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Menschen die sich an eine Begegnung mit Michael Jackson erinnern
So wie ich es verstehe war es wohl kurz vor THIS IS IT
...Fuller, who guided acts like the Spice Girls to fame, was offered the chance to take charge of the singer as he prepared to return to the stage with a residency at London's O2 Arena in 2009........
Judd:I Couldn’t Turn Down An Offer To Work With MJ
He’s best known for a dance career in which he was hired by Michael Jackson and a brief marriage to pop star Jennifer Lopez – but the life of Cris Judd was nearly one of a touring golf professional.
After a recent period in New Zealand filming a television show, Judd returns next month to compete in the New Zealand Open golf Pro-Am.
And having achieved a feat so many golfers can only dream about, reaching a zero or “scratch” handicap, Judd is far from a celebrity addition making up the numbers. In fact, the only thing that stopped the 44-year-old American from turning professional was a phone call from the King of Pop.
“When I moved to Orlando, Florida and started working at Disney World as a professional dancer, I was actually supplementing a golf career. I was working in the evening and playing mini tour events during the day,” Judd told Sunday News from Los Angeles.
“When the Golf Channel first started they did a story on it, a dancer at Disney trying to make his way in professional golf.
“Then along came Michael Jackson and that put a wrench in the whole dream of turning pro, I couldn’t turn down an offer to work with Michael Jackson so I could go on tour as a golf pro.
“It’s not every day you get asked to go on tour with Michael Jackson. But, I did take my golf clubs on tour with me.
“I was basically able to play all around the world, I would trade tickets to shows for green fees.
“Michael never came out with us, but the band, crew and management would come out to play, there were at least 20 or 30 of us that played golf.”
V I D E O im Link !
Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 20.01.2014, 19:38.
Karen Faye beantwortet Fan-Fragen:
"What is the most surprising/shocking thing you ever saw MJ do?
Something no one would normally expect him to do?"
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(.....) When you know someone for a long time, you become familiar with their actions and reactions to things, so being surprised/shocked is something that rarely occurs.
The first answer that popped into my mind made me laugh out loud. The visuals of this moment in time, flashed back to me.
Michael had stopped by my hotel room unannounced one afternoon on one of our many journeys. We just hung out for a while, talking about this and that.
After a bit, he wandered into my bathroom, not closing the door behind him. Knowing how curious he was, and how he ALWAYS liked to (secretly) go through my drawers and bags...looking for clues, trying to get a glance into my personal life...I felt compelled to see what he was up to. I did not want him to find some of my very feminine items I had in there...right girls?
To my SHOCK/ client, for whom I went to great lengths to sanitize and personalize all my makeup and hair supplies I use on him, was actually brushing his teeth with my toothbrush!!!!
I had to scream, which was followed by my roaring with laughter.
I could not believe my eyes! He looked at me with that innocent expression, with lips all foamy with toothpaste "WHAT??? What did I do?"
I said, "I can't believe you put my toothbrush in your mouth".
After he quickly rinsed and spit, he handed me back my toothbrush and apologized.
"Oh no, you own it now mister" I said as I put the toothbrush in his shirt pocket.
He graciously and profusely thanked me for the gift, as he left my cute is that?"
Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 21.01.2014, 20:32.
So, so ... ein schubladen- und taschenkruuscher... na da käme er aber bei mir richtig gut an
... eine mausefalle richtig plaziert könnte ein für alle mal helfen
... und dann 100 mal ins schönschreibheft: ich soll nicht in anderer leute schubladen wühlen .. !
Süsse geschichten @geli ... danke für's finden und herbringen
Sheryl Crow hatte ihre tollste Zeit mit MJ auf der Bühne
27. Januar 2014
“Michael Jacksons Backgroundsängerin auf seiner Bad Tour von 1987 bis 1989 zu sein”, sagte Sheryl Crow zur Frage, wann sie das letzte Mal wirklich glücklich war.
Hier der Interview-Auszug von Daily Mail:
Wann warst du das letzte Mal wirklich glücklich?
