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Anklage gegen Murray und AEG durch Joe Jackson
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January 26th Kenny files an additional response to address KJ's claims.
Die morgige Anhörung diesbezüglich entfällt ja nun, da Kathrine ihre Beschuldigung oder Klageabsicht gegen Ortega zurückgezogen hat.
Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigenWas haben sie denn in den paar Tagen so erstaunlich neues rausgefunden, dass sie ihn jetzt plötzlich von ihrer Paylist streichen?
Und wer erstattet Kenny nun seine Anwaltskosten? Randy und Karen?
Das ist alles eine Farce.
Karen's trotziger tweet:
"Though Ortega obviously didnt murder Michael, in my opinion he is culpable in other ways."
Karen begründet jedoch ihre Aussage in diesem "trotzigen Tweet", indem sie auf ihren TwitLonger vom 9.1.2011 verweist und als Fortsetzung dessen Link angibt, was du weg gelassen hast.
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On Sunday 9th January 2011, @dllzz said:
Kenny Ortega strenuously denied every media question thrown at him that there was any worries regarding Michaels health and dismissing them as rumours and controversy during TII, after Michaels death and throughout TII movie promotion! Now he says in his court testimony in the preliminary hearing of Conrad Murray, Michael was cold, had chills, soft spoken, did not appear well at all. So much that Kenny said 'it appeared scary and he sent him home because he felt Michael was too unwell to be at rehearsal. This was just a small part of what he said.
Wow its a Big change to Kenny's story previously isn't it? Especially him using some of the same words of those close to Michael who voiced their concerns regarding Michaels health. The same people who pleaded with Kenny to help Michael but he denies these conversations or says he cannot recall them.
Kenny had to speak of Michaels ill health to make his point of why he felt Dr Murray was scolding him at a meeting later for allowing Michael to leave the rehearsal.
Kenny says in his testimony..
'It quickly became clear that the meeting was about me. That the Dr. was upset that I had sent Michael home and didn’t allow him to rehearse the night before. And BECAUSE I HAD VOICED MY CONCERNS ABOUT MICHAEL'S HEALTH that evening. Dr. Murry told me that this was not my responsibility and to not act like a doctor or a psychologist and to leave Michael’s health to him.'
He went on to say Michael was back to the one 'we all love and know' a few days later. Once again he reverts back to lying.. even the paramedics said they thought Michael was a 'hospice patient'!! We all seen how tiny Michaels body was being airlifted to the coroners, we all seen in the TII movie the extent of Michaels physical appearance. Kenny knows damn well Michael was not better in health!!
Continuing his testimony in the preliminary hearing, when confronted by certain questions about conversations with others concerns of Michaels well being, Kenny turned into Nicole Alvarez, as well as lying he chose to defer the answer or say he cannot remember, or just be plain stupid.. Because he had made his point about Murray and could not tell anymore truths BECAUSE HE WOULD IMPLICATE HIMSELF FURTHER IN THE WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT, BY TELLING THE TRUTH IN THE PRELIMINARY HEARING to these questions!!
see this courtesy of @ShortsLoveMJJ
Ortega was well aware all along of Michaels rapidly deteriorating health, he was not blind, he seen it everyday, he now says in testimony above 'I had voiced my concerns about Michaels health'...and friends of Michael who worked on TII had voiced concerns and pleaded to him about their worries for Michael, with him being of a higher authority during the production of TII, not once but many times.
Ortega under Randy Philips, took the decision to ignore the concerns for Michaels well being, decided to become blind to what he seen himself was happening with Michaels deteriorating health.. and took the decision to go along with Philips and Co and get this show on the road however much they had to force it to make it happen. Thus making those out as liars who did speak up about Michaels health.
The fact of the matter is whatever we believe of Michaels death, whether it be accidental or premeditated, if those in authority of TII (which included Ortega) got Michael help for his failing health and not ignored the pleading from friends of Michael and not ignored what they seen with their own eyes for the sake of money... then Michael would not have been in Murrays care for him to administer propofol to Michael on 25th June.. whether it was Michaels consent or not, (again whichever you believe).
Michael would have been elsewhere receiving proper care and attention to regain his health by professionals not a hired quack. Michaels health was deteriorating so rapidly that he would have collapsed and possibly died.
