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K. Jackson-Klage gegen AEG- Der Prozess- Nur News -Keine Diskussion

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  • K. Jackson-Klage gegen AEG- Der Prozess- Nur News -Keine Diskussion

    K. Jackson-Klage gegen AEG- Der Prozess- Nur News zum Prozess -keine Diskussion

    Am Montag 29. April startet der Prozess zur Kathrine Jackson-Klage gegen AEG-Live mit den Eröffnungsstatements für die beiden Parteien.

    Nach einem Summary Judegement-Antrag von AEG bei dem einige Klagepunkte durch das Gericht abgewiesen wurden, behandelt der Prozess diesen verbliebenen Klagepunkt:

    Hat AEG Dr. Conrad Murray fahrlässig eingestellt? Die Kläger (K. Jackson und durch sie sind auch Michaels 3 Kinder aufgeführt) fordern 40 Milliarden Schadensersatz von AEG.

    In diesem Thread nur News zum Prozess. Keine Diskussion

  • #2
    Der Experte Erk der Jackson-Famile schätzt das Michal 1,4 Milliarden verdient hätte, wenn er seine TII-Show 260 mal auf der Welt aufgeführt hätte.
    Er führt zudem auf, dass MJ weitere 4 Welttourneen gemacht hätte bis zu seinen 65 Lebensjahr. Zudem führen die Jacksons auf das er eine Serie von Las Vegas-Shows gemacht hätte, eine Kleiderserie und Filme und andere Verträge.
    Zitate von Phillips werden aufgeführt: "Es war soviel Verlangen, dass sie in 2 Stunden Sitze für Millionen Menschen füllen konnten, wir hätten 100 weitere Shows für London füllen können. Jackson könnte den Tokio-Dome mehere Male in einer Welt-Tournee füllen"
    AEG sagt die Kallkulationen der Jacksons sind eine Hoffnung, ein Traum, aber keine Basis für Kalkulationen

    Die Jacksons argumenetieren, AEG wusste um seine schwache Gesundheit, seinen Drogenkonsum bei vergangen Touren, sie zwangen Jackson und den Arzt sich für die Tour vorzubereiten um den ehrgeizigen Zeitplan einzuhalten., trotz ihres Wissens.
    AEG wird sich verteidigen, indem sie sagen, dass Jackson sich entschieden hat, dass Murray sein Vollzeitarzt hat, er jahrelang sein Leibarzt war. Jackson war ein erwachsener Mann, wie könnte man nicht seine Verantwortlichkeit sehen, sein Drogenkonsum zu einer Serie von fatalen Entscheidungen führte, dass die Kindesmissbrauchswürfe von denen er freigesprochen wurde wichtig sind, da sie zu einem steigenden Drogenkonsum führten. "Mr. Jackson war jemand der bekannt war für Doktor-Shopping, der dem einen Doktor das sagt, dem anderen das " sagt AEG -Anwalt...

    Ich glaube Murray freut sich wahrscheinlich diebisch über diesen Prozess. Wird er doch von beiden Seiten entlastet. AEG indem sie MJ als mitverantwortlich für seinen Tod darstellen und die Jackson-Familie indem sie Murray als Opfer darstellen, der von AEG genauso (gleichberechtigt) wie Michael gezwungen wurde.
    Nach dem Prozess kann er ja dann so richtig mit der Vermarktung seiner Selbstmitleidsvermarktungstour starten.

    Michael Jackson wrongful death trial to open
    By Alan Duke, CNN

    Los Angeles (CNN) -- The Michael Jackson wrongful death trial, which promises dramatic revelations and legal fireworks, begins in a small Los Angeles courtroom with opening statements Monday.
    Jurors earning $15 a day will listen to several months of testimony before deciding whether one of the world's largest entertainment companies should pay Jackson's mother and three children billions of dollars for its liability in the pop icon's death.
    Famous Jackson family members, including Janet, will sit just a few feet from the jury as Michael's oldest son and daughter describe their father's last days. But they will also endure weeks of tedious testimony from medical and financial experts offering opinions about the singer's health, addiction and career.
    Only a handful of journalists and a few members of the public will be allowed inside the courtroom because many of its 45 seats are reserved for parties involved in the trial, including the Jackson family. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos denied CNN's request to televise the trial.
    Pretrial hearings have featured angry and personal exchanges between lawyers for the two sides, made more intense by the intimacy of the tiny courtroom.
    Jurors chosen to decide Michael Jackson wrongful death case

    The central issue
    The central issue is simple: Did AEG Live, the company promoting Jackson's comeback concerts in 2009, hire or supervise Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's June 25, 2009, death?
    Jackson died two weeks before his "This Is It" comeback concerts, organized by AEG Live, were to have debuted in London. The coroner ruled Jackson died from a fatal combination of sedatives and propofol, a surgical anesthetic that Murray told investigators he used to put Jackson to sleep almost every night in the month before his death.
    The Jacksons will argue that AEG executives knew about the star's weakened health and his past use of dangerous drugs while on tour. They're liable in his death because they pressured Jackson and the doctor to meet their ambitious schedule to prepare for the London shows despite that knowledge, their lawyers contend.
    A cornerstone of their case is an e-mail AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware wrote 11 days before Jackson's death. The e-mail to show director Kenny Ortega addressed concerns that Murray had kept Jackson from a rehearsal the day before: "We want to remind (Murray) that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him."
    Jackson lawyers argue the e-mail is evidence that AEG Live used Murray's fear of losing his lucrative job as Jackson's personal physician to pressure him to have Jackson ready for rehearsals despite his fragile health.
    AEG will defend itself by arguing that Jackson was responsible for his own demise, that he chose Murray to be his full-time doctor and that his drug addiction led him to a series of fatal choices. Murray was never an AEG employee but rather was chosen and paid by Jackson for nearly four years until Jackson died, AEG lawyers contend.
    "I don't know how you can't look to Mr. Jackson's responsibility there," AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam told CNN. "He was a grown man."
    Child molestation accusations against Jackson, for which he was acquitted after a trial, are relevant because they "resulted in an incredible increase in his drug intake," Putnam said.
    "Mr. Jackson is a person who was known to doctor shop," Putnam said. "He was known to be someone who would tell one doctor one thing and another doctor something else."
    When Palazuelos ruled in February that case warranted a jury trial, she found there was evidence to support the Jacksons' claim that AEG Live executives could have foreseen that Murray would use dangerous drugs in treating the singer.

    Jackson's family seeks billions
    The lawsuit seeks a judgment against AEG Live equal to the money Jackson would have earned over the course of his remaining lifetime if he had not died in 2009. Jackson lawyers denied media reports that they were seeking $40 billion in damages if AEG Live is found liable, but it could cost the company several billion dollars, according to estimates of Jackson's income potential.
    AEG Live is a subsidiary of AEG, a global entertainment company that was up for sale recently with an $8 billion asking price.
    One of the Jacksons' experts, certified pubic accountant Arthur Erk, estimated that Michael Jackson could have earned $1.4 billion by taking his "This Is It" tour around the world for 260 shows. AEG executives discussed extending the tour beyond the 50 shows scheduled for London, Jackson lawyers said.
    Jackson lawyer Perry Sanders, in arguing for the judge to allow Erk's testimony, said when "This Is It" tickets went on sale in March 2009, there was the "highest demand to see anyone in the history of the world. No one has ever come close."
    "There was so much demand, they filled 2 million seats in hours," Sanders said, quoting an e-mail from AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips sent to AEG's owner.
    "We would have had to do 100-plus shows to fill the demand" in London, he said Phillips wrote. Jackson could have packed the Tokyo Dome several times in a world tour, he said.
    But AEG lawyer Sabrina Strong called it "very speculative" that Jackson would have even finished the 50 London shows before dying.
    AEG lawyers argued that Jackson didn't perform 260 shows and make that much money even in his prime. "He never came anywhere close to that," Strong said. "No one other than Cher has ever done that."
    Erk also calculated Jackson would have followed with four more world tours before he turned 65.
    Palazuelos weighed in during a hearing on Thursday, noting that the Rolling Stones are still touring into their 70s.
    The Jacksons will also try to convince jurors that he would have made a fortune off of a long series of Las Vegas shows, endorsements, a clothing line and movies.
    Strong argued that Jackson had a history of failed projects and missed opportunities, calling Erk's projections "a hope, a dream, and not a basis for damages."
    If AEG is found liable, the company's lawyers want the judge to tell the jury to reduce any damages by the amount Jackson's estate earned from the documentary made from video the company shot of his rehearsals. "If there is a benefit in it, then that is deducted from a loss," Strong said.
    Jackson lawyer Brian Panish compared giving AEG credit for the "This Is It" profits to being "like you murdered someone, wrote a book about them and gave them the money."
    Panish, who will deliver the Jacksons' opening statement Monday morning, said he was not sure who his first witness will be Tuesday morning. He did tell the court he will show several videos of the depositions given by AEG's top executives in the first week.
    Panish and AEG's Putnam will each have two and a half hours to describe their cases to the jury in opening statements starting at 10 a.m. Monday.
    The witness lists include many members of the Jackson family, including matriarch Katherine Jackson. Other celebrity witnesses on the list are Sharon Osbourne, Quincy Jones, Spike Lee, Ray Parker Jr., Lisa Marie Presley, Diana Ross and Lou Ferrigno.

    Michael Jackson wrongful death trial to open -
    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 29.04.2013, 10:23.


    • #3
      Sind die Eröffnungsplädoyers jetzt irgendwo einsehbar?


      • #4

        30. April 2013 05:50
        Tod des King of Pop Jackson-Mutter wirft Konzertagentur "rücksichtsloses" Profitstreben vor

        Vier Jahre nach seinem Tod wird der Fall Michael Jackson erneut vor Gericht verhandelt. Katharine Jackson, die Mutter des früheren King of Pop, erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Konzertagentur AEG. Sie soll eine Mitschuld am Tod des Sängers haben - und dafür Millionen bezahlen.

        Die Mutter des verstorbenen Popstars Michael Jackson hat im Prozess gegen dessen Konzertagentur AEG schwere Vorwürfe erhoben. Der Veranstalter AEG habe seine Verantwortung gegenüber dem Star vernachlässigt und "rücksichtslos" nach eigenem Profit gestrebt, sagte der Anwalt von Katherine Jackson, Brian Panish, am Montag vor einem Gericht in Los Angeles.

        AEG wies die Vorwürfe zurück. Panish warf der Agentur insbesondere die Anstellung des Arztes Conrad Murray für Jackson vor. Dieser war 2011 wegen fahrlässiger Tötung des Sängers zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Michael Jackson selbst, Murray und die AEG hätten allesamt eine Rolle bei Jacksons Tod gespielt, sagte Panish. "Aber ohne AEG wäre das alles nicht passiert", fügte er hinzu. Die 82-jährige Katherine Jackson verfolgte seine Äußerungen nahezu reglos. AEG habe "um jeden Preis die Nummer eins" sein wollen und sich nicht darum gekümmert, ob jemand dabei zugrunde gehe, sagte Panish weiter.

        Die Familie des 2009 verstorbenen Sängers wirft AEG vor, trotz des Wissens um den angeschlagenen Gesundheitszustand des Künstlers einen zu hohen Druck auf Jackson ausgeübt zu haben. Zu der Zeit, als er starb, probte Jackson für eine Konzertreihe, die AEG veranstaltete.

        Der Anwalt von AEG, Marvin Putnam, sagte hingegen vor Gericht, es habe keine warnenden Hinweise auf Jacksons angeschlagenen Zustand gegeben. "Die Wahrheit ist, dass Jackson jeden in die Irre geführt hat", sagte er. Er habe stets darauf geachtet, dass niemand sein "tiefstes, dunkelstes Geheimnis kannte". Er habe sogar zwischen sich und seiner Familie eine Mauer aufgebaut. Süchtigen könne nicht geholfen werden, wenn sie sich nicht selbst helfen wollten, sagte er. Die Konzertagentur habe wie jeder andere auch "auf der anderen Seite dieser abgeschlossenen Tür gestanden", sagte Putnam weiter.

        Er zeigte vor Gericht Aufnahmen der Proben, die zwei Tage vor dem Tod des Sängers stattfanden, um zu illustrieren, dass dieser augenscheinlich in guter körperlicher Verfassung gewesen sei.

        Berichten zufolge fordert Katherine Jackson stellvertretend für Michael Jacksons Kinder Prince, Paris und Blanket von AEG Schadenersatz in Höhe von mehreren Milliarden Dollar. Es wird damit gerechnet, dass der Prozess mindestens drei Monate dauert. In dem Verfahren könnten zahlreiche bekannte Persönlichkeiten als Zeugen auftreten, darunter die früheren Ehefrauen des Popstars, Lisa Marie Presley und Debbie Rowe, sowie die Musiker Quincy Jones und Diana Ross.

        Michael Jackson war am 25. Juni 2009 im Alter von 50 Jahren auf seinem Anwesen in Los Angeles an einer Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels Propofol gestorben, das ihm sein Leibarzt Murray verabreicht hatte. Der Popstar litt damals unter chronischer Schlaflosigkeit.


        • #5
          Jacksons vs AEG - Day 1 - April 29 2013 – Summary - Part 1

          Hearing about Motions

          First day of Jacksons vs. AEG trial started with Judge hearing motions about whether Michael Jackson's medical history will be made public and objections about opening statements. (LATimes &AP). AEG objected a slide that referenced Amy Winehouse, heavy redaction of an email that talked about Murray’s visit to strip clubs. Judge ordered changes to strip club mentions and removal of reference to Amy Winehouse (AP).

          Jackson’s lawyers opposed AEG slide that mentioned $40 billion damages. Jackson lawyers stated $40 Billion figure was thrown out there to preserve Jackson family’s rights and not filed with court. Judge allowed AEG to show damages slide to jury (AP).

          During the hearing Judge asked if Conrad Murray will testify. AEG said they intend to call Murray as a witness (ABC7).

          Opening Statements

          First day of trial were attended by Katherine, Randy and Rebbie Jackson; AEG Live CEO Shawn Trell. Conrad Murray’s appellate lawyer Valerie Wass was present and she said to media Murray is innocent (ABC7). 16 media and 2 fans were also in the courtroom.

          Katherine sat in the front row with Randy on her left and Rebbie on her right (AP).

          Jacksons Opening Statement

          Jackson’s attorney Panish started his opening statement by showing a clip of MJ rehearsing for “This is it” (AP). Panish briefly went over MJ’s life stating "Performing since 6 years old; 44 years in show business." (LATimes).

          Jackson attorney Panish said that Jackson's death from an overdose of the anesthetic propofol was caused by a combination of factors.

          Panish : "Michael Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray and AEG Live each played a part in the ultimate result, the death of Michael Jackson," (Reuters)

          Panish told jurors they would be putting together a puzzle, with three pieces being Jackson, Murray and AEG Live.(CTVNews)

          Panish: “Michael had a problem, Dr. Murray had a problem and AEG had a problem,” (LATimes)

          At his opening statement Jackson’s attorney Panish heavily focused on MJ’s prescription medicine addiction (AP). Jackson’s lawyer Panish stated MJ had developed a problem with prescription medication and at times became “dependent” on the drugs. Panish said MJ’s drug problem started in 1984 when MJ suffered second and third-degree burns while filming a Pepsi commercial. (LATimes)

          Panish said MJ began taking Demerol after he was injured while filming a Pepsi commercial in 1984 (Reuters & CNS). Panish also stated that MJ also suffered from anxiety that “became more prevalent when he was going through a rigorous schedule.” (LATimes). Panish said there's no dispute MJ went to various doctors for Demerol and MJ also had problems with sleep and sought Propofol (ABC7).

          "It was widely publicized Michael was dependent on pain killers," Panish said, adding that AEG Live should have been aware of the reports. (Reuters)

          Jackson’s attorney Panish said MJ’s family and friends knew about MJ’s addiction problems and AEG is the only entity that claims to not know it (AP).

          Panish detailed MJ’s prescription drug abuse history, saying the singer regularly used demerol and propofol, and that "people who knew him believed he had a problem with prescription medication." (ABC)

          “Michael Jackson’s family suspected he had a problem with prescription medication,” Panish conceded. (CNS)

          Panish showed jury the contract between AEG and MJ (AP). Panish stated that evidence will show that AEG and Murray had an oral contract and Murray stockpiled Propofol in anticipation of treating Michael for the tour. Panish also stated that MJ would get daily doses of Propofol for six weeks in May and June, leading up to his death (ABC7).

          Panish mentioned Murray’s problems and his debt. Jackson’s attorney showed a slide showing Murray owed back child support and facing foreclosure.

          Panish also stated AEG had problems; they were feeling pressure from Live Nation (AP).

          Jackson attorney Panish : "You know what AEG’s problem was? They were not No. 1 in the concert business but they wanted to be." “You don’t do that with white gloves,” Panish said. “You do what you gotta do if you want to be No. 1 in this rough business of concert promotions.”

          Panish showed several emails between AEG Executives. One of them was an email about TII press conference Phillips wrote to Leiweke that MJ was drunk and refusing to address the fans. Phillips wrote: "This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self-loathing and doubt now that it's show time. He's scared to death."(CBS).

