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  • #31
    Michael Jackson: Kinder in Strafmaß involviert?

    Bewältigungsversuch: Die Kinder von Michael Jackson (+50) werden möglicherweise in das Strafmaß von Dr. Conrad Murray involviert.

    Der Sänger ('Heal the world') war im Juni 2009 an einer akuten Propofol-Vergiftung gestorben, gestern wurde sein Leibarzt wegen fahrlässiger Tötung schuldig gesprochen. Das Strafmaß soll am 29. November verkündet werden.

    Die Kinder des Megastars, Prince Michael, Paris und Blanket, wären gerne vor Gericht in den Zeugenstand getreten. Dazu kam es nicht, aber der Bezirksstaatsanwalt David Walgren soll ihnen jetzt einen anderen Vorschlag gemacht haben: "Der Bezirksstaatsanwalt hat Katherine Jackson gesagt, dass die Kinder einen Brief als Familienangehörige schreiben könnten, der bei der Verkündung des Strafmaß' verlesen wird. Falls einer von ihnen den Wunsch hat, sich an das Gericht zu wenden, wird er sie dabei voll unterstützen und alle Vorkehrungen treffen, die dafür nötig sind. Es ist noch nicht sicher, ob die Kinder im Gerichtssaal sein werden, wenn das Strafmaß verkündet wird, Katherine Jackson ist sehr beschützend, wenn es um sie geht. Wenn Katherine ihren Willen bekommt, werden sie nicht in der Nähe des Gerichtssaales sein", berichtet die Promiseite 'RadarOnline'.

    Besonders der 14-jährige Prince Michael und seine ein Jahr jüngere Schwester Paris sollen von der Idee angetan sein, es ist nicht sicher, ob auch der neun Jahre alte Blanket einen Brief mitverfassen würde.

    Auch anderen Familienmitgliedern von Michael Jackson soll es gestattet werden, sich bei dem Gerichtstermin zu äußern, wenn Richter Michael Pastor das Urteil über Dr. Conrad Murray fällt.

    "Michael stammte aus einer sehr großen Familie, und sie waren während des gesamten Prozesses anwesend. Der Bezirksstaatsanwalt wird mit der Jackson-Familie sprechen, wenn das Datum der Urteilsverkündung näher rückt. Es ist eine ungewisse Situation, aber es ist auch höchstwahrscheinlich, dass mehr als zwei Geschwister von Jackson sprechen werden. Katherine Jackson hat sich noch nicht entschieden, ob sie im Gericht öffentliche Aussagen machen wird", hat die Klatschseite von einem Insider erfahren.

    Dr. Conrad Murray drohen bis zu vier Jahre Haft. Er wurde gestern in Handschellen aus dem Gerichtssaal geführt, die 'Los Angeles Times' berichtet mittlerweile, er stehe wegen Selbstmordgefahr unter besonderer Beobachtung. Ihm wurde außerdem eine Einzelzelle zugewiesen, um sicherzustellen, dass ihm nichts passieren kann, zusätzlich wird er nie allein gelassen.

    Vor seinem Schuldspruch gab es Spekulationen, dass Murray einen Dokumentarfilm über den Prozess drehe. 'Tmz' berichtet jetzt, dass die Sendung 'Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship' [Michael Jackson und Der Arzt: eine fatale Freundschaft] heißen solle und der Mediziner dort einige Geheimnisse über seinen Patienten preisgibt: "Es wurde gedreht, während Murray auf seinen Prozess wegen fahrlässiger Tötung wartete ... und zeigt einen schockierend ehrlichen Blick auf die Vorbereitung auf den Prozess, die auch heftige Kämpfe zwischen den Anwälten von Murray beinhaltete."

    Mehrere große amerikanische TV-Sender sollen bereits Interesse bekundet haben, die Dokumentation über das Verhältnis von Dr. Conrad Murray und Michael Jackson zu senden.

    Die Kinder von Popstar Michael Jackson werden vielleicht dem Gericht einen Brief schreiben, der bei der Urteilsverkündung verlesen werden soll.


