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Menschen die sich an eine Begegnung mit Michael Jackson erinnern

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  • Zu #663:

    Der Produzent von "WIZ" erinnert sich an die Sensibilität Jacksons's

    Regisseur Rob Cohen traf MJ 1978 während der produktion von “The Wiz” in NY; der film version der ausschliesslich mit schwarzen (sorry, ist nicht pc – ich weiss, anm. rip.m.) besetzten Broadway produktion von „The Wizard of Oz“, in der hauptrolle mit Diana Ross.

    Er war eine so gefühlsbetonte person, der wenn er zum dinner ausging sich bei jedem gemüse entschuldigt hätte, bevor er es verzehrte – er war vegetarier. Er bestellte gedämpftes gemüse und er sagte tatsächlich „Tut mir leid Mr Karotte“ und „tut mir leid Mr Broccoli.“ Er war so einfühlsam mit andern menschen und allem, was lebte, das ist wirklich das, dessen ich mich am stärksten erinnere, wenn ich an Michael denke, sogar mehr als sein gesang und tanz. Wenn man mit Michael sprach, hatte man wirklich das gefühl, dass er fühlte, was man selbst fühlte.

    Ich erinnere an eine aufnahme session für “Ease On Down The Road”, Quincy Jones war im studio nahm die stücke auf. Michael und Diana waren da und Diana sang ihren part und dann „OK Michael jetzt bist du dran.“ Michael sang eine zeile aus „Ease on down the road“ in dieser süssen, engelsgleichen stimme und Quincy’s augen leuchteten auf – das werde ich nie vergessen. Das war als ob ein leopard eine ziege beäugte. Quincy sagt sowas wie „ ... Was?“ Und seit diesem augenblick arbeiteten beide zusammen und schon bald ging es gemeinsam weiter mit „Off The Wall“ und dann „Thriller“, es begann alles in diesem augenblick.

    Er liebte NY. Wir besorgten ihm und LaToya ein apartement in Central Park West und manchmal holte ich ihn ab oder holte ihn einfach raus und mir fielen immer jede menge Perrier wasserkisten auf.

    Schliesslich frage ich ihn: “Michael, was hat’s mit dem ganzen Perrier auf sich?” Er entgegnete: „Ich mag es darin zu baden. Ich mag die blubblerbläschen.“ Von zeit zu zeit nahm ich ihn an einem abend am wochende mit in’s Studio 54 und wir stiessen immer zu einer grösseren gruppe von mode-models, er löste sich aus der menge und tanzte und heizte den tanzboden ordentlich an. Er hatte damals schon diese moves drauf. Er kreierte sie nicht erst für seine videos. Er führte seine moves noch nicht genau so aus, aber er hatte die drehungen und den moonwalk drauf , ein kleiner (Bob) Fosse, ein kleiner Astaire.

    Ich hatte keine wirkliche vorstellung, welchen eindruck er damals schon bei den leute hinterliess. Wieder in der limo bemerkte ich am ende eines abends: „Michael, du könntest dieses oder ein anderes mädchen mit nach hause nehmen. Wieso nimmst du keine mädels mit nach hause?“ Und er erwiderte: „Ach wirklich, meinst du ehrlich, sie mögen mich?“

    With L.O.V.E. and respect
    Lg rip.michael
    Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 26.03.2012, 08:23. Grund: edit


    • Übersetzung zu #681:

      Die philippinische Lehrerin von Michaels Kindern erzählt von ihren Erfahrungen und Erlebnissen


      Im November 2006 flogen wir anlässlich der WMA nach England.
      Wir checkten in ein 5-sterne-hotel in London ein. Da es ein riesen-event ist, wussten die leute, dass MJ in der stadt sein würde. Zu meiner überraschung waren sie schon da, bevor wir eintrafen. Schreiende, singende fans waren vor dem hotel und riefen: „Wir lieben dich Michael.“ Sie sangen und tanzenten zu seinen songs. Das war, als ob man einerkostenlosen aufführung beiwohnt. Es gelang ihnen seine aufmerksamkeit zu erwecken. Und nicht nur seine, auch die des personals und der hotelgäste.

      Es muss nicht extra erwähnt warden, Mr Jackson liebte die, die ihn unterstützten sehr. Er genoss die liebe und zuwendung. Er wusste, seine fans würden immer für ihn da sein, in guten wie auch schlechten zeiten. Jeden abend bat Mr Jackson die security, den liebenden ständig anwesenden fans essen und getränke zu bringen. Ich übertreibe nicht. Sie waren tag und nacht da.

      Die fans drehten durch, wenn er winkte und sein hotelzimmerfenster öffnete. Ich wurde zeuge dessen, wenn die fans aus vollem hals schrien und wie sie jedes mal, wenn wir los fuhren, unsere fahrzeug verfolgten. Mir wurde bewusst, wie priviligiert ich doch war die meiste zeit mit ihm zusammen sein zu können und ungezwungene gespräche mit ihm führen zu können. Echt, zeitenweise war es so in der vergangenheit, dass ich fast vergass, dass mein boss der berühmtese mensch der welt war, der wahre und einzige Mr Michael Jackson. Bitte versteht mich nicht falsch. Da ich ihn jeden tag sah, vermittelte sich mir der eindruck. Ich sah ihn einfach nur im pyjama, manchmal in seinem Donald Duck shirt und ich traf ihn zufällig in der ‚speisekammer‘ dann und wann.