          Another email was Gongaware’s email to Kenny Ortega that said “We want to remind him that it is AEG, not MJ who is paying his salary”. In his deposition Gongaware repeatedly said he didn’t remember the email or recall what it meant (AP).

          Another email was from Phillips after MJ’s death which said “Conrad is nuts. Remind me to tell you about his visits (redaction – strip clubs) the week MJ died.” (AP)

          Another email is from when AEG was putting together This is it movie. Email says make sure we take out shots of MJ in red jacket... He looks too thin, skeletal (ABC7)

          Panish described to the jury a series of emails where AEG executives talk about backing off the show would be a disaster (ABC7)

          Panish told jury that Phillips lied about MJ’s health before he died, and after his death, “The deception by Mr. Phillips doesn't stop.” (AP).

          Panish said Kai Chase would testify that meeting between AEG execs, Murray and MJ ended badly. Kai Chase will testify that MJ left the meeting at Carolwood house, meeting with Murray continued for hours after Jackson left and that a vase was broken during meeting (AP).

          “There were no rules,” Panish told the jury, when it came to furthering AEG’s success. “It didn’t matter what it took. … AEG had a problem and they wanted to fix it and they didn’t care who got lost in the wash.” “Forget about helping Mr. Jackson. The show must go on.” (LATimes)

          Panish "There will be no question in your mind that they were ruthless and they wanted to be No. 1 at all cost," (CNN).

          Jackson’s attorney Panish stated that AEG ignored several red flags such as Murray initially asking for $5 Million and eventually agreeing on $150,000 per month (AP). Panish said another doctor had told AEG he would do the job for $40,000 a month as long as Jackson was "clean," meaning not on drugs (CNN). Panish also stated that AEG did not do a background check on Murray (AP).

          Background checks would have revealed Murray was deeply in debt and was a cardiologist even though Jackson had no known heart issues, Panish said. (Reuters)

          "When a red flag comes up, do you turn away or do you look into it?" Panish said. "AEG ignored the obvious red flags and they hired Dr. Murray." (Reuters)

          Murray's "financial condition made him susceptible to pressure and created a conflict between his patient's needs and AEG's needs." (Eonline)

          "They put Dr. Murray in a position where if he said Michael can't go or can't play, if he said I can't give you those drugs, then he doesn't get paid," (CNN)

          Panish showed a clip of Gongaware’s deposition in which he said they didn't investigate Dr. Murray and he had no supervision (ABC7) Panish said AEG executives lied to Kenny Ortega when Phillips wrote to him “his (MJ) doctor is extremely successful (we checked everyone out) and does not need this gig, he's unbiased & ethical” since they didn't check Dr. Murray, who was in financial distress. But AEG wanted the show to go on (ABC7).

          Panish described MJ as “a devoted son to his mother, Katherine Jackson, and a devoted father to his three children.” (CNS).

          Panish played “You are my life”, a song MJ wrote for his children Prince, Paris and Blanket, and a note MJ had written for his mother Katherine. It's called "Mother, My Guardian Angel." (ABC7). The note said “All my success has been based on the fact that I wanted to make my mother proud, to win her smile of approval."(AP). The reading of the note brought tears to Katherine’s eyes (AP)

          Jackson’s lawyer: "We're not looking for any sympathy... We're looking for truth and justice." (ABC&AP)

          Panish said defendants made up that the family was trying to recover $40 billion in special damages. He says it's $1.5 billion economic loss (ABC7). Jackson’s attorney told the jurors that they would be the ones to assign liability for MJ’s death, but they should look at AEG's actions and not focus on MJ’s issues.(AP) Jackson’s lawyer Panish: AEG took advantage of a sick man. No doctor ever gave MJ Propofol at home until Dr. Murray. AEG needs to pay the price.(ABC7)

          "Michael paid the ultimate price. He died," Panish said. "Michael has taken responsibility." (AP)

          "His stirring voice, his musical genius, his creativity and his generosity and his huge heart was extinguished forever," Jackson’s lawyer Panish said in his opening remarks (AP).

          Jacksons vs AEG - Day 1 - April 29 2013 – Summary - Part 2

          AEG Opening Statement

          AEG's lawyer Putnam said AEG has no choice and they will "show some ugly stuff" because AEG must defend itself from the accusations (CNN)

          Putnam told the jury to look at the evidence, what it actually says. "This case is about the choices we make; and the responsibilities"(ABC7).

          Putnam: evidence is going to show public MJ was very different from private MJ. MJ erected a wall between him and his family, staff. MJ kept his public and private life separated. He had 40 years to perfect that; he learned very well the cost of being exposed (ABC7)

          AEG’s lawyer Putnam said MJ’s private life became known after he died. AEG lawyer says MJ’s guarded private life meant the company was unaware that he was using Propofol (AP).

          "AEG knew nothing about this decade-long propofol use," Putnam said. "They were a concert promoter. How could they know?" (CNN)

          Putnam says the company didn't have access to information shared between Jackson and his doctors. AEG’s lawyer Putnam said physician-patient confidentiality kept MJ’s reliance on propofol from becoming publicly known (AP).

          Putnam said this also included Murray "He (Murray) couldn't tell anyone about the propofol use” (AP).

          AEG lawyer Putnam said there was a public Jackson and a private Jackson, where his secrets were concealed (LATimes)

          "The truth is, Michael Jackson fooled everyone," Putnam said. "He made sure that no one, nobody, knew his deepest darkest secrets." (AP & ABC)

          AEG Lawyer Putnam: "The public Michael Jackson was very different from the private Michael Jackson. He erected a wall between himself and his family. Even his family wasn't sure what was going on at the house. He kept those who might have been able help him at a distance...AEG, like everyone else, was an outsider. They had no idea. [The propofol use] was going on behind locked doors. As with Mr. Jackson's life, his death was anything but typical." (EOnline)

          Putnam: "Mr. Jackson got very, very, good at hiding his addiction. He didn't let anyone see it. Not his staff, not his children. This was the private Michael Jackson." (AP).

          MJ’s ability to keep his private side private meant AEG could not see any red Putnam said "They (AEG) didn't see this coming. They (AEG) had no idea." (CNN).

          AEG’s lawyer Putnam said Jackson family members will testify about their failed attempts at intervention and their lack of knowledge about what was happening.

          "Even his family wasn't sure what was going on at time. They tried intervention and failed. Why? Because MJ was an addicted," said Putnam (ABC7)

          Putnam: "If they didn't know what was going on, how could someone else think there was even a problem," (CNN).

          Putnam showed jury MJ rehearsing “They Don’t Care About Us.” For This is it. Putnam said AEG executives watched MJ’s TDCAU performance.(AP) AEG’s lawyer argued MJ was amazing, attentive, great performance (ABC7) Putnam: ““He died two days later. That’s what you saw in public.” (AP)

          Putnam mentioned the days after MJ’s death. Putnam said it took 2 months to find out what caused MJ's death. MJ had died of overdose of something called Propofol.(ABC7). AEG’s lawyer Putnam urged the jurors to remember that Propofol killed MJ. Putnam told jury they should distinguish between MJ’s painkiller abuse and his abuse of propofol (AP).

          AEG’s lawyer Putnam: "One thing became very, very clear. While the world may not have heard of propofol, Mr. Jackson certainly had. The evidence is going to show you that he had been using that drug for years and years." (AP)

          Putnam said that everyone knew MJ abused painkillers, since Michael announced it in 1993, ended the tour and entered rehab but AEG didn’t know about MJ’s decade-long Propofol use (ABC7).

          Putnam said sometime in 1990s MJ began using Propofol. This was a big secret, so secret no one knew, not even his doctors.( ABC7).

          AEG’s lawyer Putnam said jurors will hear from Debbie Rowe, who would tell them that Jackson used the anesthetic in the 1990s (AP). Debbie Rowe, will testify that she assisted in administering propofol to Jackson in the 1990s when she was a nurse. She saw several doctors put Mr. Jackson to sleep in hotel rooms while on tour," he said, including in Munich, London, Paris (CNN).

          In 2007, Putnam says MJ approached AEG with the idea for a come back. But he decided he wasn't ready. In 2008, MJ approached AEG again. He was now prepared to go forward, Putnam said, even though he hadn't toured for about a decade. (ABC7)

          Putnam mentioned Michael’s finances, his lavish spending and he was spending more than he was making. MJ was almost in $400 Million debt when he died (AP & ABC7)

          “This is not a financial difficulty. $400 million is terrifying,” Putnam said. “And AEG didn’t know that.” (AP).

          MJ had to bring in some money, Putnam said, so he had to go back Mas do what MJ does best: perform. There was no performer like MJ (ABC7)

          AEG’s lawyer Putnam also mentioned Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware to the jury. Putnam said Gongaware made travel arrangements for Jackson’s “Dangerous” tour, but not a bigwig on tour(AP).

          Putnam also tells jurors that contract between AEG and Jackson didn't require him to show up to rehearsals. The issue of when Jackson rehearsed was between him and his creative team, i.e. Kenny Ortega. Putnam says “These agreements are never about going to rehearsal, they’re about shows.” (AP)

          Putnam described for the jury how a concert happens. The producers advance money so the artist can put the show on the road. Once show is in full swing, the artist pays back the producers and they split the profits. MJ was to get 90% and AEG 10%, Putnam said (ABC7) Production advances, to cover mutually-agreed production costs was $7.5 million, Putnam told the jurors, saying it was MJ who choose the staff. (ABC7)

          In February 09, MJ was required to do a physical exam in order to get non-appearance insurance. Putnam said MJ was seen by a doctor selected by the insurance firm and that doctor determined MJ was healthy, no sign if drug use (ABC7).

          Putnam says MJ told Gongaware he was going to bring his personal doctor Conrad Murray to the tour with him(ABC7)

          AEG’s lawyer Putnam showed the jury contract of Murray and stated that Murray signed June 14th version but MJ did not. Putnam explains the jurors how money on the tour worked -- some talent, staffers paid in advance against Jackson’s payments. Murray’s payments would have come out of Jackson’s payments for “This Is It” tour, Putnam tells jury. (AP)

          AEG’s Lawyer Putnam: It was not AEG's choice who Mr. Jackson's doctor is. It's a personal choice by Mr. Jackson and he chose Dr. Murray (ABC7)

          Putnam, said Murray was MJ's choice and that AEG executives didn't understand why the singer wanted to bring him to London, where there were any number of excellent doctors. (LATimes)

          Putnam said Murray worked for MJ and that the $150,000 a month that AEG was supposed to pay him was an advance to MJ, just as it had advanced him funds to pay for other production costs and his rented mansion in Holmby Hills.(LATimes) MJ expected AEG to assume the payment for Dr. Murray just like he did with everyone else.(ABC7)

          Putnam plays a portion of Murray’s interview with the detectives after MJ’s death (AP).

          When asked by detectives after MJ’s death Murray replied “I am an employee for Michael Jackson but paid through AEG. Does that help you?” (LATimes)

          Putnam told jury that LAPD interview shows Murray considered himself an employee of Jackson (AP). AEG budgeted Murray’s payments but never paid him (ABC7) "AEG Live never paid Dr. Murray anything, ever," (CNN).

          Putnam called Jackson an addict and said the company shouldn't be held responsible for his death. (AP) Putnam went back to the addiction to painkillers issue again.

          He said MJ would get minor cosmetic or dental procedures and get the drugs (ABC7) Putnam told jury after MJ’s 1993 rehab announcement MJ concealed his painkiller addiction. At one point, Putnam showed a slide labeled “Doctor Shopping” that featured 45 doctors or medical professionals who AEG says treated MJ.(AP) Defense mentioned various doctors who say Jackson asked for propofol, including Dr. Metzger and Cherilyn Lee.(AP)

          Putnam said MJ was very secretive even with his own doctors. He wouldn't tell one doctor about what the other doctor was doing (ABC7) Putnam said MJ resisted all attempts to get help. Family tried interventions, he turned down rehab and denied he had any addiction.(ABC7)

          Putnam said he wasn't going to talk about damages, because he said he didn't believe there were any. But then he showed info showing that Katherine Jackson's attorneys gave gave AEG estimating $40.2 billion in damages. (AP)

          Putnam showed the floor plan of MJ's house. He said no one was allowed in MJ's bedroom, not even the housekeepers. Only Dr. Murray. Putnam said that at night MJ would lock his bedroom's door so no one had access to the room. He said it wasn't for AEG to look into Murray (ABC7).

          "This case is about the choices that we make and the personal responsibilities that go with that," countered AEG attorney Putnam in his opening statement. Putnam stated MJ was using propofol as a sleep aid "behind locked doors." (EOnline)

          At the end, Putnam urged the jurors to wait until they hear all the evidence from both sides before making a judgment. (ABC7 & AP).

          AEG lawyer Putnam talking about MJ’s decision to be treated by Murray said: "This case is about personal choices. Also, it was about his personal responsibility. There's no question that Michael Jackson's death was a terrible tragedy.” (AP)

          Putnam ended his opening statements saying: "I believe the evidence will show it was not a tragedy of AEG Live's making," (AP & ABC7)

          Quelle: MJJC #2 und #3
          Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 01.05.2013, 09:54.


          • #6
            Zitat von Zodiac Beitrag anzeigen
            Sind die Eröffnungsplädoyers jetzt irgendwo einsehbar?
            Derzeit nicht. Wir haben derzeit nur das was von den Nachrichtenagenturen via. Twitter und Presseartikel berichtet wird, aber keine kompletten Transkripts. Auch die Zusammenfassung, die Rip eingestellt hat, hat Ivy,MJJC entsprechend aus diesen Quellen zusammengestellt.

            Hier eine Zusammenfassung von Ivy vom 2. Tag (Quelle Presseberichte und Pressetweets)

            To help fans easily follow the updates in the trial these daily summaries are done from media reports about Katherine Jackson vs. AEG trial. Media sources are credited in parenthesis when appropriate. Please note that as these summaries are made from media reports they might not follow the...

            Jacksons vs AEG - Day 2 - April 30 2013 – Summary

            Katherine Jackson and Randy Jackson attended the second day of civil trial.


            Court first addressed notes from 2 alternate jurors about availability. One alternate juror has a funeral to attend tomorrow and one alternate jury is moving out of state. The court will only be 1 hour tomorrow (end at 11:00) to accommodate the juror attending a funeral. The juror moving out of state will stay on the jury panel for now (AP).

            AEG asked to exclude Randy Jackson from the courtroom because he is listed as a witness (AP). AEG attorney argued that there was "a risk in allowing any of them in the courtroom."(CNN). Jackson lawyer said Randy Jackson is supporting Katherine Jackson in the courtroom and should stay (AP) Jackson lawyer said Katherine needs one son or daughter to sit with her. (CNN)

            The judge ordered that only one of Michael Jackson's brothers and sisters can come to court to watch the testimony at at a time -- and then only if Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson is present.(CNN)

            Judge said “One is enough. He (Randy Jackson) can remain but you cannot have five in the courtroom” (CNN).Witnesses who aren’t parties generally aren’t allowed to listen to testimony.(AP)

            Judge also told attorneys they have to tell her which witnesses are coming up, and how long their testimony is expected to last. (AP)

            LAFD Paramedic Richard Senneff Testimony

            Richard Senneff had testified during Murray trial. Media reports suggest his testimony is very similar to his testimony at Murray criminal trial

            Refresher: Link to Senneff’s testimony at Murray Criminal Trial :

            Katherine and Randy Jackson left the courtroom when Senneff began testifying (Multiple media)

            Jackson Direct

            Senneff starts his testimony by telling the jurors what he does as a paramedic and explaind the different machines in a rescue ambulance (AP & ABC7) Senneff mentioned his experiences as a paramedic (AP).

            Senneff is wearing his dress uniform, which he tells jury is for “special occasions.” Several jurors, audience members, laugh. Jackson’s lawyer Panish asks: “Have you ever rescued any cats in trees?” (AP)

            "I have not rescued a cat," Senneff, who is also a firefighter, joked. "I rescued a dog that was lying in the street." (CNN)

            Senneff also shared the ironic story of the next emergency he responded to after leaving MJ at the UCLA.His ambulance was called to a west Los Angeles apartment to help an elderly Russian woman."When she heard the news on TV that Michael Jackson had died, she fainted," he said. She suffered a minor head injury in her fall."She was just deeply emotional when we took her to the hospital," Senneff said. (CNN)

            Timeline of paramedics' response, PT
            12:22p - dispatched
            12:23- rolling down the street
            12:25- on scene
            13:07 - transported
            13:13 – hospital

            Senneff stated on June 25, 2009 he responded to a patient not breathing. Senneff said he arrived at MJ's house at 12:25 pm PT and got out of the ambulance with their equipment, EKG monitor, needles, and medicine. (ABC7)

            Senneff testified Station 71 in Bel-Air had received the emergency call at 12:22 p.m. and he arrived at MJ's home three minutes later. The ambulance and a fire engine that responded were waved through the gates and parked in front of the house (LATimes).

            Once in the house, Senneff said, he was "galloping" up the stairs.(LATimes). Senneff says he was the first paramedic inside MJ’s bedroom (AP).

