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Michael und seine Manager

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  • im januar 2004 soll leonard muhammad (Schwiegersohn von louis farrakhan)
    sämtliche geschäfte von michael übernommen haben.
    angeblich wohnte er auch auf neverland.
    Bei einer Weihnachtsfeier auf dem Anwesen wollen Zeugen beobachtet haben, dass Jackson am Verlassen des Hauses gehindert worden sein soll - wegen angeblicher Sicherheitsbedenken.
    da aber dieses thema m.E. unglaublich umfangreich ist, würde es hier den rahmen sprengen und benötigt
    meiner meinung nach dann einen eingenen thread.
    soweit ich mich erinnern kann, hat jermaine angeblich muhammad mit michael zusammen gebracht.
    aber wie gesagt ein weitschweifendes, aber nicht uninteressanten thema.
    verbindungen zu marc schaffel und joe marcus (auch manager von michael) spielen auch eine rolle.
    Zuletzt geändert von Brigitte 58; 27.08.2010, 14:21.


    • Zitat von Xydalona
      Gibt es nicht sogar einen Film über eine Weihnachstfeier für Kinder auf Neverland - und zwar von 2004? Da ist Michael zwar nur ganz kurz zu sehen, aber er kommt immerhin kurz vorbei.
      Ich habe das Video gefunden: Hier der Link:

      LG thailand


      • Brigitte 58,

        was spricht dagegen, in einem extra tread alle info zu Leonard Muhammad zusammenzutragen. Seine managertätigkeit bringt mindestens ???????? auf meine stirn.

        Du nennst Joe Marcus als weiteren manager, der name war mir gar nicht geläufig.
        Hab mal kurz nachgegooglet: eine quelle sagt J.M. war Ranch Manager, andere sagen Chief of Security .... auf meiner stirn erscheinen ???

        Was meinst du, sollen wir mit Leonard Muhammad anfangen, einfach alles auf den tisch und dann filtern??

        With L.O.V.E. and respect
        Lg rip.michael


        • es ist sehr schwierig alle manager zu ordnen.
          wenn ihr lust habt auf einen thread Leonard Muhammad ich bin dabei.


          • Sam hat das Zitat von Dileo komplett, was ich damals meinte mit "what goes around comes around":
            “I have a strong belief in what comes around goes around, its called Karma and I hope Michael understands what that means, if he doesn’t now, one day he will.”

            Michael hat ihn aus einem guten Grund gefeuert, und er kommt mit so einem Satz an?! Ich hoffe er hat selber verstanden, was Karma bedeutet....

            Und andere Zitate von Dileo:

            “You can’t just ask Michael straight out to do something”

            “Michael needs to be stroked. His ego needs to be massaged thoroughly before he’ll do anything.


            • Tja ich bleib dabei; Dileo ist ungefähr so vertrauenswürdig, wie ein ausgehungertes Wolfsrudel


              • Zitat von Brigitte 58 Beitrag anzeigen
                es ist sehr schwierig alle manager zu ordnen.
                wenn ihr lust habt auf einen thread Leonard Muhammad ich bin dabei.

                ich zäume mal das pferd von hinten auf:

                10. Mai 2004: Bye-bye NOI

                Nachdem er seine Anwälte Mark Geragos und Benjamin Brafman entlassen hat, hat Michael nun auch seine Beziehungen zur Nation of Islam beendet. Mitglieder der NOI hatten als Bodyguards für den King of Pop gearbeitet, und NOI-Chef Leonard Muhammad soll angeblich beratend für Michael tätig gewesen sein. Es wird gemunkelt, dass sowohl die Veränderung in der Verteidigung als auch der Bruch mit der Nation of Islam daher rühren, dass Michaels Bruder Randy an Einfluss gewonnen hat, dank Jermaines Abwesenheit. Laut Roger Friedman von Fox News hat Randy die Gunst der Stunde genutzt: "Natürlich hat Jermaine im Dezember genau das gleiche gemacht, als er den Trip von Dieter Wiesner nach Deutschland nutzte. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt brachte Jermaine die Nation of Islam ins Spiel, warf Wieser und seinen Partner Ronald Konitzer raus, und unterband jeden Zugang zu Jackson. Jermaine stellte Michael Leonard Muhammad, den Schwiegersohn von Louis Farrakhan vor, der letztendlich beim berühmten "Gipfeltreffen" aller Jackson-Berater Ende Dezember am Kopf des Tisches saß. Nun ist Muhammad von Randy und seinem eigenen Bertreuer Brian Oxman herausgeworfen worden, einem kalifornischen Anwalt, der Randy früher aus juristischen Schwierigkeiten half. Oxman weiß, wie es zwischen Randy und Jermaine aussieht. Er war da, als Jermaine Randy Frau und Kinder "ausspannte" und damit den jüngeren Bruder demütigte. Nun hat Randy sozusagen seine Revenge bekommen. Und Jermaine, der in der Vergangenheit eine schwierige Beziehung zu Michael hatte, ist raus."

