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Lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray are insinuating ... the LAPD did a sloppy job retrieving evidence from Michael Jackson's surveillance cameras the day the singer died -- failing to make copies of crucial footage before it was erased.
The defense's second witness -- a surveillance specialist for the LAPD named Alex Supall -- just testified, he only handed over a few minutes of surveillance footage to investigators, showing MJ arriving home for the last time at around 12:45AM on June 25th, 2009.
As TMZ first reported, Murray's lawyers have had a big problem with how investigators only recorded a small fraction of surveillance footage from that day -- and demanded to see the entire 24-hour tape from the day MJ died.
Specifically, Murray's lawyers want to see who entered MJ's house during that period -- footage that could prove their theory that evidence in the house was tampered with.
Problem is ... the cameras run on a 24-hour loop -- so, Supall testified, if the footage hasn't been transferred ... it's replaced with new footage and cannot be retrieved.
Supall said he only copied those few minutes to establish a timeline of when the singer returned home after his last rehearsal on June 24 -- everything else is gone forever.
Conrad Murray-Trial - Day 16-October 24, 2011:
"Day 16, Session 1 (TMZ-stream)"
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+ YouTube Video
+ YouTube Video
+ YouTube Video
"Day 16, Session 2 (TMZ-stream)"
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+ YouTube Video
+ YouTube Video
+ YouTube Video
"Day 16, Session 3 (TMZ-stream)"
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+ YouTube Video
+ YouTube Video
"Day 16, Session 4 (TMZ-stream)"
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+ YouTube Video
"Day 16, Session 5 (TMZ-stream)"
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+ YouTube Video
+ YouTube Video
"Day 16, Session 6 (TMZ-stream)"
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+ YouTube Video
+ YouTube Video Zuletzt geändert von mjchris; 27.10.2011, 01:19.
Jermaine Jackson über Twitter:
Re trial, Dr Metzger confirmed what I've said all along: Michael's insomnia was historic & tour/pressure induced. Nothing to do w/Demerol...Many artists unable to turn off mind will empathize with this insomnia. Michael slept ok when not performing. In bed around 9pm...and slept.
... trouble sleeping in Feb 2009 because he'd been preparing for TII since Fall 2008. that's when pressure started to grow.
Verteidigung ruft im Jackson-Prozess die ersten Zeugen auf
Nach vier Wochen, in denen die Anklage ihre Belastungszeugen präsentieren konnte, hat am Montag im Prozess gegen den Leibarzt von Michael Jackson die Verteidigung damit begonnen, ihre Entlastungszeugen aufzurufen.
Dona Norris sagt als Zeugin der Verteidigung von Jacksons Leibarzt aus.
Los Angeles. – Als erste Zeugin der Verteidigung sagte die Polizeibeamtin Dona Norris aus, die am Tag von Jacksons Tod im Juni 2009 den Notruf entgegengenommen hatte. Die in den vergangenen Wochen von der Staatsanwaltschaft präsentierten Aussagen belasteten Conrad Murray schwer.
So warf ihm der Anästhesie-Experte Steven Shafer vor, mit wiederholten und gravierenden Verstössen bei der Verwendung des Betäubungsmittels Propofol den Tod des Popstars herbeigeführt zu haben. Murray wird fahrlässige Tötung vorgeworfen. Er hat sich nicht schuldig bekannt. (sda)
Quelle: sda
Datum: 24.10.2011, 22:03 Uhr
October 24, 2011
Your guide to the defense's case
Posted: 04:42 PM ET
The defense case will be much quicker than the state's case. It took prosecutors 16 days, they called 33 witnesses and they displayed or marked more than 200 exhibits. In contrast, the defense is expected to take just a few days and finish presenting its case Thursday.
Lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff advised the court last week that they expect to call a third expert in addition to anesthesiologist Dr. Paul White and toxicologist Michael Hanson. While Chernoff did not say who his third expert would be, Dr. Stephen Pustilnik is on the witness list. He's a medical examiner from Texas and could contradict some of the testimony given by the Los Angeles county medical examiner who conducted Micheal Jackson's autopsy.
Here is a list of possible witnesses for the defense's case:
-Dona Norris, Evidence Manager for Beverly Hills Police Department
(Norris finished testifying Monday)
- Alex Supall, a police surveillance specialist with the LAPD
(Suppall will continue with his testimony when court resumes after lunch)
-Randy Phillips, President of AEG
-Dr. Paul White, Anesthesiologist
-Michael Hanson, Toxicologist – Analyzed Jackson's stomach contents
-LAPD detectives Orlando Martinez and Dan Myers
-Amir Dan Rubin, former Chief Operating Office of UCLA Medical Center
-Dr. Stephen Pustilnik
-4 character witnesses
The defense began its case Monday and they have already called two witnesses to the stand.
The first defense witness was Dona Norris, the evidence manager for the Beverly Hills Police Department. Norris confirmed that her department received a 911 call at 12:20PM on June 25, 2009, the day Jackson died.
The second witness the defense called was Alex Supall, a police surveillance specialist with the LAPD. Supall was charged with the duty of obtaining footage shot by Jackson's surveillance equipment on June 25, 2009.
Defense attorney Nareg Gourjian play a portion of a security tape that showed what could be Jacksons's entourage arriving at the gates of the driveway at around 12:46AM on June 25, 2009.
Michael Jackson: Dr. Murray will seine Unschuld beweisen
25.10.2011 | 09:31 Uhr | Autor: Carmen Meyer
Die Anwälte von Dr. Conrad Murray haben begonnen, im Prozess um den Tod von Sänger Michael Jackson die Verteidigung aufzubauen.