Therefore because of the decisions Kenny made ignoring the state of Michaels health along with those from AEG, he has since been listed as one of the defendents in Katherine Jacksons wrongful death lawsuit against AEG on behalf of Michaels three children, and rightly so. And that is why he had selective memory in much of his testimony at preliminary hearing.
Kenny constantly says how much of a friend Michael was to him... Just a few points:
Friends of Michael were grieving 2 days after his death, TII being last thing on their minds.. Kenny and Randy Philips were STILL going on about getting TII out as a tribute to Michael.. (Kenny tweeted it, Randy said it on sky news).
Friends of Michaels were in grief at Michaels memorial... Kenny and Randy were all smiles loving being interviewed outside Staples.
Friends of Michael had nothing to celebrate and were at home still grieving when it was the premiere of TII.. Kenny once again with Randy and other TII cohorts were celebrating and laughing on the red carpet.
Friends of Michael who were involved in TII cut all ties with it and spoke up of what they witnessed and what they could talk of because of impending trial, will be grieving for the rest of their lives.. Kenny continued to be at Randys side.. furiously promoting TII all over the world, lying defending himself and AEG.
Kenny used fans to gain popularity and promotion for TII.. he does not have anymore interaction with fans since TII dvd promotion ended. Friends of Michael have not used fans for any popularity or promotion of anything, was interacting with fans for many years before TII and continue to interact with fans to this day!
Kenny's relationship was not Friend to Michael.. it was business associate, its evident. Friends have risked their all to stand up for TRUTH. Kenny has only now changed his story of Michaels health to serve his own purpose.
Kenny may not be guilty of Michaels death on the 25th June 09.. we all know Michael died from accute intoxification of propofol that we are told Murray administered, but he is guilty of the neglect of Michael along with AEG!!
Are you seeing now that Kenny Ortega was and is one of the Real Liars? Do you understand why many of us were mad at him? He proved it himself that he lied all along!!
Along with AEG he put profit and reputation over Michael Jacksons LIFE... They forced him to rehearse when he couldnt, they shouted and yelled at him and threatened to make Michael and his children, penniless and homeless. Kenny was there and did nothing, they made Michael suffer...Kenny chose to stick with AEG then celebrated their profit with the biggest grins when Michael died!!
Kenny's Tweet
If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance...Anonymous Have a great day all Dance a little TOY
Thu Oct 08 2009 17:38:14 (GMT Daylight Time)
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Site developed by Stuart Gibson. Design by Paddy Duke.Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 02.02.2011, 20:45.
Dieser text könnte eigentlich auch in den Thread Ist Kenny Ortega mit schuldig am Tod....
gesetzt werden, oder? Passt auch gut dahin.
Genau so habe ich auch immer von ihm gedacht. Ja ich denke so war und ist es.
He is a big big liar und kein wirklicher Freund von MJ gewesen.
Er muss mit diesem Gewissen leben.
Karen Faye ist für mich eine der unglaubwürdigsten Personen. Man kann nur hoffen, dass sie vor Gericht aussagen muss und da wird man dann sehen was für Aussagen kommen. Ihre Twitter-Aussagen wurden ja schon bei der Anhörung von Murray`s Anwälten für deren Verteidigungsstrategie genutzt.
@Marion vom MJJackson-forever hat in einem Post mal die Twetts eingestellt, die Faye vor und unmittelbar nach Michaels Tod gesendet hat. Hier im Post 20 eingestellt:
Ein deutsches Michael Jackson Forum, mit dem Titel: Michael MJ Jackson forever. Neben dem Forum rund um Michael Jackson, gibt es ein Lexikon und eine Galerie.
Karens Tweeds vor dem 25.06.2009
Karen Faye Kissinger
“running into all the MJJ tour alumni...and meeting all the newbies too. London is going to be AMAZING!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!!!”
Karen Faye Kissinger
"laufe zwischen der ganzen MJJ tour Bestatzung.....und treffe auch alle Neuen. London wird EINMALIG!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!!"
“Karen Faye Kissinger
Michael was amazing today… He sends his love and appreciation to all of you. THIS IS IT”
Karen Faye Kissinger
"Michael war einmalig richtete seine Liebe und Anerkennung an jeden von uns. This is it"
She claims that Michael was forced to do the tours because he was financial but this is her first post on facebook after Michael Jackson passed.