    • #32
      Murray wurde bereits am Dienstag die Lizenz in Nevada entzogen. Dort durfte er bislang noch praktizieren (mit Ausnahme von Behandlungen mit Betäubungsmitteln). Murray könnte theoret. dort später wieder eine Lizenz beantragen, doch der Staat vergibt keine Linzenzen an jemand der eines Verbrechens bzgl. medezin. Betreuung überführt wurde.
      In Californien wurde Murray bereits im Januar die Lizenz entzogen. Es wird mit einem lebenslangen Entzug gerechnet.
      Noch keine Meldung aus Texas.

      Murray no longer licensed in Nevada

      Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray no longer licensed in NevadaWritten by Frank X. Mullen Jr.

      Michael Jackson’s doctor, found guilty of manslaughter on Monday, no longer has a medical license in Nevada, the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners confirmed Tuesday.

      “Dr. Conrad Murray’s Nevada medical license expired in July and he did not renew,” said Edward Cousineau, the board’s deputy director. “In June of 2010 we entered into an agreement with (Murray’s) attorney restricting his practice in Nevada. He wasn’t allowed to do anything involving anesthesia.”

      On Monday, a Los Angeles County jury convicted Murray of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s death in 2009. In a six-week trial, the jury found Murray guilty of administering propofol, a sleeping aid, to Jackson the night he died.

      Jurors found that Murray, 58, acted with criminal negligence, which led to Jackson’s death. Murray argued that the singer gave himself an overdose of propofol and was responsible for his own death, according to trial reports.

      The California Medical Board suspended Murray’s California license in January. That board is expected to revoke it permanently in light of the felony conviction. Murray had no previous license suspensions listed in California or Nevada.

      Murray also is licensed to practice medicine in Texas. Medical board officials there did not immediately return calls Tuesday morning.

      Cousineau said Murray could reapply for a Nevada license, but the state doesn’t allow the licensure of doctors who have a felony conviction related to the practice of medicine.

      “That would be a big hurdle” in the way of being reinstated in Nevada, he said.

      Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 10.11.2011, 14:58.


      • #33
        Hier sind die Reaktionen von Michaels Familie auf die Urteilsverkündung:

        Conrad Murray Verdict: What Michael Jackson's Family Is Saying

        4:51 PM PST 11/7/2011 by Kimberly Nordyke

        jackson_family_conrad_murray_trial_a_p.jpg Katherine Jackson tears up, while La Toya says her brother "was in the courtroom, and that's why victory was served."

        Michael Jackson's family was elated Monday after Dr. Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in relation to the 2009 death of the pop singer.

        Judging by their reactions in and out the courtroom, as well as on Twitter, the Jackson family believes that justice was served.

        When the verdict was read, the singer's mom, Katherine, got teary inside the courtroom, while his father, Joe, nodded his head.

        Outside the courtroom, a smiling La Toya Jackson, sister to Michael, told E! News that she was "very happy" with the verdict.

        "Guess what? He was in the courtroom, and that's why victory was served," she told CNN.

        La Toya also hit Twitter to express her elation in a series of tweets:

        "VICTORY!!!!!!" she wrote, followed by "Thank you EVERYONE for your love and support! It will ALWAYS be appreciated!"

        She then added, without explanation: "Michael I love you and I will continue to fight until ALL are brought to justice!"

        When asked whether he was happy with the conviction, Michael's brother Jermaine Jackson told E! News, "Yes." He echoed his sister's sentiment to CNN: "Michael is with us."

        Meanwhile, Jermaine Jackson II also hit Twitter to express his happiness.

        "Strong victory in court!" he wrote. "Thank you all for your love and support. Step one has been accomplished! We are ready for next!!"

        Randy Jackson Jr. also wrote a cryptic tweet, similar to his aunt La Toya's: "The Pawn has been convicted but now its time for the Hidden Hand behind the Plan... JUSTICE will be served. Thank you all for the support!!!"

        Another nephew of Michael's, Taj Jackson, wasn't in the courtroom, explaining that he wanted to be there but "couldn't relive it all over again after going thru my mom's murder trial." (His mom, Delores "Dee Dee" Jackson, ex-wife of Michael's brother Tito, was murdered in1994.)

        Taj added: "#Justice4MJ," followed by "Thank you everyone for your love and support throughout this difficult time."

        Despite all the public enthusiasm, Joe Jackson's attorney, Brian Oxman, told CNN's Erin Burnett that there is still a feeling of emptiness among the family.

        "We are still without Michael Jackson, and the kids are without their dad," he said.

