Kevin Wilson and 'Uncle Willy"
Jermaine Jackson ~ If there was one thing I always prided myself on, it was the ability to spot my brother from 1,000 yards. Even when in disguise, like that day when he was taking a break from the “Ghosts” video. His eyes and his aura were unmistakable. He could never fool me. I knew it. Michael knew it.
In the back of my mind, I’d always hoped Michael would come to see me, just like the rest of the family, but I had accepted that he was consumed with Bad. At least, that was the impression he gave. What I didn’t know was how much he wanted to attend the gig as a surprise, but hadn’t wanted to cause a fuss in the crowd. “It’s Jermaine’s night, not mine,” he told Harrison Funk. Michael couldn’t so much as step outside without causing a mob scene, let alone attend a concert with a few thousand people.
I was in my dressing room backstage, in costume, with my daughter Autumn and son Jermaine Junior, hovering near the door where my Israeli security guy stood guard. And then I saw Harrison in the frame, with a batter of cameras slung around his neck, accompanied by Kevin Wilson, the son of comedian Flip Wilson, whose shows we had always done as the Jackson 5. I allowed Kevin and his buddy Marcus to open the show with a comedy act and they had people with them backstage.
“And this is Uncle Willy,” said Harrison, introducing a fan, a pasty-looking white man, aged in his forties, wearing a hat and looking a bit long in the face. I wasn’t really paying attention because show time was approaching, but I shook this guy’s hand and thanked him for coming.
“I’m a huge fan of your music,” he said.
“Thank you,” I said—and everyone burst out laughing. So hysterically that I looked behind me to see if anyone was pulling a prank. But there was nothing.
“Jermaine,” said Harrison, “it’s Michael… Uncle Willy is Michael!”
I looked hard at “Uncle Willy” and even though his face was dead-pan, his eyes were laughing. “Oh, no, no, no, no, NO!” I screamed. The disguise was so incredible that I’m pretty sure Michael looked at himself in the mirror that night and wondered who the hell was staring back.
-Jermaine Jackson, You Are Not Alone