            Senneff saw Murray near the nightstand with a security guard, and MJ lying on the bed.(LATimes) Senneff: He was leaning over the patient, patient laying on the bed, Murray standing there and they were moving the patient to the floor (ABC7)

            Senneff told he noticed oxygen tanks, an IV pole and an IV bag in the room, along with Dr. Conrad Murray, who he said told him that he was a cardiologist (LATimes). Senneff told the panel he found an IV pole, oxygen tanks and a nightstand with several medicine bottles on the nightstand. (AP & ABC7)

            “Even in Bel-Air it’s unusual to have the personal physician at the house,” Senneff testified. (LATimes)

            Senneff: I saw a patient wearing pajama pants and shirt, and some surgical cover over the head. He looked very pale, very weak. (ABC7) Senneff testified MJ’s body was pale and so underweight his ribs were showing.(LATimes)

            Senneff said "The patient appeared to be chronically ill to me. He was very pale and underweight. I thought perhaps this was a hospice patient." (Reuters)

            Senneff said “To me, he looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process,” (LATimes)

            Because of what he saw, Senneff asked Murray if MJ had a “do not resuscitate” order.

            "Dr. Murray loked at me blankly at first," Senneff testified. Then the doctor said, "No, no, this just happened."(LATimes)

            Senneff said Murray was "frantic.(LATimes)

            “He was pale, he was sweating, he was very busy," Senneff said of Murray (Reuters)

            Senneff said Murray told him he was treating the patient for dehydration and exhaustion and said Jackson was not taking any medication.(LATimes) Senneff testified that Murray never told him about Propofol (Reuters)

            Senneff: "I asked what his underlying condition was.... the doctor said nothing, that he was just treating him for dehydration & exhaustion" (ABC7)

            "It just looked a lot more complicated than dehydration and exhaustion," Senneff testified. (LATimes)

            Senneff asked what kind of medication patient was taking. Senneff said that according to Dr. Murray, "he was not" (taking any medication) (ABC7)

            When he asked Murray when the emergency had happened, he said Murray told him: "Just this minute. Right when I called you.”(LATimes)

            Senneff said when he moved MJ, he felt he did not have a pulse. His pupils were fixed and dilated, eyes were quite dried (ABC7).

            But when Senneff checked Jackson, he said he could find no pulse. He testified that Jackson’s eyes were dilated and dry, his skin cool, and his lips a faint blue – a sign the singer had been dead as long as an hour.(LATimes) Senneff said MJ's chest was pale white, his hands and feet turned blue from not getting enough ventilation/oxygen.(ABC7) MJ's blue hands, feet and lips, and the singer's dry eyes all signaled to Senneff that MJ was dead and hadn't been breathing for a long time.(AP)

            Senneff: "When I picked him up and moved him, he was cool to the touch. I would say less than an hour... Body doesn't get cold that fast"(ABC7)

            “To us it didn’t make sense that it had just happened,” Senneff said.(LATimes)

            Senneff was asked whether he thought MJ was dead when he arrived at his home. Senneff said yes. (AP)

            Jackson family attorney: "He was dead before you got there, wasn't he?" Senneff: "Yes, sir." (LATimes)

            Senneff said he contacted UCLA hospital. He also said Dr. Murray then indicated he gave MJ a little bit of lorazepam to help him sleep(ABC7)

            Senneff: "I notified the hospital and was told to continue resuscitation efforts."(ABC7)

            Senneff testified a paramedic was using the ambu bag to breath for the patient, another connecting the EKG machine and was giving him drugs. As for Dr. Murray, he was trying to help the best he could, Senneff said, and that the doctor "was looking for things in the box". (ABC7)

            Senneff: "Dr Murray reached in our box, he gave additional injection of epinephrine (ABC7)

            Senneff testified Murray said he felt femoral artery pulse. However, Senneff said no one else, other than Murray, was able to find a pulse. MJ's condition hadn't changed on the way to the hospital.(ABC7)

            Senneff "The hospital asked me about calling (time of death). Murray said no."(ABC7)

            Murray looked like "a deer in the headlights" when paramedic Seneff went back into MJ's room to gather his equipment (LATimes)
            Senneff: Murray had a white plastic bag in one hand. When I came to the door he froze, he was actually surprised to see me (in MJ's room)(ABC7)

            Senneff testified Murray rode in the ambulance together. He was standing in the ambulance, holding the top rail, talking on the cell phone. (ABC7)

            It was chaotic outside the house, very difficult to get out. People trying to take pictures, unbelievable amount of commotion. Senneff was shown a picture of MJ inside the ambulance and confirmed it was legit.(ABC7)

            Upon arrival at UCLA, Senneff explained to the ER doctor what he had done, like a quick recap, no changes in patient's status. (ABC7)

            Senneff said initially he was not able to identify the patient, but as it progressed someone said his name was MJ.

            Senneff: "Once someone said his name, I looked at the patient's face and saw it was Michael Jackson."(ABC7)

            AEG cross

            AEG cross was done by Kathryn Cahan.

            AEG Lawyer Cahan: "No one on your team detected pulse? Senneff: No
            AEG lawyer Cahan: Was he dead for a period of time? Senneff: Yes" (ABC7)

            AEG lawyer asked Senneff if he thought Murray was not telling him the truth."I don't even go there," Senneff said. "I'm not worried about that."(CNN)

            AEG lawyer Cahan: Did Murray lied to you? Senneff: I'm not even going there. I was worried about the patient and all the info I can get. (ABC7)

            Senneff said he let Murray go through his medical bag since what he was doing was reasonable (ABC7)

            Senneff testified it is not unusual for family members, people around the patient not know whether they are taking drugs (ABC7)

            Cahan went through the emergency medical service report again. It asks the weight of the patient, Senneff estimated 150lbs, 5'09-ish. Senneff answers 120 calls per month average. He said he got very good at estimating people's weight.(ABC7)

            When Senneff asked Murray about MJ's underlying condition: "He said nothing, nothing, I'm just treating him for dehydration, exhaustion."(ABC7)

            AEG’s lawyer asked Senneff about his knowledge of propofol. Senneff told her that he knew propofol was a general anesthesia, but had never seen it used. (AP) As to Propofol, Senneff said all he knew it was an anesthetic used in surgeries. He learned through the media that was MJ's cause of death (ABC7)

            Jackson re-direct

            Senneff told he did not see Dr. Murray actually performing CPR.(ABC7)

            Senneff said the American Heart Association indicates CPR is performed on a bed it's less desirable. One must place patient on hard surface. Panish said Dr. Murray performed CPR with Michael Jackson on the bed: "That's not how you're supposed to do it," Senneff opined.(ABC7)

            Panish asked Senneff whether he thought Conrad Murray was competent to perform CPR. Senneff said he didn’t believe Conrad Murray was competent enough to perform CPR (AP)

            As to Dr. Murray, Senneff said: "I did not believe he was telling me the full story at the time." (ABC7)

            Panish: What did Michael Jackson tell you?
            Senneff: Nothing, sir
            Panish: Because he was dead when you arrived?
            Senneff: Yes, sir (ABC7)

            Senneff agreed that it is expected that a competent, fit physician be able to revive a patient in respiratory arrest.(ABC7)

            LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez Testimony

            Jackson direct

            Martinez started by explaining his training and background. Martinez learned from his lieutenant that Michael Jackson was the victim. He went to UCLA to begin his investigation. (ABC7)

            Martinez said he saw Frank Dileo and Randy Phillips at the hospital as well as Katherine and Randy Jackson and MJ’s kids (ABC7)

            Jackson's lawyer Panish: Were you able to speak with Dr. Murray at the UCLA?
            Martinez: No
            Panish: Why not?
            Martinez: He had left (ABC7)

            At the hospital, LAPD officers decided to fly MJ’s body to the coroner’s officer so that the transport wouldn't become a spectacle.(AP)

            Martinez then went to MJ’s house at Carolwood. Martinez photographed the scene (AP). Lots of photographs were shown to the jurors. Martinez explained the photographs to the jurors. He also mentioned that police made three separate trips to MJ’s home to collect evidence.(AP)

            Martinez didn't search Murray's vehicle because he wanted a search warrant. Martinez didn't leave Murray's car at the residence, wanted a reason for the doc to go talk to him. Car was impounded to a police yard (ABC7).

            Inside the BMW -- which was registered to Murray's sister in Texas -- he found a contract between AEG Live and Murray saying he would be paid $150,000 a month to work as Jackson's doctor, along with AEG Live President Randy Phillips' business card and cell phone number, he said.(CNN) In Murray's car: handwriten note with 24 hour pharmacies names/numbers; Randy Phillips' business card; contract between Dr. Murray and AEG (ABC7)

            The detective said that when he interviewed Murray with two attorneys present, the doctor made up a story to protect himself.

            “He was not being honest and forthright,” Martinez testified. (LATimes)

            Martinez had already interviewed Dr. Murray prior to the car's search. He attempted to interview him again, but doc wasn't talking anymore (ABC7) Martinez said he was looking for a motive for MJ's death, and the contract could be important financial aspect to investigate.(ABC7)

            Seeing pictures of MJ's room, Martinez said he saw IV bag, pill bottles, vials, ambu bag. "It looked like the room had been cleaned up," he said. Martinez: "Things had been removed from the room prior to police's arrival." He took several pictures to document the scene. (ABC7) Martinez says he learned from Dr. Murray that there were 3 bags total of medicine in the closet. He went back to the house to retrieve them. Martinez took fingerprints off the bags and found Dr. Murray's prints on the bottles.(ABC7) (Jurors were shown several pictures of evidence collected and crime scene photos)

            Det. Orlando Martinez at first concluded that the cause was accidental or natural. (LATimes) Martinez said at that time the investigation was leading to natural or accidental death, no real signs of foul play, but it was odd.(ABC7)

            LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez's testimony focused on Murray's finances as a potential motive for his treatment of Jackson. (AP)

            When Martinez discovered the deep financial straits Murray, he shifted his thinking and pondered whether he had discovered a motive for the pop star’s death — “financial gain.” (LATimes)

            Martinez told jurors Murray was more than $500,000 in debt and may have been motivated by a large payday for working with MJ.(AP)

            Detective Martinez testified that after interviewing Murray and after the search of Murray's car four days after MJ's death, his "thinking at the moment was the crime was negligence." (CNN)

            Detective Orlando Martinez testified that he looked into Murray's finances searching for a financial motive for his role in Jackson's death and relied mostly on public records. He turned up that Murray's Las Vegas home was in foreclosure proceedings, and Murray faced several liens for unpaid child support and other unpaid debts.(AP)

            His investigation revealed that Murray hadn't paid his mortgage in more than six months, his home was being foreclosed on and he had several liens for unpaid child support and tax debts, Martinez said.(CNN)

            Murray's Las Vegas home, which he bought for $1.6 million, was appraised at barely $1 million in 2009, he said. The Las Vegas real estate market had suffered a major decline in home values up to that date.(CNN) The house was in foreclosure (LATimes)

            Martinez checked Dr. Murray's credit report. "There was a notice up that his house was either on a lien or being foreclosed on." (ABC7)

            Panish showed a document from a title company that said Dr. Murray owed $ 1,644,644.25 for the loan of his house (unpaid principal balance) (ABC7)

            As of January 2009, Dr. Murray had not been paying his mortgage and was behind $ 15,165.11. Late charges accruing at rate of $3,477.95 (ABC7)

            Martinez says he determined the doctor was more than $500,000 in debt, facing foreclosure and his “office was about to be closed.”(AP)

            Murray had closed his office to work with one patient — Jackson, tying his financial future to him, Martinez said. (LATimes)

            Orlando Martinez testified that Murray was trying to deal with the large drop in value of his Las Vegas home, unpaid taxes and child support payments for eight children with seven women.(CNN)

            The searches led Martinez to conclude that Murray's financial condition was "severely distressed."(AP)

            Panish: “Is there any question in your mind that Dr. Murray was in dire financial straits?” Martinez: “No, there was no question.” (AP)

            "That's a lot of money for anyone," Martinez said. "Seeing the scene and talking to him about what he had done and how he did it raised questions."(CNN)

            Martinez said that led him to believe Murray's actions were motivated by the $150,000 a month he expected to be paid by AEG.(AP)

            "Focusing on the financial aspect may have been important for Dr. Murray's willingness to disregard his Hippocratic Oath for financial gain," he testified.(CNN)

            Martinez said what he learned about Murray's financial troubles led him "to opine that he may have, for this easy money -- the $150,000 a month -- may break the rules, bend the rules, to do whatever he needed to do to get paid."(CNN)

            "He may break the rules, bend the rules, do whatever he needed to do to get paid," Martinez said. "It might solve his money problems." (AP)
            Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 01.05.2013, 09:15.


            • #7
              Zusammenfassung vom 3. Tag, Prozesstag nur 1 Stunde

              To help fans easily follow the updates in the trial these daily summaries are done from media reports about Katherine Jackson vs. AEG trial. Media sources are credited in parenthesis when appropriate. Please note that as these summaries are made from media reports they might not follow the...

              Jacksons vs AEG - Day 3 – May 1 2013 – Summary

              Today’s court session was only one hour as one of the alternate jurors had a funeral to attend.

              Nobody from Jackson family was present at court.

              LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez Testimony (continued)

              Jackson direct(continued)

              Det. Martinez’s testimony resumed with him discussing documents on Murray’s finances he obtained during his investigation (AP)

              Detective had to explain how he got the documents – authenticate them - so they can be entered into evidence. (AP) Some documents were obtained with subpoena, others public record (ABC7).

              Attorneys argued about the docs they want to admit as evidence. Defense objected to a bunch of docs, saying they weren't authenticated. (ABC7) AEG attorney objected to admission of several of the documents, saying it wasn’t clear whether they were public records. Judge sustained many of the objections. Judge also had testy exchanges with Jacksons attorney Panish with Judge telling him to move along. (AP) After several minutes of discussions, Judge said to put the exhibits/evidence issues aside; she wanted better use of jurors' time (ABC7)

              Martinez testified about eviction notices for Conrad Murray’s medical offices (2007 & 2009) and other liens issued against doc. The detective also walked jury through Murray’s credit reports, which were obtained through a subpoena (AP)

              Income and Expense Declaration filed with San Diego Court shows Dr. Murray's net month disposable income was negative $2,706.33 in July/09 (ABC7).

              Panish asked Martinez about 5 day notice to pay rent or quit -- Dr. Murray owed $7,058.38 in business rent, had evicted note and tax liens (ABC7)

              One 2007 judgment against Murray in Missouri ordered him to pay $135,000. There were also eviction notices for his medical business and liens for being behind on child-support payments.(LATimes)

              Panish: What's the relevance of Dr. Murray having delinquent taxes?
              Martinez: shows more evidence of him being in financial dire straits(ABC7)

              Panish listed several other docs showing Dr. Murray's liens, unpaid bills in an effort to show the jury the doctor was in financial distress(ABC7)

              Panish: did you check Dr. Murray's credit?
              Martinez: yes, by serving grand jury subpoena on experian, equifax and transunion (ABC7)

              “If anyone would have run the credit report, they would have got the same information?” Panish asked. “Yes,” Martinez said. (NYDailyNews)

              The credit report shows Dr. Murray was current in some of his accounts. Panish noted doc he was paying some debts but defaulted in his home(ABC7)

              Panish is trying to show the jury that a simple background check on Dr. Murray would show AEG that the doc was in deep financial troubles.(ABC7)

              Jackson attorney Panish showed the jury documents showing Murray’s debts, including those for student loans, homeowner association fees, and bills from medical firms and cellphone companies. His Las Vegas home, on which he owed $1.6 million, was in foreclosure. (LATimes)

              Student loans, credit cards, credit medical companies, cell phone companies, funding companies, there were all kinds of debts, Panish said.(ABC7)

              Orlando obtained docs from state licensing medical boards regarding Dr. Murray to check his status and if he had any disciplinary actions(ABC7).

              Martinez told reporters he got Murray’s phone records and focused on a 12 hour period between June 24 and June 25, 2009. (AP)

              Martinez: for criminal liability that 12 hours of care, from when he arrived at the house until he called 911, was pertinent (ABC7)

              Martinez was asked about the calls Murray made to Nicole Alvarez, including one he made in back of the ambulance on June 25, 2009. The detective said he didn’t know what Murray and Alvarez discussed (AP).

              11:26 am-- received phone call, possibly Michael Amir Williams
              1:08 pm -- made call to Nicole Alvarez while in the ambulance (ABC7)

              Call was a bit over 2 minutes (133 seconds). Martinez did not know for sure what they were talking about, questioned Alvarez about it (ABC7)

              Detective Martinez also testified about a search warrant he served on Alvarez’s apartment in August 2009. Martinez said he didn't find any of Murray's belongings (ABC7) The detective said he only found one slip of paper with Murray’s name on it in Alvarez’s apartment. He says he found that odd. (AP)

              “He was living there and none of his stuff was there,” Martinez said. (LATimes)

              Panish: “Do you have an opinion as to the substance of that call?”
              Martinez: “Yes,” explaining that he had interviewed Alvarez and served a search warrant at her house.
              Panish: “What was determined?”
              Martinez: “I found one piece of paper with Dr. Murray’s name — that had fallen behind the door of a cabinet — in the entire apartment (where) he’d been staying at (for) at least two months,” Martinez replied.
              Panish asked whether he found that suspicious.
              “Yes,” Martinez replied. “He was living there, and none of his stuff was there.” (NYDailyNews)

              Martinez indicated that Dr. Conrad Murray may have requested help from mistress in covering his tracks(NYDailyNews)

              LAPD Detective Martinez will continue to testify tomorrow.


