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  • Hier ein paar tweets von Joe Vogel. Zuerst teilt er mit, dass er am Freitag eine Aufzeichnung bei HLN hat und diese im September ausgestrahlt werden soll und dann das er nun erfahren, dass er durch Diane Dimond ersetzt wurde. Und die Hexe kann noch nicht mal seine tweets lesen wie sich in ihren Äußerungen zeigt.

    This is from Twitter:

    JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel
    Busy week ahead, including interviews w/ Positively Michael (wed.), CNN's HLN (Friday), and MJ Preservation Project (Sun.)

    22 Aug
    JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel

    The HLN taping is this Friday but will air in early September. I'll let everyone know the exact time/date when I know.

    But then:
    JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel

    Never mind about my scheduled appearance on HLN. Just found out I was replaced on the panel. People will hear from Diane Dimond instead

    15 hours ago

    Diane Dimond answered:

    DiDimond Diane Dimond
    @ @JoeVogel1 What are you talking about? I had nothing to do with picking a panel and you've got all ***** fans screaming for my head. Come on
    7 hours ago

    DiDimond Diane Dimond
    @ @JoeVogel1 you have no idea what you've unleashed on my head.
    6 hours ago

    Joe Vogel:

    JoeVogel1 Joe Vogel @

    @DiDimond Never said you picked the panel. Read the tweet


    • erinnert mich irgendwie an ganz alte zeiten.
      so ein dicker pelz, wie wir ihn brauchen werden, kann gar nicht mehr wachsen.
      da frag ich mich, was geht da noch ab vor gericht?
      diese tussi fehlt da auch noch, vielleicht hält bashit ihr noch das micro?


      • hier gibbet den Antrag der Ankage zu lesen, den sie gestern bei der Anhörung eingereicht haben.

        Sie beantragen einige von der Verteidigung berufene Zeugen abzulehnen, da sie nichts zur Klärung der Ereignisse am 25.6. beitragen können u. noch nicht mal von Murrays Anwälten angehört wurden.

        - Michael Bush
        - Chris Carter
        - Francisco Cascio
        - Alex Farschchian
        - Steven Hoefflin
        - Gerald Labiner
        - Michael LaPerruque
        - Cary Rogan
        - Neil Ratner
        - Leonard Rowe
        - Barney Vanvalin
        - Dieter Weisner

        Dann n och weitere Leute, die nur mit dem Prozeß 2005 zu tun hatten. Man möchte nicht, dass die Beschuldigen die man gg. Michael vorbrachte, thematisiert werden...ebenso will die Staatsanwaltschaft nicht, dass mehrere Ärzte, die vor Jahren Michael behandelt haben, aussagen....da sie absolut nichts mit Murrays Handlungen/Behandlungen zu tun haben.

        Bei folgenden Personen möchte die Anklage Nachweise für die Relevanz ihrer Aussage vorgelegt haben:

        John Branca - wurde von der Verteidigung nicht befragt
        Susan Etok - erzählte der Verteidigung, dass Michael sie im März 2009 nach propofol fragte u. glaubt er hätte ein Medikamentenabhängigkeitsproblem
        Karen Faye - erzählte der Polizei MJ wirkte eine Woche vor seinem Tod krank, aber hätte am 23.+24.Juni hervorragend ausgesehen.
        Travis Payne - nicht befragt
        Tohme Tohme - nicht befragt
        Grace Rwaramba - -nicht befragt durch die Verteidiger , aber von der Polizei. war zu besagter Zeit nicht bei Michael angestellt u. außer Landes.
        Defense Medical Expert Steve Pustilnik - irrelevant und hat auch keine Anstalten gemacht, etwas auszusagen.

        (hab auch noch nicht alles gelesen..)

        Kommenden Montag gibts die Entscheidung des Richters.
        Zuletzt geändert von Christine3110; 26.08.2011, 20:50.


        • Zitat von Brigitte 58 Beitrag anzeigen
          diese tussi fehlt da auch noch, vielleicht hält bashit ihr noch das micro?
          und appropos: was ist eigentlich aus dem bashit geworden? Hat den jemals noch mal irgendjemand
          haben wollen als Journalist, Reporter, Geschichtenschreiber????


          • DAS würde mich aber auch sowas von interessieren!!!!!!!! Weiß Jemand etwas darüber?


