was a business associate, Gongaware said about MJ. They did not didn't hang out as friends (ABC7)

      Panish asked about Phillips' email directing Gongaware to remove thin, skeletal footage of MJ in red jacket from This Is It documentary. Gongaware testified today he remembered receiving the email. In his deposition played in court, Gongaware said he didn't recall the email. Panish: Did you change your testimony? Gongaware: No. I saw the email as part of my preparation (ABC7)
      “Make sure we take out the shots of MJ in that red leather jacket at the sound stage where the mini-movies were being filmed,” AEG Live president and co-chief executive Randy Phillips wrote in Aug. 9 email. “He looks way too think (sic) and skeletal.” Gongaware replied to Phillips, his boss, “ok will have a look when it comes on screen.” (LATimes)

      Gongaware said he didn't try to control any of the messages about MJ after his death to reflect he was fully engaged in rehearsals. Panish asked about an email from Gongaware okay'ing the band, singers and dancer to give interviews but asked them to keep it positive. (ABC7)

      In another email July 9, 2009, email to music coordinator JoAnn Tominaga, Gongaware wrote, “We are ok with the band, singers and dancers doing interviews now. The only thing we ask is that they keep it positive and stress that MJ was active, engaged and not the emaciated person some want to paint him as being.” Answering questions from Jackson family attorney Brian Panish, Gongaware said he was not trying to control the film’s message. “We’re asking them to keep it positive,” he said.(LATimes)

      "You're telling them what not to say, aren't you sir?" Katherine's lawyer Brian Panish asked Gongaware. "I'm asking them to keep it positive," Gongaware replied. "And not say he was emaciated," Panish shot back."Yes …we did ask them to keep it positive," Gongaware said. "So you were controlling the message as a producer of that documentary," Panish said, referring to the follow-up "This Is It" movie that included taped interviews. "I don't think so," Gongaware replied. (NYDailyTimes)

      Email: The only thing we ask is that they keep it positive and stress that MJ was active, engaged & not emaciated person some want to paint
      Panish: You were controlling the message as producer of that documentary, sir? Gongaware: I don't think so (ABC7)

      Gongaware’s testimony again emphasized the contrast between the answers he gave during his deposition under oath in December 2012 and his responses in the courtroom. In testimony Wednesday, he agreed that Phillips meant “thin” in his email, instead of the word he typed, “think.”Asked during the deposition what Phillips meant, he replied, ”I don’t know what he meant.” (LATimes)

      Gongaware said nothing was taken out of the documentary, which included rehearsals for the scheduled 50 concerts in London. (LATimes) Gongaware promised in a follow-up email to Phillips that he'd "have a look," but he testified Thursday that he never dumped any footage. "We didn't keep anything out based on what Randy wrote," Gogaware told jurors.(NYDailyNews) Gongaware testified that he did not know why Phillips would ask that. "We didn't keep anything out based on what Randy wanted." (CNN)

      Gongaware said there were 15,000 tickets per show, $1.5 million in tickets per show, $47 million for all 31 shows. Tickets were selling at lightening fast, Gongaware said. "As fast as the system can sell.". The tickets were sold in March, Gongaware said. It was held by the arena, AEG had control of the money. Gongaware said merchandising was another way of making money. The building, which is owned by AEG, would keep the revenue of beverage sold. Gongaware said the beverage money would offset the arena rent, which Michael would not have to pay. Gongaware: His (MJ) potential was great Panish: Unlimited ceilings? Gongaware: If he was willing to work that hard, he would've done well. (ABC7)

      Before lunch, Panish asked Gongaware whether “This Is It” was intended to be a multi-city tour. Gongaware said no, it was just going to be the 50 shows at London’s O2 arena. (AP) "The only thing we knew was 50 shows in London. Michael had not agreed to anything else," Gongaware explained. (ABC7)

      Panish asked Gongaware by the time the show was sold out, how many people were in the queue to buy tickets. "250,000 people were still in the queue, which would be enough to sell another 50 shows," Gongaware answered (ABC7) During Murray’s trial, Gongaware testified that 250k people still wanted tickets. He told that jury “This Is It” would be a multi-city tour. (AP)

      Panish: Did you tell the truth when you testified in this case, sir? Gongaware: Yes Panish then concluded his questioning of Gongaware. (ABC7)

      AEG cross

      AEG's attorney, Marvin Putnam, did the questioning of Gongaware on behalf of the defendants.

      Putnam: Have you ever been sued personally for the wrongful death of anyone? Gongaware: No
      Putnam: How are you feeling?
      Gongaware: It's difficult, it's very stressful
      Putnam: Are you nervous?
      Gongaware: Yes (ABC7)

      Putnam asked about Gongaware's memory and he said it's okay. (ABC7)

      When AEG defense attorney Marvin Putnam took over, he asked Gongaware about some of the emails shown to jurors yesterday. Putnam was trying to show that not all the contents of the emails had been shown to jury. Some email addresses had been redacted. Attorney Brian Panish objected to the redactions, and got testy with the judge. It prompted another lengthy sidebar. When attorneys returned from the judge's chambers, Putnam resumed questioning Gongaware about email sent to his private account. (AP)

      Putnam said Gongaware handed over more than 13,000 emails in discovery from the "This Is It" period. (ABC7 &AP)

      Putnam inquired about Gongaware's Kazoodi personal email account. On 6/20/09, the chain of emails with "Trouble at the Front" was sent there. Gongaware said he didn't remember receiving this email. Gongaware said he had more than one "Kazoodi" email account. He said he was not using the account the email was sent to on 6/20. "The account was closed at the time," Gongaware testified, saying he never received the email. But he said he never denied it was sent. Gongaware claimed yesterday was the first time he saw the chain of email subject Trouble at the Front. (ABC7)

      He presented Gongaware a document that indicated the private email account had been closed at the time a message sent him an MJ-related msg. The email in question was titled "trouble at the Front" and included concerns about Michael Jackson's health. Gongaware had testified that he'd never seen it. Putnam used the closed email account to try to show Gongaware's testimony was truthful (AP).

      "Why could you not recall e-mails?" Putnam asked him Thursday. "I had not reviewed them and had not seen them in years," Gongaware answered. Some of the e-mails were new to him because he was so busy putting Jackson's tour together that he never read them, he said. "Mostly, it was just a time factor if it was something that didn't have to do with me."(CNN)

      Gongaware said he was receiving hundreds of email a day at the height of 2008/09 tour preparation. Gongaware testified he didn't read all of them because of time factor or it was something it didn't have to do with him. (ABC7)

      Gongaware said he doesn't have an office at AEG, and that he works in his own projects. He has an office at his house. Gongaware is the Co-CEO of AEG Live Concerts West with John Meglen. He said he was the co-founder of the company. Phillips is AEG Live CEO. (ABC7)

      Gongaware explained be has been testifying about what he could recall. If he didn't remember, he said he told the jury he couldn't recall. Gongaware testified he looked at the emails after his deposition because he wanted to put everything together and see the bigger picture. Putnam: Did you try to give your best testimony? Gongaware: Yes, I did (ABC7)

      Regarding the phone call between Gongaware and Dr. Murray where the doctor asked about $5 million, Gongaware said he remembers that call. The next call between the two, it was the $150,000 call, where Gongaware offered the doctor $150k. Gongaware said those were the only two calls he had with Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

      Gongaware said the 1st time he met Dr. Murray was a meeting at MJ's Carolwood house. He said MJ, Kenny, Randy, Frank, Dr Murray were present. Gongaware recalled the other meeting with Dr. Murray was an encounter with him at The Forum. He remembers saying hello to him. Gongaware said he's sure he didn't meet with Dr. Murray other than on those two occasions.(ABC7)

      Break down: Gongaware said he spoke with Dr. Murray on the phone two times and met with him two times. (ABC7)

      Gongaware said he promoted couple of shows/dances in college. He graduated in '69 from Waynesboro College in Pennsylvania in Accounting. Gongaware worked for Arthur Andersen in NYC after college as auditor. He said one needed two years of experience in order to get CPA license.The company ended up shutting down after being involved in the Enron scandal, Gongaware explained. Gongaware said there's a continuing education requirement in order to maintain his CPA license, but he hasn't kept current. "I didn't like that work," Gongaware said about leaving the practice. "I wanted to do things and not just being an accountant." Gongaware said he ski bummed for a winter and would do bookkeeping to pay for his lodge. After, he promoted the Grateful Dead at Folsom Field in Boulder, CO. Gongaware said he didn't know the band, cold called them & got the work. (ABC7) His first big show was in Colorado -- he got The Grateful Dead to perform at Folsom Field in Boulder, Colo. He said he didn't know the band or any of its managers, but asked them to come to Colorado. They did, and the show was a hit. (AP) The concert was sold out, Gongaware said, and he became an independent promoter. Around 1975, he met Terry Bassett who worked at Concerts West and Gongaware went to work for them in their Seattle's office. He worked for them for about 10 years. Gongaware said he went to work for the company because the money was steady. At Concerts West, Gongaware worked with Bad Company, Led Zeppelin, Beach Boys, Chicago, Eric Clapton, among others. This Concerts West is not the same he is the currently the co-CEO. Jerry Weintraub was Elvis' promoter and Concerts West assigned him to work with Colonel Parker, Elvis' manager. (ABC7)