Die Verteidiger haben die ersten Zeugen aufgerufen, die im Prozess um den Tod des Musikers Michael Jackson (†50) für seinen Leibarzt sprechen sollen, nachdem die Staatsanwaltschaft ihre Beweisaufnahme abgeschlossen hat.
Zuletzt war der Mediziner von einem Kollegen, dem Anästhesisten Dr. Steven Shafer, scharf angegriffen worden.
Der hatte ausgesagt, es sei unmöglich, dass der Star (‘Billy Jean’) sich selbst getötet habe, wie von Murray behauptet. Der Experte machte deutlich, dass der Musiker am 25. Juni 2009 nur an einer Propofol Vergiftung sterben konnte, weil das Medikament intravenös verabreicht wurde. Jackson habe sich das nicht selbst zuführen können, da er zu dem Zustand schon zu sediert gewesen wäre.
Der Fachmann behauptete weiter, das Medikament sei immer noch in den Körper gelaufen, als sein Herz schon aufgehört hatte zu schlagen und der berühmte Patient habe eine 40 Mal höhere Dosis Propofol erhalten, als sein Arzt gegenüber den Behörden zugegeben hatte.
Im Kreuzverhör musste Shafer jedoch zurückrudern und gab auf genaue Fragen des Anwalts der Verteidigung Ed Chernoff zu, dass er nur spekulieren könne, was genau nach dem Tod des Künstlers passiert sei, denn Dr. Murray habe keine Patientenakte geführt.
“Sie waren nicht in der Lage ein Szenario zu erstellen, dass die Blutwerte erklärt und das Selbstspritzen in Betracht zieht?” fragte der stellvertretende Staatsanwalt David Walgren Dr. Shafer und der antwortete: “Korrekt.”
Die Anklage hatte in den letzten vier Wochen 33 Zeugen aufgerufen, darunter auch viele Ärzte und Fachleute, die dem Leibarzt von Michael Jackson alle vorwarfen, er habe unprofessionell und verantwortungslos gehandelt.
Die erste Zeugin der Verteidigung war die Angestellte der Polizei von Beverly Hills, Donna Norris, die über die genauem Details des Notfrufs aus dem Haus des Stars sprach.
Dann wurde der Überwachungsspezialist der Polizei von Los Angeles, Alex Suppall aufgerufen. Der hatte nur wenige Minuten der Aufnahmen aus den Überwachungskameras vom Anwesen sichergestellt, auf denen man sieht, wie der Künstler gegen 12:45 Uhr am Morgen seines Todestages nach Hause kam. Die Verteidigung betonte, dies sei Schlamperei gewesen, denn man hätte die Bänder komplett kopieren müssen, bevor wichtige Daten überschrieben würden. Die Aufnahmen werden offensichtlich immer nur für 24 Stunden gespeichert und jetzt kann nicht mehr festgestellt werden, wer sonst noch am fraglichen Tag das Haus betrat und Zugriff auf das Hab und Gut des Musikers gehabt hätte.
Außerdem ging es noch einmal um die Aussage des Bodyguards Alberto Alvarez, zu der die beiden Polizisten Dan Myers und Orlando Martinez befragt wurden. Alvarez hatte bei der ersten Befragung nicht gesagt, dass der Arzt ihn angewiesen habe, Propofol-Flaschen und Infusionsbeutel wegzuräumen, bevor der Rettungsdienst eintraf, wie er in einer späteren Aussage behauptete. Martinez kann sich vorstellen, dass der Bodyguard erst nach seiner ersten Aussage durch Presseberichte beeinflusst wurde.
Dem Leibarzt von Michael Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray, drohen wegen fahrlässiger Tötung vier Jahre Gefängnis und der Entzug seiner Approbation.
Michael Jacksons Leibarzt war offenbar nicht der einzige Mediziner, den der US-Popstar um intravenöse Schlafmittel bat - das hat nun der erste Zeuge der Verteidigung im Prozess gegen Conrad Murray ausgesagt. Der Sänger habe "Angst" vor seiner Comeback-Tour gehabt.
Zeuge der Verteidigung
Jackson bat schon früher um intravenöse Schlafmittel
Michael Jacksons Leibarzt war offenbar nicht der einzige Mediziner, den der US-Popstar um intravenöse Schlafmittel bat*- das hat nun der erste Zeuge der Verteidigung im Prozess gegen Conrad Murray ausgesagt. Der Sänger habe "Angst" vor seiner Comeback-Tour*gehabt.
Los Angeles - Der Arzt Allan Metzger behandelte Michael Jackson nach eigenen Angaben seit Jahren wegen Schlafstörungen und anderer Leiden. Nun sagte er als erster Zeuge der Verteidigung im Prozess gegen Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray aus. Bereits zwei Monate vor seinem Tod im Juni 2009 soll der Sänger Metzger demnach um ein intravenöses Schlafmittel angebettelt haben.
Der Mediziner sagte weiter aus, der US-Popstar habe nicht geglaubt, dass oral verabreichte Medikamente gegen seine Schlaflosigkeit helfen könnten. Jackson habe ihm von seiner "Angst" vor seiner anstehenden Comeback-Tour "This is it" erzählt. Er habe allerdings kein spezielles Schlafmittel gefordert, sondern lediglich von "Saft" gesprochen. Metzger selbst habe dem Popstar jedoch nie etwas gespritzt.
Vor Metzger waren bereits 33 Zeugen der Anklage gehört worden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Murray fahrlässige Tötung durch die Gabe einer Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol vor. Murrays Anwälte vertreten dagegen die These, dass sich der verstorbene Sänger die tödliche Überdosis selbst injiziert haben könnte, um endlich Schlaf zu finden. Es wird erwartet, dass die Verteidigung insgesamt 15 Zeugen aufrufen wird, darunter Mediziner und Polizisten.
