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K. Jackson-Klage gegen AEG- Der Prozess- Nur News -Keine Diskussion

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  • 31. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    "I think the live audience would be just captivated by it," Gongaware said about the little girl running after the last plant on Earth song.
    Ich denke Pbulikum wäre gefesselt davon“ sagt G. über das kleine Mädchen beim Earth song
    32. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said they had to build the bulldozer like a prop. It would appear at the end of the song on stage.
    G. sagte sie hatten den Buldozer wie einen echten nachzubilden. Er würde am Ende des Songs auf der Bühne erscheinen33. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Putnam: A real bulldozer? Gongaware: I wish, it would've been cheaper, but it would have crushed our ramps
    Putnam: Ein echter Bulldozer? Gongaware: Ich wünschte, es wäre billiger zu haben, aber er hätte unsere Rampen zerkleinert
    34. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    The mini-movie of "Earth" a bulldozer would come out from a ramp in center stage.

    35. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said he didn't remember any of the footage been removed because of how MJ looked. "We just let the footage speak for itself."
    G. sagt, er erinnert sich nicht das Material aus dem Film entfernt wurde wegen des Aussehens von MJ „Wir ließen das Material für sich selbst sprechen“36. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Putnam: Did you try to alter in anyway how Mr. Jackson looked, appeared? Gongaware: No
    Putnam: Haben Sie versucht, zu ändern wie Mr. Jackson erschien? Gongaware: Nein
    37. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Putnam showed clip from TII with making of Thriller 3D and Jackson wearing red jacket.
    Putnam zeigte den Clip von TII wo er Thriller 3 D macht und Jackson eine rote Jacke trägt.
    38. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Putnam: Did you remove anything from the movie? Gongaware: No
    Punam: Haber Sie etwas vom Film entfernt? Gongaware: Nein39. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Regarding email Phillips sent Gongaware directing to remove MJ's "skeletal" scenes Gongaware said he didn't take anything out of the movie.
    [B]Betreffend der Email von Philpps an G. anweisend die MJ skeletale Szene zu entfernen sagte G. sie haben nichts aus dem Film entfernt.[/b
    ]40. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Putnam showed clip of MJ in front of green screen with 11 dancers, who would become 11,000. Gongaware said MJ was great at this point.
    Putnahm zeigte den Clip von MJ in Front von einem grünen Schirm mit 11 Tänzern die 11000 wurden. G. sagt MJ war großartig zu diesem Zeitpunkt
    41. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Email cont'd: A gentile, loving man who does care about people. "The shows were going to be spectacular," Gongaware said.
    E-Mail-Fortsetzung. „ Ein freundlicher, liebenswerter Mann der sich um Menschen kümmert. Die Shows werden spektakulär, sagt G.
    42. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Email cont'd: Hey look. No skin cancer. He's just a good dad, loving raising his kids. His art and his craft are paramount.
    E_Mail.: Hey schau, kein Hautkrebs. Er ist nur ein guter Vater, der es liebt seine Kinder aufzuziehen. Seine Kunst und sein Handwerk stehen im Vordergrund .
    43. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Email cont'd: Taking it one step further. When people realize that bulls**t the press has been, they will be in receptive mood for the truth
    E.Mail: Einen Schritt weitergehen. Wenn die Leute realisieren es ist Bullshit was die Presse schreibt werden sie in Stimmung für die Wahrheit sein.
    44. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Email cont'd: Sang every one, he was amazing, captivating, riveting. And he's just getting started.
    E-Mail Fortsetzung: Sang jeden Song, er war fantasitsch, fesselend. Und er beginnt erst.45.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Email cont'd: I'm here to tell you that be will. I have seen it for myself. Last night he ran 9 songs with full band, singers and dancers.
    E_Mail-Fortsetzung. „Ich bin hier und sage wie es sein wird. Ich habe es selbst gesehen. Letzte Nacht machte er 9 Songs mit der vollen Band, Sänger und Tänzer“

    46. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware on 6/5/09 in response to Sunday Mirror Query: "We can only make this work, of course, if MJ puts on the best show of his life.
    Gongawares Antwort am 5.6.09 in Antwort an die Sunday Mirror: „Wir können nur diese Arbeit machen, weil MJ die beste Show seines Lebens macht“
    47. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    An amazing show would be the answer, Gongaware said.
    Eine tolle Show wird die Antwort sein, sagt G.
    48. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware testified he woke up to one gossip headline pretty much every day. His idea was simply to ignore the tabloids.
    G. sagte er wachte auf mit jedem Tag eine neue Gossip-Schlagzeile. Seine Idee war die Tabloids zu ignorieren.
    49. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    In one, it said MJ had asked AEG to reduce the number of shows by half. Gongaware said that such a discussion never happened.
    In einer sagte es MJ habe AEG angefragt die Zahl der Shows zu halbieren. G. sagte so eine Diskussion gab es nie.
    50. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Putnam went through chain of email about tabloid reports in the UK regarding MJ.
    Putnam ging durch Emails über Tabloid-Reporter in der UK über MJ.
    51. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said he never told security guard to get MJ to rehearsals, whatever it takes. He said he never told anyone to get MJ 2 rehearsals
    G. sagt, er teilte niemals den Sicherheitsleuten mit MJ zu den Proben zu bringen. Er sagte nie jemanden MJ zu den Proben zu bringen.
    52. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Michael Jackson rehearsal venues: Mar 28- Center Staging May 27- Forum June 23 - Staples Center July 13 - O2 Arena
    MJ Proben- Orte
    Mar 28- Center Staging
    June 23 Staples Center
    Juli 13 O2 Arena

    53. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said while they were rehearsing at Center Staging, he was not concerned with MJ's health.
    G. sagt während sie im Center Staging probten hatten sie keine Besorgnis über MJs Gesundheit
    54. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    He said if the rumor about the cancer were true, they would've to deal with a lot to accommodate the shows.
    Er sagte, wenn das Gerücht über den Krebs wahr wäre, hätten sie sich nicht damit beschäftigt um die Shows unterzubringen.
    55. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said he was not concerned. "If there was something going on, if he had cancer, we would've heard about it."
    G. sagte er war nicht besorgt „Wenn es etwas gäbe, wenn er Krebs hätte, häten sie davon gehört“
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Email cont'd: We don't have to sell tickets, so we can just sit back and prove them wrong by just doing it.
    Email-Fortsetzung: Wir brauchen keine Tickets zu verkaufen, wir können uns zurücklehnen und zeigen es ist falsch (beim Zeigen der Show)

    57. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Email cont'd: Our redemption will be when he does his shows, that makes all of this build up so damn sweet.
    Fortsetzung Email: Unsere Erlösung wird sein, wenn er seine Shows macht, das macht den Aufbau so verdammt süß.
    58. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware on 5/27/09: The Kid is healthy and rehearsing every day. He was still there at dance rehearsals at 9pm last night when I left.
    G. am 27.05.09: Das Kind ist gesund und probt jeden Tag. Er war noch da als ich die Probe um 9pm verließ

    59. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    The Sun claimed MJ had skin cancer on his chest. "It was sport over in London," Gongaware said about MJ's stories on tabloids.
    Die Sun sagte MJ hat Krebs. „Es war Sport in London“ sagt er über die MJ-Stories in den Tabloids.
    60. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said the media in the UK was going wild with gossip about Michael Jackson. "They just lie about things."
    G. sagte die Medien in der UK brachten Gossip über MJ „Sie logen über die Dinge“

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said during the period at Center Staging, MJ was good, engaging, didn't think MJ had any health issues or was using drugs.
    G. sagt während der Zeit im Center Staging sagte er MJ war gut, engagiert, dachte nicht an Gesundheitsprobleme oder Drogengebrauch.62. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    He said he wasn't sure what he would use the video for, but thought the website would be a good platform.
    Er sagte er wusste nicht für was er das Videomaterial braucht, dachte die Webseite wäre ein gute Plattform.
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    The cost for crew to shoot the audition was very high, so Gongaware bought couple of cameras and use his own crew to shoot the rehearsals.
    Die Kosten für die Mannschaft um die Audtion aufzunehmen waren hoch, so G. , so dass er eigene Kameras kaufte und eine seine eigene Crew anstellte.
    64. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Gongaware said Ortega wanted to film the audition to use fresh footage on
    G. sagte Ortega wollte den Film über die Auditons um neues Material für zu haben
    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
    Putnam played a clip of the dancers audition. Gongaware said MJ was very involved and chose the dancers.
    P. spielte einen Cip von den Tanzauditions. G. sagte MJ war sehr involviert und wählte die Tänzer
    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 04.06.2013, 19:43.


    • 66. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
      Dancers auditions took place at the Nokia Theater on April 13, 14, 15. MJ attended the last day and made the final decision, Gongaware said.
      Tänzerauditons fanden in Nokia Theater am 13., 14, 15 april statt. MJ nahm am letzten Tag teil und traf endgültige Entscheidung, sagt. G.
      67. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
      MJ was a grown man with capability to make decisions regarding his health and medical care, Gongaware explained.
      MJ war ein erwachsener Mann mit der Fähigkeit Entscheidungen für seine Gesundheit und med. Pflege zu treffen, sagte G.
      68. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
      Gongaware said MJ was ultimately responsible for his own health: "I think everyone is responsible for their own health and well being."
      G. sagt MJ ist letztlich für seine Gesundheit verantwortlich. „Ich denke jeder hat Verantwortung für seine eigene Gesundheit und sein Wohlbefinden.“
      69. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
      Putnam: Did AEG pay Dr. Murray any kind of money? Gongaware: No
      Putnam: Hat AEG Dr. Muray Geld gezahlt? G. Nein.
      71. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
      Putnam: Do you have any understanding as to whether a contract with Dr. Murray was executed? Gongaware: One never was
      P. Haben Sie ein Verständnis das ein Vertrag mit Dr. Murray abgeschlossen wurde?
      G: Wurde nie72. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7h
      Gongaware said he passed Dr. Murray on to Timm Wooley, never had any other conversation with Dr. Murray about him possibly going to London.
      G. sagte er übergab Dr. Murray n T. Wooley, hatte keine andere Unterhaltung mit ihm über möglicherweise nach London zu gehen
      73. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware said this was a message for MJ, that he had done what he asked. He didn't receive any response back from Michael Amir Williams.
      G. sagte, das war eine Nachricht für MJ, das er gemacht hat für das er erfragt hatte. Er erhielt keine Anwort zurück von Michal Amir.
      74. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      After the call, Gongaware said he let Michael Amir Williams know what the result was in an email. "Done at 150k per month, per MJ."
      Nach dem Anruf, sagte G, ließ er Michael Amir über das Resultat in einer E-Mail wissen. „Erledigt 150000 Dollar pro Monat, durch MJ“
      75. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware recalled Dr. Murray saying he would probably need an assistant and some equipment, but no details were given at this point.
      G. erinnert sich, dass Dr. Murray sagte, dass er wahrscheinlich einen Asssistenten und Aussattung benötige, aber keine Details wurden gegeben zu dem Zeitpunkt.
      76. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      They talked about Dr. Murray's request for a house in London, and the doctor said he would need a three bedroom house.
      Sie sprachen über Dr. Murrays Anfrage für ein Haus in London und der Arzt wollte ein 3-Schlafzimmer-Haus.
      77. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware inquired Dr. Murray how he would get a license in London and the doctor told him not to worry about it.
      G. fragte Murray wie er einen Lizenz für London bekommen wollen und der Arzt sagte ihm keine Angst dafür zu haben.
      78. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware said Michael approved the amount of compensation. "Michael told me offer 150," Gongaware recalled. "And that's what I did."
      G. sagte Michael genehmigte den Betrag der Ausgaben. „Michael sagte mir „Biete 150“ und das machte ich“.
       Tweet einbetten
      79. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware told him the offer came directly from the artist and Dr. Murray responded: I'll take it.
      G. sagte ihm das Angebot kommt dirket vom Künstler und Dr. Murray sagte:
      Ich nehme es an
      80. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware called Dr. Murray, said he was authorized to offer him $150k a month. He said Dr. Murray responded that he couldn't do it for that
      G. rief Murray an, sagte er sein autorisiert im 150000 Dollar/Monat zu bieten. Murray sagte er könne es nicht für das Geld machen.
      81. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware said he heard MJ in the car saying "offer 150, offer 150." Gongaware understood that to be $150k/month.
      G. sagte er hörte MJ im Auto sagen „biete 150, biete 150“ G. verstand 150k/Monat
      82. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      The second call about Dr. Murray came from Michael Amir Williams saying they were going to need to get a deal done for the doctor.
      Der 2. Anruf an Murray kam von Michael Amir, sagend das man den Deal mit Murray machen solle.
      83. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      But Dr. Finkelstein would've done it for free, since he was on the Dangerous tour before and had a lot of fun.
      Aber Dr. Finkelstein hätte es kostenlos gemacht, seitdem er auf der Dangerous Tour war und dort eine Menge Freude hatte.
      84. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Dr. Finkelstein, a friend of Gongaware, said a doctor should charge $10,000 a month for the tour work.
      Dr. Finkelstein ein Freund von G. sagte eine Arzt sollte 10000 Dollar/Monat für die Tourarbeit erhalten.
      85. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      "It wasn't surprising he wanted a doctor," Gongaware expressed.
      „Es überraschte micht nicht das er einen Arzt wollte“86. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      As how MJ was, Gongaware said he was great. He didn't think he had relapsed, was using painkillers again and said MJ had always been thin.
      Wie MJ war, G. sagt gorßartig. Er dachte nicht das er Schmerzmittel nimmt, MJ war immer dünn.
      87. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8h
      Gongaware said he never did background check on anyone he hired and had he done one on Dr. Murray, it would've been out of the ordinary.
      G. sagt er machte niemals einen Backgroundcheck über irgendjemand den er anstellte und wenn er einen über Murray gemacht hätte wäre es etwas Außergewöhnliches.
      88. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
      Sounds like Juror 12 is ok. Judge bringing him out to inquire.
      89. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
      "I just expect doctors to be ethical, the financial side of their lives shouldn't have impact on their medical decision," Gongaware opined.
      „Ich erwarte das Ärzte ethisch sind, die finanzielle Seite ihres Lebens sollte keinen Einfluss auf die medizin. Entscheidungen haben“ sagt G.
      90. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
      Gongaware said it never crossed his mind to either do a background check on Dr. Murray or to suggest to anyone to do it.
      G. sagt es kam ihn nie in den Sinn einen Backgroundcheck über Murray zu machen oder es jemanden vorzuschlagen.
      91. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
      Gongaware said he doesn't think a doctor's financial situation has anything to do with being an ethical doctor.
      G. sagt er denkt nicht das eine finanzielle Situation eines Arztes damit verknüpft ist ob er ethisch ist.


      • Dieser Post endet in Beitrag 108

        92. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        " I'm not going to tell Michael Jackson who his doctor should be," Gongaware explained.
        „Ich erzähle Michael Jackson nicht wer sein Arzt sein sollte“ erklärt G.
        93. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        Putnam: Did you think about checking the doctor? Gongaware: No P: Why not? G: He was Michael's doctor
        P. Haben Sie darüber nachgedacht den Arzt zu checken? G. Nein P.Warum nicht?
        G: Er war Michaels Arzt.
        94. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        "He was Michael's doctor, Michael wanted him. That was it," Gongaware said.
        „Er war Michaels Arzt. Michael wollte ihn. Das war es“ sagte G.95. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        We're still on stand by for Juror 12. Will take the time to resume tweeting today's testimony. Will update on juror's condition too.
        96. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        Court clerk just announced a 10 minute break.
        97. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        One of the fellow jurors, a woman, is a nurse and she's helping out. He was seen eating sugary drink and snacks. We hope everything is fine!
        98. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        It is unclear what is wrong with him, but he was sweaty and looked he was about to pass out when he left the courtroom.
        99. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        Just over 20 minutes into the afternoon session, Juror 12 reported he wasn't feeling well. Session is suspended for now.

        100. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10h
        Gongaware said a lot of people who wanted to work for MJ asked for huge sums of money, thinking he had a lot.
        G. sagte eine Menge Leute wollten für MJ arbeiten und fragten große Summen von Geld, denkend er hat eine Menge.
        101. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        "We couldn't afford it," Gongaware said. He spoke with Phillips and called Frank DiLeo, MJ's manager at the time.
        „Wir konnten es uns nicht leisten“ sagt G. Er sprach mit Philipps und Frank Dileo.

        102. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said he called Michael Amir Williams to report back to MJ what the doctor had asked to go on tour.

        G. sagte er rief Michael Amir an um es MJ zu berichten was der Arzt für die Tour wollte.

        103. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Putnam: Did you contemplate bringing a doctor on tour? Gongaware: I didn't think he needed one, we didn't have one in History, he was fine
        Putnam: Hielten Sie es für nötig einen Arzt auf Tour zu bringen? G. Ich dachte nicht, dass er einen brauchte, wir hatten keinen auf der HIStory Tour, es ging ihm gut.104. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Putnam: Would you be doing this if Michael had not asked you? Gongaware: No
        P. Hätten Sie das gemacht wenn Michael es sie gefragt hätte? G. Nein
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        105. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        After that, Gongaware said he told Michael Amir and Randy Phillips what the doctor had asked. He also told Frank DiLeo.
        Danach berichtete G. Michael Amir und R. Philipps was der Arzt fragte. Er sagte es auch Frank Dileo.

        106. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said he responded that it wasn't going to work. He said this was the first time he spoke with Dr. Murray.
        G. sagte, dass dies nicht funktionieren würde. Er sagte es war das erste Mal das er mit Murray sprach.
        107. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        "It was ridiculous," Gongaware said about the amount asked. "It was a lot of money for something like that and Michael could not afford it."
        „Es war unverschämt“ sagt G. über den Betrag den er fragte „ Es war eine Menge Geld für sowas und Michael konnte sich das nicht leisten“108. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        "He said he would need $5 million," Gongaware recalled. "He said he has 4 clinics to close, would lay off people, need $5 million for that."
        „Er sagte er würde 5 Mio. Dollar benötigen“ sagt G. „Er sagte er müsse 4 Kliniken schließen, Leute freistellen, er benötige 5 Mio. dafür.“
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        109. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said he thought Dr. Murray was expecting his call and was aware of MJ's desire to take him on tour.
        G. sagt aus, dass er dachte, dass Dr. Murray seinen Anruf erwartete und ihm war MJ`s Anfrage wegen Tour bekannt.
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        110. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware called Murray on behalf of MJ saying singer wanted to take him to London. "What do you want to be paid for that," Gongaware asked
        G. rief Murray im Namen von MJ an, sagte der Sänger wolle ihn mit nach London nehmen. „Was stellen Sie sich für ein Gehalt vor?, fragte Gongaware.
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        111. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware testified he didn't have MJ's direct phone number, would go through Michael Amir Williams, MJ's personal assistant, to reach him.
        G. sagt aus, dass er nicht MJs direkte Nummer hatte, er musste über Michael Amir, seinen persönl. Assistenten gehen um ihn zu erreichen.
        112. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said he then called Dr. Murray to work out a deal.
        G. sagte er rief dan Dr. Murray wegen des Deals an.
        113. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said Dr. Murray treated MJ for about three years before 2009. He knew the doctor was from Las Vegas but said he was in LA.
        G. sagt das Dr. Murray MJ seit 3 Jahren vor 2009 behandelte. Er wußte der Arzt ist von Las Vegas aber sagte er war in LA.
        114. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        As to MJ asking to take care of the machine, Gongaware said he understood it to be that every night MJ would have to do be ready to perform
        Bezügl. MJ „auf die Maschine zu achten, G. sagt er verstand es so, dass MJ jede Nacht für die Performance bereit sein musste
        115. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said the suggestion for London doctor was due to the cost; paying doctor full time was much more expensive then hiring local doc.
        Gongaware der Vorschlag für einen London-Arzt war wegen der Kosten, einen Arzt Vollziet zu zahlen ist wesentlich teurer als einen lokalen Arzt anzuheuern
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        116. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Putnam: Did you worry MJ might have a health issue? Gongaware: No P: Why not? G: He seemed fine to me, had a physical and passed
        Putman: Hatten Sie Angst, dass MJ Gesundheitsprobleme hat? Gongaware: Nein
        P: Warum nicht? G: Ihm schien es gut zu gehen
        117. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said he's been on tour before where an artist had chiropractors, but couldn't remember being in one with a doctor.
        Gongaware sagte er war auf Tour und ein Künstler wollte einen Chiropraktiker, aber kann sich nicht erinnern auf einer mit einem Arzt gewesen zu sein.
        118. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said other artists take doctors as well, so he was not the only one and it didn't surprise him.
        Gongaware sagte andere Künstler haben auch Ärzte, er war nicht der Einzige der es wollte.
        119. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Putnam: Were you surprised he wanted to take his doctor on tour? Gongaware: No P: Why not? G: He had doctors before
        Putnam: Waren Sie überrascht das er seinen Arzt auf der Tour wollte? Gongaware: Nein: P: Warum nicht? G: Er hatte Ärzte zuvor.
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        120. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        "This is the machine, we have to take care of the machine. I want Conrad," Gongaware said Michael responded.
        „Das ist die Maschine auf die wir Acht geben müssen, ich möchte Conrad“ antworte MJ zu Gongware laut G.
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        121. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said he suggested to Michael to get a licensed doctor in London who would know the lay of the land, in case of need.
        Gongware sagte er schlug MJ vor einen lizensierten Arzt für London zu erhalten
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        122. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        At one point Gongaware said he learned from MJ about doctor named Murray. "He came to me and said he wanted his personal doctor on the tour"
        An einem Punkt sagt Gongaware erfuhr er über MJs Arzt mit Namen Murray. „Er kam zu mir und sagte er wolle seinen persönl. Arzt auf der Tour.“
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        123. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Defendants were trying to establish a pattern that all the money spent was actually MJ's money, not AEG's, just like with Dr. Murray.
        Verteidigung versucht zu verdeutlichen, das das Geld was ausgegeben wurde aktuell MJ`s Geld war, nicht AEG`s genauso mit Dr.. Murray.
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        124. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Answer from Gongaware: This is not AEG money, it's MJ's money so it takes a lot of time to get approvals.
        Antwort von Gongaware: Das ist nicht das Geld von AEG, das ist MJ`s Geld und es benötigt eine Menge Zeit die Genehmigung zu erhalten.
         Tweet einbetten
        125. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Putnam showed email chain from Ortega to Gongaware asking to make a deal with choreographer Travis Payne.
        Puntman zeigt E-Mail von Ortega an Gongware fragend den Deal mit Choreograph T. Payne zu machen.
        Tweet einbetten
        126. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        "He wanted to do biggest, best show ever, live show," Gongaware said.
        „Er wollte die beste Live-Show aller Zeiten machen“ sagt Gongaware127. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        The 3D songs would be Thriller, Earth Song and Smooth Criminal. Email from Ortega to Gongaware saying MJ had big dreams for the shows.
        3D-Songs würden Thriller, Erath Song, Smooth Criminal sein. E-Mail von Ortega an Gongaware, sagt MJ hat große Träume für die Show.