      On Jun 25, 2009 Gabriel Sutter (a tech guy) wrote Gongaware a condolences email. "It was such an incredible shock to go through that experience," Gongaware explained. Gongaware's response on July 5, 2009: I was working on the Elvis tour when he died so I kind of knew what to expect. Still, quite a shock.(ABC7) Gongaware's response: "I was working for Elvis when he died so nothing came at me that I didn’t expect. Still, quite a shock."(AP) "You have all these people out of work," Gongaware explained. "At the Elvis some were without jobs permanently."(ABC7) Under questioning from Putnam, Gongaware said he didn't mean that he expected Jackson to die like Elvis. He was referring to the trauma of people losing their jobs because a tour is canceled, he said. (CNN) Putnam: When you wrote the email, did you expected MJ to die? Gongaware: No, not all P: Did you ever consider the idea MJ would die? G: No (ABC7) AEG defense attorney Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware whether he meant that he expected Jackson to die. Gongaware said no. Gongaware said he was referring to people working on the tour who would lose their jobs, and the estate taking control over MJ's legacy. (AP) Here's what Gongaware had to say about the role of the estate after Elvis died (and what he expected after Jackson's death.) Gongaware: "Then the estate takes over, and everything’s different. You have nothing to say about anything." (AP)

      When one of his friends asked about his plans after MJ's death, Gongaware replied he was "trying to recover our losses from the show." (AP)

      "MJ died of overdose of Propofol," Gongaware testified. He didn't die of being sick or malnutrition, Gongaware said. "It was overdose of Propofol." Gongaware said he had no idea of what Propofol was. (ABC7) "I had no idea" Jackson was using propofol in the weeks before his death, Gongaware testified. (CNN)

      Gongaware was in his 20s when he worked w/ Elvis. He said when they'd announce Elvis concert, there would be lines at the box office 4 days. Gongaware said Colonel would buy ads on every radio station and promote the show. When tickets went on sale, Gongaware was to report to Colonel every hour regarding the ticket sales.(ABC7) Gongaware said he would update Parker on ticket sales for Elvis' shows. (AP) Gongaware said Elvis died of a heart ailment. ((On Tuesday, Gongaware testified Presley died of drug overdose)). Gongaware said he never met Elvis. At a point, Gongaware said Elvis was not performing. "The Colonel was keeping Elvis from work.".Gongaware said he came to find out later, after Elvis' death, that the artist had drug problems. (ABC7)

      Although he worked advance promotion on Elvis Presley's last tours -- under the direction of Presley manager Colonel Tom Parker -- Gongaware testified he never met Presley.
      "Did you understand he had a problem with drugs?" AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam asked.
      "I understood that later," Gongaware said. "There was a period of time when we didn't work. I didn't understand at the time, but I learned that it was a drug problem and the Colonel said he couldn't work."(CNN)

      Elvis Presley's death became a controversy at the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial as a man who promoted both artists' last tours testified.AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware testified Wednesday that Presley died of a drug overdose, but when his own lawyer questioned him Thursday he changed his testimony to say Elvis died of a heart ailment. Presley collapsed in the bathroom of his Memphis, Tennessee, mansion -- Graceland -- on August 16, 1977, at the age of 42. While his death was ruled the result of an irregular heartbeat, the autopsy report was sealed amid accusations that abuse of prescription drugs caused the problem.How Presley died is relevant because Jackson lawyers argue Gongaware's experience as Elvis's promoter should have made him more aware of drug abuse by artists, including Michael Jackson. (CNN)

      Gongaware said he worked on MJ's memorial service. He was in charge of the tickets and worked closely with the family. He said he didn't charge for his work. Putnam: Why did you work at the memorial service? Gongaware: It was the right thing to do (ABC7)

      Gongaware left Seattle and came to LA to work at Concerts West. He then went to Warner Miller Films. The company did primarily ski movies. Around 1992, Gongaware went to work on the "Dangerous" tour with MJ. This was his first time working with Michael Jackson. He worked with the Jacksons in 2000. But he remembered working on a tour with the Jacksons prior to 92 and said MJ was part of the group. "I was the tour manager, handled the logistics and travel for the B party," Gongaware said, adding he worked for MJ but not for A party. A party - artist B party - band and administration C party - crew D party - documentary people. Gongaware said there were several legs on Dangerous tour. It was a worldwide tour. He never met MJ on that tour, saw him on stage few times.(ABC7)

      The first time Gongaware met MJ was in Las Vegas when he was visiting Colonel Parker. Steve Wynn's brother called and said MJ wanted to meet Colonel. Gongaware stayed and met MJ.(ABC7)

      Putnam: Were there any doctors in that tour? Gongaware: Yes, two. Gongaware said Dr. Forecast was MJ's personal doctor. He didn't think Dr. Forecast treated anyone else, so they had Dr. Finkelstein also. Dr. Finkelstein, a general practitioner, was in the B party. They went to places where they didn't know the quality of local healthcare. Gongaware explained Dr. Finkelstein treated B, C and D parties. Gongaware said he did not see any doctor treat MJ. Dr. Finkelstein told Gongaware he treated MJ two times. Dr. Forecast wasn't in Bangkok yet, so Dr. Finkelstein treated him when he needed. The King of Thailand said MJ would have to do the second show because his friends were attending, Gongaware recalled. Gongaware said the King put armed guards outside their doors to make sure they didn't leave.(ABC7)

      Putnam: During the Dangerous tour, have you come to have an understating that MJ had a problem with drugs or painkillers? Gongaware: No. The Dangerous tour in 93 was cut short in Mexico City, Gongaware said. He learned it had to do with drug addiction because MJ announced it. "My friends and doctors advised me to seek professional guidance immediately in order to eliminate what has become an addition. It is time for me to acknowledge my need for treatment " MJ said. Putnam played the audio with MJ's statement. (ABC7)


      Court is a half day Friday between the hours of 9 AM to 1 PM.
      Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 31.05.2013, 11:52.


      • #93
        The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 12. Teil

        30. Mai 2013

        Und weiter ging’s gestern mit der Befragung von AEGs co-CEO Paul Gongaware durch Brian Panish, dem Anwalt der Jacksons. “Wir wollen [Conrad Murray] daran erinnern, dass AEG und nicht Michael Jackson sein Gehalt zahlen. Wir wollen, dass er versteht, was wir von ihm erwarten”, so Gongaware in einer E-Mail am 14. Juni 2009, 11 Tage vor Michael Jacksons Tod. Und was hatte Gongaware im Zeugenstand dazu zu sagen? “Ich verstehe das nicht, denn wir haben sein Gehalt nicht gezahlt”. Warum er das dann geschrieben hatte, fragte ihn Brian Panish (berechtigerweise). “Ich habe keine Ahnung”, so Gongaware. “Ich bearbeitete hunderte E-Mails pro Tag. Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass vier Jahre später Anwälte alles auseinander nehmen, wäre ich wohl vorsichtiger gewesen in der Wahl meiner Wort”, versuchte sich Gongaware später herauszuwinden.

        Betreffend Michael Jacksons Gesundheit sagte Gongaware aus, dass er versuchte, einen Ernährungsberater und Physiotherapeuten zu finden, als Kenny Ortega sich Sorgen um Michaels Gesundheit gemacht hatte. Ortegas E-Mail Antwort darauf lautete: “Super. Keine Minute zu früh. Retten wir diesen Kerl!” Gongaware sagte aber auch aus, dass er sich nie Sorgen gemacht hatte um Michael Jackson. “Ich wusste, dass wenn die Saalbeleuchtung [vor dem Konzertanfang] ausgeht, er voll da sein und loslegen würde”.

        In einer weiteren E-Mail vom 5. Mai 2009 an die Assistentin von Tim Leiweke, dem damaligen CEO der Muttergesellschaft von AEG Live, schrieb Gongaware, dass er ihr nicht sagen könnte, wann die “This Is It” Konzerttour in London eröffnet würde, da Michael Jackson nicht zu den Proben erschien. “Bete für mich”, so Gongaware in der E-Mail weiter. “Dies ist ein Alptraum. Es ist kein Zufall, dass ich jede Nacht Alpträume habe. Kalten Schweissausbruch dazu. Das Leben hat mal so viel Spass gemacht…” Als Gongaware im Zeugenstand mit dieser Aussage konfrontiert wurde, meinte er lediglich, dass er in der E-Mail nur gewitzelt hatte.

        Was hat Gongaware oben gesagt, als er sich wieder einmal versuchte herauszuwinden? “Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass vier Jahre später Anwälte alles auseinander nehmen, wäre ich wohl vorsichtiger gewesen in der Wahl meiner Worte”. Und dies gilt für jede E-Mail, die Sie in diesem Fall geschrieben haben, Mr. Gongaware? Mir kommt da gerade ein schönes und treffendes englisches Sprichwort in den Sinn: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. [Wenn es wie eine Ente ausschaut, wie eine Ente schwimmt und wie eine Ente quakt, dann ist es wahrscheinlich eine Ente.]