Jackson war am 25. Juni 2009 nach dem Befund der Gerichtsmediziner an einer Überdosis Propofol im Mix mit anderen Beruhigungsmitteln gestorben. Sein Leibarzt Murray hatte im Polizeiverhör gesagt, er habe Jackson nur eine kleine, harmlose Menge gespritzt. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs drohen dem 58-Jährigen bis zu vier Jahre Haft.
Der 16. Prozesstag - mit Dank an Bouee von mjjcommunity
Dr Shafer
Walgren :
your work in this case is pro bono, that's you custom in any kind of case, wether you are defending the doctor, or yiu are against the doctor, objection, sustained, re asked . Dr Shafer : It's based on the science . Has consulted for a lawyer who had been on the opposite party before.
Do you follow the same princimles with you resarch an your programs : publishes his programs and spreadseehts , over a 100 have been made available online
sedasys : is a system , works propobono for Ethicon
Stanpump : computer program created, that used mathematics to give drugs to achieve a certain concentration. , based on height and weight. It's free to download, became the default standard. Used as a reference program. It's free because Dr Shafer wants to promote the science. Could have great monetary value : dr Shafer doesn't know, there would have been some.
Demonstration 100ml with the spike : it had to a vented, if not the propofol would not flow. Other than that you can't say which line was used : yes, it only had to vented.
Walgren mentions Dr Shafer's testimony was interrupted due to a death in his family
Shows a close up of a vented line. Peoples 157. Shows the seacaost order, Dr Safer shows its the same product as peoples 157( vented line). Seacost orders shows an order of 50 counts, and 100, that's a 150 more than Dr Shafer had understood.
An excel tube, same as peoples 157, could have been spiked into the bottle. Could have done the same demonstration, excel is atcually much smaller than the one used for demonstration.
Is there anything extroardinary saying than MJ received more than 25 MG, no the defense is saying the same thing.
You couldn't find a scenario that could support self injection,
Normally has a dose and time to do a simulation, the only info is 25mg by murray, couldn' t find any scenario with tis dose.
Dr Shafer couldn' find another scenario other that the propofol was still running when MJ died.
Demerol : the comments on demerol are based exclusively on medical records from Dr Klein. Based on the readings of these records, Dr Shafer couldn't say he was an addict, the records alone were not enough to say if MJ was an addict, Dr Shafer is not an addiction expert.
There was no demerol found in Mjs system
If the defense had asked Dr Shafer to do scenarios for them, he wld have done them, and has actaully done one for the defense.
0;008 mg, 1/250 th of tablet, comes from new study from coroner, the Pacific Toxycolgy finding was 0.047 mg, 1/43 of a tablet
dr Shafer has given opinions based on a 30 years expertise : CM should have monitored his patient , and been there is, this opinion is not «*made out of thin air*» , it comes from published studies, and the established standards of care.
50 mg , 6 self injections : this can't happen, because you have to wake up.
Walgren : CM said MJ liked to push the drug, was a dependent on propofol, if you believe CM (emphasis on believe) Dr shafer says that self injection was a foreseeable risk. Based on CM's own words.
Any scenario other than IV infuion : no hasn't been able to establish another scenario, death occured while propfol was being infused.
Shows another lorazepam scenario : 9 doses IV, 4MG each. Starting at 1 30 am : this would work to explain the levels found.
Re cross Chernoff
last scenario, done this week end , because of what Chernoff said on Friday.
There would be no cardio vascular problem with 25 mg over 3 to 5mn
100 ml infusion is an extraodinary claim : no, it's an ordinary claim.
IV set demonstration ; you said that THIS (showing IV Tube used for demonstrate) was used : no, mistates testimony, doesn't know what was used. Dr Shafer said that a vented line was used.
Chernoff shows excel line (that Murray bought) : it's actually much smaller than the one used for demonstration. Peoples 157, the excel ine that was found at the scene was actually vented, Dr Shafer didn't know prior to this morning that it was vented. His testimony was for the need of a vented tube for the propofol bottle. It's possible to take the vented line that was in the saline bag, and put it into the propofol bottle.
Chernoff : so your new theory is that a second line was used ? No I said that you need a vented line.
Chenoff asks about the slit bag demonstration : Dr Shafer says he intended to show that there were 2 lines , one in the saline, one in the bottle.
Chernoff asks quetions that no one understands. Actually it's multiple versions of the same question, that apprently no one understand.
Prosecution rests, but may call other witnesses pending on other exhibits.
Donna Norris
Works communications evidence unit beverly hills police department.
Shows transcript of 911 call
909 27346 : caller's phone nr
12 20 18 time 911 was called
12 20 21 : begins to ring
12 20 26 : called picked up
12 20 50 : called transferred to LAFD
12 21 03 : dispatcher at police dept hangs up.
12 21 04 : 911 system relased the call
duration of the call at the police dept 46 Seconds
the call was made on June 25th 2009
data that shows which cell tower the call came from, the part of the cell twer, cell phone provider, and a number the police can call if they need to trace back the call.
No Cross by Walgren.
Alexander Suppal
LAPD, police surveillence speciaist for 11 years
operates and maintains electronic surveillance for LAPD, retrieves footage from surveillance cameras.
Was asked to go to Carolwood, to retrieve the videos, because the operater weren't sure they could retrieve the videos. Was alone there, probably went around 7 30pm on 25th June (his first answer was 6, but didn't recall very well, agrees it could have been 7 30
There were several officers, he had to wait for authorization to go through the gates. Detective Martinez was there.
