This is from Twitter:
JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel
Busy week ahead, including interviews w/ Positively Michael (wed.), CNN's HLN (Friday), and MJ Preservation Project (Sun.)
22 Aug
JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel
The HLN taping is this Friday but will air in early September. I'll let everyone know the exact time/date when I know.
But then:
JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel
Never mind about my scheduled appearance on HLN. Just found out I was replaced on the panel. People will hear from Diane Dimond instead
15 hours ago
Diane Dimond answered:
DiDimond Diane Dimond
@ @JoeVogel1 What are you talking about? I had nothing to do with picking a panel and you've got all ***** fans screaming for my head. Come on
7 hours ago
DiDimond Diane Dimond
@ @JoeVogel1 you have no idea what you've unleashed on my head.
6 hours ago
Joe Vogel:
JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel @
@DiDimond Never said you picked the panel. Read the tweet