        128. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said the big screen on the back of the stage was 3D capable. The audience would be given glasses when they entered the show.
        Gongaware sagt der große Bildschirm hinter der Bühne war 3D fähig. Dem Publikum würden Brillen ausgegeben wenn sie in die Show kommen
         Tweet einbetten
        129. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Gongaware said 1st idea was to make MJ float from the audience, but they couldn't make it work. So they decided to lower him down on stage
        130. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        We're hoping to get a copy of the video to show it this on today's @ABC7 Eyewitness News and
        Wir hoffen eine Kopie des Vids zu erhalten und es später auf…… zu zeigen.131. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Putnam showed a presentation of how the LED suit idea would work. Footage is not on TII documentary because it was early stages of prep.
        Putnam zeigt eine Präsentation wie die LED-Anzug Idee wirken würde. Material ist nicht in der TII-Doku weil es frühe Phase der Vorbereitung war.

        132. ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11h
        Michael would be lower down onto the stage, Gongaware described. He called the LED suit a "Moon man" suit, but Ortega called it "Light man."

        Edit: Das letzte Stück Gongoware-Aussage ist hier in Post 99 und 98 nachlebar von Maja
        Ein deutsches Michael Jackson Forum, mit dem Titel: Michael MJ Jackson forever. Neben dem Forum rund um Michael Jackson, gibt es ein Lexikon und eine Galerie.

        Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 05.06.2013, 08:26.


        • Es geht weiter mit Philpps, diesmal von oben nach unten lesen
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4s
          With that Paul Gongaware was excused, subject to recall if needed. Randy Phillips took the stand next also as adverse witness.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts45s
          Phillips said he met w/ 6 attorneys to prep for testimony between 6-8 times over the last two weeks, probably for about 30 hours.
          Phillips sagte, er traf mit 6 Anwälten um für die Zeugenaussage vorzubereiten zwischen 6-8 Mal in den letzten zwei Wochen, wahrscheinlich für etwa 30 Stunden.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts37s
          Phillips said he went through a bunch of emails, probably 30, from the period in question. He also read his deposition.
          Phillips sagte, er ging durch eine Menge von E-Mails, wahrscheinlich 30, aus der betreffenden Zeit. Er las auch seine Depositon.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts19s
          Phillips said he didn't prepare for the deposition. "They (attys) felt it would be better if I went in without any preparation."
          Phillips sagte, er habe die Deposition nicht vorbereitet. "Sie (Anwälte) fühlten, es wäre besser, wenn ich ohne Vorbereitung herein gehe."

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts27s
          Phillips attended two years of law school, but didn't graduate.
          Phillips aboslvierte zwei Jahre Jurastudium, dass er nicht abschloss.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts21s
          Panish: Who's higher up than you at AEG Live? Phillips: No one at AEG Live P: You are the top dog, so to speak? P: Yes
          Panish: Wer ist höher als Sie in AEG-Live? Phillips: Niemand bei AEG Live-P: Sie sind sozusagen der Platzhirsch, ? P: Ja

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts31s
          Phillips reports to an executive committee who would then report to Tim Leiweke. Phillips said he doesn't know why Leiweke left the company.
          Phillips berichtet einem Exekutivausschuss, der dann an Tim Leiweke berichten würden. Phillips sagte, dass er nicht weiß, warum Leiweke das Unternehmen verlassen hat.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
          Phil Anschutz now belongs to the executive committee.
          Phil Anschutz gehört nun zum Vorstand.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts35s
          Panish: Do you think this is an extortion, shakedown lawsuit? Phillips: Yes or no answer? Yes
          Panish: Glauben sie, das ist eine Erpressungs- Shakedown Klage?
          Phillips: Ja oder Nein Antwort? Ja

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts23s
          Panish: Did you sign a document under the penalty of perjury saying Mrs. Jackson aided and abetted Joe Jackson to extort money from AEG?
          Panish: Haben Sie ein Dokument unterzeichnet, unter der Strafe des Meineids das Mrs. Jackson unterstützt und begünstigt Joe Jackson, um Geld von AEG zu erpressen?
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts17s
          Phillips: It's possible, I don't remember
          Phillips: Es ist möglich, ich erinnere mich nicht

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts34s
          "I wish you wouldn't keep calling it a baseless shakedown lawsuit," Phillips told Panish.
          "Ich wünschte, Sie würden es nicht weiter eine unbegründete Shakedown-Klage nennen", sagte Phillips Panish

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts8s
          Panish: You believe this case is an extortion, correct? Phillips: Yes
          Panisch: Sie glauben, dass dies ein Fall von Erpressung ist, richtig? Phillips: Ja

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts35s
          Panish: You told Mr. Ortega that AEG checked everyone out, including Dr. Murray?
          Panisch: Sie erzählten Mr. Ortega, dass AEG jeden ausgecheckt hat, darunter Dr. Murray?

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts28s
          "I wrote in an email to Kenny Ortega that I thought Dr. Murray had been checked out. I still do, to some extent," Phillips said.
          "Ich habe in in einer E-Mail an Kenny Ortega geschrieben, dass ich dachte Dr. Murray wäre ausgecheckt. Tue ich immer noch, zu einem gewissen Grad", sagte Phillips.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts11s
          Panish: You said he was a great doctor? Phillips: Because that's what I was told
          Panisch: Sie sagten, er sei ein guter Arzt? Phillips: Denn das ist das , was man mir sagte.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts13s
          Panish: Did you write email that AEG checked everyone out? Phillips: Yes, I did Panish: That was not true Phillips: In retrospect, not 100%
          Panish: Haben Sie eine E-Mail geschreiben, dass AEG jeden ausgecheckt hat? Phillips: Ja, tat ich. Panish: Das war nicht wahr. Phillips: Im Nachhinein nicht zu 100%

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
          "It's what I knew at the time," Phillips said.

          "Es ist das, was ich zu der Zeit wusste", sagte Phillips.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
          Panish: Isn't it true you said AEG live doesn't lose money, sir? Phillips: Among other things I said
          Panish: Ist es nicht wahr, dass Sie sagten, dass AEG Live nicht Geld verlieren werde, Sir? Phillips: Unter anderem sagte ich das.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts50s
          Panish showed Phillips a Forbes article where he said AEG is about making money, since they are a business.
          Panish zeigte Phillips ein Forbes-Artikel, wo er sagte AEG ist da um Geld zu verdienen, da sie ein Geschäft sind.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
          Live Nation is the largest concert promoter in the world, Phillips said.
          Live Nation ist der größte Konzert-Promoter in der Welt, sagte Phillips.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
          Panish: Do you like being number 2? Phillips: Love it! I'd rather be a successful number 2
          Panish: Mögen Sie die Nummer 2 zu sein? Phillips: Ich liebe es! Ich möchte lieber ein erfolgreiche Nummer 2 sein

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4m
          Panish: You don't want to be number one? Phillips: Not if it means losing money
          Panisch: Sie wollen nicht die Nummer eins sein? Phillips: Nicht, wenn es bedeutet, Geld zu verlieren

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts2m
          Phillips said Mr. Anschutz told him he's happy being a number 2.
          Phillips sagte Herr Anschutz sagte ihm, dass er glücklich sei die Nummer 2 zu sein
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts35s
          Panish asked if it was true Phillips wanted 2 meet with MJ to tour in 2007. Phillips answered it was the opposite, they asked for a meeting.
          Panish fragte, ob es wahr sei, das Phillips sich mit MJ wegen einer Tour im Jahr 2007 treffen wollte. Phillips antwortete es war das Gegenteil, sie baten um ein Treffen.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts18s
          Panish: Please don't argue with me, I'm going to argue w/ you and will get in trouble Phillips: That's an incentive now (Everyone laughed)
          Panish: Bitte argumentieren Sie nicht mit mir, ich werde mit Ihnen streiten und Sie bekommen Schwierigkeiten
          Phillips: Das ist ein Anreiz jetzt (Alle lachen)
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts1m
          Panish: Did you learn Colony Capital purchase note on Neverland? Phillips: Yes BP: Is Barrack one of principals on Colony Capital? RP: Yes
          Panish: Haben Sie erfrahren das Colony Capital eine Grundschuld auf Neverland kaufte? Phillips: Ja Panish: Ist Barrack einer der Führer von Colony Capital? RP: Ja

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts55s
          On 6/13/08, Phillips sent email to Colony Capital with a summation of plans for MJ for four years.
          Am 6/13/08, schickte Phillips eine E-Mail an Colony Capital mit einer Summierung der Pläne für MJ für vier Jahre.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts41s
          Email: I caution you that MJ is not fast and a total perfectionist (needs to be controlled as much as possible).
          E-Mail: Ich warne Sie, dass MJ nicht schnell ist und totaler Perfektionist (muss so weit wie möglich kontrolliert werden).

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts21s
          Phillips said he was referring to MJ's spending.
          Philpps sagt er bezog sich auf MJ`s Ausgaben.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts4s
          Panish: Neverland was his beloved home, right sir? Phillips: Hard to answer, because of the things MJ told me
          Panish: Neverland war seine geliebte Heimat, richtig Sir? Phillips: Schwer zu beantworten auf Grund der Dinge, die MJ mir sagte.

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts33s
          Panish: Do you think any of this is funny, sir? Phillips: No, I think it's tragic
          Panish: Glauben Sie, dass irgendetwas von dem lustig ist, Sir? Phillips: Nein, ich denke, es ist tragisch

          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts20s
          Tohme Tohme was a business associate with Colony Capital, who was also working with MJ.
          Tohme Tohme war ein Geschäftspartner mit Colony Capital, der auch mit MJ zusammenarbeitete.ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts22s
          Panish asked if Phillips thought there was a conflict of interest with Tohme working for Olony and MJ. He said no.
          Panish fragt ob Philpps denkt es gab einen Intressenkonflikt mit Tohme arbeitend mit Colony und MJ ? Er sagt Nein.
          ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts35s
          That ended today's testimony. Phillips is back on the stand tomorrow morning. As always, we hope to see you too!
          Das beendet das heutige Zeugnis. Phillips ist wieder auf dem Stand morgen früh. Wie immer hoffen wir, Sie zu sehen!........................
          Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 05.06.2013, 13:09.


          • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 22 – June 3 2013 – Summary

            No Jackson family member was at the courthouse.

            Paul Gongaware

            AEG cross

            Putnam asked Gongaware if MJ was comfortable with all the show dates. "Yes, I went through all of the dates with him," Gongaware said. Bugzee, the tour manager, had big calendar on the walls, Gongaware explained, saying they changed the dates of the shows four times. As to the email about changing coloring on calendar so it didn't look MJ was working too hard Putnam asked if he was trying to fool MJ. "No, I was trying to make it clear, trying to get it just the way I wanted it," Gongaware responded. (ABC7) The jury was shown an email in which Gongaware worked with a staffer to create a calendar to show Jackson. He wanted colors changed. He wanted the calendar to be changed so that it reflected Jackson's show dates and off days differently. Gongaware email: “Figure it out so it looks like he’s not working so much.” He told jury Jackson was comfortable with the show schedule. (AP)

            After changing 4 show dates Gongaware said MJ was comfortable with it. He would do 8 shows in July, 10 in August, 9 in September. There would be no shows in October, November and December, resuming with 10 shows in January, 10 in February and three in March. Gongaware said the O2 Arena had previous commitment in Oct-Dec of 2009 and they could not have the MJ's concerts. (ABC7) In July 2009 there were 8 shows scheduled, 10 in August and 9 in September. Then they’d take rest of ’09 off. In Jan. and February of 2010, there were 10 shows planned per month. Three were planned in March 2010. No back-to-back shows. Gongaware said this wasn’t a rigorous schedule since there would be no traveling. On “HIStory” tour, he said they did 10-12 shows per month (AP)

            Putnam: Was this a rigorous schedule? Gongaware: No, not at all. Gongaware recalled that on the HIStory tour they did 10-12 shows per month, from country to country, but this one would stay in London only. Gongaware said he wasn't concerned with MJ's age. "He seemed great to me," he said, and this was stationary show, didn't have to travel. (ABC7)

            Gongaware: The reason MJ wanted to delay the 1st show was he wanted more time to rehearse in the O2 Arena where the show would take place. Gongaware said MJ and Kenny Ortega would decide the rehearsal schedule. Gongaware explained MJ didn't have to attend rehearsals, since it was not part of his deal. He said they never require an artist to rehearse. "I didn't have any expectation," Gongaware said regarding MJ rehearsing.(ABC7) Gongaware said there wasn’t a requirement for Jackson to rehearse. Said he’s never seen a requirement for musicial artist to rehearse. (AP) He said that during the HIStory tour, MJ didn't rehearse, nailed it. "When it was game time, he would show up," Gongaware explained. (ABC7) For instance, Gongaware cited an outdoor concert in Bangkok in in high heat, humidity. “He nailed it,” he said of Jackson. Gongaware: “When it was kind of game time, he was going to show up,” he said of Jackson's London shows. (AP)

            As to the email Gongaware wrote about calling MJ lazy, he said he used unfortunate choices of words, Michael didn't like to rehearse. (ABC7)

            Putnam: Why weren't you concerned? Gongaware: When the house lights would go up, he would show up (ABC7)

            Talking about the elements of the show, Gongaware described what they wanted to do for the opening of the show. He said Michael would be dressed up in a LED suit, like a television, flashing on him brief movie about things that happened in history. Michael would be lower down onto the stage, Gongaware described. He called the LED suit a "Moon man" suit, but Ortega called it "Light man." Putnam showed a presentation of how the LED suit idea would work. Footage is not on TII documentary because it was early stages of prep. Gongaware said 1st idea was to make MJ float from the audience, but they couldn't make it work. So they decided to lower him down on stage. Gongaware said the big screen on the back of the stage was 3D capable. The audience would be given glasses when they entered the show. The 3D songs would be Thriller, Earth Song and Smooth Criminal. Email from Ortega to Gongaware saying MJ had big dreams for the shows. "He wanted to do biggest, best show ever, live show," Gongaware said. (ABC7)

            Putnam showed email chain from Ortega to Gongaware asking to make a deal with choreographer Travis Payne. Answer from Gongaware: This is not AEG money, it's MJ's money so it takes a lot of time to get approvals. (ABC7)

            Defendants were trying to establish a pattern that all the money spent was actually MJ's money, not AEG's, just like with Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

            At one point Gongaware said he learned from MJ about doctor named Murray. "He came to me and said he wanted his personal doctor on the tour". Gongaware said he suggested to Michael to get a licensed doctor in London who would know the lay of the land, in case of need. "This is the machine, we have to take care of the machine. I want Conrad," Gongaware said Michael responded. (ABC7) “He came up to me and said he wanted to take Dr. Murray to London as his personal physician,” Paul Gongaware testified. When Gongaware suggested during the late April 2009 conversation it would be easier and cheaper to use an English doctor, Jackson vetoed the idea. Gongaware said Jackson told him, "'This is the machine. We have to take care of the machine.' I think what he meant was his brain could create it but his body had to deliver the show every night.” (LATimes)

            Putnam: Were you surprised he wanted to take his doctor on tour? Gongaware: No P: Why not? G: He had doctors before. Gongaware said other artists take doctors as well, so he was not the only one and it didn't surprise him. Gongaware said he's been on tour before where an artist had chiropractors, but couldn't remember being in one with a doctor. (ABC7)

            Putnam: Did you worry MJ might have a health issue? Gongaware: No P: Why not? G: He seemed fine to me, had a physical and passed. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said the suggestion for London doctor was due to the cost; paying doctor full time was much more expensive than hiring local doctor. As to MJ asking to take care of the machine, Gongaware said he understood it to be that every night MJ would have to do be ready to perform. Gongaware said Dr. Murray treated MJ for about three years before 2009. He knew the doctor was from Las Vegas but said he was in LA. Gongaware said he then called Dr. Murray to work out a deal. Gongaware testified he didn't have MJ's direct phone number, would go through Michael Amir Williams, MJ's personal assistant, to reach him. Gongaware called Murray on behalf of MJ saying singer wanted to take him to London. "What do you want to be paid for that," Gongaware asked. Gongaware said he thought Dr. Murray was expecting his call and was aware of MJ's desire to take him on tour. "He said he would need $5 million," Gongaware recalled. "He said he has 4 clinics to close, would lay off people, need $5 million for that." "It was ridiculous," Gongaware said about the amount asked. "It was a lot of money for something like that and Michael could not afford it." Gongaware said he responded that it wasn't going to work. (ABC7) “I asked him what he wanted." Gongaware testified. "He said he’d need $5 million." Murray told Gongaware that he'd have to shut down his clinics in Houston, Las Vegas and San Diego and lay people off. Asked by AEG attorney Marvin Putnam if Murray's price was reasonable, Gongaware replied, “It was ridiculous… Michael couldn’t afford it, so I had to tell him it wasn’t going to work.” (LATimes) He said this was the first time he spoke with Dr. Murray. After that, Gongaware said he told Michael Amir and Randy Phillips what the doctor had asked. He also told Frank DiLeo. Putnam: Would you be doing this if Michael had not asked you? Gongaware: No . (ABC7)

            Putnam: Did you contemplate bringing a doctor on tour? Gongaware: I didn't think he needed one, we didn't have one in History, he was fine. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he called Michael Amir Williams to report back to MJ what the doctor had asked to go on tour. "We couldn't afford it," Gongaware said. He spoke with Phillips and called Frank DiLeo, MJ's manager at the time. Gongaware said a lot of people who wanted to work for MJ asked for huge sums of money, thinking he had a lot. (ABC7)

            "He was Michael's doctor, Michael wanted him. That was it," Gongaware said. (ABC7)

            Putnam: Did you think about checking the doctor?
            Gongaware: No
            P: Why not?
            G: He was Michael's doctor (ABC7)

            " I'm not going to tell Michael Jackson who his doctor should be," Gongaware explained. (ABC7) "It wasn't my place to say who his doctor was going to be," Gongaware said. "It was his decision." (AP)

            Gongaware said he doesn't think a doctor's financial situation has anything to do with being an ethical doctor. Gongaware said it never crossed his mind to either do a background check on Dr. Murray or to suggest to anyone to do it. "I just expect doctors to be ethical, the financial side of their lives shouldn't have impact on their medical decision," Gongaware opined. (ABC7) Paul Gongaware testified that he didn't think it was necessary to conduct background checks on anyone working closely with Jackson. He said in Conrad Murray's case, he wasn't concerned about his background because he'd been recommended by the entertainer. "I just expect doctors to be ethical," Gongaware said. "Their financial side of their life shouldn't affect their medical judgment." (AP)

            Gongaware said he never did background check on anyone he hired and had he done one on Dr. Murray, it would've been out of the ordinary. (ABC7)

            He also said he never considered performing background checks on Jackson's makeup artist, a choreographer who worked one-on-one with the singer or Kenny Ortega, the tour's director. "I didn't see the need for it," he said. (AP)

            As how MJ was, Gongaware said he was great. He didn't think he had relapsed, was using painkillers again and said MJ had always been thin. "It wasn't surprising he wanted a doctor," Gongaware expressed. (ABC7)

            Dr. Finkelstein, a friend of Gongaware, said a doctor should charge $10,000 a month for the tour work. But Dr. Finkelstein would've done it for free, since he was on the Dangerous tour before and had a lot of fun.(ABC7)