            • Zitat von Jackie2010 Beitrag anzeigen
              und appropos: was ist eigentlich aus dem bashit geworden? Hat den jemals noch mal irgendjemand
              haben wollen als Journalist, Reporter, Geschichtenschreiber????

              Er war bis August 2010 Anchor-Man bei ABC-Nightline und ging dann zu NBC und MSNBC als Anchor-Man für das Nachmittagsprogramm. Er ist also voll im Geschäft als Journalist.


              • Hier hat Bashir versucht Andrew Breitband auf's Kreuz zu legen........geschafft??? Nein, der Kulturelle Krieger und der Mann an der Front, hat es Martin nicht leicht gemacht. Bashir interviewte Breitband, Grund sein neues Buch.

                Bashir, scheiterte bei dem Versuch Andrew die Brandmarke des Rassisten aufzudrücken. Damals, Wir erinnern Uns noch gut daran, schaffte es Bashir Michael als " Monster " darzustellen.....

                Es ist ein Artikel, der Einflüsse zu Michael/Bashir/Breitband beschreibt....


                • Ich finde es sehr erwähnenswert, dass bei Wiki seine unehrliche "Journalisten-Arbeit" extra hervorgehoben wird ! :

                  Martin Bashir 2007Martin Bashir (* 19. Januar 1963 in London) ist ein britischer Journalist pakistanischer Herkunft. Er besitzt ein Anwesen in Winchester............................
                  Living with Michael Jackson [Bearbeiten]Im Jahr 2003 erschien die ITV-Produktion Living with Michael Jackson, die weltweit an hunderte TV-Stationen verkauft wurde.

                  Kritiker warfen Bashir vor, er habe nicht die gebotene Fairness walten lassen. Insbesondere habe er Passagen gezielt herausgeschnitten, um den Eindruck entstehen zu lassen, Jackson wäre für seine drei Kinder kein verantwortungsvoller Vater und hätte ein gestörtes Verhältnis zu seiner Sexualität. Dass die Dokumentation tatsächlich geschnitten wurde, belegte die Zeugenaussage des Cutters Hamid Moleshi im Kreuzverhör im Prozess gegen Michael Jackson. Martin Bashir wiederum berief sich auf die Pressefreiheit und beschuldigte Jackson, nachträglich einen Feldzug gegen ihn zu führen.

                  Jackson und der Sender FOX legten die Dokumentation The Michael Jackson Interview: The Footage You Were Never Meant to See nach, die auf Material basierte, das Jacksons eigenes Kamerateam während Bashirs Interview aufgenommen hatte. Jackson stellte seinen Mitschnitt zur Verfügung um zu beweisen, dass Bashir das Interview verfälschend zusammengeschnitten hatte.

                  Zuletzt geändert von toolate; 27.08.2011, 12:23.


                  • Boulevard Journalismus, verzerrt und gepaart mit gefühlloses Eigeninteresse .......


                    • My Notes From Inside the Court Room, Aug. 25th, 2011.
                      von Samantha De Gosson, Freitag, 26. August 2011 um 21:49

                      Thursday, August 25th, 2011.

                      Court hearing began 15 minutes late with the Prosecution being scolded for showing up late. The excuse given was too much traffic in the elevators.

                      The purpose of this hearing was to rule on the motion for Jury Sequestration filed by the Defense.

                      Before ruling on the motion the Judge asked for the Defense's and Prosecutions' arguments on the matter.

                      Defense's argument argument was that this case might be one of the most publicised case ever and therefor called for sequestration and that despite the "hassle" it would be for the jurors this was the only way for Murray to have a fair trial.

                      The Prosecution's argument was that sequestration was not necessary and that there had to be a level of trust granted to the jurors. "Should they be treated like citizens doing their duty or should they be treated like inmates, isolated form everything"?

                      The judge then made his ruling" Notice of Motion for Sequestration DENIED.

                      He argued that jurors are told what is expected from them as jurors and citizens. Even if there sometimes are instances of juror misconduct, regardless of whether they are part of publicized cases or not. The judge carried on by saying that based on his experience, jurors want to do the right thing and also have lives. He would be providing admonitions with the strongest words about their responsabilties and that any disobedience would not only have an adverse effect on Justice but that it would lead to contempt of court and result in fines and possibly incarceration.