        Jackson died June 25, 2009, of acute propofol intoxication after suffering cardiac arrest in his home. Murray, Jackson’s personal physician, had been charged with administering the fatal dose.

        Following the reading of the verdict, Murray was remanded to custody without bail. He will be sentenced on Nov. 29 at 8:30 a.m. PT and could face up to four years in prison and lose his medical license.

        Katherine Jackson tears up, while La Toya says her brother "was in the courtroom, and that's why victory was served."
        Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 10.11.2011, 23:54.


        • #34
          Jackson's children 'relieved' at Murray verdict

          added: 18 Nov 2011 // by: newsdesk

          Michael Jackson's children were 'relieved' to hear that Conrad Murray had been found guilty for their father's death.

          Conrad was convicted of Michael's manslaughter on November 7. The singer died of acute Propofol poisoning in June 2009.

          Michael left behind sons 14-year-old Prince, nine-year-old Blanket and 13-year-old daughter Paris when he passed away. The late star's mother Katherine Jackson is helping raise her grandchildren.

          Katherine was the first to give the siblings the news at their home on the day of the jury verdict.

          "Katherine sat all three children down together, and told them [about the verdict]. Prince and Paris were very pleased and relieved that Murray had been found guilty. Blanket didn't ask many questions, he is so young,' a source told RadarOnline. 'Prince wanted to make sure that his grandma was OK, he knew the toll the trial had taken on her. Paris kept asking Katherine if there was any chance Murray would be able to harm someone else. Paris is extremely sensitive, and she hopes that Murray isn't allowed to practice medicine ever again.'

          Michael's eldest son Prince feels compelled to speak at Conrad's upcoming sentencing hearing.

          'Prince is telling Katherine that he wants to formally talk to the judge on Murray's sentencing day,' the source revealed. 'Nothing has been decided yet, Katherine doesn't want him anywhere near the sentencing though. She is encouraging the children to write letters to the judge, formal victim impact statements that could be read aloud by a Jackson family member at the sentencing. The contents of the letters could remain private, and for Judge Pastor to review only.'

          Prosecution attorney David Walgren is happy to support the Jackson family whatever they decide.

          "If either one of them wish to address the court, Walgren will fully support the children, and make whatever accommodations need to be made,' a source said.

          Conrad will be sentenced on November 29.


          • #36
            Discord Over Strategy on Dr. Conrad Murray's Defense Team

            Miriam Rozen ContactAll Articles

            Texas Lawyer

            November 21, 2011

            The lawyers representing Dr. Conrad Murray in Los Angeles Superior Court had no reason to cheer on Nov. 8, but it wasn't just the guilty verdict that created tension on the trial team.

            For much of the trial, discord dominated relations between Houston lawyer Ed Chernoff, who led the criminal-defense team for Murray, and his co-counsel J. Michael Flanagan of Glendale, Calif.'s Flanagan Unger Grover & McCool. Neither lawyer plans to represent Murray on appeal.

            "This is the first time I've done a case with co-counsel in 30 years, and we had a difference of opinion about how the case should be handled," Flanagan says.

            The California criminal trial of Murray ended with the jury convicting him of one count of involuntary manslaughter related to the death of pop star Michael Jackson. Citing Murray's significant ties outside the state of California (Murray formerly had a practice in Houston) and public safety concerns, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael E. Pastor remanded Murray into custody, noting sentencing would occur on Nov. 29.

            Chernoff of Stradley Chernoff & Alford sat at the defense table with Flanagan for the entire six weeks of the trial. At the start, Chernoff lived at Flanagan's home to save on expenses, but after several weeks Chernoff says he moved out. The cause of the strained relationship? Disagreements over trial strategy, specifically how to handle the examination of expert witnesses, among other things. Plus, Chernoff says, "You can only impose on co-counsel for so long."

            Flanagan says, "Dr. Murray got Monday morning-quarterbacking on his doctoring, so I don't want to be Monday morning-quarterbacking Ed's lawyering." But he notes that he disagreed with Chernoff over whether Murray should testify on his own behalf: Flanagan thought he should, but Chernoff said no. In the end, Murray did not take the stand.

            "You had a doctor providing an unusual drug under unusual circumstances for an unusual person. We could never get past that as logical as we tried to be. And as much as we tried to differentiate the case from that, we couldn't get past it. There was an elephant in the room and we could never feed it enough peanuts," Chernoff says, referring to the decision not to have Murray testify.