Security staff coudn't play the video, his task was to find the hard drive, a DVR, to do so he had to trace the lines , the DVR was in the basement of the house, 2 stories down. Had to get a monitor and hooked it up to the hard drive. At that time he was with Matinez, and a security guard, he described the security guard was a tall african american (Gourian asked if it was it Faheem Muhammad , mr suppal says he doesn't know)
started the video to the relative time when MJ came home , someone said (maybe Martinez) what that time was, he started the video a little earlier.
It was a minute for minute video, 24 hours video ,if they had recorded everything fom the last 24 hous, it would have been a 24 hours video.
Everything until june 25th 7 30 pm could have been seen.
Gourjian plays a 7mn video
it's a camara that looks at a gate :
time stamp, date and time of the DVR : june 25th 2009, a quarter to 1 am, someone is in front of the gate, 0. 47 cars arrive , someone is till in front of the gate, 0.50 anther car, a smaller one, there is still someone walking next to the gate, 0. 52, there are 2 persons near the gate, the gate is still opened, 0. 58, 2 cars , big ones, shows people outside the gate on the street , gates close, one person still near the gate. At 1 02 gates open, there still people outside. At 1 06 a car leaves, people outside go after the car., 1 07 gates open, car still right outside the gate, at the end footage on fast forward from the beginning.
Mr Suppal says the fast forward shows that they watched the video again.
As he was watching, he recorded it on a DVD.
Doesn't remember how many cameras there were.
Shows another video : camera outside, on the keypad. It shows people waiting o the street right next to the gate, three cars come in, each time there is a close up on the driver's face (peronal note : I didn't recognise the first one, second one could be Murray, third one looks like a white man, 50 or 60, with glasses and a moustache)
Mr Suppal did not go back to download additional footage, no one asked him to.
No cross by Walgren
Side bar, lunch break
Dan Myers
as a detective in this case, was present during some of the testimony
detective with LAPD since 1994, currently robbery homicide divisions
June 25th was not in LA, was assigned to the case the monday after
interviewed Albert Avarez on agust 31 2009
was aware of Aas statement on june 25th
On june 25th, AA never mentionned putting away medication, never mentionned the bottle in the bag
iOn August 31 st, Aas nterview was in AA's lawyer's office
Was MAW in the same office : DM doesn't know, was interviened the same day, in the same location, doesn't know if he was there at the time AA's interview took place;
Faheem Mohammed was also interviewed the same day
On august 31st AA made a drawing, shows the drawing, decribed the bottle and the milky substance in the bag
AA made anther drawing, of the pulse oxymeter he saw on Mjs finger
AA made these drawing on august on 31, 4 days after the coroners press release, that was made on 27th august, and identified cause of death as propofol
There was a lot of media coverage in the weeks after Mjs death
Shows another drawing (an IV bag), DM says he has never seen it before.
No cross examination.
Detective Orlando Martinez :
has been present during some of the tesimony, as a detective on the case
detective for LAPD, has been with the LAPDfor 10 and half years, currently Robbery Homicide Division
Went to UCLA on june 25th, at around 3 30 pm.
At UCLA, spoke to different people, one of them was AA. Was present during half of AA's interview.
Didn't menetion putting away vials, didn't mention seeing a vial or a bottle in a bag.
Then DM went to Carolwood, at around 7 30pm. Didn't see AA there, saw Faheem Muhammed.
Saw Alex Suppal, who was there to help retrieve the video. Was with him , and saw the video.
OM made the decision to only download Mjs and dr Murray's arrivals. There could have been more video downloaded.
Saw AA also in september for his fingerprints. There was no statement, saw AA 3 times to take the prints.
Was not present during august 31 metting
Met Alvarez in april 11, reviewed the 31 august for that meeting. Walgren OM called the day before, asked that he brings certain items to the DA's office, and AA would be there. Meeting took place at Mr Walgrens office. Only AA, DW, DM were present. Brought a saline bag, pulse oximeter, propofol bottle. AA parked at the police buidling and walked with DM to DW's office
Shows the IV bag drawig, was done at the april meeting
Shows the iV pole drawing : knows it was done on august 31
the picture of the IV bag was done 2 years after, Gourjian says the IV bag is significantly different
April meeting was a few weeks before the trial was scheduled.
Cross by Walgren :
AA testified regarding the bottle inside the saline, the pulse oximeter in january, during the preliminary hearing.
AA drawing iv bag : AA saw the IV bag DM brought, AA said there was an additional chamber, AA drew it to explain the chamber.
Re direct Gourjian
AA didn't testify at the preliminary hearing that people's 106, the propofol bottle, was the one he saw (objection : he was not presented with the evidence)
AA never mentionned the additional chamber in august 31, he did that only in April, DM says yes, after he saw the saline bag in april.
The only item displayed in April, were those 3 items. No other vials, no other IV bags were presented to mr Alvarez.
No re cross
Alan Metzger
Physician, main office in LA practises since1974
met MJ 15 to 20 years ago, prior to 1995
treated MJ for various things
relationship with MJ : began profesionally, had become close near the birth of the children, was his main physician when he was in LA , was a confident.
MJ would see other specialists.
MJ called in 26 february 2009, prior to that MJ called on 12 june 2008, the june 2008 call was about sleep, skin issue, prior to that came to LA office on 23 june 2003
in 2008 MJ was taking xanax, saw him before preoperative exam.
June 2008 gave him talanol for sleep, talked bout general health, skin issues, back strain. Asked him to come and see him and dr Klien
Chernoff asks if he had he been contacted by other persons who around mj; Dr Metzger is not sure he had been called about MJ, as he was often in contact with people around MJ . May have been in conctact with Grace, to talk about the kids.
Visited MJ at his home on April 18 2009 : thinks it was early afternoon. It was not unusual, but not frequent . They talked about health issues, MJ knew D Metzger wanted to see the kids.
On april 18, MJ, his 3 children, security guards were there, grace was not there.