            The second call about Dr. Murray came from Michael Amir Williams saying they were going to need to get a deal done for the doctor. Gongaware said he heard MJ in the car saying "offer 150, offer 150." Gongaware understood that to be $150k/month. Gongaware called Dr. Murray, said he was authorized to offer him $150k a month. He said Dr. Murray responded that he couldn't do it for that. Gongaware told him the offer came directly from the artist and Dr. Murray responded: I'll take it. Gongaware said Michael approved the amount of compensation. "Michael told me offer 150," Gongaware recalled. "And that's what I did." Gongaware inquired Dr. Murray how he would get a license in London and the doctor told him not to worry about it. They talked about Dr. Murray's request for a house in London, and the doctor said he would need a three bedroom house. Gongaware recalled Dr. Murray saying he would probably need an assistant and some equipment, but no details were given at this point. After the call, Gongaware said he let Michael Amir Williams know what the result was in an email. "Done at 150k per month, per MJ." Gongaware said this was a message for MJ, that he had done what he asked. He didn't receive any response back from Michael Amir Williams. (ABC7) Gongaware wrote a May 6, 2009, email to Jackson's assistant after cutting the deal with Murray: “done at $150k per month, per MJ. He needs about 10 days to wind down his practice then he will be full time.” Gongaware said the email was a message to Jackson "that I had done what he asked." (LAtimes)

            Asked why he had negotiated with Murray, the AEG executive replied that he was "instructed to by Michael Jackson." Gongaware said there was no other reason for him to deal with the doctor. Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware why he didn't tell Jackson he couldn't take Murray on tour with him."Because he could if he wanted," Gongaware said. (LAtimes)

            Gongaware said he passed Dr. Murray on to Timm Wooley, never had any other conversation with Dr. Murray about him possibly going to London. Putnam: Do you have any understanding as to whether a contract with Dr. Murray was executed?
            Gongaware: One never was
            Putnam: Did AEG pay Dr. Murray any kind of money?
            Gongaware: No (ABC7)

            Gongaware said MJ was ultimately responsible for his own health: "I think everyone is responsible for their own health and well being." MJ was a grown man with capability to make decisions regarding his health and medical care, Gongaware explained. (ABC7)

            Putnam showed Gongaware a frame from “This Is It” film in which Jackson’s manager, Frank Dileo, was sitting in on dancer auditions. (AP) Dancers auditions took place at the Nokia Theater on April 13, 14, 15. MJ attended the last day and made the final decision, Gongaware said. Putnam played a clip of the dancers audition. Gongaware said MJ was very involved and chose the dancers. Gongaware said Ortega wanted to film the audition to use fresh footage on The cost for crew to shoot the audition was very high, so Gongaware bought couple of cameras and use his own crew to shoot the rehearsals. He said he wasn't sure what he would use the video for, but thought the website would be a good platform. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said during the period at Center Staging, MJ was good, engaging, didn't think MJ had any health issues or was using drugs. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said the media in the UK was going wild with gossip about Michael Jackson. "They just lie about things.". The Sun claimed MJ had skin cancer on his chest. "It was sport over in London," Gongaware said about MJ's stories on tabloids.(ABC7) Gongaware testified about emails in which UK press agents working on “This Is It” sent him tabloid reports on MJ’s health. Gongaware said he urged the press agents not to respond. He wanted Jackson’s performance to speak for itself & silence skeptics. (AP)

            Gongaware was shown emails he was sent less than a month before Jackson's death in which tabloid newspapers were speculating the singer was suffering from cancer.
            Gongaware urged his company not to respond. "Our redemption will be when he does his shows," he wrote about Jackson. "We don't have to sell tickets, so we can just sit back and prove them wrong by just doing it." (AP)

            Gongaware on 5/27/09:
            The Kid is healthy and rehearsing every day. He was still there at dance rehearsals at 9pm last night when I left. Our redemption will be when he does his shows, that makes all of this build up so damn sweet. We don't have to sell tickets, so we can just sit back and prove them wrong by just doing it. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he was not concerned. "If there was something going on, if he had cancer, we would've heard about it." He said if the rumor about the cancer were true, they would've to deal with a lot to accommodate the shows. Gongaware said while they were rehearsing at Center Staging, he was not concerned with MJ's health. (ABC7)

            Michael Jackson rehearsal venues: Mar 28- Center Staging, May 27- Forum ,June 23 - Staples Center , July 13 - O2 Arena (ABC7)

            Putnam also asked Gongaware about an incident Karen Faye testified about, that she heard PG yelling at MJ's assistant one day. The incident occurred while "This Is It" rehearsals were happening at The Forum in LA. Faye claimed she heard Gongaware yelling about Jackson being late to a rehearsal and told his assistant to get him there. "Never, never happened," Gongaware said, shaking his head. (AP) Gongaware said he never told security guard to get MJ to rehearsals, whatever it takes. He said he never told anyone to get MJ 2 rehearsals. (ABC7)

            Putnam went through chain of email about tabloid reports in the UK regarding MJ. In one, it said MJ had asked AEG to reduce the number of shows by half. Gongaware said that such a discussion never happened. Gongaware testified he woke up to one gossip headline pretty much every day. His idea was simply to ignore the tabloids. An amazing show would be the answer, Gongaware said. (ABC7)

            Gongaware: “With MJ we don’t’ have to react to the press. We can decide what we want to do and then do it.” His email continued laying out his strategy: “We can only make this work, of course, if MJ puts on the best show of his life.” Gongaware: “I’m here to tell you that he will. I have seen it for myself,” he said of Jackson's performances. He described a rehearsal in which MJ performed 9 songs. Gongaware: “He was amazing, captivating, riveting. And he’s just getting started.” (AP)

            Gongaware on 6/5/09 in response to Sunday Mirror Query: "We can only make this work, of course, if MJ puts on the best show of his life. I'm here to tell you that be will. I have seen it for myself. Last night he ran 9 songs with full band, singers and dancers. Sang every one, he was amazing, captivating, riveting. And he's just getting started. Taking it one step further. When people realize that bulls**t the press has been, they will be in receptive mood for the truth Hey look. No skin cancer. He's just a good dad, loving raising his kids. His art and his craft are paramount. Email cont'd: A gentile, loving man who does care about people. (ABC7)

            "The shows were going to be spectacular," Gongaware said. Putnam showed clip of MJ in front of green screen with 11 dancers, who would become 11,000. Gongaware said MJ was great at this point. (ABC7)

            Gongaware was shown some “This Is It” film footage. He denied any footage was taken out or altered. He was asked about CEO Randy Phillips’ email where he described Jackson in a red leather jacket and looking like a skeleton. Clip from “Thriller” mini-movie shoot for “This Is It” was played for jury, and Jackson was there, wearing red leather jacket. He denied that “This Is It” feature film presented a skewed vision of Michael Jackson. (AP)

            Regarding email Phillips sent Gongaware directing to remove MJ's "skeletal" scenes Gongaware said he didn't take anything out of the movie.
            Putnam: Did you remove anything from the movie?
            Gongaware: No (ABC7)

            Putnam showed clip from TII with making of Thriller 3D and Jackson wearing red jacket.
            Putnam: Did you try to alter in anyway how Mr. Jackson looked, appeared?
            Gongaware: No
            Gongaware said he didn't remember any of the footage been removed because of how MJ looked. "We just let the footage speak for itself." (ABC7)

            The mini-movie of "Earth" a bulldozer would come out from a ramp in center stage. Putnam: A real bulldozer?
            Gongaware: I wish, it would've been cheaper, but it would have crushed our ramps. Gongaware said they had to build the bulldozer like a prop. It would appear at the end of the song on stage. "I think the live audience would be just captivated by it," Gongaware said about the little girl running after the last plant on Earth song. (ABC7)

            End of the show would be 3D animation. An airplane taxis up, door opens, Michael entered the plane. The airplane door closes, MJ would actually take an elevator down and out of the building, but plane would take off over the audience. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he didn't know if anyone was responsible for MJ's nourishment. Tour would be demanding and exhausting. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he met Dr. Murray once at MJ's Carolwood house and ran into him at The Forum during rehearsal. There was a meeting scheduled to discuss MJ's nutrition with Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega, Dr. Murray, MJ, Gongaware and DiLeo.
            Putnam: Do you recall anyone in that meeting ever tell Dr. Murray how he should be treating MJ?
            Gongaware: No (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he didn’t have any medical training and wasn’t qualified to tell Conrad Murray how to treat Jackson. (AP)

            Gongaware said neither Dr. Murray nor MJ talked about the treatment singer was receiving. The meeting was about nutrition, vitamin, therapy. Gongaware said he had no idea Dr. Murray was giving MJ Propofol and first heard of the anesthetic after Michael died. Gongaware said Dr. Murray was really engaged in the meeting, seemed like a very intelligent guy and wanted to take care of MJ very much. This was the first time Gongaware had with Dr. Murray. He said there were no signs of MJ being poorly treated by the doctor. "Michael was engaged in the meeting, attentive, seemed happy we were having this meeting," Gongaware opined. "He's a doctor, he'd know better than anybody how to treat his patient," Gongaware said about Dr. Murray. Gongaware said he was never present on any meeting where anyone told Dr. Murray how to treat MJ. (ABC7)

            As to Gongaware's email saying AEG, not MJ, paid Dr Murray he said he mistaken. "We wouldn't pay his salary, we'd advance Michael's money". Gongaware said he didn't remember writing/receiving the email, but never denied he did it. "Michael Jackson would be paying his salary, but AEG would advance the money," Gongaware testified. (ABC7)

            As to MJ being habitual late, Gongaware said the singer worked on his own schedule, did things his way. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said his understanding was that MJ hired a trainer of his choice, Louis (Lou) Ferrigno. "I made the deal with him (Ferrigno). He was supposed to be paid certain amount of money per session," Gongaware said. (ABC7) Paul Gongaware said Ferrigno was working with Jackson as a trainer. He said he negotiated Ferrigno’s deal. Gongaware: “He was to be paid ... a certain amount, per session.” He didn’t elaborate on fee, how many times he worked with MJ. (AP) Putnam showed email from Travis Payne, he suggested massage chair 2 be put in MJ's dressing room. Gongaware said it wasn't callous treatment. (ABC7)

            As to Bugzee's email saying MJ needed cheeseburgers, brats and beers, Gongaware said Bugzee was joking, Bugzee cared very much for MJ. Gongaware testified he didn't recall having any concern about MJ's health/using painkillers as of Monday 6/15/09, 10 days prior to his death. (ABC7)

            Gongaware was asked about several emails that have been shown before, including messages related to MJ missing rehearsal on June 19, 2009. The executive was on the East Coast for a family wedding, but responded to one message questioning why Murray wasn’t at rehearsal. Gongaware email: “Take the doctor with you. Why wasn’t he there last night?” He then explained his thinking to the jury. Gongaware: “If his patient is having is problem and he’s sick, and he’s his only patient, it seemed like he should be there.” (AP) Gongaware said on 6/19/09, he was out of town. "This is the day Michael had chills at rehearsal and was apparently sick," Gongaware recalled. "If the meeting was going to be about what happened that night, the doctor should be there," Gongaware said. Gongaware: If his patient is sick and he's your only patient, doctor should be there! (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he believed MJ wanted to go on tour. He said he doesn't remember anyone talking about pulling the plug on the shows. (ABC7)

            Putnam: Did anyone tell you at this point that MJ needed a drug addiction specialist?
            Gongaware: No
            Putnam: Did anyone tell you they were concerned with the care Dr. Murray was giving to MJ?
            Gongaware: No (ABC7)

            Gongaware said that on 6/20/09 he did not think MJ's health was deteriorating. Gongaware and Phillips were concerned with MJ's well being. (ABC7) With last questions of the day, AEG attorney Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware if he was concerned about Jackson’s well-being. He said yes. (AP)


            Jacksons vs AEG - Day 23 – June 4 2013 – Summary

            Katherine was at the court with Austin Brown.

            Paul Gongaware Testimony

            AEG cross

            He was asked about Jackson’s final two rehearsals at Staples Center. Gongaware couldn’t details about recall the first one. He said he wasn’t particularly attentive about Jackson’s health, appearance. This was 1st rehearsal after Jackson missed one 4 days earlier. (AP) Gongaware said MJ rehearsed on June 23rd. "He was fine," Gongaware described, saying his understanding was that MJ was okay. Gongaware said he wasn't being specifically attentive on the 23rd because he didn't think there was a problem with Michael. MJ rehearsed on Jun 24th. Gongaware watched "Thriller" in its entirety, it was the 1st time they were using costume. He said MJ seemed fine. (ABC7) The second rehearsal on June 24, 2009, Gongaware watched Thriller. “He was fine,” he said of Jackson. (AP)

            Putnam: Was he engaged? Gongaware: Yes P: Any physical issues? G: No, I didn't see any "He did a good rehearsal," Gongaware testified. (ABC7)

            On June 25th, Gongaware got a call from Randy saying he had a call from DiLeo asking him to go to MJ's house because something was going on. As Randy got to Michael's house, an ambulance was leaving and Randy followed it to the hospital, Gongaware said. "I didn't know what was going on," Gongaware said. "At that point I was apprehensive because I didn't know what was happening." Gongaware said he didn't hear anything for a while, so he called Randy to see what was going on and he said Michael had died. "I was in shock," Gongaware recalled. "The artist was gone, he just passed away. How did this happen?!". Gongaware said he no idea what caused MJ to die, never contemplated the idea of Michael Jackson dying. (ABC7) Gongaware talked very matter-of-factly about the day Jackson died. He said he heard about the death from AEG Live CEO Randy Philips. “I was in shock,” Gongaware said. “The artist was gone. He just passed away.” Gongaware said he questioned how it happened. He said he never contemplated that Jackson would die. He said he went to Staples Center, where the mood was somber. (AP) "I called Kenny right away and told him. He was at Staples Center," Gongaware recalled. "The atmosphere at Staples was very somber." (ABC7)

            After MJ's passing, Gongaware said they had to shut down production. He was then involved in Jackson's memorial service. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said AEG never considered having Jackson start concerts in United States, due to “all those child allegations and all that stuff.” (AP) As to why TII was happening in London, Gongaware explained it was MJ's best market. "We didn't know how strong it would be." Putnam asked Gongaware if AEG considered tour in US. "No, he had all those child allegations flying, it was the wrong thing to do" he said. (ABC7)

            Gongaware: He didn't tour very often, I don't think he liked it very much. There were lots of things he would be rather doing. MJ never did "meet and greet", according to Gongaware. (ABC7) He said he didn't believe that Jackson liked to tour, and that he didn't do meet-and-greets with fans and sponsors. (AP)

            The exec said Michael came out with the phrase "This Is It" because this was the last tour he was going to do. (ABC7)

            MJ only agreed to 50 shows, but Gongaware said AEG Live was interested in more shows. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said “Dangerous” tour lost money due to cancellations. He said he thought “HIStory” nearly broke even. (AP) Gongaware worked on "Dangerous," "HIStory" and one Jacksons tour back in the 80s with MJ. Dangerous lost money, Gongaware said, because a lot shows were canceled. History was probably pretty close to break even, the exec explained. MJ did the "Bad" tour, but Gongaware was not involved in it. MJ's primary concern was not making money off his shows, Gongaware said. His primary concern was with the art, the performance. (ABC7) Attorney Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware of Jackson: “Was making money his primary concern?” Gongaware: "That wasn’t his primary concern.” (AP)

            "This Is It" was supposed to be spectacular, Gongaware said. He would be doing 8-10 shows a month, so about 3 a week. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he never saw MJ take drugs. Aside from drug use in 93, Gongaware said he didn't have any other knowledge of MJ using drugs. "He was lively, engaged, he seemed happy," Gongaware said about MJ. (ABC7)

            Putnam asked Gongaware about the day he thought Jackson was impaired after an appointment with Dr. Arnold Klein. The questions prompted a sidebar. He said Jackson “wasn’t quite the same” but didn’t testify about Jackson’s demeanor in detail. (AP) Gongaware described the time where he was at MJ's house for a meeting and MJ was late. When MJ arrived, Gongaware said his speech was a little slurred, he wasn't quite the same. He was told Michael was at Dr. Klein's office. Gongaware said he was not familiar with the doctors who treated MJ. Putnam announced be had no more questions at this time. (ABC7)

            Jackson redirect

            In response to Panish question, Gongaware said “This Is It” was only second tour that AEG Live would promote and produce. (AP)

            Jackson's atty Brian Panish began re-cross of Gongaware. He asked if the exec was concerned about MJ. "I certainly wanted him to do well". Panish: Were you concerned about his children and his family, sir? Gongaware: I was concerned about him (MJ). Panish: How about his family and children, sir? Gongaware: I supposed. I was focused on MJ. (ABC7)

            Panish then asked Gongaware whether he cared about Michael Jackson. “I believe so. I certainly wanted him to be well, yes.” Panish: “Were you concerned about his children and his family?” Gongaware: “I suppose.” Gongaware added, “I was focused on Michael Jackson.” Brian Panish asked Gongaware a couple different ways if he was concerned about Jackson's mother, children. Gongaware looked up toward the celiling and then said he’d thought about it and he was concerned about Jackson’s mom & children (AP)

            "I believe he was a good father," Gongaware said about Michael Jackson. Panish: Did you know he was a great son to his mother? Gongaware: I believe he was. (ABC7)

            Panish asked if Gongaware ever called Katherine Jackson to express his condolences. The executive said no. Gongaware said he also didn’t think that he sent Katherine Jackson or Jackson’s children a condolence card. (AP) P: After MJ died, did you ever send a card to his mother? G: I don't think so P: Did you ever call her to express your condolences? G: No (ABC7)

            Panish asked Gongaware several questions about the executive changing elements of his deposition testimony. (AP) "I believe I testified truthfully," Gongaware said. "I don't believe I changed my testimony substantially." (ABC7)

            Panish then started pointing out what he said were inconsistencies in Gongaware’s testimony. (AP)

            This led to questions about whether Gongaware was mistaken when he wrote in an email that AEG was paying Conrad Murray’s salary. Gongaware said he didn’t necessarily think he was mistaken. He also said he didn’t remember writing the email. (AP)As to the email Gongaware wrote that AEG, not MJ, paid Dr. Murray Panish asked again if Gongaware recalled writing this email. He said no. Gongaware said he spent 2 days with his lawyers preparing for his deposition, one-two hours discussing the email about AEG paying Dr. Murray. Panish pointed out several answers Gongaware gave on his deposition and the changes he ask to make to transcript after meeting with attorneys. Panish said Gongaware changed his testimony several times as a result of meeting with AEG's attorneys. Panish said Gongaware also changed his testimony again while on the stand and under oath. Panish tried to impeach Gongaware, which is a legal way to call into question the witness' credibility. Later in the case, judge will instruct the jurors that if they think a person lied, they may disconsider part of all of his testimony. As to the email about AEG paying Dr. Murray, Panish pointed out that Gongaware changed his answers several times throughout his testimony. One time he said the email was shorthanded, normal course of business and didn't really think it was a mistake. Yesterday, Gongaware answered the same question saying he was mistaken when he said AEG was paying Dr. Murray. Gongaware explained he thinks he said the same thing but different ways. (ABC7) Gongaware was also asked about a key email he wrote that has come up several other times during the trial. Talking about Murray, he wrote, “We want to remind him that it is AEG, not MJ who is paying his salary. We want him to understand what is expected of him.” Panish asked, “Do you have any idea why you might have written that AEG is paying his salary?" "No," replied Gongaware. "I mean, I was mistaken there. We weren’t going to pay his salary. We would have advanced the money on Michael’s instructions.” (LATimes)

            Panish then asked Gongaware about Lou Ferrigno and whether he was an employee of AEG Live. No, Gongaware said. Gongaware reiterated his testimony from Mon. that he made a deal with Ferrigno. He said Ferrigno would have been an independent contractor. Panish asked whether Ferrigno had a contract with AEG Live. Gongaware said he didn’t know. (AP) Panish asked Gongaware if he hired Lou Ferrigno to be MJ's trainer. "I made a deal for Michael," Gongaware said. Ferrigno was an independent contractor, Gongaware said he didn't know whether Ferrigno was submitting bills to his office. Panish: So you stiffed Lou Ferrigno, you didn't pay the Incredible Hulk? (Everyone in the courtroom laughed out loud) Gongaware: I don't know how he would get paid, if he would submit bills or not. (ABC7) Panish asked whether Ferrigno submitted bills directly to Gongaware to be paid. I hear the response, but it prompted this exchange. Panish: “You stiffed Lou Ferrigno? You didn't pay The Incredible Hulk?” Lots of laughter in gallery, from the jury. AEG Live exec Paul Gongaware said he didn’t know if Lou Ferrigno was paid. (AP) Gongaware said he also made a deal with actor and bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno to serve as Jackson's trainer. When he said he didn't know if Ferrigno had been paid, Panish replied, “So you stiffed Lou Ferrigno? You didn’t pay the Incredible Hulk?” (LAtimes)

            Panish said Gongaware testified yesterday that he was not concerned with MJ because he was working out with a trainer. Today Gongaware testified MJ was going to work out with Lou Ferrigno. Gongaware said he didn't know whether Ferrigno had an independent contract agreement or not and if he got paid. Panish inquired about AEG only paying people with fully executed contract. Gongaware said he didn't know the status of Ferrigno's contract. "I don't know specifically when Mr. Jackson saw trainers, but I believe he was seeing trainers," Gongaware explained. Panish: He was seeing Lou Ferrigno to be in the next Incredible Hulk? Gongaware: I don't think so. Panish said Gongaware testified he was not concerned about MJ because he was working out with Lou Ferrigno. He said he didn't say that. (ABC7)

            "When he was sick on June 19, I didn't know what was happening," Gongaware explained. "After that, MJ was great." (ABC7)

            Panish asked Murray about whether he ever received Conrad Murray’s contract. Gongaware, when shown an email from June 16, 2009, that he received that included Murray’s contract, said he didn’t generally read contracts (AP) "Dr Murray wasn't supposed to get paid. If MJ would've signed the deal, Dr Murray would've been paid for his work in London," Gongaware said . Panish: You didn't have time to ready budgets, you didn't have time to read contracts, right? Gongaware: I didn't read budgets early on. Panish asked if Gongaware had any doc to prove that Dr. Murray was told that anyone else, but AEG, was paying him. Gongaware didn't recall. Panish: Did you have anything in writing saying it was MJ, not AEG, paying Dr. Murray? Gongaware: I don't know. (Panish then asked Gongaware about whether he’d ever sent Murray anything saying it was Jackson, not AEG paying him. PG said he didn’t know. AP) Gongaware said he believed Dr. Murray signed one version the contract, but doesn't know whether the one showed to him was it. (ABC7) Gongaware said he knew of no document that said his company's payments to Conrad Murray were actually part of a loan to MJ. Gongaware, on the stand for the sixth day, said he didn't know what Murray assumed about who was paying him. (LAtimes)

            The jury was shown an email from Timm Woolley, the AEG accountant on Jackson's "This Is It" concert series in London, sent Murray June 6, 2009, 19 days before the pop idol's death.