            But Flanagan says, "I think the elephant was the need for the doctor to explain what he did."

            Flanagan says he also proposed a different tack for cross-examining the last prosecution witness: Dr. Stephen Shafer, an anesthesiologist. "I thought we ought to go after Shafer real hard. Ed didn't," Flanagan says. At trial, it was Chernoff who cross-examined Shafer — instead of Flanagan, as the defense team initially had planned.

            The tension between Chernoff and Flanagan was apparent in the documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship," which recently aired on MNSBC and other networks. In one scene, Chernoff prepares to leave Flanagan's house as Flanagan curses at Chernoff, then admonishes him saying he has the trial strategy "all mapped out. . . ."

            Chernoff says "the carnival atmosphere" put more pressure on the defense team and on Murray. "The press tried to create drama; the whole thing was a reality show," Chernoff says. Thankfully, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department helped the defense team use "backdoor entrances" to avoid the press, he says. "They took my client and me away from the hordes of people out there when they could have done nothing."

            Occasional weekends home in Houston and several excursions to the beach in California also eased the stress, Chernoff says.

            "In a trial like this you are going to have some disagreements among the counsel, and the lead counsel has to make the decisions," Chernoff says. "And that's the way it was happening at this trial. I had to make some decisions."

            Back to California

            Within 48 hours of the verdict in People of the State of California v. Conrad Robert Murray , Chernoff had flown back to Houston, welcomed by his law partners who needed him to get back to work right away. But it isn't just Murrays' sentencing that will have Chernoff and partner Matt Alford back in California on Nov. 29.

            Judge Pastor has ordered Alford to appear before him at a hearing related to Alford's September appearance on NBC's "Today" show. Pastor had issued a gag order in Murray's case. "In my 20 years of practice I have never knowingly or otherwise violated a court order," Alford says.

            Chernoff says of the hearing, "I think it's bullshit and typical."

            Chernoff and Flanagan will represent Murray at his Nov. 29 sentencing hearing, where Murray faces up to four years in prison. Chernoff says he has turned to a sentencing specialist with a background in the California justice system for help preparing. He has not decided if he will present any witnesses at the hearing. Unlike Texas, California juries do not participate in sentencing, he says.

            Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, which prosecuted Murray, did not return a telephone call and an email seeking comment.

            Chernoff says he has received telephone calls from prospective clients who watched him defend Murray. "I've already got a couple calls from California," notes Chernoff, who passed the California bar exam last year. [See "Houston Meets Hollywood," Texas Lawyer , Jan. 31, 2011, page 1.]

            But he has no plans to take on any more California cases. "I'm not saying there is not another case; I reckon I will. But it's going to have to be a special case."

            It is unknown who will represent Murray in his appeal, Chernoff says. Flanagan says he prefers trial work. Chernoff says he already has spent three months away from his Houston firm, and his partners and family "deserve better than that." Plus he has a trial set to begin in a Houston court on Dec. 15.

            He believes a new lawyer who wasn't involved with the trial will have a fresh perspective and be better equipped to develop an effective appellate strategy for Murray.

            Citing attorney-client privilege, Chernoff and Flanagan decline to discuss how much they charged Murray in legal fees. But so far, the financial remuneration for representing Murray has not been equal to the task, Chernoff says. "If Dr. Murray had paid me a quarter-million dollars, it was entirely too little considering the amount of work that was involved and the collateral issues that were attached," Chernoff says.

            In January, Chernoff told Texas Lawye r, "If I walk out with my client at the end of the trial, it's going to have a tremendous impact on my practice. If I don't walk out [with him], I'm going to be the guy who lost the biggest trial since O.J. Simpson's." Now that Murray's trial is over, Chernoff sticks by that sentiment.

            "I'm glad I did it," he says, "but, yes, it's a big loss. But as a defense attorney you are not worth a crap if you don't try these things. Defense attorneys often lose, but what differentiates those attorneys are those who are willing to get on the bull in the first place."


            • #37
              Danke für die aktuellen News, aber kann dies auch jemand übersetzen ? Ohne dreist zu wirken, aber es wäre schön in diesem Forum zumindest die wichtigsten Info´s in´s deutsche zu übersetzen.