Sheryl Crow: “Michael Jacksons Backgroundsängerin zu sein auf seiner Bad Tour von 1987 bis 1989. Ich war in meinen Mitte 20er. Ich hatte noch keine Alben veröffentlicht. Als ich den Job erhielt hatte ich noch nicht einmal einen Pass. Und da war ich, reiste mit dem grössten Popstar auf dem Planeten durch die Welt. Hinauszugehen in den vollen Stadien jede Nacht war berauschend genug. Neben Jackson aufzutreten war nochmals etwas völlig anderes. Ihn nur wenige Zentimeter von mir entfernt tanzen zu sehen war eine weitere Welterfahrung. Das war die glücklichste Zeit.”
Der Original-Artikel mit einem Foto von Sheryl mit MJ siehe hier:
She’s a chart-topping solo artist who never gets bored but says she was happiest being on stage with the legend.
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Copyright © jackson.chZuletzt geändert von geli2709; 28.01.2014, 13:22.
Jerry Marcellino und Michael:
“Michael - the Sweet Kid That I Knew”
Las Vegas, June 26, 2009--I started working with Michael when he was eleven years old and I was a producer and writer at Motown Records. When I saw Michael he was always a happy kid. When we were in the studio recording he would always like to play pranks. He had a great sense of humor. I wore a baseball jacket he would put it on and it was too big for him. I wore three rings on each hand and he would pick a ring he wanted to wear and I would give it to him and he would wear it that day. We made recording fun. He was also an excellent artist and since I like to sketch pictures and cartoon characters we would exchange them. Sometimes he would sketch me and made my nose too long.
The amazing thing about his talent in those days was that he would learn a song by hearing it three or four times and he would know the song and record it perfectly. One example of his great natural singing ability was when we recorded the standard classic “All the Things You Are” by Rogers and Hammerstein, which is difficult to sing in the first place with so many chord changes and vocal range; he would hear it and run through it a couple of times and sing it perfectly. I was a little disappointed years later when he became the great star that he was and never sang with the dynamics that he did as a child.
He was always childlike as we all know. For a boy whose life became so lonely. He was by himself so much, not doing the things that normal children do at his age. His imagination became his retreat. One other thing, he used to call me up and if one of my sons answered, he would say it is Michael. If I answered the phone, he would use a fake voice and say he was Dr. Johnson or Mr. Smith. I knew who he was and we would laugh and talk.
Jerry Marcellino
CEO /President
StarFactree Records
Schauspieler B. J. Novak erzählt von seiner surrealen Begegnung mit Michael Jackson im Alter von 12 Jahren,
anläßlich eines Besuches bei Depak Chopra
B. J. Novak Peaked at 12 When He Met Michael Jackson
by Andrea Cuttler, 9:00 AM, February 5 2014
I always wonder if there’s not something a tiny bit self-indulgent about writing nonfiction.
The way that I am personal is by not talking about myself. I started with a lot of one-liners, and a lot of people encouraged me to be more personal. This book was the most personal thing I could write. Ironically, it doesn’t feel personal when I write about my life, because some incredible things have happened to me in my life. When I was 10 years old, and I’ve told this story before, but my dad invited us to dinner in Massachusetts and Michael Jackson was there, and it was a very bizarre night.
What? You have to expand on that.
I will. I am happy to. But my point is that, while these are amazing stories that have happened, they don’t say anything. I’m not saying anything. I’m just describing what happened to me. So somehow, I’m less personal so far when I use the first person.
Right, interesting. So, tell me about the night with Michael Jackson.
The night with Michael Jackson? I was about 12 or 13 years old, and my father was writing a book with Michael Milken at the time. Michael Milken did some charity event with Michael Jackson. Michael Milken invited our family to Deepak Chopra’s house, where Milken and Michael Jackson were going to be, for some reason. We showed up to dinner, [with] like 20 people there. Michael Jackson’s not there. Kids were all told Michael Jackson was supposed to be there. And that’s a crazy thing to be told as a kid. O.K. , we’ll see. And this is like ’91. This is, you know, pre-scandal; this is Michael Jackson. Then a guy sweeps into the room, in a black hat and a red jacket, sunglasses.
No way. No way.
That’s what I thought. What kind of joke is this? He goes in the corner, very anti-social, doesn’t say a word. It’s time for dinner. There’s a kids’ table, an adults’ table. I say, “Mom and Dad, I want to be at the adults’ table, especially if one of the adults is Michael Jackson.” I’m told, “It’s not up to you, you’re going to be at the kids’ table.” I’m very upset, devastated. I sit at the kids’ table. Who’s next to me at the kids’ table? Michael Jackson.