            “I am sorry for the long delay in getting this to you, but I hope that, with your input and comments, we can dispose of the agreement quickly and arrange for payment of the May & June fee instalment,” Woolley wrote.

            Gongaware testified that although he made the deal with Murray, and that the contract was emailed to him in 2009, Tuesday's court appearance was the first time he had seen it. Gongaware repeated his contention as he has through his testimony, that “he was working for Michael Jackson. He wasn’t working for us.” The contract shown to the jury said it was between AEG Live and Murray. The contract also said Murray was to "Perform the Services reasonably requested by Producer," AEG. Trell testified earlier that this was one of several mistakes in a draft that would have been cleaned up in the final version. (LATimes)

            Panish: You expected Dr Murray, just like Ferrigno, to get paid for services provided to AEG right sir? Gongaware: He wasn't working for AEG. Gongaware said he was tasked to make the deal, determine compensation for Dr. Murray. Panish: If he was MJ's personal doctor, why hire him? Gongaware: I think he wanted to set up the payment. "I was told to negotiate his compensation," Gongaware said about Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

            Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish asked Gongaware about his contention that Jackson was always able to perform and nail shows when necessary (AP) Gongaware repeated he believed when lights went on, MJ was always there. Panish pointed out MJ canceled several shows in Dangerous tour. (ABC7) The lawyer cited several shows over Jackson’s career that he missed: Bangkok, South America and the need to move a couple in Mexico City. (AP)

            Panish then asked Gongaware about Dr. Stuart Finkelstein, who the lawyer kept referring to as Gongaware’s friend of 25 years. Finkelstein, a possible witness in the trial, was on the last leg of the “Dangerous” tour before it was canceled. (AP) Gongaware said Dr. Finkelstein is now a drug addiction specialist. "There were two occasions where he (Dr. Finkelstein) told me he treated MJ, but never talked about Demerol or injections," Gongaware said. "I believe he's mistaken," Gongaware said if Dr. Finkelstein gave deposition to the contrary. Panish: Did Dr. Finkelstein tell you he put MJ on a 24 hour morphine drip? Gongaware: No. (ABC7) Gongaware denied that Finkelstein told him that he thought Jackson was suffering from a prescription drug addiction. He also denied that Finkelstein told him that another doctor on the “Dangerous” tour was giving Jackson Demerol shots. Lastly, he denied that Finkelstein told him that Jackson had been placed on a 24 hour morphine drip at one point. (AP) Dr. Forecast, from London, was MJ's doctor treating the artist during Dangerous tour.(ABC7)

            Gongaware said he was never alarmed about Jackson’s health and said he say the musician as being well. (AP)

            Panish: Is safety paramount to AEG live? Gongaware: Safety should always be expected, act safe. Gongaware said he didn't know if there was a person in charge of safety at rehearsals.(ABC7)

            Panish asked about Dr. Murray's contract. Gongaware said he received an email with it attached but never read it. Under responsibilities of Dr. Murray, it said Dr. Murray was to perform the Services reasonably requested by Producer. Panish: Do you know it MJ would've agreed to that? Gongaware: I don't know. Panish inquired if Dr. Murray asking $5 million was a red flag. Gongaware said no, people asked more than their value because it was MJ. (ABC7)

            Panish asked Gongaware about why he didn’t review emails before his deposition in Dec. 2012. He said he relied on his attorney’s advice. (Later, in questioning by defense attorney Marvin Putnam, Gongaware said he had no idea which of his 13k emails he would be asked about.) (AP)

            Panish: In your opinion, this is a baseless, shakedown lawsuit? Gongaware: I don't understand the merit in it
            Panish: You answered interrogatories in this case blaming everything on Mrs. Jackson? Gongaware: I don't recall
            Panish: Did you sign anything in this case saying that Mrs. Jackson was trying to extort money from AEG? Gongaware: I don't recall (ABC7)

            Gongaware was asked whether he remembered signing court docs in which he called Katherine Jackson an extortionist. “I don’t recall,” he said. Regarding the court case, Gongaware said, “I just don’t understand the merit of it.” Regarding whether Jackson’s children suffered a loss after their father’s death, Gongaware said, “I believe they suffered a great loss.” (AP)

            "I believe they suffered a great loss," Gongaware said about Michael's children losing a father. (ABC7)

            Gongaware agreed that the best recollection of what happened in 2009 is the emails, but said he remembers from his head too. "He was always amazing," Gongaware said about MJ. Gongaware: I thought he was great Panish: Despite Bugzee saying MJ was deteriorating in front of his eyes? G: My eyes told me differently (ABC7)

            Gongaware said the demand for tickets for MJ's memorial service was huge, comparable to the demand for TII tour. Gongaware said the amount of people still in line to buy tickets for TII could've sold out 100 shows. (ABC7)

            Panish: Do you remember what you said Elvis died of? Gongaware: Heart ailment. But Panish recalled Gongaware giving a different answer earlier on, saying he believed it was prescription drugs (ABC7)

            After questions about other emails, Gongaware acknowledged they were the best evidence of what he was doing at the time. Gongaware was asked about extending the “This Is It” tour. He was shown emails from promoters wanting MJ concerts in India, Australia. Gongaware said he would have liked the "This Is It" tour to continue, but they only had agreement for 50 shows. (AP) On 3/18/09 -- asking about MJ going to India for show, Phillips responded: "Thanks, Thomas. MJ will definitely be heading your way. Gongaware said he thinks they were making plans in case MJ said ok, let's go. Email on 3/17/09 from Phillips: We have a 4 year plan that included Australia, however, we have to finish London first. Gongaware, who didn't like Australian's promoter, responded: "Over my dead body. But let's see what he says before I p**s on his parade." (ABC7)

            Panish: Did you ever see MJ under the influence of prescription medication on Jun 2009? Gongaware: When he came back from Dr. Klein's office. Panish: Did you investigate? Gongaware: No, he was coming from his doctor, I didn't think there was a need (ABC7)

            Email on 3/23/09 from Gongaware to his secretary: Figure it out so it looks like he's not working so much. "I didn't want him to think he was working more than he was," Gongaware testified. (ABC7)

            Panish: your goal was to have as many shows as possible? Gongaware: I would've liked that. Panish: The more shows you had, the more money AEG would've gotten, right? Gongaware: Yes (ABC7)

            Panish asked Gongaware if he had talked to Phillips since he’d been on the witness stand. He said he hadn’t discussed case. Panish then asked if Phillips was aware Gongaware said he was content with AEG Live being #2 concert promoter behind Live Nation. Gongaware said he’s expressed his opinion that AEG Live doesn’t need to be #1 promoter. (AP)

            AEG recross

            Marvin Putnam, in re-direct, asked Gongaware if he tried to give his best testimony possible in deposition. Gongaware said yes. (ABC7)

            Gongaware said he saw MJ with slurred speech after seen Dr. Klein, not Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

            He asked Gongaware why he never sent a condolence card to Jackson’s family. “I’m not good with cards,” he said. (AP) As to the card to Mrs. Jackson and children, Gongaware said he's not good with cards, couldn't recall ever sending a condolence card. (ABC7) He said the memorial service was how he wanted to honor singer. Gongaware said he spent a lot of time thinking about Jackson after his death (AP) "What I did, I tried to put the memorial show together," Gongaware said. "I think it was the best thing for me to do, commemorate his life." Memorial was at the Staples Center with 15,000 people, live feed to Nokia Theater with 5,000 people. Gongaware said he worked directly with Randy Jackson on the memorial. It cost over a million dollars, AEG and MJ's estate bore the cost. (ABC7) Gongaware said AEG and the estate spent more than $1 million on Michael Jackson’s memorial service. (AP) "I'm glad I did what I did," Gongaware said, adding memorial was shown to millions of people interested in MJ around the world. (ABC7)

            Putnam tried 2 rebut all the claims that Gongaware changed his testimony. Gongaware said he feels he hasn't changed his answers (ABC7)

            Putnam also showed jury Gongaware’s police statement. Panish had said his comment to police was different from testimony. Panish keyed in on whether Gongaware testified that it was five weeks or two weeks between his 1st two conversations with Conrad Murray. The police statement said Gongaware told detectives a few weeks separated the calls regarding Murray and the contract. (AP)

            Another document that defense attorney Marvin Putnam showed Gongaware was Lou Ferrigno’s contract. Ferrigno’s three-page contract designated him as an independent contractor. It was signed by AEG accounting exec Julie Hollander. (AP) Putnam showed independent contract agreement with Ferrigno fully executed. Julie Hollander signed on behalf of AEG effective April 27, 2009. (ABC7)

            Putnam finished his examination of Gongaware by showing him Conrad Murray’s contract. (AP) Putnam questioned Gongaware about Dr. Murray's contract. The exec said MJ had to sign it in order for it to be valid. (ABC7) Putnam showed Gongaware language in the agreement that said Michael Jackson had to sign agreement for it to be a valid contract. Putnam also keyed in on language that said Murray was being engaged “on behalf and at the expense” of Michael Jackson. (AP)

            Jackson redirect

            Then it was Brian Panish's turn again. He said there isn't a date on the contract showing when Julie Hollander signed Ferrigno's agreement. (ABC7) Panish questioned Gongaware about whether Ferrigno’s contract may have been signed after Jackson’s death. Gongaware said he didn’t think he sent any contracts to Julie Hollander after Jackson’s death. (AP) Panish pointed out that Hollander was signing contracts after MJ had died. He asked to see the original contract. Panish: Lou Ferrigno was retained by AEG, right? Gongaware: Yes (ABC7)

            Panish asked Gongaware whether he thought it would have been better for him if he had reviewed documents and e-mails before testifying. "I relied on the advice of my attorney," he said. "All this legal stuff, I don't understand it," he said. (CNN) Gongaware said he expected his lawyers would act on his best interest and that testified truthfully and factually in his deposition. Panish asked if Gongaware expected to be believed now when he wouldn't recall his answers in deposition. Defendant objected, judge sustained (ABC7)

            Panish also repeatedly referred to the number of AEG Live defense lawyers in the courtroom. He was later admonished to stop mentioning them. Putnam had noted that Katherine Jackson's side was being represented by four law firms. Panish said he didn't care if Putnam brought it up (AP)

            With that Paul Gongaware was excused, subject to recall if needed.

            Randy Phillips Testimony

            Jackson direct

            Phillips said he met w/ 6 attorneys to prep for testimony between 6-8 times over the last two weeks, probably for about 30 hours. Phillips said he went through a bunch of emails, probably 30, from the period in question. He also read his deposition. Phillips said he didn't prepare for the deposition. "They (attys) felt it would be better if I went in without any preparation." (ABC7) Randy Phillips, the chief executive officer of AEG Live, disclosed that his lawyers advised company executives not to review old e-mails before testifying. "They felt it would be better if I went in without preparation," he said, referring to his lawyers. (AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putman said outside of court that the volume of documents they would have needed to review was massive, making it impossible for them to prepare. ) (CNN)

            Panish asked Phillips whether he was eager to tell his side of the story.
            "I believe you called me as a witness, so I'm here," Phillips said flatly. (AP)

            Phillips attended two years of law school, but didn't graduate. (ABC7)

            Panish: Who's higher up than you at AEG Live? Phillips: No one at AEG Live P: You are the top dog, so to speak? P: Yes. Phillips reports to an executive committee who would then report to Tim Leiweke. Phillips said he doesn't know why Leiweke left the company. Phil Anschutz now belongs to the executive committee. (ABC7)

            Panish at one point asked the executive whether he was familiar with the music industry.
            "Familiar with the music industry? I was working in it," Phillips replied. (AP)

            Phillips said he agreed with statements attributed to him and defense attorney Marvin S. Putnam that the case was a shakedown. "Yes or no, answer? Yes," Phillips said in response to a question by Katherine Jackson's attorney Brian Panish. (AP)

            Panish: Do you think this is an extortion, shakedown lawsuit? Phillips: Yes or no answer? Yes. Panish: Did you sign a document under the penalty of perjury saying Mrs. Jackson aided and abetted Joe Jackson to extort money from AEG? Phillips: It's possible, I don't remember. "I wish you wouldn't keep calling it a baseless shakedown lawsuit," Phillips told Panish. Panish: You believe this case is an extortion, correct? Phillips: Yes (ABC7)

            Panish: You told Mr. Ortega that AEG checked everyone out, including Dr. Murray? "I wrote in an email to Kenny Ortega that I thought Dr. Murray had been checked out. I still do, to some extent," Phillips said. Panish: You said he was a great doctor? Phillips: Because that's what I was told. Panish: Did you write email that AEG checked everyone out? Phillips: Yes, I did Panish: That was not true Phillips: In retrospect, not 100%. "It's what I knew at the time," Phillips said. (ABC7)

            "I wrote it in the e-mail that I thought at the time he had been checked out," Phillips testified Tuesday. He wrote that Murray was successful "because that's what I was told," he said. "In retrospect, it's not 100% true," Phillips said. "There's what I thought at the time versus what I learned afterwards. (CNN)

            Panish: Isn't it true you said AEG live doesn't lose money, sir? Phillips: Among other things I said. Panish showed Phillips a Forbes article where he said AEG is about making money, since they are a business. Live Nation is the largest concert promoter in the world, Phillips said. Panish: Do you like being number 2? Phillips: Love it! I'd rather be a successful number 2. Panish: You don't want to be number one? Phillips: Not if it means losing money. Phillips said Mr. Anschutz told him he's happy being a number 2. (ABC7)

            Panish asked if it was true Phillips wanted 2 meet with MJ to tour in 2007. Phillips answered it was the opposite, they asked for a meeting. Panish: Please don't argue with me, I'm going to argue w/ you and will get in trouble Phillips: That's an incentive now (Everyone laughed) (ABC7)

            Jackson lawyer Brian Panish, who has been previously told by the judge not to argue with witnesses, quickly tangled with Phillips.
            "Please don't argue with me because then I will argue back and get in trouble," Panish told Phillips at one point.
            "Then that's an incentive for me," Phillips joked. (CNN)

            Panish: Did you learn Colony Capital purchase note on Neverland? Phillips: Yes BP: Is Barrack one of principals on Colony Capital? RP: Yes. On 6/13/08, Phillips sent email to Colony Capital with a summation of plans for MJ for four years. Email: I caution you that MJ is not fast and a total perfectionist (needs to be controlled as much as possible). Phillips said he was referring to MJ's spending. (ABC7)

            Panish: Neverland was his beloved home, right sir? Phillips: Hard to answer, because of the things MJ told me. (ABC7)

            When the executive appeared to crack a smile, Panish asked if he thought the proceedings were funny. "No, I think it's tragic." Phillips replied. (AP) Panish: Do you think any of this is funny, sir? Phillips: No, I think it's tragic (ABC7)

            Tohme Tohme was a business associate with Colony Capital, who was also working with MJ. Panish asked if Phillips thought there was a conflict of interest with Tohme working for Colony and MJ. He said no. (ABC7)


            Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
            Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
            Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
            Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
            Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
            Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
            Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
            Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
            Day 8 - zeugin Faye
            Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
            Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
            Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
            Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
            Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
            Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
            Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
            Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
            Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
            Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
            Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
            Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
            Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware

            Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
            Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 05.06.2013, 11:46.


            • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 15. Teil

              5. Juni 2013

              Wie erwartet ging’s am Montag weiter mit co-CEO Paul Gongaware. Angeblich jedoch gab es nicht wirklich etwas Neues zu berichten. Entsprechend kurz war der Bericht der LA Times. Gongaware sagte aus, dass AEG noch nie von Conrad Murray gehört hatte, als Michael Jackson auf sie zukam und darauf bestand, dass ihn dieser als sein persönlicher Arzt nach London begleiten solle. Als Gongaware im April 2009 vorschlug, einen Londoner Arzt anzustellen, der vor Ort und entsprechend günstiger sei, lehnte Michael dies ab. Gongaware sagte aus, dass Michael ihm damals gesagt hatte: “Das ist die Maschine. Wir müssen der Maschine Sorge tragen.” “Ich glaube, was er meinte, war, dass sein Gehirn die Show kreieren konnte, aber sein Körper musste jeden Abend top fit sei für die Show”, so Gongaware. Kurz danach rief Gongaware Murray an, um ihm zu sagen Michael wolle ihn nach London mitnehmen. Murray habe keine Fragen gestellt und sie gingen umgehend dazu über, über das Gehalt zu sprechen. Als Gongaware Murray fragte, wieviel er für den Job wolle, sagte dieser, er brauche USD 5 Mio., da er seine Arztpraxen in Houston, Las Vegas und San Diego für den betreffenden Zeitraum schliessen und Leute entlassen müsse. Als AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam Gongaware fragte, ob er der Meinung gewesen sei, dass diese Summe vernünftig war, antwortete Gongaware, “Es war lächerlich… Michael konnte es sich nicht leisten und so musste ich [Murray] sagen, dass das nicht drin liegt”. Am Ende war Murray, wie wir wissen, mit USD 150’000 pro Monat einverstanden.

              In einer persönlichen Sache möchte ich Euch an dieser Stelle kurz mitteilen, dass ich nun eine Woche weg sein werde. Wir lassen Euch aber nicht im Stich. Ueli wird mich in dieser Zeit bei der Prozessberichterstattung würdig vertreten – nebst dem, dass er im Moment auch noch die volle Coverage der sonstigen News macht. Vielen Dank, Ueli, und ich freu mich, Euch nach meiner Rückkehr wieder auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Sind wir mal gespannt, wie’s weiter geht. Insgesamt wird ja angenommen, dass der Prozess bis zu drei Monate dauern könnte.

              Patricia für


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              • Weiter mit der Phillips-Aussage von gestern. Wieder von unten nach oben lesen.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17s
                There no trial tomorrow and Randy Phillips resumes testifying on Monday at 9:30 am PT. Hope to see you then! Have a great weekend!
                Morgen kein Prozess, es geht weiter am Montag.
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                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
                Phillips said the meeting with the doctor was at the request of Frank DiLeo.
                Phillips sagte, das Treffen mit dem Arzt auf Antrag von Frank DiLeo war.
                Judge then adjourned session for today.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
                Kane asked Phillips in an email on June 20: "Would a financial coming to Jesus speech help or add to his pressure?"
                Kane fragte Phillips in einer E-Mail am 20. Juni: "Würde ein Finanzier zu Jesus kommen und sagen helfe oder füge es zu seinem Druck hinzu?"
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
                Panish quickly responded "I haven't made 50 of them" to which Phillips said "I don't know, I haven't watched the entire trial."
                Panisch reagierte schnell: "Ich habe nicht 50 von ihnen gemacht", worauf Phillips sagte: "Ich weiß es nicht, ich habe nicht den gesamten Prozess verfolgt."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
                Panish made a mistake in one exhibit and Phillips reacted immediately. "See, we all make mistakes," Phillips said.
                Panish macht einen Fehler bei einem Beweisstück und Phillips reagierte sofort. "Sehen Sie, wir alle machen Fehler", sagte Phillips.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
                "I think he needed both, so in this case I'm not sure he meant therapist or psychiatrist," Phillips said.
                "Ich denke er brauchte beides, so in diesem Fall ich bin nicht sicher ob er Therapeut oder Psychologe" meinte sagt PhillpsExpand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
                Panish talked about the email Ortega sent saying MJ needed a strong therapist and immediate physical nurturing.
                Panish sprach über ein Mail von Ortega sagend MJ benötige einen starken Therapeuten und augenbliche phhys. Betreuung.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
                "AEG Live would've survived it (show) not happened," Phillips said. He agreed that part of his concern was that AEG Live would look bad.
                "AEG Live hätte überlebt, wenn die Show nicht passierte" sagt Philips. Er stimmte zu er hatte Besorgnis, dass AEG schlecht aussehen würde.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                Phillips would not advance any more money to MJ on June 20th because Michael may had been in breach of contract already, Phillips testified.
                Phillips würde kein weiteres Geld mehr an MJ vorschießen am 20. Juni weil Michael beim Brechen des Vertrages bereits wäre, sagte Phillips.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
                If MJ said he didn't need to go to rehearsals, he could've been in breach of this contract, Phillips said.
                "Wenn MJ sagt er braucht nicht zu den Proben zu gehen, könne er seinen Vertrag brechen", sagt Phillips.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
                "I felt Michael had that obligation, yes," Phillips said about MJ needing to be at rehearsals.
                "Ich fühlte MJ hat die Verpflichtung, ja", sagt Philips darüber das MJ zu den Proben benötigt wirdExpand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
                "Required is a little too strong, I was concerned that if he didn't go to rehearsal Kenny could not finish the production," Phillips said.
                "Voraussetzung ist ein wenig zu stark, ich war besorgt, dass, wenn er nicht zur Probe kam könne Kenny nicht die Produktion beenden", sagte Phillips.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
                Phillips said if MJ's lack of appearance caused production to not complete, show not open in London, MJ could be in breach of his contract.

