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Der Murray Prozess (Fahrlässige Tötung) - Diskussion

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  • Ed Chernoff besteht immer noch darauf das Sein Mandant Murray NICHTS falsch gemacht hat.
    Murray hat nichts verschrieben oder verabreicht, was Michael den Tod brachte.
    Kernpunkt der Verteidigung wird es weiterhin sein, das Michael durch Seiner Comeback Tour so verzweifelt war Und daher selbst seinen Tod verursachte...
    Chernoff, durch die andauernde Schlaflosigkeit Michaels, trank dieser die tödliche Dosis Propofol in einen unbeobachteten Moment.

    Staatsanwälte halten dagegen:
    Murray verletzte medizinische Standards, brachte Drogen in Michaels Haus und versäumte es Michael medizinisch zu überwachen...

    Sprecherin der Staatsanwaltschaft Sandi Gibbons:
    Aus dem Pool von 150 wird nun die Jury ausgesucht, das kann bis zu 3 Monate dauern.
    Die Staatskassen lassen daher keine Hotelübernachtungen zu.....

    Es folgen dann kleine Biographien.....für mich zur Beruhigung PASTOR liest DOKUMENTE aufmerksam durch.....
    Da sag ich mal .......nehme DIR SOOOOOOOOVIEL ZEIT, DIE DU BRAUCHST!!!!!!!!!

    Dr. Conrad Murray and Michael Jackson. (Reuters file photos)

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    LOS ANGELES -- Michael Jackson's sad and perplexing final days of life will be laid bare as the involuntary manslaughter trial of his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, begins on Thursday with jury selection.

    Details of how the King of Pop, who'd been apparently suffering for years from debilitating insomnia, was addicted to a powerful anesthetic approved only for use in surgery and, more importantly, how he obtained it, is at the core of the case Los Angeles prosecutors will present in the televised trial, which is tentatively set to begin with opening statements on Tuesday, Sept. 27.

    "Drug abuse by prescription has been going on for a long time and needs to be brought under control," said Barry Groveman, a former criminal prosecutor for the city and county of Los Angeles, who is following the legal ramifications of the trial.

    "A doctor occupies a high order in our society and, therefore, is held to a high standard. This trial is all about what that standard is."

    Autopsy photos taken after the 50-year-old's death on June 25, 2009, will be shown in what is expected to be a packed court filled with Jackson fans and family, including his 81-year-old mother, Katherine, and three children -- who were present when the singer died and may be called as witnesses.

    "A mother's job is never done," a visibly weary Katherine, who is raising Jackson's children, told local media.

    L.A. District Attorney spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said jurors will be selected from a pool of 150, and will be told the trial "could last up to three months." Partly to save about $500,000, the cash-strapped California justice system decided not to sequester jurors in hotel rooms throughout the trial. Lawyers for Murray had argued that jury isolation was necessary, especially after inflamed commentary by TV personalities during the Casey Anthony trial earlier this summer.

    There is a list of more than 100 potential witnesses in the case that may be called, including dozens of medical experts.

    The District Attorney's office began building a case against Murray when the coroner ruled that Jackson, who was preparing for his "This is It" comeback tour, died as a result of an acute overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol -- which the singer allegedly referred lovingly to as "mother's milk" -- mixed with sedatives.

    Prosecutors say Murray, 58, breached medical standards by giving Jackson access to propofol at his home as a regular sleep aid and failed to monitor him.

    "Your honour, I am an innocent man," Murray stated at his initial hearing six months ago. He has acknowledged to police he used the drug for two months to treat Jackson's insomnia, but insisted the doses he gave should not have been fatal.

    Nonetheless, L.A. Country Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor ordered Murray to stand trial on involuntary manslaughter based on "a direct nexus and connection between the acts and omissions of Dr. Murray and the homicide in this case." Pastor then stripped the cardiologist of his California medical licence pending the outcome of the trial.

    Murray began working for Jackson just a few months before his death. He closed his Houston and Las Vegas medical practices when concert promoters AEG offered him $150,000 a month to serve as Jackson' personal physician for the tour so as to ensure the singer was healthy enough to attend rigorous rehearsals.

    Murray's laywer, Ed Chernoff, has maintained Murray did nothing wrong. "Dr. Murray didn't prescribe or administer anything that should have killed him," he said.