Sie behauptete, später auch, dass Michael gezwungen war, die Tour zu machen, weil er finanzielle Probleme hatte, aber dies ist ihr erster Post nachdem Michael gestorben ist:
“Karen Faye Kissinger
I know how painful it is to loose this beautiful man....I can barely speak, but I must share with you his reason for getting on stage once again. It wasn't for money or to relaunch his was to send the message that we must HEAL THE WORLD, before it's too late. He wanted to let us know that we have a four year window to get it right, to start walking the highest path, or we will loose the earth.”
Karen Faye Kissinger
Ich weiß, wie schmerzhaft es ist, diesen wundervollen Mann zu verlieren.....Ich kann kaum sprechen, aber ich muss es mit Euch teilen, was der Grund war, nochmal auf die Bühne zu gehen. Es war nicht für Geld, oder für ein war, um die Message zu senden, dass wir die Welt heilen müssen, bevor es zu spät ist. Er wollte, dass wir wissen, dass wir 4 Jahre haben werden um es in Ordnung zu bringen, es ist höchste Zeit, sonst verlieren wir die Erde."
“Karen Faye Kissinger
I want you to know he was full of love for all of you. He was looking forward to making everyone smile, and unite in these difficult make the world a better place.”
Karen Faye Kissinger
Ich möchte, dass Ihr wisst, dass er Euch alle sehr geliebt hat. Er hat sich darauf gefreut, jedem ein Lächeln zu schenken, um gemeinsam in dieser schwierigen Zeit.......die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen."
“Karen Faye Kissinger
he was working so hard...and he was so happy when I left him on Wednesday night...this is so difficult”
Karen Faye Kissinger
er hat so hart gearbeitet.....und er war so glücklich, als ich ihn Mittwoch Nacht verließ......das ist so schwierig."Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 02.02.2011, 11:31.
Zitat von Biggi25 Beitrag anzeigenWie wärs für uns "doofen" mit ner kurzen Zusammenfassung
Im Text geht`s eigentlich nur darum, dass Kenny sich während der Proben nur zuversichtlich geäußert hat und er zur Zeit der Kinopremiere von TII mit Randy Phillips abhing und grinsend Werbung machte. Erst jetzt behauptet er vor Gericht, dass er MJs schlechten Gesundheitszustand bemerkt habe und gewarnt habe. Der Autor des Artikels stellt letztendlich die These auf, dass K.O. nicht der super Freund war, als der er sich im Nachhinein gern präsentiert, und dass er sein Fähnchen nach dem Wind richtet und auch nur auf Kohle aus war und ist.
Das Fazit ist, dass K.O. zwar nicht schuldig am Tod MJs ist, aber er sei schuldig, MJs Zustand und seine Bedürfnisse ignoriert zu haben und damit dazu beigetragen zu haben, dass überhaupt passieren konnte, was passiert ist.
Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigenRandy twittert, dass nicht die ganze Familie mit der Entschuldigung an K. Ortega einverstanden sei. Er meint, sein Bruder könne noch leben, wenn von seiten AEG oder Ortega die Familie rechtzeitig über den Gesundheitszustand von Michael informiert worden wäre.
Hier die Tweets von Randy. Er kündigt übrigens baldige Fakten an. Lol, eine Klage wird zurückgezogen aber wir bekommen die Fakten per Twitter.
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
I need to clarify and address something that was miscommunicated yesterday
36 minutes ago
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
My mother’s a very kind & sweet woman...
35 minutes ago
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
However, The Jackson Family as a WHOLE does NOT extend any sort of an apology to Kenny Ortega
33 minutes ago
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
In their obsession to get the show out, it appears Kenny & AEG didn’t care about my brother’s health & they didn’t inform the family
31 minutes ago
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
... at times driving my brother to tears.
29 minutes ago
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
Michael would still be here had they informed his family of the situation. More facts will come out.
26 minutes ago
Zitat von cori79 Beitrag anzeigenDieser text könnte eigentlich auch in den Thread Ist Kenny Ortega mit schuldig am Tod....
gesetzt werden, oder? Passt auch gut dahin.
Genau so habe ich auch immer von ihm gedacht. Ja ich denke so war und ist es.
He is a big big liar und kein wirklicher Freund von MJ gewesen.
Er muss mit diesem Gewissen leben.
KF ist nun hierzu wirklich keine Quelle.