      Wenn der unterricht vorbei war für den tag, rief er mich auf dem handy an und fragte wegen des unterrichtsstoffs oder sonst etwas nach. Manchmal blieb sein anruf aus, dann hinterlies er eine sprachmitteilung: „Hi Ms Eilee, Mr Jackson hier. Bitte rufensie mich zurück sobald es möglich ist. Danke.“

      Dazu kommt, dass er sich nie wie ein “superstar” in unserer gegenwart gab, wenn gleich er natürlich ein wirklicher „superstar“ im wahrsten sinne des wortes war und das war uns allen gewiss.

      Er war unbefangen wie ein kind und ganz begeistert, mit ihnen zusammen zu sein. Es war eine grosse freude, mit einem der bescheidensten männern zu seinen lebzeiten zusammenzutreffen. Auch wenn die klatschpresse die absurdesten gerüchte schrieb, nichts und niemand könnte je die verehrung für den einzigartigen King of Pop schmälern.


      Aileen Medz (frühere privatlehrerin von Ms kindern) sieht man auf dem bild, das während ihrer gemeinsamen zeit entstand. Aileens künftiger blog wird mehr darüber erzählen. Mehr erfahrungen ... Disneyland, Japan liesen sie eine entspannte zeit erleben.

      Meine erste reise mit MJ und den kindern führte nach Paris. Die fans drehten durch, weil sie MJ zu sehen kriegten. Sie folgten uns überall hin. Die securiy schirmte eng ab, um die sicherheit von MJ und seinen kindern zu gewährleisten.

      Eines schönen nachmittags bekam ich einen nachricht der security, dass Japan unser nächstes ziel sein werde. Es wurden keine weiteren detaills mitgeteilt, ausser die anweisung meine sachen zu packen. Ich versucht nicht nachzufragen „wann“ und „warum“, da ich wusste, ich würde die antwort schon bekommen. Packen war nicht wirklich eine anstrengung, seit ich ein leben auf den koffern sitzend führte. In Japan wohnten wir in einem meiner lieblingshotels, das For Seasons Hotel Tokio. Sehr guter service und ausgezeichnetes essen. Nein, ich bestellte kein Sushi oder Sashimi (es tut mir leid für all die Sushi liebenden, mir schmeckt das nicht) aber ihre landesübliche zubereitung von Tempura ist zum sterben gut. Ich beauftragte jeden tag den zimmerservice, Tempura zu zu servieren, zum frühstück, mittagsmahl und abendessen, an 7 aufeinander folgenden tagen.. (Tempura = gemüse, fisch, fleisch .. in backteig, frittiert, anm. rip.m.).

      Mr Jackson begrüsste auf mehr als 3000 soldaten der U.S. truppen samt ihren familien auf der Army base Camp Zama, Japan, im süden Tokios. Er richtete eine ansprache an die menge:

      „Es ist eine ehre und ein besonderes vorrecht hier sein zu dürfen. Sie alle gehören zu den ganz besonderen menschen dieser welt, da sie gewählt haben, ihr leben dem militärdienst zu widmen. Indem Sie hier sind und auch andere, die ihr leben gaben, dürfen wir den frieden in der heimat geniessen. Ich danke euch aus ganzem herzen und ich liebe euch.“

      Mr Jackson war ausserdem anlässlich einiger wichtiger events in Japan, Platinum VIP Party, ein Meet and Greet und dem Fan Appriciation Day (anerkennungsfeier für fans .. oder so .. anm. rip.m.).
      Ungeachtet des dicht gedrängten zeitplans besuchte unsere gruppe Tokyo Disney Sea. Wir trafen gerade rechtzeitig dort ein, als das feuerwerk begann. Das war unzweifelhaft spektakulär. Etwas, was für jedes alter absolut sehenswert ist. Wir nahmen platz und warteten auf das essen.

      Einige zeit später hörte ich Mr Jackson nach mir rufen und er bat mich, näher zu kommen.
      Mr J: ‚Ms Aileen, ich möchte sie mit der königin der Jackson familie bekannt machen, meiner mutter.‘ In gegenwart von Mrs Jackson: ‚Sie ist die lehrerin der kinder. Sie stammt von den Philippinen.‘ Mrs Jackson lächeltemich an und fragte: ‚Hi, wie geht es ihnen?‘ ‚Mir geht’s gut, danke der nachfrage. Ich freue mich sehr sie endlich kennen zu lernen, Mrs Jackson.‘

      Mr Jackson musste bemerkt haben, dass ich mich etwas befangen fühlte nach dem ich platz genommen hatte, ich war recht still. Also versuche er die situation zu ändern, um es mir angenehmer zu machen und frage mich, ob ich neben ihm und den kinder sitzen wolle. Ehrlicherweise fühlte ich mich deplaziert, als seine leute über geschäftliche dinge sprachen, von denen ich keine ahnung hatte. Ich arbeitete sehr eng mit Mr Jackson und den kindern zusammen und ich hatte deshalb keine ahnung von geschäftlichen besprechungen und verträgen, von denen die rede war. Er war sehr feinfühlig, was die befindlichkeiten anderer betraf. Er hatte seine eigenen speziellen wege, die einen als etwas besonderes fühlen lies und rettete so heikle situationen. Das bringt mich innerlich zum weinen und ich schätze den King um so mehr. Vielen Dank für alle ihre liebe Mr Jackson.