MJ didn't say he was seeing another doctor.
The conversation started with MJ and the kids, the the kids went outside, he alone with MJ. Talked about medical isued , the stress he was under due to the rehearsals and upcoming tour.
MJ was lucid, was exited, talking about creative things, he was in a state of exitement and fear. Fear was about not doing a good job with 50 shows, MJ believed he was up to the task, but he was fearful about staying healthy. They talked about nutrition,MJ had chefs for healthy food, hydration, MJ was doing well with his chronic back issues, he was also under stress due to his profound sleep disorder.
Sleep was an issue, had been an issue for 15 or 20 years, sleep was especially an issue on tour, sometimes also when he was not on tour.
these issues are in dr Metzger's records
Dr Metzger traveled on tou with MJ
On April 18 2009 , asked for «*juice*», intravenous sleep medication; Could have been IV valium, anesthetic. MJ didn't believe oral medication would be helpful;
From Dr Metzger's personal experience, previous oral medication didn't work. Had tried befole talanol pm (??) , xanax, in april 2011 gave him klonapim, trazadone not to be used together.
His records are 5 pages since 2002
MJ could have hasked for an anesthetic, Dr Metzger isn't sure
Had referred before him to plastic surgeons, dermatologist.
Who is Randy Rosen he is a pain management doctore, maybe he's an anethesiogist, but Dr Metzger works with him for pain management.
What kind pain was MJ suffering from : chronic back sprain, due to overwork and a couple of injuries
Randy Rosen ; works at the Spalding Clinic (??) :it's an outpatient pain procedure clinic
What kind of medication is given in this kind of clinic : objection, sustained
Dr Klein : presumed MJ would see dr Klein, for his vitiligo, and mild procedures, skin issues.
Did he mentionned he needed a Dr in London: yes he was concerned about sleep, injuries, hydration
After concerts, do you know how he dealt with insomnia : objection, sustained
Dr Metzger has never treated him intravenously
in April 2011 asked MJ to call him back and tell him which medication worked
Did not speak to MJ after that.
April 18th ; went to MJ's home in the afternoon, thinks it was early afternoon.
Has 5 pages of medical records since 2002, provided them to an attorney, was not asked by anyone else
Cross Walgren
IV treatment : Dr Metzger explained to MJ it was dangerous, and should not be done outside of a hospital
Would any amount of money have changed your mind : no
Chernoff :
Dr Metzger told MJ anything IV would be dangerous , Dr Metzger is not sure if it was an anesthetic, he 's sure MJ was talking about sleep medication.
Cherilyn Lee
she's a nurse praticioner, holitic nutritional praticioner.
Nurse practioner ; can open a clinic, about natural and nutrition care
Has been doing that for 15 to 20 years off and on, she works with sports people, entertainers
Legally she can prescribe medication, but chooses not to. Doesn't like what medication does to people.
Has prescribed antibiotics, is not allowed to prescribe cnontrolled mediation.
Has met MJ, at his home. She had received a call from Faheem Mohammed, he's the son of a friend of hers.
Faheem said Mjs childen had a slight cold, it was the latter part of january 2009. She went to the house on january, looks at her charts, can't find the date, she was there several times.
She assessed the children, talked to MJ. He said he was a little tired, she said she did nutrion and natural thing, she said she would ask for lab test, and ask him to fast fom midnight during 8 hours for the blood test;
She went back on february 1st : she did a physical exam, drew his blood for blood test (to rule everything that could cause fatigue out, did a history. He was not talkig about his sleep pattern , she gave him a symptom form to fill
Mj said he was easily fatigued, he didn't talk about medication, occasionally he would take talanol, He drank red bull, she told him that could cause fatigue.
Mj had difficulty falling sleeping,she felt the red bull could be the cause.
Did he seem fatigued ? No, she said he thought he was anemic.
He talked about dehydration, he said he could lose 5 to 7 pounds from perpsiration during rehearsals.
MJ was very healthy, a loving person.
,She came back to Mjs house on febrauray 2nd.
Did you tell him about the red bull ? :yes, he said «*whatever you tell me to do, I will stop*»
Saw him again on february 3rd, he said he was feeling better
Lab results came back on the 5th, she drew blood again on 27th february . She next saw him, on march 9th, when she went over his lab results with him.
She gave him super smoothies (nutritional smoothies, with protein), b12, nutritional IV, did his blood test before starting the nutritional IV, it came back normal, so she started the nutritional IV.
When was the firts time you gave him an IV ? It was early february, with saline, IV pushed over 10mn.
On February 10th she gave him myers cocktail : magnesium, calcium, vitamin c, b vitamin
she was seeing him sometimes in the morning and sometime in theevening
February 16th : went over his lab results, gave him another nutritional IV.
Did he complain about sleep ? No, Chernoff shows her her records ,he actually said he had a hard time going to sleeping. It was the first time he said had
MJ and CL talked about teas that could help him sleep.
Next she saw MJ on march 9th : he had just arrived from London, she saw the announcement on TV. She was called either by Faheem or MAW. MJ complained he was tired, she gave him Myers cocktail IV
March 16th : Myers cocktail, he said he was feeling better
March 26th; she came out of the house at 6am; It was scheduled the day before. MJ complained about what he had to do that day. She Gave a Myers cocktail; He offered her to go to London.
March 24th ; visited him in the evening, he said natural sleep products wouldn't work.
April 12th Easter sunday : visited him . He said he had a problem sleeping, everything she did was not working. She offered to do a sleep study, a neurotransmittal (sp ?) test, he said he din't have time for that.
He wanted her to see that he didn't sleep, he said she could watch him and see that he had problems sleeping. She did that, she went up to his room, made him tea, gave him natural supplements, she gave him vitamin C, myers cocktail, she watched him sleep, he slept for 5 hours; An IV was going. The catheter was in his hand, he had very small veins, «*squiggly veins*», there was no other problems with his veins.
