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  • @CaroSebi und Maja5809,

    Das interview ist definitiv nicht das was @toolate meinte, sorry!! Hab aber keines aus dieser zeit gefunden, was toolate meinen könnt.
    Also @toolate, wenn du einen ensprechenden link hast, sei so nett ....

    Caro, Maja hat den inhalt gut beschrieben. Ist ein sehr interessantes vid werds deshalb in diesem post stehen lassen, auch wenns hier OT ist! Es ist so genial!
    Werds aber noch im MJ der künstler thread unterbringen. Muss erst mal kucken, obs nicht schon sowieso vertreten ist.

    Danke für eure aufmerksamkeit!

    With L.O.V.E. and respect!
    Lg rip.michael
    Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 08.02.2010, 13:38.


    • einige worte von mesereau und carr

      sorry, für die übersetzung!!

      Hier die Original-version

      Awaiting MJ Charges; Search for Murdered Model`s Killer

      Aired February 5, 2010 - 19:00:00 ET



      JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight mind-numbing twists and turns in the Michael Jackson death probe. Just what the hell is going on in Los Angeles? Is Dr. Conrad Murray caught in a tug of war between the LAPD and the district attorney? Some say the D.A. wants him to surrender while the cops want him arrested. What`s the difference? Why the chaos, confusion and delay?

      We`ll get insights into today`s wild developments from a slew of experts and from Michael Jackson`s personal friend. We`re talking to Jackson`s famous defense attorney, Tom Mesereau.

      Also, chilling insight into the murder in Miami. A beautiful "Playboy" model is found burning in a Dumpster. Now, for the very first time, her boyfriend is speaking out, saying this new sketch looks just like a bouncer who kicked him out. Tonight we`ll go inside the final hours of Paula Sladewski`s life. What really happened that night? And we`ll talk to Paula`s brother.

      ISSUES starts now.


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight mind-blowing chaos and confusion in the City of Angeles. Yes, Los Angeles. The on again/off again legal battle to arrest Michael Jackson`s doctor rages on.

      Dr. Conrad Murray was expected to turn himself in and face the music today. He admits to giving Michael drugs right before his death. But just when we thought Dr. Murray would surrender, the authorities said, "never mind, stop. you cannot turn yourself in today. We won`t let you."

      Reporters, photographers, Michael Jackson fans all waiting at the courthouse today for something to happen.


      BETH KARAS, "IN SESSION": He was supposed to surrender today. Things did fall apart yesterday.

      TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This hoard of media that`s gathered outside the courthouse is slowly starting to disassemble and go to a nearby city park in the rain to get the latest from Dr. Conrad Murray`s legal team.


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Reminds me of something. Oh, yes, I remember: the trial that I covered involving Michael Jackson.

      But of course, there was no press conference today. Dr. Murray`s lawyers canceled it.

      Since when did it become so difficult to make an arrest? Come on, people. This doesn`t happen on "CSI" or "Law & Order." They don`t ask permission to arrest somebody. They just do it. What is the hold up here?

      Some reports claim Dr. Murray`s lawyers struck a deal with the D.A.`s office for a quiet surrender on the involuntary manslaughter charge. But TMZ says that was news to the LAPD. Here`s what TMZ`s Harvey Levin says he`s hearing.


      HARVEY LEVIN, TMZ: This is at the highest level they are pissed. I mean, the LAPD is pissed and -- at the D.A.


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Brakes are put on everything until Monday. So will Dr. Conrad Murray turn himself in on Monday or will we have another day of chaos and confusion? Anybody want to take bets?

      And will Dr. Murray spend any time in jail before he`s arraigned?

      What about the Jackson family? They think Dr. Murray should face murder charges.

      I want to hear from you at home. We are taking your calls on all of this: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

      Joining me now, my truly fantastic panel: criminal defense attorney Brian Oxman. And of course you`ve been with the Jackson family for many years and you know them well, Brian. And then as well, addiction specialist Howard Samuels, who was the co-founder of the Wonderland Center rehab. Also, Firpo Carr, former Jackson spokesperson and Jackson family friend.

      And we begin with "In Session`s" Beth Karas from our sister station TruTV.

      Beth, you`ve been all over this story all day. What are you hearing about these delays in the Dr. Murray case?

      KARAS: Well, there were some talks, and they just couldn`t have a meeting of the minds, but there wasn`t a lot to negotiate. Really, the district attorney holds all the cards here. They decide when the charges are filed, and they`re the ones who can really say, "We`re going to go out and arrest you once we file the charges," or "We`ll agree, if you want to come in and surrender."

      But there are certain bail conditions, safety concerns for Dr. Murray. And some of these issues may have been what stalled things.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Let me give you my sort of take on this, and you can take it apart. I believe Dr. Murray does not want to be photographed in handcuffs. He`s a cardiologist. Who would want to be photographed in handcuffs when you`re an M.D.? Who`s going to go to a doctor who`s been seen in a perp walk?

      So my feeling is Dr. Murray is going to do everything he can under the sun to avoid that crucial shot.

      Now, I have to tell you, Beth, I wish I had a nickel for every celebrity I`ve chased around a courthouse in Los Angeles. And the game was always the same. They wanted to avoid me and my cameras and get into that courthouse before I get a shot at them, because once they get in that courthouse, it`s -- it`s like you`re at home base.

