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Der Murray Prozess (Fahrlässige Tötung) - Diskussion

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  • Zitat von Hippolytos Beitrag anzeigen
    Aber dann ist auch das, was Lena schreibt:
    Die Liste wurde nicht aktualisiert. Da sind ja auch noch Zeugen aufgeführt, die schon ausgeschlossen wurden. z.B. Klein, Pfeifer, Grace.,

    für mich nicht verständlich:
    Einerseits sind sie "schon ausgeschlossen", andererseits stehen sie aber auf der 146er Liste, also der aktuellen. ??????

    Lena, wo bist Du? Wir brauchen Dich um das zu klären.
    Deswegen sage ich ja, dass auch die Liste am 9.09. aktuelle Entwicklungen nicht berücksichtigt hat. Auch Dileo kann nach April aufgenommen worden sein, man hat ihn aber nach seinem Tod noch nicht rausgstrichen.


    • Übrigens steht Grace Rwaramba auf beiden Listen


      • Auf dieser Seite sind/werden offiziell alle Dokumente, den Prozeß betreffend u. die für die Öffentlichkeit gedacht sind, eingestellt.
        So muss man sich nicht auf die Presse verlassen.
        Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 12.09.2011, 10:59.


        • Fans bitten Geraldo Rivera um seine Unterstützung für eine umfassende Aufklärung
          von Michaels mysteriösem Tod/Mord !

          NEW TWEET EDIT
          Posted 6 days ago

          @GeraldoRivera @ChristinaTimoth Please remember that after Michael Jackson died, you promised you would investigate this case. Below are some videos that may help you with this effort, if you still intend to keep this promise:

          Geraldo: Latest On The Michael Jackson Death Investigation - 08-16-09

          Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

          Peter Lopez in August 2009: Jackson Death Mystery 'Will Be Solved Soon' - but Peter Lopez ends up mysteriously dead:

          Michael Jackson SHOULD NOT be DEAD!
          Educate yourself!Organize yourself!Visit:http://www.mj-777.com

          Michael Jackson was murdered!
          Michael Jackson was murdered. There is a huge cover-up. Michael did NOT want to do 50 shows. He was surrounded by shady people who did NOT have his best inte...

          "I'm afraid for my life." Michael Jackson
          Fight for Michael Jackson!Fight for justice and truth!Remember that we represent him whenever or whatever we are doing on his behalf.Please represent him wit...

          AEG was in control and apparently kept Michael under tight control, yet they are not being investigated. People have testified as to what was happening behind closed doors in the rehearsals for 'This Is It'. They related that that he was not happy with the treatment he was getting from executives and other people involved. People whom Michael did not want around him and whom had been fired long ago were brought back into Michael's life in the weeks just before his death by Randy Phillips, among them John Branca and Frank Dileo.

          Dr. Tohme Tohme was involved in the process of negotiating the deal with AEG and even after being fired he remained around Michael, and was at the hospital immediately with Randy Phillips when Michael was brought in by paramedics. He was present at the press conference when Jermaine announced Michael's passing at UCLA. He was on TV after Michael's death saying that he was still in charge of Michael's business. Too many things are suspicious about Tohme. He suddenly canceled an interview with Larry King and we have never heard of him since. Where is Tohme now and what was his role in all this? Why isn't he being investigated and questioned, when even after he was fired by Michael, he was still milling around claiming that he was representing Michael?

          Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG – FRAUD from the very start of it?

          Part 1Michael Jackson’s agreement with AEG Live is so crucial for understanding what happened to Michael that looking into it cannot be put off any longer.  Please prepare yourself for a top seriou…

          Part 2It is only part TWO of our analysis of the AEG ‘agreement’ but we are already suspecting very strongly that the deal was a fraudulent one.The first and last pages of this paper are nothing bu…

          PART 3 We are analyzing the AEG ‘contract’ with Michael Jackson slowly and step by step. This part will be short but will give enough food for thought the way it is. But first let us re…

          Part 4 The more I read the so-called ‘contract’ with AEG the more I realize that its middle pages are so alien to the first and last pages of it (made as a letter to Tohme) that the inside of this …

          This is the highly edited copy of the AEG/Michael Jackson contract for the This Is It tour. A better copy can be found in Leonard Rowe's book.