    His defence of Murray hinges on creating a portrait of a drug-addicted pop star who was sick and strung out, but so worried about a comeback that he pushed himself to do a tour he wasn't physically capable of doing.

    "The crux of the defence is going to be that Michael Jackson engaged in a desperate act and took desperate measures that caused his death," Chernoff said in pre-trial motions.

    Chernoff has raised the possibility that the chronic insomniac injected himself with an additional, lethal dose of propofol, or drank it, while he was alone in the bathroom of his mansion and Murray was in another room. Opening statements by Deputy District Attorneys David Walgren and Deborah Brazil are expected to immediately address this defence -- and get to the heart of what they say is the matter: That Jackson died of a drug he should never have had access to.

    They are expected to tell of an otherwise healthy Jackson, who was the victim of a careless doctor who may have fraudulently obtained the powerful drug; a doctor who was on the telephone on a personal call when the artist stopped breathing and who was then unable to perform basic CPR to revive him.

    "There isn't anybody that doesn't have a relative or friend that has not experienced drug abuse by prescription and has a deep concern," said Groveman, the former prosecutor.

    Groveman said Murray's defence will have no choice but to put the cardiologist on the stand to testify.

    "The jury will want to hear from him as an intellectual member of society. A doctor has a lot of range and he may be able to have a good explanation for what he did."

    Groveman added, "and I would certainly hope so."

    Meanwhile, Katherine Jackson said she sometimes feels the maximum prison term of four years for Murray, if convicted, is hardly worth the strain of a public trial.

    "I have mixed emotions," she said in an interview.

    She has said she plans to attend the trial each day with other family members, including Jackson siblings Janet and La Toya, despite the reliving of painful memories.

    "Michael was the nicest person in the world," his mother said. "It just hurts me because my son is gone forever and this man (Murray) is trying to get away and get off."

    The key figures in the trial


    BORN: Feb. 19, 1953 in Saint Andrew, Grenada.

    RAISED: On the island of Grenada, but moved to Trinidad with his mother at age 7. At age 19, moved to the United States to attend Texas Southern University, graduating magna cum laude.

    MED SCHOOL: Meharry Medical College School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn. Completed medical school there in 1989 and an internal medicine residency at the same school in 1993.

    PRACTISED MEDICINE IN: Houston, Texas, and Las Vegas. Also previously licensed in California.

    MET MICHAEL JACKSON: When the doctor treated one of the Jackson children at his clinic in Las Vegas.

    DEFENCE ATTORNEY CLAIMS: Murray did not administer enough of the anesthetic propofol to kill him and Jackson must have obtained another dose somewhere else.

    MURRAY CLAIMS: "I am an innocent man."


    COURT: Los Angeles Superior Court

    PREVIOUS NOTABLE CASES: Jason Priestley's DUI and the handling of the case involving topless photos of Cameron Diaz.

    KNOWN FOR: Thoroughly reading every legal document. Read: Nothing gets by him.


    AGES: 56 and 53, respectively.

    UNIT: Major Crimes

    PREVIOUS NOTABLE CASES: Walgren was recently assigned to the reinvestigation of the Roman Polanski rape case and extradition hearing.

    KNOWN FOR: Being two of a small army of 1,056 lawyers representing the city.


    AGE: 50

    BACKGROUND: A former district attorney in Houston, Texas, who left to start his own criminal defense firm in 1999.

    PREVIOUS NOTABLE CASES: In one highly publicized federal trial, got the jury to acquit in just 15 minutes a man accused of hacking into the Harris County District Clerk's computer and causing damage.

    KNOWN FOR: His speedy acquittals and the invention of the phrase, "if the print doesn't fit, you must acquit."

    About the trial

    JURY SELECTION: Expected to begin Thursday, Sept. 9. About 150 prospective jurors will be questioned. Lawyers will pare the list to 12, plus two alternates.

    WILL JURY BE SEQUESTERED?: No. Judge Pastor will, however, warn reporters not to try to talk to jurors, and instruct jurors to avoid commenting to any reporters about the case.

    OPENING STATEMENTS: Tentatively set for Tuesday, Sept. 27 at Los Angeles Superior Court, 111 N. Hill Street in downtown LA.

    LIKELY SHOULD END BY: Christmas.