      Because even if I had a camera in the courthouse and ran straight into a celebrity, I could not take that photograph. I would be held in contempt. I would be in serious trouble. There`s only certain little tiny areas where you`re allowed to photograph in a courthouse unless it`s cameras in the courtroom.

      KARAS: I would be very surprised, Jane, if Dr. Murray is in handcuffs at any point. And I don`t think he would have been in handcuffs today had he surrendered and then been brought to the courthouse. If he had gone to the LAPD first, I don`t think there would have been any such shot.

      I also highly doubt there will be such a shot like that on Monday, as well. I don`t think we`re going to see him in handcuffs. I don`t think that he`s a flight risk. This is a man who has been waiting around all week in Los Angeles to face these charges. He will probably make a nominal bail. The statutory presumptive amount is $25,000. He may even go back to Texas or Nevada.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Brian Oxman, why not put him in handcuffs? I mean, they`re going to apparently, allegedly, reportedly charge him with involuntary manslaughter. OK? That`s gross negligence. There`s this whole hullabaloo as to, "Well, we`re going to charge him." So why not put him in handcuffs? What`s the big deal?

      What leverage does he have to demand? Does he have any leverage or demand to say, "No, I`m pot going to be put in handcuffs. No, I`m not going to subject myself to a perp walk. No, I want to..."? Unless there`s a plea deal in the works.

      BRIAN OXMAN, FORMER JACKSON FAMILY LAWYER: Jane, I`m not interested in putting the man in handcuffs. I`m interested in what the charges are going to be against had this doctor. I don`t care about perp walks. I don`t care about any of the hullabaloo.

      And really, the circus which we saw today, I think that that is irresponsible on his part to say to the law enforcement authorities, "Arrest me. I dare you."

      This is the kind of conduct which brought Michael Jackson to his knees and brought him to his death. The same kind of irresponsibility, the same kind of reckless disregard for authority and, in Michael Jackson`s case, reckless disregard for his life.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you bring me to my big issue tonight, and that is still a circus. Whenever the words "Michael" and "Jackson" are involved, somehow, some way there is always chaos and confusion.

      Even in death, people react so intensely to Michael Jackson. Look at the crowds of people outside the hospital -- and this isn`t it, but we`ll see it in a little bit -- where Michael Jackson was pronounced dead. There you are.

      We also saw these crowds at his trial in Santa Maria, California. I`m sure you all remember when Michael Jackson -- there he is -- jumping on top of his SUV. Complete chaos erupted. It was a stampede afterwards. I know because I was caught in the stampede and got a strained wrist.

      We got the chaos again today, with the ever-changing details of where and when Dr. Conrad Murray will be charged in Michael`s death.

      Howard Samuels, you`re the addiction specialist. Does drama, chaos and confusion follow the addict wherever he or she goes?

      HOWARD SAMUELS, ADDICTION SPECIALIST: Absolutely. I mean, it`s such a level of arrogance here, not only on the doctor`s part, but everybody that`s involved.

      I mean, unfortunately, Michael Jackson, you know, was a arrogant and could not be teachable. It`s a disease of arrogance. And that`s what addiction is. And you know, I just think it`s such a crime that this doctor, you know, is holding up the -- you know, criminal process with such a minor issue. This doctor needs to be tried and made an example of.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got phone lines lighting up all right. Carroll, Mississippi, your question or thought, ma`am.

      CALLER: Jane, Michael Jackson has been using a serious sleep aid for years and it`s unfortunate that the doctor -- that Michael passed away on his watch. I think we need to leave the doctor alone.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Carroll. And Carroll, you`re a guy. Usually when they say Carroll, it`s a girl, but you`re a guy.

      And let me ask you this, Firpo Carr. There`s something called tolerance. You know, people build up tolerance to drugs. Dr. Conrad Murray has admitted that he gave Michael a slew of drugs on that night even before. I mean, let`s go over it.

      On the morning Michael died, Dr. Conrad Murray gave Michael Jackson five different prescription doses to try and help him fall asleep before finally injecting the powerful knockout drug Propofol.

      One thirty a.m., Dr. Murray gave Michael valium; 2 a.m., he gave him Lorazepam; 3 a.m., Michael`s still awake. Murray gave him Midazolam.

      Five a.m., he tried more Lorazepam. These are anti-anxiety sedative- type drugs. Seven thirty, he gave him more Midazolam. Finally, 10:40 that morning, he injected Propofol mixed with Lidocaine.

      Now, Firpo Carr, some say Michael was an addict, and he just built up a tolerance to these sedatives -- Firpo. Firpo.

      FIRPO CARR, FORMER JACKSON SPOKESPERSON: Yes, here I am. Let me tell you this. This doctor has taken the same position as, believe it or not, individuals during the Nuremburg trials, the soldiers. What they said was that they were following orders and giving them.

      Now, guess what the justices at the Nuremburg trials said? They said, "You should have followed the law of your conscience." That is to say a higher law that tells you that, if you give this individual these -- this cocktail of drugs, it`s going to be very harmful, even may even cause his death.