                Phillips sagte, wenn MJs Abwesen verursachte das Produktionen nicht abgeschlossen werden können um die Show in London nicht eröfnen könnte würde MJ in Verletzung seines Vertrages sein.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
                None of our agreements have artist need to rehearse, Phillips said, but the artists want to perfect their show, he said.

                Keiner unserer Verträge sagt Künstler müssen proben, sagt Phillips, sagte aber die Künstler wollen ihre Show perfektionieren, sagte er.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
                Panish: You anticipated MJ would breach the contract by not showing up to rehearsal
                Panisch: Sie erwarteten MJ würde den Vertrag brechen mit dem Nicht-Erscheinen bei den Proben Phillips: YesExpand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
                "He (Kane) asked for a million dollars to pay for Mr. Jackson's bills," Phillips testified.
                "Er (Kane) fragte für eine Million Dollar für Mr. Jacksons Rechnungen zu bezahlen", sagte PhillipsExpand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
                It was response to Phillips' email
                E-Mail-Antwort Phillips
                "This is y it's impossible 2 advance any $. He may unfortunately be in anticipitory breach at this point"
                "Es ist es unmöglich weiteres Geld vorzustrecken. Er mag unglücklicherweise bereits beim Brechen des Vertrages sein"

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10m
                Michael Kane was MJ's business manager. On 6/20, he responded to Phillips saying "And I thought it couldn't get worse."
                Michael Kane war MJs Business Manager. Am 20.06, reagierte er auf Phillips Mail und sagte "Und ich dachte, es könnte nicht schlimmer werden."
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 10m
                Panish: Did you ever do anything?
                Panish: Haben Sie jemals etwas gemacht?Phillips: Only the meeting on the 20th
                Phillips: Nur beim Meeting am 20.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
                Panish: Did Mr. Branca ever tell you who the psychiatrist was?
                Panish: Hat Mr. Branca Ihnen gesagt wer der Psychiater/Berater ist?Phillips: No
                BP: Did you ask him for the name?
                Panish: Haben Sie nach seinem Namen gefragt?
                RP: No
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
                Some jurors shook their heads when Phillips and Panish argued with each other and judge intervened.

                Einige Juroren schüttelten ihre Köpfe, wenn Phillips und Panish miteinander stritten und Richter griff ein.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11m
                The email does not name who the doctor is, but Phillips testified shortly ago that he remembered a name. He said he was wrong about it.
                Die E-Mail nannte nicht den Arzt , aber Phillips sagte kurz vorher, dass er sich an einen Namen erinnerte. Er sagte, er sei falsch dann.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 12m
                Branca responded to the email from Phillips saying he had the right therapist/spiritual advisor.
                Branca antwortete auf die E-Mail von Phillips und sagte, er habe den richtigen Therapeuten / Seelsorger.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 12m
                Panish asked if Phillips ever told Ortega it was not his job to question MJ's health/doctor care. He replied no.
                Panish fragte Phillps ob er jemals Ortega sagte nicht MJs Gesundheit/Azrt in Frage zu stellen. Er sagte nein
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
                Phillips testified he never said he was going to pull the plug on the show and never threatened MJ with pulling the plug.
                Phillips bezeugte er habe nie gesagt, er würde den Stecker auf der Show ziehen und nie bedroht MJ mit Ziehen des Steckers.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
                Phillips testified he didn't contact any psychologist or psychiatrist after Bugzee and Ortega said MJ should be checked out by one of them.
                Philps sagte aus das er nicht zu einen Psychologen oder Psychotherapueten Kontakt aufnahm nachdem Bugzee und Ortega sagten er solle überprüft werden von einem.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14m
                "I'm not responsible for Michael's health, he's an adult, he had a personal doctor," Phillips said.
                "Ich bin nicht verantwortlich ür Michaels Gesundheit, er hatte einen persönl. Arzt" sagt Philipps.Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
                Phillips testified today he agreed with what Kenny said. In his deposition, Phillips said he didn't recall.
                Phillips sagte heute er stimme überein mit dem was Kenny sagte. In seiner Depostion sagte Phillips er können sich nicht erinnern.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
                Ortega then sent another email to Randy, saying he believed MJ needed to be psychologically evaluated.
                Ortega schickte dann eine weitere E-Mail an Randy u. sagte, dass er glaubte, MJ benötige psychologische BetreuungExpand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 15m
                Panish went thru 5 different answers Phillips gave as explanation for this email, from not knowing what chemical means to possible drug reax
                Panish ging durch 5 verschiedene Antworten Phillips als Erklärung für diese E-Mail, von nicht zu wissen was chemisch bedeutet zu möglichen Wechselwirkungen mit MedikamentenExpand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 17m
                Phillips answered the email saying he was not sure what MJ's problem was, chemical or physiological.
                Phillips beantwortete die E-Mail indem stand, er ist sich nicht sicher, was das Problem von MJ ist, chemisch oder physiologisch.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
                Phillips received another email from Bugzee saying MJ was shaking and couldn't eat, Ortega had to cut his food, feed him.
                Phillips erhielt eine weitere E-Mail von Bugzee sagte das MJ zitterte und nicht essen konnte, Ortega seine Nahrung klein schnitt um ihn zu füttern.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
                Phillips then forwarded the email chain to John Branca, Joel Katz, Tim Leiweke (his boss), adding "Unfortunately we are running out of time"

                Phillips leitete die E-Mail weiter an John Branca, Joel Katz, Tim Leiweke (sein Chef), fügte hinzu: "Leider geht uns die Zeit aus"

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 18m
                "The word deteriorate may not be what happened. I didn't know what was going on until we had the meeting," Phillips said.
                "Das Wort verschlechtern mag nicht sein, was passiert ist. Ich wusste nicht, was los war, bis wir das Treffen hatten", sagte Phillips
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
                Panish: It shows someone's physical condition deteriorated, right?
                Phillips: It shows that there's a problem, yes

                Panish: Es zeigt jemand dessen körperlicher Zustand sich verschlechtert, nicht wahr?
                Phillips: Es zeigt, dass es ein Problem gibt, ja

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
                "I know what he said, but until we had the meeting I didn't know what was going on," Phillips said.
                "Ich weiß, was er sagte, aber bis wir das Treffen hatten wusste ich nicht , was los war", sagte Phillips.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 19m
                Panish asked what Bugzee said about the 360 turns: "He was telling me MJ couldn't do a 360 spin."

                Panish fragte, was Bugzee sagte über die 360Grad-Drehungen: ". Er erzählte mir MJ können keine 360 Spins machen"
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
                "That's what he wrote, I'm not sure exactly what he meant," Philips said.
                "Das ist das was er schrieb, ich bin nicht sicher was er exakt meinte", sagt PhilipsExpand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 20m
                Bugzee replied back to Phillips that MJ needed a shrink and trainer, deteriorated in front of his eyes for eight weeks.
                Bugzee antwortete zurück zu Phillips, dass MJ einen Seelenarzt und Trainer benötige, sich vor seinen Augen seit acht Wochen verschlechtert hat.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
                The meeting Tim asked didn't happen that day, Phillips explained. But there was a meeting in the afternoon of June 20th, he said.

                Das Treffen nach dem Tim fragte sei nicht geschehen an jenem Tag, erklärte Phillips. Aber es gab eine Sitzung am Nachmittag des 20. Juni, sagte er.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 21m
                Phillips said he forwarded the email to Ortega and asked him to set up the meeting. Ortega responded yes to the email next morning.

                Phillips sagte, er leitete die E-Mail an Ortega weiter und bat ihn zum Arrangieren der Sitzung. Ortega reagierte ja auf die E-Mail am nächsten Morgen.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
                Just over four minutes later, Leiweke responded the email asking for a meeting between him, MJ, Phillips and Kenny Ortega.

                Nur vier Minuten später reagierte Leiweke auf die E-Mail, fragt nach einem Treffen zwischen ihm, MJ, Phillips und Kenny Ortega.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 22m
                Within 19 mins of receiving Bugzee's email on the evening of Jun 19, Phillips forwarded Bugzee's email adding "We have a real problem here."
                Innerhalb 19 Minuten nach Erhalt von Bugzee E-Mail am Abend des 19. Juni, hat Phillips Bugzee E-Mail weitergeleitet und hinzugefügt: "Wir haben hier ein echtes Problem."

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
                Tim Leiweke was Phillips' boss at the time.
                Tim Leiweke war Phillips 'Chef zu der Zeit.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 23m
                Panish showed video of Phillips' deposition where said he didn't remember how he reacted when the received the email.
                Panish zeigte Videos von Phillips 'Depsoition, wo ersich nicht erinnern konnte, wie er reagierte, als er die empfangene E-Mail erhielt.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
                Panish asked if Phillips remembered his reaction after receiving this email. "Yes, yes. Concerned," Philips responded.
                Panish befragt Phillips ob er sich an seine Reaktion nach Erhalt dieser E-Mail erinnert"Ja, ja. Besorgt" sagt Philips..

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
                Panish: Did Mr. Jackson have a problem on June 20th?
                Philips: Absolutely

                Panisch: Hatte Mr. Jackson ein Problmen am 20. Juni?
                Phillips: Abosolut
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 24m
                What changed from your deposition and today? Nothing, absolutely nothing, just that I'm very prepared, Phillips answered.
                Was hat sich geändert seit der Deposition und heute? Nichts, absolut, nichts,nur das ich sehr vorbereitet bin, antwortet Phillips.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
                Panish: You are not a drama queen, right?
                Phillips: Sometimes

                Panish: Sie sind keine Dramaqueen, richtig?Phillips: Manchmal

                "Yes, I'm under oath," Phillips joked about having to tell the truth.
                "Ja, ich bin unter Eid", sagt Phillps scherzend darüber das er die Wahrheit sagen muss
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
                "Since the deposition, my memory had gotten better because I was given documents and tried to remember what happened," Phillips testified.
                "Seit der Depostion wurde mein Gedächtnis besser, weil ich Dokumente bekam und versuchte mich zu erinnern, was passiert ist", sagte Phillips.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 25m
                "I don't want to argue with you either, I don't think it's fair to the jurors," Phillips told Panish after a short exchange between them.
                "Ich will nicht wieder mit Ihnen streiten, ich glaube nicht, es ist fair zu den Juroren," sagte Phillips nach einem kurzen Austausch mit Panisch.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 26m
                "I think I read this email before I went to bed on 6/19," Phillips said. Panish pointed at deposition Phillips said he read it after sunrise
                "Ich glaube, ich habe diese E-Mail gelesen bevor ich am 19.06 ins Bett ging", sagte Phillips. Bei der Depositon sagte er , er las es nach Sonnenaufgang"
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
                Next Panish referred to the email with the subject "Trouble at the Front" from Bugzee saying MJ went home without stepping foot on stage.
                Als nächstes geht Panisch zu der E-Mail mit dem Betreff "Trouble at the Front" mit dem Bezug MJ ging nach Hause, ohne einen Fuß auf die Bühne zu machen.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 28m
                "Most of the artists we don't deal with their personal physician," Phillips explained.
                "Bei den meisten Künstlern haben wir nichts mit ihrem persönlichen Arzt zu tun ",Expand
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                Panish: Do you normally carry around all the contact numbers of your artist's personal physicians?
                Phillips: Absolutely not!

                Panish: Tragen Sie in der Regel all die Telefonnummern des Arztes eines Künstlers mit sich herum
                Phillips: Absolut nicht!

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 29m
                Panish went thru some of the calls Phillips made. On 6/18/09, Gongaware sent an email to Phillips with all of Dr. Murray's phone numbers.
                Panish ging durch einige der Telefonate, die Philpps machte. Am 18.06.09 sendete Gongaware ein E-Mail an Phillips mit Dr, Murrays Telefonnummern
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
                Panish asked Phillips who subpoenaed his phone records. The exec confirmed it was LAPD.
                Panish fragte Phillips, der sein Telefonauflistungen wiedergab. Die exec bestätigt es war das LAPD.
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 30m
                Neither Katherine Jackson nor any family members attend trial today. No one talked about Paris Jackson.
                Weder Katherine Jackson noch irgendwelche Familienmitglieder sind beim Prozess. Niemand sprach über Paris Jackson.

                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 32m
                Day 25 in trial of Jackson family vs AEG wrapped up. AEG's Randy Phillips resumed testimony. Jackson's attorney Brian Panish questioned him

                Tag 25 im Prozess Jackson-Familie vs AEG. AEGs Randy Phillips wieder Zeugenstand. Jacksons Anwalt Brian Panish befragte ihn
                ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 33m
                Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. We only had session in the afternoon today, since a juror had a graduation to attend.

                Aussage von Mittwoch kann man hier nachlesen Post 102 und 101
                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 07.06.2013, 15:42.


                • AEG exec feared Michael Jackson would sabotage his comeback tour

                  Führungskräfte von AEG glaubten, MJ würde seine Comeback Tour sabotieren

                  Los Angeles (CNN) -- AEG Live executives feared Michael Jackson would sabotage his comeback concerts five days before his death, the company's CEO testified Thursday.

                  Randy Phillips refused to advance money to help Jackson pay his staff because he believed the singer was "in an anticipatory breach" of his contract because he had missed rehearsals, he testified.

                  Randy Phillips weigerte sich, Jackson Geld vorzulegen um sein Personal zu zahlen, weil er glaubte, der Sänger wäre dabei, seinen Vertrag zu brechen, weil er Proben versäumt habe.

                  Phillips testified in the sixth week of the trial to decide whether the concert promoter is liable in Jackson's death for the negligent hiring, retention or supervision of Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.
                  The lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother and children contends that Phillips and other AEG Live executives pressured Jackson to attend rehearsals despite his deteriorating health and ignored red flags that should have warned them about the dangers posed by Murray.

                  Jackson lawyers questioned Phillips about his e-mail exchanges with Michael Kane -- Jackson's business manager -- when Kane asked for an advance, which was provided for in Jackson's contract with AEG Live for his "This is it" tour.

                  Jacksons Anwälte fragten Phillips über seinen Email Austausch mit Michael Kane – Jacksons Business Manager – als Kane nach einem Vorschuss fragte, der in Jacksons Vertrag mit AEG vorgesehen war.

                  Phillips said he was concerned that because Jackson had missed so many rehearsals, the show would not be ready for its debut in London on July 13, 2009.
                  "This is Why it is impossible to advance any $$$," Phillips wrote to Kane on June 20, 2009. "He may, unfortunately, be in an anticipatory breach at this point."
                  "And I thought it couldn't get worse," Kane replied.
                  "It could," Phillips said. "(Show director) Kenny Ortega could quit."

                  Philips sagte, er war besorgt weil Mj so viele Proben verpasst habe, wäre die Show nicht rechtzeitig zum Debut in London am 13 Juli fertig.
                  „Deshalb ist es nicht möglich, $$$ vorzulegen,“ schrieb Phillips an Kane am 20 Juni 09. „Er könnte leider dabei sein, seinen Vertrag zu brechen.“
                  „Und ich dachte, es könnte nicht mehr schlimmer kommen.“ schrieb Kane.
                  „Es kann,“ antwortete Phillips, „ Showdirektor Ortega könnte kündigen.“

                  Phillips' testimony that he believed Jackson was contractually obligated to attend rehearsals contradicted AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongware's previous testimony that Jackson was not required to rehearse.
                  Phillips acknowledged that by June 20, 2009, he was worried the production would not be ready on time
                  Kane, in an e-mail to Phillips, offered to help motivate Jackson to get to rehearsals. "Would a financial coming to Jesus speech help or add to his pressure?" Kane asked.
                  "It would help," Phillips replied. "At this point, we need to break through. I'm going to call his doctor to discuss."

                  Phillips Aussage, dass er glaubte, Jackson sei vertraglich zu den Proben verpflichtet wieder spricht sich mit Aussagen von Gongaware, dass Jackson nicht verpflichtet war, zu proben.
                  Phillips sagt, am 20 Juni hätte er sich Sorgen gemacht,das die Produktion nicht rechtzeitig fertig sein würde.
                  Kane bot in einer Mail an Phillips Hilfe an, um Jackson zu der Teilnahme an den Proben zu motivieren: „Würde ein Finanzgespräch (in dem man zu Sache kommt) helfen, oder noch mehr Druck ausüben?“ fragte Kane.
                  „Es würde helfen,“ antwortete Philips, „unter diesen Umständen müssen wir durchbrechen. Ich werde seinen Arzt anrufen um es zu besprechen.“

                  Later that day, Phillips and other AEG Live executives met with Murray and Jackson at the singer's home. The Jackson lawyers contend at that meeting they put Murray in charge of having Jackson at rehearsals.

                  Später an diesem Tag, trafen sich Phillips und andere AEG Leute mit Murray und Jackson. Die Jackson Anwälte sagen, dass sie in diesem Treffen Murray dafür verantwortlich machten, dass Jackson zu den Proben komme.

                  AEG Live lawyers claim the company executives had no way of knowing that Murray was giving Jackson nightly infusions of the surgical anesthetic propofol to treat his insomnia.

                  The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson died from an overdose of propofol on June 25, 2009.

                  DANKE an maja5809 für die Übersetzung !!!


                  • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 16. Teil

                    7. Juni 2013

                    Am Dienstag trat Randy Phillips, der Präsident und Firmenchef von AEG Live, in den Zeugenstand. Phillips bejahte, dass er denke, Katherine Jackson wolle mit ihrem Engagement Geld erpressen, das sie nicht verdient habe.

                    “Denkst du, dass dieser Fall eine unbegründete Erpressung, ein shakedown von AEG Live ist”, fragte Katherines Anwalt Brian Panish. Phillips antwortete: “Ja oder Nein Antwort? Ja.” In seiner oft etwas schleimig anmutenden Art wünschte Randy Phillips, dass Panish keine solch abschätzige Beschreibung Katherine Jacksons verwenden solle, bejahte aber erneut die Frage, ob er die Klage als Erpressung betrachte.

                    Panish nahm eine E-Mail vom AEG Live Präsidenten unter die Lupe, die Phillips im Juni 2008 an einen firmenextrenen Geschäftskontakt gesendet hatte. Der Anwalt der Jacksons wollte insbesondere wissen, was es mit dem Satz auf sich habe, dass Michael Jackson “so viel wie möglich kontrolliert werden muss.” Randy Phillips gab daraufhin an, er habe damit auf Michaels ausser Kontrolle geratenen Ausgaben angespielt.

                    Bevor der AEG Live CEO befragt wurde, stand nochmals Paul Gongaware im Zeugenstand. .In der Bemühung, die Beziehung zwischen AEG und Conrad Murray zu beleuchten, kam Brian Panish abschliessend vermehrt auf den “Incredible Hulk” Schauspieler und Bodytrainer Lou Ferrigno zu sprechen. AEG Live habe diesen 2009 als Michael Jacksons persönlichen Trainer engagiert und ebenfalls ohne Vertrag bezahlt. Gongaware bestätigte, dass er den Deal mit Lou Ferrigno abschloss, konnte aber nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, ob Ferrigno je bezahlt wurde.

                    Da Katherine Jackson beweisen muss, dass Murray für AEG Live arbeitete, spielt das Arbeitsverhältnis mit Lou Ferrigno eine wichtige Rolle. Bezüglich Dr. Conrad Murray bekräftigte Gongaware erneut, dass er für Michael Jackson arbeitete. “Wie Lou Ferrigno, korrekt?”, fragte Panish. “Er war unter Michaels Leitung, ja”, antwortete Gongaware.

