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Der Murray Prozess (Fahrlässige Tötung) - Diskussion
Das ist ein wichtiges Thema.
Wenn ich richtig informiert bin geht es um 17.45 Uhr unserer Zeit los.Zuletzt geändert von willyoubethere2908; 26.09.2011, 21:18.
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Wie geht es Euch denn so Heute.....mir ist mulmig zu Mute. Die Gerechtigkeit WIRD siegen...
Sehen und lesen Wir Uns Heute Abend hier, Mist mir fällt ein das ich Geld scheffeln muss.
Haltet mich mal auf den laufenden....Ihr Lieben Kopf hoch, datt wird werden..Zuletzt geändert von TrueCrypt; 27.09.2011, 06:53.
Kinder von Michael Jackson sprechen erstmals über seinen Tod
Werden ihre zarten Seelen das überstehen? Die beiden ältesten Kinder des 2009 verstorbenen "King of Pop" wollen unbedingt vor Gericht über den Todestag ihres berühmten Vaters sprechen. Ihr Großmutter Katherine hält das für gar keine gute Idee.
Als er am vergangenen Wochenende in Berlin über den Roten Teppich schritt, lief vielen ein Schauer über den Rücken. Da war er, Prince Michael Junior, der 14-jährige Sohn von Michael Jackson. Anlässlich des zehnten “Tribute to Bambi” war er in die Hauptstadt gekommen und hatte wertvolle Geschenke seiner Familie im Gepäck. Noch wirkt der junge Mann schüchtern. Ähnlichkeiten zu seinem Vater werden nur durch seine Kleidung gewahr. Nach Jahren in der Isolation lernt Prince gerade langsam mit den Medien umzugehen.
Jetzt wollen er und seine ein Jahr jüngere Schwester Paris einen für sie offenbar entscheidenden Schritt in der Verarbeitung ihres tragischen Verlustes gehen. Die beiden Teenager haben vor im Gerichtsprozess um Dr. Conrad Murray, dem einstigen Leibarzt des verstorbenen Superstars in den Zeugenstand zu treten.
Oma wird Prince Michael und Paris nicht aufhalten können
-Doch die Großmutter der beiden, die seit dem schrecklichen Ereignis im Juni 2009 für die insgesamt drei Geschwister sorgt, ist ganz und gar nicht begeistert. Gegenüber dem Magazin “” erklärte hierzu ein Nahestehender der Familie: “Katherine widerstrebt diesem Vorgehen, weil sie weiß, wie traumatisch es für sie wäre. Aber sowohl Prince Michael als auch Paris haben gesagt, dass sie den Geschworenen erzählen wollen, was sie an dem Tag, an dem ihr Vater starb, gesehen haben.” Und weiter: “Die Kinder möchten nicht, dass das Andenken ihres Vaters durch dieses Verfahren in den Dreck gezogen wird, und sie glauben, dass ihre Zeugenaussage helfen wird, Dr. Murray zu verurteilen.”
Inwieweit die Aussagen der beiden allerdings zu einer Verurteilung des Arztes, der nach Angaben eines anwesenden Notarztes schwere Fehler begangen haben soll, zu einer Verurteilung beitragen könnten ist fraglich. Ein weiterer, nicht näher genannter Insider befürchtet: “Prince und Paris haben Dr. Murray angehimmelt und dachten, dass er ihrem Vater von Gott gesandt wurde.” Erst nach dem Tod ihres Vaters hätten sie sich eine nachträgliche Meinung von ihm geformt. Sowohl Prince als auch Paris könnten im Zeugenstand sogar Beweise für die Unschuld des Arztes liefern.
Schlimm für die Kinder. Ich hoffe Sie stehen nicht im Gerichtssaal und schon NICHT vor Murray.
Die arme Seele der Kinder!! Schlimm muß es für Sie sein nach 2 Jahren den Tag wieder zu erleben.
Die Zeit heilt ein wenig die Wunden der Kids und nun werden diese wieder aufgerissen
Murray ich könnt Dich...bin ja sonst nicht so, aber da werde selbst ich zum Tier.....
Ja heute geht es los. Da müssen wir dann wohl durch. Ich bin schon im Büro True und Du sitzt noch am Frühstückstisch?