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        • #94
          The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 12. Teil

          30. Mai 2013

          Und weiter ging’s gestern mit der Befragung von AEGs co-CEO Paul Gongaware durch Brian Panish, dem Anwalt der Jacksons. “Wir wollen [Conrad Murray] daran erinnern, dass AEG und nicht Michael Jackson sein Gehalt zahlen. Wir wollen, dass er versteht, was wir von ihm erwarten”, so Gongaware in einer E-Mail am 14. Juni 2009, 11 Tage vor Michael Jacksons Tod. Und was hatte Gongaware im Zeugenstand dazu zu sagen? “Ich verstehe das nicht, denn wir haben sein Gehalt nicht gezahlt”. Warum er das dann geschrieben hatte, fragte ihn Brian Panish (berechtigerweise). “Ich habe keine Ahnung”, so Gongaware. “Ich bearbeitete hunderte E-Mails pro Tag. Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass vier Jahre später Anwälte alles auseinander nehmen, wäre ich wohl vorsichtiger gewesen in der Wahl meiner Wort”, versuchte sich Gongaware später herauszuwinden.

          Betreffend Michael Jacksons Gesundheit sagte Gongaware aus, dass er versuchte, einen Ernährungsberater und Physiotherapeuten zu finden, als Kenny Ortega sich Sorgen um Michaels Gesundheit gemacht hatte. Ortegas E-Mail Antwort darauf lautete: “Super. Keine Minute zu früh. Retten wir diesen Kerl!” Gongaware sagte aber auch aus, dass er sich nie Sorgen gemacht hatte um Michael Jackson. “Ich wusste, dass wenn die Saalbeleuchtung [vor dem Konzertanfang] ausgeht, er voll da sein und loslegen würde”.

          In einer weiteren E-Mail vom 5. Mai 2009 an die Assistentin von Tim Leiweke, dem damaligen CEO der Muttergesellschaft von AEG Live, schrieb Gongaware, dass er ihr nicht sagen könnte, wann die “This Is It” Konzerttour in London eröffnet würde, da Michael Jackson nicht zu den Proben erschien. “Bete für mich”, so Gongaware in der E-Mail weiter. “Dies ist ein Alptraum. Es ist kein Zufall, dass ich jede Nacht Alpträume habe. Kalten Schweissausbruch dazu. Das Leben hat mal so viel Spass gemacht…” Als Gongaware im Zeugenstand mit dieser Aussage konfrontiert wurde, meinte er lediglich, dass er in der E-Mail nur gewitzelt hatte.

          Was hat Gongaware oben gesagt, als er sich wieder einmal versuchte herauszuwinden? “Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass vier Jahre später Anwälte alles auseinander nehmen, wäre ich wohl vorsichtiger gewesen in der Wahl meiner Worte”. Und dies gilt für jede E-Mail, die Sie in diesem Fall geschrieben haben, Mr. Gongaware? Mir kommt da gerade ein schönes und treffendes englisches Sprichwort in den Sinn: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. [Wenn es wie eine Ente ausschaut, wie eine Ente schwimmt und wie eine Ente quakt, dann ist es wahrscheinlich eine Ente.]


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          • #95
            Artikel Los Angeles Times 31.5.2013

            DANKE maja5809 für die Übersetzung

            About six weeks after Michael Jackson’s death, an AEG executive told a producer for the “This Is It” documentary to delete footage of the singer looking too “skeletal.”
            Sechs Wochen nach Mjs Tod sagte ein Produzent der TII Dokumentation, Aufnahmen zu löschen, auf denen der Sänger zu „sklettartig“ aussehe.

            Witnesses in the Jackson family’s wrongful-death suit have testified that they were worried about the singer’s health and dramatic weight loss in the day before his scheduled comeback tour and had expressed concerns to tour officials.
            The paramedic who came to Jackson’s Holmby Hills home after the 911 call on June 25, 2009, testified that the singer was so emaciated that he thought Jackson was an end-stage cancer patient who had come home to die.

            “Make sure we take out the shots of MJ in that red leather jacket at the sound stage where the mini-movies were being filmed,” AEG Live president and co-chief executive Randy Phillips wrote.
            “He looks way too think (sic) and skeletal.”
            „Versichere dich, dass die Aufnahmen von MJ in der roten Lederjacke von der Soundstage, wo die Mini-Movies gefilmt werden, herausgenommen werden. Er sieht zu „denk“ („think“- soll heissen „thinn“ = dünn (s.u.) und sklettartig aus.“

            Phillips sent the email to Paul Gongaware, who was back on the witness stand Thursday for his third straight day of testimony. Gongaware, co-chief executive of AEG Live, was a producer of the documentary.
            Phillips schickte die Mail an Gongaware, der am Donnerstag im Zeugenstand war, für den dritten Tag seiner Aussage. Gongaware war einer der Produzenten der Doku.

            Gongaware replied to Phillips, his boss, “ok will have a look when it comes on screen.”
            In another email, Gongaware wrote, “We are ok with the band, singers and dancers doing inteviews now. The only thing we ask is that they keep it positive and stress that MJ was active, engaged and not the emaciated person some want to paint him as being.”
            Gongaware antwortete seinem Boss: „Ok, ich werde ein Auge drauf haben, wenn es auf den Bildschirm kommt“
            In einer anderen Mail schrieb Gongaware: „ Wir sind jetzt soweit, mit den Sängern, Tänzern und der Band die Inteviews zu machen. Wir haben sie nur darum gefragt, es positiv zu halten und zu betonen, dass MJ aktiv, engagiert war und nicht die ausgezehrte /abgemagerte Person war, als die manche ihn darstellen wollen.“

            Answering questions from Jackson family attorney Brian Panish, Gongaware said he was not trying to control the film’s message. “We’re asking them to keep it positive,” he said.
            Auf die Frage von Panish, ob er nicht versuchte, die Botschaft des Films zu kontrollieren sagte Gongaware: „ Wir baten sie nur, es positiv zu belassen“

            Gongaware said nothing was taken out of the documentary, which included rehearsals for the scheduled 50 concerts in London.
            Gongaware sagt, es wurde nichts aus der Doku herausgenommen...

            Gongaware’s testimony again emphasized the contrast between the answers he gave during his deposition under oath in December 2012 and his responses in the courtroom.
            Gongawares Aussage zeigte wieder den Unterschied zwischen seinen Antworten, die er unter Eid im Dezember 2012 gab und seinen Antworten im Gerrichtssaal.

            In testimony Wednesday, he agreed that Phillips meant “thin” in his email, instead of the word he typed, “think.”
            Am Mittwoch stimmte er zu, dass Phillips mit dem Wort „think“ in der Email „thinn“ meinte.

            Asked during the deposition what Phillips meant, he replied, ”I don’t know what he meant.”
            In der eidesstattlichen Erklärung danach gefragt, hatte er gesagt: Ich weiss nicht, was er meinte.

            The wrongful death case was brought by Jackson’s mother and three children against AEG, the promoter and producer of the London concerts.
            The family contends that AEG negligently hired and supervised Conrad Murray, the doctor who gave Jackson the fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol. AEG says that the doctor worked for Jackson, and that any money the company was supposed to pay Murray were advances to the singer.

            About six weeks after Michael Jackson’s death, an AEG executive told a producer for the “This Is It” documentary to delete footage of the singer looking too “skeletal.”
            Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 31.05.2013, 19:42. Grund: Link korrigiert


            • #96
              The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 13. Teil

              31. Mai 2013

              Gestern war der dritte Tag der Befragung von Co-CEO Paul Gongaware durch Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish. “Stellt sicher, dass wir die Aufnahmen von MJ in der roten Lederjacke auf der Bühne, wo die Minifilme gedreht wurden, rausnehmen. Er sieht da viel zu [dünn] und wie ein Skelett aus”, so Randy Phillips an Gongaware sechs Wochen nach Michaels Tod, als es um den “This Is It” Dokumentarfilm ging. Paul Gongaware, einer der Produzenten des Dokumentarfilms, antwortete Phillips: “Okay, werde es anschauen…”.

              In einer weiteren E-Mail schrieb Gongaware: “Wir sind nun damit einverstanden, dass die Band, Sänger und Tänzer Interviews geben. Wir verlangen nur, dass sie positiv bleiben und betonen, dass MJ aktiv, engagiert und nicht die ausgemergelte Person war, wie ihn einige darstellen wollen”. Auf Folgefragen von Brian Panish antwortete Gongaware, dass er nicht versucht hatte, die Botschaft des Films zu kontrollieren. “Wir haben sie gebeten, positiv zu bleiben”. Gongaware sagte weiter, sie hätten nichts aus dem Dokufilm rausgenommen.

              LA Times Senior Writer Jeff Gottlieb betonte, dass es auch an diesem Tag erneut Unterschiede zwischen Gongawares Antworten bei der eidesstattlichen Zeugeneinvernahme vor dem Prozess im Dezember 2012 und seinen Aussagen diese Woche im Zeugenstand gab. Wenn man die begleitenden Kommentare sowie die im Moment immer kürzer werdenden Berichte von Jeff Gottlieb liest, kommt man nicht um das Gefühl herum, dass er immer ungeduldiger und frustrierter wird mit den Aussagen der AEG Manager, insbesondere Paul Gongaware diese Woche. Ich kann es ihm gut nachempfinden…

              Auch Alan Duke, der für CNN vom Prozess berichtet, geht es da wohl nicht viel anders. Als Einstiegssatz in seine aktuellste Berichterstattung vom Prozess schrieb er “Der meist gesprochene Satz von AEG Lives co-CEO während seiner Zeugenaussage im [...] Prozess war: “Ich kann mich nicht erinnern”.” Gongaware habe diesen Satz mehrere Dutzend Male wiederholt, als er diese Woche von Brian Panish befragt wurde. Es kam sogar soweit, dass die Geschworenen lachen mussten, insbesondere als Brian Panish begann, seine eigenen Fragen an Gongaware selbst mit “Ich kann mich nicht erinnern” zu beantworten. Sogar Richterin Yvette Palazuelos kommentierte am Mittwoch, als die Geschworenen den Gerichtssaal verlassen hatten, “Wir haben das so oft gehört. Wie viele Male noch?”