      So I think that that`s a very weak argument. When this doctor says, "I was following orders, and yes, I put together all of these drugs to give to Michael. I`m just a regular guy just listening to what my boss says." It did not work in the Nuremberg trials, and it shouldn`t work here.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, everybody stay right where you are. We`re going to have more on the Jackson circus.

      And we`re taking your calls on all of this and his death. And his life. 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297.

      Plus, a gorgeous model found burning in a dumpster. Now for the very first time, Paula Sladewski`s boyfriend is speaking out. What really happened inside that Miami nightclub?

      But first, the clock ticking on Dr. Conrad Murray. He admits giving Michael Jackson drugs just before he died. But he didn`t turn himself in today. He tried, but they wouldn`t let him. Is he responsible for Michael Jackson`s death?


      CONRAD MURRAY, MICHAEL JACKSON`S PHYSICIAN: I will be fine. I have done all I can do. I told the truth, and I have faith the truth will prevail.




      STEVE WHITMORE, SPOKESPERSON, L.A. COUNTY SHERIFF`S DEPARTMENT: There is no press conference today, period. You have to check with the attorneys if you want to go on with that. Check their Web site. They have instructed me to tell that you there is no press conference today.


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: What the heck is going on with the Michael Jackson death probe chaos and confusion today? We`re back to square one as we wait for Dr. Conrad Murray to surrender on involuntary manslaughter charges in the death of Michael Jackson.

      Now after everybody went to the courthouse in Los Angeles expecting him to surrender today, never mind. Everybody go home. It`s going to happen on Monday.

      And we don`t even know. Really, when it comes to the Michael Jackson -- any case involving Michael Jackson, things -- one thing I`ve learned over the years, things change from moment to moment to moment . I`m not exactly sure why, but it`s always the case. But last we heard, it`s going to happen Monday.

      Phone lines lighting up. Marilyn in Ohio, your question or thought, ma`am.

      CALLER: Hi, Jane. Hi, panel. I really highly respect all of you, and I just want to say that, through this whole situation from the day that Michael passed, I have just been devastated with this whole situation, because Dr. Murray, no matter what anybody says, he is totally guilty of this whole situation.

      First of all, no doctor should ever have any way of still being able to practice medicine in any state, any county, anywhere in the United States or anywhere as far as I`m concerned, you know, what they did to Michael when they supposedly -- they accused him of all the child molestation things that I know he didn`t do, and I`m sure half the world knows he didn`t do.

      But the thing is, they took him, handcuffed him, humiliated him, embarrassed him in front of everybody and his family and friends. And now they can`t even do this to this doctor? It`s a double standard to me.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s a very interesting point. Beth Karas, this doctor also has a troubled history, does he not, of a bankruptcy and all sorts of other money problems?

      KARAS: Yes, he does have a troubled history. Some of that, should there be a trial in this case, may be known. Probably not.

      He is likely to use as part of his defense that he`s not the first doctor to give Michael Jackson Propofol, but the prosecution will respond, "So what? You are the one who was with him and administered it at the time he died. You are a trained professional. It is your job to advise your patients that this is a dangerous drug."

      There is a fine line between the amount that will knock you out and the amount that will cause you to stop breathing. You need to be in a hospital setting. You need the equipment there to resuscitate a person. Do you not administer it at a home.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s talk about some huge red flags. On the day of Michael Jackson`s death, listen to the 911 call.


      UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, let`s get him down to the floor. I`m going to help you with CPR right now...

      Did anybody see him?

      ALBERTO ALVAREZ, SECURITY FOR MICHAEL JACKSON: Yes, we have a personal doctor here with him, sir.

      UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, you have a doctor there?

      ALVAREZ: Yes, but he`s not responding to anything, to no, no, he`s not responding to the CPR or anything, sir.

      UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, OK. Well, we`re on our way there, and if your guy`s doing CPR, as instructed by a doctor, he has a higher authority than me.


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: So many questions about what really happened that morning.

      Michael given Propofol at about 10:40 a.m. Dr. Murray says he waited ten minutes and then went to the bathroom for two minutes and returned to find Michael not breathing.

      Dr. Murray made three calls on his cell phone between 11:18 and 12:05 p.m. The 911 call we heard wasn`t made until 12:21 p.m. That is a delay of more than an hour.

      Now, Brian Oxman, Dr. Murray`s attorney admits there was a delay, but he says Dr. Murray didn`t know the address of Michael`s mansion, the very place that he was. So he needed to get someone else into the house to make the call? What do you make of that delay?

      OXMAN: I make a lot of that delay, Jane. It is utter confusion which we see. It is calling other people for instructions? Excuse me? How about saving the patient`s life? It seems to me that this is inexcusable.

      I call it reckless conduct. And conduct which is reckless disregard for human life, is why it raises to the level of murder in the second degree.

      I want to make one thing very clear, though. I don`t want to try and convict this man.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Neither do we.

      OXMAN: I`m talking about the charges which should be done in this case, based upon what we have heard as the evidence. This man is entitled to his presumption of being not guilty until proven so.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but you`re the very one who says you want to see him charged with murder as opposed to voluntary -- involuntary manslaughter.

      OXMAN: Yes.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Listen, here`s the problem. You can charge him with anything you want. The question is what is he going to get convicted of?