                      The judge added that that information will be out there but that he has faith the jurors will follow the high-road and that despite sequestration being a legal tool he didn't find it to be an answer because previously sequestred jurors have indicated it being so cruel that it interfered with their fair assessement on the trials, and that the issue of cost he previously mentioned was not an over-riding conideration.

                      Jurors will not be free roaming during the trial and will stay in juror rooms during breaks. Anyone who tries to get in the way of the trial in the court room and inside the court house will do so at their own risk. It will not be tolerated.

                      After the ruling and the Judge's speech, the Defense tried to argue again by saying that the Kasey Anthony trial was affected by TV commentators talking about the trial (the jurors were not sequestred) and that therefor the decisions to let cameras in the court room should be revised.

                      The judge answered by saying he refused to go back on his decision to let cameras into the court room and that he could not help the fact that reporters had the right to free speech eventhough sometimes they "speak from body parts other than their mouth".

                      Other issues raised during this court hearing: Jury questionnaires to be addressed in chambers. Proposed questionaires are being worked on and are needed ASAP.

                      The judge said he was also surprised that no other formal written motions had been addressed by either parties only one month before the start of trial.

                      Prosecution answered that a "lLmit of propsed witness list" motion had been filed earlier in the morning.

                      Prosecution and Defense also had given eachother further discovery right before the beginning of the hearing which included new Forensic Toxicology Reports.

                      Defense said they wanted to request a new Urine Analysis from samples taken from Carolwood (450ml found in jar and recovered by the coroner) and from the Autopsy despite the previously released Toxicology report.

                      The Defense argued that they wanted a new analysis done because of new recent scientific findings on the oral ingestion of Propofol.

                      The hearing ended with proposed start and end dates for the trial. The trial date which is supposed to start on the 23rd of September might start on the 26th depending on a Jewish holiday jurors might want to observe.

                      Other dates during the trial duration also include other Jewish holidays and Columbus day which the court observes.

                      Approx. trial duration 4-5 weeks according to Defense and Prosecution. Judge thinks it might be much less...

                      Samantha de Gosson


                      • Liesrunsprints Karen
                        von 777MJJ
                        Media aren't interested in fans thoughts re the truth about MJ's death yet they are interested in views re concert boycott..Think about that
                        25 Aug.


                        • Rechtsanwälte haben Richter Pastor gebeten, den Schlüsselbeamten der Anklage gegen MJ aus dem Jahre 2005, Steve Robel, als ein Verteidigungszeuge für Murray zu verbieten !

                          Prosecutors appeal for ban of MJ’s molestation

                          ANI | Aug 26, 2011, 03.12PM IST

                          Prosecutors in the trial of Michael Jackson's physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, want to ban all testimony relating to claims that the late singer molested children.

                          According to TMZ, lawyers have asked Judge Michael Pastor to prohibit the key investigator in the 2005 allegations against Jackson - Steve Robel, from testifying as a defence witness for Murray, who is accused of involuntary manslaughter of the 'Thriller' hitmaker, Contactmusic reported.

                          The legal representatives are of the thinking that any testimony referring to the allegations against the late singer could arouse anger amongst the jury members, as it is irrelevant to the present case.

                          The present case is regarding Jackson's doctor, who has been accused of administering the critical dose of Propofol, a powerful anaesthetic, which killed Jackson in 2009.

                          The prosecution have also asked the judge to block testimony from a number of doctors who had treated the King of Pop in the past, but were not involved in his care on the day of his death.

                          Previous claims suggest that lawyers for the defence had nine medical professionals lined up to speak about Jackson's drug use, with a proposed argument that the 'Billie Jean' star was addicted to the prescription medication that resulted in the condition during his death.

                          Times of India brings the Latest & Top Breaking News on Politics and Current Affairs in India & around the World, Cricket, Sports, Business, Bollywood News and Entertainment, Science, Technology, Health & Fitness news & opinions from leading columnists.


                          • Mein Gefühl sagt mir, daß es doch ein fairer Prozess sein wird, daß keine große Gelegenheit besteht, Michael jetzt noch mit Schmutz zu bewerfen, sondern daß sich ausschließlich um Murray ,,gekümmert" wird..... (Zumindest hoffe ich das)


                            • DR. CONRAD MURRAY
                              Judge Made an 'Error'
                              By Not Sequestering Jury

                              Conrad Murray thinks Judge Michael Pastor made a mistake when he ruled against*sequestering the jury in the upcoming Michael Jackson manslaughter trial ... but he said he's doing the best he can and that God will see him through this.