              Der Prozess selbst wird ja nicht übertragen. CNN hat jedoch die Videoaufnahme von Paul Gongawares eidesstattlicher Zeugeneinvernahme am 12. Dezember 2012 erhalten (das Material wurde am Mittwoch den Geschworenen gezeigt). CNN hat einen kurzen Ausschnitt davon gepostet und so könnt Ihr Euch einen besseren Eindruck schaffen, was da wohl erst recht im Gerichtssaal abgehet. Hier der Clip Es geht dabei um eine, wenn nicht die entscheidende E-Mail in diesem Prozess, nämlich der E-Mail von Gongaware an Kenny Ortega, in der ersterer schrieb “Wir wollen [Conrad Murray] daran erinnern, dass AEG und nicht Michael Jackson sein Gehalt zahlen.” (Siehe gestrige News für mehr Details.)

              Als Gongaware sich dann am Mittwoch langsam zu erinnern begann, was er in seiner E-Mail gemeint hatte, deutete Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish an, dass es ja ein Fall von “unterdrückten Erinnerungen” sein könnte, bei der “sich jemand nicht erinnern kann, was vor drei oder vier Jahren geschehen ist. Sie haben keine Psychotherapie gehabt, um sich daran zu erinnern, was sie hier geschrieben haben”, fragte Panish Gongaware. “Sie wurden nicht in Schlaf versetzt –” (Richterin Palazuelos sagte: “Hypnotisiert?”) – “um zu sehen, ob sie sich erinnern können?” Nein, antwortete Gongaware schlicht.

              Der Co-CEO von AEG hat nun wohl definitiv den letzten Funken an Glaubwürdigkeit verloren (wenn er die denn je besessen hat).


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              • #97
                Habe gerade gesehen, dass ich die Tweets in den Dikussionsthread eingestellt habe, daher kopiere ich es hierhin (u. ausnahmsweise somit in 2 Threads)
                Gongaware wird weiterhin bis mind. Dienstag im Zeugenstand bleiben.

                Bisherige Befragung von Gongaware vom heutigen Tag: Von unten nach oben lesen

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m

                Putnam: Wounded you like to be number 1? Gongaware: No. It's so much bigger, it gets so much more complex. I'm happy being a good number 2
                Putnam: Wollen Sie die Nummer 1 sein? Gongaware: Nein, es ist so viel größer, es wird so viel komplexer. Ich bin glücklich, ein gute Nummer 2 zu sein

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m

                "Our philosophy is different," Gongaware said, adding they choose what they want to do, whereas Live Nation has to meet their quota.
                "Unsere Philosophie ist anders", fügte Gongaware hinzu, sagt sie entscheiden was sie tun wollen, während Live Nation ihre Quote zu erfüllen muss.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m

                Gongaware said AEG Live is the second largest concert promoter company. Live Nation is the first.
                Gongaware sagte AEG Live ist das zweitgrößte Konzertveranstalter -Unternehmen. Live Nation ist das Größte

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m

                Gongaware said he made a deal that requires him to work only half time starting this year.
                Gongaware sagte, er habe einen Deal, der ihm erlaubt nur die Hälfte der Zeit zu arbeiten, startend ab diesem Jahr.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m

                AEG acquired the assets of Concerts West around 2000, Gongaware said, and Concerts West became AEG Live. Randy Phillips is AEG's CEO.
                AEG erwarb die Vermögenswerte der Concerts West um 2000, sagte Gongaware und Concerts West wurde AEG. Randy Phillips ist AEG-Chef

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m

                Concerts West started out with concerts of Andrea Bocceli, Mariah Carrey, Eagles and Millennium at Staples Center.
                Concert West begann mit Konzerten von Andrea Bocceli, Mariah Carrey, Eagles und Millennium im Staples Center.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m

                Gongaware and his partner, John Meglen, created Concerts West in the late 90s.
                Gongaware und sein Partner John Meglen kreierten die Concerts West in den späten 90er Jahren.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m

                He was tempted, Gongaware said, but he had lined up what he wanted to do. He worked with Yani next.
                Er versucht sagte Gongaware, aber er hatte aufgereiht, was er tun wollte. Er arbeitete mit Yani als Nächstes.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m

                Gongaware said he didn't accept the offer and decided to go out on his own to promote concerts.
                Gongaware sagte, er habe das Angebot nicht angenommen und beschloss seine eigenen Konzerte zu promoten

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 34m

                "He liked my work, he liked what I did," Gongaware said, adding that MJ wanted him to be his business manager.
                "Er mochte meine Arbeit, er mochte, was ich tat," fügte Gongaware hinzu, dass MJ ihn als seinen Buisiness Manager wollte.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 35m

                Gongaware said [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] was pretty smooth. It ended in 1997. Right after, Gongaware said Michael called him as asked him to work for him
                Gongaware sagte die [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] war ziemlich glatt. Sie endete im Jahr 1997. Gleich danach fragte Michael Gongaware ob er für ihn arbeiten wolle.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m

                Gongaware said he would certainly notice if there was any problem during that tour.
                Gongaware sagte, er hätte sicherlich bemerkt, wenn es irgendein Problem während dieser Tour gab.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 36m

                Putnam asked if there were signs MJ was using painkillers during [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon]. "No indication at all. I didn't think he was," Gongaware said
                Putnam fragte, ob es Anzeichen gab das MJ Schmerzmitteln während [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] nahm. "Keine Anzeige überhaupt nicht. Ich glaube nicht, dass er was nahm", sagte Gongaware

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 37m

                Gongaware said he missed shows in [lexicon]Dangerous[/lexicon] tour but not in [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon].
                Gongaware sagte er verpasst Shows in [lexicon]Dangerous[/lexicon] Tour aber nicht bei der [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon].
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m

                MJ was told Diana was going to be okay and next morning he learned she died, Gongaware described. "That affected him greatly."
                MJ wurde gesagt, dass Diana okay sei und am nächsten Morgen erfuhr er das sie starb, beschreibt Gongaware. "Das traf ihn sehr."
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 38m

                Gongaware said MJ only missed one show on [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] when Princess Diana died. "He went to bed, knew about the accident."
                Gongaware sagte, dass MJ nur eine Show verpasste auf der [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] als Prinzessin Diana starb."
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m

                Putnam: How was MJ on the [lexicon]HIStory[/lexicon] tour? Gongaware: Great! He was sensational!
                Putnam: Wie war MJ auf der History Tour? Gongaware: Großartig! Er war sensationell!
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 39m

                The exec testified MJ didn't have doctor traveling with him on the second half of the tour and there was no tour doctor with the tour.
                Der Executive sagte aus, dass MJ auf der 2. Hälfte der Tour keinen Arzt hatte der mitreiste und es gab keine Tourarzt auf der Tour.
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m

                Gongaware said he didn't see anything that would suggest Michael was addicted to painkillers.
                Gongaware sagt er sah nichts was annehmen ließ, dass MJ abhänig mit Schmerzmitteln war.
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m

                Putnam: Was there an ongoing concern Mr. Jackson was having problems with painkillers during the [lexicon]HIStory[/lexicon] tour? Gongaware: No, not at all
                Putnam: Gab es eine Besorgnis das Mr. Jackson Probleme mit Schmerzmitteln während der [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] hatte? Gongaware: Nein, überhaupt nicht.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 40m

                We got the tour to break even, Gongaware testified, saying he worked closely with Jackson on the second half of the tour.
                Wir kamen zur Tourpause, Gongaware sagte aus, dass er nahe mit Jackson auf der 2. Hälfte der Tour arbeitete.