Ortega und Michael haben bei sovielen Projekten zusammen gearbeitet. Nur weil sie mit Kenny nicht zurechtkommt, muß man nicht auch noch MJ mit einbeziehen.
KF kommt jetzt regelmäßig angetwittert. Aber richtig Substanz hinter ihren Äußerungen ist faktisch kaum zu finden.
Kommt aber auch wie immer darauf an, wie man die Dinge deutet und schlußfolgern will.
Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigenRandy twittert, dass nicht die ganze Familie mit der Entschuldigung an K. Ortega einverstanden sei. Er meint, sein Bruder könne noch leben, wenn von seiten AEG oder Ortega die Familie rechtzeitig über den Gesundheitszustand von Michael informiert worden wäre.
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt waren jedoch Kenny Ortega und Randy Phillips dicht an ihm dran und haben bewußt weg gesehen, die Tatsachen und Warnungen ignoriert und ihn offenen Auges und ohne Rücksicht auf ihn, in den Tod manövriert.
Sie haben ihre eigenen Ziele und den Profit über Michaels Gesundheit und Leben gestellt !
Zudem haben sie ihn in ihrer Ignoranz Michael sogar noch zusätzlich unter Druck gesetzt, indem sie ihm drohten, ihn anschrien und erpressten, ihn mittellos und obdachlos zu machen, wenn er sich ihren Forderungen nicht endlich vollständig fügen würde.
Along with AEG he put profit and reputation over Michael Jacksons LIFE... They forced him to rehearse when he couldnt, they shouted and yelled at him and threatened to make Michael and his children, penniless and homeless.Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 02.02.2011, 23:25.
Katherine hatte Kontakt mit Michael...1 Woche bevor er starb.
Jackson Family Lawsuit Against AEG Stays Alive
Michael Jackson's mother can sue the deep pockets behind the London concert series the King of Pop was about to begin when he died, a judge ruled today.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette M. Palazuelos denied a motion by AEG Live attorneys to dismiss the case, but said lawyers for the plaintiffs will have to provide evidence of fraud, negligent infliction of emotional distress and civil conspiracy, which the lawsuit alleges.
Attorney Kevin Boyle, speaking on behalf of the family, praised the ruling.
"I think the judge is very smart, and this was a great success for the plaintiffs," Boyle said.
The suit was filed on Sept. 15 on behalf of Katherine Jackson and her son's three children, Michael Jr., Paris-Michael Katherine and Prince Michael, also is known as Blanket.
The suit alleges AEG Live is responsible for the medical decisions made by Dr. Conrad Murray, the singer's personal physician at the time, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.
The suit alleges breach of contract, fraud, negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress and employer responsibility.
Die Mutter von Michael Jackson kann die tiefen Taschen hinter der Londoner Konzertreihe verklagen, die der KOP vor hatte zu beginnen, als er starb, entschied ein Richter heute.
Richterin des Hohen Gerichtshofs von Los Angeles Yvette M. Palazuelos lehnte einen Antrag durch die AEG Live Rechtsanwälte ab, den Fall abzuweisen, sagte aber , dass die Rechtsanwälte der Ankläger Beweise für die Vorwürfe :Betrug, fahrlässige Zufügung von emotionalen Qualen und des Zivilkomplotts zur Verfügung stellen müssen, was in der Klage behauptet wird.
Rechtsanwalt Kevin Boyle, im Auftrag der Familie sprechend, lobte die Entscheidung.
"Ich denke, dass der Richter sehr klug ist, und dies ein großer Erfolg für die Ankläger war," sagte Boyle.
Die Klage wurde am 15. September im Auftrag Katherine Jacksons und der drei Kinder ihres Sohns, Michael Jrs abgelegt., Paris-Michael Katherine und Prinz Michael eingereicht.
Die Klage behauptet, dass AEG für die medizinischen Entscheidungen verantwortlich ist, die von Dr Conrad Murray, zu der Zeit persönlicher Arzt des Sängers, der sich der fahrlässigen Tötung an Jackson für nicht schuldig erklärt hat.
Die Klage beinhaltet Vertragsbruch, Betrug, Nachlässigkeit, fahrlässige Zufügung emotionaler Qual und Arbeitgeber-Verantwortung.