The medication came up during easter. , Chernoff says it was actually on april 19th, she checks and agrees.
Recess until tomorrow 9 am LA time
Quelle: mjjcommunity - S.13 / S.16 / S.20 / S.25
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Hier noch Ausschnitte TmZ
Lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray are insinuating ... the LAPD did a sloppy job retrieving evidence from Michael Jackson's surveillance cameras the day the singer died -- failing to make copies of crucial footage before it was erased.
The defense's second witness -- a surveillance specialist for the LAPD named Alex Supall -- just testified, he only handed over a few minutes of surveillance footage to investigators, showing MJ arriving home for the last time at around 12:45AM on June 25th, 2009.
As TMZ first reported, Murray's lawyers have had a big problem with how investigators only recorded a small fraction of surveillance footage from that day -- and demanded to see the entire 24-hour tape.
Specifically, Murray's lawyers want to see who entered MJ's house during that period -- footage that could prove their theory that evidence in the house was tampered with.
Problem is ... the cameras run on a 24-hour loop -- so, Supall testified, if the footage hasn't been transferred ... it's replaced with new footage and cannot be retrieved.
Supall said he only copied those few minutes to establish a timeline of when the singer returned home after his last rehearsal on June 24 -- everything else is gone forever.Zuletzt geändert von TrueCrypt; 25.10.2011, 14:56.
Murray Trial Day 16 October 24, 2011
Morning Session
Dr Shafer Testimony continued
Chernoff Cross
Chernoff asks if one of the dangers of rapid bolus injection of Propofol is apnea. Chernoff goes over the insert of Propofol and reads that slow techniques are preferred over rapid injection to avoid apnea or hypotension.
Chernoff goes over Dr. Shafer’s simulations. 25 mg rapid Propofol injection apnea is about 2 minutes. Defense’s simulation of 25 mg pushed over 3 to 5 minutes, there’s a low risk of apnea after 4 -5 minutes. Propofol would not be as risk after 10 minutes.
Chernoff asks how Dr. Shafer came up with 50mg Propofol dose. Shafer says CM in his interview said he mixed propofol 1:1 with lidocaine and the syringes were 10cc. Chernoff asks if CM gave MJ 50 mg Propofol if there would be apnea after 4-5 minutes. Shafer says it’s difficult to say as he doesn’t know MJ’s pharmaceutical state.
Chernoff shows Shafer’s 6 self injections of 50mg Propofol injections and asks if there could be indefinite number of possibilities. Shafer agrees. Shafer did self injection simulations because of Dr. White mentioned them as a hypothesis in his letter.
Chernoff asks if Shafer is aware that there are health care providers who died because of self injection of Propofol. Shafer is aware about articles mentioning that.
Chernoff goes back to the self injection and asks if the person is self injecting do they have to do it quick. Shafer agrees and says that they can’t do it over 3 minutes.
Chernoff asks if Shafer’s simulations were out of thin air. Shafer says most are based on Dr. White’s letter and hypothesis of multiple injections.
Chernoff switches to Lorazepam’s half life in stomach. It’s 22 minutes. Every 22 minutes the amount is cut in half. 8 mg swallowed 22 minutes later would be 4, another 22 minutes later it would be 2mg, another 22minutes it would be 1 mg , so in 4 hours , there would be a very low amount of free lorazepam in the stomach.
They go over Greenblack's study. Lorazepam reaches a peak concentration in 2 hours after an oral dose. Drug goes into the stomach, and is being removed by liver and distribution in the tissues. So as long as the drugs come in the levels in blood raise, the concentration rises. When fewer drugs come in, it is removed faster than it comes in, so levels drop. Chernoff argues that even if there might be small percentage in the stomach, levels could be at peak in blood.
Chernoff states that Dr. Shafer cannot remove the possibility that MJ woke up and swallowed Lorazepam. Shafer says he needs to know what time but it cannot be after 8AM.
Chernoff asks questions about the urine levels of Lorazepam and Propofol. Shafer did not do examinations / calculations based on urine levels.
Chernoff asks if urine in the bladder could be evidence for or against 100ml Propofol drip. Shafer says he doesn’t know and he needs to research and find models. For some questions Shafer says he needs information about propofol glucoronide and it wasn’t tested.
Chernoff states that Shafer’s analysis is based on repertory arrest and he did not take into cardiac arrest. Shafer says correct.
Chernoff mentions the comments Shafer wrote about Demerol on his report. Shafer had written MJ liked Demerol but was not addicted to it. Chernoff asks if he’s an expert in addiction , Shafer says he’s not an expert but seen examples and talked to other doctors about it.
Chernoff asks about rapid detox. It’s when the patient is detoxing for opiates while under sedation. Chernoff asks if Shafer knows the dangers of opiates. Shafer says they are dangerous for many organs.
Mid morning break
Walgren redirect
Walgren again mentions that Dr. Shafer’s work is pro bono (free of charge). Shafer says it’s his custom in these types of cases. Shafer says that he had worked for the defense and prosecution on different cases. Shafer says his position on any case is based on the science.
Shafer also shares his research, databases and software for free online as well. Shafer wants to promote the science and even though he can earn some money for his programs he makes them available for free.
Walgren goes over the IV lines and Shafer says he can’t say which line was used, all he knows the line had to be vented. Walgren shows People’s 157 and Excel IV line and it’s a vented line. Seacoast order shows that Murray bought 150 of those vented lines. Exel vented line is a lot smaller than the one used for demonstration.
Walgren mentions Dr Shafer's testimony was interrupted due to a death in his family
Walgren asks if there is anything extraordinary saying than MJ received more than 25 mg Propofol. Shafer says no and the defense is saying the same thing.