                Quellen: MJ Star, Jacksonville, IFC International
                Quelle, 10.05.2004
                (Da wurde anscheinend bei irgendwas falsch verlinkt, aber hier kommt man ins entsprechende archiv)

                Mal sehen, wie der gaul ausschaut, wenn wir bei den nüstern angekommen sind!

                Bist du immer noch dabei Brigitte?

                With L.O.V.E. and respect
                Lg rip.michael


                • Zitat von Brigitte 58 Beitrag anzeigen
                  Tarke Ben Amar/ Tarak Ben Ammar
                  über ihn hätte ich auch gerne näheres gewußt.
                  Falls sich hier noch jemand für interessieren sollte:


                  Ich hatte in den letzten Tagen viele verschiedene Threads durchgelesen und bin dabei leider immer wieder auf folgende Schreibweise "Kindesmisshandlung" in Bezug auf MJ gestossen. Leider ist diese Ausdrucksform vollkommen falsch - vorallem juristisch. Michael wurde wegen "sexueller Belästigung von Kindern" und nicht wegen "sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern" angezeigt. Leider haben die Medien dies immer falsch publik gemacht - bis heute ohne Konsequenzen! Ich denke jedoch, dass man als FAN die richtige Anschuldigung wissen sollte! Bin mir jetzt nicht sicher, ob mein Beitrag eher in den Diskussions-Thread gehört. ????? Wenn ja, sorry.
                  Zuletzt geändert von Ghosti; 27.09.2010, 15:48.


                  • Tarak Ben Amar spricht über Michael:
                    TF1 INFO, toute l’information des rédactions du groupe TF1. Avec TF1 INFO (TF1 et LCI) suivez l’actualité en direct 7J/7 et 24/24.

                    leider konnte isch keine worte verstehen.
                    Amar will mit Karl Zero einen 90 minütigen dokumentarfilm gedreht haben.
                    mehr infos habe ich leider nicht.


                    • Um es mal mit dem mittlerweile erreichten Niveau des Forums zu sagen...

                      Frank Dileo war lieb, der Dieter Wiesner war nicht lieb, der Marcel Avram war auch nicht lieb, weil der hat ja böse über Michaelchen geredet, Sandy Gallen kenne ich nicht, war aber bestimmt lieb und Bob Jones war böse, weil der hat ja so ein voll gemeines Interview gegeben, in dem er sich über Michaelchen voll ausgelassen hat.

                      (Sich hier durch das ganze Geschwurbel zu lesen ist mittlerweile unerträglich geworden!)


                      • Lieber Fox, da hasse wahre Worte von Dir gegeben.....................................


                        • Ich habe gerade diesen sehr interessanten Artikel über Leonard Rowe gefunden :

                          Hat Michael Leonard Rowe als seinen Manager angeheuert ?


                          Since late 2007, Thome Ramez Tohme had been Michael Jackson's business manager and he stated, weeks after Michael's death, that he was still Michael's manager.

                          Frank Dileo claims Michael hired him as his manager in March 2009.

                          Leonard Rowe insists Michael hired him to be his manager and he has a letter dated March 25, 2009 to substantiate his claim. On March 27, a Press Release was issued, from what appears to be by Michael Jackson, announcing Rowe's appointment as his business manager.

                          Both Frank Dileo and Leonard Rowe entries into Michael's life and their mutually excusive claims to be his manager closely relates to the AllGood Entertainment Jackson Family Concert deal.