In their court papers, AEG Live attorneys stated that Jackson "controlled his own medical care and hired his own longtime personal physician." The company "did not choose or hire Dr. Murray, it merely conducted negotiations named at retaining him as an independent contractor on the tour."
AEG's legal team wrote that Jackson "was not helpless or incompetent; he lived in his own home, negotiated his own contracts, engaged his own attorneys and cared for his own family."
In ihren Gerichtspapieren stellten Rechtsanwälte fest, dass Jackson "seine eigene ärztliche Behandlung kontrollierte und seinen eigenen langfristigen persönlichen Arzt anstellte." Die Gesellschaft "wählte ihn nicht aus u. stellte Dr Murray nicht an, sie führten bloß die Verhandlungen, ob er als selbständiger Unternehmer die Tour begleiten könne.
AEG's Rechtsteam schrieb, dass Jackson "nicht hilflos oder unfähig war; er lebte in seinem eigenen Haus, verhandelte seine eigenen Verträge, verpflichtete seine eigenen Rechtsanwälte und sorgte für seine eigene Familie."
Arguing in favor of dismissing the negligent supervision claim, AEG Live attorney Marvin S. Putnam said his clients could not have realized beforehand that Murray's medical decisions could lead to the singer's death.
"It's not foreseeable that Michael Jackson or anyone else was going to die in their own home of propofol," Putnam said.
AEG's Rechtsteam schrieb, dass Jackson "nicht hilflos oder unfähig war; er lebte in seinem eigenen Haus, verhandelte seine eigenen Verträge, verpflichtete seine eigenen Rechtsanwälte und sorgte für seine eigene Familie."
AEG Rechtsanwalt Marvin S. Putnam sagte seine Klienten konnten nicht im Voraus erahnen, dass die medizinischen Entscheidungen von Murray zum Tod des Sängers führen würden.
"Es ist nicht vorhersehbar , dass Michael Jackson oder auch irgendjemand anderer in seinem eigenen Haus an propofol sterben würde," sagte Putnam.
The suit portrays the singer as being "confused, easily frightened, unable to remember, obsessive and disoriented' in the months before his June 2009 death at age 50 in Los Angeles.
Die Klage porträtiert den Sänger in den Monaten vor seinem Tod im Juni 2009 als " verwirrt, verängstigt, unfähig sich zu erinnern, besessen und desorientiert"
"He was cold and shivering during the summer rehearsals for his show, and as shown in photographs of him, he uncharacteristically wore heavy clothing during the rehearsals, while other dancers wore scant clothing and were perspiring from the heat,' the suit states.
"Ihm war immer kalt, obwohl die Proben während des Sommers stattfanden und Bilder von ihm zeigen, dass er bei den Proben warme Kleidung trug, die anderen Tänzer aber nur leicht bekleidet waren und schwitzten."
Rather than cut back on the rehearsal schedule so that Jackson could recuperate, AEG "insisted that he attend every rehearsal in a grueling schedule, threatening that if he missed even one more they would cancel the tour ...," his mother alleges.
"Anstatt die Probendauer einzuschränken, so dass sich Jackson erholen konnte, bestand AEG darauf, dass er jeder Probe beiwohnte, drohend, dass, wenn er noch eine Probe verpassen sollte, sie die Tour anullieren würden," klagte seine Mutter.
She claims AEG, "so that it could reap staggering profits from the tour," instructed Jackson to stop taking medication and that he be treated only by Murray.
Jackson's eldest son suffered negligent infliction of emotional distress when he "witnessed his father suffering and accordingly has suffered great trauma and severe emotional distress," the suit says.
But according to AEG's response, the Jackson family lawyers do not allege the boy was present when Murray gave propofol to the singer, nor do they claim Michael Jr. was aware the physician was causing any harm to his father.
In her ruling, Palazuelos agreed with the AEG Live criticisms.
"The question is did he witness the negligence and did he understand what was going on," the judge said.
Palazuelos also said she had doubts about the civil conspiracy claim because there were no details in the complaint stating AEG Live and Murray had an agreement to do something unlawful.
Palazuelos sagte auch, dass sie Zweifel über die Anschuldigung der Verschwörung habe, da es keine Details in der Beschwerde gab, die bestätigen würden, dass AEG u. Murray eine Abmachung hatten, etwas Ungesetzliches zu tun.
"If the object was to get him to rehearsals I don't see that as a wrongful or an illegal act," Palazuelos said.