                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 41m

                Second half of the tour, Gongaware was the tour executive and he worked directly for MJ. It netted$14 million, $11 million paid vendors.
                2. Hälfte der Tour. Gongaware war Tourexexcutive und er arbeitete direkt mit MJ. Es saldierte mit 14 Mio, 11 Mio, zahlten Investoren
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m

                Gongaware said he had to cut lot of expenses. They wanted to give Michael the same show, but he said there was so much excess to be trimmed
                Gongaware sagte er hatte eine Menge Kosten zu senken. Sie wollten Michael die gleiche Show geben, aber es waren viele Ausgaben einzuschränken
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 42m

                He switched managers to fixed things up in yhe second half of the tour, Gongaware explained.
                Er wechselte Manager um die Dinge in der zweiten Hälfte der Tour zu fixieren erklärte Gongaware.
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 43m

                After shows ended in Hawaii, Michael had lost $27 million, was in debt $11 million to lighting and sound, Gongaware testified.
                Nachdem die Shows in Hawaii endeten hatte Michael 27 Mio. verloren und war 11 Mio. in Schulden mit Licht und Sound, sagte Gongaware aus
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m

                Gongaware said he did not have a general concern with MJ having a drug addiction.
                Gongaware sagte er hatte keine generelle Besorgnis das MJ Medikamentenprobleme habe.
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 44m

                Gongaware did a Rod Stewart tour in North America after [lexicon]Dangerous[/lexicon] tour. He next worked with Michael in the "[lexicon]HIStory[/lexicon]" tour in 1996/97
                Gongaware mache eine Rod Stewart Tour in Nord Amerika nach der [lexicon]Dangerous[/lexicon] Tour. Er arbeitete das nächste Mal mit Michael bei der [lexicon]HIStory Tour[/lexicon] in 1996/1997
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m

                "I didn't know it was an addiction," Gongaware said, and that he learned MJ had drug problems after Mexico City.
                "Ich wusste nicht das es eine Abhänigkeit war. Er erfuhr das MJ Medikamentenprobleme hatte nach Mexico City.
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45m

                "When he did the Pepsi commercial, his hair was burn at the top," Gongaware explained, saying they did surgery so hair would look natural.
                " Als er das Pepsi Commercial machte ging sein Haar in Flammen, sagte Gongaware, sie machten eine Operation um das Haar natürlich aussehen zu lassen."
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 46m

                Gongaware: Before 3rd leg of [lexicon]Dangerous[/lexicon] tour started, he had scalp surgery, hit nerve or something it was very painful; was treated for that
                Gongaware: Vor dem 3. Leg der [lexicon]Dangerous[/lexicon] Tour hatte MJ eine Kopfhaut-OP, sein Nerv wurde getroffen, es war sehr schmerzhaft, er wurde deswegen behandelt
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 47m

                Putnam asked Gongaware if he had any understanding as to [lexicon]Why[/lexicon] MJ was taking painkiller.
                Putnam fragt Gongaware ob er weiß warum MJ Schmerzmittel nahm.
                ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 48m

                Putnam setzt Befragung von Gongaware fort.

                Marvin Putnam resumes questioning of AEG's Paul Gongaware. Katherine Jackson is wearing an orange jacket and Rebbie is in a black jacket.

                Den restlichen Teil der gestrigen Befragung kann man hier nachlesen (Posts von Maja beginned 88 bis 86)


                Die KJ-Anwälte Panish und Boyle haben auf ihrer Anwaltsseite offensichtlich Prozessbeweisstücke eingestellt oder zumindest Teile davon

                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 01.06.2013, 11:21.


                • #98

                  falsches Geburtsdatum von murray? ich dachte immer
                  er wäre 1953 geboren.


                  • #99
                    Stimmt, im polizeiprotokoll vom 27.06.09 hat C.M. DOB 19.02.1953 angegeben.
                    Wo in den unterlagen steht's denn falsch?


                    • Zitat von rip.michael Beitrag anzeigen
                      Stimmt, im polizeiprotokoll vom 27.06.09 hat C.M. DOB 19.02.1953 angegeben.
                      Wo in den unterlagen steht's denn falsch?
                      na hier:
                      wie ich gerade gesehen habe, ist in den anderen dokumenten auch 1958 angegeben.
                      Zuletzt geändert von Brigitte 58; 02.06.2013, 10:39.


                      • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 14. Teil

                        1. Juni 2013

                        Und weiter ging’s gestern mit Paul Gongawares Befragung durch Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish. Scheinbar gibt es jedoch nicht viel Neues zum Fall selbst zu berichten. Wahrscheinlich hatte der Co-CEO von AEG wie bereits die ganze Woche über mit akuten Gedächtnisproblemen zu kämpfen. Zwei Themen, die von der LA Times aufgegriffen wurden vom gestrigen Prozesstag: die ominöse Geschichte betreffend die Anzahl der “This Is It” Konzerte sowie die nicht minder ominösen äusseren Umstände betreffend Michael Jacksons Ankündigung der London Konzerte im März 2009.

                        Gongaware sagte, der Grund, weshalb London für die “This Is It” Shows ausgewählt wurde, war, weil Michael dort sehr beliebt war. Während einer anderen Tour hatte er im Wembley Stadium 10 Konzerte à 75’000 Plätze ausverkauft gehabt. Ursprünglich waren 10 Shows geplant gewesen. Die Anzahl wurde dann aufgrund der riesigen Nachfrage zunächst auf 31 Shows erhöht, weil Michael Jackson Princes O2-Rekord von 21 Konzerten übertreffen wollte, und am Ende sogar auf 50 Konzerte erhöht, so Gongaware. Der Co-CEO hatte sich sogar gewünscht, dass Michael Jackson noch mehr Shows geben würde. Das ist ja nun alles nicht neu für uns. Leider wurden (noch) keine weiteren Informationen zu diesem Thema gegeben. Gerichtsprotokolle sind auch noch nicht verfügbar. Sobald wir mehr erfahren, informieren wir Euch selbstverständlich. Der Vertrag zwischen MJ und AEG insbesondere betreffend das umstrittene Thema der Anzahl der Shows wird sicherlich noch Gegenstand des Prozesses und eingehend behandelt werden. Im Moment ist uns auch nicht bekannt, ob Gongawares Befragung nächste Woche fortgesetzt wird. Ich vermute es mal.

                        Zurück zum Freitag. Ihr mögt Euch eventuell noch an die E-Mail von Randy Phillips an Paul Gongaware erinnern betreffend Michaels Auftritt für die Ankündigung der “This Is It” Shows in London Anfang März 2009. Wenn nicht, hier nochmals, was CEO Randy Phillips an dem Tag an Gongaware schrieb: “MJ ist betrunken und niedergeschlagen und und hat sich in seinem Zimmer eingeschlossen. Ich versuche, ihn auszunüchtern. Ich hab ihn so laut angeschrien, dass die Wände gezittert haben. Er ist ein emotional gelähmtes Wrack, voll von Selbsthass und Zweifel, nun da es Showtime ist”. Und was hatte Gongaware dazu zu sagen, als er damit im Zeugenstand von Brian Panish konfrontiert wurde? Ja, er habe sich geärgert, als Michael zwei Stunden zu spät kam, aber er war nicht wirklich überrascht. Michael hatte solche Auftritte nicht gemocht und Pünktlichkeit sei nicht seine Stärke gewesen. Aber als Michael Gongaware vor der Pressekonferenz hinter der Bühne sah, “kam er auf mich zu und umarmte mich und sagte, ‘Stell sicher, dass der Teleprompter grosse Buchstaben hat. Ich habe meine Brille nicht dabei’.” Michael Jackson habe weder nach Alkohol gerochen noch erschien er betrunken. “Es ging ihm gut. Ich glaube, er war aufgeregt”, so Gongaware. Auch AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam — der, erinnert Ihr Euch noch, ja der Meinung ist, die Jackson Anwälte hätten bis anhin keinerlei relevante Beweise für ihren Fall aufzeigen können — meinte in einem früheren Interview mit The Times dazu, dass Randy Phillips in seiner E-Mail übertrieben hatte und dass Michael Jackson einfach nur nervös war.

                        Für wie blöd halten diese Leute uns alle eigentlich? Oder vorsichtiger gesagt: irgend jemand sagt hier nicht die Wahrheit. Ich bin ja schon gespannt, was Randy Phillips uns dann erzählen wird. Brian Panish wird ihn sicherlich auch noch zu dieser und diversen anderen E-Mails, an die sich Gongaware gar nicht mehr oder nur sehr langsam und mühsam wieder erinnern konnte, befragen.


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                        • Wollt Ihr Eure Diksussion über das Geburtsdatum von Murray nicht in den Diskussionsthread verschieben? Hier NO Discussion

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                          Tears, Emails and $24 Million Blown at Michael Jackson Trial

                          Posted May 28, 2013 in Personal Injury by Aaron Kase
                          Closeup of Michael Jackson

                          The Michael Jackson wrongful death trial concluded its fourth week with tears and more explosive emails documenting the relationship between the King of Pop, his doctor and his concert promoter.

                          Jackson’s mother Katherine burst into tears on Thursday while hearing about the pressure her son was under to perform for his scheduled This is It tour.

                          The singer died in 2009 from a prescription drug overdose administered by his personal physician, Conrad Murray, who was convicted of manslaughter in 2011. The lawsuit filed by Jackson’s family alleges that promotion company AEG Live was negligent in hiring Murray and pressured him to keep Jackson in shape to perform at the expense of his health.

                          On Monday, AEG Controller Julie Hollander continued her testimony, revealing that the company shelled out $24 million in preparation for the tour that never happened. AEG had budgeted $1.5 million to pay Murray, although Jackson never signed the contract authorizing payments to the doctor.

                          While the plaintiffs argue that the company was responsible for hiring and paying Murray, AEG claims that Jackson himself hired the physician and they only were paying him as an advance to the singer.

                          Incriminating Emails

                          After Jackson’s death, AEG asked his estate to reimburse them $30 million for concert expenses, including $300,000 for Murray’s salary. AEG General Counsel Shawn Trell testified Monday that requesting compensation for the doctor fees was a mistake.

                          Attorneys brought up an email from tour director Kenny Ortega that insinuates the company was more involved in the doctor-patient relationship than they would care to admit. “My concern is now that we’ve brought the doctor into the fold and have played the tough love, now or never card is that the artist may be unable to rise to the occasion due to real emotional stuff,” the email said. “I believe that he really wants this. It would shatter him; break his heart if we pulled the plug … It broke my heart … there still may be a chance he can rise to the occasion if we get him the help he needs.”

                          Another email exchange showed that Trell described Jackson as “creepy,” after a different executive referred to him as “the freak.”