              AEG agreed to stipulate Michael Jackson is dead, but need to think about stipulating that Dr. Murray is the cause of his death. (ABC7)

              Panish: "I'm asking for a stipulation that Michael Jackson died and the cause of death. Are you willing to stipulate that Michael Jackson died?"
              Putnam: "Absolutely."
              Panish: "Are you willing to stipulate that the cause of his death was Dr. Murray?"
              Putnam: "That you've never asked before. Let me look at what that means." (CNN)

              AEG’s attorney asked judge to take some witnesses out of order, since they have to travel for work. Jacksons added more witnesses too. (ABC7)

              Jackson’s lawyers said they believed they could locate Michael’s longtime nanny and confidante, Grace Rwaramba, and plan to call her as a witness as the trial proceeds.
              “We couldn’t find her, no one could find her,” lawyer Kevin Boyle said of the last-minute addition. “But we think we’re going to be able to find her, hopefully.” (NYDailyNews)
              Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 02.05.2013, 12:13.


              • #8
                es wäre äußerst nett, wenn ihr auch an die nicht englisch sprechenden hier denken würdet! wenigstens in einer Zusammenfassung!!! danke...


                • #9
                  The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Eröffnungsplädoyers II

                  2. Mai 2013

                  Wir wissen aus vorherigen Berichterstattungen nur zu gut, was die beiden Parteien voneinander und von diesem Prozess wollen. Hier somit nur einige wichtige Aussagen und Höhepunkte der Eröffnungsplädoyers. Brian Panish, Anwalt für die Jacksons, nannte die AEG Live Manager „skrupellose Leute“, die Michael Jacksons Gesundheitsprobleme und den berufsethischen Konflikt von Dr. Murray ignorierten und um jeden Preis die Nummer eins sein wollten. Sie wussten, so Parish, dass Michael Jackson emotional und körperlich angeschlagen war. Zudem sei es ein Warnsignal gewesen, als Murray, der anfangs USD 5 Mio. für seine Arbeit verlangte, sich dann plötzlich mit USD 150‘000 pro Monat zufrieden gab. Ein anderer Arzt hatte AEG gesagt, er würde den Job für USD 40‘000 annehmen unter der Bedingung, dass Michael Jackson „clean“ (dh. drogenfrei) wäre. Panish spielte dann auch ein Video eines AEG Experten ab, der bestätigte, dass Murrays Lohnforderung „ungeheuerlich“ war. Eine der entscheidenden Grundlagen für die Jacksons ist eine E-Mail von AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware, das dieser elf Tage vor Michael Jacksons Tod an Kenny Ortega geschrieben hatte und in der er Bedenken äusserte, dass Murray Michael Jackson am Vortag nicht an die Proben gehen liess: „Wir wollen [Murray] daran erinnern, dass AEG und nicht MJ sein Salär bezahlen. Wir wollen ihn daran erinnern, was von ihm erwartet wird.“ Die Jackson Anwälte argumentieren, dass diese E-Mail Beweis dafür sei, dass AEG Live Murrays Angst, seinen lukrativen Job als Michael Jacksons persönlicher Arzt zu verlieren, dazu verwendet hatte, um Druck auf ihn auszuüben und Michael Jackson trotz seines angeschlagenen Gesundheitszustands für die Proben bereit zu machen. In einer Videoaussage von Gongawares eidesstattlicher Aussage, die vor Prozessbeginn aufgenommen worden war und die die Jackson Anwälte abspielten, sagte dieser, er möge sich nicht daran erinnern, diese E-Mail
                  geschrieben zu haben. Am Ende seines Eröffnungsplädoyers spielte Brian Panish Michael Jacksons Lied „You Are My Life“ für die Jury. Die AEG Live Anwälte warnten in ihrem Eröffnungsplädoyer die Geschworenen, „wir werden einige hässliche Sachen“ aufzeigen. Sie hätten keine andere Wahl, als Michael Jacksons „tiefste und dunkelste Geheimisse“ an den Tag zu bringen, um sich im Rahmen der Anschuldigungen der Jacksons betreffend AEGs Verantwortung für Michael Jacksons Tod zu verteidigen. Die nächste Runde wird mit Zeugenbefragungen der Jacksons Anwälte eingeläutet. Orlando Martinez vom Los Angeles Police Department, der für die Untersuchung des Todes von Michael Jackson zuständig war, soll als erster befragt werden.


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                  • #10
                    Zusammenfassung vom 4. Tag. Anmerkung. Die Übersetzung ist weder vollständig, noch wortwörtlich. Jeder möge den englischen Orginaltext lesen um sich vor evtl. Verfälschungen durch mich zu schützen oder den Service für die Nicht-Englisch-Könner am besten selbst leisten
                    To help fans easily follow the updates in the trial these daily summaries are done from media reports about Katherine Jackson vs. AEG trial. Media sources are credited in parenthesis when appropriate. Please note that as these summaries are made from media reports they might not follow the...

                    Jacksons vs AEG - Day 4 – May 2 2013 – Summary

                    Katherine and Rebbie Jackson were at court today.

                    AEG attorney opposed to Rebbie’s presence as she might be a witness (LATimes). Judge Yvette Palazuelos had ordered that only one Jackson family member accompany Katherine Jackson. AEG wanted it to be Randy every day (ABC7). Judge ruled Rebbie could stay. "I think Mrs. Jackson should have at least 1 support person in the courtroom.” (LATimes)

                    AEG Anwalt macht Einwand bzgl. Rebbies Präsenz, weil sie ein Zeuge (LATimes) sein könnte. Judge Yvette Palazuelos hat angeordnet, dass nur ein Familienmitglied Katherine Jackson Jackson begleiten. AEG wollte, dass es jeden Tag Randy sein wird(ABC7). Richter entschied Rebbie könnte bleiben. "Ich denke, Mrs. Jackson sollte mindestens 1 Person Unterstützung im Gerichtssaal haben." (LATimes)

                    LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez Testimony (continued)

                    Jackson direct(continued)

                    Orlandos Vernehmung wird fortgesetzt, Jackson-Direkt-Vernehmung.
                    Panish befragt weiter bzgl. Murrays Schuldenständen. Murray kam seinen Hypotheken nicht hinterher. Martinez sagte er bekam Kreditreporte von 2 Firmen, aber nicht von Transunion weil sie die Vernehmung nicht aktzeptierten.

                    Jackson’s lawyer Panish continued to go over Murray’s credit records. It showed Murray was behind his mortgage (ABC7)

                    Martinez said he got Dr. Murray's credit reports from Experian and Equifax, but not Transunion, since they didn't accept the subpoena.(ABC7)

                    Voicemail of Frank Dileo that he left to Murray 5 days before Michael died had been played in the courtroom (AP).

                    Panish played a voicemail Frank DiLeo left to Dr. Murray on June 20, 2009: "I'm sure you're aware he had an episode last night. He's sick". Also in the voicemail, left on June 20, 09 DiLeo told Dr. Murray he thought MJ needed to get a blood test done to see what was wrong (ABC7)

                    Panish spielte ein Voicemail von Frank Dileo hinterlassen an Dr. Murray am 20. Juni 2009 "Ich bin sicher Du weißt er hat eine Episode. Er ist krank. Er teilte Murray mit, dass er denkt er solle einen Bluttest machen um sehen was los ist.
                    (komplette Message im Diskussionsthread eingestellt)

                    Phone message to Murray left by Jackson’s manager Frank DiLeo on June 20, 2009.

                    “I’m sure you’re aware he had an episode last night. He’s sick. Today’s Saturday, tomorrow I’m on my way back. I’m not gonna continue my trip. Uh, I think you need -- I think you need to get a blood test on him today. I -- I -- we gotta see what he’s doing. All right. Thank you.” (LATimes)

                    Jackson lawyer Panish said he believed that DiLeo had spoken with an AEG executive just prior to making the phone call. (LATimes)
                    Jackson Anwalt glaubt das Dileo vorab mit AEG-Exekutiven gesprochen hat bevor er den Anruf gemacht hat.

                    Next Panish showed some documents Martinez retrieved describing that Dr. Murray had lost his privilege at some hospitals. (ABC7)
                    Panish zeigt einige Dokumente an Martinze die beschfreiben das Murray seine Berechtigung in einigen Krankenhäusern verloren hat.

                    Panish finish direct examination by getting Martinez to say, one more time, that he thought Dr. Murray was in dire financial straits in 09 (ABC7)
                    Panish beschloss Vernehmung damit, das er Martinez das zu brachte, das er dachte das Murray in großen finanziellen Schwierigkeiten war.

                    AEG cross

                    AEG lawyer Putnam is doing the cross of Detective Martinez.

                    Detectives Dan Meyers and Scott Smith partnered with Martinez. They investigate Dr. Murray in connection with the criminal matter.(ABC7)

                    As a police officer, Putnam asked Martinez if he had special privileges to do searches. Martinez said private investigators can do it too (ABC7)
                    AEG Anwalt Putnman fragt Martinez ob er besondere Priviligien hat um solche Recherechen zu machen. Martinez sagt private Ermittler können es machen.

                    Putnam: If I wanted to look up your credit, will I need your permission?
                    Putman: Wenn ich Ihren Creditkartenstand sehen will, benötige ich Erlaubnis?
                    Martinez: I think so (ABC7)
                    Martinez: Ich denke.

                    Putnam: there are limits as to what civilians can do in terms of search, like DMV search?
                    Putman: Gibt es Grenzen was zivile Personen bzgl. dieser Recherche machen dürfen, wie DMW-Ermittlung
                    Martinez: I believe so(ABC7)
                    Martinez: Ich glaube

                    Putnam asked Martinez if searching someone's credit without consent is a crime
                    Putman fragt Matinenz ob es ein Verbrechen ist die Kreditkarte von jemand zu recherchieren?
                    Putnam: it would be a crime?
                    Putman: Würde es ein Verbrechen sein?
                    Martinez: It's a misdemeanor (ABC7)
                    Martinez: Es ist ein Vergehen.

                    Putman befragt Martinez zur Vernehmung von Murray, warum er mit ihm reden wollte.
                    Er war weg als im UCLA mit ihm reden wollte. Er wollte dirket vom ihm, was passiert ist. War er verwundert über Murray? Ja, wenn es natürlicher Tod wäre, warum würde er verweigern mit ihnen zu sprechen. Ermittler versuchten ihn zu erreichen, aber beantwortete Telefonanfragen nicht. Das war verdächtig. Warum holte er sein Auto nicht ab?

                    As to looking for Dr. Conrad Murray at UCLA, Martinez said: "when I sent the other two detectives to go find him, he was gone." (ABC7)

                    Putnam asked why Martinez wanted to talk to Dr. Murray: "To get straight from the horses's mouth what happened." (ABC7)

                    Panish: Were you suspicious of Dr. Murray?
                    Martinez: Yes, if it was medical emergency/natural death why would he be refusing 2 speak w/ us (ABC7)

                    Investigators attempted to reach Murray but the doctor did not answer his phone or return calls, which seemed suspicious, Martinez said.(LATimes)

                    “If it was a medical emergency or a natural death, why would he be refusing to speak with us? Why would he leave the hospital after he was asked to stay? Why would he not go back to pick up his car?” Martinez said (LATimes)

                    “Why would he be refusing to speak with us? Why would he leave the hospital after he was asked to stay?" Martinez on Murray (LATimes)

                    Martinez said they knew where Dr. Murray was, but he was not answering police calls. "We knew where he was, we were tracking his cell phone"(ABC7)

                    Murray was tracked through his cellphone and found in Santa Monica. Detectives interviewed him two days after Jackson’s death. (LATimes) When interviewed Murray told Martinez he had spoken with AEG's people while at UCLA. (ABC7)

                    Murray wurde ermittelt durch sein Cellphone in Santa Monica. Die Ermittler befragten ihn 2 Tage nach Jacksons Tod. Als er Murray interviewte sagte er, er hat mit AEG-Leuen im UCLA gesprochen.

                    Putnam asked about all the times Martinez went to MJ's house over the months after MJ's death. Martinez confirmed he was there several times(ABC7)

                    Judge Palazuelos asked Martinez if the police had secured MJ's property. Martinez said MJ's house was secured from 2:30 pm PT until about midnight on the day MJ died. After midnight, the scene was not secured. After midnight, Martinez said, MJ's house was only secured by MJ's security team and family members could come and go freely. (ABC7)
                    Richter Palazuelos frragt Martinez ob die Polizei MJ`s Haus und Besitz gesichert habe. Martinez sagt MJ`s Haus wurde gesichert bis 2.30 pm bis Mitternacht an dem Tag wo MJ starb. Nach Mitternacht gab es keine Sicherung mehr. Es wurde nur von MJ`s Sicherheitspersonal gesichert und Familienmitglieder konnten frei ein- und ausgehen.

                    Putnam showed Martinez picture of the front door of MJ's house. The detective identified the entrance as the one he used to enter the property. Martinez said the house has 3 levels: 1st, 2nd, basement w/ movie theater, exercise room, wine cellar; all very clean and organized. (ABC7) Although the foyer of the Holmby Hills home was pristine — a lavish, open space with ornate gold frames — and the dining room boasted flowing white curtains around giant windows that allowed in streaming sunlight, the second floor presented a scene that was radically different (LATimes) Although the entryway was immaculate, the second floor — where Jackson had been found by paramedics earlier that morning — was a deep contrast.(LATimes)

                    Putnman zeigt Bilder vom Haus. Martinez beschrieb Zustand. Es gab einen radikalen Unterschieder zur 1. und 2. Etage. 1. Etage war strahlend, hell, mit Sonnenlicht durchflutet. 2. Etage wo Jackson gefunden wurde stand im Kontrast.

                    Next picture showed the second floor's master bedroom -- it was MJ’s master bedroom, but not the one he received treatment. There were a lot of papers on the floor, master bedroom was very messy. (ABC7) the master bedroom on the second floor was in disarray (LATimes) Jurors were shown photographs Thursday of messy, clothes-strewn second-floor bedroom (LATimes) Martinez said curtains were pulled and fireplace was on. (ABC7 & LATimes) Pictures of master bedroom showed papers on the floor, clothes hung, books piled, moving boxes. Hall to the closet covered with clothes. One of the many closets in the master bedroom was very disorganized, clothes and boxes all over the place, on the floor. Complete mess. Pictures showed the master bathroom also messy, clothes everywhere, boxes with stuff, shopping bags. (ABC7)
                    2. Etage wird näher beschrieben. Master-Bedroom war voller Papiere, Kleider lagen überall herum, es war alles in Unordnung..............

                    A portable rack was jammed with hangers of clothing. More clothes were strewn about the room, including on the rumpled bedspread. On a desk were stacks of what appeared to be DVDs and papers. Books lay in piles on the floor. Lining the hallway floor that led from the bedroom to the master closet and a bathroom were piles of clothes. Inside the closet was a globe, shopping bags, a dress form with a red coat trimmed in black, and cardboard boxes that overflowed with even more clothes. Papers were strewn about the star’s bathroom, which had another cardboard box stuffed with clothing. Bags and towels lay scattered about. Inside the inlaid marble bathtub were additional towels. Nearby sat fancy glass bottles filled with liquids.(LATimes)

                    Martinez said the room seemed messy but it didn't seem out of the ordinary. It was night and day compared to the rooms downstairs, he opined(ABC7)

                    On the 26th, Martinez got a search warrant to search the house since he had obtained more information in the investigation. (ABC7)

                    Martinez said that when he arrived, Jackson’s children and his brother Randy were at the home. He also saw three cars, including Murray’s BMW. (LATimes)

                    Am 26. bekam Martinez einen Durchsuchungsbefehl, um das Haus zu durchsuchen, da er weitere Informationen in der Untersuchung eingeholt hatte. (ABC7)

                    Martinez sagte, dass, als er ankam, Jacksons Kinder und sein Bruder Randy in der Wohnung waren. Er sah auch drei Autos, darunter Murrays BMW. (LATimes)

                    A search warrant and affidavit said that no adults besides Jackson were known to live at the location and that the staff was only allowed to be present on the ground floor. Martinez testified that the chef was allowed to leave food outside a door upstairs. (LATimes)
                    Eine Ermittlung ergab, dass keine Erwachsenen neben Jacksons am Ort lebten und dass das Personal nur im Erdgeschoss zugelassen wurde. Martinez sagte, dass der Koch Lebensmittel vor einer Tür im Obergeschoss abstellen durfte. (LATimes)

                    Search warrant: ...his staff was allowed to be present on the ground floor. No staff was allowed on the top floors. A chef, Kai Chase, was allowed to go upstairs to drop food off outside the door. (ABC7)

                    ... seine Mitarbeiter durften nur im Erdgeschoss sein. Kein Mitarbeiter wurde in den oberen Stockwerken erlaubt. Ein Koch, Kai Chase, durfte nach oben gehen, um Nahrung vor der Tür abzustellen. (ABC7)

                    Search warrant: During the course of the investigation, family members notified coroner that they had located luggage on the second floor (ABC7)
                    Während der Ermittlungen teilten Familienmitglieder und Gerichtsmediziner mit, dass sie Gepäck im 2. Flur gesehen haben.