      OXMAN: That`s the whole point.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: And Firpo Carr, I think that the authorities feel they have a better chance with involuntary manslaughter, which just involves proving gross negligence, because I don`t think he intended to hurt Michael Jackson. I don`t think anybody`s arguing that he intended to hurt Michael Jackson.

      CARR: Well, you know, I have to tell you something here, as I said before, when you have those soldiers -- and I cannot help but make the analogy or the comparison in the Nuremberg trials -- they had nothing against the innocent men, women and children, unarmed, that they killed. It wasn`t personal. But yet, they were still convicted, tried and executed.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know, I got to -- I got to keep us away from the Nuremberg trials. I mean...

      CARR: Understand that...

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... there`s a lot of comparisons, but I don`t think we need to compare it to World War II and...

      CARR: I understand, but it`s the same mindset. It`s the law of the conscience that we`re talking about. He should have known better. So, yes, it`s a...

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: But we have to say, in the doctor`s defense, that Michael Jackson was, according to him, begging for it and called it his milk.

      Fantastic panel. Stay right where you are. We`re going to have so much more on Michael Jackson. Plus a very special guest joins us to talk...


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. We are talking about the very latest Michael Jackson developments. It`s now expected his personal doctor, Conrad Murray, will be charged on Monday. It was supposed to happen today.

      Now we are going to get the big picture from a man who knows Michael Jackson perhaps better than anybody. Noted attorney Tom Mesereau won across-the-board acquittals for Michael in the 2005 child molestation case that transfixed the world.

      Tom, so glad to have you here on ISSUES tonight. You know, we haven`t talked since Michael Jackson died, and I know you became very close to Michael. What was your reaction when you heard he had died and under these very disturbing circumstances?

      TOM MESEREAU, FORMER MICHAEL JACKSON DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, at first I was hoping it was just a rumor, because so many crazy rumors used to circulate about Michael. And then I was in the middle of a jury trial in federal court in Los Angeles. I called my office, and my office machine was filled with media requests from around the world. And then I had a very bad feeling that it might be correct.

      And when I realized he truly had passed away, I was just horrified. I was shocked. I still am in shock. You know, I hear his music every day. I feel like he`s still with me. He`s still with all of us. It`s a terrible situation.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, of course Dr. Murray has said that Michael Jackson was very familiar with Propofol, the drug that is believed to have killed him, which Dr. Conrad Murray admits to having administered to him, along with five doses of other sedatives. He says that Jackson referred to Propofol, this surgical knockout drug, as his milk.

      Were you aware when you got close to Michael Jackson during this trial of him having insomnia or needing something like Propofol, a surgical knockout drug, to go to sleep?

      MESEREAU: I never heard him mention Propofol or any prescription drug whatsoever. He certainly was having sleep problems. He was having trouble eating. He was depressed. Anyone in a five-month criminal trial like that would go through all of these situations. I mean, none of this was unusual.

      I assumed if he was getting assistance in sleeping or dealing with anxiety, you know that would not be abnormal. But I never heard anyone mention Propofol or any other prescription drug.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you believe that this is something that if, it did develop, developed after the trial.

      Was he depressed about the trial even though he was acquitted on all counts? It was a stunning victory for him and for you. We were all there the day the verdict came down. It`s one of the most dramatic days that I`ll remember in my life. But nevertheless, some said that he was depressed after that. Could he have needed the Propofol because of that?

      MESEREAU: Well, I don`t like the words need Propofol. He probably needed some medical and psychiatric assistance, because he had spent five months sitting in trial five days a week, hearing people hurl accusations at him that were false and untrue and very malicious in nature.

      To go through five months of that with the world media saying you`re going to be convicted and be worried about your children and your family and then suddenly be exonerated doesn`t take away all the hurt and the pain. And to not have slept, to have been very worried and depressed for all that time would hurt anybody.

      But you don`t give somebody Propofol just because they know about it or someone else mentioned to them. You give them Propofol because it`s appropriate. And every doctor I`ve talked to says it should never be in a home and it should only be administered by an anesthesiologist. So the fact that...


      MESEREAU: Yes.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Hang in there, because we are so excited to talk to you. We`re going to be back in just a moment...


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... with more questions for Tom Mesereau.


      JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HLN HOST: Chilling insight into the murder in Miami. A beautiful playboy model found burning in a dumpster. Now, for the very first time, her boyfriend is speaking out saying this new sketch looks just like a bouncer who kicked him out. Tonight we`ll go inside the final hours of Paula Sladewski`s life. What really happened that night? And we`ll talk to Paula`s brother.

      Tonight, chaos, drama surrounding the criminal investigation into Michael Jackson`s death: Michael`s personal doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, was expected to surrender today and face charges of involuntary manslaughter. But now nothing will happen until Monday. It was a mess today.

      Dr. Murray admits to giving Michael a prescription drug cocktail and injecting him with a powerful knockout drug Propofol right before he died. But he denies any wrongdoing. Authorities have raided his homes and offices in Houston, L.A. and Las Vegas. One big question -- what was Michael`s live-in doctor doing during the hour between when he says Michael`s heart stopped or Michael stopped breathing and the 911 call to get the paramedics over there?