    *Defining 'involuntary manslaughter' -- and the Canadian equivalent

    What is 'involuntary manslaughter' and why haven't you heard of it?

    That's because in Canada the equivalent charge is labeled 'criminal negligence causing death.' In a nutshell, it means doing something that displays "wanton disregard" for the life of another.

    It's the low end of our homicide laws. At the other end, we have first or second degree murder -- typically where the Crown establishes the murder was "planned and deliberate," or committed during the course of a serious offence.

    The difference between first and second degree is dictated by the occupation of the victim. For example, murder of a cop or jail guard is first degree. If the murder doesn't satisfy the conditions for first or second degree, then it's considered manslaughter. The label is crucial in determining the sentence and parole eligibility.

    In California, an involuntary manslaughter conviction merits a three-year sentence, but mitigating factors can reduce it to two years, and aggravating factors can increase it to four.

    Judges have more discretion in Canada, where a criminal-negligence-causing-death conviction can merit anything from a suspended sentence (meaning no jail time) to life (meaning no parole for 10 years). If a gun is involved, the minimum is four years. Where the death is accidental, a Canadian sentence would likely be under two years.

    - Alan Shanoff, Special to QMI Agency

    Alan Shanoff is former legal counsel to Sun Media


    • Conrad Murray Trial: A Look Ahead

      Published : Tuesday, 06 Sep 2011, 1:26 AM PDT

      Reporter: Hal Eisner

      Los Angeles - Conrad Murray, the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death, returns to court today so lawyers can try to hammer out questions for potential jurors. Jury selection is supposed to start Thursday, but a last-minute defense tactic may slow things down.

      Hal Eisner looks ahead, with attorneys who have special insight into Michael Jackson -- Thomas Meserau, who represented Jackson in 1995, and Robin Sax, a former prosecutor with the LA County District Attorney's Office.

      FOX 11 News and Good Day LA, your source for news, weather, traffic, entertainment and sports for the Greater Los Angeles area.


      • ......die Studie " Reaktionen von Propofol am Schwein " kennen wir ja schon.
        Nun haben auch vor 6 Chilenische Studenten das in Tests bestätigt: Es ist NICHT möglich durch die Einnahme an Propofol, als Trunk oder Injektion zu sterben......
        Murray's Anwälte halten dagegen....." Es ist nur Hörensagen, Dr. Schäfer war nicht anwesend bei der Studie! Das kann so nicht gelten! "
        Richter Pastor hält den Einwand nicht für ausgeschlossen.....

        Lawyers Seek to Bar Testimony
        On Swallowing Propofol

        Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers want to ban a prosecution medical expert from testifying that ingesting Propofol would not trigger a fatal reaction.

        TMZ broke the story months ago ... the defense will argue ... a frustrated Michael Jackson accidentally killed himself by either ingesting or injecting himself with a fatal dose of Propofol when Dr. Murray left the room.

        Prosecutors intend to call Dr. Steven Schafer, who embraces two studies which allegedly conclude a patient can't die from orally ingesting the drug.

        In one of the studies, 6 Chilean students volunteered to drink Propofol -- and they survived just fine.

        Another study produced the same results, but the patients were pigs -- real pigs.

        Dr. Murray's team claims the studies are hearsay, because Dr. Schafer wasn't part of the tests.

        Judge Michael Pastor has not ruled on the objection.


        • News: Murrays Verteidigung ist mit dem erneuten Antrag auf Abschottung der Jury auch vor der höheren Gerichtsinstanz (Berufungs-/Appellationsgericht?) gescheitert. Ein Berufungsgericht von Kalifornien entschied, dass Richter Michael Pastor keinen Ermessensfehler begangen habe, als er entschied, die Jury nicht abzuschotten.
          Mit der Auswahl der Jury wird, wie geplant, morgen (8.9.2011) begonnen.

          Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team failed again in its attempt to sequester the jury in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case.
          A California appeals court just ruled ... the trial judge -- Michael Pastor -- did not abuse his discretion when he decided not to sequester the jury.
          The latest decision is no surprise -- appeals courts don't micro trial judges.
          The upshot -- the trial will now proceed as scheduled, with the jury selection beginning tomorrow.
          Quelle: TMZ

          Ich nehme mal noch CNN dazu, weil ich TMZ allein nicht so ganz vertraue. Ich finde, die übertreiben oder verzerren die Fakten. Außerdem weiß ich nicht, was genau Murray's Verteidigung beantragt hat.