                          Conflicts and Ethics

                          Trell maintained that he did not know of any conflict of interest that could have influenced Murray’s judgement.

                          Even if the court does determine that Murray worked for AEG, not Jackson, it would be a huge breath in ethics to act against the patient’s interests to appease the promoter, a personal injury lawyer points out. “There are many ethical conflicts presented in the Jackson trial — in terms of who Jackson’s doctor actually worked for,” says Jonathan Rosenfeld, an attorney with Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers in Chicago.

                          Selbst wenn das Gericht feststellt, dass Murray für AEG arbeitete und nicht für Jackson arbeitete, wäre es ein großer Atemzug in der Ethik gegen die Interessen des Patienten zu handeln, um dem Promotor zu beschwichtigen , sagt ein Anwalt für Körperverletzung . "Es gibt viele ethische Konflikte, die in dem Jackson-Prozess vorgestellt werden- in Bezug auf für wen Jacksons Arzt tatsächlich arbeitete", sagt Jonathan Rosenfeld, ein Rechtsanwalt für Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers in Chicago.

                          Jonathan Rosenfeld

                          “From what I understand, the promotional company paid the doctor’s salary for treating Jackson,” Rosenfeld says. “Even though the physician’s salary was paid by a company, there is no doubt that the physician had an ethical responsibility to provide care to Jackson that was in his best interest — not that of the company. To suggest that a physician’s ‘interest’ can be purchased goes against all considerations of quality care and flies in the face of medical ethics.”

                          "Von dem wie ich es verstehe hat die Promotions-Firma das Gehalt des Arztes gezahlt für die Behandlung von Jackson," sagt Rosenfeld. "Auch wenn das Gehalt des Arztes von einer Firma bezahlt wurde, gibt es keinen Zweifel, dass der Arzt eine ethische Verantwortung hat die Behandlung Jacksons in seinem besten Interesse warzunehmen und nicht von dem der Gesellschaft. Zu behaupten, dass das Intresse des Arztes erworben werden kann geht gegen alle Überlegungen von Qualität in der Pflege und ist ein Schlag in das Gesicht der medizinischen Ethik. "

                          The trial continues this week, when AEG CEO Paul Gongaware is expected to testify. It was recently revealed in the trial that Gongaware received an email from a stage manager a week before Jackson’s death that read, “I have watched him deteriorate in front of my eyes over the last 8 weeks . . . He was able to do multiple 360 spins back in April. He’d fall on his ass if he tried now.”

                          AEG executives have denied that they had any way of knowing of the singer’s precarious state before his overdose.
                          Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 02.06.2013, 17:05. Grund: Link


                          • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 21 – May 31 2013 – Summary

                            Katherine and Rebbie Jackson are at court.

                            Paul Gongaware

                            AEG Cross

                            Putnam asked Gongaware if he had any understanding as to why MJ was taking painkiller. Gongaware: Before 3rd leg of Dangerous tour started, he had scalp surgery, hit nerve or something it was very painful; was treated for that . "When he did the Pepsi commercial, his hair was burn at the top," Gongaware explained, saying they did surgery so hair would look natural. "I didn't know it was an addiction," Gongaware said, and that he learned MJ had drug problems after Mexico City. (ABC7)

                            Gongaware did a Rod Stewart tour in North America after Dangerous tour. He next worked with Michael in the "HIStory" tour in 1996/97. (ABC7)

                            Gongaware said he did not have a general concern with MJ having a drug addiction. After shows ended in Hawaii, Michael had lost $27 million, was in debt $11 million to lighting and sound, Gongaware testified. He switched managers to fixed things up in yhe second half of the tour, Gongaware explained. Gongaware said he had to cut lot of expenses. They wanted to give Michael the same show, but he said there was so much excess to be trimmed. Second half of the tour, Gongaware was the tour executive and he worked directly for MJ. It netted $14 million, $11 million paid vendors. We got the tour to break even, Gongaware testified, saying he worked closely with Jackson on the second half of the tour.(ABC7)

                            Putnam: Was there an ongoing concern Mr. Jackson was having problems with painkillers during the HIStory tour? Gongaware: No, not at all . Gongaware said he didn't see anything that would suggest Michael was addicted to painkillers. The exec testified MJ didn't have doctor traveling with him on the second half of the tour and there was no tour doctor with the tour. Putnam: How was MJ on the HIStory tour? Gongaware: Great! He was sensational! Gongaware said MJ only missed one show on HIStory tour when Princess Diana died. "He went to bed, knew about the accident.". MJ was told Diana was going to be okay and next morning he learned she died, Gongaware described. "That affected him greatly." Gongaware said he missed shows in Dangerous tour but not in HIStory tour. Putnam asked if there were signs MJ was using painkillers during HIStory tour. "No indication at all. I didn't think he was," Gongaware said. Gongaware said he would certainly notice if there was any problem during that tour. Gongaware said when he went on tour with MJ in HIStory, he wasn't on any drug. (ABC7) Gongaware also said he didn’t recall a doctor being on that tour, despite doctors being present on “Dangerous” tour. (AP)

                            Gongaware said HIStory tour was pretty smooth. It ended in 1997. Right after, Gongaware said Michael called him as asked him to work for him. "He liked my work, he liked what I did," Gongaware said, adding that MJ wanted him to be his business manager. Gongaware said he didn't accept the offer and decided to go out on his own to promote concerts. He was tempted, Gongaware said, but he had lined up what he wanted to do. He worked with Yani next. (ABC7) Instead, Gongaware went on tour with Yanni. “It was tempting, but I wanted to do other things. I wanted to be out on my own,” he said. (AP)

                            AEG defense attorney Marvin Putnam then asked Gongaware to describe the founding of his company, and its purchase by AEG. Gongaware had co-founded a new version of a company called Concerts West. After it was sold, it became AEG Live. (AP) Gongaware and his partner, John Meglen, created Concerts West in the late 90s. Concerts West started out with concerts of Andrea Bocceli, Mariah Carrey, Eagles and Millennium at Staples Center. AEG acquired the assets of Concerts West around 2000, Gongaware said, and Concerts West became AEG Live. Randy Phillips is AEG's CEO.Gongaware said he made a deal that requires him to work only half time starting this year. (ABC7)

                            Putnam then asked Gongaware about plaintiffs’ contention that AEG was desperate for “This Is It” because it wanted to pass rival Live Nation. “It’s so much bigger,” AEG Live exec Paul Gongaware said of Live Nation. “It is so much more complicated.” He said that Live Nation has to find artists to fill the many venues it owns, and that AEG Live doesn’t have that issue. (AP) Gongaware said AEG Live is the second largest concert promoter company. Live Nation is the first. "Our philosophy is different," Gongaware said, adding they choose what they want to do, whereas Live Nation has to meet their quota. Putnam: Wounded you like to be number 1? Gongaware: No. It's so much bigger, it gets so much more complex. I'm happy being a good number 2 (ABC7)

                            Next time Gongaware worked with MJ was in "This Is It" tour. Peter Lopez, MJ's attorney, called Gongaware's partner in 2007, asked to meet. From 97 to 2009, MJ did not do any touring, only a couple of shows. Gongaware said he went to Vegas to meet with Michael in 2007. The meeting was to discuss how AEG did tours, didn't talk about MJ touring. They met again in 2008 also in Vegas. "Paul Gongaware! I knew that if you came, things were going to be ok," Michael said about him. (ABC7) Gongaware said Jackson remembered him and told him re: “HIStory” tour, “Whenever I saw you, I knew things were going to be OK.” (AP)

                            Putnam asked about Gongaware’s use of the term “Mikey” to describe Jackson. Gongaware said he used it with Jackson. He described Jackson as getting in playful moods, and that’s when he would call Jackson “Mikey.” Said he wasn’t mocking him. (AP) Mikey was not meant as insult, Gongaware said. He was not trying to mock him, would use Mikey in person with MJ. (ABC7)

                            Putnam: Did he seem thin in 07? Gongaware: Yes, he was always thin
                            Putnam: Did he seem to have a problem with painkillers? Gongaware: No P: Did he seem to be under the influence? G: No (ABC7)

                            Gongaware said MJ was alert, engaged, interested on what was going on in the meeting in 2007. He wanted to do a King Tut mini-movie. The next meeting with MJ was in NY. Gongaware didn't remember what they discussed. Sometime in 08, they began discussion of MJ going back on tour. Dr. Tohme, MJ's manager, approached AEG. Randy Phillips was primarily the one involved in the discussions with Dr. Tohme and Peter Lopez regarding the comeback tour. The meeting in 2008 began with discussion of a possible MJ exhibit at the Hilton in Las Vegas. (ABC7)

                            Colony Capital is an investment company that bought the note of Neverland, Gongaware said. By 'note' he meant the 'mortgage'. Neverland was MJ's residence in Santa Barbara, Gongaware explained. "They (Colony) were trying to figure out what to do with Neverland." (ABC7)

                            Gongaware talked about being at MJ's house at Carolwood when the singer signed the contract with AEG for the "This Is It" tour. Michael read everything in the contract, Gongaware said. He remembered MJ being engaged, alert and paying attention. "He was good." "I felt great about it," Gongaware said. "It was a MJ tour, it was a great thing." Gongaware said he watched Michael pretty carefully in the meetings, he knew MJ went to rehab, but he didn't see any signs of drug problems. (ABC7)

