Update On Justice Petition
Sunday, May 8th 2011
The petition to ensure justice for Michael, by the increase of the charges against Conrad Murray is still open. If any of you would like to take a look at it, and sign it if you agree, a copy of the motion is below:-
To:* California District Attorney’s Office (Steve Cooley, L.A. District Attorney, David Walgren, L.A. Deputy District Attorney, and the presiding Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, Michael Jackson Estate’s Executors, and the Michael Jackson fans.
Michael Jackson fans and supporters are mobilizing to urge the District Attorney prosecuting the case against Conrad Murray to increase the charges to Second Degree Murder. Fans request that Steve Cooley, L.A. District Attorney, David Walgren, L.A. Deputy District Attorney, and the presiding Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, elevate the charges against Conrad Murray to the more appropriate charge of Second Degree Murder. Given testimony to-date, it is also urged that the charges be added of: concealment of accidental death; reckless endangerment; reckless conduct; conspiracy; obstruction of justice, and any additional charges that may result from testimony in the preliminary hearing. Please sign this petition showing your support. We as Michael Jackson fans and supporters can make our voices heard and ensure Michael Jackson gets the justice he deserves by coming together to sign this petition.
The Undersigned
You are also able to view the signatures already obtained.
The website is:
Source: petitiononline.com & MJWN, with thanks to Paula
Kurze Übersetzung .......Geht darum das die Fans Amok/Sturm laufen....Sie wollen das Murray mindestens wg. Mord angeklagt wird.....und Sie beschweren sich über Mehrkosten die die Verschiebungen mit sich bringen.....Sie wollen Gerichtigkeit auch für sich.......