                    Dr. Murray's attorneys called police for interview; lasted 2 1/2 hrs. Martinez said he learned facts that led him to believe this was criminal. Martinez said LAPD doesn't name people as suspects, but "It was common knowledge he (Dr. Murray) was a suspect." (ABC7)
                    Dr. Murrays Anwälte riefen die Polizei zum Interview; dauerte 2 1/2 Stunden. Martinez sagte, dass er Fakten lernte, die ihn glauben ließen, dass es etwas Krimminelles ist. Martinez sagte LAPD nennt Personen nicht als Verdächtige, aber "Es war allgemein bekannt, er (Dr. Murray) war ein Verdächtiger." (ABC7)

                    Based on information Murray provided, detectives obtained a search warrant and went back to Jackson’s rented Holmby Hills mansion on June 29 and looked for some medical bags the doctor said were kept on a closet shelf in the singer’s bedroom, Martinez said.(CNS)
                    Gestützt auf Informationen von Murray erhielten Detektive einen Durchsuchungsbefehl erhalten und gingen zurück zu gemieteten Holmby Jacksons Hügelvilla am 29. Juni und suchten einige medizinische Taschen die der Arzt sagte, wurden in einem Schrank Regal im Schlafzimmer des Sängers aufbewahrt, sagte Martinez. (CNS)

                    “This is (where) all that propofol (was), correct?,” Putnam asked. “Yes,” Martinez said. (CNS)
                    "Dies ist (wo), das Propofol (war), richtig?", Putnam gefragt. "Ja", sagte Martinez. (CNS)

                    Martinez said he first noticed the drug Propofol when he found a vial in Jackson's room. (ABC7) The detective said he had previously found a bottle of propofol lying on the floor near Jackson’s bed. Asked by Putnam if he knew anything about propofol at the time, Martinez replied affirmatively and added, “My next-door neighbor is a doctor.”(CNS) Martinez' neighbor is a doctor, he asked for help (ABC7)
                    Martinez sagte, dass er zum ersten Mal Medikament Propofol bemerkte als er eine Phiole gefunden in Jacksons Zimmer. (ABC7) Der Detektiv sagte, er habe zuvor eine Flasche Propofol auf dem Boden liegend in der Nähe von Jacksons Bett gesehen. Gefragt von Putnam, ob er etwas über Propofol wusste zu dem Zeitpunkt, Martinez antwortete bejahend und fügte hinzu: "Mein Nachbar ist ein Arzt." (CNS)

                    Martinez said he believes Dr. Murray's first orders of Propofol were in March 2009. They were shipped from Las Vegas to Santa Monica. Putnam asked Martinez about the medical equipments found at MJ's house: oxygen tanks, IV stand, ambu bag. "It was rented by Dr. Murray". Dr. Murray was the person who paid for the items, Martinez said. Dr. Murray also paid for all the Propofol orders. (ABC7)
                    Martinez sagte, er glaubt Dr. Murrays erste Aufträge von Propofol waren im März 2009. Sie wurden von Las Vegas nach Santa Monica ausgeliefert. Putnam fragte Martinez über das medizinische Geräte das in MJ Haus gefunden wurde: Sauerstoffflaschen, Infusionsständer, Ambu-bag. "Es wurde von Dr. Murray gemietet". Dr. Murray war die Person, die für die Einzelteile zahlte, sagte Martinez. Dr. Murray bezahlte auch für alle Bestellungen des Propofols. (ABC7)

                    Martinez said he first interviewed Katherine Jackson at the hospital. But six months later, he decided to go back to her and check out “some things regarding family meetings about addiction.” (AP) Martinez: Family had attempted several interventions, spoken with other sons about his possible problems with drugs. Martinez said he wrote that the family tried numerous interventions, but didn't know exactly how many. (ABC7)

                    Martinez has testified that Katherine Jackson told him the family had tried drug interventions for MJ, believing he was addicted to painkillers (AP).
                    Martinez hat ausgesagt, dass Katherine Jackson ihm gesagt habe, die Familie hatte medikamentöse Interventionen bei MJ versucht, weil sie glauben, er sei süchtig nach Schmerzmitteln(AP) .

                    Martinez: “Mrs. Jackson said the family tried to help him but he would have nothing to do with it,” Martinez said. “She had asked Michael if he was taking any drugs, and he denied it.”
                    Putnam: “What did Mrs. Jackson tell you?”
                    Putman: Was hat Mrs. Jackson Ihnen erzählt?
                    Martinez: “The family attempted several interventions. She had talked to her son about drugs herself. She said the efforts produced no results because he denied having a problem” (AP)
                    Martinze: Die Familie versuchte verschiedene Interventionen. Sie hat mit ihrem Sohn über Drogen gesprochen. Sie sagte die Bemühungen führten zu keinem Resultat weil er verneinte ein Problem zu haben."

                    But Katherine Jackson said her son refused any help, saying he didn't have a drug problem.
                    Putnam: Do you remember what Mrs. Jackson told you MJ said?
                    Martinez: That he denied having a problem (ABC7)

                    Martinez: "Mrs. Jackson stated the family attempted several times to help Michael, however he would have nothing to do with it." (ABC7)

                    Martinez said Mrs. Jackson thought MJ was taking drugs for back pain. The Detective thought his addition was to painkillers. (ABC7)
                    Martinze sagte Mrs Jackson dachte MJ würde Mittel wegen seiner Rückenschmerzen nehmen und wäre vielleicht abhänig geworden.

                    Martinez said Katherine Jackson told him she believed her son was taking medicine for back pain and might have become addicted. (AP)

                    Martinez wrote in a doc that Mrs. Jackson saw Dr. Murray at UCLA for the 1st time. She said she didn't know who he was until Michael's death (ABC7) She told him she had never met nor known about Dr. Conrad Murray until her son died. (LATimes) When asked if Mrs. Jackson had ever met Dr. Murray she stated that she had not and didn’t even know who he was until after Michael’s death.” (WENN)

                    AEG, also verified that Martinez wrote the following summary about that discussion:
                    AEG verifiziert das Martinez folgende Zusammenfassung über die Diskussion verfasste:

                    “Mrs. Jackson stated that she last spoke with Michael at his residence on Carolwood approximately one and a half weeks prior to his death. When asked if Mrs. Jackson had ever met Dr. Murray she stated that she had not and didn’t even know who he was until after Michael’s death. “Mrs. Jackson was asked if she or any other family members ever attempted to do an intervention with Michael as it relates to painkillers or any other drugs. She stated that there had been one attempted intervention at Neverland on behalf of Janet, however Michael didn’t want to participate. “Mrs. Jackson stated that she had been informed Michael had been taking drugs, however she had no idea which drugs, and she had never seen Michael take any drugs. Mrs. Jackson stated that the family attempted several times to help Michael however he would have nothing to do with it. She further stated that she had asked Michael if he was taking any drugs and Michael denied it.“When asked if Michael had any chronic medical conditions that she was aware of, Mrs. Jackson stated that he had problems sleeping and that his back frequently bothered him. She stated she thought the back pain was a result of falling off of a stage during a performance.” (LATimes)

                    "Mrs. Jackson erklärte, dass sie zuletzt mit Michael an seinem Wohnsitz auf Carolwood etwa eineinhalb Wochen vor seinem Tod sprach. Gefragt, ob Mrs. Jackson jemals Dr. Murray traf erklärte sie, dass sie es nicht tat und nicht einmal wusste, wer er war, erst nach Michaels Tod. "Mrs. Jackson wurde gefragt, ob sie oder andere Familienmitglieder jemals versucht haben, eine Intervention bei Michael zu tun, was Schmerzmittel oder andere Medikamente betrifft. Sie erklärte, es habe eine versuchter Intervention auf Neverland gegeben mit Hilfe von Janet, aber Michael wollte nicht teilnehmen. "Mrs. Jackson erklärte, dass sie informiert worden war Michael würde Drogen nehmen, aber sie hatte keine Ahnung, welche Medikamente, und sie hatte noch nie gesehen, das Michael keine Drogen nahm. Mrs. Jackson erklärte, dass die Familie mehrmals versuchte zu helfen, aber er würde Michael nichts damit zu tun haben wollen. Sie erklärte weiter, dass sie Michael fragte, ob er Drogen nahm und Michael leugnete es. "Gefragt, ob Michael chronischen Erkrankungen hatte, erklärte Mrs. Jackson, dass er Probleme hatte und nicht schlafen konnte, da sein Rücken ihm Probleme machte. Sie erklärte, sie dachte, die Rückenschmerzen warenein Ergebnis des Herabfallen von einer Bühne während einer Aufführung. "(LATimes)

                    Martinez did not interview Michael's children. Another detective did, but they chose not to get into the drug abuse line of questioning. (ABC7) Martinez said he also interviewed Jackson’s son Prince at the hospital. But his handwritten notes of that interview were not allowed in evidence because the interview was not recorded. (AP).
                    Martinez interviewte nicht Michaels Kinder. Ein weiterer Detektiv tat es, aber sie wollten nicht Befragungen zum Dorgenkonsum machen. (ABC7) Martinez sagte, dass er auch ein Interview mit Jacksons Sohn Prince im Krankenhaus gab. Aber seine handschriftlichen Notizen von diesem Interview sind nicht als Beweismittel zulässig, weil das Interview nicht aufgezeichnet wurde. (AP).

                    Putnam countered plaintiffs several documents highlighting Dr. Murray's financial distress by saying all the liens belonged to one house.
                    Puntman kontert die Darlegung der verschiedenen Dokumente über Murrays Finanzprobleme damit, dass er sagt sie beziehen sich alle auf ein Haus.

                    Putnam asked if Martinez knew if Dr. Murray's license to practice medicine had been suspended before June 25, 2009? He said no.
                    Putman fragt ob Martinez weiß das Murray`s Lizenzen zum Ausüben von Medizin vor dem 25. Juni 2009 irgendwo entzogen waren? Er sagt Nein.

                    Putnam: Did Dr. Murray's debts excuse him in anyway for what he did? Martinez: No
                    Putman: Entschuldigen Murrays Schulden ihn für irgendetwas was er tat? Martinez: Nein

                    Putnam asked Martinez if Dr. Murray being in financial trouble made him a suspect? He said no, it was the totality of the evidence (ABC7)
                    Putman fragt Martinze ob Dr. Murray finanzielle Probleme ihn verdächtig machten?
                    Er sagt nein, es war die Gesamt der Beweise.

                    Jackson re-direct

                    Panish said Dr. Murray's hospital privileges were suspended because he was late returning phone call while on duty & lack of record keeping (ABC7)
                    Panish sagt das Dr. Murray Krankenhausprivilegien wurden suspendiert weil er zu spät einen Anruf beantwortete (Notbereitschaft)

                    Panish accused AEG of implying Murray was a great doctor. "But that's not true, you found out that he had killed someone else" Panish asked. Putnam objected and Panish rephrased the statement, saying Martinez found out Dr. Murray was sued for wrongful death of another patient (ABC7)
                    Panish beschuldigt AEG, dass sie weiß machen Murray sei ein großer Arzt. "Aber das ist nicht war, sie fanden heraus, dass er jemand anders tötete" fragte Panish.
                    Putman erhebt Einspruch.
                    Panish formuliert Satz um in "verklagt wurde für den Tod eines anderen Patienten"

                    (Note: This could be the other patient they are talking about:
                    About seeing Mrs. Jackson and the kids at UCLA:
                    Martinez: distraught
                    Panish: Upset?
                    Martinez: Very (ABC7)

                    Martinez said Katherine Jackson did not have attorneys present when he interviewed her. She was cooperative and forthcoming. (ABC7)
                    Martinez sagt, Kathrine hatte keine Anwälte dabei als sie sie verhörte. Sie war kooperativ und zuvorkommend.

                    Panish : “Is there anywhere in the penal code that says if you have a messy room that’s against the law?” (LATimes) Martinez laughed and said no.(ABC7)
                    Panish: " Gib es einen Geseztescode, der besagt ein unordentlicher Raum ist strafbar? Martinez lacht und sagt. Nein

                    As to the moving boxes, Panish asked Martinez if he knew MJ was planning to go to England the first week of July. He said yes. (ABC7)
                    Über die Umzugskartons, Panish fragt Martinez ob er wusste das MJ plant nach England zu gehen im Juli. Er sagt: Ja.

                    Panish: have you changed your mind?
                    Panish: Haben sie ihre Meinung geändert?
                    Martinez: Did not change my mind that Dr. Murray's financial distress was the reason for his actions.(ABC7)
                    Martinez: Ich habe meine Meinung nicht geändert, dass ich glaube, dass seine Finanzen der Grund für seine Handlungen waren.

                    AEG re-cross

                    Putnam asked if anyone at AEG ever refused to speak with police or produce documents, and Martinez said no. They gave police one email (ABC7)
                    Putman fragt, ob irgendjemand von AEG verweigert habe mit der Polizei zu reden oder Dokukumente zu zeigen und Martinez sagte . Nein. Sie gaben der Polizei ein EMail

                    Putnam noted that the person who died under Dr. Murray's care died of natural causes and no lawsuit was filed. Marinez said he was wrong.(ABC7)
                    Putman sagt die Person, die unter Dr. Murray starb, verstarb eines natürlichen Todes und keine Klage wurde erhoben. Martinez sagt, er habe sich geirrt.

                    Putnam asked Martinez what was his suspicion. For that amount of money he wondered if Murray would bend rules to be the 1 getting the money (ABC7)

                    Putnam: the suspicion wasn't about the source of that money, AEG Live?
                    Martinez: It didn't matter to our investigation (ABC7)

                    Martinez bestätigt, dass das Geld keine Rolle in ihren Ermittlungen spielte

                    Jackson re-direct

                    "Did you change your mind that his financial problems were the motive 4 what he did to bend the rules?" Panish asked. "No," Martinez replied (ABC7)

                    Jackson-Anwalt bringt Martinez nochmals dazu zu sagen, dass er glaubt Finanzprobleme seien Motiv für Murrays Handeln gewesen.


                    Martinez was excused subject to recall in case defendants want to put him on the stand again. (ABC7)

                    No court tomorrow Friday May 3, 2013. Jacksons told the judge toxicologist Mr. Anderson and coroner Dr. Rogers are expected to testify on Monday.(ABC7)

                    Kein Gericht am Freitag. Toxikologe Anderson und Gerichtsmediziner Rogers werden die nächsten Zeugen der Jacksons sein.
                    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 03.05.2013, 11:35.


                    • #11
                      Hier sind noch einige Entscheidungen zu Anträgen beider Seiten , bzw. auch zum Estate-Antrag, die kurz vor Prozessbeginn gestellt wurden.

                      May 5th updates

                      Appeal notice

                      Case summary was showing this “04/26/2013 Notice of Appeal Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner” but we did not have any information.

                      The added documents show that this appeal is filed by Katherine Jackson and it’s about judge’s decision to dismiss the complaint against AEG Inc. and Tim Leiweke. In other words Katherine’s lawyers are asking the Appellate court to reverse the judge’s order of dismissing the complaint against AEG Inc and its CEO.

                      Updates to this appeal can be followed from this link :


                      MJ Estate’s motion to seal medical record

                      Estate’s motion to seal medical records is denied and the medical records are ordered to get unsealed.
                      Estate Antrag zur Versiegelung von medizinischen Aufzeichnungen wurde verweigert und die medizinischen Unterlagen sind bestellt, um entsiegelt zu werden.

                      Judge’s reasons for denying the motion to seal medical records include: court records being presumed public, public’s right of access to information, both Katherine and AEG stating they will be relying on medical records, how Michael’s medical history is the main issue in this trial, parties right to fair trial and how it would be impractical to close down the courtroom to public when medical information is presented.

                      Richterin begründet die Entscheidung damit, das Gerichtsaufzeichnungen öffentlich werden, Öffentlichkeitsrecht auf Information, beide Kathrine und AEG bestätigen sie werden sich auf die medizin. Akten berufen, wie seine medízin. Historie war, dies sei ein Hauptteil des Prozesses. Es wäre unpraktisch wenn sie die Gerichtstüren schließen für die Öffentlichkeit wenn die medizin. Akten präsentiert werden.

                      The same day of this ruling Estate has filed a second amended notice of motion to seal which would be heard August 16, 2013.
                      Am gleichen Tag der Entscheidung hat der Estate eine 2. Fassung/Antrag eingereicht bezgl. Versiegelung welche am 16 August gehört wird
                      (verstehe ich nicht ganz was dies noch bringen kann, da dann ja schon alles öffentlich ist?)


                      Redaction decision

                      Gericht entscheidet zu schwärzen die persönl. E-Mail-Adresen, Telefonnummer, Bank-Accounts der hier benannten Personen
                      Judge decided to redact:
                      - Gongaware’s personal email
                      - Kathy Jorrie’s personal phone number
                      - Nanny Grace’s social security and bank account number

                      Bei den Gehaltsinformatione zu TII Namen von Sänger, Tänzern und Bühnenarbeiter werden geschwärzt
                      Andere Namen Tour-Personal (Namen und Gehälter werden nicht geschwärzt)

                      - In TII salary information:
                      ------ Names of the musicians, dancers and stagehands will be redacted
                      ------ Other tour professionals (names and salaries) will not be redacted.