                              God ... and a jury of his peers.

                              Judge rules Jackson trial jury will not be sequestered
                              Saturday, August 27, 2011 10:50 AM
                              LOS ANGELES - The jury in the upcoming involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor will not be sequestered, despite a request by defense lawyers who expect the case to be "the most publicized in history."

                              Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor ruled against removing the jurors from their homes during the four- to six-week trial starting in September, citing the estimated $500,000 cost and saying he had "tremendous faith" in the jury system.

                              "I do not find sequestration to be the answer in this case," Pastor said at a hearing on Thursday. "I expect that the jurors will follow the high road."

                              Jury selection is due to start on September 8 for the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, with opening statements expected on September 27.

                              Murray, who was at Jackson's side when he died in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009, is accused of delivering a fatal dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol to the pop star as a sleep aid, and then failing to monitor him properly.

                              Murray could face up to four years in prison if convicted. He has pleaded not guilty to the charge.

                              The defense team has suggested that Jackson, 50, could have given himself a larger dose of the drug while the doctor was out of the singer's bedroom. They have argued that massive expected media coverage of the trial could jeopardize the doctor's right to fair trial.

                              "There is reasonable expectation that Dr. Murray's trial will be the most publicized in history," Murray's lawyers wrote in their request for jury sequestration.

                              Pastor said he would give strict instructions to the jury to avoid reading or watching media reports of the trial, and said they would be eating their meals in the jury room during the court day to restrict their exposure to the public. - Reuters

                              Michael Jackson Trial Is No O.J. Simpson Case
                              25. August 2011 - 14:30 von NATALIE FINN

                              AP Photo/Isaac Brekken; Pool Photographer/Getty Images
                              This ought to make 12 people—and a few alternates—very happy.
                              The judge who will preside over Dr. Conrad Murray's manslaughter trial announced today that the jury deciding the fate of Michael Jackson's personal physician will not be sequestered, noting that the last time a Los Angeles jury was stashed away was during O.J. Simpson's murder trial.
                              But this is going to be a super high-profile trial, too, right?
                              GALLERY: So True? So False? Is Katy Perry Really as Big as Michael Jackson?!
                              Yes, and that's exactly why the judge doesn't want to treat the jurors like prisoners and have their attitude and flagging resolve affect the verdict.
                              A number of studies have shown that sequestration "interfered with their fair assessment of the evidence and the law," said L.A. Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor at a hearing with prosecutors and defense counsel today.
                              "Jurors want to do the right thing," he added. "Jurors have lives. We remove them from their lives in these horrific economic times." And though the media coverage will be difficult to ignore, "I have more faith and respect for jurors than others do," Pastor said.
                              Murray's attorney, Edward Chernoff, objected, saying if this visible a case wasn't cause for sequestration, then nothing was. He also requested that Pastor rethink his decision to allow cameras in the courtroom, saying it would fuel a Casey Anthony-type media frenzy.
                              "I decline, at this point, to amend my ruling. The First Amendment is one of our most cherished principles and the right to comment is part of that," Pastor said, refusing the request.
                              After a months-long postponement, jury selection is scheduled to begin Sept. 8, with opening statements set for Sept. 27.
                              Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter after being accused of administering what turned out to be a fatal dose of the powerful anesethetic propofol to Michael Jackson. The singer died June 25, 2009.

                              So ich hoffe die Links funktionieren.
                              Zuletzt geändert von TrueCrypt; 27.08.2011, 22:21.


                              • Zitat von Carehim Beitrag anzeigen
                                Mein Gefühl sagt mir, daß es doch ein fairer Prozess sein wird, daß keine große Gelegenheit besteht, Michael jetzt noch mit Schmutz zu bewerfen, sondern daß sich ausschließlich um Murray ,,gekümmert" wird..... (Zumindest hoffe ich das)

                                Widerlich !

                                Murray trieft förmlich vor Selbstmitleid, anstatt endlich mal Courage zu zeigen und für seine offensichtlichen Taten und Fehler gerade zu stehen.

                                Auch Gott kann ihn nicht helfen und von seiner Schuld befreien!


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