      Die leute versichern mir immer wieder, wie glücklich ich mich schätzen könne, dass ich Mr Jackson traf und mit ihm arbeitete. Dem ist wirklich nichts hinzuzufügen. Irgendwas in meinem leben muss ich richtig gemacht haben, dass es mir vergönnt war diese möglichkeit wahrnehmen zu können. Es war ein wahrer segen. Mr. Jackson war ein segen. Er gab mir die chance die welt kennen zu lernen – wahrhaftig. Ich reiste mit ihm um den globus und ich machte erfahrungen, viele davon waren ersterfahrungen in meinem leben, wie das private reisen in einem gecharterten jet, geschäftlich in der 1. und business class, in einem schloss leben, in einem 5 sterne hotel wohnen und noch vieles mehr (ich könnte immer so weiter aufzählen).

      Ich kann mich sehr gut an eine conversation mit ihm am flughafen erinnern.

      “Mr Jackson, wenn sie nicht wären, wäre es mir nie möglich gewesen zu reisen und wunderschöne orte zu sehen. Danke, dass sie mir die welt zeigten.“ „Es war mir eine freude Ms Aileen. Danke, dass sie meine kinder unterrichten. Gott segne sie.“

      Aber abgesehen von den materiellen dingen, ich bin der Jackson family so dankbar für ihre liebe, achtung und ihr vertrauen. Sie behandelten mich nie wie eine aussen stehende, eher wie ein teil der privaten familie. Ich hielt mich auf, wo sie sich aufhielten und aß das gleiche essen, was auch sie aßen. Ich fühlte mich nie als aussenseiter. Es ist genauso erwähnenswert, dass die kinder so freundlich und höflich waren. Sie vergassen nie „bitte“ oder „danke“ zu sagen. Ehrfürchtiger beifall für Mr Jackson! Er hat mit dem aufziehen seiner kinder einen grossartigen job gemacht!

      Die welt kannte Mr Jackson als einen brillianten performer … ich kenne ich als einen bescheiden, guten vater für P, P & B und als den coolste boss auf dem planeten.

      With L.O.V.E. and respect
      Lg rip.michael


      • Ich weiß nicht, ob wir diese süsse Geschichte schon hatten ?!

        Michaels Friseurin Lottie Rose (1981 oder 1984 - 1994) teilt im EBONY-Magazine 9/2009 ihre Erinnerungen an Michael:

        Michael Jackson Style

        by Margena A. Christian


        When people really want to pull of a good Michael Jackson impersonation, it's about more than the moves. The look is just as critical. It's about the outfit, the white glove, the hat, and most important, the hair. Jackson's preferred permanent wave, which he wore during the 80's and is known as the Care Free Curl, was done for a decade by Los Angeles cosmetologist Lottie Rose. Being the true Virgo that he was, Michael always made certain that his hair and appearance were near perfect. Rose became so noted for her work with Michael that Jackson brothers Marlon and Randy also had her style their curls. Even singer Rockwell, otown founder Berry Gordy's son who recorded the song, "Someone's Watching Me" with Michael, had her work magic an his mane, too.

        ON FIRST MEETING MICHAEL JACKSON: It was in August 1981. He was turning 23 the next day. He had a performance in Pasadena, Calif., and wanted to look good. At the time, I had my own salon, The Beauty Parlor, in Torrence, Calif. I put up a partition so those in the salon could not see him. He walked in and took off his little beanie. I examined his hair and his scalp. I asked when he had his last permanent. It had been a long time since his last curl. His hair was kind of matted. He was very quiet. He didn't ask a lot of questions. I received "yes" and "no" answers when I asked questions. The partition was up so that he could have his privacy, although he was constantly trying to look over the partition to see who was looking at him.

        ON HIS FAMOUS HAIRLINE: That was his idea to create the little hairline that was laying down flat and smooth with the wave. We would fight about it. It wasn't [to] my liking. When I would finish his hair, he would get up and comb it into place. He would also pull strands down where he wanted them placed. He became that comfortable where he would let me know what he wanted.

        ON THE PEPSI ACCIDENT WHERE HIS HAIR CAUGHT FIRE: I was summoned by a doctor to come and assist him in evaluating the damage that had been done to Michael's hair. For a while, I traveled with him for some of his engagements. We had a little hairpiece apparatus to cover that area until it healed enough for him to be comfortable with his real hair. [The fire] burned an area in the top of [Michael's] head. Between the doctor and me, we kind of worked with it until we got it going again. For several years after that he kept getting the permanent wave.

        ON WORKING FOR HIM: He was a fun-loving person who treated me more or less as a friend. When I traveled with him, he made sure I would come and meet anyone who was around. The places we would go--every dinner or performance--he made certain that I attended with him. He wanted me to be prepared to go. He would not take me away from home and leave me in the hotel. I was well accomodated when we traveled. After the scalp burn, he had meetings in New York. I met Brooke Shields, Liza Minelli, Yul Brynner and his wife, and I was so honored to meet Jacqueline Onasis.

        ON SHARING HIS HOME: After a year, he would call me, "Miss LottieClaudie." That was his nickname for me. Around this time he also asked me to start doing his hair at his parents' Encino home. To follow safety measures, I encouraged them to put a salon in their home. When he moved to Neverland, I told him to put a salon there, too. Dealing with chemicals, I wanted to maintain safety measures. He would allow me to bring my daughter with me. She would stay nights and sleep in Michael's bed. I would be working on him. At Neverland, because the drive was so long, I would stay and we would have our own little room.

        ON BEING PLAYFUL: He liked to play and pity-pat around. He thought it was funny to work on me. I was doing his hair and he'd be rubbing my leg. Or there would be something crawling on me and it would be something he was doing. While I would be doing Michael's hair, Bubbles would run by in a diaper and slap me on the leg. Michael thought that was so funny. He said, "He loves you, Lottie." He thought it was funny for Bubbles to entertain me. Once in a while Michael would grab my hand and say, "Let's swing out a little bit." We would dance. He would hum something and we would dance.