Die Zeitungsberichte über die Kinder halte ich für Tabloid und Motto wir wollen in den Zeugenstand ist ja eh Schwachsinn. In den Zeugenstand wird man berufen und ich glaube das werden Staatsanwaltschaft noch Verteidigung machen.
Wir haben gar keine Info mehr über die Chile-Studie bekommen. Ob die Staatsanwaltschaft diese verwenden kann. Muss der Richter die Entscheidung nicht vor Prozessbeginn treffen?Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 27.09.2011, 07:12.
Nee Lena, bin auch schon In der Tretmühle und Heute Nachmittag auf den Weg nach Berlin und das nicht Urlaubsmäßig.....gibt schöneres, aber egal
Lena, die Kinder standen doch auch auf der Zeugenliste soweit mein Hirn die Erinnerung abgespeichert hat oder???
Natürlich ist der Artikel übertrieben geschrieben, doch denke ich an das Fünkchen Wahrheit....Es wurden schon einige Artikel darüber geschrieben....
Das die Kinder wollen....nun ich denke das da so etwas wie Wut aufkommt. Das ist auch normal in der Trauerphase!! Will damit sagen, die Kinder sollen Ihren Kummer und Blick auf diesen Tag los werden.
Das soll auch zum Prozess gehören, doch mir widerstrebt der Gedanke das SIE dann vor Murray stehen...
Nee schon soooooviiiile Gedanken am Morgen
.....der CHEFE schleicht hier immer rum, daher EASY den Beiträgen, bei mir
26.09.2011: Prozess: Michaels ältesten Kinder wollen aussagen
Eine der Jackson Familie nahe stehende Quelle sagte angeblich zu Radar Online, dass Prince und Paris vor Gericht aussagen wollen. Obwohl Katherine Jackson gegen die Idee sei, da sie die traumatische Wirkung auf die Kinder verhindern möchte, wollen die Zwei erzählen, was in der Nacht geschah, als ihr Vater starb,.
Eine zweite zweite Quelle befürchtet aber, dass Prince und Paris, aufgrund ihrer anfänglich engen Verbindung mit Murray, ihn gar ungewollt vor einem Schuldspruch bewahren könnten.
"Two views of Michael Jackson's doctor will clash at this trial. Was he greedy and incompetent, signing on as the pop star's personal physician for $150,000 a month only to save himself from financial ruin? Or was he a caring friend, and a capable protector of the singer's health?" . . . (Well, if he was a "capable protector of the singer's health", the singer wouldn't be dead)
"Zwei Ansichten vom Arzt von Michael Jackson werden sich an diesem Prozess streiten. War er gierig und unfähig, sich als der persönliche Arzt des Popstars für 150,000 $ pro Monat verpflichtend, um nur sich vor Finanzruine zu retten? Oder war er ein sorgsamer Freund und ein fähiger Beschützer der Gesundheit des Sängers?"...
(So, wenn er ein "fähiger Beschützer der Gesundheit des Sängers war", würde der Sänger nicht tot sein)
Sep 27, 3:38 AM EDT
Jury to get overview of case against Jackson doc
AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The trial of the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death opens Tuesday with a bit of star power and the one thing the King of Pop enjoyed throughout his life - a worldwide audience.
The case will enter a crucial final act in a packed Los Angeles courtroom with opening statements and the start of testimony. Jackson's family, including his parents and many of his siblings, are expected to be present as dozens of reports cover the case. Proceedings also will be televised and broadcast online.
While much is known about Jackson's June 2009 death, the trial will reveal new information and provide a detailed record of the singer's final hours. Dr. Conrad Murray's trial is expected to be the first time that the public hears - in the defendant's own words - his account of what happened in the bedroom of Jackson's rented mansion.
By Monday evening, 15 satellite trucks and news vans were parked within a block of the courthouse.
Prosecutors plan to call the pop superstar's friend and choreographer, Kenny Ortega, as their first witness in the case.