                    Am frühen Mittwoch hatte abschliessend der AEG Anwalt Marvin Putman die Gelegenheit, selbst den stellvertretenden AEG Live Firmenchef Paul Gongaware zu befragen. Putman erstellte einen Vertrag für Ferrigno, der von einer anderen AEG Führungskraft unterschrieben war. Nicht klar war jedoch, ob der Vertrag vor oder nach Michael Jacksons Tod ausgeführt wurde. Putman versprach, das Datum der Unterschrift zu prüfen.

                    Meldung am Rand der Verhandlung: Vor wenigen Tagen ging das Klatschportal TMZ einem MJ Fan nach, der eine Fluggesellschaft beauftragte mit Luftbannern über das Gericht in Los Angeles und andere Gebiete zu fliegen. Auf den Bannern waren Botschaften wie “FOLLOW THE $ TO MICHAEL JACKSON’S DEATH” oder “LAPD — HONOR BOUND TO TELL TRUTH FOR MJ.” Der weibliche Fan habe für die insgesamt 11 Flüge 16’800 Dollar bezahlt. “Ich hoffe, dass jemand diese Botschaften betrachtet und sagt, ’wenn jemand so überzeugt davon ist, so ist es vielleicht die Mühe Wert, genauer hinzuschauen”, so die Frau.


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                    • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 17. Teil

                      8. Juni 2013

                      Die vergangenen Tage kam erstmals niemand aus der Jackson Familie ins Gericht. Am Mittwoch war Michael Jacksons mysteriöser Manager „Dr. Thome Thome“ zentraler Punkt der Befragung. Der Manager, den MJ vor seinem Tod durch Leonard Rowe ersetzt hatte. (Der wiederum via AEG durch Frank Dileo ersetzt wurde, da der Konzertveranstalter eine Zusammenarbeit mit Rowe verweigerte)

                      In Folge von Paris Spitaleinlieferung war am Mittwoch kein Jackson Familienmitglied im Gericht. Das „L.A. County Fire Department“ gab an, um halb Zwei morgens einen Notruf aufgrund einer „möglichen Überdosis“ einer Person erhalten zu haben. Paris soll 20 Motrin Schmerztabletten geschluckt haben und möglicherweise führte vor allem dies zu ihrem kritischen Zustand. Momentan wird nur spekuliert, die Familie bat, Paris Privatsphäre zu respektieren.

                      Trotzdem ging der Prozess gegen AEG Live weiter. Randy Phillips sagte aus, es sei ein „Wunder“ gewesen, dass Michael Jackson an der This Is It Pressekonferenz auftauchte. Der King of Pop habe einen Kater gehabt. Die Aussage stimmt nicht ganz mit Mails überein, die der Firmenchef damals verschickte, und die den Geschworenen erneut gezeigt wurden. („MJ hat sich betrunken und niedergeschlagen in sein Zimmer eingeschlossen“)

                      Dann wurde Michael Jacksons undurchsichtiger Manager Dr. Thome Thome behandelt. Randy Phillips sagte aus, dass er Thome Thome während einem Treffen in den Century City Büros von Colony Capital kennen gelernt hatte. Die Investmentfirma Colony Capital übernahm Anfang 2008 eine Hypothek Michael Jacksons, womit eine Zwangsversteigerung der Neverland Ranch in letzter Minute verhindert wurde. Seither ist Colony Capital Mitbesitzer der Neverland Ranch. Durch eine Freundschaft von AEG Besitzer Phillip Anschutz mit einem Partner von Colony Capital wurde letztendlich AEG Live der Promoter für die This Is It Konzerte. Gemäss Firmenchef Randy Phillips ist Thome ein Berater von Colony Capital, der keine Erfahrungen im Musikbusiness hatte und niemanden sonst als Manager vertrat. Phillips konnte, obwohl er „Dr. Thome Thome“ 25 Mal getroffen hatte, nicht sagen, was es mit dessen angeblichen Doktortitel auf sich hatte.

                      (Jutta Müller hatte bereits vor einigen Jahren für über “Dr. Thome Thome” in der „Todesumstände“ Recherche berichtet. )

                      Den Geschworenen zeigte der Anwalt der Jacksons Brian Panish eine Mail, die Randy Phillips am 17. Juni 2009, acht Tage vor Michael Jacksons Tod an Thome Thome versendet hatte. Er habe mit Michael Jackson eine Intervention angesetzt, „um ihn dazu zu bringen, sich zu konzentrieren und an den Proben zu erscheinen… Ihn dazu zu bringen, vollständig engagiert zu sein, ist schwierig und die dringendste Angelegenheit, da wir nur 20 Tage vor der ersten Show sind.“

                      Hierzu wollte Panish wissen, ob „Dr. Thome Thome“ je von Michael Jackson gefeuert wurde. „Das ist keine ja oder nein Antwort. Die Antwort ist ja, aber er blieb in Kontakt mit ihm“, antwortete Randy Phillips. Brian Panish zeigte ihm später eine Vereinbarung, in der AEG Live akzeptierte, Thome 100‘000 Dollar pro Monat zu zahlen. Dies obwohl Thome Thome die Interessen vom Künstler und nicht die vom Konzertpromoter vertreten sollte.

                      “In Michael Jacksons Fall war dies Standard“, sagte Randy Phillips dazu. Das einzige Mal, dass AEG je zuvor einen Manager eines aufttretenden Künstler bezahlt habe, sei bei Jon Bon Jovi der Fall gewesen. Zwei von Jacksons Anwälten hätten geholfen, den Vertrag mit Thome Thome auszuarbeiten.

                      Abschliessend befragte Brian Panish den AEG Präsidenten über ein Treffen, das Randy Phillips und der AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam vor einem Monat mit Thome Thome in der Polo Lounge hatte. Es sei dabei lediglich über die Geldforderung von Thome Thome an das MJ Estate gesprochen worden, behauptete Phillips.

                      Ausserhalb des Gerichtes sagte Brian Panish, dass er dieses Meeting sehr verdächtig finde. Thome Thomes Deal mit AEG Live sei einer der Interessenskonflikte, die überall in diesem Fall auftauchen.

                      Siehe zu den behandelten Themen auch die Buchzusammenfassung und Gedanken von Jutta Müller zu „What Really Happened“, dem Buch von Leonard Rowe, das leider fast nicht auffindbar ist.


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                      • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 18. Teil

                        8. Juni 2013

                        Am Donnerstag sagte Randy Phillips aus, dass er sich weigerte, Geld für Michael Jacksons Angestellte zu zahlen, da er fürchtete, Michael Jackson werde die Konzerte nicht geben.

                        Der Jury wurden Mails mit Michael Jacksons Geschäftsführer Michael Kane gezeigt. Kane bat um einen Geldvorschuss, der im This Is It Vertrag festgehalten war. Aufgrund der zahlreichen nicht wahrgenommener Proben befürchtete Randy Phillips aber, dass Michael Jackson seinen Vertrag brechen werde, so seine Aussage. „Deshalb ist es unmöglich irgendwelches $$$ vorzuschiessen“, antworte Phillips damals per Mail auf Michael Kanes Anfrage. „Und ich dachte, es kann nicht schief gehen“, erwiderte Kane. „Es könnte“, sagte Phillips. „Kenny Ortega könnte aufgeben.“

                        Einen Tag vor der 1-Millionen Geldforderung, am 19. Juni, erhielt Phillips eine Mail von Ortega, in der er schrieb, dass Michael aufgrund seines Zustandes nicht proben konnte. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte AEG Live bereits 30 Millionen für die Produktionskosten von This Is It vorgeschossen, eine Klage in Bahrain aussergerichtlich beglichen und eine Anwesen in Holmby Hills gemietet.

                        Phillips sage aus, dass er davon ausging, MJ sei vertraglich dazu verpflichtet, die Proben wahrzunehmen. “Would a financial coming to Jesus speech help or add to his pressure?” fragte Michael Kane in einer anderen Mail. „Es wird helfen“, antwortete Phillips. „An diesem Punkt müssen wir durchbrechen. Ich werde seinen Doktor anrufen und mit ihm diskutieren.“

                        Brian Panish befragte Randy Phillips des weiteren über den Verlust, den die Absage der Konzerte für ihn und AEG zur Folge gehabt hätte.

                        Nach einer Mail von Kenny Ortega, in der er um psychologische Hilfe bat, antwotete Phillips diesem, dass er sich umschaue, wen er als Therapeut hinzuziehen könnte und „wie die zu ihm durchdringen können in so kurzer Zeit.“ Vor Gericht gab Phillips an, dass weder ein Psychiater noch ein Psychologe kontaktiert wurde. “Ich bin nicht für Michaels Betreuung zuständig, er ist Erwachsen.”

                        Da Phillips ständig den Fragen von Panish ausgewichen war, forderte ihn die Richterin Yvette M. Palazuelos ausdrücklich dazu auf, die Fragen zu beantworten. Wies aber auch Brian Panish an, sich weniger mit Phillips zu streiten. Auch während Randy Phillips Befragung, konfrontierte ihn Panish häufig mit widersprüchlichen Aussagen, die vorgängig unter Eid aufgenommen wurden. Als sich Panish für einen Fehler entschuldigte, sagte Phillips: „Siehst du, wir alle machen Fehler.” Brian Panish konterte: „Aber nicht 50 davon unter Eid.“


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                        • Twitter von Joe Vogel:

                          Particularly given the historical treatment of African American artists and entertainers, emails emerging in the AEG-Jackson trial should be alarming and revealing even to those who don't count themselves fans of the King of Pop. AEG executive Randy Phillips wrote the following in email about Michael Jackson on the day of his London press conference in 2009: 

"We still have to get his nose on properly." 
"He is a self-loathing emotionally paralyzed mess." 
"I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking."
"I just slapped him."

This follows testimony and emails from AEG executive Paul Gongaware in which he referred to the artist condescendingly as "Mikey" and lazy, while attempting to manipulate the show calendar for the expressed purpose of deceiving Jackson about the number of shows and days of rest.

Paul Gongaware was also The Man who wrote, by way of warning, to concert director Kenny Ortega: "We want to remind [Dr. Conrad Murray] that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him." What was expected of Dr. Murray (now a convicted felon), of course, was to do whatever was necessary, right or wrong, legal or illegal, to ensure Jackson was on the stage making AEG money. Jackson's physical and mental health were irrelevant. 

                          Regardless of the trial outcome, AEG's terrible, unethical, exploitive treatment of one of the great artist-entertainers of the 20th century, should remind that the struggle for fair and humane treatment -- for black artists and all artists -- against corporate abuse continues.
                          -Joe Vogel

                          Insbesondere hinsichtlich der Behandlung von Afro-Amerikanischer Künstler und Entertainer in der Historie, sollten die auftauchenden Mails im AEG/Jackson Prozess sogar für diejenigen alamierend und enthüllend sein, die sich nicht als Fans des King Of Pop bezeichnen. AEG Führungskraft Randy Phillips schrieb die folgende Mail über die PK in London 2009:
                          „Wir müssen noch seine Nase richten.“ „Er ist ein selbstbemitleidendes emotionales paralysiertes Wrack.“ „Ich schrie ihn so laut an, dass die Wände wackelten.“ „Ich schlug ihn.“

                          Das folgt der Aussage und den Emails von AEG Führungskraft Paul Gongaware, in welchen er den Künstler herablassend als „Mikey“ bezeichnet und faul nennt, während er selbst versucht, den Terminkalender zu verändern, mit dem Zweck Jackson über die Anzahl der Shows und die Ruhetage zu täuschen. Paul Gongaware war auch der Mann, der in warnende Art an Direktor Ortega schrieb: „Wir wollen (Dr. Murray) daran erinnern, dass es AEG ist, nicht MJ, die sein Gehalt zahlt. Wir wollen ihn daran erinnern, was von ihm erwartet wird.“ Was von Murray erwartet wurde (jetzt ein Verurteilter) war natürlich zu tun, was immer nötig war – egal ob falsch oder richtig, legal oder illegal – um sicherzustellen, dass Jackson auf der Bühne stand und für die AEG Geld machte. Jacksons körperliche und mentale Gesundheit waren irrelevant.
                          Unabhängig vom Ausgang des Prozess, sollte die furchtbare, unethische, ausbeuterische Behandlung eines der größten Künstler und Entertainer des 20-ten Jahrhunderts daran erinnern, dass der Kampf um faire und menschenwürdige Behandlung – für schwarze Künstler und alle anderen Künstler – gegenüber dem Missbrauch durch Unternehmen weitergeht.

                          Danke an maja5809 für die Übersetzung


                          • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 24 – June 5 2013 – Summary

                            No Jackson family is in court

                            Randy Phillips Testimony

                            Jackson direct

                            Brian Panish resumed questioning. He showed several instances where Randy Phillips said one thing in deposition, another while on the stand. Panish asked Phillips which answer was right. He answered: "Do you want the truth or do you want what I testified?"(ABC7)

                            Panish asked Phillips if he knows the corporate structure of AEG Live. He said it was under AEG, but he doesn't know who exactly owns AEG. Panish showed a board meeting agenda on 5/26/09, in which they were to talk about MJ's tour. (ABC7)

                            Panish played the interview Phillips gave Sky News saying AEG hired Dr. Murray. Phillips said he meant AEG hired the doc on behalf of MJ. Phillips said AEG's media person set up several interviews for him after MJ's death. Phillips said each interview was different, but the intention was to say AEG hired Dr. Murray on behalf of MJ. "It's called the truth." (ABC7)

                            Randy Phillips was asked about meetings with Conrad Murray at Michael Jackson's house. He confirmed Jackson's weight was discussed during at least one of the meetings. He was a bit unclear on dates, so Jackson's weight may have been discussed at two meetings. Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish tried to use a police report of an interview with Phillips and detectives to refresh his recollection. (AP)

                            Randy Phillips (AEG Live CEO) said there were numerous inaccuracies in the report. Panish started to ask him to go through it methodically. "We don't need to do it line-by-line," Judge Yvette Palazuelos. Phillips then keyed in on two areas he said were inaccurate. (AP)

                            Phillips said LAPD's detective made a mistake in the written police statement attributed to him. Phillips said he never told LAPD "Randy stated that Kenny got in Michael's face, at which time Dr. Murray admonished Randy..." "The police made a mistake," Phillips said. "He (detective) misconstrued what was said and made a mistake." Dr. Murray got in to and admonished Kenny Ortega and told him not to be an amateur doctor, Phillips said he told the police.(ABC7) Phillips read one statement about a meeting at Jackson's home between Phillips, Conrad Murray and "This Is It" tour director Kenny Ortega. Report: Randy stated that Kenny got into Michael's face, at which time Dr. Murray admonished Randy, stating, “You are not a doctor. Butt out.” Phillips said the police made a mistake. "If you read it, it makes no sense," Phillips said. Phillips keyed in on how report mentioned Murray got in his face, when it more likely Kenny Ortega he admonished. (AP) "I believe the Los Angeles Police Department is a fine entity as I believe in this judicial system," Phillips explained. Phillips pointed another mistake in LAPD's report. It states Phillips/Gongaware produced 2 MJ's tours but Phillips said he wasn't involved (ABC7) AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips also said police report said he and Paul Gongaware worked with Jackson over course of 16 years. Phillips said that was wrong _ Gongaware worked with Jackson that long, but he hadn't. Those were the two inconsistencies Phillips pointed out in his police report. Interview apparently wasn't taped at request of AEG attorneys. (AP)

                            As to MJ missing rehearsals, Phillips clarified: "MJ was showing up to rehearsal, just not to enough of them, in Kenny's opinion." (ABC7)

                            Phillips remembers one phone call with Dr. Murray that lasted probably about 25 minutes. Phillips told Panish he'd know how many times he called Dr. Murray because the attorney subpoenaed the exec's phone records. Panish said he never subpoenaed any phone records, that it was LAPD that did it. Phillips said he made an assumption. The only phone call Phillips remembers is the one that Dr. Murray called him on June 20, 2009.(ABC7)

                            In his deposition, Phillips said Paul Gongaware never communicated to him about the email that AEG, not MJ, was paying Dr. Murray. Phillips said at the deposition it was the first time he ever saw Gongaware's email. Panish showed the email that was forwarded to Frank DiLeo and Phillips was cc'd containing the mention that AEG, not MJ, pays Dr. Murray. Phillips said he never received the email. Then, after being shown the email at depo, Phillips said he didn't remember receiving it. On the stand today, Phillips said he received Gongaware's email. Panish grilled Phillips pointing out he changed his answer three times. Phillips said he answered the same thing, but with different qualifications. "Frankly, I don't remember reading Paul's email, I was more concerned about Kenny's email," Phillips said. At this point, most jurors seemed to be tuned out when Phillips didn't give straight answers. (ABC7)

                            Panish showed an email dated 6/17/09 from Phillips to Dr. Tohme:Kenny Ortega, Gongaware, DiLeo, his doctor named Conrad from Vegas and I have an intervention with him to get him to focus and come to rehearsals yesterday. Getting him fully engaged is difficult and the most pressing matter as we are only 20 days out from the first show. (ABC7)

                            Phillips said it was not an intervention, but a meeting. He said it had nothing to do with drugs. (ABC7)

                            The jury was shown a June 17, 2009, email Phillips wrote to Tohme, eight days before Jackson died from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. Phillips wrote him that he had an “intervention” with Jackson scheduled “to get him to focus and come to rehearsals…Getting him fully engaged is difficult and the most pressing matter as we are only 20 days from the first show.” Phillips said the intervention was not drug related. (LATimes)

                            Panish asked the executive if Jackson had ever fired Tohme. “It’s not a yes or no answer,” he said. “The answer is yes but he kept in contact with him.” (LATimes)

                            Phillips said he had lunch with Dr. Tohme in Beverly Hills within the past month. Panish asked if Phillips discussed Dr. Tohme's testimony. Phillips said he didn't, but Marvin Putnam, AEG's attorney, was also present. Phillips said they discussed something regarding Dr. Tohme's case against MJ's estate. He said he doesn't remember talking about this case. (ABC7) Phillips was asked about a lunch meeting he had with Jackson's former manager Tohme Tohme about a month ago. AEG attorney was present too. Phillips said he didn't directly discuss Tohme's possible testimony in the Jackson vs AEG Live case. Phillips said he testified in a Labor Commission hearing over Tohme's claim against Michael Jackson's estate. Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish said he would had a witness who could testify about what was discussed at the table later in the trial. Panish asked Phillips if he testified at Tohme's Labor Commission hearing to "try to help him out." Phillips said no. "I was completely impartial," Phillips said of testifying at the labor hearing. "I was an impartial witness." (AP) (After court, AEG attorney Marvin Putnam, who was at the lunch meeting, said it was standard for attorneys to interview witnesses before they testify. It remains unclear whether Tohme Tohme will testify during the Jackson vs AEG Live trial. (AP))

                            The Jacksons' attorney brought the courtroom to attention when he asked Phillips if he met with Tohme at the Polo Lounge recently. Phillips said they had lunch there about a month ago. “And you were discussing his testimony in this case at the Polo Lounge with him?” Panish asked. “I wasn’t,” Phillips said. “You know there were witnesses sitting around you?” Panish said. “You know people took pictures of you? Phillips said he didn’t remember exactly what was discussed. “I don’t remember what I ate,” he said. “I didn’t ask you what you ate,” snapped Panish. Phillips said the meeting had to do with the case Tohme filed against Jackson’s estate with the state labor board for money he was never paid. Phillips was a witness. (LATimes)

                            Panish: Isn't it true, sir, that when Dr. Murray was hired no one was acting as MJ's personal manager? Phillips: He had someone in that capacity. My understanding Frank DiLeo was his manager. Phillips said AEG advanced DiLeo $50,000 at MJ's direction. "We never hired Dr. Murray," Phillips said. (ABC7)

                            Phillips said he didn't know anything about Dr. Tohme in January 09 other than he was a consultant for Colony Capital and repped MJ. (ABC7)

                            “With Michael Jackson and his advisers you needed a scorecard,” testified Randy Phillips. Phillips said he was introduced to Tohme in a meeting at the Century City offices of Colony Capital, the investment firm that held the mortgage on Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. It was AEG owner Phillip Anschutz’s friendship with a Colony Capital partner that led to the firm’s promotion of the planned 50 “This Is It” concerts at the 02 Arena in London. Phillips said Tohme was an adviser to Colony Capital who had no background in the music business and represented no other clients when he began working with the singer. Brian Panish, the attorney for Jackson’s mother and three children in an ongoing wrongful death suit against AEG, asked Phillips what kind of doctor Tohme was, whether he was a physician or if he had a doctorate. Phillips said that although he had met this doctor 25 times, he never asked him. (LATimes)

                            Randy Phillips was also asked about Tohme's $100k/mo. contract between him, AEG Live and Michael Jackson. Phillips said he could recall of only one other instance where AEG Live paid fee for artist's manager. He said it was a standard practice for Michael Jackson during his career. Phillips said Bon Jovi has a similar deal. (AP) Phillips said in MJ's career they always paid his personal manager. Phillips recalls AEG paying artist's manager 1 other time, for Bon Jovi (ABC7)

                            Panish later showed Phillips an agreement in which AEG agreed to pay Tohme $100,000 a month and asked if that was common practice, even though the manager is supposed to represent the performer, not the promoter. “In Michael Jackson’s case it was standard,” Phillips said. Panish persisted, and Phillips said AEG’s payments to Jon Bon Jovi’s manager were the only other time it had made a similar arrangement. He also said two of Jackson’s attorneys helped draft the agreement. (LATimes)

                            Randy Phillips denied that he told Sharon Osbourne that AEG Live had kept all the money from ticket sales for "This Is It." "That would be the most idiotic thing in the world" to say, Phillips said of the statement attributed to him in Osbourne conversation. Phillips said it was more of a "hi-goodbye" conversation with Sharon Osbourne. They lived in same building at time of conversation. (AP)

                            Panish: Did you talk to Sharon Osbourne about the show?
                            Phillips: No, not to the extent that Sharon is alluding to we did.
                            Phillips said he ran into Sharon at the lobby of their building. She asked how it was going, he said it's tough but we're going to get there. Phillips said the encounter with Sharon Osbourne was just a hi and bye. They never talked about ticket sales or anything else related to MJ (ABC7)

                            93% of the "This Is It" tickets sold were refunded, Phillips said. "7-8% people elected to hold the tickets as souvenirs." Out of $75 million in sales, AEG kept more than $5 million, which Phillips said they gave back to MJ's estate. (ABC7) Phillips said AEG didn't refund 7 or 8% of ticket purchases for "This Is It" because the buyers opted to hold on to the tickets. He said the un-refunded ticket revenues totaled more than $5 million. He indicated the money was handed over to the estate. (AP)

                            Phillips testified it was a "miracle" that the singer showed up at a news conference in London to announce his comeback. Randy Phillips testified that Jackson was hung over, although in emails he says the singer was drunk. "The fact that the press conference even happened is a miracle," Phillips wrote to Jackson's manager. In another email he wrote to Tim Leiweke, then-chief executive of parent company Anschutz Entertainment Group, Phillips said: “MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme [another Jackson manager] and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hairdresser/make-up artist.”