          CNN schreibt, dass ein Berufungsgericht von Kalifornien Murrays Antrag auf Aussetzung des Prozesses, damit die Frage nach der Jury-Abschottung noch einmal überdacht werden könnte, abgewiesen hat.

          cnnsara Sara Pratley
          A CA appeals court denied a petition by #ConradMurray for a stay of trial which is set to start Thursday with jury selection. #CNN
          Quelle: Twitter/CNN


          [...] A California appeals court Wednesday denied Murray's petition for a stay in his trial so that the issue of jury sequestration could be reconsidered, a defense lawyer said. The denial cleared the way for jury selection to start Thursday. [...]
          Quelle: CNN
          Zuletzt geändert von Annika; 07.09.2011, 21:31.


          • Bin wirklich froh über die Entscheidung. Eine weitere Verschiebung des Prozesses wäre wirklich heftig gewesen.


            • Was wollen die eigentlich damit erreichen, wenn der Prozess immer wieder verschoben wird. Auch Murray müsste doch froh sein, wenn diese Farce endlich vorbei ist. Ein Urteil kommt doch definitiv und wäre ich in seiner Situation könnte ich die unerträgliche Spannung nicht aushalten und möchte das alles nur hinter mir haben. Das ganze dauert jetzt schon 2 Jahre. So langsam hatten doch beide Parteien Zeit genug sich ihre Strategien zurecht zu legen.
              Mir fällt ein Stein vom Herzen, wenn endlich der Tag kommt an dem dieser Prozess endlich beginnt. Auch für mich zerrt es langsam sehr an den Nerven. Man denkt es geht endlich los und bereitet sich mental darauf vor und dann...schrecklich. Laßt es endlich vorbei sein und Michael und seine Familie endlich ruhen.


              • Ich bin natürlich auch froh, wenn der Prozess endlich einmal seinen Verlauf nimmt. Aber ich bin auch sicher, dass zumindest was die Anklage betrifft, bisher sowohl der Richter als auch die Staatsanwaltschaft bisher alles das getan hat, was richtig war, bisher...


                • 100 Fragen werden den potentiellen Geschworenen gestellt. Darunter auch die Frage ob Sie unter Schlaflosigkeit leiden und ob Sie sich über die verschiedenen Medikamente informiert haben. Welche " Neue Website " Sie sich angeschaut/informiert haben.
                  30 Seiten umfasst der Fragebogen......" Beziehen Sie den Film TII mit ein? Haben Sie jemals ein Mitglied der Jackson Familie getroffen/gesehen? ..."

                  Juristische Experten sagen, " Es wird unmöglich sein, Jemanden zu finden der nichts von Jackson weiß. Beide Seiten müssen sich nun durch die Juroren arbeiten und die Unparteiische suchen.!"
                  Nachdem die Jury dann ausgewählt wurde, geht es die letzte Woche im September dann endlich los....

                  So Gott will.....ich bete das die RICHTIGEN ausgewählt werden. ALLES WIRD GUT!!!!

                  Michael Jackson death: jurors in Conrad Murray case to face 100 questions
                  Potential jurors in the case of Dr Conrad Murray, who is accused of involuntary manslaughter over the death of singer Michael Jackson, will face more than 100 questions when the case gets underway on Thursday.

                  Exhaustive questioning will include whether they suffer from insomnia, what news websites they read, and whether they are familiar with various medications involved in the case.
                  The potential jurors will also be asked if they believe celebrities "get away with crimes because of their status" and "abuse their power." In a 30-page questionnaire they will also be asked if they have ever seen a member of the Jackson family in person or watched "This Is It," a film which included footage of the singer's final rehearsals.
                  Jackson stopped breathing at his Los Angeles mansion on June 25, 2009, in what authorities say was an overdose of the powerful anaesthetic propofol and various sedatives.
                  Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter, has admitted giving Jackson a small amount of propofol to help him sleep but insists it was not enought to be fatal.
                  The doctor's lawyers have suggested that, when Murray was out of the room, Jackson could have given himself a large fatal dose of the drug.
                  Legal experts said it will be impossible to find anyone who knows nothing of Jackson, and lawyers on both sides will have to work through the jurors to find the most impartial.
                  Stan Goldman, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, said: "It's going to be like a Ouija board, it's going to be guess work." Once a jury is selected, opening arguments are expected to begin the last week of September.
                  Zuletzt geändert von TrueCrypt; 08.09.2011, 12:09.


