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Murray-Interviews /Seine Post-Prozess-Vermarktung
Zitat von rip.michael Beitrag anzeigen
Schlicht jeder, der in eine engere beziehung mit einem in abhängigkeit geratenen ist, kann in die spirale der co-abhängigkeit geraten. Ist nicht von irgendwelchen berufsgruppen abhängig.
Metzger, Bäcker, Bademeister, Goldschmiede, Pastoren, Profistripper, Verkäufer, Motivationstrainer, etc. etc. etc. etc. .................................die natürlich auch Suchtprobleme haben könnten, wären Michael nicht in der Funktion als Arzt zur Seite gestellt worden.
ob zur Seite gestellt oder selber ausgesucht.
Für mich steht es fest.
Zitat von Senfi0606 Beitrag anzeigenEs steht noch zur Diskussion,
ob zur Seite gestellt oder selber ausgesucht.
Für mich steht es fest.
Jedenfalls in der Funktion ALS ARZT eine Co Sucht zu haben gegenüber seinem Patienten scheint nicht ratsam zu sein.
Jedenfalls in der Funktion ALS ARZT eine Co Sucht zu haben gegenüber seinem Patienten scheint nicht ratsam zu sein.
Es war allgemein gedacht.
... nur für's 'protokoll' .. man spricht von co-abhängigkeit.
Und ich gehe lediglich von einer möglichkeit aus ... bzgl Murray's aus meiner sicht irrationalem und widersprüchlichem verhalten/aussagen.
Weiteres IV von Murray aus seiner Zelle. Diesmal in der Today-Show
Der Reporter endet mit dem Satz. Wir schätzen es Dr. Murray, dass sie so früh aufgestanden sind, um uns anzurufen aus der Zelle, wir schätzen es und Valerie Waas Danke an Sie.
Und ansonsten das Übliche. Murray sagt, dass er keinerlei Verantwortung für den Tod von MJ hat. Er ist traurig, dass er Michael als Freund und Patient verloren hat, es ist so ein großer Verlust, aber er wird keine Verantwortung übernehmen. Michael hatte seinen eigenen Vorrat Propofol. Ich versuchte ihm vom Propfol wegzubringen.....
Ob er es bereut nicht in den Zeugenstand gegangen zu sein? Er sieht nicht das der Strafprozess etwas gezeigt hätte. Er hätte wahrscheinlich nichts beitragen können, wenn er ausgesagt hätte. Seine Anwälte waren ein Problem, sie waren ineffektiv und der Staatsanwalt hat im Gerichtssaal Beweismaterial zerstört, es es ist eine unglaubliche Ungerechtigkeit......
Transcript of Conrad Murray's Interview on Today Show 4/26/13:
>> conrad murray who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of michael jackson speaks out live from his los angeles jail cell , but first nbc's take taibbi has new details on dr. murray 's attempt to have his conviction overturned. mike, good morning to you.
>> reporter: good morning, savannah. at this point dr. murray 's appeal isn't intended to shorten his prison sentence . he's due to be releelsreleased soon. probably by the fall. it's to that he did nothing wrong. before he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to the max, four years, he told savannah that michael jackson 's death had nothing to do with the care he provided.
>> do you feel guilty that he died?
>> i don't feel guilty because i did not do anything wrong.
>> reporter: in his appeal, murray says his trial was fundamentally unfair, the trial judge was biased and the jury should have been sequestered because of the media frenzy around the case. his goal not to get out of jail early but to get his life back, says attorney valerie walsh.
>> he wouldn't be a convicted felon for one thing. he wouldn't lose the rights as a felon, it may lose his ability to practice medicine in the future.
>> reporter: murray could be a turning point witness in the jackson family 's mega millions suit against the promoters of the king of pop 's doomed final concert tour . if the doctor's negligence led to the final fatal dose of propofol who was the role of aig live who murray believed would be paying his monthly $150,000 fee? law professor lori levinson.