                            Gongaware said he was aware of the physical exam done on Jackson after the signing of the tour.Email on 2/11/09 from Bob Taylor to Gongaware: Thanks Paul. I now have the medical and blood reports. Look good. I now need more info of what is available. This will help with the presentation to the insurers. Another request from insurance broker: I would like to offer insurers a medical update say every 21 days. Response from Gongaware: I'm not ready to put anything in writing. Gongaware said it was because he didn't have the answers. Gongaware said he did not have concerns with MJ abusing prescription drugs. "It just confirmed what I believed, that he was fine. He wasn't doing any drugs," Gongaware said about the results of Mj's physical exam. (ABC7) A February 2009 email between him and the insurance broker showed that insurers wanted med checkups on Jackson every 21 days. The broker also wanted details on the concert set, dates, and other details that Gongaware said weren't decided on yet. “The back to back shows WILL be a problem,” the broker wrote Gongaware. Suggested adding them in after Jackson started performing shows. (AP)

                            AEG produced/promoted TII tour. "We needed to front all the money," Gongaware said. "He didn't have the money, so he needed us to do it." Tohme, MJ's manager, told AEG about needing the money. Gongaware said Tohme emphasized several times that Michael needed to make money.Gongaware said MJ and Ortega figured out the creative elements they wanted and Gongaware had to figure out how to make those them happen. Gongaware said the initial phase of rehearsal was done at Center Staging in Burbank, but venue didn't have room for production elements. They moved rehearsals to The Forum, which didn't have high ceiling to hang the lights. Then they moved to Staples Center. (ABC7)

                            After the morning break, Gongaware said MJ chose "This Is It" tour as the name because it was going to be his last. Gongaware said they weren't sure how MJ tour would do. "Because of the kid thing, we wanted 2 go 2 the strongest market and that as London". Gongaware: You never know what kind of business a tour will do. We had no idea the demand, we wanted to make sure it was successful. Initially, they had 31 shows scheduled. Gongaware said Prince had done 21 shows at the O2 arena, and Michael wanted to do 10 more. "You didn't know what the ticket sales would be," Gongaware said. So they announced only 10 shows to test the waters. "Demand was there obviously in the presale," Gongaware said. He talked to Tohme, asked for more than 50 shows. Tohme said MJ would do 50. (ABC7)

                            On March 5, 2009, MJ held a press conference in front of O2 arena and announced the comeback tour. Gongaware was present. MJ was not on time, late a couple of hours. Gongaware said it didn't surprise him since MJ didn't like to do those things (press conference) Gongaware was a little annoyed but not surprised, he testified, "MJ came up to me, gave me big hug, whispered in my ear 'make sure the TelePrompTer has big words, I don't have my glasses'" Gongaware said. Putnam: Did he seem inebriated? Gongaware: No P: Drunk? G: No P: Smelled like alcohol? G: No. Gongaware thought the presser was great. "The reaction of the press was really good, I think people liked he was returning." Gongaware said they asked people to register on a website and only people registered could get into the presale to purchase tickets. He said that based on the response, they knew the tour was going to be a major successful. (ABC7)

                            Gongaware said he was annoyed but not surprised when Jackson showed up a couple hours late.

                            “Michael really doesn’t like to do those things," Gongaware testified. "His schedules don’t always run like clockwork."

                            The tour announcement took place at the O2. When Jackson saw Gongaware backstage, "he came up to me and gave me a big hug and said, 'Make sure the teleprompter has big words. I don’t have my glasses.'”

                            Gongaware said Jackson did not smell of alcohol or appear drunk.

                            “He was good," the AEG executive testified. "I think he was excited." (LATimes)

                            One day after that, Gongaware said MJ called him to discuss the tour. He said Michael chose Kenny Ortega to direct the show. MJ liked special effects, Gongaware said. He put together presentation for Michael with latest effects and made MJ promise he would show up. Demonstration was on 3/16/09 at Sony Studios. It had 3D on LED that was never done before, pyro and new type of flame. Putnam showed clip of TII documentary where they ave the pyro effects that were going to be used. "Jackson loved it," Gongaware said, adding MJ didn't seem to be bothered with pyro usage. Gongaware said there was a pretty cool water fountain effect shown and not used. "It was messy," he described. In the demonstratiin, MJ was great, Gongaware said. "He was really engaged, as he saw all the effects he got really excited." Gongaware said he had no concern MJ had drug problems, didn't seem slow or lethargic in March of 2009. A meeting was scheduled for March 17, 09. Gongaware emailed MJ's assistant that only MJ and Kenny Ortega should be in that meeting. MJ and Ortega were the creative forces and needed to find the show's path before including everyone else, Gongaware explained. (ABC7)

                            Regarding Kenny Ortega watching out for MJ's health, Gongaware said no one at AEG asked him to do that. Gongaware thought Ortega watched MJ out because they were friends and worked together. (ABC7)


                            Gongaware will join The Rolling Stones tour this weekend, but will return on Monday to resume testifying.

                            Zusammenfassung von Ivy MJJC #23


                            Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                            Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
                            Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
                            Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
                            Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
                            Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
                            Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
                            Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
                            Day 8 - zeugin Faye
                            Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
                            Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
                            Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
                            Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
                            Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
                            Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
                            Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
                            Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
                            Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
                            Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
                            Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                            Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware


                            Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
                            Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 05.06.2013, 09:44.


                            • Es geht weiter mit der Gongaware Befragung. Von unten nach oben lesen.

                              Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 3m

                              There was a lot of questioning this morning about Gongaware's first call with Murray, discussion of $5 million fee.
                              Es gab eine Menge Fragen wegen des ersten Telefonat von Gongaware mit Murray, diskutierend die 5-Millionen-Gebühr.

                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m

                              Jury also shown footage of Jackson trying out a cherry picker that would hoist him over the “This Is It” crowd.
                              Jury wurden auch Aufnahmen von Jackson gezeigt wo er einen Cherry Picker ausprobiert, der ihn über die "[lexicon]This is it[/lexicon]" Zuschauermenge schweben ließ..

                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m

                              ... Jackson emerging from a figure wrapped in LED screens projecting various images. Gongaware said he called figure "Moon Man."
                              Dies hatte die Funktion das Jackson aus einer Figur eingepackt im LED Bildschirm in verschiedenen Bilder zeigt. Gongaware sagte er nannte die Figur "Moon Man."

                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 5m

                              Several clips from “This Is It” film were shown this morning. Included a clip showing proposed show opening. This was to feature ... (cont)
                              Mehrere Clips "[lexicon]This is it[/lexicon]"-Film wurden gezeigt an diesem Morgen. Auch ein Clip der das vorgeschlagene Show -Opening zeigt.

                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m

                              Gongaware: “When it was kind of game time, he was going to show up,” he said of Jackson's London shows.
                              Gongaware: "Wenn es Spielzeit war, zeigte er sich," sagte er von Jacksons London-Shows.

                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m

                              For instance, Gongaware cited an outdoor concert in Bangkok in in high heat, humidity. “He nailed it,” he said of Jackson.
                              Zum Beispiel zitiert Gongaware ein Konzert im Freien in Bangkok in in großer Luftfeuchtigkeit. "Er nagelte es", sagte er von Jackson.

                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m

                              Gongaware testified he had no doubts about Jackson’s fitness to perform the “This Is It” shows. He cited previous successes by Jackson.
                              Gongaware sagte aus, er habe keine Zweifel an Jacksons Fitness zur Durchführung der "[lexicon]This is it[/lexicon]"-Show gehabt. Er zitierte die bisherigen Erfolge von Jackson.
                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 6m

                              Gongaware said there wasn’t a requirement for Jackson to rehearse. Said he’s never seen a requirement for musicial artist to rehearse.
                              Gongaware sagte, es gab keine Anforderung für Jackson zu proben. Er sagte er hat noch nie eine Anforderung für Künstler zum Proben gesehen.

                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m

                              Gongaware email: “Figure it out so it looks like he’s not working so much.” He told jury Jackson was comfortable with the show schedule.
                              Gongware E-Mail: "Stelle es aus, so dass es aussieht, dass er nicht so viel arbeitet.." Er sagte Jackson war in Ordnung mit den Showterminen.
                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7m

                              The jury was shown an email in which Gongaware worked with a staffer to create a calendar to show Jackson. He wanted colors changed.
                              He wanted the calendar to be changed so that it reflected Jackson's show dates and off days differently.
                              Der Jury wurde eine E-Mail gezeigt in der Gongware mit einer Mitarbeiterin an einer Kalendererstellung für Jackson arbeitete. Er wollte die Farben geändert haben. Er wollte den Kalender geändert haben so dass die Showtage und die Off-Tage verschieden aussehen

                              Gongaware said this wasn’t a rigorous schedule since there would be no traveling. On “HIStory” tour, he said they did 10-12 shows per month
                              Gongaware sagte, dies war kein strenger Zeitplan, da keine Reise anstehen würden. Bei der "[lexicon]HIStory[/lexicon]"-Tour gab es 10-12 Shows pro Monat
                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

                              In Jan. and February of 2010, there were 10 shows planned per month. Three were planned in March 2010. No back-to-back shows.
                              In Januar und Februar 2010 gab es 10 Shows pro Monat. Drei waren im März 2010 geplant. Keine Rücken an Rücken-Shows.
                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

                              In July 2009 there were 8 shows scheduled, 10 in August and 9 in September. Then they’d take rest of ’09 off.
                              m Juli 2009 waren 8 Shows geplant, 10 im August und im September 9. Dann würde der Rest in 09 Pause sein.
                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 8m

                              First questions of the day centered on “This Is It” scheduling. Jury was shown calendar of all 50 show dates.
                              Erste Fragen des Tages zentriert auf die "[lexicon]This is it[/lexicon]" Terminierung. Jury wurde alle 50 Showtermine gezeigt.
                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

                              Gongaware is being questioned by defense attorney Marvin Putnam. He told him his testimony “shouldn’t be too much longer.” 2 days, he said.
                              Gongaware wird von Verteidiger Marvin Putnam befragt. Er sagte ihm seine Aussage "sollte nicht viel länger dauern." 2 Tage sagte er.
                              Anthony McCartney Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 9m

                              We’re no a break in Katherine Jackson vs AEG Live trial. Executive Paul Gongaware resumed testifying this morning.
                              Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 03.06.2013, 20:51.