                      AEG's motion to preclude Katherine's past due discovery
                      Entscheidungen zu AEG-Anträgen letzte Ermittlungen auszuschließen

                      AEG had filed a motion to preclude some last minute submissions and additions done by Katherine. You can read the details here:

                      This is judge’s decisions

                      1. Late produced documents: AEG’s motion is denied and Katherine can use these late produced documents which consist of family pictures, videos and handwritten notes of Michael.
                      AEG-Antrag verneint Kathrine kann die letzten eingereichten Dokumente verwenden, Familienfotos, Videos, handschriftliche Notizen

                      2. Late identified witnesses
                      Die letzten benannten Zeugen

                      AEG’s motion to exclude Tom Mesereau and Sharon Osbourne is denied however the Judge said AEG can depose them before they take the stand to testify.
                      AEG`s Antrag T. Meserau und Sharon Osbourne auszuschließen ist verneint.
                      Gericht sagt AEG kann sie vorab vernehmen bevor sie in den Stand gehen.

                      Court is also allowing the 14 additional names on Katherine’s witness list.
                      Gericht erlaubt auch die weiteren 14 Namen die Kathrine zuletzt noch als Zeugen hinzufügte.

                      3. Late identified and improper designation of William Ackerman

                      Jacksons withdrew their request to cross list Ackerman as a fraud expert.
                      Jacksons zogen einen Antrag zur Listung von Ackermann als Betrugsexperten selbst zurück (eigentich Experte für AEG)

                      4. Katherine's improper non-retained experts should be excluded

                      Judge states witness listings such as “Entire LA coroner office” is improper and ordered to be corrected.
                      Gericht sagt das Kathrines Listungen wie ganzes LA-Coroner-Büro unangemessen sist und korregiert werden müsse

                      4. Late requests from MJ Estate

                      January 2013 Katherine's lawyers filed a request from MJ Estate asked Estate to give them documents from AllGood and Lloyds lawsuits. Judge states that AEG has no standing to oppose to late requests from MJ Estate. Judge states both parties can request documents from MJ Estate.

                      Kathrines Anwälte hatte im Januar 2013 MJ-Estate angefragt ihnen Dokumente von AllGood und Llodyds-Klage zu geben. Gericht sagt AEG hat kein Recht Anfrage an den Estate abzulehnen. Beide Parteien können Anfragen an den Estate richten.


                      Request about Lloyd’s depositions

                      Katherine’s lawyers also served AEG with a request for all deposition transcripts and discovery and responses at Lloyds lawsuit on April 15. AEG is citing protective order on that case and refusing to turn those over to the Jacksons. No ruling posted on the online court system yet.

                      Hier noch keine Entscheidung. Betrifft Anfrage an AEG vom 15. April bezgl Dokumente LLoyds-Klage


                      Rulings on motions in limine

                      Most of these motions were filed conditionally under seal so in most instances it’s impossible to tell what the main arguments are.

                      Judge starts both ruling stating that whether Murray was hired by AEG or not is a question for the jury to decide and therefore experts cannot provide an opinion that Murray was hired by AEG but they can answer hypothetical questions that assume Murray was hired by AEG.

                      AEG’s motion in limine

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Wohlgelernter (opinion 2) - Denied

                      Judge says Jacksons expert can testify that the equipment request by Murray was unconventional (red flag) for a 50 year old man with no heart disease. Judge says AEG’s expert can argue that the equipment request was for dehydration. Judge points out the jury will decide on what the reason for the equipment was and what AEG known or should have known about the request.

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Schnoll – Denied in part, granted in part

                      Granted in regards to opinions 1, 3, 14 : Jacksons withdrew opinions that “it was common knowledge that MJ had drug problems” and “AEG knew MJ had insomnia”. The opinion of “AEG’s choice of Murray killed MJ” is excluded as it’s argumentative.

                      “Murray was in a conflict of interest that lead to poor decisions as it concerns treatment for narcotics addiction” is permissible.

                      Denied as to opinions 2 and 4-13 : AEG’s opposition is based on the fact that Dr. Schnoll’s opinions are based on his assumptions such as “AEG knew MJ had [lexicon]Trouble[/lexicon] sleeping”. Judge states this is not a reason to exclude these opinions and AEG can attack the foundation of such opinions during testimony.

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Shimelman – Denied in part, granted in part

                      Denied as to opinions 1, 3-7, 9-12: As in the case of Dr. Schnoll these opinions are based on assumptions and again the judge points out AEG can attack the foundation of such opinions during testimony.

                      Granted in regards to opinions 2 and 8: Jacksons withdrew opinion 2. Judge excluded “ AEG was the only entity that could stop MJ’s addictions” as it’s pure speculation.

                      Judge also points out that Dr.Shimelman’s testimony is repetitive of Dr. Schnoll’s testimony in many points and expects that Jacksons will tailor their questions to these experts so it won’t be repetitive.

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Czeisler – Denied in part, granted in part

                      Denied as to opinion numbers 1-6 and 8
                      Granted as to opinion numbers 7 and 9
                      (No explanation given on judge’s ruling as what these opinions are)

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Arthur Erk– Denied in part, granted in part

                      Granted only as to the Tier 2 damages except future tours and royalty bump (which are permitted).

                      Court agrees with AEG that speculative damages are not allowed and this is [lexicon]Why[/lexicon] most of the items in Tier 2 such as amusement parks etc are excluded.

                      Judge says as MJ in the past participated in endorsement deals, clothing lines and movies, doing these in the future are considered as potential loss of income and not as “speculative”. Judge states that AEG can point out MJ’s failed endeavors in the past in their cross examination.

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Peter Formuzis– Denied in part, granted in part

                      Denied as to present value calculations, granted as only the opinions about future lost earnings and earnings capacity.

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Jean Seawright– Denied in part, granted in part

                      Granted as to the opinions that “AEG hired Murray” or “AEG was careless in their supervision of Murray “as it’s argumentative and a decision for jury. Denied as to human resources practices and standards.

                      Exclude Jacksons expert David Berman– Denied in part, granted in part

                      Granted as to the opinions that “AEG hired Murray”, “AEG put the tour happening over and above health of MJ” and also Berman’s opinions about who – AEG personnel or others – are credible or not. All of these are argumentative and is a question for the jury to decide.

                      Denied as to music artists management and relationships. Judge states Berman’s opinions based on his “common sense” is okay as long as they also rely on his 44 year experience in music industry.

                      Exclude Jacksons expert Dr. Matheson– Denied in part, granted in part

                      Granted as to the opinions that “AEG hired Murray” and “conflict of interest caused MJ’s death or was a substantial factor in MJ’s death” as they are argumentative and is a decision for jury.

                      Denied as to the opinions of ethics and conflict of interest among a physician (Murray), patient(MJ) and a third party(AEG). AEG had tried to exclude Dr. Matheson saying that he was a sports medicine expert and not a tour doctor. Judge finds out that Dr. Matheson’s expertise about doctor, athlete and coach/team owner is relevant and comparable to this situation.

                      Jackson’s motion in limine
                      Entscheidungen zu Anträgen von den Jacksons

                      Exclude AEGs expert Eric Briggs – Denied in part, granted in part
                      Ausschluss von AEG-Experten Ercic Briggs

                      Granted as to the income / value of MJ Estate and its effect on damages. Jacksons also agreed that they will not introduce post-death increase in the value of MJ Estate and argue that the increase is an indicator of MJ’s earnings had he lived.
                      Zugestimmt bzgl. Einkommen/Wert vom MJ Estate ein Effekt vom Schaden ist. Die Jacksons stimmten zu, dass sie nicht einbeziehn posthumen Anwachs im Wert des MJ-Estates und argumentieren das das Wachstum ein Indikator für seine Verdienste ist, wenn er leben würde.

                      Denied as to MJ’s future earning potential – media/ entertainment rights.
                      Abgelehnt in Bezug auf MJ`s zukünftiges Verdienstpotzenzial (also hierzu ist der Experte erlaubt)

                      Exclude AEGs expert William Ackerman – Denied in part, granted in part
                      Ausschluss vom AEG-Experten Ackermann

                      Granted as to the amount Jacksons receive from MJ Estate including TII film proceeds.
                      Zugestimmt in Bezug auf das was Jacksons erhalten vom MJ Estate einbezogen TII-Film-Prozente

                      Denied as to MJ’s debts as MJ’s financial condition at the time of his death has relevance to his future earnings potential.
                      Abgelehnt in Bezug auch MJ`s Schulden, seine finanzielle Situation zum Todeszeitpunkt, da dies relevant ist für zukünftiges Verdienstpotzenzial

                      Exclude AEGs expert Arnold Dicke – Denied
                      Abgelehnt der Ausschluss von AEG-Experte Arnodl Dicke

                      Dicke – an actuarial- has said he cannot testify to the exact number of years MJ would have lived however the judge has ruled that he can testify to a range of years, a general opinion of life expectancy and any deviation from standard life expectancy tables.

                      Exclude inquiry of business dealings and personal life of Jacksons experts Barry Nadell - Denied

                      Judge states Nadell has many other business and AEG can explore the amount of time – if any- Nadell actually spends on his background investigation business. Furthermore judge states Nadell’s testimony in which he said he didn’t realize his facebook was public implicates credibility and expertise in background investigations.

                      Exclude AEGs expert Rhoma Young – Denied in part, granted in part
                      Ausschluss von AEG Experte Young

                      Granted as to the opinion of “Murray was not hired”
                      Zugestimmt in Bezug auf Meinung "Murray wurde nicht angestellt"

                      Denied as to the opinion that “negotiations for an independent contractor” (more about this below).

                      Ausschluss verweigert zu der Auffassung"die Verhandlungen über einen unabhängigen Auftragnehmer" (mehr dazu unten).


                      Independent contractor versus Employee
                      Unabhängige Auftragnehmer gegen Arbeitnehmer

                      AEG and Jacksons were having disagreements about in regards to independent contractor and employee. They asked Judge for a clarification.
                      AEG und Jacksons hatten Meinungsverschiedenheiten in Bezug auf selbstständiger Unternehmer und Arbeitnehmer. Sie fragten Richter für eine Klarstellung.

                      AEG claims as the judge has dismissed the respondeat superior, court found that Murray was an independent contractor and not an employee.

                      AEG behauptet, als der Richter das übergeordnete Gericht ablehnte, das Gericht feststellte, dass Murray ein selbstständiger Unternehmer und kein Angestellter war.

                      Jackson’s disagree and say that court’s ruling did not establish any facts and Jackson’s can argue to the jury that Murray was AEG’s employee.
                      Jacksons widersprechen und sagen, dass dies Gerichtsentscheidung nicht nachgewiesen habe und die Jacksons gegenüber der Jury argumentieren können, dass Murray AEG Mitarbeiter war.

                      Judge responds to clarification as it follows :
                      Gericht antwortert zur Klärung

                      "Plaintiffs (Jacksons) asked for clarification that the court found Murray was “as a matter of law” not an employee”. The court finds that based on evidence presented at summary judgment that it is the “law of the case” Murray (assuming he was hired) was an independent contractor and not an employee. This is so because the court summarily adjudicated Plaintiffs (Jacksons) respondeat superior claim/ theory in favor of Defendants (AEG)”
                      "Die Kläger (Jacksons) erfragten die Klarstellung, ob das Gericht festgestellt hat Murray sei in gesetzlicher Hinsicht "nicht Angestellter". Das Gericht stellt fest, dass auf Beweismittel im summarischen Verfahren vorgestellt, dass es "Gesetz vom Fall" ist das Murray (unter der Annahme das er angeheuert wurde) er ein selbstständiger Unternehmer war und kein Angestellter. Dies ist so, weil das Gericht auf die antwortende Behautpung/Theorie der Kläger (Jacksons) zugunsten der Beklagten (AEG) entschieden hat."

                      Quelle Ivy, MJJC


                      “I shall make company with creators, with harvesters, with celebrants!”
                      … so cries Zarathustra, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s prophetic protagonist in his most esoteric philosophical work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.1

                      The July 2010 issue of Yeti Magazine includes a series of photographs taken on tour by Dean Wareham of pop duo Dean & Britta. Among them is a snap of a French newsstand, where Michael Jackson and Friedrich Nietzsche sat side by side on neighboring magazine covers:

                      In his description of the photograph, Wareham went on to imagine a conversation between the two thinkers, sharing the finer points of dancing and the inner child:

                      In seiner Beschreibung des Fotos fuhr Wareham fort sich ein Gespräch zwischen den beiden Denker vorzustellen ,die Feinheiten des Tanzes und das inneren Kind teilen:

                      FN: Be on your guard against the learned! They hate you; for they are unfruitful.
                      FN: Sei auf der Hut vor dem Gelernten! Sie hassen Dich, Sie sind unfruchtbar!
                      MJ: Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.
                      MJ: Lügen rennen Sprints, aber die Wahrheit rennt Marathon.
                      FN: In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.
                      FN: In jedem wahren Man ist ein Kind versteckt, dass spielen möchte.
                      MJ: There’s a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day but there’s no Children’s Day. It would mean a lot. World peace.
                      MJ: Es gibt einen Muttertag und einen Vatertag, aber es gibt keinen Kindertag. Es würde viel bedeuten. Weltfriede.
                      FN: I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance.2
                      FN: Ich würde nur in einen Gott glauben, der weiß wie man tanzen kann.

                      Charming, yes, but I believe this comparison runs much deeper than that, into a juxtaposition of two historical figures that is entirely natural and extremely rich. In this article, I will endeavor to delve further into these imagined cahoots between the King of Pop and Nietzsche.
                      Charmant, ja, aber ich glaube, dieser Vergleich läuft viel tiefer als das, in einer Gegenüberstellung der beiden historischen Figuren, die ganz natürlich und sehr reich ist . In diesem Artikel werde ich mich bemühen mich eingehender mit diesen bildhaften Vergleich zwischen dem King of Pop und Nietzsche befassen .

                      The character of my fondness for Michael Jackson and Friedrich Nietzsche is very similar. Despite both of these men being extremely influential and leaving behind highly celebrated bodies of work, they are also both often considered tragic cases on the historical stage. They were driven to obsessive heights, if not madness, by their devotion to their craft and their vision for the world. Yet I have never looked upon either of them with anything short of deep respect. Even in their tragedy, these men are beautiful to me. I hope to expand upon this fictional dialogue, and attempt to reveal two visionaries reaching out to one another from across historical eras and spheres of influence. In the act of aligning these two boldly trailblazing artists, I hope to lend an admirable and rich philosophy to a pop star, and to lend the romance and marvel of pop to the life’s work of a philosopher.
                      Der Charakter von meiner Vorliebe für Michael Jackson und Friedrich Nietzsche ist sehr ähnlich. Obwohl diese beiden Männerextrem einflussreich waren und gefeierte Arbeiten hinterließen sind sie auch beide oft tragische Fälle auf der historischen Bühne . Sie wurden in obsessive Höhen getrieben , wenn nicht Wahnsinn , durch ihre Hingabe an ihr Handwerk und ihre Vision für die Welt. Aber ich habe noch nie bei einer von ihnen mit etwas kurzen tiefen Respekt betrachtet . Selbst in ihrer Tragik sind diese Männer schön für mich . Ich hoffe diesem fiktiven Dialog zu erweitern, und versuche, zwei Visionäre Annäherungen zueinander von über historische Epochen und Einflusssphären zu offenbaren. Im Akt der Ausrichtung dieser beiden kühnen wegweisende Künstler , ich hoffe, eine bewundernswerte und reiche Philosophie zu einem Popstar zu verleihen, und die Romantik und die Wunder des Pop zu dem Lebenswerk eines Philosophen.

                      Nietzsche was no stranger to the virtues of music. Among his most oft-quoted words are: “Life without music would be an error,” and “I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more to be than a good dancer”.3 Nietzsche, from his earliest writings, considered himself a disciple of Dionysus, the ancient Greek God of pleasure. To Nietzsche, Dionysus symbolized everything ecstatic, exuberant, and rich with life. “In the Dionysian symbol,” he wrote, “there is attained the extreme limit of affirmation.” He adored art which embodied this attitude, principally music, which speaks to the emotions on a particularly instinctual level. Perhaps due to this fact, Nietzsche himself attached a great deal of personal importance to his own musical compositions.
                      Nietzsche war kein Fremder für Tugenden der Musik. Zu seinen oft zitierten Worte gehört : "Das Leben ohne Musik wäre ein Irrtum", und " Ich wüsste nicht , was der Geist eines Philosophen vielleicht mehr will als ein guter Tänzer sein " .3 Nietzsche , von seinen frühesten Schriften , hielt sich als ein Jünger des Dionysos , der antiken griechischen Gott der Freude. Für Nietzsche symbolisierte Dionysos alles ekstatische , üppig, reich mit dem Leben. " Im Dionysian Symbol ", schrieb er , "es ist die äußerste Grenze der Bejahung erreicht . " Er liebte Kunst, die diese Haltung unterstrich , vor allem Musik, die motionen auf einer instinktiven Ebene anspricht . Vielleicht aufgrund dieser Tatsache betrachtete Nietzsche selbst eine große persönliche Bedeutung für seine eigene musikalische Kompositionen.