Shafer says that he couldn’t find any scenario that support self injection and the only scenario he could find was Propofol was still running when MJ died.
Walgren asks about Demerol. Shafer says he read Klein’s records and based on them he couldn’t say if he was an addict or not and he’s not an addiction specialist. Walgren mentions that there was no Demerol in MJ’s system.
Shafer says he has done one scenario for the defense and if they asked he would have done more.
Walgren mentions the new lab results about Lorazepam that shows 0.008mg of Lorazepam in MJ’s stomach which equals to 1/250th of a tablet and mentions that this is smaller than 1/43rd of a tablet mentioned by the defense.
Shafer says he gave his opinion based on 30 years of expertise and says CM should have monitored MJ. Shafer says his opinion is not made out of thin air. It actually comes from published studies and established standards of care.
Walgren asks if Shafer believed what CM said that MJ liked to push the drug and he was dependent on Propofol if self injection was a foreseeable risk. Shafer agrees.
Walgren shows another Lorazepam scenario of 9 doses of IV Lorazepam 4 mg each starting at 1:30 AM. This would also explain the levels found in MJ’s blood.
Recross by Chernoff
Chernoff asks if the last scenario was done this weekend, because of what Chernoff said on Friday.
Chernoff asks if 100ml IV drip Propofol was an extraordinary claim. Shafer says it’s an ordinary claim.
Chernoff argues that Shafer is changing his testimony about the IV line used for Propofol. Shafer says that Chernoff is misstating his testimony and he only said the line had to be vented. This goes on for some time.
Prosection rests their case.
Defense case starts
Donna Norris Testimony
Direct by Gourjian
Norris works at communications evidence unit Beverly Hills police department. She goes over the 911 call.
12:20:18 time 911 was called
12:20:21 begins to ring
12:20:26 called picked up
12:20:50 called transferred to LAFD
12:21:03 dispatcher at police dept hangs up.
12:21:04 911 system released the call
Duration of the call at the police department was 46 seconds
the call was made on June 25th 2009
Data shows which cell tower the call came from, the part of the cell tower, cell phone provider, and a number the police can call if they need to trace back the call.
No Cross by Walgren.
Alexander Suppal Testimony
Gourjian Direct
Suppal is a LAPD police surveillance specialist for 11 years.
On June 25th he was asked to go to Carolwood to retrieve the videos. Suppal probably went around 7:30pm on June 25th. Detective Martinez was there. Security staff couldn’t play back the videos. Suppal’s first task was to find the hard drive so he had the trace the lines back to the source. Suppal finds the DVR in the basement of the house. They get a monitor and hook it up to the DVR. Suppal was with Detective Martinez and a tall African American security guard.
They rewinded the video to the time CM and MJ came home.
Gourjian plays a 7 minute video. It’s a camera that looks at the gate. It shows time as 00:45AM. Multiple cars arrive at 00:47AM, 00:50AM and 00:58AM. A car leaves around 01:06 Video shows security guards and fans as well.
Gourjian shows another video. This is from a camera outside on the keypad. It shows 3 cars come in and close up of the driver’s face. It also show the fans waiting outside the street.
Suppal did not go back to download additional footage. No one asked him to.
No cross by Walgren
Lunch break
Murray Trial Day 16 October 23 2011
Afternoon session
Detective Dan Myers
Direct by Gourjian
Myers is a detective with LAPD since 1994. He was assigned to the case on June 29th, 2009. He interviewed AA on August 31,2009. They interviewed AA in an office building. MAW an FM was interviewed the same day at the same place as well but Myers doesn't know if MAW & FM was in the building when they interviewed AA.
On Agust 31st AA made several drawings. One of the the IV bag with a bottle hanging on an IV stand. The second drawing was the pulse oximeter he saw on MJ's finger. These drawing and interviews was done 4 days after coroner's press release that identified the cause of death as propofol.
On June 25th, AA never mentionned putting away medication or the bottle in the bag.
Gourjian shows another drawing - an IV bag- Myers says he has never seen it before.
No cross examination.
Detective Orlando Martinez
Direct by Gourjian
Martinez is an LAPD detective for 10.5 years. He went to UCLA on June 25th around 3:30PM. At UCLA they(Martinez and Smith) spoke different people. Martinez was present during half of AA's interview on June 25th. AA didn't mention putting away any vials or mention seeing a bottle in a bag.
Martinez went to Carolwood around 7:30PM and he didn't see AA there. He saw FM. Alex Supall , surveillance specialist for the LAPD, was at Carolwood to retrieve the security footage. Martinez made the decision to only download MJ's and CM's arrival.
Martinez was not at August 31st 2009 interview of AA but saw AA in September to take his fingerprints.
On April , 2011 Walgren called Martinez and asked him to bring certain evidence items to his office. Walgren also told him that AA will be there. AA was parked at the police building and walked to Walgren's office with Martinez. Martinez had brough a box of evidence items but only showed the saline bag, propofol bottle and pulse oximeter to AA.
Gourjian shows the drawings AA made on August 2009 and the saline bag he draw on April 2011 and says that they are significantly different.
Cross by Walgren
Walgren mentions that AA testified to the bottle in the saline bag and pulse oximeter in January.
Walgren asks Martinez to explain the April 2011 drawing of the saline bag. Martinez says when he showed the saline bag to AA, AA said there was an additional chamber. Martinez asked him to draw it to explain.
Redirect by Gourjian
Gourjian says during preliminary hearing AA didn't testify that the propofol bottle was the one he saw. Walgren objects saying that at that AA hadn't seen the evidence.
Gourjian says AA never mentioned the additional chamber on August, 2009. Martinez says he mentioned if after seeing the saline bag on April 2011.