>> the jackson family will argue aig is responsible for everything conrad murray did. they reminded him they're in charge.
>> reporter: murray has not been subpoenaed to testify in the suit against aig though he's on the witness list for both sides. aeg says the company didn't hire murray and had nothing to do with jackson's medical care . murray says he'll likely take the fifth if he's called to testify.
>> mike taibbi thank you so much. dr. conrad murray is with us exclusively on the phone from the men's central jail in los angeles . his attorney valerie wasser is here, handling his appeal.
>> good morning, savannah.
>> dr. murray , this is not about shortening your sentence. you're expected to be out in a few months. as i understand it, this appeal is for you, a chance to clear your name. do you think it will be sufficient to do that and do you expect you should be able to practice medicine again?
>> well, i hope that i think my attorney has done an excellent job in her brief and i hope that the court would see that an injustice has occurred at this occasion and if that be the case, i will have my license back and i'll be able to continue practicing medicine to give services to all those who seek it and especially to the underserved.
>> in your appeal which i have seen, you blame michael jackson . you blame the jury. you blame the judge, and you blame your lawyers and i wonder if, having reflected on these facts now, you take any personal responsibility for what happened to michael jackson .
>> not any responsibility as it relates to his death. i am sorry that i have lost michael as a friend and as a patient. being a doctor almost, such a huge impact on our lives, to have to tell a family member someone has passed away , you could not save them. it's a tremendous loss, so much pain and i have lost a very dear friend and a dear person to me, and it's going to remain with me for the rest of my life but i'm not going to accept responsibility for anything i did not do.
>> but doctor, let me push back on that just a little bit. he died from this powerful anesthetic called propofol as you well know. you prescribed it and you administered it. i know your theory is he injected it, however, are you not responsible for bringing the drug into the room and leaving him unattended?
>> that, i am not. i met michael jackson with his own stash of medication. i tried to get rid of the propofol from michael jackson . you may not have liked the approach i took but nonetheless, the circumstances were to actually get him away from that agent.
>> speaking of the night he died, doctor, in just those actions, you left the room, you left him unattended, and pro to follow on the package labeling says it requires constant monitoring.
>> i left the room but i left no propofol in his way he should have used, i did not leave it to michael to have taken his own action and cause his own demise. i did not do that.
>> let me let valerie on this.
>> jackson was not on a pro to follow drip. he was on a saline drip. he's given him 25 milligrams of propofol .
>> that's doctor murray 's contenti contention. there was a larger amount of propofol found in his autopsy.
>> correct.
>> you don't dispute the fact that propofol was prescribed and michael jackson gained access to it when dr. murray left the room.
>> gained access whether it came from dr. murray or his own source has not been established.
>> dr. murray , let me ask you what life in jail has been like for you?
>> it has been one of my most horrendous experience. i have only survived because of the loving hope and the support that i get from various individuals and especially would like to say my girlfriend, any koes nicole alvarez, never missed a visitation and never not called me on a daily basis and my children and just a bunch of other people who have written to me from all over the world who encourage me.
>> do you regret not taking the stand in your own defense?
>> i don't know. i do not think that the prosecution had solved or they had proved their case, and i did not see if i took the stand if i would have added anything more. i believe the problem is my attorneys. i believe there was a lot of ineffectiveness. actually there was an obstruction of justice when the prosecutor himself destroyed the evidence in the open courtroom. that was obstruction of justice, and that was unbelievable. that is almost i think impossible to live with.
>> dr. conrad murray , we appreciate you getting up early, calling us from your jail cell . we appreciate it, and valerie wass, thank you to you.
Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 26.04.2013, 17:31.
Ich verstehe noch immer nicht, welche Beweismittel angeblich vor Gericht zerstört wurden und was diese Objekte hätten beweisen sollen, wären sie nicht "zerstört" worden.