During the next five weeks, prosecutors will rely on Ortega and other witnesses to detail Jackson's final days and hours and explain to a jury of seven men and five women exactly how the King of Pop died. Defense attorneys for Dr. Conrad Murray, who faces four years in prison and the loss of his medical license if convicted of involuntary manslaughter, hope to poke holes in the prosecution's case and present jurors with their own theory that the singer was culpable for his own death.
Ortega testified at a hearing earlier this year that Murray warned him not to try to act as Jackson's physician or psychiatrist after Ortega sent the singer home from rehearsals for his final concerts because he appeared to be sick. He is also likely the best witness to walk jurors through footage of Jackson's final rehearsals that were used for the film "This Is It," which will be played in part for jurors. Ortega served as choreographer for the aborted shows and director of the theatrical film.
For most of the jury, it will be their first exposure to the footage. Only two indicated on questionnaires filled out before the trial that they had seen any portion of "This Is It."
Prosecutors plan to play a recording of the physician's interview with police conducted two days after Jackson's death, when he revealed that he had been giving the entertainer the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid. The disclosure led to Murray being charged in February 2010 with involuntary manslaughter and nearly 20 months of legal wrangling over how the trial will be conducted.
Witnesses' recollections and conclusions about the events will be challenged to a far greater extent than they were during a preliminary hearing earlier this year that resulted in a judge ruling there was enough evidence for Murray to stand trial. Defense attorneys did not present a case or make an opening statement during that hearing, but lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff is expected to lay out Murray's side to jurors on Tuesday.
Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor has limited what Murray's lawyers can say about Jackson's history with drugs and his financial troubles. Prosecutors are similarly prohibited from mentioning some of the messy details of the doctor's personal life, including his sizeable debts and that he had several mistresses.
If prosecutors follow the same script they employed during Murray's preliminary hearing, the early part of the case will likely move in chronological order beginning with Jackson's final days and then moving into his final hours. After the singer's security guards, paramedics and emergency room doctors take the stand, the case will then move into more forensic and scientific territory.
Much of that testimony will focus on propofol, which is normally administered in hospital settings. Authorities contend Murray administered a lethal dose of the drug along with other sedatives, and lacked the proper lifesaving equipment to revive Jackson.
Defense attorneys will present an alternate theory - that Jackson ingested or somehow gave himself the fatal dose.
After weeks of testimony, dozens of witnesses and final arguments, the jury will have its say.
AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.
Anthony McCartney can be reached at
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Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 27.09.2011, 12:19.
Doctor's attorneys poised to blame Michael Jackson for his own death
By Victoria Kim, Los Angeles Times September 26, 2011
LOS ANGELES — As the trial of the Houston cardiologist accused of causing Michael Jackson's death gets under way Tuesday, the doctor's attorneys are poised to argue the blame should be pointed at the other person who was in the room: the King of Pop himself.
Jackson may have injected the lethal dose, or consumed it, attorneys for Dr. Conrad Murray have suggested. It may have been out of financial desperation, pressure to perform or anxiety about his career comeback, they've said.
Blaming the patient for his or her own death, legal experts say, is a common defense in the small but growing number of cases of doctors charged in connection with overdose deaths, where a patient's desperate search for drugs collides with a physician's responsibilities.
"There's a fundamental human theme that occurs in all of these cases, that is how much the defense can paint the addict as this powerful driving force, in some sense bent on killing himself," said Peter Arenella, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an expert in criminal procedure. "If the jury starts viewing the victim in that light, it's easy for them to acquit the doctor of any serious criminal charge."
Murray, 58, faces a charge of involuntary manslaughter for injecting Jackson with the dangerous surgical anesthetic propofol at his rented Los Angeles mansion and leaving his bedside. Murray told police he gave Jackson the drug — the singer referred to it as "milk" — over two months to help him sleep, even though it has no established use for insomnia. If convicted, Murray faces a four-year sentence and likely loss of his license to practice medicine.
On Monday, on the eve of opening statements, Murray's lead attorney asked the judge to admit another piece of evidence he said would help prove that "Michael Jackson was involved in certain acts that ended his own life."
"We think that he was desperate at the time that he did that," attorney Ed Chernoff told Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, asking that Jackson's contract with concert promoter Anschutz Entertainment Group be allowed at trial.