          Inconsistencies and unanswered questions regarding LAPD, AEG and Conrad Murray

          ~ Why wasn't Michael Jackson's home, due to his high profile case, considered a possible crime scene inmediately and blocked the same afternoon that he was declared dead?

          ~ Why was Elissa Fleak unable to find and failed to retrieve all evidence during her first time at the home?

          ~ Was Michael Jackson consulted before adding extra concerts up to 50? Seems he was told, rather than consulted.Contract says he should have been but it seems there was proof he was not.

          ~ How come Frank Dileo arranged a letter from MJ firing Rowe but there isn't a letter hiring Dileo?

          ~ Where was Conrad Murray the day when a bodyguard supposedly placed a call to Cherilyn Lee on Sunday, June 21st. Why was Lee contacted and not Murray?

          ~ MJ dangerously under-ate much of his life & on tour. How could they NOT know they needed to be concerned in 2009?

          ~ PROOF OF HOW interconnected & POWERFUL Michael's enemies were and STILL ARE. It's a Small World After All

          ~ Interview with Patrick Allocco, President of AllGood Entertainment
          The following is the transcript of my interview, conducted last year (2010), with Patrick Allocco, President of AllGood Entertainment.  Th...

          ~ AEG and Conrad Murray E-mails
          Tim Wooley: AEG Tour Manager Paul Gongaware: AEG Live Co-CEO Brigitte Segal: Tour Manager/Attorney Kathy Jorrie: AEG Attorney May 08...

          ~ Conrad Murray's Deviations from Standard Care

          Anesthesiologist & clinical pharmacologist Richard Ruffalo was the star expert witness for both the prosecution and the defense during Murra...

          ~ The amount of time Murray was on the phone is an indication that he was not monitoring his patient properly, if at all. Here are the telephone records extracted from court testimonies:

          Murray had two phones – An AT&T phone and a Nextel/Sprint.

          AT&T records were taken from Harry Daliwal testimony at the preliminary hearing on 6/1/11.

          Mr Daliwal is the Area Retail Sales Manager with AT&T Cellular Services.

          AT&T records include data transmissions and calls.

          Nextel/Sprint records were taken from Jeff Strohm testimony at the preliminary hearing on 6/1/11. Mr Strohm is the Custodian of Records for Nextel/Sprint Cellular Communications.

          Nextel/Sprint records are calls only.


          Data Transmission means either text messages or emails being sent to or from Murray’s phone.

          The regular intervals of data sent and/or received indicates that a setting on Murray’s phone timed transmissions to be automatic on the hour. They do not necessarily mean Murray had the phone in his hand.

          The regular intervals appear to be 4 minutes after the hour. The times listed below are under two separate headings – “Regular Transmissions” and “Irregular Transmissions.” Irregular Transmissions refer to data either sent or received which do not fall under the “4 minutes after the hour” category.

          Data Transmissions were not always specifically named as either a text message or an email but where they were, this is shown in brackets after the time.

          The following record was taken from Harry Daliwal testimony at the preliminary hearing on 6/1/11.

          Mr Daliwal is the Area Retail Sales Manager with AT&T Cellular Services.


          (4 minutes after the hour)

          12.04am 6.31am (text message)

          1.04am 7.03am

          2.04am 7.29am

          3.04am 7.35am

          4.04am 8.14am

          5.04am 8.26am (SMS text to or from Texas)

          6.04am 8.54am

          10.04am 9.00am

          12.04pm 9.11am



          12.03pm (text message to or from Texas)



          12.53pm (text to or from California)

          1.53pm (text to or from Nevada)








          CALLS (AT&T and NEXTEL)

          Time Location Duration Company


          7.01am To Clark Country, Las Vegas, Nevada 25 seconds Nextel

          8.49am From Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada 53 seconds Nextel

          9.23am From Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada 22 minutes AT&T

          10.14am From Harris County, Houston, Texas 2 minutes AT&T

          10.22am From Harris County, Houston, Texas 111 seconds Nextel

          10.34am To San Diego County, San Diego, California 517 seconds Nextel

          11.07am From San Diego Country, San Diego, California 1 minutes AT&T

          11.18am To Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada 32 minutes AT&T