        ON THE MICHAEL SHE KNEW: He was very kind and nice. How do you keep yourself in the media? They don't want to hear anything good. You gotta let them say something bad and it goes on and on. That's how you keep your name out there. I wonder about some of the things I have heard and if they were really true. As I've said, when you are real good, no one wants to hear anything about you. Most people who know him personally have said the same thing. He was such a giving person. He was a fine friend. He treated me as if I was a friend to him. I respect that.

        ON WHAT OTHERS THOUGHT ABOUT HIM: He never complained about how he was being accepted by people. I never heard him wimper or complain about that at all.


        • Eine Fan-Geschichte

          Who is in the pic that Michael is holding?


          “In April of 2009, you might have seen Michael coming out of a building with a photo of a girl in his hand. It was on fan message boards for a while…and the question of who the girl is came up a lot. Well, that girl was me and at the time I found it VERY embarrassing… but of course now I cherish it. People on the internet came up with different things like “It’s his girlfriend”, “It’s Blanket’s mother” […].

          Just to give a little background, followers often gave photos of themselves to Michael. We gave Michael a lot of photos of us all posing together, alone, with him, etc. The more Michael saw you, the more he remembered who you were and your name and things you told him about yourself. I remember one of his bodyguards telling me, “Always include a photo with your letters. He likes photos and he remembers you that way.” I always carried stationary, pens, markers, stickers, gifts and photos in my trunk to always be prepared with something to give to him.

          On this particular day, I had emptied my stuff out for some reason and only had a few developed photos inside my car. I just really wanted to always give him something, so I quickly wrote a note on the back of one of the photos and gave it to him when we saw him inside. We said our hello’s and parted different ways, so I didn’t see him exit out the building.

          After that, he went shopping to a few stores, including Off the Wall on Melrose and the Ed Hardy store. I don’t remember if it was during the drive to the Ed Hardy store or when I was done and going home but I got a call.

          “Oh my God! There are photos of Michael holding your photo!”

          I quickly went online to try and find it, and sure enough it was all over the internet already. I got red in the face and was so embarrassed… and I got made fun of for it by my friends for MONTHS. But of course, now it is something I treasure. ♥ So there it is, there is no real “story” behind the photo. Fans have fantasized some really weird theories about the incident. LOL. I wanted to tell Michael about the photos and how funny it looked, but I never got the chance to because I started seeing him less and less… I’m sure at some point I wrote about it in my letters, but it wasn’t ever discussed. And I’m okay with it being that way…”


          • Dorian Holley: Ich sehe meine Zeit mit MJ als ein unbeschreibliches Geschenk. Ich habe nichts dazu getan, dass ich es verdient hätte. Es war nicht, weil ich so süß, brillant oder talentiert gewesen wäre. Die Möglichkeit, mit einem der größten und talentiertesten Entertainer der Welt zu arbeiten, und von ihm zu lernen, fiel einfach vom Himmel. Ich saugte einfach alles auf. Ich versuchte einen fantastischen Job zu machen. Ich nahm es sehr ernst. In meiner Erinnerung ist es wie eine schöne Landschaft, wie eine Filmrolle, vom Singen vor einem Meer von Fans, von Vergnügungsparks die nur für die Band geöffnet waren, Michael aus nur wenigen Metern Entfernung tanzen zu sehen, und seine strahlende Supernova ähnliche intensität. MJ war der höflichste und liebevollste Mensch den ich je traf.

            Dorian, Vocal Coach bei TII sagt, dass die Präsenz und die Energie des Stars in seinen letzten Wochen eindeutig da war: „Er nahm die Bühne mit einer Gruppe von Tänzern ein, die alle in den 20ern waren, aber man konnte die Augen nicht von IHM abwenden..viele seiner songs haben 6 oder 7 Teile, und er kam öfters rüber, wenn wir eine wichtige Note verpasst hatten, und er sang alle Teile im Schnelldurchgang um uns zu verdeutlichen, was er wollte. Wir sassen einfach nur da mit offenen Mündern - es war unbeschreiblich. Er konnte immer noch alles tun..der einzige Unterschied war, dass er manchmal darüber sprach, wie es ihn schmerzte.“

            „Wir hatten die Technologie, sein Mikrophon seperat zu schalten, und seinem Gesang seperat von allem anderen zuzuhören. Ich hatte keine Vorstellung davon, welch ein Genie er war. Die Art, auf die er seine Stimme als ein Percussion Instrument benutzen kann, als Lyricer und Jazzsänger zu gleicher Zeit.. Ich bin sicher, dass die Leute, die in den kommenden Jahren seine Arbeit tiefer betrachten, entdecken werden, wieviel dort zu finden ist. Es hört sich fast verrückt an zu sagen, dass sich die Show nicht um ihn drehte..aber er sagte es immer zu „Wir sind hier, um eine Botschaft über die Liebe und die Achtsamkeit gegenüber unseres Planeten zu verbreiten, damit die Leute verstehen, dass es sehr wertvoll ist, und es nicht für einfach gegeben nehmen - dafür sind wir hier.“

            Darryl Phinnessee (Bad, Dangerous, HIStory tours, TII): „Eine meiner schönsten Erinnerungen an Michael ist, wie ich mit ihm bei einer Probe unter der Bühne sitze und den Bericht über die Motown 25 Billie Jean Performance in seinen eigenen Worten höre. Eine andere Erinnerung ist, wie ich Michael beobachte, wie er mit meiner Tochter Darylynn mit dem „Tilt -A-Whirl“ im DisneyLand Tokyo fährt, als sie 8 Jahre alt war. Sein Mitgefühl und sein Enthusiasmus sind zwei Dinge, die ich vermissen werde.“


            • “Jew me, sue me, kick me, kike me....” Original Michael Jackson Song Lyrics Changed Following SWC 1995 Protest: Apology letter on view at SWC Headquarters

              Michael war der erste Besucher des " Museum of Tolerance"

              Als das History Album 1995 veröffentlicht wurde war das Simon Wiesental Center geschockt über die Lyrics von They Dont Care About Us "Jew me, sue me, kick me, kike me....” Das Center protestierte umgehend direkt bei Michael Jackson gegen die anscheinend antisemitischen Stereotypen die sich Millionen von Menschen ahhören müssten und verlangten, dass er und Sony Music diese Textstellen von dem Album entfernen sollten.