                      Though considered to be mediocre at best as a composer, he was extremely concerned with the public’s reception of his work. In a letter to his friend Peter Gast in 1882 regarding his orchestral piece “Hymn to Life”, he wrote: “This time, ‘music’ is coming to you. I would hope that I have made a song that could be performed publicly — in order to seduce people to my philosophy”.4 As a musician himself, Nietzsche recognized music’s particular magic, and saw it as a complement to his philosophy which could expand his public influence.

                      Obwohl betrachtet bestenfalls als mittelmäßger Komponist war er sehr besorgt über die öffentliche Rezeption seines Werkes. In einem Brief an seinen Freund Peter Gast 1882 über seine Orchesterstück " Hymne an das Leben " , schrieb er: " Dieses Mal kommt 'Music' zu dir. Ich hoffe , dass ich ein Lied gemacht habe, das öffentlich aufgeführt werden kann - um die Menschen zu verführen, meine Philosophie " .4 Als Musiker selbst , erkannte Nietzsche die besondere Magie von Musik, und sah es als eine Ergänzung zu seiner Philosophie , die seineöffentlichen Einfluss erweitern könnte.

                      While Nietzsche, the frustrated composer, never received much respect for his music, he did create something else relatively seductive: a piece of writing that is much closer to poetry or music than it is to analytic philosophy. It is Thus Spoke Zarathustra, perhaps his most popular yet most puzzling work of philosophy, composed between 1883 and 1885. It reads like a work of literature, telling the story of a solitary prophet named Zarathustra who emerges from his seclusion to spread his wisdom. Through a series of parables, Nietzsche leads us on a densely symbolic and ecstatic tour of his philosophical views which stands in contrast to his other work; despite his proclivity to speak in aphorisms (Beyond Good and Evil, Twilight of the Idols), Nietzsche’s canon arguably consists of relatively linear works of philosophy. Nowhere else do we find an extended metaphorical narrative within his work akin to Zarathustra. We’ll call Zarathustra, for our purposes here, Nietzsche’s closest approximation to a pop song. It is with a focus on Zarathustra that I begin his comparison with Michael Jackson — with artist speaking to artist, both expressing their philosophies with all the grace and mystique of a great dancer, through shared virtue and shared tragedy.

                      Während Nietzsche , der frustrierte Komponist nie viel Respekt für seine Musik erhielg , schuf er etwas anderes relativ verführerisches : ein Schriftstück , das viel näher an Poesie oder Musik ist , als das es sich um die analytische Philosophie handelt. Es ist "Also sprach Zarathustra" , vielleicht sein populärstes und doch rätselhaftestes Werk der Philosophie , zwischen 1883 und 1885 zusammen. Es liest sich wie ein Werk der Literatur und erzählt die Geschichte eines einsamen Propheten namens Zarathustra , der von seiner Abgeschiedenheit auftaucht , um seine Weisheit zu verbreiten. Durch eine Reihe von Gleichnissen , führt Nietzsche uns auf einem dicht symbolischen und ekstatischen Tour durch seine philosophischen Ansichten , die im Gegensatz zu seinen anderen Arbeiten steht ; trotz seiner Neigung, in Aphorismen ( Jenseits von Gut und Böse, Götzen-Dämmerung ) , Nietzsches Kanon sprechen wohl aus relativ linear Werke der Philosophie . Nirgendwo sonst finden wir eine erweiterte metaphorische Erzählung in seine Arbeit verwandt Zarathustra . Wir rufen Zarathustra , für unsere Zwecke hier , Nietzsche engste Annäherung an einen Popsong . Es ist mit einem Fokus auf Zarathustra , dass ich seinem Vergleich mit Michael Jackson beginne - mit dem Künstler zu Künstler sprechend, beide drücken ihre Philosophien mit der Grazie und Mystik einer großen Tänzers aus , beide verbindet Tugend und Tragödie
                      Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 01.09.2013, 11:23.


                      • #12
                        The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Erste Zeugen für die Jacksons

                        5. Mai 2013

                        Die erste Woche im Zivilprozess der Jacksons gegen AEG Live liegt hinter uns. Die Anwälte der Jackson Familie sind als erstes an der Reihe, ihre Zeugen aufzurufen. Diese Woche wurden als erstes Richard Seneff, der Rettungssanitäter, der am 25. Juni 2009 auf den 911 Notruf geantwortet hatte und vor Ort erschien, und anschliessend Orlando Martinez vom Los Angeles Police Department (“LAPD”), der für die Untersuchung von Michael Jacksons Tod verantwortlich war, befragt. Die Aussage von Richard Seneff war inhaltlich identisch mit derjenigen, die er im Strafprozess gegen Conrad Murray machte. So betonte er auch dieses Mal, dass er zuerst gedacht hatte, dass es sich bei diesem Mann (anfangs wusste er noch nicht, dass es sich um Michael Jackson handelte), um jemanden handelte, der im Endstadium einer langen schweren Krankheit war. Umso erstaunter war er dann, als Murray ihm vor Ort sagte, “Nein, nein, das ist gerade erst passiert.” Murray schien “ausser sich”, als er Michael Jackson betreute. “Er war bleich, er schwitzte, er war sehr geschäftig,” so Seneff über Murray. Als er Murray fragte, ob Michael Jackson irgendwelche Medikamente einnahm, verneinte Murray dies; Murray verschwieg auch, wie wir aus dem Strafprozess nur zu gut wissen, dass Propofol im Spiel war. Seneff wiederholte auch, dass Michael Jackson nicht geatmet hatte und es schien, als ob er tot gewesen sei. Die Jackson Anwälte wollten damit zeigen, dass AEG realisiert haben sollte, wie zerbrechlich Michael Jacksons Gesundheitszustand war.

                        Im Rahmen der zweiten Zeugenbefragung hatte LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez u.a. Aussagen zu diversen Gerichts- und Kreditakten gemacht, die zeigten, dass Murray im 2009 mindestens USD 1 Mio. Schulden hatte, einschliesslich Steuerschulden, Kreditausfälle, unbezahlte Kinderunterhaltszahlungen (Murray hat acht Kinder von sieben Frauen). Murray war auch in Verzug für sechs Monatsraten für seine Hypothek. Hinzu kam, dass sein Haus in Las Vegas, das er für USD 1.6 Mio gekauft hatte, im 2009 nur noch ca. USD 1 Mio. Wert hatte und aufgrund seiner zahlreichen Schulden und Zahlungsverzüge eine Pfändung bevorstand. Auch für seine Arztpraxis wurde er zur Räumung gezwungen. Zum Zeitpunkt, als er die Gelegenheit hatte, Michael Jacksons persönlicher Arzt zu werden, überstiegen seine monatlichen Ausgaben seine Einnahmen um USD 2’700. Als AEG Live und er sich vertraglich auf ein Monatssalär von USD 150’000 geeinigt hatten, sah die Welt für Conrad Murray plötzlich sehr viel rosiger aus. Entsprechend folgerte Martinez, dass diese grosszügige Salärvereinbarung Anreiz genug war für Murray, “die Regeln zu verletzen, zu beugen, alles zu tun, was in seiner Macht stand, um bezahlt zu werden.” Die Anwälte der Jacksons behaupten, dass AEG mindestens eine Bonitätsprüfung von Murray hätten machen können, bevor sie ihm die Verantwortung übertrugen, für Michael Jackson zu sorgen. Es hätte ein riesen Warnsignal dafür sein sollen, dass ihm seine Lohnzahlungen wichtiger waren als sein hippokratischer Eid. Martinez wurde auch zur Untersuchung von Murrays BMW, vier Tage nach Michael Jacksons Tod, befragt. Darin fand die Polizei einen Vertrag zwischen AEG Live und Conrad Murray, wonach dieser USD 150’000 pro Monat für seine Dienste als persönlicher Arzt von Michael Jackson erhalten würde. Zusammen mit dem Vertrag wurde eine Visitenkarte von AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips und eine Natelnummer gefunden. Zudem wurde im Verlauf der Befragung von Orlando Martinez aufgedeckt, dass Conrad Murray während den 10 Jahren vor Michael Jacksons Tod dreimal von Spitälern suspendiert worden war. Einmal, weil er nicht sofort auf einen Anruf reagiert, als er Dienst hatte. In den anderen beiden Fällen, weil er die Vorschriften betr. Aufzeichnungen im Rahmen der Patientenbetreuung nicht eingehalten hatte. Ferner hatte ein Mann in Las Vegas nach dem Tod von Michael Jackson das LAPD angerufen und gesagt, er denke, Murrays Fahrlässigkeit sei auch für den Tod seines Vaters verantwortlich gewesen. Eine Klage gegen Murray habe er damals nicht eingereicht, weil das Recht in Nevada eine Klage wegen ärztlichen Kunstfehlers nicht einfach machte. Die Anwälte von AEG legten im Kreuzverhör das Dokument des damaligen Gerichtsmediziners vor, das in jenem Fall als Todesursache natürliches Herzversagen aufzeigte. Entscheidend für die Jackson Anwälte sei mit diesen Aussagen jedoch die Folgerung, dass AEG Live bei einer Hintergrundüberprüfung von Conrad Murray diese zahlreichen Warnsignale gesehen hätte. Was lief diese Woche sonst noch ab? Die vorsitzende Richterin entschied, dass jeweils nur ein weiteres Mitglied der Jackson Familie neben Mutter Katherine im Gerichtssaal anwesend sein darf und dies auch nur, wenn Katherine Jackson selbst anwesend ist. Grund dafür war ein entsprechender Antrag von AEG, der zum Inhalt hatte, dass keine weiteren Familienmitglieder ausser Katherine dem Prozess beiwohnen dürften, da mit der Ausnahme von Marlon, alle Jackson Geschwister auf der Zeugenliste von AEG stehen und andere Zeugenaussagen sie somit entsprechend beeinflussen könnten. Brian Panish, Anwalt für die Jacksons, konnte dann immerhin durchbringen, dass mindestes ein Sohn oder eine Tochter ihrer 82-jährige Mutter beistehen dürfen. AEG will, so hatte deren Anwalt im Eröffnungsplädoyer Anfang Woche klar gemacht, die Geschwister von Michael zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in den Zeugenstand rufen, damit diese darüber aussagen können, wie sie verschiedene Interventionen betreffend Michaels Medikamentensucht veranlasst hatten, diese aber allesamt gescheitert seien. Ebenso sollen die Geschwister aussagen, dass sie nicht wussten, was genau mit Michael vorging. Dies soll AEGs Position stärken, dass wenn schon seine eigene Familie unwissend gewesen sei und Michael sie täuschen konnte und vorgab, dass alles in Ordnung gewesen sei, wie soll es dann AEG möglich gewesen sein, über Michaels Medikamentensucht informiert gewesen zu sein. Nächste Woche wollen die Jackson Anwälte als erstes den Gerichtsmediziner, der Michael Jacksons Leiche untersucht hatte, in den Zeugenstand rufen.


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                        The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 2. Teil

                        7. Mai 2013

                        Gestern befragten die Jackson Anwälte zwei weitere Zeugen, die ebenfalls beide bereits im Strafprozess gegen Conrad Murray ausgesagt hatten. Nachstehend die wichtigsten Aussagen. Als erstes wurde Dan Anderson, der gerichtsmedizinische Toxikologe, befragt. Er bestätigte, dass die Menge an Propofol in Michael Jacksons Körper der verabreichten Menge bei einer Narkose für einen grösseren operativen Eingriff entsprach. Zudem sagte Anderson aus, dass es sich bei Propofol um ein gefährliches Arzneimittel handelt, wenn es nicht sachgerecht eingesetzt verabreicht und wird. Als zweiter Zeuge wurde Gerichtsmediziner Dr. Christopher Rogers zu seinem Autopsiebericht befragt. Seine Aussage deckte sich weitgehend mit seiner Aussage im Conrad Murray Prozess. Wichtig für die Jackson Anwälte war neu die Bestätigung, dass Michael Jackson gemäss Autopsiebericht an Vitiligo gelitten hatte, auch wenn dies keinen direkten Bezug zur Art und Weise, wie Michael Jackson verstorben ist, hat. Ferner bestätigte Dr. Rogers, dass wenn Michael Jackson nicht an Propofol gestorben wäre, sein Gesundheitszustand gut genug gewesen wäre, um eine normale Lebensdauer zu erreichen. Mit anderen Worten, es gab keine Hinweise, die auf einen frühzeitigen Tod hinweisen würden. Es gab auch keine Anzeichen, dass Michael Jackson krank oder von intravenösen Drogen abhängig war (keine Nadeleinstiche). Diese Aussagen sind wichtig, wenn die Geschworenen am Ende des Prozesses die Verantwortung von AEG Live im Rahmen von Michael Jackson Tod bejahen und es anschliessend darum geht, die Schadenssumme (inkl. entgangenem Gewinn für künftige
                        Einkünfte) von AEG Live an die Jacksons zu berechnen. Die Zeugenbefragung von Dr. Rogers wird heute fortgesetzt. Anschliessend steht der Kardiologe, Dr. Daniel Wohgeternter, auf der Zeugenliste der Jacksons. Dieser soll sich als Experte zu Conrad Murrays Kompetenzen und Entscheidungen äussern.


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                        • #13
                          Jacksons vs AEG - Day 5 – May 6 2013 – Summary

                          Jackson family did not attend the court.

                          Toxicologist Dan Anderson Testimony

                          Jackson direct

                          Jackson attorney Koskoff is doing the direct examination. Anderson starts testifying about his experience, credentials (AP).

                          Jurors are shown the pictures of three prescription pill bottles found in MJ’s bedroom: lorazepam, diazepam and Flomax. They are also shown a photo of four bottles of 20ml of the propofol (AP).

                          Anderson is then asked about a chart which shows the medications, how many doses were issued and how many remained at the time of Michael Jackson’s death. Another series of charts show the propofol and other medications that were found in Jackson’s home. (AP).

                          Most of the drugs, he testified, were prescribed by Murray (LATimes)

                          Toxicologist Anderson tells jury it’s highly unusual to find injectable lorazepam and propofol in a home setting. (AP)

                          Anderson said investigators found injectable lorazepam at MJ's home, a form of the drug "typically found in a hospital setting." (LATimes)

                          Jackson lawyer Koskoff: "After you heard from investigators that propofol was found in the home, what did you think?"
                          Anderson: "Propofol collected as evidence, it's highly unusual. It raises a red flag in my eyes as a toxicologist...It's very problematic if it's found outside the hospital setting." (NYDailyTimes)

                          The discovery of the propofol bottles outside a medical setting also was “highly unusual" and "kind of raises a red flag,” Anderson said. (LATimes)

                          Anderson also explains where coroner’s staff take samples from within a body, and also how certain drugs are metabolized. The toxicologist then explains to jurors what tests he ordered on Michael Jackson’s body. (AP)

                          Toxicologist Dan Anderson said blood samples were taken from every corner of Jackson’s body — his heart, femoral artery, liver and behind his eyes. (NYPost)

                          Dan Anderson : “This particular case, we were looking for everything and anything.” (AP)

                          Anderson testified that tests of Jackson's blood, urine and internal organs showed traces of the anesthetic propofol, the anti-anxiety drugs Valium and lorazepam, the short-term anesthetic midazolam and lidocaine, a numbing cream that paramedics sometimes use in resuscitation efforts. (LATimes)

                          Toxicology tests detected six other drugs in Jackson’s system – lidocaine, diazepam, nordiazepam (a metabolite of Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), midazolam (Versed) and ephedrine – according to Anderson. (CBSLA)

                          Anderson walks jurors through a chart he prepared of the drugs found in Jackson’s system. Propofol and lidocaine found everywhere. By everywhere, Anderson means blood taken from Jackson’s heart, femoral artery, liver, urine and in fluid behind eye. (AP).

                          Anderson said propofol and other drugs were found during toxicology tests, noting that propofol was of most concern. (CBSLA)

                          Anderson: “It raises a red flag in my eyes,” It’s very problematic to find it outside the hospital setting.” (CBSLA)

                          After morning break, toxicologist Anderson tells jury level of propofol in MJ’s body is consistent with general surgery. (AP) Anderson said that the amount of propofol found in Jackson’s system was what you'd expect in a patient who had just undergone major surgery. (LATimes)

                          Anderson: “Michael Jackson's body was riddled with the powerful anesthetic propofol when he died - an amount "consistent to major surgery with anesthesia," (NYDailytimes) The level was "consistent with major surgery anesthesia," said Anderson, noting that a level of 3.2 milligrammes per millilitre of blood was found in Jackson's body. (AFP)

                          Jackson lawyer Koskoff asks Anderson about other cases LA coroner has handled where propofol was involved. Anderson tells jury about preparing a chart of all LA County deaths where propofol was found. Chart created after MJ’s death. Coroner’s office continued to update the chart after Jackson’s death, Anderson tells jury. It now has 31 cases. The first LA County death case where propofol was found dates back to 1999, Anderson says. It's updated as of a couple weeks ago. To put the 31 propofol cases in context, Anderson says coroner handles about 8,000 deaths a year. Roughly 5,000 involve toxicology screens. (AP)

                          Koskoff also asked Anderson about Demerol. Toxicologist says none was found in Jackson’s system. Anderson told jury Demerol typically dissipates from a person's system with 12-16 hours. (AP)

                          Sumary of Negative Toxicological Findings. No Alcohol, Barbituates, Demerol, Zoloft, Xanax, Cocaine, Marijuana, Amthamphetamine, Codeine! Anderson said there were no recreational drugs in MJ’s system. (ABC7)

                          Direct questioning of Anderson ends with him telling jury he didn’t find any recreational drugs in Jackson’s system. (AP)

                          AEG Cross

                          Cahan is the attorney handling cross-examination for AEG.