              So, dass jeder auf dem laufendem ist. Bei dem Prozess waren mehr als 90 Teilnehmer online, wollten den Prozess verfolgen, nicht jeder ist der englischen Sprache und gerade im Prozessverlauf der englischen Sprache nicht mächtig.

              Es prasseln so viele Infos ein, die zumindest ich und wohl auch einige User nicht völlig verstehen, und wir warten doch auch auf Info´s..
              Zuletzt geändert von speechless2009; 21.11.2011, 21:17.


              • #38
                Samstag, 03. Dezember 2011

                Jackson-Prozess ohne Ende
                Murray will Urteil anfechten

                Der vor kurzem wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilte ehemalige Leibarzt des verstorbenen US-Sängers Michael Jackson will offenbar Berufung gegen den Schuldspruch einlegen. Die Anwälte von Conrad Murray bereiteten bei Gericht die Dokumente für eine förmliche Anfechtung des Urteils vor.
                Murray mus vier Jahre ins Gefängnis. Ein Gericht in Los Angeles hatte ihn für den Tod des Popstars verantwortlich gemacht und am Dienstag die Maximalstrafe ohne Bewährung verhängt. Der Popstar wurde im Juni 2009 im Alter von 50 Jahren tot in seiner Villa aufgefunden. Eine Überdosis an Beruhigungsmitteln und Propofol gilt als Ursache für den plötzlichen Tod des "Thriller"-Sängers. Murrays Verteidiger argumentierten, Jackson habe sich die tödliche Dosis selbst verabreicht.

                Rechtsexperten gehen davon aus, dass der Mediziner nur einen Teil der Zeit hinter Gittern verbringen muss. Weil die Haftanstalten in Kalifornien überfüllt sind, werden viele Insassen, die keine Vorstrafen haben, vorzeitig entlassen. Murray, der als Arzt zuvor nie straffällig wurde, könnte später auch unter Hausarrest kommen.
                Quelle: n-tv


                3.12.2011 02.54 Uhr

                USA: Michael Jacksons Arzt will Berufung gegen Schuldspruch einlegen

                Der frühere Leibarzt des Sängers Michael Jackson will Berufung gegen seinen Schuldspruch einlegen.

                Conrad Murray war Anfang Woche von einem Gericht in Los Angeles zu vier Jahren Gefängnis wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt worden.

                Murray unterzeichnete ein Dokument, wonach er Einsicht in alle Unterlagen und Protokolle des Falls verlangt.

                Die Geschworenen befanden Murray Anfang November für schuldig, Jackson das Narkosemittel Propofol verabreicht zu haben. Eine Überdosis davon führte zum Tod des Popstars am 25. Juni 2009.



                • #39
                  Dr. Conrad Murray wird gegen das Urteil wegen fahrlässiger Tötung von Michael Jackson in Berufung gehen.

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                  Der Leibarzt von Michael Jackson (†50) reichte am Freitag die Berufungsunterlagen bei Gericht ein und wählte, sich in Zukunft selbst zu verteidigen anstatt sich von einem Anwalt vertreten zu lassen. Trotzdem wird er sich nach wie vor von dem Anwalt Nareg Gourjian beraten lassen, der auch schon im Laufe des langwierigen Prozesses an seiner Seite stand. “Dieser Fall ist eine wahre Goldmine für einen Anwalt in der Berufung”, erklärte Nareg Gourjian gegenüber ‘TMZ’. “Dr. Murray ist überzeugt, dass das Berufungsgericht ihn freisprechen wird.”
                  Am 29. November wurde der Mediziner von Richter Michael Pastor zu vier Jahren Haft im Los Angeles County Jail verurteilt. Der Richter fügte dem Urteil hinzu, dass er den Schuldigen nicht in ein Staatsgefängnis überstellen könne, weil eine neue Regelung der kalifornischen Gesetzgebung dies nicht mehr ermögliche.
                  Das Strafmaß halbiert sich automatisch und es besteht für Murray die Möglichkeit, die Haft in Hausarrest umzuwandeln, weil er kein Gewaltverbrechen begangen hat.
                  Er könnte schon in den nächsten Wochen aus dem Gefängnis entlassen werden und es könnte sogar sein, dass Dr. Conrad Murray schon an Weihnachten wieder nach Hause kann um den Rest seiner Strafe zu Hause abzusitzen.


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