It's a case that has been made — not always successfully — by other defense attorneys.
An attorney for a Georgia doctor charged with felony murder for a patient's death on a mix of painkillers argued there was "no foreseeable risk of death" from the doctor's point of view because the drugs would not have been lethal if taken as directed. His conviction was upheld earlier this year by the state's Supreme Court, which found the doctor was aware of the victim's drug problems and "nonetheless provided him with drugs dangerous to such a person."
The defense of a Florida doctor convicted of manslaughter in 2002 for four painkiller deaths argued the decedents were addicts who had duped a sympathetic doctor into giving them the medication.
Attorneys for a Tennessee plastic surgeon charged with providing medication that led to his fiancee's drug abuse death contended in legal papers that the woman had caused her own death, writing that "it was her apartment, her medications, and her prescription bottles." The doctor died of a heart attack during an appeal of his second-degree murder conviction.
In pinning the blame on Jackson, Murray's attorneys have zeroed in on two facts: the size of the dose Murray told police he gave Jackson, and the time Murray spent away from Jackson's bedside. The 25-milligram dosage, half of what Murray had previously given Jackson, was not nearly enough to have caused his death, and the doctor was away long enough for Jackson to have awoken and given himself the fatal dose, they say.
The evidence "strongly cries out that Michael Jackson, who did like to ingest these chemicals himself, more than likely was the one who did that on that day because he did wake up shortly after the dose he received from Dr. Murray," Joseph Low IV, an attorney representing Murray, told the judge earlier this year.
Deputy District Attorney David Walgren has suggested that Murray could have lied to police about the amount he injected. And even if Jackson was the one that pulled the trigger on his own death, prosecutors argued, Murray is just as guilty of homicide based on standard of medical care, for leaving his patient in a circumstance in which he could.
In inserting Jackson's own actions into the picture, Arenella said the defense was trying to put doubt in the jury's mind about whether the doctor's actions ultimately caused the singer's death. Even if the defense successfully argues Jackson injected or drank the propofol, if prosecutors are able to show the doctor allowed for that to happen, the jury could still find Murray guilty of the involuntary manslaughter charge, Arenella said.
"What's really important is, given how foreseeable it is that patient wants more, was the doctor responsible for making the extra consumption available?" he said.
Blaming Jackson could be a risky ploy, experts said, because Murray may appear to be shirking his duties as a physician.
"You risk a binary reaction from jurors . . . It's like putting it all on red in Vegas," said Bryan Liang, a professor at California Western School of Law and also a physician. "Ultimately, the responsibility falls on the person with the medical knowledge."
Who Jackson is may also be a factor in how the argument is received by jurors. Defense attorneys hinted during jury selection that in portraying Jackson as desperate enough to cause his own death, they may bring up less-than-flattering tidbits about the singer's life.
Half of the final panel of jurors indicated on their questionnaires that they had at one point considered themselves a fan of the pop star. Chernoff, in his questions to the jury pool, asked panelists if anyone would have trouble holding Jackson to the same "standard of responsibility" as anyone else. No hands were raised.
Outside court, Chernoff said he wasn't concerned about how the defense strategy would be received by the panel. If it upsets the jury, so be it.
"I'm going to tell the truth," the attorney said, "and let everyone else handle the rest."
© Copyright (c) Los Angeles Times
Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen
sich als der persönliche Arzt des Popstars für 150,000 $ pro Monat verpflichtend, um nur sich vor Finanzruine zu retten? (So, wenn er ein "fähiger Beschützer der Gesundheit des Sängers war", würde der Sänger nicht tot sein)[/B]
Warum zum Geier, hat der nicht wenigstens 1 Assistenten gehabt, der sich an MJ Bett stellte, wenn der Arzt seine prisanten Telefonanrufe tätigen musste...etc...nee da musste zum Schluss auch noch der Sohn des Klienten herhalten... und das auch ein Arzt mal aufs Klo muss, ist ja wohl klar... ach es ist alles soo lächerlich...
Ich melde mich ja wenig hier, bin eher eine tagtäglich, stille Leserin und bedanke mich für die guten Gedanken...
Alles andere ist zu viel für mich... ich reg mich nur auf... über alles...
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