          11.26am From Los Angeles County, Inglewood, California 7 seconds Nextel

          11.49am To Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada 3 minutes AT&T

          11.51am To Harris County, Houston, Texas 11 minutes AT&T

          12.12pm To Los Angeles County, Long Beach, California 1 minutes AT&T

          12.15pm From Los Angeles County, Long Beach, California 1 minutes AT&T

          1.08pm To Los Angeles County, Santa Monica, California 120 seconds Nextel

          January 6th, 2011 HARRY DALIWAL--Area Retail Sales Manger with AT&T Cellular Services Daliwal has been employed by AT&T for almost 16 years....

          January 6th, 2011 JEFF STROHM--Custodian of Records for Nextel/Sprint Cellular Communications Strohm is responsible for responding to legal ...

          ~Timeline of Orders from Applied Pharmacy by Conrad Murray:

          It is questionable that Conrad Murray seems to have ordered Propofol before Michael had asked anyone for it and/or before looking for an anethesiologist to administer it.


          We find that it is very unnecessary in this case for you to be ranting about "addiction problems", we know you keep blaming the "enablers" but you need to think clearly, analyze the facts and realize that in this case, Michael did not die because of prescriptions "pills" or any addiction. The autopsy reports are clear, the manner of death is stated as homicide. There were no prescription "pills" or any other indication of any medication abuse found in his home other than what was administered to Michael (whether it was Murray or someone else). You need to stick to the facts of this case, as no other Dr. is being considered culpable and no other substance was found that he was taking during his last days. It is all in the AUTOPSY REPORT and here are some other links that you may find useful to read and ask yourself some very important questions. It does not serve Michael right in this case to be reminding the public that Michael may have had a problem with certain medications in the past, remember that he suffered from illnesses that required medications that may have impaired his ability. Remember he had lupus and also suffered immense pain from physical injuries to his back and emotional pain during stressful periods of his life, all which you are very aware of.

          DO NOT FEED Murray's defense who are trying to pin it on Michael himself and his other doctors by using the so called reports of Michael's "extensive drug use".

          Was Michael An Addict?:

          There was NO DEMEROL

          Michael was not an addict, and it wasn't an accidental overdose:


          Another article on Michael Jackson, proving he wasn't an addict!

          One of the most detailed explanations as to why MJ did not administer propofol to himself:

          Geraldo, we hope that when you cover this trial in the coming days that you will not fall into the same repetitive, damaging tabloid storyline as other media venues and shows are. Much of the media is trying to portray Michael as culpable in his own death, dissecting his life and past when he is the victim. The one actually on trial here is Dr. Conrad Murray. We kindly ask you to refrain from mentioning whether or not Michael Jackson was a "drug addict" because if you take the time to investigate this claim, and read the medical facts related to this case, namely the Autopsy Report and information about the drug propofol, you will notice that there is nothing that can support these drug abuse claims. Also, the possibility of Michael being able to administer this drug to himself is nil, according to the autopsy and how we know this drug works. You also are undoubtedly aware how much Michael loved his children and thus would never consider suicide as has also been claimed.

          _ _ _

          We ask that you call on experts who are professionally qualified to discuss Murray and this case on your show.

          We suggest Dr. Patrick Treacy and Dr. Barry Friedberg, MD Board Certified Anethesiologist. Both of these doctors can provide a unique perspective on the Murray case; one being a physician that personally treated Michael within 2 years of his death, and the other being an expert in the field of anesthesiology (and propofol is an anesthetic, not a painkiller or opiate).

          "By PUBLICLY stating, "I gave Michael Jackson propofol," and "I left the room," Murray has confessed to the most egregious of anesthesia errors: patient abandonment."
          Dr. Barry Friedberg

          Dr. Barry Friedberg, "Michael's Death: A Predictable, Avoidable Tragedy"

          Dr. Patrick Treacy Interview, Cosmetic Surgeon

          The below is an interview Dr. Treacy did along with Ms. Deborah Kunesh

          We also suggest:

          Aphrodite Jones Investigative Journalist

          Matt Semino Attorney and TV Legal Analyst

          And, the following is a very important (but heretofore censored) interview that was done with New York Times award-winning journalist Aphrodite Jones where Dr. Treacy speaks on this issue:

          The direction the media has been heading with this case is very concerning.