      Michael`s chef says Dr. Murray was behaving very oddly that morning, the morning Michael died. Listen.


      KAI CHASE, MICHAEL JACKSON`S PERSONAL CHEF: Normally he would come around 10:00, 10:30, down stairs to get Mr. Jackson`s juices and breakfast for him for that morning. So around that time, I noticed I hadn`t seen Dr. Murray. So I`m thinking to myself, oh, maybe Mr. Jackson is sleeping in late, you know, maybe because he has rehearsal`s been pushed back or something.

      So I proceed, go preparing the lunch and wrapped his lunch like he -- Mr. Jackson likes, wrapped it in saran wrap because he likes his lunch like he is at a hotel, kind of like room service.

      LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Room service.

      CHASE: Yes, exactly. So around 12:00, 12:05, 12:10, Dr. Murray comes down the stairs.


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: So we`re getting insight on the latest chaos surrounding this case from a man who knows perhaps more than anybody else about Michael Jackson. I`m delighted again to have Tom Mesereau as my guest here on ISSUES.

      Tom, of course, the attorney who famously and successfully defended Michael Jackson in his 2005 molestation trial. Tom, what do you make of the Jackson`s family contention that Dr. Murray should face a murder charge as opposed to the involuntary manslaughter charge that`s expected on Monday?

      TOM MESEREAU, MICHAEL JACKSON`S ATTORNEY: I understand it completely from an emotional standpoint; the family and the fans want to see a murder charge. But you got to be careful with that from a practical standpoint. If the prosecutors bring murder charge and they can`t prove it, the jury may discredit everything they say and acquit him of both murder and involuntary manslaughter. I`d rather see them bring involuntary manslaughter if they know they can prove it and get a conviction that sticks.

      But from an emotional stand I understand the family, I understand...


      DR. CONRAD MURRAY, MICHAEL JACKSON`S DOCTOR: I want to thank all of my patients and friends...


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Let me ask you this, though. We have the issue of the five sedatives he gave Michael. He admits that; then the Propofol with Lidocaine. Then you have the delay of more than an hour once he comes back and he sees Michael stop breathing before 911 is called. Then you have him doing CPR on the bed when everybody knows should you do that CPR on a flat surface.

      Then you have the fact that the paramedics thought he was dead there and said, "Let`s just say he`s dead now". And he`s saying, "No, no, no. We`re going to go to the hospital." And then he was finally pronounced dead late in the afternoon.

      A lot of people say all of that is more than just gross negligence. What do you say?

      MESEREAU: Well, it may be more than gross negligence, but the question is, what do the prosecution think they can prove?

      You know, I`ve defended cases, you know, where prosecutors had a good case for assault and they brought in attempted murder and I looked at the jury and said they shouldn`t have brought attempted murder. They`re not credible. They`re misusing their power. Don`t believe anything they say.

      And that could happen here if they bring a second-degree murder charge and can`t prove it. I`d rather bring involuntary manslaughter and convict him than run the risk of having him go free on everything because you overcharged a case you couldn`t prove.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Very good point.

      Now, let`s talk about the rehearsals for Jackson`s last concert tour. They were taped; eventually made into a movie. I`m sure you saw it Tom. I certainly did; amazing movie. Check it out from "This Is It" Sony Pictures.


      UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is the moment. This is it. It`s an adventure, a great adventure. You want to take them places that they`ve never been before, want to show them talent like they`ve never seen before.


      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tom, when I saw this movie, I was shocked. Michael was so incredibly energetic, coordinated; dancing like a teenager. But at the trial when I saw him every day with you, he looked so weak sometimes. Sometimes he -- after the trial we saw him in a wheelchair. How do you reconcile those two totally different persons?

      MESEREAU: Well, time passed. You know, between the end of the trial in 2005 and when you he began these rehearsals. I would like to think that he got himself in a better physical state, that he had some emotional counseling and he was helping himself do much better with life.

      He knew that I got up at 3:00 in the morning every day during the five month trial. I was in bed at 7:30; I was up at 3:00. He would call me at 3:00 or 4:00 and often be crying about his children. He was a nervous wreck over this thing.

      Michael was a very sensitive, creative, kind-hearted genius. He didn`t belong in that courtroom and he was treated horribly in that trial. I`m sure it took him a long time to recover, if he ever did.

      VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tom Mesereau, could I talk to you every night and I always say every time I see you, if I`m ever in trouble, you`re the person I`m calling. I have you on my speed dial.

      MESEREAU: Thank you.

      Zuletzt geändert von Brigitte 58; 08.02.2010, 13:58.


      • Zitat von ksenia Beitrag anzeigen
        Dr. Murray Selbstanzeige bedeutet Pluspunkte für Ihn.
        Welche "Selbstanzeige" Habe ich irgendwas verpasst?

        Oder meinst du Murray's "freiwilliges" Erscheinen vor dem Haftrichter? Das hat mit einer "Selbstanzeige" aber nix zu tun .


        • @Blondy

          "...bei der Todeszeit kann auch ein Zufallstreffer gewesen sein...
          So wie sonst auch immer bei TMZ...."