              Michael reagierte darauf, in dem er persönlich die Rabbis Hier und Cooper anrief und seine "Reue" ausdrückte und schrieb anschliessend noch einen Brief dazu:

              "Unglücklicher Weise haben meine Worte unbeabsichtigt Menschen verletzt, mit denen ich mich solidarisieren wollte..ich werde in allen bisher nicht ausgelieferten Alben die oben geannten Paragraphen einfügen, so dass keiner meine Musik hören wird und meine Absichten falsch interpretieren wird."

              (der original Brief ist im Museum zu sehen..)

              Er tat nicht nur das, sondern er ging auch eine Woche danach erneut ins Studio und nahm die falsch verstandenen Lyrics neu auf..

              Michael Jackson, der erste Besucher des "Museum Of Tolerance"

              Michael war der erste Besucher im Museum Of Tolerance. Er fragte an, ob er Freitags vor der Eröffnung des Museums kommen könne. Die Arbeiter waren immer noch mit den letzten Arbeiten beschäftigt, als Michael kam. Ich denke, Michael wußte über den Holocaust bescheid, aber es gab auch offensichtlich vieles, von dem er nichts wußte. Nachdem er 2,5 Stunden im Museum verbracht hatte, verlies er es tief bewegt und zu Tränen gerührt, durch die überwältigenden Eindrücke.


              • Ein Ex-Polizist, der 1988 für die Sicherheit einiger von Michael's BAD-Konzerten mitverantwortlich war,
                erinnert sich:

                Remembering Michael:

                Ex-cop shared adrenaline on security detail at ’88 concert


                HAMDEN — Many can say they’ve had a brush with fame, but one Hamden resident can say he walked shoulder to shoulder with Michael Jackson at the Hartford Civic Center in March 1988.

                Roberto Alfaro, 52, was an officer in the Hartford Police Department when he was assigned to Jackson’s security detail months after the release of the “Bad” album and at the height of Jackson’s career.

                “The guy is a musical genius,” Alfaro said, reflecting on the musical icon’s recent death. “There aren’t too many people that are like him.”

                Alfaro was one of four officers assigned to escort Jackson back and forth from the dressing room to the stage. Alfaro said the “King of Pop” was shy when he met him off-stage, but transformed while getting ready to perform.

                “It was like somebody switched a button on in Michael Jackson, and all of a sudden you could see the intensity in his face,” said Alfaro. “He was so focused on what he was going to do.”

                Alfaro remembers the excitement in the crowd and the sounds of fans chanting “Michael,” screaming and stomping.

                “I felt like I was such a part of this because my adrenaline was pumping also,” he said. “As we got closer to the entrance, the noise got louder and louder.”

                After the show, Jackson thanked the officers as they waited with him until a van picked him up.

                Alfaro spoke to Jackson and asked him to autograph two ticket stubs he had saved from the floor for his two children. A blue-green ticket autographed by Jackson for Alfaro’s daughter, Bianca, is still intact and provides a glimpse into the 1980s, when a fan could see “Michael Jackson Live in Concert,” presented by Pepsi, for $22.50.

                Jackson was skinny and shorter than Alfaro had expected, he said, but Jackson wore the anticipated moon-walking outfit of black pants, a black jacket, a white shirt and a black hat. Alfaro said he doesn’t remember Jackson wearing the famous white glove.

                Alfaro, who grew up listening to Jackson and spun his records when he was a disc jockey in the Bronx, said it was “unbelievable” to meet and work alongside Jackson in person.

                The day after, Alfaro was part of the mounted patrol that escorted Jackson to the venue for his second show. The thousands of people awaiting Jackson’s arrival were “going berserk” and banging on the singer’s van, he said. About a year later, Alfaro saw footage of himself and the mounted patrol on a television special.

                Alfaro retired from the Hartford force in 2000, but has continued to enjoy a modeling and acting career. He said he has been writing a memoir that includes details of his experience with Jackson for five years and plans to finish it soon.

                “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will share with my kids and my grandkids,” Alfaro said of his time with Jackson. “I will never get tired of telling this story.”


                • Samm Brown, ein Produzent aus Venezuela, erinnert sich an Michaels Liebe zu Vergnügungsparks


                  Venezuela: and Producer Samm Brown remembers Michael's love of Theme Parks. Michael Jackson was such a fan of international amusement parks, he'd hit them at dawn when he was on tour. [Michael Pictured with Bill Bray]

                  The late pop star famously created a theme park at his Neverland estate in Santa Barbara and former producer Samm Brown reveals Jackson was so excited to visit the local pleasure ground when he arrived in a new country, jet lag and hunger couldn't keep him away.