                            In a second email to Leiweke, Phillips wrote: “I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever see. He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through his press conference.”

                            In another email Phillips wrote to a business partner: “I haven’t pulled it off yet. We still have to get his nose on propery (sic). You have no idea what this is like. He is a self-loathing, emotionally paralyzed mess.” (LATimes)

                            “Was Mr. Jackson drunk?” Panish asked.

                            “No, to the best of my knowledge no,” Phillips testified.

                            “Was he despondent?” Panish asked. “No,” Phillips replied.

                            Later Panish produced an e-mail writted by Phillips to AEG President Tim Leiwicke the day of the news conference.

                            “MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent,” Phillips wrote. “Tohme (Jackson’s manager) and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference.”

                            “Are you kidding me?” Leiwicke responds.

                            “I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair and then we are rushing him to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen, he is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is showtime. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference,” Phillips writes.

                            After showing the e-mail to the jury, Panish asked his witness if he had yelled at Jackson on the day the e-mail was written.

                            “In the two-and-a-half hours this all took place, if you take it out of context the answer won’t make any sense,” Phillips said.

                            The executive later acknowledged “I raised my voice”.

                            “So the answer is no? Did you or did you not scream at Mr. Jackson? Yes, no or I don’t remember?” Panish asked.

                            Phillips said he couldn’t answer the question. (CBSLA) (An attorney for AEG told KCAL9 he will show there are no inconsistencies in Phillips’ accounts when he calls witnesses to the stand.)

                            At his deposition six months ago, before he was shown his e-mails, Phillips denied that Jackson was either drunk or despondent on the day of the president conference, and denied yelling at The Gloved One, saying he merely "raised his voice."

                            Phillips says he was telling the truth in his deposition, and was not accurate in his email. "I was relaying what Dr. Tohme told me... I wrote it as fast as I could write it."

                            Panish said, "You have to yell pretty loud to make the walls shake. Do you have a tendency to exaggerate?"

                            Phillips said, "No."

                            To another business associate, Phillips wrote: "I haven't pulled it off yet. We still have to get his nose on properly. You have no idea what this is like. He is a self-loathing emotionally paralyzed mess... I just slapped him."

                            Phillips admitted, "I slapped him on the butt." (NYPost)

                            Phillips began worrying about Jackson backing out of the concert tour just a month after he signed the contract with AEG Live to promote and produce it and more than a week before the announcement.

                            "I was worried that we would have a mess, his career would be over," Phillips testified. "There were a lot of things I was worried about."

                            But instead of pulling the plug then, before millions of dollars were spent, AEG LIve chose to force Jackson ahead.

                            "Once we go on sale, which we have the right to do, he is locked," Gongaware wrote to Phillips.

                            Jackson, his children and manager Tohme Tohme boarded a private jet for the London announcement,
                            but he was not ready when Phillips went to his hotel suite to escort him to the O2 Arena.

                            "MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hair/makeup artist," Phillips told parent-company AEG CEO Tim Leiweke in an e-mail.

                            Phillips testified it was "a very tense situation" and "frankly, I created the tension in that room. Because I was so nerve-racked, OK, the time slipping away, and his career slipping away."

                            AEG was hosting thousands of Jackson fans and hundreds of journalists for the anticipated announcement, which would be seen live around the world.

                            "I screamed at him so loud the walls were shaking," Phillips wrote to Leiweke. "Tohme and I have dressed him, and they are finishing his hair, and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He's an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference."

                            Phillips e-mailed a man who was waited outside the hotel with a convoy of vehicles that he put Jackson in a cold shower and "just slapped him and screamed at him."

                            In court, Phillips downplayed his words as "an exaggeration."

                            "I slapped him on the butt," he testified, comparing it to what a football coach would do to a player. (CNN)


                            Jacksons vs AEG - Day 25 – June 6 2013 – Summary

                            No Jackson family is at court

                            Randy Phillips Testimony

                            Jackson direct

                            Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish started out by asking AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips about his preparations for today. Phillips said he spent about 2 hours and 15 minutes preparing for today's testimony. Today's testimony was very focused on emails. (AP)

                            Panish asked Phillips who subpoenaed his phone records. The exec confirmed it was LAPD. (ABC7)

                            Panish focused almost all his questions on emails that Phillips received or sent on June 19th and 20th 2009. He focused on emails we've seen before from production manager John "Bugzee" Hougdahl and director Kenny Ortega. (AP)

                            Panish went thru some of the calls Phillips made. On 6/18/09, Gongaware sent an email to Phillips with all of Dr. Murray's phone numbers. Panish: Do you normally carry around all the contact numbers of your artist's personal physicians? Phillips: Absolutely not! "Most of the artists we don't deal with their personal physician," Phillips explained. (ABC7)

                            Bugzee's email titled 'trouble at the Front' opened with him saying he didn't want to be a "drama queen." (AP) Next Panish referred to the email with the subject "Trouble at the Front" from Bugzee saying MJ went home without stepping foot on stage. "I think I read this email before I went to bed on 6/19," Phillips said. Panish pointed at deposition Phillips said he read it after sunrise. "I don't want to argue with you either, I don't think it's fair to the jurors," Phillips told Panish after a short exchange between them. "Since the deposition, my memory had gotten better because I was given documents and tried to remember what happened," Phillips testified. (ABC7)

                            Panish: You are not a drama queen, right? Phillips: Sometimes "Yes, I'm under oath," Phillips joked about having to tell the truth. (ABC7)

                            What changed from your deposition and today? Nothing, absolutely nothing, just that I'm very prepared, Phillips answered. (ABC7)
                            Panish: Did Mr. Jackson have a problem on June 20th? Philips: Absolutely (ABC7)

                            Panish asked if Phillips remembered his reaction after receiving this email. "Yes, yes. Concerned," Philips responded. Panish showed video of Phillips' deposition where said he didn't remember how he reacted when the received the email (ABC7)

                            Hougdahl relayed a quote from Jackson that night, in which he said, "You aren't going to kill the artist, are you? Phillips said he thought Jackson was joking, but seemed to back off after Panish reminded him he wasn't at the rehearsal. (AP)

                            "We have a real problem here," Phillips wrote his boss that night. (AP) Tim Leiweke was Phillips' boss at the time. Within 19 mins of receiving Bugzee's email on the evening of Jun 19, Phillips forwarded Bugzee's email adding "We have a real problem here." Just over four minutes later, Leiweke responded the email asking for a meeting between him, MJ, Phillips and Kenny Ortega. Phillips said he forwarded the email to Ortega and asked him to set up the meeting. Ortega responded yes to the email next morning. The meeting Tim asked didn't happen that day, Phillips explained. But there was a meeting in the afternoon of June 20th, he said. (ABC7)

                            Bugzee replied back to Phillips that MJ needed a shrink and trainer, deteriorated in front of his eyes for eight weeks. "That's what he wrote, I'm not sure exactly what he meant," Philips said. Panish asked what Bugzee said about the 360 turns: "He was telling me MJ couldn't do a 360 spin." "I know what he said, but until we had the meeting I didn't know what was going on," Phillips said. Panish: It shows someone's physical condition deteriorated, right? Phillips: It shows that there's a problem, yes. "The word deteriorate may not be what happened. I didn't know what was going on until we had the meeting," Phillips said. (ABC7)

                            Phillips then forwarded the email chain to John Branca, Joel Katz, Tim Leiweke (his boss), adding "Unfortunately we are running out of time" (ABC7)

                            Phillips received another email from Bugzee saying MJ was shaking and couldn't eat, Ortega had to cut his food, feed him. Phillips answered the email saying he was not sure what MJ's problem was, chemical or physiological. Panish went thru 5 different answers Phillips gave as explanation for this email, from not knowing what chemical means to possible drug reaction. (ABC7)

                            Ortega then sent another email to Randy, saying he believed MJ needed to be psychologically evaluated. Phillips testified today he agreed with what Kenny said. In his deposition, Phillips said he didn't recall. (ABC7)

                            He also rejected the idea that he was responsible for Jackson's health. "I'm not responsible for his medical needs," Phillips said. "We're promoters — that's what we do." (AP)

                            "I'm not responsible for Michael's health, he's an adult, he had a personal doctor," Phillips said. Phillips testified he didn't contact any psychologist or psychiatrist after Bugzee and Ortega said MJ should be checked out by one of them. (ABC7)

                            Phillips testified he never said he was going to pull the plug on the show and never threatened MJ with pulling the plug. Panish asked if Phillips ever told Ortega it was not his job to question MJ's health/doctor care. He replied no. (ABC7)

                            Branca responded to the email from Phillips saying he had the right therapist/spiritual advisor. The email does not name who the doctor is, but Phillips testified shortly ago that he remembered a name. He said he was wrong about it. Some jurors shook their heads when Phillips and Panish argued with each other and judge intervened. Panish: Did Mr. Branca ever tell you who the psychiatrist was? Phillips: No Panish: Did you ask him for the name?
                            Phillips: No Panish: Did you ever do anything? Phillips: Only the meeting on the 20th (ABC7)

                            Michael Kane was MJ's business manager. On 6/20, he responded to Phillips saying "And I thought it couldn't get worse." Kane asked Phillips in an email on June 20: "Would a financial coming to Jesus speech help or add to his pressure?" It was response to Phillips' email "This is why it's impossible to advance any money. He may unfortunately be in anticipitory breach at this point". "He (Kane) asked for a million dollars to pay for Mr. Jackson's bills," Phillips testified. Panish: You anticipated MJ would breach the contract by not showing up to rehearsal. Phillips: Yes . None of our agreements have artist need to rehearse, Phillips said, but the artists want to perfect their show, he said. Phillips said if MJ's lack of appearance caused production to not complete, show not open in London, MJ could be in breach of his contract. (ABC7)

                            There was one email from Phillips from morning of June 20, 2009 , it was sent to MJ's business manager. "This is why it is impossible to advance any $$$. He may, unfortunately, be in anticipatory breach at this point" _ Phillips wrote. The manager, Michael Kane, quickly replied, “And I thought it couldn’t get worse.” Phillips was asked what he meant about the "breach" statement. He said he felt Jackson was obligated to rehearse. (AP)

                            The next day, Jackson’s business manager, Michael Kane, emailed Phillips, asking for the advance. AEG already had lent the singer more than $30 million for production costs on “This Is It,” settling a lawsuit in Bahrain and for rent on a Holmby Hills mansion.

                            Phillips replied, “This is why it is impossible to advance any $$$. He may, unfortunately be in anticipitory (sic) breach at this point.”

                            “And I thought it couldn’t get worse,” Kane wrote back.

                            “It could,” the CEO replied. “Kenny Ortega could quit.”

                            Kane asked, “Would a financial coming to Jesus speech help or add to his pressure?”

                            “It would help,” Phillips wrote back. “At this point we need to break through. I am going to call his doctor to discuss.” (LATimes)

                            "Required is a little too strong, I was concerned that if he didn't go to rehearsal Kenny could not finish the production," Phillips said. “I felt Michael had that obligation, yes," Phillips said about MJ needing to be at rehearsals. If MJ said he didn't need to go to rehearsals, he could've been in breach of this contract, Phillips said. (ABC7) He denied Thursday that he ever threatened Jackson over missed rehearsals. "We would have never dealt with Michael that way," he said. (AP)

                            Phillips would not advance any more money to MJ on June 20th because Michael may had been in breach of contract already, Phillips testified. "AEG Live would've survived it (show) not happened," Phillips said. He agreed that part of his concern was that AEG Live would look bad. (ABC7)

                            “You felt Mr. Jackson’s not going to rehearsal ... may have placed him in breach of the contract. That’s why you wouldn’t advance him any more money?” Panish asked.

                            “Yes,” replied Phillips.

                            Phillips agreed there was a lot of money at stake on the tour, but he said he also was concerned about Jackson’s career if he pulled out.

                            Panish asked about the damage canceling the concerts would mean for Phillips and AEG.

                            “Of course. Part of it. Yes.” (LATimes)

                            Panish talked about the email Ortega sent saying MJ needed a strong therapist and immediate physical nurturing. "I think he needed both, so in this case I'm not sure he meant therapist or psychiatrist," Phillips said. (ABC7)

                            After Ortega wrote him an email saying the singer should be “psychologically evaluated,” Phillips wrote back, “I am stymied on who to bring in as a therapist and how they can get through to him in such a short time.”

                            Phillips first testified he thought Ortega meant a physical therapist, then switched to physical or mental health therapist and then finally agreed it was a mental health professional. He said neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist was contacted. (LATimes)

                            Panish made a mistake in one exhibit and Phillips reacted immediately. "See, we all make mistakes," Phillips said. Panish quickly responded "I haven't made 50 of them" to which Phillips said "I don't know, I haven't watched the entire trial." (ABC7)

                            Phillips said the meeting with the doctor was at the request of Frank DiLeo. (ABC7) Phillips' testimony ended for the day before he discussed meeting with Murray, Ortega and others. Panish wanted to play a Frank Dileo voicemail that was played during Murray trial trying to set up a meeting and get Jackson tested. Judge tentatively rules the voicemail couldn't be played for this jury on hearsay grounds. (AP)

                            Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC ##26, 27


                            Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                            Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
                            Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
                            Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
                            Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
                            Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
                            Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
                            Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
                            Day 8 - zeugin Faye
                            Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
                            Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
                            Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
                            Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
                            Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
                            Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
                            Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
                            Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
                            Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
                            Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
                            Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                            Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                            Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                            Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                            Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips

                            Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
                            Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 12.06.2013, 18:14.


                            • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 19. Teil

                              10. Juni 2013

                              Die vergangene Woche vor Gericht offenbarte keine zusätzlichen, einschlägigen Erkenntnisse. Doch das Verhalten von den beiden AEG Führungskräften Phillips und Gongaware hat AEG Live definitiv nicht zu mehr Glaubwürdigkeit verholfen.

                              Die Befragung am Freitag dürfte nicht allzu interessant gewesen sein, zumal die Medien wenig bis gar nicht davon berichteten. Da sogar die Richterin Randy Phillips anweisen musste, den Fragen nicht ständig auszuweichen, hat AEG Live diese Woche mit Sicherheit nicht an Glaubwürdigkeit gewonnen.

                              Die Anwälte von AEG Live machen geltend, dass der Konzertveranstalter nicht wissen konnte, dass der King of Pop Medikamente missbrauchte. Doch als dieser 1993 seine Dangerous Tournee vorzeitig abbrach, hatte er öffentlich verlauten lassen, sich einer Entziehungskur von Schmerzmitteln zu unterziehen. Der stellvertretende AEG Firmenchef Paul Gongaware war bei der Dangerous Tour als Tour Manager mit dabei. Und was hatte Randy Phillips dazu vor Gericht zu sagen? „Ich erinnere mich nicht daran, davon gehört zu haben“, so Phillips eidesstattliche Aussage. „Wann haben Sie zum ersten Mal davon gehört?“, wollte der Jacksons Anwalt Brian Panish wissen. „Gerade jetzt“, behauptete Phillips. Er habe davon auch nicht in einem Zeitungsbericht vom Dezember 2008 gelesen. Darin ging es um Michael Jacksons Probleme mit Schmerzmitteln. Phillips schickte den Link damals an Manager Thome Thome: „Hast du diese Geschichten gelesen? Dieser Reporter hat viel recherchiert.“ Vergangene Woche konnte Randy Phillips nur noch sagen: „Ich erinnere mich nicht, es gelesen zu haben.“

                              Die Anwälte von Katherine Jackson und Michaels Kinder argumentieren, dass bereits die This Is It Pressekonferenz ein Warnzeichen hätte sein müssen für AEG, wie sehr Michael Jackson in seiner aktuellen Lage die Konzerte bereits im Vorfeld unter Druck setzten. Statt besorgt zu sein, schrieb Paul Gongaware in der Folge an Phillips: „Sobald wir den Verkauf starten, wozu wir das Recht haben, ist er [MJ] festgehalten.“

                              Randy Phillips relativierte vor den Geschworenen seine Mails unmittelbar vor der Pressekonferenz, und er habe Michael Jackson auch nicht angeschrieen, sondern mehr so, wie ein Football Trainer mit seinem Spieler spreche. AEG Live habe mit der Konzertplanung weiter gemacht und Geld investiert, da sie Michael nicht fallen lassen wollten. „Ich war besorgt, dass wir auf eine Blamage hinsteuern, dass seine Karriere vorbei sein wird“, sagte Randy Phillips. „Es gab viele Sachen, über die ich besorgt war.“ Nicht besorgt um Michael Jackson war Phillips aber scheinbar, als er kurz vor Michaels Tod von zwei hohen This Is It Mitarbeitern gebeten wurde, einen Psychologen einzuschalten. Phillips gab letzte Woche zu, dass er sich nicht um professionelle Hilfe bemühte.

                              Angesprochen auf das brisante Mail („Wir möchten [Murray] daran erinnern, dass es AEG, nicht MJ, ist, die seinen Lohn bezahlen. Wir möchten ihn daran erinnern, was von ihm erwartet wird“) von Gongaware an Randy Phillips, konnten sich beide vor Gericht nicht mehr erinnern, es geschrieben oder gelesen zu haben. Kurz darauf wurde, was Randy Phillips vor Gericht bestätigte, eine „Intervention“ bei Michael Jackson zu Hause mit Dr. Conrad Murray, Kenny Ortega, Phillips und Jackson selbst, einberufen.

                              Ein Polizeiermittler aus Los Angeles hatte das Gesprächsthema des Treffens in den während dem Prozess gegen Murray verwendeten Akten notiert. Randy Phillips habe dabei Kenny Ortega Vorwürfe gemacht, da er Michael Jackson bei einer vorherigen Probe nach Hause geschickt hatte. Murray habe Phillips dann in der hitzigen Diskussion ermahnt, dass er kein Doktor sei.

                              Vor den Geschworenen sagte Randy Phillips, dass die Zusammenfassung des polizeilichen Ermittlers nicht stimme. „Ich sagte Ihnen etwas völlig anderes als das. Sie haben nur die Leute und Dinge vermischt.“ Wirklich geschehen sei, dass Dr. Murray nicht ihn (Phillips), sondern Kenny Ortega ermahnt habe, kein Amateur-Doktor zu sein, der Michael analysiere.

                              In Rückblick auf die vergangene Woche, abschliessend mehr zu Randy Phillips Reaktion, als ihn Brian Panish auf das verdächtige Meeting mit Thome Thome ansprach, das am 4. Mai 2013 in der Polo Lounge im Beverly Hills Hotel stattfand.