                  • Von der Jury-Auswahl:

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    #ConradMurray prosecutor David Walgren used a cart to bring in his files.

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    #ConradMurray just walked into Dept. 107 with Attorney Ed Chernoff. Murray had waiver not to attend pre-trial hearings. But here now.

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Judge Pastor asked for pool of 70 potential jurors for trial of #ConradMurray. Those who can serve multi-week trial will get questionnaire.

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Actual questioning of jurors in trial of Jackson MD #ConradMurray not to begin till 23rd. Only orientation and hardship exclusions today

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    News cameras poised on morn of jury selection for invol manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson MD #ConradMurray.

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    #ConradMurray Judge Pastor wants pool of 100 jurors w/o hardship exclusion from which to pick the 12 plus alternates who will hear the case
                    1 minute ago

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    #ConradMurray himself said "Good morning" to potential jurors...then looked straight ahead without emotion as Judge gave case introduction.
                    3 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    #ConradMurray jurors wii be able to go home each night...but will be sequestered during court hours--no leaving for lunch. Room service!
                    5 minutes ago

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Add Pastor remake #ConradMurray -- Warned jurors they can't negotiate to capitalize on their experience for 90 days.
                    7 minutes ago

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Add Pastor remarks #ConradMurray -- Specifically warned jurors they will have avoid Internet and social media discussion of case
                    8 minutes ago

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Judge Pastor in trial of #ConradMurray has finished intro remarks to first batch of some 160 potential jurors. Predicted 25 day trial.
                    11 minutes ago

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Blank juror questionnaire form (to ferret out potential biases) in trial of #ConradMurray won't be made public till after filled out.
                    1 hour ago

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Review of juror hardship exclusion requests in trial of #ConradMurray will be done in chambers.
                    1 hour ago

                    PatrickNBCLA Patrick Healy
                    Jackson MD #ConradMurray and lawyers now headed to 5th Floor Jury Assembly Room where Judge will introduce case to pool.

                    InSession In Session
                    Judge Pastor asked 160 potential jurors if they had not heard of #ConradMurray 's case and not one person raised their hand.
                    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 08.09.2011, 20:05.


                    • 07.09.2011: Murray Prozess -- die aktuellsten Entwicklungen

                      Die Anwälte von Dr. Murray versuchen in den letzten Tagen vor Prozessbeginn zu erreichen, dass Dr. Steven Shafer, ein Zeuge für die Staatsanwaltschaft, nicht aussagen darf. Dr. Shafer soll aussagen, dass die orale Einnahme von Propofol nicht tödlich sei. Belegen sollen dies zwei Studien. In einer Studie meldeten sich sechs chilenische Studenten freiwillig zum Versuch, Propofol zu trinken und alle sechs haben dieses Experiment ohne Schaden überlebt. In der zweiten Studie wurde das gleiche Experiment an Schweinen vorgenommen und das Resultat war gleich. Die Anwälte von Dr. Murray versuchen nun, die Aussage des medizinischen Experten zu unterbinden, indem sie behaupten, dass diese Studien nur auf Hörensagen beruhen, weil Dr. Shafer an den Tests selbst nicht beteiligt war. Der richterliche Entscheid ist noch ausstehend. Dr. Shafner soll zudem gesagt haben, "Nichts, das Murray in seiner Pflege von Michael Jackson vorgenommen hat, deuten auf die Handlungen eines ausgebildeten Arztes hin."

                      Ferner wurde der Antrag der Verteidigung auf Isolierung der Geschworenen erneut abgelehnt. Das kalifornische Berufungsgericht entschied, dass Richter Pastor bei seinem Entscheid nicht über das ihm zustehende Ermessen hinaus vorgegangen sei.

                      Der Prozess findet nun wie geplant statt, wobei mit die Auswahl der Geschworenen morgen begonnen wird.