No way.
Of course.
That’s a little creepy in retrospect.
In retrospect, perhaps. In retrospect, the whole thing is a little different. I report honestly that I never felt anything the least bit troubling. And I have a good radar.
For pedophiles?
I have a good radar for something being off. Nothing was off.
Except that he’s Michael Jackson.
So we eat in silence for the first two minutes. Every kid is too well behaved to ask him a question.
And are you sitting directly next to him?
I’m at the head of the table, I don’t know why. He’s right next to me. He says, “Do you like video games?” I said, “Sure.” He starts describing the arcade that he has at Neverland. Like Sonic the Hedgehog and stuff. Sega games.
Like Duckhunt.
Exactly. And then he pulls out CDs and says, “Do you guys like music?” And we’re thinking, Uh, yeah, and you’re Michael Jackson. He pulls out CDs and says, “I got these CDs the other day.” It’s Aerosmith and Kriss Kross. He says, “I went to the movies with Macaulay Culkin recently.” And we’re like, You don’t have to namedrop, you’re in. He’s really insecure. He doesn’t think he’s relevant to kids or something. He was trying to show us he was cool. We finish dinner, the Chopra kids say, “Let’s go play a game.” Mind you, this really happened. In Massachusetts. The one thing that didn’t happen in L.A.
This is crazy. I feel like when you’re done you’re going to tell me this was all a joke.
No, this happened. So we play Scattegories. My team loses; he wins. When he wins, he sings “We Are the Champions,” beautifully. Just to gloat. It’s gorgeous. Then he and the Chopra kids run upstairs, go in one of the bedrooms, doors are open. “Beat It” starts blasting. Someone says to me, “I wonder if he’s dancing.” I’m like, “Let’s go take a look.” We go upstairs, go into the room where “Beat It” is playing. Michael Jackson comes spilling out of the room giggling, slapping my shoulders, saying, “I didn’t put it on, I didn’t put it on.” The Chopra kids nod and say, “He put it on—he does this all the time.” That’s his joke. He blasts his own music and says, “I didn’t put it on.” And then it was time to go. I’m so shy, and you don’t ask for a picture in ’91. I didn’t ask for an autograph, because I had the experience. That’s why still, if I may say, that when people come up for a picture—someone that barely knows what show you’re on—and they say, “Can I have a picture?” It’s like, Are you kidding me? I was 11 years old, I had dinner with Michael Jackson, and I didn’t ask for sheeit. I experienced it.
So how did the night end? My heart is pounding.
He says to me . . . and again, I guarantee you, I felt nothing amiss—
Are you sure? Because you’ve said it seven times and I wonder if you’re overcompensating.
Well I’ve got to say it again before I tell you the last part. He says, “What are you doing tomorrow?” I said, “I’m going to school.” And he said, “Don’t go.” I said, “Why?” He said, “School’s no fun.” I said, “O.K., I’ll just tell them Michael Jackson told me not to go to school.” He thought I was the funniest mothereffer.
And look at you now.
And that was it.
That’s unbelievable.
Yeah, it’s unbelievable. I promise you. So my life has had some very interesting twists and turns, but nothing like that. I was done at 12.
You peaked at 12.
It’s awesome that I’ve worked with Tom Hanks. It’s awesome. But I have not since been told by Michael Jackson not to go to school. So that would be a really good essay, but then what? Where would I go from there?
Yeah, I would probably just stick to fiction.
Nothing can top that. But I do think fiction is stranger than truth. I know people say the opposite. But what if I told you that same story and said, “And then a dragon came and ate us all.” Then it’s fiction, and it’s even more interesting. Fiction is way stranger. That’s the only way to top reality.
übernommen von: geändert von geli2709; 06.02.2014, 16:05.
Jonas Maxwell, Inhaber einer Galerie in Las Vegas, über Michael's Besuch 2008:
My Brief Meeting with Michael Jackson
My boss came into my office one day and, out of the blue, told me, "We're shutting the gallery down." I was a bit stunned. I knew the economy was bad, but I thought we had been doing okay. Then he told me the real reason. "Michael Jackson wants to do some shopping."