Martinez once again mentions that AA was only shown 3 items , saline bag, propofol bottle and pulse oximeter on April, 2011.
Dr. Allan Metzger
Direct by Chernoff
Metzger met MJ 15 to 20 years ago. Metzger's relationship with MJ began professionally and later became close as friends as well. Metzger was MJ's main physician when he was in LA and he treated MJ for various things. Metzger says MJ saw other specialists as well.
Metzger has borugh 5 page medical records with him. Metzger has seen MJ in his office on 23 June 2003. Michael had called him on 12 June 2008. At 2008 call MJ mentioned sleep issues and skin problems. Metzger gave him Tylenol PM for sleep and talked about MJ's general health and back strain. Metzger told MJ when he came to LA to see him and Klein.
Metzger says he frequently talked with Grace about the kids.
Metzger visited MJ at his home on April 2009. Metzger thinks it was a weekend and early afternoon. On that day MJ, his kids and his security was at the house. Grace wasn't at the house. When they started talking the kids were in the room but later they went outside. Metzger and MJ talked privately. Metzger says the whole visit was 1 hour and 30 minutes and he talked to MJ privately around 20-30 minutes. They talked about medical issues and the stress MJ was under due to the rehearsals and upcoming tour. MJ did not mention seeing another doctor.
MJ was lucid. He was excited and was talking about creative things. Metzger says he showed both excitement and fear. His fear was about not doing a good job with 50 shows. MJ believed he was up to the task but he was fearful about staying healty. They talked about nutrition and hydration. MJ was doing well with chronic back issues. Metzger says MJ was also under stress due to his sleep disorder.
MJ was lucid, was exited, talking about creative things, he was in a state of exitement and fear. Fear was about not doing a good job with 50 shows, MJ believed he was up to the task, but he was fearful about staying healthy. They talked about nutrition,MJ had chefs for healthy food, hydration, MJ was doing well with his chronic back issues, he was also under stress due to his profound sleep disorder.
Metzger says sleep has been an issue for 15 -20 years for MJ especially during touring. Metzger says he traveled with MJ on tour.
On April 18 2009 MJ asked for "juice" intravenous sleep medication because MJ didn't believe any oral medication would be helpful. Metzger says MJ didn't mention any drugs by name.
Metzger says from experience he knows previous oral medications doesn't work. Metzger has tried Xanax, Tylenol PM before. In April 2011 he gave MJ klonapim and trazadone to try but not to be used together. He asked MJ to call him and tell him which one worked. Metzger did not speak to MJ after that day.
Chernoff asks who is Randy Rosen. Metzger says he works with him for pain management issues. Chernoff asks what kind of pain MJ was suffering from. Metzger answers chronic back sprain due to overworking and a couple of injuries. Metzger says he doesn't know Rosen's speciality and the question about what kind of medication given at Rosen's clinic is sustained.
Metzger says he also presumed MJ would see Klein for his vitiligo and some minor procedures.
MJ mentioned Metzger that he needed a doctor in London. Metzger says MJ was concerned about hydration, sleep issus and injuries and wanted a doctor with him.
Cross by Walgren
Walgren asks about IV treatment. Mezger says he told MJ it was dangerous and it should not be done outside of a hospital.
Walgren asks if any amount of money would make Metzger to give MJ IV drugs. Metzger says no.
Chernoff redirect
Chernoff asks if Metzger told MJ IV sleep medication would be dangerous. Metzger says he told MJ anything IV would be dangerous. Metzger is not sure if MJ asked him for an anesthetic, MJ said "sleep medication".
Cherilyn Lee
Direct by Chernoff
Lee is a nurse practioner that focuses on holistic nutrion. As a nurse practioner she has been doing this on and off for 15 to 20 years and has worked with athletes and entertainers.
As a nurse practioner she can write prescriptions but she choose not to. She says she doesn't like what medicines does to people, she prefer natural treatments.
On January 2009 she received a call from FM, who is the son of her friend. FM told her MJ's kids had a cold and MJ wanted her to come and see the kids. While she was looking to the kids, MJ talked with her and asked her what she does. MJ told her he felt a little tired. Lee said that she can do some blood tests on him and try to help him with nutrition.
Lee went the next day and did a physical test on MJ. She draw blood for lab tests and asked him questions to determine what caused his fatique. MJ didn't mention his sleep problems on that day. He just said he had difficulty to fall asleep. Lee says MJ was drinking "red bull" (an energy drink) and she felt red bull might be the cause. She told MJ about red bull and MJ said "whatever you tell me to do, I will stop".
Chernoff asks if MJ seemed fatigued. Lee says no. Lee also says MJ told him that he thought he could be anemic. Overall Lee thought MJ was a healthy and loving person.
Lee gave him nutritional smoothies with protein, B12 shots, myers coctail and vitamin C IV. Lee says she did blood test before she started to gove MJ IV and they were normal.
Lee goes over the dates she saw MJ and what she gave him. She saw MJ after he came from London and he told her he was tired. At the end of March MJ asked her if she would go to London with him.
On April 12 easter Sunday. Lee visited MJ. MJ told her he had a sleep problem and nothing she gave him was working. Lee offered to do a sleep study in his home and MJ said he didn't have time for that.
MJ wanted her to see he couldn't sleep and asked her to stay a night and watch him to sleep. Lee agreed. MJ had "sleepy tea" (a herbal tea), had myers cocktail and Vitamin C IV. The catheter was on his hand because MJ had very small veins. Michael had also joked that he had "squiggly veins". Other than being small he had no problems with his veins. Lee watched him to sleep for 5 hours. MJ waked up around 3 AM.
With L.O.V.E. and respect
Lg rip.michael
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