          Geraldo, after Michael Jackson died, you promised you would investigate this case. We are counting on you to expose the people that are hiding in the background, who clearly knew Michael's condition and his inability to pull through these concerts while under the constant stress and pressure placed on him by by AEG and it's executives -- financial, physical and emotional stress. We hope these facts and resources will give you a good start on your effort.

          NOTE: Thanks to Seven for editing and helping with this effort, also to bunnieroe, gatorgirl277 and Justice4MJJ for their contributions.

          Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 12.09.2011, 13:49.


          • Danke fürs reinstellen Geli ... puuh ist ein riesenberg info zum sichten und filtern ..

            In hab 'ne frage in die runde:

            Welche gründe könnt ihr euch vorstellen, dass z.B. Jermaine auf der zeugenliste ist?

            In verschiedenen threads kann man lesen, dass Jermaine Michael selten in den letzten jahren traf - allerhöchstens zu familientreffen. Dass die beiden allgemein keinen/minimalen kontakt hatten, über monate über jahre. Es wird Jermaines angabe in frage gestellt, dass der an einer TII proben dabeigewesen sei.

            Hatte Jermaine einen besonderen bezug zu Murray, zu den AEG leuten, zu irgendjemand in Michaels umfeld ... in der zeit, wo sich TII zuspitzte oder besonders in den letzen tage und am 25.06.2009?
            Was könnte er zu sagen haben, was im Murray prozess weiterhilft?

            Sicher wird er nicht auf der zeugenliste sein, allein weil er Michaels bruder ist oder weil das gericht seine persönliche einschätzungen zur Murray anklage hören möchte ..

            Ist es generell die regel, dass familienangehörige gehört werden ... auch wenn sie evtl zur anschuldigung von Murray, zu dessen be-/entlasung gar nix beitragen können?

            Nach dem was bekannt ist, war in der letzten zeit oder am 25.06. niemand von der familie bei Michael, niemand hat Murray oder den grossen unbekannten getroffen/gesprochen ...

            Kann mir jemand bitte auf die sprünge helfen??

            With L.O.V.E. and respect
            Lg rip.michael


            • Zur Info: Die Liste, die im Fragebogen wiedergegeben wird, wird wie folgt beschrieben.

              Liste potenzieller Zeugen oder Personen, die im Prozess Erwähnung finden können.
              Von daher denke ich, dass es auch nicht verwunderlich ist, dass Dileo weiter auf der Liste geführt wird.


              • Genau Lena, es könnte sein das Fragen anJermaine dann gestellt werden....Ob dieses geschieht nun das werden WIR sehen.
                Die Kinder stehen ja auch drauf

                Get the latest news, politics, sport, celebrity, TV and lifestyle from The Mirror. Big stories with a big heart, always with you in mind.

                Michael Jackson's children to testify at doc trial
                By James Dowling 11/09/2011 Decrease font size Increase font size

                Michael Jacksons Kinder werden beim Doc Prozess aussagen....Sie werden NOCHMAL die letzten Momente durchleben müssen....

                Michael Jackson's children are set to testify at the trial of the doctor accused of giving him a lethal drugs overdose.

                Advertisement >>

                Prince Michael, 14, Paris, 13, and nine-year-old Prince Michael II (known as Blanket) are on a list of potential witnesses at Dr Conrad Murray's hearing this month.

                They will have to relive their dad's last moments before a TV audience of millions as the sensational court showdown is beamed around the globe.

                Murray is accused of giving the singer a fatal dose of the anesthetic Propofol before his death on June 25, 2009. But his lawyers will claim the star died after taking Propofol pills from his own secret stash.
                Murray faces four years in prison and the loss of his medical licence if convicted. He denies the charge of involuntary manslaughter. At an earlier court hearing, Michael's bodyguard Faheem Muhammad told how he led sobbing Prince Michael and Paris out of their father's bedroom as Murray, 58, tried to resuscitate him.

                It is thought eldest son Prince Michael is almost certain to take the stand to recount his father's last moments. The youngsters could also be cross-examined by lawyers hoping to show Michael was in poor health before his death.