                              “Ich erinnere mich nicht, ob es um die Zeugenaussage in diesem Fall oder um was es beim Mittagessen ging, aber Marvin Putnam [der leitende Anwalt von AEG im aktuellen Fall] war beim Mittagessen dabei“, so Phillips. Er könne sich nicht 100% erinnern, sagte er auf Panish nachfragen, sie hätten eventuell Thomes Geldforderung an das MJ Estate diskutiert. „Ich erinnere mich nicht, was ich an dem Tag ass“, sagte Phillips weiter aus. „Ich fragte Sie nicht, was sie assen“, fuhr in Panish an. „Ich fragte Sie, über was Sie gesprochen haben.“


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                              • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 26 – June 10 2013 – Summary

                                Katherine Jackson was at court for the morning session

                                Randy Phillips Testimony

                                Jackson direct

                                Panish showed an email from Tim Leiweke (CEO of AEG) to Dan Beckerman (CFO/COO of AEG) in which Beckerman described Phillips as jittery. "Trouble with MJ," Leiweke wrote in email to Beckerman on Jun 20. "Big trouble." Beckerman responded: "I figured something might be wrong given how jittery Randy has been this week. Is it "pre-show nerves" bad or "get a straight jacket/call our insurance carrier" bad?" Phillips said he was not jittery, but concerned with the show. Jittery mean shaking and he said he doesn't think that's how he was. (ABC7)

                                Phillips said Dr. Murray receiving $150k per month being the cause of MJ's sickness in June of 2009 never crossed his mind. (ABC7)

                                Phillips said he did not recall what was discussed in a phone conversation with Murray. In his video deposition that was shown to the jury, Phillips first said the conversation lasted three minutes. He was shown phone records that showed it lasted 25 minutes. (LATimes) Phone records show Phillips had a 25 minute phone call with Conrad Murray after Kenny Ortega’s emails on June 20, 2009. (AP) Dr. Murray and Phillips spoke for 25 minutes. Phillips said he didn't think the call lasted that long, doesn't recall what they talked. "It's very possible I might have even read him these emails," Phillips testified, referring to the "Trouble at the Front" chain. "I would not have discussed his health other than what it was in the content of the emails," Phillips said, doesn't recall the conversation. (ABC7) Phillips said he couldn’t remember the details of the conversation with Murray. (AP)

                                Phillips said everyone in the "This Is It" production got a list with everyone's phone numbers. He doesn't know how Dr. Murray got the list. (ABC7) Phillips was asking about how Conrad Murray got his home phone #. He initially said it might have been on a list given to tour personnel. Phillips then said that Murray may have gotten it from Jackson’s former manager, Frank Dileo. (AP) Phillips testified that Dr. Murray called his home number. Phillips said he doesn't know how the doctor had his home number. Panish showed picture of the business card Phillips gave Dr. Murray with his cell number on the back. The card was found in the doctor's car. (ABC7)

                                Panish: The doctor, show manager and director were telling you MJ was deteriorating?
                                Phillips: I don't remember what I talked to the doctor (ABC7)

                                Panish talked about email Phillips wrote to Ortega on Jun 20:
                                "Kenny, it's critical that neither you, me or anyone else around this show become amateur psychiatrist or physicians. I had a lengthy conversation with Dr. Murray, who I'm gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more. He said that Michael is not only physically equipped to perform and, that discouraging him to, will hasten his decline instead of stopping it. Dr. Murray also reiterated that he's mentally able to and was speaking to me from the house where he has spent the morning with MJ. This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig so he totally unbiased and ethical. It is critical we surround Michael with love and support and listen to how he wants to get ready for July 13th. Cont'd: You cannot imagine the harm and ramifications of stopping this show now. It would far outweigh "calling this game in the 7th inning". I'm not just talking about AEG's interests here, but the myriad of stuff/lawsuits swirling around MJ that I crisis manage every day and also his well-being. I am meeting with him today at 4p at the Forum. Please stay steady. Enough alarms have sounded. It is time to out out the fire, not burning the building down. Sorry for all the analogies. Randy (ABC7)

                                Phillips said he thought Dr. Murray was extremely successful based on the clinics he had and business he would've to close to go on tour. "It was an assumption I made," Phillips conceded. Panish: And that was not true, correct? Phillips: In retrospect, that's correct (ABC7)

                                As to the "we check everyone out" reference in the email, Panish asked if that was a true statement or untrue. P hillips: It's not, it's hard to say yes or no on that. It is not true because everyone would imply everyone. Panish: "We check everyone out" is a false statement you wrote to Mr. Ortega, correct? Phillips: In retrospect, yes (ABC7)

                                Panish asked about the reference "he doesn't need the gig". "I made another assumption based on the information I had," Phillips explained. "I didn't have any basis to say he was unbiased and ethical," Phillips testified. (ABC7)

                                Phillips said at the time he thought the information he wrote was true, but agreed he had no basis for his opinion. (ABC7)

                                Panish then asked Phillips about an email he sent “This Is It” director Kenny Ortega, telling him Murray was “unbiased and ethical.” The email serves as Phillips’ best recollection of his conversation with Dr. Murray. This morning, Panish frequently asked Randy Phillips whether he was truthful with Ortega. Panish: “Did you make that up and lie to Mr. Ortega?” Phillips: “No, I don’t lie.” (AP)

                                In the email, he tells Ortega that Murray told him that ending shows could hasten Michael Jackson’s decline. Panish used the email to try to show that 3 people _ Ortega, Murray and John Hougdahl _ were warning Phillips about Jackson’s health. Phillips said Murray didn’t agree with the assessments of Jackson’s health by Ortega and Hougdahl (the tour production manager) After multiple questions, Phillips said many of the statements in the email about Murray weren’t truth. Those statements included that AEG Live checked everyone out, and that Murray was an accomplished doctor who was unbiased and ethical. “At the time, I thought it was the truth,” Phillips said of the above statements. (AP)

                                Under contentious questioning from Jackson family attorney Brian Panish, Phillips said he was wrong when he characterized Murray as extremely successful, when he said AEG checked him out and when he said Murray was unbiased and ethical. Phillips said Murray was "extremely successful" because the doctor had closed down several clinics to treat only Jackson for $150,000 a month. “You would call it a false statement, I would call it an assumption,” Phillips said. Panish: "So what you wrote you admit was not true?" “At the time I thought it was,” Phillips said.(LAtimes)

                                Phillips described that in a hardly-charged situation like the one they had, he just wanted to keep the situation under control. "I just wanted to calm things down until we had the meeting," Phillips explained.(ABC7)

                                Phillips testified he wrote email to Sony exec asking her to remind him to tell her where Dr Murray was the night he was to be caring for MJ. Judge only allowed plaintiffs' attorney to say it was a social establishment, but the place was a strip club. (ABC7)

                                Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish then asked Phillips about suggestion that Jackson needed a psychiatrist. Phillips confirmed what he said last week -- he never consulted a psychiatrist. He said today it wouldn't have been appropriate. (AP) As to having mental health professional, "no one brought a psychiatrist," Phillips said, "because MJ didn't need one," Phillips opined. (ABC7)

                                Phillips testified he had conflicting information coming from Dr. Murray and Kenny Ortega regarding MJ. Panish pressed Phillips about the fact that he sent completely opposite emails to Ortega and AEG high ups. "It was because they were sent for different purposes," Phillips explained. (ABC7) Of the statements to Ortega, Phillips told the jury, “I just wanted to calm things down until we had this meeting.” (AP)

                                Before the morning break, Panish showed some of the emails he showed Phillips last week. Panish only had his copy, which had notes on it. Panish gave Phillips his annotated version of the email, but Phillips refused to look at them. Flipped them over so he couldn't see them. “I don’t want to help you with your case,” Phillips said of reviewing Panish’s annotated copies of the emails. That brought some laughter. Phillips was ultimately given a clean copy of the emails, provided by his defense lawyers. (AP)

                                Phillips said he remembers the meeting on June 20th lasted at least an hour. Dr. Murray and Phillips were sitting in one couch, MJ was in a bench and Ortega on another couch. In his deposition, Phillips said Ortega talked about MJ's physical and mental status. On the stand today, Phillips explained Ortega did very little talking in the meeting. "He addressed Michael coming to rehearsals." "I do not believe he talked about MJ's physical condition and mental state. Dr. Murray did most of the talking," Phillips testified. Panish pressured Phillips about him changing the testimony. "My memory is getting better about the events of four years ago," Phillips said. "The purpose of the meeting was to find out what was happening with MJ because of the events on the 19th," Phillips said. Panish: Did Mr. Ortega say he was concerned MJ was not getting enough sleep? Phillips: I don't remember if he asked that question. "I know he asked about the food, but I'm not sure if he asked about the sleep," Phillips said. Phillips testified that MJ's lack of sleep was not material discussed, but admits it could've been. Panish: Dr. Murray contradicted what Ortega said in the email, correct, sir? Phillips: Yes. "Dr. Murray, said there wasn't anything wrong with MJ," Phillips expressed. "MJ said there wasn't anything wrong with Michael Jackson." "I don't know if there was a mental problem," Phillips said, highlighting that at least Dr. Murray was a doctor. "He just assured Mr. Ortega that MJ was fine and was going to attend rehearsals," Phillips testified Dr. Murray said in the meeting. (ABC7)

                                Without getting into details, Phillips said Ortega and Murray "were a little combative" at the meeting. Phillips said Murray reassured everyone that Jackson's health was fine. He said Jackson also assured them nothing was wrong with him. He said Murray told the group that Jackson may have had the flu, or some similar ailment. He said Jackson's health was discussed. Phillips said he couldn't recall whether Jackson's sleep issues were discussed. A portion of Randy Phillips' deposition was played in which he said sleep issues were discussed at the June 20, 2009 meeting.(AP)

                                Phillips was shown an email in which tour accountant Timm Woolley told an insurance broker that Phillips & Murray would get MJ to rehearsals. Phillips denied getting Jackson to rehearsals was part of his duties. (Phillips wasn't copied on the email.) (AP)Phillips said Timm Wooley's reference that Phillips was responsible for MJ's rehearsal and attendance schedule is mistaken. (ABC7) The email also claimed that Kenny Ortega may not have been demanding enough of Jackson to rehearse. "Either way, there are others designated to ensure MJ is front & center for rehearsals," Woolley wrote to the insurance broker. (AP)

                                Meeting on June 20th happened in the afternoon, Phillips said. Panish asked if MJ was shaking in that meeting. Phillips said no, not at all. Vase was broken in one of production meetings, Phillips explained. He said Frank Dileo, Paul Gongaware, himself were present. Phillips said he doesn't know who broke the vase, but he thinks it may have been Frank DiLeo. (ABC7) Phillips denied a vase was broken during the June 20th meeting at MJ's house. He said that happened at an earlier meeting. Phillips said he thought Frank Dileo may have broken the vase. There wasn't more spelled out about what happened in today's testimony. (AP)

                                Panish: Did you have a meeting with MJ where you threatened to pull the plug and take everything he had? Phillips: No. Panish: Did you tell him he would lose everything, including his children, if the show didn't happen? Phillips:That's ridiculous, no. Phillips said MJ was a phenomenal father. Phillips denied ever saying to anyone at the meeting that MJ was on skid row or going to become homeless. Panish: Did you ever tell MJ you were paying for his toilet paper? Phillips: No. (ABC7) Phillips denied that Murray said during the June 20th meeting that he "couldn't take it anymore." Phillips denied that Murray's contract was discussed at the meeting, saying that would have been inappropriate. As to whether he threatened to pull the plug on "This Is It," Randy Phillips said, "Absolutely not." Among other statements Phillips denied making: that Jackson would be on Skid Row, and that AEG was paying for the toilet paper in MJ's home. (AP)

                                Phillips was also asked about emails a couple AEG executives (former CEO Tim Leiweke and Dan Beckerman) traded about him. The email described Randy Phillips as jittery, and alluded to either him or Jackson having a "mental breakdown." Phillips denied he was having a mental breakdown, and said he didn't want to put words in the other executives' mouths. (AP) In the deposition played to the jury, Tim Leiweke said the reference to "mental breakdown" in the email could've been Randy Phillips not MJ. Panish played depo of Dan Beckerman, in which he said he didn't recall what prompted him to say Phillips was jittery. Panish: Did you think that MJ needed a straight jacket? Phillips: It was a generic comment. Phillips said it was a question of "stage fright and the show will go on" or "I can't do this let's cancel" scenario. Panish: Do you think MJ needed a straight jacket? Phillips: No, I don't think MJ needed a straight jacket. "I wasn't jittery, but I was nervous," Phillips described. (ABC7)

                                Questioning then moved back to the June 20th meeting, with Phillips describing Murray as "demonstrative" toward director Kenny Ortega. Phillips said Murray's message to Ortega was essentially "stay in your lane" and not to interfere with medical issues. (AP) "The meeting got a little bit heated when Dr. Murray was admonishing Kenny," Phillips recalled, but said hostile is too harsh of a word. Phillips said lack of sleep was discussed in the June 20th meeting, but wasn't the main focus. Phillips said the reason of the meeting was to find out what happened in the night before, what was the issue and also MJ missing rehearsals. Phillips said MJ had the best two rehearsals after the June 20th meeting. "Kenny told Michael to take the next two days off, spend some time with the kids," Phillips testified. (ABC7)

                                Phillips was then asked about emails he sent to Leiweke, others, about the results of the June 20th meeting at Jackson's house. This was after Jackson's attorney John Branca earlier in the day had suggested a counselor to work with Jackson. Phillips email:"Anyway, things are not as bleak as Kenny’s emails. John, now is not the right time to introduce a new person into his life.” (AP)

                                After this email is when Phillips made the "badgering" comment to Panish that prompted Judge Palazuelos' admonition to him. (AP)

                                Suddenly, judge decides to take a break at 2:24 pm PT and sent jury out of the courtroom. Outside the presence of the jurors, judge admonished Phillips for not answering the questions asked. "Mr. Phillips you need to answer questions," said Judge Yvette Palazuelos, frustrated. "Lawyers are trying to getting the answers." Judge told Phillips that arguing with the lawyers isn't really going to help his case, it will just lengthen his testimony. She noted his testimony is taking much longer than expected, and at this pace he will be here for another week. Phillips told the judge he's just trying not to say the wrong things or be caught in tricky questions. Judge: It seems like they are pretty straight forward questions, but when you offer info, it may not be good for you. AEG's attorney Jessica Bina defends Phillips saying the questions are compound, but that she believes he's trying to answer the questions. Panish said he wants to finish today, that he hasn't argued with the witness or judge. "I really tried hard, for me, it's hard!" Panish said. Phillips said he understood and wants to go back to work as well. Promised to be better. (ABC7)

                                Jurors were sent from the courtroom before the judge addressed Phillips, who has sparred with Katherine Jackson’s attorney Brian Panish throughout his testimony. The lawyers have been repeatedly warned by the judge about the behavior. “Arguing with the lawyers isn’t really going to help,” Palazuelos told Phillips on Monday. “It’s not going to help your case. It’s not going to help anybody.” Phillips said Panish was repeatedly asking him questions about the same subject. “I’m just trying not to say the wrong thing,” Phillips said. (AP)

                                Regarding the straight jacket email, Phillips said the way he read it he can't tell if were are referring to him or MJ. Panish pointed out that insurance was only if MJ had a break down, not Phillips. Thus, the email must've referred to MJ. (ABC7)

                                Phillips said the email he wrote saying "this guy is trying to concern me" was referring to Kenny Ortega. "I had two concerns: wanted Kenny to be open minded until the meeting and I didn't want Kenny to quit," Phillips explained. At this point they were about $30 million plus in advance, Panish said. Phillips said it was about $28 million, which was a lot of money. (ABC7)

                                Email on 3/13/09 from Leiweke to Phillips:
                                Phil (Anschutz) can be such a paranoid scrooge. He thinks he's smarter than everyone. (ABC7)

                                After a break and admonition, Phillips testified about some of his concerns surrounding the show.He said he was concerned about Ortega. Phillips said he was concerned that Ortega as getting into an "entrenched position" regarding Jackson's health and rehearsals. Phillips: "I was also quite concerned that Kenny would throw up his hands in the air and quit." The CEO was talking directly to jury. (AP) Phillips said again that his concern with Ortega was that he wasn't going into the meeting with an open mind and that he was going to quit. Panish played Phillips deposition where he said he didn't remember what he was concerned about regarding Ortega. "I think my answer today is clarification," Phillips said, adding he did not change his testimony. (ABC7) Plaintiff's attorney questioned Brian Panish whether his descriptions of Ortega fears was something he "just remembered right now." Phillips responded, "I'm remembering a lot of things now." Panish shot back that Phillips hadn't remembered many thing during deposition. (AP)

                                In his depo, played to the jury, Phillips said there were no discussions on June 20th about MJ taking a couple of days off. However, in court today, Phillips testified Ortega suggested that MJ take two days off. (ABC7)

                                After the June 20th meeting, Jackson took two days off and resumed rehearsals.
                                At that point, Phillips began working out of Staples Center. Phillips said one of the changes to come out of the June 20th meeting was that he would be at Staples, look in on rehearsals. (AP)

                                Phillips was also shown an email from his assistant, looking for a physical therapist for Jackson on June 22, 2009 _ 3 days before MJ died.(AP)

                                At this point, Phillips was asked about Arnold Klein. He was shown an email from Jackson's business manager Michael Kane. Kane: "On the list of doctors that will help get (us) from today to the opening night, where does Arnold Klein stand on the list?" Phillips responded about Klein: "He scares us to death because he is shooting him up with something.” Phillips said Kane offered to show him a $48k bill Klein submitted for treatments. He said he took a look at it. (AP) On Jun 23, Michael Kane wrote to DiLeo and Phillips: Where does Arnold Klein stand on the list? (of doctors caring for MJ). Phillips said he maintains his position that he didn't know what, if anything, any doctor was giving MJ prescription drugs. "He scares us to death because he is shooting him up with something," Phillips wrote back. Kane responded: Well since we owe him $48k and he wants payment maybe I should stop paying him and he'll stop shooting him up. I have the details of what he is doing. (ABC7)

                                Phillips told jurors the email was a response to a $48,000 bill that Jackson's manager received for the treatments by Dr. Arnold Klein. "He scares us to death because he is shooting him up with something," Phillips wrote. The treatments included numerous shots of cosmetic drugs such as Restalyne and botox, as well as other unidentified intramuscular shots, Phillips said, citing the bill.(AP)

                                Phillips was asked about Jackson's rehearsals on June 23 and 24. He said he couldn't remember which songs were performed which day. (AP) Regarding the rehearsals on June 23rd and 24th, Phillips said he watched them in its entirety. Panish: MJ never did the whole show, did he, sir? Phillips: No. "He wouldn't have, they were not ready for that," Phillips explained. Panish: Was MJ cold on the 23rd? Phillips: I don't remember. Phillips said he watched the entire rehearsal, which lasted about 3 hours. He said MJ was engaged about an hour and a half to two hours. Phillips said he doesn't remember whether MJ was chilled on June 24th. Panish: Did you ever see MJ walking around in blankets? Phillips: It's possible, because the place was freezing. But I don't remember. (ABC7) Phillips said Jackson never performed an entire run-through of "This Is It" show. "He wouldn't have, they weren't ready for that," he said. Panish asked Phillips whether Jackson looked cold. Phillips said he didn't remember. He described Staples Center as "freezing." (AP)

                                On 6/25/09 the insurance broker wrote to Dr. Murray at 12:54:15 pm, probably London time (approximately 5 to 5am LA time): Email: We are dealing with a matter of great importance and your urgent attention would be greatly appreciated. The email talked about getting MJ's medical records. Phillips said he learned from the media that Dr. Murray had been treating MJ since 2006.Panish: This is Dr. Murray doing something to help AEG get insurance, fair enough? Phillips: Fair enough (ABC7)

                                On 8/18/09 Phillips wrote email to Michael Roth: I think I know what MJ died of and this would exonerate Conrad. Lionel Richie's ex-wife Brenda called Philips and said MJ died of a combination of other drugs and Propofol. Phillips said he never told police, the DA or Dr. Murray's attorneys about it because he thought the info was not reliable. Panish: Did you want Dr. Murray to get exonerated? Phillips: I'd always want an innocent man not to get convicted. Panish played video of Phillips' deposition where he said he didn't remember what the information was but his memory has been refreshed (ABC7)

                                Zusammenfassung von Ivy, MJJC #28


                                Judge then adjourned session for the day. Trial resumes tomorrow morning at 9:30 am PT. Panish said he has one more hour of questioning. The attorneys estimated Phillips will be done testifying by Wednesday afternoon. (ABC7)


                                Zusammenfassungen der vorangegangenen gerichtstage:
                                Day 1 - anträge u. eröffnungsstatements
                                Day 2 - anhörung und zeugen Senneff u. Martinez
                                Day 3 - forts. zeuge Martinez u. anhörung
                                Day 4 - forts. zeuge Martinez
                                Day 5 - zeugen Anderson und Rogers
                                Day 6 - zeuge Dr. Wohlgelernter
                                Day 7 - zeugin Sankey
                                Day 8 - zeugin Faye
                                Day 9 - forts. zeugin Faye
                                Day 10 - zeugen Walker, Rogers, Payne
                                Day 11 - forts. zeuge Payne
                                Day 12 - zeugin Hollander
                                Day 13 - M. Hom videodeposition, forts. zeugin Hollander
                                Day 14 - forts. zeugin Hollander; zeuge Trell
                                Day 14 fortsetzung - forts. zeuge Trell
                                Day 16 - forts. zeuge Trell
                                Day 17 - forts. zeuge Trell
                                Day 18 - zeuge Gongaware
                                Day 19 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                                Day 20 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                                Day 21 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                                Day 22 - forts. zeuge Gongaware
                                Day 23 - forts. zeuge Gongaware; zeuge R. Phillips

                                Day 24 - forts. zeuge Phillips
                                Day 25 - forts. zeuge Phillips

                                Originaldokumente eröffnungsstatements u.a. (MJJC #1 ff.)
                                Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 12.06.2013, 18:15.


                                thread unten