Apparently, a Jackson associate had called our president, then come to the gallery to meet with him. They came to an agreement so we closed our doors and waited. About two hours later, our back doors opened and in comes Michael, three associates, three children, and our own escort. Michael was dressed down - dark slacks, a dark sweatshirt with a hood pulled up over his head, a surgical mask, and athletic shoes. No glove.
I stayed in my office, but I can see the entire gallery on security monitors. I watched as Michael, holding two of his childrens' hands, entered the back of the gallery and started browsing through the art. Initially, the chidren stayed right with Michael, and I was impressed at how Michael would bend down to their level in order to hear what they had to say, and to speak to them. He gave them his full attention.
As they made their way through the gallery, they began to get near the front area which is all glass. Our concern was that mall visitors would recognize Michael, and things might get out of control. I continued to watch closely as Michael seemed to be getting too close to the glass windows. Michael moved back into the gallery, and I could breath again. About this time, his children apparently became bored with the art, slipped into a small viewing room in the center of the gallery, sat on the sofa, and talked.
It then occurred to me that we had a few small paintings by artist Steve Kaufman who had just completed several personal appearances at the gallery for the opening of his 2008 exhibition. I thought it would be nice to give one of the paintings to each of the children. I picked three out and went out into the gallery to find the children. Just outside the viewing room was one of Michael's associates. I told him I wanted to give the children a gift, and he stopped me. "I'll have to check with their father first," he said. He took one of the paintings and walked away.
Up until that point, it hadn't occurred to me that the three children were Michael's. I felt kinda stupid at that point since Michael could afford just about anything the children wanted, and I was giving them these small paintings. A minute or two later, the associate came back and gave me the green light. I went into the viewing room, handed each child a painting, and started to tell them about the artist. Their expressions were priceless - just like you might expect from any child. Their faces said "So...?" They didn't know who Kaufman was, and didn't seem to care.
Then Michael came into the room. "Thank you, thank you so much, thank you, thank you very much...", he repeated, bowing down slightly with his hands in a praying position. He was within two feet. I could easily have extended my hand, but I didn't. That's not why I was there. My intentions were to leave Michael alone so he could shop, and give the small paintings to the children. Later, I was told that Michael's hand gestures were his way of avoiding shaking hands, so I felt good that I didn't embarrass either of us.
I went back to my office and Michael continued to shop. I watched as Michael ventured all the way into the front entrance area to look at LeRoy Neiman art. He was within a few feet of the glass doors. I was more than a little concerned. But I stayed in the office and watched. His associates were always nearby. The children stayed in the viewing room.
I started looking on the Internet for a good quality photograph of Michael, just in case I had the opportunity to get his autograph. I know that entertainers always appreciate compliments on their work, but many also cherish their privacy. I have a tendency to respect that privacy, but I thought I'd pick the photo just in case. I printed the photo on my Canon i860 printer with OEM ink.
After Michael had finished his shopping, they all began to exit through the back door, near my office. As Michael came through the door, I rushed over and asked him if he had time for a quick autograph. He was gracious, took the Sharpie and the clipboard with the photograph on it, and signed a large, beautiful signature (which is illegible except for the year - 2008 - apparently because the photograph was not a recent one).
"I love your music," I said as Michael and his entourage walked away.
"Thank you very much," Michael replied. I think he meant it.
Michael and I are about the same age. I remember little Michael when the "Jackson 5" debuted. I was re-introduced to the "Jackson 5" and their incredible talent, particularly that of Michael, many years later when I was hired to transcribe the dialogue from old episodes of television's Soul Train for translation into other languages for foreign syndication. Those shows from the first few years of Soul Train featured many great talents of the early seventies, including the "Jackson 5", and later Michael as a solo artist. It was a real pleasure to be paid to listen and watch Michael and his brothers perform.
Our generation watched as Michael grew up, triumphed, stumbled, suffered, and withdrew. He lived a life that few others will understand, and many condemn. He had more than his share of challenges.
I had only a brief period of time to watch Michael with his children in a relatively personal setting, and only a few moments to speak with him. Whatever Michael was or wasn't, he made a good first impression on me. What I think I learned in my brief encounter with Michael was that 1) he was humble and down-to-earth, 2) he was a caring, attentive father, and 3) he was grateful for the blessings he had received in his life.
Thanks, Michael, for the music, the dancing, the fashion, the culture, and the lessons. R.I.P.