                              • Es geht weiter mit der gestrigen Befragung: Von unten nach oben lesen, jetzt ABC-Tweets, da ausführlicher: Beginnend in Post 111

                                1. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6h
                                Next scheduled witness is AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips. There will be no trial this coming Friday. Hope to see you all tomorrow!
                                Der nächste Zeuge ist Philpps. Kein Prozess am Freitag.
                                 Tweet einbetten
                                2. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                That wrapped Day 22 of the trial. Paul Gongaware resumes testifying tomorrow. Attorneys are expected to finish with him by end of day.
                                Sie beendeten den 22. Prozesstag. Gongaware wird Morgen mit der Aussage fortfahren. Anwälte erwarten dann die Aussage zu beenden.
                                3. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said that on 6/20/09 he did not think MJ's health was deteriorating. Gongaware and Phillips were concerned with MJ's well being.
                                G. sagte das am 20.06.09 er nicht dachte, dass sich MJs Gesundheit verschlechterte.
                                G. u. Philipps waren besorgt um sein Wohlergehen.
                                4. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Putnam: Did anyone tell you they were concerned with the care Dr. Murray was giving to MJ? Gongaware: No
                                P: Sagte Ihnen jemand das er besorgt ist, dass. Dr. Murray etwas MJ gibt? G. Nein.
                                5. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Putnam: Did anyone tell you at this point that MJ needed a drug addiction specialist? Gongaware: No
                                Putnam: Sagte Ihnen jemand das zu diesem Zeitüunkt einen Drogenspezialist benötigt wird? G: Nein
                                6. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said he believed MJ wanted to go on tour. He said he doesn't remember anyone talking about pulling the plug on the shows.
                                G. sagte er glaubte das MJ auf Tour gehen wollte. Er sagt er erinnert sich nicht, das jemand sagte die Stecker der Show zu ziehen.
                                7. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware: If his patient is sick and he's your only patient, doctor should be there!
                                G: Wenn Dein Patient krank ist und es ist der einzige Patient, der Doktor sollte da sein!
                                8. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                "If the meeting was going to be about what happened that night, the doctor should be there," Gongaware said.
                                Wenn das Treffen darüber geht was letzte Nacht passierte, dann sollte der Arzt dabei sein“ sagt G.9.
                                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said on 6/19/09, he was out of town. "This is the day Michael had chills at rehearsal and was apparently sick," Gongaware recalled
                                G. sagte am 19.06.09 war er außerhalb der Stadt. „Das ist der Tag wo Michael Schüttelfrost hatte und offensichtlich krank war“ sagt G.
                                10. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware testified he didn't recall having any concern about MJ's health/using painkillers as of Monday 6/15/09, 10 days prior to his death
                                G. sagt er erinnert sich nicht Sorge über MJ`s Gesundheit oder die Nutzung von Schmerzmittel gehabt zu haben bis zum Montag 15.06.09, 10 Tage vor seinem Tod
                                11. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                As to Bugzee's email saying MJ needed cheeseburgers, brats and beers, Gongaware said Bugzee was joking, Bugzee cared very much for MJ.
                                Zu Bugzee`s Mail das sagt das MJ Cheesburger, Bratwurt und Bier braucht, sagt G. Bugzee war am Spaßen. Er kümmerte sich sehr um MJ.
                                12. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Putnam showed email from Travis Payne, he suggested massage chair 2 be put in MJ's dressing room. Gongaware said it wasn't callous treatment
                                Putnam ziegte Email von T. Payne, er schlug vor einen MassageStuhl in MJs Umkleideraum zu bringen. G. sagt das wahr keine gefühllose Behandlung.
                                13. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                "I made the deal with him (Ferrigno). He was supposed to be paid certain amount of money per session," Gongaware said.
                                „Ich machte den Deal mit ihm (Ferrigno). Er fragte einen Betrag zu erhalten pro Saison.“

                                14. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said his understanding was that MJ hired a trainer of his choice, Louis (Lou) Ferrigno.
                                G. sagte sein Verständnis war es das MJ einen Trainer seiner Wahl anstellte, Louis Ferrigno
                                15. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                As to MJ being habitual late, Gongaware said the singer worked on his own schedule, did things his way.
                                Zu MJ gewöhnlich spätz zu sein, sagt G. das der Sänger nach seinem eigenen Plan arbeitet, auf seine Weise.

                                16. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                "Michael Jackson would be paying his salary, but AEG would advance the money," Gongaware testified.
                                „Michael Jackson würde sein Gehalt zahlen, aber AEG das Geld vorschießen“

                                Gongaware said he didn't remember writing/receiving the email, but never denied he did it.
                                G. sagt er erinnert sich nicht das Mail geschrieben/erhalten zu haben, aber verneinte nicht es gemacht zu haben
                                17. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                As to Gongaware's email saying AEG, not MJ, paid Dr Murray he said he mistaken. "We wouldn't pay his salary, we'd advance Michael's money"
                                Zu G.`s Email sagend AEG, nicht MJ zahlte Dr. Murray sagte er es war ein Fehler
                                „ Wir würden nicht sein Gehalt zahlen, wir würden Michaels Geld vorschießen“

                                18. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h

                                Gongaware said he was never present on any meeting where anyone told Dr. Murray how to treat MJ.
                                G. sagt er war niemals auf irgendeinem Meeting wo irgendjemand Dr. Murray sagte wie er MJ behandeln solle.
                                19. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                "He's a doctor, he'd know better than anybody how to treat his patient," Gongaware said about Dr. Murray.
                                „Er ist ein Arzt und muss besser denn jeder wissen wie er seinen Patienten behandeln muss“ sagt G.
                                20. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                "Michael was engaged in the meeting, attentive, seemed happy we were having this meeting," Gongaware opined.
                                „Michael war engagiert im Meeting, bei der Sache, schien froh das wir das Meeting hatten“ sagte G.
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                                21. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                This was the first time Gongaware had with Dr. Murray. He said there were no signs of MJ being poorly treated by the doctor.
                                Es war das erste Mal das G. mit Dr. Murray zusammen war. Er sagte es gab keine Zeichen das er MJ armseelig behandelte.22. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h

                                Gongaware said Dr. Murray was really engaged in the meeting, seemed like a very intelligent guy and wanted to take care of MJ very much.
                                G. sagt Murray war wirklich engagiert im Meeting, schien ein intelligenter Mann zu sein, der sich um MJ sehr kümmern wollte.
                                23.ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said he had no idea Dr. Murray was giving MJ Propofol and first heard of the anesthetic after Michael died.
                                G. sagte er hatte keine Idee das Murray ihm Propfol gab und er hörte erstmals über das Mittel nach Michaels Tod.
                                24. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said neither Dr. Murray nor MJ talked about the treatment singer was receiving. The meeting was about nutrition, vitamin, therapy
                                G. sagte weder Murray noch MJ sprach über die Behandung des Sängers. Das Meeting ging über Ernährung, Vitamine, Therapie25.
                                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Putnam: Do you recall anyone in that meeting ever tell Dr. Murray how he should be treating MJ? Gongaware: No
                                P: Erinnern Sie sich das irgendjemand im Meeting Dr. Murray sagte wie er MJ behandeln solle? G: Nein.
                                26. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                There was a meeting scheduled to discuss MJ's nutrition with Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega, Dr. Murray, MJ, Gongaware and DiLeo.
                                Es gab ein Meeting, angesetzt um MJs Ernährung mit R. Philpps, Ortega, Dr. Murray, Gongaware und Dileo.
                                27. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said he met Dr. Murray once at MJ's Carolwood house and ran into him at The Forum during rehearsal.
                                G. sagte er traf Dr. Murray einmal in MJs Carolwood Haus und ran einmal in ihn während einer Probe im Forum
                                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                Gongaware said he didn't know if anyone was responsible for MJ's nourishment. Tour would be demanding and exhausting.
                                G. sagte er weiß nicht ob jemand für MJs Ernährung zuständig war. Die Tour wäre verlangend und erschöpfend.
                                29. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                The airplane door closes, MJ would actually take an elevator down and out of the building, but plane would take off over the audience.
                                Die Flugzeugtür schloss, MJ würde aktuell eine Aufzugtür nach unten nehmen, aber das Flugzeug geht über das Publikum30.
                                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
                                End of the show would be 3D animation. An airplane taxis up, door opens, Michael entered the plane.
                                Ende der Show würde eine 3 Animation sein.
                                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 04.06.2013, 19:37.


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