Als Michael Jackson am Nachmittag des 25. Juni auf einer Trage aus seiner Villa am North Carolwood Drive in Los Angeles geschoben wird, Notärzte verzweifelt um sein Leben kämpfen, war er bereits tot. Seit mehr als einer Stunde. Die Rettungssanitäter hatten keine Chance, den „King of Pop“ ins Leben zurückzuholen.
Das geht aus einem Notarzt-Bericht hervor (F-902M Formular), aus dem Details jetzt in der britischen Sonntagszeitung „News of the World“ veröffentlicht wurden
Die wichtigsten Punkte:
Jackson hatte keinen Puls mehr. Es gab keine Anzeichen von Herzaktivität. Die Atmung hatte bereits ausgesetzt. Und: Der Körper des Sängers war bereits ganz fahl; ein Anzeichen dafür, dass sein Herz bereits Stunden vorher aufgehört hatte zu schlagen. Dr. Steven Hoefflin (63), ein enger Freund der Jackson-Familie, bestätigt die Details: „Ich sprach mit einem der Einsatzleiter. Er sagte mir, Michael war bereits tot, als sie ankamen.“
Der Bericht steht im krassen Kontrast zu den Aussagen von Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray (51), der ihm das Narkosemittel Propofol verabreicht hatte. Der umstrittene Arzt behauptet, er habe Jackson nur bewusstlos gefunden, einen leichten Puls gefühlt. Sein Körper sei noch warm gewesen, als er versuchte, ihn zu reanimieren.
Hoefflin dazu: „Ich habe mit einem Arzt im Krankenhaus gesprochen. Der sagte, Murray habe darauf bestanden, dass man weitere Reanimierungs-Versuche unternehme. Aber sie wussten, dass er tot war. Murray reagierte total panisch. Wäre Michael offiziell zu Hause gestorben, wäre der Fall automatisch zu Ermittlungen der Gerichtsmedizin übergeben worden.“
Für Leibarzt Murray wird die Situation immer brenzliger. Wird er offiziell für den Tod von Michael Jackson zur Verantwortung gezogen? Die Ermittlungen dauern an.
MICHAEL JACKSON's drug- riddled body lay dead in his bedroom for over an hour BEFORE paramedics arrived on the scene, a bombshell ambulance report reveals.
It will show a series of tests PROVE ***** was CLINICALLY DEAD long before medical help turned up at his LA home.
Paramedic chiefs and staff at UCLA hospital have revealed to the News of the World details of the report which was overseen by three specialist paramedics.
The report, made on a comprehensive official form, makes clear the King of Pop had already:
Got no PULSE.
FLATLINED - showing no sign of heart activity.
But most tellingly, the star's body showed clear signs of what medics call LIVIDITY - when the blood drains to the bottom of the body after the heart stops.
The shocking revelations call into question *****'s personal physician Conrad Murray's claims that the singer HAD a faint pulse at the house and so would have BENEFITED from CPR on the way to the hospital.
But Dr Steven Hoefflin - a close friend of Jackson and speaking with the permission of his mother Katherine - CONFIRMS the details on the vital paperwork. Hoefflin, 63, told the News of the World: "I've spoken to a chief in the fire department who told me Michael was dead when they arrived.
"He had no pulse and was not breathing. They gave him an electro-cardiogram but he was flatlined.
"They say he even had lividity, which meant the blood had sunk to the back, indicating his heart had stopped a COUPLE OF HOURS earlier.
"This is the most important aspect of the report as it means he must have been dead for over an hour, probably longer."
And last night, News of the World doctor Hilary Jones confirmed: "A body would have been dead for a minimum of three hours for lividity to show. It is rare to see this in an ambulance report. That means Michael Jackson had been dead for some hours. Normally paramedics would never try to resuscitate a body with lividity because they would know the person is dead."
It is standard procedure for US paramedics to fill out an F-902M form after attending a fatality.
Although they completed *****'s over seven weeks ago, it has been kept from the public by detectives investigating his death. The standard emergency call sheet details the actions of paramedics on site and their observations of the patient. Other key factors it records are body temperature, rigor mortis and size of pupils. Jackson, 50, died from a heart attack after being given the sedative Propofol, following a cocktail of prescription pills, at his rented mansion in North Carolwood Drive, Los Angeles.
"The medics wanted to pronounce him dead there and take him to the Coroner's department," continued Hoefflin, who has been a physician for 40 years.
"But I was told Dr Murray wanted to work on him - he carried on doing CPR and insisted he needed hospital treatment. He continued giving Michael CPR all the way to UCLA and even in the emergency room.
"I have spoken to a senior doctor at UCLA, who said Murray insisted they work on him there - but they knew he was dead. Murray was in a state - he was freaked out by the situation. If Michael died at home then the case would be automatically referred to the Coroner's Office, and that would mean a lot of investigations.
"However if he passed away in hospital - that would not be the case and an autopsy might not be ordered.
"Dr Marshall Morgan, the chief of the medical staff at UCLA Medical Center, was suspicious about the case and contacted the Coroner anyway."
Murray, 51, claims he walked into Jackson's bedroom to find him unconscious but with a faint pulse. He also says the body was warm. He carried out CPR for around 25 minutes on his bed, before bodyguard Alberto Alverez called 911 on the afternoon of June 25. But last night concert promoter Terry Harvey - a close family friend - backed up the ambulance report, saying: "Michael died in the house. I spoke to Frank DiLeo - Michael's manager - on the MORNING of June 25 and he told me that he was dead after a cardiac arrest. That call is on my phone records.
"Everyone knew he was dead at least two hours before he officially pronounced dead at the hospital."
Hoefflin claims law enforcement sources have told him that Dr Murray - who has admitted administering Propofol to ***** - is building a defence against his prospective criminal charges of manslaughter.
The doctor - along with lawyer Ed Chernoff - is apparently looking to examine ways to prove Jackson overdosed himself on drugs, was mishandled by medical staff or suffered food poisoning. Hoefflin said: "I've been told by sources Chernoff is trying to build a case that other people were responsible for Michael's death. He is trying to point the finger at paramedics, UCLA and even at his chefs."
It's claimed Murray gave ***** Propofol through a drip every night and the stressed star also took a cocktail of anxiety and sleeping drugs daily.
This week, a US report said Murray left Jackson attached to an IV drip with Propofol while he stepped out to make personal calls. On his return he found ***** unconscious. Last night Murray's lawyer and spokesman refused to comment.
Hoefflin added: "This F-902M form is a bombshell key to the investigation."