(im Link befindet sich noch ein kurzer Mitschnitt der Überwachungskamera)Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 06.02.2014, 16:55.
Zitat von Dreamerdancer Beitrag anzeigenDie Geschichte von diesem Novak kommt mir ein bisschen so vor, als wenn er Michael als Irren darstellen will, es widerspricht eigentlich so fast jedem Bericht von Kindern, die Michael persönlich kennengelernt haben.
Diesen Eindruck habe ich absolut nicht!
Im Gegenteil!
Ich finde, die Geschichte zeigt nichts anderes als Michael's Schüchternheit, seine kindliche Verspieltheit, sowie die Art und Reinheit seines Bezug's zu Kindern. Sie widerspricht damit in keinster Weise den Aussagen und Erkenntnissen anderer, die als Kind Michael kennen lernten oder begegneten.
Vielleicht ist es der etwas legere Erzählstil, der dich irritiert?Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 06.02.2014, 19:51.
Promitalk (14): DJ BoBo - Treffen am Hotelaufzug mit Michael Jackson
.. zum kompletten artikel
Auf Tour mit Michael Jackson
Gerne erinnert sich der Entertainer an seine Auftritte im Rahmen der Michael Jackson Tournee zurück und an seine erste und einzige persönliche Begegnung mit der Legende: „Wir haben uns in Moskau vor dem Lift des Hotels getroffen. Das war witzig. Er sagte: I like your show. Ich sagte: I like your show - thank you – das war’s. Es war wirklich ein bisschen strange. In meiner Vorstellung hab’ ich das natürlich anders erträumt: Treffen backstage in der Garderobe oder so.
Der war schon damals so, dass er völlig abgeschottet war, er hat noch nicht einmal mit seinen eigenen Tänzern gemeinsam geprobt. Sein Choreograph hat an seiner Stelle die Proben gemacht. Dabei war gar nicht so unkommunikativ, wie man denkt. Wenn es um Musik oder Tanz ging, das war genau sein Ding. Ich war ein großer Fan als Jugendlicher. Ich hätte ihm gerne gesagt, dass er für mich wegweisend und wichtig war, aber ich kam nicht dazu. Die Anfrage war trotzdem eine große Ehre und kam vom amerikanischen Management. Das war gut überlegt: Wir waren ja überall in Osteuropa und in diesen Ländern waren wir schon sehr bekannt. Das war für die nicht schlecht, denn er hat nicht überall gut Tickets verkauft. In Budapest zum Beispiel waren ungefähr 30.000 in einem Stadion, das 70.000 Plätze Kapazität hatte. In Moskau waren 30.000 statt 60.000. Die Ticketpreise waren hoch.
Es gibt übrigens Videoaufnahmen von uns in Prag auf Youtube: das heißt La Vida Es, in dem man sieht, wie ich Michael Jackson ansage: Ladys and Gentlemen: and now the king of Pop - welcome Michael Jackson. Die Tänzer waren gut, die Technik war gut, wir haben gemerkt: wir sind gar nicht so weit weg. Die hatten auch die gleichen Probleme wie wir, als ein Vorhang nicht wie geplant herunterfiel und Michael musste selbst am Vorhang reißen. Das hat uns motiviert, dass wir noch mehr in die Qualität investieren. Die neue Show hätte Michael auch gefallen."
Ab 1:08 kann man DJ Bobo's auftritt sehen und die besagte ankündigung.
zwei fragen:
1. sicherlich hat michael nicht immer mit den tänzer gemeinsam geprobt (ist ja nichts ungewöhnliches, dass der "star" nicht immer persönlich dabei ist und auch mal "alleine" probt). aber ist es richtig, dass michael meist "alleine" geprobt hat? bei den london-konzerte war es meines wissen nicht so oder?
2. war es wirklich so, dass michael in den sogenannten ländern nicht immer voll ausverkauft war (wie war es bei anderen künstlern in diesesn ländern)?......oder wurde aus technischen grund oder gar auf wunsch des künstler einige plätze gesperrt (so kenne ich es von anderen künstlern).
was mich wundert, dass DJ-BOBO so einen riesen erfolg hat - seit jahren. ist er wirklich so erfolgreich? (ich muss zugeben, dass ich nicht so ein konzert / show-gänger bin.
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