                  Brown, who worked with Jackson for four years and co-wrote his hit One Day In Your Life, recalls, "Early on in our relationship when we were on tour in Venezuela, I woke up one morning to the sound of this soft tapping on my hotel room door. I thought it was maid service. I opened the door and it was Michael, fully clothed. He asked, 'Do you want to go to the amusement park?' It was, like 8am! He said, 'I can't find anyone who wants to go.' It was so sincere and so I thought, 'What the hell,' and I went. So, Michael, his minder and I went to the amusement park at eight in the morning. I was really tired and hungry, and I'm sure Michael was too - but he had to get to the park. That was kind of my introduction to Michael's love of amusement parks - he'd hit a new country, a new city, and he'd have to go play."

                  Samm Brown 2009: Of course I went with them that morning so many years ago, and I can tell you now that if there is an amusement park in heaven, you can be sure that Michael Joseph Jackson, one of earth’s better angels, is on it.


                  • 405959_281486948586372_116222408446161_677899_1176289915_n.jpg

                    Who is in the pic: A young Enrique Iglesias with brother and sister Chabeli and Julio Jr. half sister Tarmara, and Publicist Shirley Brooks meet Michael backstage on the Bad Tour.

                    Spanish singer Julio Iglesias, father of Enrique, Chabeli and Julio Jn met Michael several times and also joined Michael for the song "Todo Para Ti" written after the September 11th attacks paid tribute to Michael in 2009.

                    "Dear Michael, I will never forget your voice, your generosity, your art and your passion. You taught all of us a new way in music.”

                    ~ Julio Iglesias.


                    • Kurz bevor Michael starb, kaufte er in Whelans Art Galleries in Laguna Beach, Kalifornien, 7 wunderschöne Bilder für sich und seine Kinder.
                      Diese Bilder wurden an ihm auch tatsächlich 2 Wochen vor seinem Tod, als er inmitten der Vorbereitungen für seine TII-Tour war, ausgeliefert.

                      Alice im Wonderland (für Paris)

                      Meditations (für sich)

                      Peter Pan (für Blanket)


                      PenelopesSong (für sich)


                      SecretForest (für sich)

                      Stardust_Small (für sich)


                      Buccaneers (für Prince)

                      auch Seven von der Seite schrieb darüber:

                      hier noch ein weiterer Artikel dazu:
                      Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 24.02.2012, 19:41.


                      • Aileen Medz, die philippinische Privatlehrerin von Michaels Kindern,
                        teilt ihre Erinnerungen:

                        (im Post 681 gibt es bereits 2 Storys !)

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                        Stories of working and travelling with Michael:

                        Aileen was Michael's children's tutor. Here Aileen talks of the price of Michael's fame and the lengths photographers will go to get and then fabricate a story.

                        Photo: One of the paparazzis took this. This photo was from Splash News. With my baby, Blanket at Luxor Hotel, Vegas.


                        Admit it or not, many of us seek for stardom in some point of our lives. Sad but true, some would trade their souls for fame. Well, who could blame them, there are tons of amazing perks that could go with being a "superstar."

                        Well, I have witnessed first hand the life of not just your typical star. He was the most popular human being on this planet. I have seen how the public got so interested in him that they followed us everywhere. From the castles of Ireland to the world-class hotels in Vegas. Every move, every step and every breath he took was publicized and sensationalized.

                        Seeing those desperate paparazzis and reporters made me realized that being famous ain't easy. During his time, media forgot their boundaries. They did everything just to get a snapshot of Mr. Jackson,,, the funny looking photos, the better. Once they get these precious images then they start to fabricate ridiculous stories.

                        Helicopters hovering just meters away from where we were staying was just a "normal" thing. People would do anything and everything just to get a scoop.

                        When we took a short unplanned trip and flew commercially somewhere in Europe ( we were not able to have prior reservations because it was an urgent thing). Mr. Jackson and the children were seated quietly on their designated seats along with our group. The three angels were very behaved and hardly talked so that they won't attract anymore attention. Obviously people were busy looking and observing their moves.

                        The following day, I was aghast to see the front page of the local daily that the spoiled children of Michael Jackson were yelling and throwing soda cans during the entire flight. Unbelievable! How on earth can they write such story which didn't happen at all? Those were clearly just a figment of their wild and stupid imagination. People who were not on that flight and will read stories like this will likely believe all of this crap.

                        From that moment on, I knew why the boss would hate to see us read tabloids. That was not the last time it happened. I would run out of space and time if I go on.

                        Over time I have developed an emotional attachment with the family especially the kids. It pains (yes until now) me to hear or read false accusations against them because deep in my heart I know how kind and well-mannered they were. They were my family in a land where I have no body to rely on.

                        When you get to look into the lives of these famous personalities you will eventually start to appreciate your simple life. The freedom to go anywhere and anytime you want without somebody stalking is beyond price. Nobody would even bother to critic if you opt to go to Target or Walmart.

                        Mr. Jackson wasn't able to enjoy the same kind of liberty that we ordinary people have. He couldn't go out, dine out and go to a bookstore ( He was a bookworm. He read about history, photography, designs, film, travel, architectural designs, Africa and so many other interesting books... that explains why he was well-informed and very smart) without cameras following him. No matter how hard he tried to cover up people still recognized him.

                        Paradoxically, those people who are apparently not MJ fans started to say good things about him when he passed away. They then remembered how amazing he was as a performer and how great his music was.

                        The life that Mr.Jackson lived may be unfathomable but one thing for sure..he was a person with extraordinary talents but with ordinary wants just like you and me.

                        Again and again I'm extending my gratitude to you my boss for allowing me to have a glimpse of your private world.

                        "Fame comes only when deserved, and then is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny."