          Stimme Dir zu.
          Ich sehe alle Medien kritisch. Wir "schwimmen" in (wahren/unwahren) Infos und zu unterscheiden welche Meldungen ganz bzw. teilweise noch seriös sind, ist generell sehr schwierig.
          Fraglich, ob wir jemals vollständige wahre Fakten bekommen werden...?

          OT. Danke für d. Willkommensgruss


          • Zitat von rip.michael Beitrag anzeigen
            @CaroSebi und Maja5809,


            Das interview ist definitiv nicht das was @toolate meinte, sorry!! Hab aber keines aus dieser zeit gefunden, was toolate meinen könnt.
            Also @toolate, wenn du einen ensprechenden link hast, sei so nett ....

            Caro, Maja hat den inhalt gut beschrieben. Ist ein sehr interessantes vid werds deshalb in diesem post stehen lassen, auch wenns hier OT ist! Es ist so genial!
            Werds aber noch im MJ der künstler thread unterbringen. Muss erst mal kucken, obs nicht schon sowieso vertreten ist.

            Danke für eure aufmerksamkeit!

            With L.O.V.E. and respect!
            Lg rip.michael

            Auf youtube kann man das Video,das ich meinte, nicht mehr abrufen.

            Dein Link klemmt bei mir, d.h. ich sehe nur Standbilder und habe keinen Ton.
            Daher kann ich nicht ganz beurteilen,ob es sich um das von mir genannte Interview handelt.
            Das Outfit Michaels und die Bildqualität ähneln dem aber sehr nur bei Eingabe "michael jackson mexico deposition" hatte ich ein Interview von ca. 7 Minuten vor mir.
            Dieses Video ist 1 Stunde lang; das Interview,was ich meinte ist eine stark gekürzte Fassung.
            Szenen seines befremdlichen Benehmens wurden wohl zusammengestellt.
            Soweit ich mich erinnere, konnte man folgendes sehen: am Anfang hat er beat box gemacht (einmalig), dann erzählte er von seinen Brüdern ,zählte alle einzeln auf ,aber die Namen gingen ihm so beschwerlich über die glaubte er könne jederzeit einschlafen; er hatte Konzentrationsmängel,der Interviewer fragte ihn etwas und er musste sich selbst "wachrütteln" (anders kann man es wirklich nicht nennen), d.h. er musste sich sehr offentsichtlich zusammenreißen.
            Gegen Ende (dieses gekürzten Interviews) greift er seehr, seehr langsam zur Tasse und der Interviewer fragt Michael,ob sie denn lieber eine Pause einlegen sollten? Und Michael sagt (bzw. nuschelt): do you believe it´s necessary?

            Da muss man blind sein,um hier nicht zu erkennen, dass Michael unter Einfluss irgendwelcher Substanzen stand.
            Alkohol trinkt er (soweit bekannt) kaum und Müdigkeit war das auch nicht; da kann man schlussfolgern,was man will, aber das war nicht der Michael,den wir im "normalen" Zustand kennen.
            1993 war ja die "Hochsaison" von diesem Chandler-Fall,also,wen wundert´s?!

            Edit: hab´ eben (sorry Leute) bei gelesen, dass Murrays Team Beweismaterial (Videos, auf denen er offentsichtlich unter Drogen /Medikamenteneinfluss ist) zusammensucht, um Michaels Mediakamentenabhängigkeit zu beweisen und ihren Mandanten als unschuldig hinzustellen!!!!!!
            Daher ist das Video auf youtube wahrscheinlich nicht mehr abrufbar.

            Also ist am Ende nur Michael selbst schuld,dass er nicht mehr aufgewacht ist!?!?!?!?!?

            Wir werden sehen,was wir da vorgesetzt bekommen................und Briánna............ich bin gaaanz ruhig.................................................. .................................................. ..............
            Zuletzt geändert von toolate; 08.02.2010, 15:18. Grund: musste noch was dazu


            • Zitat von Briánna Beitrag anzeigen
              wem gehört denn die L.A. Times ... *mal blöd frag* .... (nur so ein gedanke....)
              Tja, Briánna

              das weiß ich jetzt auch nicht so genau.

              Auf meiner persönlichen, schwarzen Liste steht sie jedenfalls nicht.

              Aber Worte wie "Times" und "Sun" lassen bei mir immer die Alarm-Glocken angehen!

              Als ich auf der Seite selber suchte, habe ich nur folgendes gefunden :


              No Account or Investment Minimums. No Inactivity Fees.

              Kann da jemand was mit anfangen?


              • Die LA Times gehört zur Tribune Company und denen gehört so ungefähr fast der ganze mediale Kontinent.


                • Es ist übrigens auch strafbar, Junkies umzubringen.
                  "Aber Herr Richter der war doch eh schon drauf" halte ich im Gegentum für kein Argument zu Murray's Gunsten.
                  Dann erst Recht muß man schauen, was man verabreicht und kein Sortiment an Mitteln spritzen, das einen Elefanten umlegt, so nach dem Motto "er isses ja gewöhnt".


                  • L.A. Times

                    Die times gehörte Sam Zell, ob das aber noch so ist??


                    • Ich habe da etwas für euch,ich finde es sehr verwirrend....könnte das bitte mal jemand übersetzen?