Ich verstehe auch immer noch nicht, wieso es keine Fingerabdrücke gibt, bzw. diese nicht ausgewertet wurden. Hätte es eine Spritze mit Michaels Fingerabdrücken gegeben, sähe die Sache anders aus. Aber so wie die Dinge liegen, waren nur ein betäubter, schlafender Michael anwesend und ein Arzt, der bewiesenermaßen eine Dosis Propofol verabreicht und dann den Raum verlassen hat. Ist für mich jetzt nicht gerade zweifelhaft, wer von beiden die Überdosis verabreicht hat.
Was labert der eigentlich von privaten Propofolvorräten, die er Michael angeblich wegnehmen wollte, während er selbst doch noch tonnenweise Propofol nachbestellt hat?? Ist ja seeehr überzeugend Naja, soll der mal schön in Berufung gehen. Und am besten noch mehr dämliche Interviews und Aussagen vor Gericht abliefern, damit die Jury deutlich merkt, mit was für nem Spinner sie es da zu tun haben.
Conrad Murray planning TV tell-all on Jackson
BANG Showbiz
7 hours ago
Dr. Conrad Murray launches appeal
Conrad Murray is threatening to reveal Michael Jackson's "explosive" secrets on TV.
The disgraced former doctor - who was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter after delivering a fatal dose of Propofol to the King of Pop in June 2009 - has reportedly been fielding multi-million dollar deals to-tell all about the late singer and his family when he is granted an early release from prison in October.
Er hat angeblich einen Multi-Millionen-Deal um alles über den Sänger und dessen Familie zu erzählen, wenn er vorzeitig aus dem Gefängnis im Okotober entlassen wird.
Murray has warned the 'Thriller' star's family that if they continue to push him "to the limit" by slating him in the press and in their wrongful death lawsuit against concert promoters AEG Live, he will not hesitate to dish the dirt on Michael's relatives - which he claims could "tarnish" their reputations.
Murray hat die Famile des Thriller- Stars gewarnt, wenn sie ihn weiter pushen "zu den Grenzen" indem sie ihn schlecht machen in der Presse und im Prozess gegen AEG, wird er nicht zögern den Schmutz auf Michaels Verwandte auszuteilen- was wie er behauptet deren Reputationen beschädigen wird.
In a statement obtained by the Daily Star newspaper, he said: "Though I have encountered so much sorrow and I have a great deal of explosive information that is fodder for tarnishing images, I've remained loyal to Michael and to foes over the past four years.
In einem Statement offenbart vom Daily Star, sagte er :"Obwohl ich so viel Leid ertrage musste und ich habe eine großen Deal von explos. Informatinen, dass Futter ist um Bilder zu beschädigen, ich war loyal zu Michael und zu Feinden in den letzten 4 Jahren."
"I will continue to be faithful and endure unless and until I'm pushed to the limit and endurance is no more."
"Ich werde weiterhin treu sein und ertrage bis ich an die Grenzen gedrückt werde und keine Ausdauer mehr habe"
The jailed physician has angered Michael's family by refusing to aid his mother Katherine Jackson's $100 million lawsuit against AEG - who she claims is responsible for the star's death by negligently hiring Murray - and has insisted he won't give evidence in the trial.
Meanwhile, it was recently confirmed that Murray will receive early release from prison in October for good behavior.
Murray - who lost his medical license when he was found guilty - was jailed in November 2011 and will leave prison having served just under half of his four-year sentence.
2013 BANG ShowbizZuletzt geändert von Lena; 29.07.2013, 19:11.
vermögen wird er wohl nicht mehr haben! sagte er ja damals schon, dass er nichts hätte.
was soll murray groß in der hand haben, worüber er uns etwas erzählen könnte (jackson-familie oder gar michael selbst)?
in eins kann ich ihn verstehen, dass er nicht möchte, dass weiterhin die jackson-familie über ihn herfällt. er hat seine strafe bekommen (ob genug oder nicht ist ein anderer fall). die familie äußert sich ja - hin und wieder - über ihn, wenn ich es recht in erinnerung habe.Zuletzt geändert von Memphis; 29.07.2013, 22:17.
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