                        - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

                        Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 27.02.2012, 03:00.


                        • Mehr von Aileen über Michael als Dad und seine Kinder Prince, Paris
                          und Blanket:

                          Stories of working and travelling with Michael:

                          After flying to Paris and resting Aileen meets up with Michael and the Children

                          I saw Mr. Jackson and the kids. He brought the kids to the classroom, one of the suite rooms they have reserved for us.
                          Me: "Good morning Mr. Jackson. Good morning PPB."
                          Mr. Jackson: "Good morning. I'm happy you're here with us. Do you like France?"
                          Me: "I haven't been around yet but so far YES I do. "
                          Mr. Jackson: "You should go out and explore. This is a beautiful place."
                          Me: "I will. Thanks."
                          Mr: Jackson: "So I will now leave you here and children behave okay. ?"
                          PPB: "Okay. Love you Daddy."
                          Mr: Jackson : "I love you more."
                          PBB: "Miss you."
                          Mr. Jackson : " I miss you more."

                          The children were so attached to him. He was the apple of their eyes and you can see the love and respect they have for him. Their eyes twinkled every time they talked about their dad.

                          Despite his busy schedule , Mr. Jackson attended to them personally making sure all their needs were taken cared of. He was a very "hands-on" father. He played with them, prepared their food, read books to them, watched movies with them, went shopping with them.. practically he was with them all the time when the children were not in school.

                          It was pretty clear to me that he was a great dad with so much love for his children. He could live without anything but not without his children. PPB were his life. If there's one thing that people should not question about ... it is how brilliant he was as a father.

                          "Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a Dad."

                          - Anne Geddes

                          Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 27.02.2012, 03:19.


                          • Mehr von Aileen, der philippinischen Privatlehrerin Michaels Kinder:


                            “Kindness in words creates confidence.
                            Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
                            Kindness in giving creates love.”

                            - Lao Tzu

                            Stories of working and travelling with Michael:

                            Aileen received several gifts from Michael including giving her his own Photography Book and the above Ultimate Collection signed by Michael with the message "Thank you for teaching My Children Love". Aileens tells of the children giving her a gift and her first trip with the family to Disneyland and a security nightmare for Michael and the children.

                            THE GIFT:

                            Bahrain - One afternoon, after school, the children came to me and gave me a present.
                            PP : “ Hey Ms. Aileen, a gift from Daddy! ”
                            Me : “Wow, thank you."
                            P : "Open it. "
                            Me: "Okay, I will."
                            P: "Do you like it?"
                            Me: “Yes, very much. Please tell your Daddy that I’m so happy. Thank you!”
                            P: "Pleasure. Okay. Bye."

                            I'm sure the kids saw the stars in my eyes when I opened the beautifully wrapped box. I was thrilled to bits not only because it was my first Apple Ipod but because it was given by no less than Michael Jackson himself ! How cool was that! “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” - Lao Tzu


                            A notice came early in the morning that we will be moving from Versailles to Disneyland Paris. Obviously, I was overjoyed because it was my first Disney adventure. I believe I was more thrilled than the children.
                            When we got there, I was surprised to see a bunch of fans screaming Michael Jackson’s name. “How did they know we 're here?” I wondered. That totally puzzled me.

                            Later that day, I asked Ms. G if I can go and check the park. “ Go ahead. Enjoy.” she said. The next day , I was informed that we will be going to the park together with Mr. Jackson and the children. I was kinda excited and didn’t know what was it like to be going out with them. It was my first public engagement with the family.We did not pass the entrance gate but security ushered us to the back gate instead. When we got in the park, people started screaming and running towards us. Mr. Jackson waved his hand and said “I love you” to the people. Security was already in full alert trying to protect Mr. Jackson and the group. When the crowd became irrepressible, we headed to the nearest shop. The security was forced to lock-up the place to prevent them from coming in and to give the group some time inside. We stayed inside the shop for awhile .The fans didn’t stop from screaming and waited patiently outside . I was instructed to keep an eye on the children all the time.

                            When we went out, the crowd mugged us. Security needed to take the children away from Mr. Jackson to keep them from being hurt. I was stunned with what had happened. Found out that one of the children got a bruise on the arm but didn't complain at all. After some time, we proceeded to the park as planned. The children and the grown-ups surely enjoyed the rides and the different attractions.

                            I felt my excitement fading away when we headed to Space Mountain, a steel roller coaster-type attraction in Discoveryland. I simply hate roller coaster!
                            Prince : “ Ms. Aileen, let’s go!”
                            Me : “ I think I will just have to stay here and wait for you guys.”
                            Prince : “Come on. Let’s go.”
                            Me: “You can go without me Prince.” Have fun!” I will be right here waiting, okay?
                            Prince : "Are you sure?"
                            Me: "Positive"
                            Prince: "Okay. We will be right back."
                            I sighed with relief. Then they proceeded along with the security and took the ride. So I stayed at the waiting area until they came back. After an afternoon filled with fun, thrill and excitement, we were escorted back to our hotel .

                            At that time, I didn’t quite understand why people would go crazy chasing him and would be willing to splurge a huge amount of money for airfares and hotel accommodation just to have a glimpse of Mr. Jackson. It’s funny that I never understood why people who went to his concert would cry and faint. A person who could draw attention from millions of people all over the world was just amazing.
                            He was like a MAGNET attracting the public wherever he went. He was incredible!
                            It was only after I got to know his real character and who he really was that I understood people’s enthrallment towards him.