                        Kurze Freistil Zusammenfassung:
                        Richter M.Pastor fragte alle potenziellen Juroren ob jemand nichts über den Prozess gehört habe. Niemand hob die Hand.

                        Er ermahnte alle, Informationen von ausserhalb zu umgehen, insbesondere durch das Surfen im Internet. Es ist ihnen nicht gestattet, irgendwelche Informationen oder Kommentare über den Prozess via Tweet, Google oder einem anderen sozialen Netzwerk zu posten oder zu lesen. Bei Verstoß dagegen droht ihnen Gefängnis oder eine Geldstrafe wegen Mißachtung des Gerichts.

                        "Ich bin mir bewusst, dass für viele von uns das Internet zu durchsuchen so einfach ist wie Atmen", so Pastor.

                        Der Richter teilte mit, dass er die Option gehabt habe, die Jury während des Prozesses abzuschotten, sich aber dagegen entschieden habe.

                        Stattdessen werden die letztendlichen Jurymitglieder täglich mit dem Bus von einem geheimen Ort abgeholt und zum Gericht gebracht und am Ende des Tages auch wieder zurück gebracht. Es ist ihnen während des Tages nicht gestattet das Gerichtsgebäude zu verlassen und sie werden ihr Mittagessen ebenfalls im Gebäude einnehmen.

                        Die potentiellen Juroren wurden dann aufgefordert ein Formular auszufüllen und anzugeben ob die Teilnahme für sie eine unzumutbare Härte darstellen würde.

                        Außerhalb des Gerichtsgebäudes hielt ein einsamer Unterstützer Dr. Conrad Murays ein Schild auf dem stand "Ich unterstütze Dr. Conrad Murray, einen unschuldigen Mann, der freigesprochen werden muss". Willie L. Hampton, 55, sagte er sei seit 3 Jahrzehnten mit Dr. C. Murray befreundet und habe mit den Michael Jackson Fans Hände geschüttelt und sich darauf geeinigt, dass man Frieden halten wolle.


                        • Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen
                          07.09.2011: Murray Prozess -- die aktuellsten Entwicklungen

                          Die Anwälte von Dr. Murray versuchen in den letzten Tagen vor Prozessbeginn zu erreichen, dass Dr. Steven Shafer, ein Zeuge für die Staatsanwaltschaft, nicht aussagen darf. Dr. Shafer soll aussagen, dass die orale Einnahme von Propofol nicht tödlich sei. Belegen sollen dies zwei Studien. In einer Studie meldeten sich sechs chilenische Studenten freiwillig zum Versuch, Propofol zu trinken und alle sechs haben dieses Experiment ohne Schaden überlebt. In der zweiten Studie wurde das gleiche Experiment an Schweinen vorgenommen und das Resultat war gleich. Die Anwälte von Dr. Murray versuchen nun, die Aussage des medizinischen Experten zu unterbinden, indem sie behaupten, dass diese Studien nur auf Hörensagen beruhen, weil Dr. Shafer an den Tests selbst nicht beteiligt war. Der richterliche Entscheid ist noch ausstehend. Dr. Shafner soll zudem gesagt haben, "Nichts, das Murray in seiner Pflege von Michael Jackson vorgenommen hat, deuten auf die Handlungen eines ausgebildeten Arztes hin."

                          ja ja...Gefahr in Verzug und schon ballern die Anwälte los. Ich glaube die wissen das bei solchen Aussagen Murray schlechte Karten hat.


                          • Der Prozess gegen Conrad Murray, Michael Jacksons früheren Leibarzt, kann einen Monat dauern – das teilte der zuständige Richter den möglichen Juroren jetzt mit.

                            Michael Jackson
                            Sein Todes-Prozess kann sich hinziehen

                            Der Prozess gegen Conrad Murray, Michael Jacksons früheren Leibarzt, kann einen Monat dauern – das teilte der zuständige Richter den möglichen Juroren jetzt mit.
                            Der Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons (†50) früheren Leibarzt Dr. Conrad Murray (58) kann nach Einschätzung des zuständigen Richters einen Monat dauern. Dies teilte Richter Michael Pastor vom Superior Court in Los Angeles am Donnerstag rund 160 Bürgern mit, die zum Pool möglicher Juroren gehören, berichtete die „Los Angeles Times“. Der Prozess soll Ende September mit den Eröffnungsplädoyers beginnen. Seit Donnerstag läuft die Juryauswahl. Neben zwölf Juroren müssen Ersatzgeschworene zur Verfügung stehen, die im Fall von Erkrankungen oder anderen Problemen einspringen können.