                      Da ist ein Kommentar zu der Frau von Murray und da steht,das Conrad nicht am 25.Juni in Michaels Haus war!°


                      • Zitat von Engel1 Beitrag anzeigen
                        Ich habe da etwas für euch,ich finde es sehr verwirrend....könnte das bitte mal jemand übersetzen?

                        Da ist ein Kommentar zu der Frau von Murray und da steht,das Conrad nicht am 25.Juni in Michaels Haus war!°
                        Da steht die Adresse von Dr. Blanche Murray und es geht das Gerücht, Conrad Murray sein ein Hochstapler, der Robert Carter heisst und mit dieser Frau Dr. Murray verheiratet war.

                        Ein Gerücht, das mir auch sehr ausgedacht daherkommt.


                        • @toolate @r.i.p.michael @Maja5809

                          Daher kann ich nicht ganz beurteilen,ob es sich um das von mir genannte Interview handelt.

                          Das Outfit Michaels und die Bildqualität ähneln dem aber sehr nur bei Eingabe "michael jackson mexico deposition" .

                          Szenen seines befremdlichen Benehmens wurden wohl zusammengestellt.
                 glaubte er könne jederzeit einschlafen; er hatte Konzentrationsmängel,der Interviewer fragte ihn etwas und er musste sich selbst "wachrütteln" (anders kann man es wirklich nicht nennen), d.h. er musste sich sehr offentsichtlich zusammenreißen.
                          Gegen Ende (dieses gekürzten Interviews) greift er seehr, seehr langsam zur Tasse und der Interviewer fragt Michael,ob sie denn lieber eine Pause einlegen sollten? Und Michael sagt (bzw. nuschelt): do you believe it´s necessary?

                          Da muss man blind sein,um hier nicht zu erkennen, dass Michael unter Einfluss irgendwelcher Substanzen stand.
                          Alkohol trinkt er (soweit bekannt) kaum und Müdigkeit war das auch nicht..

                          Diese Theorie KÖNNTE ich glauben, wenn ich Michaels seltsames Benehmen in einigen Interviews nicht gesehen hätte........................
                          Da ist z.B. ein Interview aus Mexiko(ich glaube 1991 oder 92)- ich leide körperlich immer mit,wenn ich das Interview sehe- da ist er "total neben der Spur",wirkt total abwesend,fahrig, hilflos.

                          Zu den verschiedenen & einzelnen Zitaten kurze Erklärungen:
                          Vllt. kann ich zu ben. Video kurz einige Hinweise geben.
                          Ihr sprecht von einem Video, dass auf Y**T***verschwunden ist.
                          Jedoch bin ich mir sicher, Euer Video ist folgendes:
                          Mitgeschnitten/Aufnahme (amerikan. Zt.): 1993-11-8 (= 8.11.1993)
                          Zeitrahmen mehrstündig, "gezeigtes" Material läuft ca. ab 1.21 Uhr, letzter gezeigter Ausschnitt mit Zeitangabe 4.35 Uhr, d. bedeutet bereits ein Interview von mehr als 3 Std. Dauer (Zeitrahmen könnte jedoch noch viel länger sein, da hier nur "Ausschnitte" zusammengefügt wurden)
                          Ich führe dies so genau aus, da man bereits daraus Schlüsse ziehen kann, in welcher "Form" "er" ist, wenn "man" zur üblichen Schlafenszeit zum Zwecke einer Anhörung über mehrere Std. Rede & Antwort stehen muss. Ausserdem war dies "kurz vor Abbruch" der Dangeroustour. M*** stand womöglich die Nacht zuvor noch auf der Konzertbühne (müsste bei den "Dangerous"tourdaten recherierbar sein).
                          Aus meiner Erinnerung trägt er später im Verlauf des Interviews dann eine Jacke über'm Hemd, aber es ist definitiv das gleiche Interview.
                          (Nur anfangs "ohne, u. dann mit" Jacke (od. war's andersrum?)
                          In diesen Interview - es ist die mehrstündige Befragung in Mexiko zu Songtiteln - gab er an Zahnschmerzen zu haben und auf die Frage eines Beamten antwortete er "sinngemäss"...dass er ein Schmerzmittel eingenommen hat und der Beamte ihn daraufhin eine Pause vorschlug...
                          (AW von Michael:"'s nessescary?)
                          Meine Ansicht:
                          durch "Chandler"Problematik war dass eine besonders kritische Zeit. Und dass M** in ben. Zeitraum medikamentenabhängig war wurde durch ihn und Liz Taylor über die Medien bekannt gemacht. Auch deshalb der vorzeitige Abbruch der DangerousTour im Nov. 1993, also fast zeitgleich nach obig erklärten mehrstündigen Anhörung "Deposition Mexiko auch v. Nov.'93 "
                          SORRY. EIGENTLICH ALLES O.T.
                          Zuletzt geändert von courage; 08.02.2010, 18:13.