                            More than his exceptional and incomparable talent, his pure heart made the people adore and love him immensely. It's true that I read a couple of those offensive rumors about him but never did I question his morality... not even once. I have been a living witness to the inherent goodness and decency of Mr. Jackson. Those horrible tabloid rumors were far from the real person that he really was. It made me wonder over and over again,, Where the hell did they get all those stories from?

                            "It’s funny that the people who didn’t get the chance to be with him have a lot to say. "

                            So, to show my gratitude and my unwavering respect for him, I've created this site so I can hopefully and slowly make a difference.

                            Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 27.02.2012, 04:05.


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                              "In honor of my respect and gratitude towards Mr. Michael Jackson, I have conceptualized this site to chronicle bits and pieces about my travels across the globe and my personal experiences on how HONORABLE he was as a boss, father and a human being.

                              Read on and you will end up loving the King even more."

                              -Aileen M., Tutor to the MJ3

                              "More than his exceptional and incomparable talent, [it was Michael Jackson's] pure heart [that] made the people adore and love him immensely. It's true that I read a couple of those offensive rumors about him but never did I question his morality...not even once. I have been a living witness to [his] inherent goodness and decency...Those horrible tabloid rumors were far from the real person that he really was. It made me wonder over and over again-where the hell did they get all those stories from?"

                              -Tutor Aileen M



                              • Erinnerungen eines professionellen Autogrammjägers:

                                Of the anniversary of the King of Pop's passing I remember
                                my meetings with Michael Jackson


                                I had first met Michael Jackson in Harlem, New York as Michael was there to speak out at a demonstration against Tommy Mottola and Sony Records. The press conference was held at Al Sharpton’s Harlem office. knowing security and fans would be rabid, I planned to sneak into the building before Michael Jackson arrived, in hopes of planting myself somewhere inside in order to have some access to Michael.

                                I found what looked like a private holding room that seemed like Al Sharpton’s office in his building. I decided to actually hide in the coat closet of this office in anticipation of Michael Jackson being ushered into this room.

                                Sure enough, my instincts and plan were correct and MJ arrived with an entourage of security, police and handlers. I was brave enough to go through all this effort and reveal myself from the closet, at which point I was almost ushered out of the room.

                                It was Michael himself who quickly calmed the security down and said,
                                “it’s okay, I want to take a picture with him.”


                                My next meeting with Michael occurred during 2003 in Beverly Hills, CA when I learned that MJ was going to be shopping on Santa Monica Boulevard. Michael usually would shop after staff had been notified he was coming and the store would close temporarily for his privacy and protection.

                                However, I knew that if you were a shopper in the store while Michael arrived,
                                you were not asked to leave – thus I quickly got inside the store
                                just prior to Michael showing up with his kids.

                                Once inside the store with MJ, he not only signed several items for me and took a pictures, but MJ would once again come to my rescue.

                                I had left the store for a brief moment to retrieve a guitar I had in my car that I wanted Michael to sign. When I tried to come back inside, the doorman would not let me or anyone back inside. I managed to somehow get Michael’s attention and instantly the door was propped open and Michael summoned me over and beautifully signed a red guitar. All of this was captured by Entertainment Tonight and other media outlets and played on TV.

                                VIDEO OF MICHAEL JACKSON SIGNING GUITAR FOR ME

                                However, it wasn’t until a few more years later that I would start to really cultivate a relationship with Michael, and his large team of security and assistants. In October of 2008, Michael Jackson had moved from his home in Las Vegas back to Los Angeles in preparation for his “This Is It!” tour. From October Michael was staying at The Bel Air Hotel until January, when he moved into his last home in Holmby Hills.

                                From October until, what I still can’t believe his final days in June of 2009, I dedicated my time to being around MJ on a daily basis. From the very first rehearsal casting sessions held in a small studio in Van Nuys, to the daily rehearsals held in Burbank, and the several shopping trips ranging from Barnes & Noble in Westwood to many costume and collectible stores in Los Feliz and West Hollywood – I was always there to give Michael gifts and memorabilia he enjoyed collecting.

                                In April of 2009, Michael himself asked me if he could borrow a few of the vintage posters
                                I had brought for him to autograph.
                                Michael wanted these posters to decorate his daughter Paris’ Birthday party with.
                                Of course I obliged, and I could tell Michael really appreciated this gesture.

                                Michael really enjoyed having his fans follow him around and it made him feel like people still cared, which is sad considering he cared for everyone else so much. Michael would personally tell me how much he liked the pictures, rare albums and posters I would bring to him to have autographed. In addition, I would research Michael’s passions, like his passion for string music, and bring him gifts of artists and rare albums that I knew he would appreciate. According to Michael’s Chief of Security, Michael was interested in employing me to work for him in some research capacity.


                                At the start of June last year, I once again managed to sneak my way into a store (Christian Audigier’s Ed Hardy on Melrose avenue) just prior to Michael showing up there. I was wearing a vintage “Beat It” jacket and had hoped to get inside the store and stay there to have Michael autograph this very rare Jacket. Once MJ arrived with his kids, the security recognized me and told the people in the store that I was “okay to stay.”

                                With hundreds of onlookers and paparazzi outside, and traffic on Melrose Avenue coming to a total standstill to see what was going on, I was inside having Michael take another picture and have him autograph the “Beat It” jacket while the cameras from TMZ and other media were rolling.


                                Having so many wonderful experiences with Michael and being fortunate to be around him for the last year of his life was what finally drove me to share my treasured stories and these once-in-a-lifetime items of memorabilia. I’m proud that over the last decade I have acquired and preserved the single largest and most diverse collection of authentic, in person signatures from The late, great Michael Jackson.

                                Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 28.02.2012, 03:01.


                                thread unten