                          Leonard Rowe’s dealings with Michael Jackson in 2007 involved him forcing Michael into a project that Michael had stated he wasn’t interested. When Rowe entered into MJ’s life in 2009, it involved another project, AllGood Entertainment Jackson Family Show which Michael had said was NOT interested.

                          In a convoluted turn of events, AllGood first enlisted Frank Dileo to convince Michael. When Dileo wasn’t producing results, AllGood enlisted Leonard Rowe who enlisted Katherine and Joe Jackson. AEG who wanted Michael for their own dealings felt threatened that Michael would cancel O2 Tour. After all, Katherine Jackson had the power to make Michael do things that he had refused to do in the first place and she was on AllGood’s side. So Randy Phillips brought in Frank Dileo to control Michael. Dileo was NOT hired by Michael as his manager although THEY want the media and public to believe so. Dileo was brought in by AEG as ‘outside counsel’ and he was taking orders from Randy Phillips.

                          You may read about Frank Dileo claim to be Michael’s manager here. This blogpost will solely focus on Leonard Rowe's claim as Michael's manager.

                          In 2007, LiveNation cancelled Janet's Tour. She called Leonard Rowe because her band members had blocked their summer time for the tour and they would miss income. Janet asked Rowe if he could promote a 20 concert Tour.

                          “I did not believe that she had the drawing power to tour” wrote Leonard Rowe in his book. So he enlisted Michael’s help. “I am going to fly to Las Vegas, talk to Michael and see if I can get him to get back with the brothers and tour. If he agrees to do that, you can be the opening act” Rowe told Janet.

                          Leonard Rowe, Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon, Tito & Janet met up at Rebbie’s home then went to Michael’s home unannounced. They told the security guard at Michael’s home that they were there to see Michael. The guard went in to inform Michael. The guard returned and asked each of them to write their names on a piece of paper so Michael could know exactly who was at his door. After 15 minutes, guard returned and led them to Michael.

                          “I told him that we want him to reunite with his brothers and tour in America. Michael said “I just can’t do it right now. I have other things I am planning and working on.” We stayed there for a few others trying to persuade him. I could tell that Michael was becoming irritable so we decided to leave” Rowe wrote.

                          “About two months later I flew back to Las Vegas, hoping I could persuade him. I waited about 10 minutes for Michael’s security guard to come down. When he arrived, he said “you’ve just missed Michael, let me try to get him on the phone”. He called Michael and told him that I was at the house. Michael told him to ask me if I could come back tomorrow, I told him I could not come back tomorrow because I had to fly back to Atlanta but I would return in a few days."

                          Leonard Rowe asked R Kelley to tour with Janet, parties agreed. Later, Janet changed her mind about touring with R Kelley, thinking that R Kelly would steal the spotlight. Rowe proceeded to touring with R Kelley.

                          In the first 8 chapters of his book, Leonard Rowe laments about how black promoters are discriminated against in the Entertainment Industry but when given the opportunity, Rowe failed the artists that gave him a chance. R Kelley had to sue Rowe for nonpayment from the tour proceedings. The case was settled out of court on April 09, 2009, R Kelly was awarded $3.4 million.

                          "I agreed to let Leonard Rowe promote my tour because he convinced me that he was an underdog who deserved a chance to prove himself" -R Kelly

                          Ne-Yo who was dropped out of the Tour after 2 months also litigated Leonard Rowe for $700,000. The case was settled out of the court in September 2008.

                          November 27, 2008 Dileo & Allgood signed a binder agreement, in which Dileo promised that Michael, Janet & the Jacksons would perform a concert in Texas on July 03, 2010 to be taped & marketed as Internet pay-per-view.

                          The agreement mandated that AllGood would pay Dileo $150,000 non-refundable commission in order for Dileo to get Michael to put HIS signature on the Contract. AllGood was hesitant to pay Dileo, considering his fraudulent history of conning promoters.

                          AllGood offered to pay Dileo AFTER he produces a contract with Michael's signature, Dileo declined to move forward without the $150,000.

                          AllGood was hearing whispers from insiders that Michael was in talks with AEG for a Summer Tour in London. With time of the essence, AllGood gave up on Dileo and approached to Leonard Rowe on January 23 2009.