The judge gave the Jackson family lawyers 20 days to amend the complaint and she scheduled a case management conference for March 22.
Boyle said he expects the allegations Palazuelos found deficient to pass muster next time.
"Wenn der Gegenstand war, ihn zu den Proben zu bekommen, sehe ich das nicht als eine ungerechte oder eine strafbare Handlung an," sagte Palazuelos.
Der Richter gab den Familienrechtsanwälten 20 Tage, um die Klage abzuändern und hat für den 22. März eine Verhandlung vorgesehen.
Boyle sagte, er erwartet , dass die Anschuldigungen, die Palazuelos als unzulänglich befand, beim nächsten Termin durchgehen werden.
Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 02.02.2011, 23:58.
Zitat von Christine3110 Beitrag anzeigenKatherine hatte Kontakt mit Michael...1 Woche bevor er starb.
Jackson Family Lawsuit Against AEG Stays Alive
Michael Jackson's mother can sue the deep pockets behind the London concert series the King of Pop was about to begin when he died, a judge ruled today.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette M. Palazuelos denied a motion by AEG Live attorneys to dismiss the case, but said lawyers for the plaintiffs will have to provide evidence of fraud, negligent infliction of emotional distress and civil conspiracy, which the lawsuit alleges.
Attorney Kevin Boyle, speaking on behalf of the family, praised the ruling.
"I think the judge is very smart, and this was a great success for the plaintiffs," Boyle said.
The suit was filed on Sept. 15 on behalf of Katherine Jackson and her son's three children, Michael Jr., Paris-Michael Katherine and Prince Michael, also is known as Blanket.
The suit alleges AEG Live is responsible for the medical decisions made by Dr. Conrad Murray, the singer's personal physician at the time, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.
The suit alleges breach of contract, fraud, negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress and employer responsibility.
In their court papers, AEG Live attorneys stated that Jackson "controlled his own medical care and hired his own longtime personal physician." The company "did not choose or hire Dr. Murray, it merely conducted negotiations named at retaining him as an independent contractor on the tour."
AEG's legal team wrote that Jackson "was not helpless or incompetent; he lived in his own home, negotiated his own contracts, engaged his own attorneys and cared for his own family."
Arguing in favor of dismissing the negligent supervision claim, AEG Live attorney Marvin S. Putnam said his clients could not have realized beforehand that Murray's medical decisions could lead to the singer's death.
"It's not foreseeable that Michael Jackson or anyone else was going to die in their own home of propofol," Putnam said.
The suit portrays the singer as being "confused, easily frightened, unable to remember, obsessive and disoriented' in the months before his June 2009 death at age 50 in Los Angeles.
"He was cold and shivering during the summer rehearsals for his show, and as shown in photographs of him, he uncharacteristically wore heavy clothing during the rehearsals, while other dancers wore scant clothing and were perspiring from the heat,' the suit states.
Rather than cut back on the rehearsal schedule so that Jackson could recuperate, AEG "insisted that he attend every rehearsal in a grueling schedule, threatening that if he missed even one more they would cancel the tour ...," his mother alleges.
She claims AEG, "so that it could reap staggering profits from the tour," instructed Jackson to stop taking medication and that he be treated only by Murray.
Jackson's eldest son suffered negligent infliction of emotional distress when he "witnessed his father suffering and accordingly has suffered great trauma and severe emotional distress," the suit says.
But according to AEG's response, the Jackson family lawyers do not allege the boy was present when Murray gave propofol to the singer, nor do they claim Michael Jr. was aware the physician was causing any harm to his father.
In her ruling, Palazuelos agreed with the AEG Live criticisms.
"The question is did he witness the negligence and did he understand what was going on," the judge said.
Palazuelos also said she had doubts about the civil conspiracy claim because there were no details in the complaint stating AEG Live and Murray had an agreement to do something unlawful.
"If the object was to get him to rehearsals I don't see that as a wrongful or an illegal act," Palazuelos said.
The judge gave the Jackson family lawyers 20 days to amend the complaint and she scheduled a case management conference for March 22.
Boyle said he expects the allegations Palazuelos found deficient to pass muster next time.
Wo steht hier, dass Katherine 1 Woche bevor Michael starb, Kontakt zu ihm hatte ?
Ich kann das trotz größter Anstrengung leider nicht finden !
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