                          Anderson remembers when he heard Michael Jackson had died. It was a Thursday, his day off, and his son told him MJ had died. (ABC7)

                          Anderson was off on day Jackson died -- he found out about it from his child. He tells jury he suggested tests that were conducted. (AP) Anderson tells that he observed part of the autopsy the day after the death. (ABC7)

                          Much of Anderson's cross examination is him explaining charts he prepared in greater detail.(AP)

                          Cahan notes that one chart shows 10 medications, with three doctors issuing them: Conrad Murray, Allan Metzger and Arnold Klein. She notes that the doctors were all prescribing certain medications that were supposed to be taken at bedtime. She asks if this is important. Anderson says his staff doesn’t take into account directions for taking meds, but how they’re found in toxicology screens. (AP)

                          AEG Lawyer Cahan: "Would you agree with me there are three different physicians prescribing medication for Mr. Jackson to take at bedtime (in the months before his death)?"
                          Anderson : "I would agree," (NYDailyTimes)

                          Toxicologist Dan Anderson also explains that there were two visits to Jackson’s home where medications were collected. On July 9th, Jackson’s family brought in additional medications they had found and thought investigators should have. (AP)

                          Anderson testifies by mid-July he knew the amount of propofol found in Jackson’s body was cause of death.(AP)

                          Cahan asked Anderson about signing his portion of the toxicology test on July 15th. She asked if the level of Propofal was fatal. Anderson responded with a yes...the level was fatal. (ABC7)

                          Toxicologist Anderson testifies that he found out propofol had been collected from Jackson’s home after he found it in drug screens. (AP)

                          Jackson redirect

                          Anderson was also asked about 31 death cases in LA where propofol was found. He makes clear, propofol not cause of death in all those cases. Jackson’s lawyer Koskoff highlighted seven cases where propofol was a cause of death; five cases were in residences. Six of the seven cases where a propofol overdose was a cause of death were deemed suicides, toxicologist Anderson testified. According to Anderson, Jackson’s case was the only one involving someone outside the medical field who overdosed on propofol in a home. (AP)

                          Anderson testified that Michael Jackson is the only person in Los Angeles County not in the medical field to die of propofol intoxication in their home in the last 14 years. The other six people who died at their homes were doctors or nurses who had access to the tightly controlled anesthetic. (LATimes).

                          Coroner Christopher Rogers Testimony

                          Jackson Direct

                          Christopher Rogers is the deputy medical examiner who performed MJ’s autopsy. He walks through his credentials and experience.(AP)

                          Rogers said he learned about MJ's death while at a conference. “Somebody passed me a note that Michael Jackson had died,” Rogers said. (Wave)

                          Dr. Christopher Rogers — who determined that Jackson’s death was a “homicide” told the jurors he gave added consideration to detail when determining the cause and manner of the MJ’s death because of the stature of the pop star.(Wave)

                          Rogers: “Because Michael Jackson was such a prominent individual, there was likely to be a great deal of press attention as well as from members of the public,” (Wave)

                          A black-and-white photo taken of Jackson’s body before autopsy is shown to the jury. It’s left on the screen for less than a minute. (AP) Rogers said the photo accurately depicted MJ’s condition at the time (wave).

                          Christopher Rogers testified that the 5-foot, 9-inch MJ weighed 136 pounds at the time of his death and that X-rays showed he suffered from arthritis in his lower spine and fingers (LATimes)

                          Rogers walks jury through a diagram of puncture wounds and scars on Jackson’s body. Punctures consistent w/ lifesaving efforts, he says. The origin of some of the scars couldn’t be determined. (AP)

                          Rogers also detailed how Jackson had his lips tattooed pink, his eyebrows and scalp inked with black. There were 3/4-inch scars behind both ears, suggesting he had at least one face lift, according to Rogers’ notes that he shared with jurors. (NYPost)

                          Rogers also testifies about MJ's vitiligo (AP). Rogers testified that MJ suffered from vitiligo a disease more common in African Americans, in which some areas of the skin are light and others are dark. (LATimes)

                          "It can be very disfiguring," Rogers said. (LATimes)

                          Rogers said Jackson’s post-mortem exam revealed no heart disease or Lupus, the autoimmune disease that some, Dr. Arnold Klein, have attributed to MJ (NYDailyNews).

                          Christopher Rogers said the MJ was in good health before his untimely 2009 death at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray (NYDailyNews)

                          If not for his death by propofol, Jackson's health appeared good enough for him to live a normal lifespan, Rogers testified. (CNN)

                          "There was no indication from the autopsy that there was anything anatomically wrong with him that would lead to premature death," Rogers said. (CNN)

                          Jackson lawyer Koskoff asks Rogers about condition of MJ’s body. Koskoff asked whether Jackson’s body had any characteristics of a street drug addict. (Disease, track marks, liver damage.) Rogers says no. Rogers also testifies about the condition of Jackson’s organs. All were in good shape, other than some lung issues. (AP)

                          Rogers explained why he concluded that Jackson died from a propofol overdose. Koskoff asked Rogers whether his conclusions regarding Jackson’s death have changed since Aug. ’09. “No,” he responded. (AP)

                          Jackson lawyer Koskoff: “Would a fit, competent doctor administer propofol for insomnia?” Rogers: “I would not expect that, no,” (NYDailyNews)

                          Rogers also shot down suggestions that Jackson self-administered his lethal dose of propofol – a cornerstone theory of Murray’s defense.

                          “One possibility that we considered is that he might have given an overdose of propofol to himself. However based on the history that was available, I don’t believe that that happened,” Rogers said (NYDailyNews).


                          May 7 Tuesday : Cardiologist Dr. Daniel Wohgelernter will testify first out of order. When the he is finished, Dr. Rogers from the Coroner's office will resume. (ABC7)

                          Zusammenfassung von Ivy MJJC


                          • #14
                            Jacksons vs AEG - Day 6 - May 7 2013 - Summary

                            Katherine Jackson and Trent Jackson was in court.

                            Cardiologist Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter testimony

                            Jackson direct

                            Cardiologist Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter testifying as an expert witness for Katherine Jackson.

                            He is a Yale Medical School Graduate and has practiced in Southern California since 1985(ABC7) Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter, who has taught at Yale and UCLA and practices in Santa Monica (LATimes)

                            During the morning session, Dr. W testified about elements of the contract, including descriptions of med equipment included in the contract(AP)

                            Murray's agreement to close down his Las Vegas clinic to work full time for Jackson created a conflict, he said. The agreement said Murray could lose his job if the tour was delayed or canceled. (CNN) "It meant that Dr. Murray was entirely dependent on the continuation of the tour for his income," he said. (CNN)

                            Wohlgelernter also said he was troubled by a section of Murray’s contract that said the doctor was to “Perform the Services reasonably requested by the Producer,” which was AEG. That meant Murray was “responsible and accountable to a third party, namely AEG Live,” Wohlgelernter said, not his patient, leading to a conflict of interest. (LATimes)

                            Dr. Wohlgelernter testified that Propofol needs to be administered by an Anesthesiologist who is properly trained.(ABC7) Wohlgelernter testified that propofol should be given only in a hospital setting and administered by an anesthesiologist because there is a risk the patient can stop breathing. (LATimes)

                            Cardiologists, like Murray, “are not competent to administer propofol,” he said. (LATimes)

                            Wohlgelernter said Murray "was not fit and competent in so far as he administered medications he was not trained and credentialed to administer and administered them in a whole unsatisfactory environment." (LATimes)

                            Dr. Wohlgelernter said Murray was not the right doctor - not appropriately trained for what MJ had substance abuse, addiction, and a sleep disorder (ABC7)

                            "Michael Jackson had a history of substance abuse, addiction to medications and sleep disturbance," he said, not heart or cardiovascular problems.(CNN)

                            Wohlgelernter said Murray did not have the appropriate training to serve as Jackson's physician for the "This Is It" tour. Instead of a cardiologist like Murray, the expert witness said that Jackson needed a doctor who was trained in addiction medicine, substance abuse and sleep disorders.Since Jackson had no evidence of heart disease, Murray was not an appropriate choice to treat him, the witness said. (LATimes)

                            Attorneys for both sides told the panel last week that Jackson suffered from longstanding prescription drug addiction issues, which Wohlgelernter said Murray had no formal training on how to treat. The former cardiologist was also unqualified to administer propofol, the powerful anesthetic that killed Jackson. (AP)

                            Wohlgelernter called Murray's treating of Jackson “a mismatch. It’s not what he needs.”(LATimes)

                            "For Michael Jackson, given that he had no history of heart disease... a cardiologist's experience and skills and credentials would not be appropriate."It's a mismatch, it's not what he needs," he said, adding: "My opinion is that Dr. Murray was not an appropriate choice to serve as Michael Jackson's physician on the 'This is It' tour. It's not the right doctor for this patient." (AFP)

                            Wohlgelernter said the fact that Dr. Conrad Murray, a cardiologist, shut his practice to care only for Jackson, who had no history of heart problems, “that to me is a red flag,” Wohlgelernter said. He asked why Murray would “leave what he was doing for a patient who doesn’t need his services?” (LATimes)

                            The physician said he and Murray had received much of the same types of training over the courses of their careers, but that only anesthesiologists should administer propofol and that treating addiction or insomnia requires specialized training. (AP).

                            Jackson lawyer: Do you believe Conrad Murray was competent and fit for AEG to hire?
                            Dr. Wohlgelernter: No. (ABC7)

                            Doctor testified he thought Dr. Murray not up to the Standard of care because of his only admission that MJ had stopped breathing. Dr. Wohlgelernter said Dr. Murray should have opened an airway but instead chose chest compressions. (ABC7)

                            He testified that Murray gave MJ incorrect treatment when he noticed the singer had stopped breathing as a result of Propofol Murray had administered.(LATimes)

                            Wohlgelernter told the jurors that Murray improperly focused on Jackson's heart when the singer stopped breathing after receiving propofol and other drugs on the morning of June 25, 2009. (AP). Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter said that Murray used chest compressions when he saw that Jackson was in distress, rather than focusing on getting his breathing restarted.(LATimes)

                            "My opinion is that Conrad Murray repeatedly failed (to meet) the standard of care in his treatment of Michael Jackson," he said. (AFP)

                            Wohlgelernter said Murray made repeated mistakes, including using propofol outside of a hospital, leaving Jackson unattended, focusing on his heart rather than breathing when he found him apparently lifeless, and delaying calling 911. (AFP)

                            "My opinion is that these departures from the standard of care... were a substantial factor in the death of Michael Jackson," said the senior cardiologist, brought as a witness by Katherine Jackson's lawyers.(AFP)

                            AEG Cross

                            AEG attorney Cahan tried to get Dr. W. to change his opinion that Murray was unqualified to treat addiction, sleep issues. Dr. W. stuck to his opinion that Murray was unqualified to treat Jackson. He did say Murray was qualified as an internal medicine. (AP)

                            Under cross-examination by AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan, Wohlgelernter testified that Murray's training and credentials were reputable and he appeared to be a competent internal medicine physician. (AP)

                            Dr. W. was also asked about Dr. Murray’s training and education. He said Murray studied, trained at respectable institutions. (AP)

                            Wohlgelernter, however, said Jackson's request for Murray to be his doctor and Murray's desire to leave other patients behind to work with the singer should have caused AEG some concern. Wohlgelernter said the company should have asked why the two men wanted to work with each other.(AP)

                            The witness also said that Murray’s request for a CPR machine, written into his contract, a device used when patients undergo heart surgery, should have raised questions. “What is this doctor planning to do?” Wohlgelernter asked. “What are his treatment plans in taking care of Michael Jackson?”(LATimes)

                            Another warning, he said, was Jackson’s request for Murray, considering the singer’s background with drug use. “It’s a red flag to the extent that Michael Jackson has a history of substance abuse and addiction that he specifically is requesting a given doctor who has no training in any of those areas.… What is the nature of this relationship? Why do these two want each other?” (LATimes)

                            Cahan asked Dr. W. to testify about Murray’s proposed contract w/ AEG. Doctor said he wasn’t qualified to testify about its elements.(AP)

                            On Cross - Contract shows that Dr. Murray was hired to be MJ's General Practitioner. (ABC7)

                            The contract shown was only signed by Dr. Murray not by AEG or MJ. Dr. Wohlgelernter did no know if Dr. Murray was ever paid.(ABC7)

                            Dr. W. said he has never administered propofol and he’s never written a patient a prescription for propofol. (AP)

                            Cahan asked Dr. W. about whether he’d heard of different classes of doctors and internists administering propofol. Dr. W. said no each time. Dr. W. also said he’d never heard of an anesthesiologist administering propofol in a residence. (AP)

                            Cahan Asked Dr. W. similar questions about CPR. He said it was reasonable to expect a cardiologist, internist, etc. to give proper CPR.(AP)

                            AEG attorney Kathryn Cahan did ask Dr. W. if the company could have asked Murray about Jackson's medical conditions. Dr. Wohlgelernter said they couldn't have because of HIPPA, the medical privacy law. (AP) Jackson's med info could have been disclosed with a waiver, he said.(AP)

                            Dr. W. concluded his testimony by saying he wasn't aware of any investigation AEG did into Murray's background. (AP)

                            Zusammenfassung von Ivy MJJC, #8


                            • #15
                              Von unten nach oben lesen. Von der gestrigen Aussage von Sankey, ( Producer, Choreografin)

                              Mrs. Jackson and Trent left the courtroom at 3:25p. Several Jackson supporters left the courtroom to say goodbye to her in the hall.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              She testified that she loved MJ but she really wasn't close to MJ.
                              Sie sagte sie liebte MJ, aber sei war ihm nicht sehr nah.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              On Cross Examination Attorney for AEG questioned Sankey on how close she was to MJ.
                              Im Kreuzverhör fragte AEG-Anwalt Sankey wie nah sie MJ war.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              Sankey and Ortega went back to an office and cried. Then Ortega got the company into a circle and told them MJ had died.
                              Sankey und Ortega gingen in ein Büro und weinten. Dann nahm Ortega die Mannschaft in einen Kreis und sagte ihnen, dass MJ gestorben ist.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              The director, Kenny Ortega, took the call from Randy Phillips of AEG what MJ had died. Sankey says Ortega collapsed.
                              Der Direktor, Kenny Ortega nahm einen Anfruf von Randy Phillips von AEG entgegen, der ihm mitteilte, dass MJ gestorben ist. Sankey sagt Ortega kollabierte.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              The Director kept the company rehearsing despite MJ hospitalized. Cell phones went off and no one answered...they kept working.
                              Der Dirketor ließ weiter proben obwohl MJ im Krankenhaus war. Telefonanrufe gingen raus und niemand antwortete...sie arbeiteten weiter.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              On June 25th, the company was rehearsing at Staples. When Sankey arrived, she was told MJ was in the hospital.
                              Am 25. Juni waren Proben im Staples Center. Als Sankey ankam, wurde ihr gesagt, dass MJ im Krankenhaus ist.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              MJ showed up for Rehearsal on the 24th wrapped in a huge blanket. Rehearsal was at the Staples Center.
                              MJ kam zu den Proben am 24. eingpackt in einer dicken Decke. Proben waren im Staples Center.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9 h

                              Testimony continued after the break. MJ was at rehearsal on June 23rd and performed most of the concert.
                              MJ war bei den Proben am 23. Juni. Er performte den größten Teil des Konzertes.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11 h

                              She said he had to go to the hospital. She made Director promise to do something.
                              Sie sagte er muss ins Krankenhaus. Direktor versprach ihr etwas zu machen.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11 h

                              On her way home, she called Director and screamed into the phone that MJ was dying and someone had to do something.
                              Auf ihrem Heimweg rief sie den Direktor an und weinte ins Telefon, dass MJ stirbt und jemand etwas tun muss.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11 h

                              Sankey and Director cried together after MJ left because of their concern for him and his physical condition. So thin...
                              Sankey und Direktor weinten zusammen nachdem MJ gegangen war wegen ihrer Besorgnis und seinem phys. Zustand. So dünn..
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11 h

                              The Director sent MJ home on June 19th after his costume fitting according to Sankey. She me with Director after.
                              Direktor schickte MJ am 19. nach Hause nach der Kostümprobe. Sie traf sich mit Direktor danach.
                              ABC7 Court News ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 11 h

                              That was after a tough love meeting with MJ and the show Director and Producer that Sankey said was tough love.
                              Es gab ein toufh love meeting mit MJ und Show Direktor u. Producer und Sankey sagte, es tough love
                              Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 10.07.2013, 23:28.


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