                            Pastor fragte die Kandidaten, wer bisher nichts von dem Verfahren gegen den Kardiologen Conrad Murray gehört habe. Niemand hob die Hand.

                            Murray ist wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt. Er soll Jacksons Tod im Juni 2009 mit verschiedenen Schlaf- und Narkosemitteln herbeigeführt haben. Nach Angaben des Arztes hatte sich der Sänger die tödliche Dosis selbst zugeführt. Bei einer Verurteilung drohen dem Mediziner bis zu vier Jahre Haft. (dpa)

                            ......mmmh mir stellt sich da nur die Frage, kann man wirklich NICHTS über Murray gelesen/gehört haben??
                            Schon komisch, die Vorstellung das Menschen nicht so ganz " nebenbei " von dem Fall der Fälle gehört haben.
                            Habe ich da ein falsches denken?? Jeder und selbst nur wenn Er ein billiges Magazin liest, es steht immer etwas drin.
                            Seit Tagen nun lauf ich wie ein bescheuertes Huhn durch die Gemeinde und die Laune ist zum Nullpunkt gekommen.
                            Mit Fragen mater ich das Hirn und komme in eine Endlosschleife an.....Ich hoffe es kommt zum " Guten Ende "!


                            • [QUOTE=TrueCrypt;470877]

                              Pastor fragte die Kandidaten, wer bisher nichts von dem Verfahren gegen den Kardiologen Conrad Murray gehört habe. Niemand hob die Hand.

                              ......mmmh mir stellt sich da nur die Frage, kann man wirklich NICHTS über Murray gelesen/gehört haben??
                              Schon komisch, die Vorstellung das Menschen nicht so ganz " nebenbei " von dem Fall der Fälle gehört haben.
                              Habe ich da ein falsches denken?? Jeder und selbst nur wenn Er ein billiges Magazin liest, es steht immer etwas drin.[QUOTE]

                              Doppelte Verneinung: Der Richter fragt: Wer hat noch nicht vom Fall gehört? Niemand streckt die Hand
                              Dies heißt: Alle Anwesenden haben schon vom Fall gehört.


                              • Los Angeles Times blogs that were published between 2006 and 2013.

                                Ist doch schön das Pastor noch witzeln kann.....*Ironieaus*

                                As jury selection got underway Thursday, Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor asked the approximately 160 prospective jurors if anyone had not heard of the case they may be asked to decide -- the involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray.

                                Not one person raised a hand.

                                "We didn't expect that you've been living under a rock for the last few years, or you'd made a pit stop here from Mars," Pastor quipped in the downtown Los Angeles courtroom.

                                The last time the judge had polled a jury pool, only one person said she had not heard of the case -- and the woman did not speak English.

                                Pastor cautioned potential panelists that because of the extensive publicity surrounding the case, they were going to have to take care to avoid any outside information about the trial -- especially in navigating the Web.

                                They are not to post any messages on social media, send or read Tweets or Google information about the case, he said. If they do, they could face jail time or fines for contempt of court.

                                "I certainly realize that for many of us, searching the Internet is as easy as breathing," he said.

                                Pastor told the prospective jurors that he had the option of ordering the panel sequestered throughout the trial, but had chosen not to. He said he was "reiterating [his] faith" in the jurors in doing so.

                                Instead, the jury deciding the case will be bused to the court from a secret location each morning, and escorted away every night. Jurors will not be allowed to leave the courthouse during the day, and will be served lunch at the court.

                                The potential jurors were then asked to fill out forms about whether serving on the jury would impose hardship on them.
                                Outside court, a lone supporter for Murray carried a sign reading: "I support Dr. Conrad Murray, an innocent man who must be exonerated."

                                Willie L. Hampton, 55, who said he was a friend of Murray's of three decades, said he shook hands with the many Jackson fans and agreed to keep peace.

                                Murray faces up to four years in prison for allegedly causing the death of his famous patient by overdose on a surgical anesthetic. The main trial is expected to begin later this month with opening statements.


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