                          • Heute ist ein schwarzer Tag für Michael Jacksons Hausarzt. Gegen Dr. Conrad Murray werde Anklage erhoben und der Arzt wolle auf “nicht schuldig” plädieren. Vermutlich gegen 13.30 Uhr Ortszeit werde der 54-Jährige in das Gerichtsgebäude in Los Angeles gebracht. Murray verzichte darauf, sich freiwillig zu stellen, berichtet ‘’. Die Anklage wegen fahrlässiger Tötung soll innerhalb von 20-30 Minuten verlesen werden. Es wird erwartet, dass Murray gegen die Hinterlegung einer Kaution in Höhe von 250.000 Dollar in Freiheit bleibe.

                            Zum Schutz des Kardiologen vor wütenden Fans werde man Murray entsprechend abschirmen.


                            Der Arzt wolle bei seiner Verteidigungsstrategie offenbar auch auf Videos setzen, die Michael Jackson “weggetreten” zeigen und beweisen sollen, dass der King Of Pop abhängig von Medikamenten war. Darunter sollen auch Aufnahmen von Proben seiner ‘This Is It’ Konzerte im Staples Center von Los Angeles sein, auf denen Jackson “schwach und gebrechlich” zu sehen sei, berichtet die ‘News The World’. Auch Videomaterial von 2004 wolle man heranziehen, auf dem Jackson betrunken für eine Rolle auf seiner Neverland Ranch probe.

                            “Sie werden versuchen, Michael in einem schlechten gesundheitlichen Verfassung darzustellen. Aus diesen Gründen wird Murray auf nicht schuldig plädieren und seine Unschuld festgestellt werden”, sagte ein Insider dazu.

                            Zudem werde Murrays Verteidigung auch Prinz Michael II (12) und Paris (11) die Kinder von Jackson aussagen lassen. Diese sollen bezeugen, dass der Arzt oft von ihrem Vater als “Heiler” gelobt worden sei.


                            • hab ich grade wo anders geschrieben, es war mir klar, das es nicht mit rechten dingen zu geht und michael wiedermal als unzurechnungsfähig hin gestellt wird. das aber auch die kids da mit reingezogen werden, finde ich ne absolute frechheit . der mann ist wohl zu allem fähig. aber auf dem friedhof einen auf "achichbinjaunschuldig,aber ich besuche michaelist jagutfürsimage" machen. boah bin ich stinkig.hoffentlich war das jetzt nur eine ente.


                              • Zitat von ZehKah Beitrag anzeigen
                                Es ist übrigens auch strafbar, Junkies umzubringen.
                                "Aber Herr Richter der war doch eh schon drauf" halte ich im Gegentum für kein Argument zu Murray's Gunsten.
                                Dann erst Recht muß man schauen, was man verabreicht und kein Sortiment an Mitteln spritzen, das einen Elefanten umlegt, so nach dem Motto "er isses ja gewöhnt".
                                Danke ZehKah,

                                egal was Murrays Anwälte vorbringen werden, egal was sie angeblich beweisen können oder eben auch nicht - entscheidend werden die Gutachten sein (Obdukionsauswertungen etc.) und was an diesem 25.06. zu Michaels Tod führte und was Murray dabei für eine Rolle spielte.

                                Ein mögliches Wissen oder Nichtwissen (was als Arzt unter Umständen auch fahrlässig ist, da er dies abzuklären hat) über eine mögliche Vorbelastung von Michael führt nicht per se zur Strafmilderung. Möglicherweise eher im Gegenteil. Der Straftatbestand der fahrlässigen Tötung ist dann unter Umständen noch eher erfüllt, da Murray noch!! achtsamer hätte umgehen müssen. Mal ganz davon abgesehen, von möglichen Fehlern am Tag selbst.

                                Diese vielleicht dann nicht mehr ganz so nachvollziehbare Strategie scheint vielleicht abwegig, jedoch ist eine Anklage wegen Fahrlässiger Tötung und somit das Ausbleiben weiterer Anklagepunkte bzw. das Ausbleiben einer Anklageerweiterung für Murray unter Umständen ein Glücksfall.
                                Den die Unterschiede im Strafmass - Fahrlässige Tötung und Totschlag sind doch enorm und somit volle Kanne in selbst gelegte Fallen zu rennen, kann also Methode haben.

                                Aber das ist eine reine Vermutung von mir, die ist bereits öfter mal geäußert habe. Vielleicht macht das jetzt für einige mehr Sinn als vor einigen Monaten.

                                Ich wollte diese Vermutung nur noch mal in Kurzform hier erwähnen, da das Thema aufkam, was unter Umständen Murray alles beibringen könnte, um sich zu verteidigen. Nur das zu Ende gedacht, wo ist da die Verteidiung?

                                Eine Verteidigungsstrategie, die manchmal auch durch die Hintertür selbst anklagt ist also erklärbar, aber noch wissen wir das ja nicht! Von daher.
                                Wir werden sehen.

                                In einem Satz: WENN Michael also bereits vorher medikamentenabhängig gewesen wäre, macht das Murrays mögliches Handeln am 25.06. nicht besser sondern eher (noch) bedenklicher also "schlimmer" im Sinne einer möglichen Anklage wg. fahrlässiger Tötung.

                                Ich lasse jetzt jegliche moralische Wertungen hier weg, sondern rede nur pauschal grob und allgemein! über die rechtliche Bewertung, nach dem deutschen Recht (versteht sich) und soweit mir bekannt ist, übertragbar auf das amerikansiche Recht.


                                thread unten