                Also included on the list of nearly 150 possible witnesses are the star's sisters Janet and LaToya, brothers Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, Rebbie and Randy, as well as parents Katherine and Joe Jackson.

                Jurors for the trial, which starts on September 27, will be selected from a pool of 145 people who have all been asked 113 probing questions about their knowledge of the case. The trial is expected to last six weeks.


                • Alan Duke mit einem Vorbericht für CNN-backstory was während de Prozesses vor Gericht los sein wird.


                  • Hatte Jermaine einen besonderen bezug zu Murray, zu den AEG leuten, zu irgendjemand in Michaels umfeld ... in der zeit, wo sich TII zuspitzte oder besonders in den letzen tage und am 25.06.2009?
                    Was könnte er zu sagen haben, was im Murray prozess weiterhilft?
                    Rip, wenn ich mich recht erinnere hat Jermaine Michael Thome vermittelt! Die beiden standen ja auch zusammen bei der Verkündung. War da nicht auch was mit der NAtion of Islam und war nicht die Frau von Thome irgendeine Schwägerin von Jermaine....das krieg ich gerade nicht zusammen, aber irgendein Verwandschaftsverhältnis gab es da meiner Meinung nach...


                    • ... stimmt Steffi den Tohme T. hatte ich augenblicklich nicht auf'm schirm in zusammenhang mit Jermaine. Ja, du hast recht ... bin gespannt, was davon gegenstand sein wird, wenn Jermaine in den in den zeugenstand gerufen wird.

                      With L.O.V.E. and respect
                      Lg rip.michael


                      • Hier ist nochmal die aktuelle Liste der potentiellen Zeugen:



                        • ..die aktuelle zeugenliste führt im moment immer noch frank dileo...

                          gibt es irgendwo eine differenziertere liste, wo ersichtlich ist, weleche seite welche zeugen benannt hat?
                          das ließe ja doch eher rückschlüsse zu, warum z.b. jemand wie jermaine ( oder auch jeder andere) als zeuge auftritt.
                          ich mag mich - jaja...ich faules stück.. - jetzt nicht durch 113 seiten ackern. sollte es also irgendwo hier im thread
                          verborgen sein - ich wäre für einen hilfreichen hinweis dankbar


                          • Zitat von Briánna Beitrag anzeigen
                            ..die aktuelle zeugenliste führt im moment immer noch frank dileo...

                            ... das ist komisch, dass Frank DiLeo noch drauf ist ... oder auch nicht, in der überschrift der liste heisst es:

                            Listed below are individuals who are potential witnesses or people who might be mentioned during the case. ...

                            Es wurde vermutet, dass evtl eine erklärung von Frank vorliegen könnte.
                            Kann doch sein, dass er wegen seiner krankheit vorsorglich sowas vorbereitete ... für den fall eines falles ... RIP Frank.

                            Ob die dann verwertbar (vom inhalt her sicherlich) wäre vor gericht?

                            With L.O.V.E. and respect
                            Lg rip.michael


                            • Es gibt keine offizielle Zeugenliste.
                              Was geli eingestellt hat, stammt aus den Unterlagen für die Jurybefragung.

                              Falls es etwas geben sollte , findest du es hier Brianna:


                              • Ich glaube nicht, dass jemand aus der Familie in den Zeugenstand gerufen wird. Ganz einfach deshalb, da die Familie gar keine Kontakte zu Michael hatte, bis auf das Familientreffen einen Monat vorab und dem Besuch von Kathrine 1,5 Wochen vorab, ansonsten liegen die Kontkate (bis auf Kahtrine) Jahre zurück, genau genommen bis zum 2005er-Prozes, der im jetzigen Fall keine Erwähnung finden darf. Sie können keine Beitrag zur Ermittlung des Tatherganges leisten. Ausnahme könnten tatsächlich lediglich die Kinder sein, in 1. Linie wohl Prince.

                                Und wie schon mal gesagt, die Liste, die im Zeugenfragebogen steht gibt die Namen potenzieller Zeugen und Menschen wieder, die im Prozess eine Erwähnung finden können. Von daher ist auch die Aufführung des Namens Dileo nicht verwunderlich.
                                Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 14.09.2011, 11:34.


                                thread unten