                          Leonard Rowe enlisted the help of Katherine and Joe Jackson. Joe was on board with the Family Tour deal from its inception. As a matter of fact it was JOE who suggested to Patrick Allocco that he should visit with "Michael's manager" Frank Dileo to negotiate the deal.

                          Katherine, Joe, Leonard Rowe, Terry Harvey and Patrick Allocco (president of AllGood Entertainment) whom I will collectively refer to as Jackson Camp from here on, felt that people from AEG's Camp isolated and controlled Michael. To gain leverage, Jackson Camp decided that it would be instrumental to get Leonard Rowe to become Michael’s manager.

                          AEG et al was fully aware of the power struggle. After they were notified that Rowe was hired as Michael's manager and Rowe was beginning to meddle in AEG deal on Michael's behalf, they counteracted and retained Frank Dileo as Michael's manager.

                          Roger Friedman reported that Joe & Rowe asked for his help for the coup d'état.

                          "According to sources at Jackson’s home, this pair kept pounding on Michael’s door until he let them in. They wouldn’t give up until Michael signed something. Joe Jackson evidently said to Michael “I’m broke and it’s your fault.Timing of this is interesting. It was the same weekend when the pair issued a press release announcing they were now Michael’s managers. (They weren’t)!

                          "They called yours truly to enlist my help in overtaking AEG Live and wresting control of Michael’s money. I declined. I have the phone record to prove that they called me one week before all this started, on March 18th at 3:40pm. We spoke for four minutes. Joe said “I have Leonard Rowe right here” and started squawking that they were going to take over Michael’s shows."
                          -Roger Friedman

                          Katherine Jackson was the one and only person who have influence over Michael to get him to do things that he had initially declined. She has utilized her influence many times throughout Michael's life.

                          Katherine talked to Michael several times upon Rowe and Joe's directives.

                          March 22 at 11:00pm, Michael and Leonard Rowe had a phone conversation and Michael told Rowe that he would consider hiring him as his manager.

                          March 23, 2009 Leonard Rowe had his attorney draft a letter of direction for Michael to sign. The letter was dated March 25 2009.

                          March 26, a Press Release was issued, announcing Rowe's appointment.




                          Jackson Camp had issued the Press Release without Michael’s knowledge. Michael was furious and he stopped taking calls from Leonard Rowe.

                          April 02, 2009 Celebrity Access published an article titled "Will Michael Jackson's Real Manager Please Stand Up?"

                          "Rowe Entertaintment appears to have sparked a controversy after they issued a press release, announcing that Leonard Rowe was going to be assuming management duties for the prodigal King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Sources close to the matter have told CelebrityAccess that Rowe had joined forces with Michael Jackson's father Joseph Jackson to convince Michael to let them assume handling the artist's business affairs.

                          On the other side of the issue, Frank Dileo maintains that Rowe's press release was less than factual and that they manage Jackson. However, AEG's Randy Phillips told CelebrityAccesss that they have been working with Dr. Tohme in connection with all of Michael Jackson's dates."

                          April 02 2009, Patrick Allocco of AllGood Entertainment spoke to Katherine on the phone for 45 minutes, requesting that she convince Michael about Leonard Rowe. Joe asked Katherine that if she can't convince Michael, she should talk him into a meeting with Joe and Leonard Rowe just to talk.

                          April 06, 2009, to respond to unceasing media inquiries, Rowe’s spokesperson, Cataunya Ransom released a statement:

                          "At this time Legendary Promoter Leonard Rowe has no comment relating to Michael Jackson’s representation."

                          April 14, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe went to Michael’s home.

                          Michael didn’t have any relationship with his family after he returned from Bahrain so this was the first time Joe was seeing his son in years. It wasn’t an emotional reunion between father and son but a business meeting aimed to impose Michael into hiring Leonard Rowe as his manager.

                          “Let me say my peace” Joe started. He went onto explain how there was too much control over Michael by people surrounding him, AEG in particular, and that Leonard Rowe was a family friend and that Michael should hire him to oversee his business affairs.

                          Rowe had brought the letter of direction that his attorney had prepared, dated March 25. The date wasn't changed and it was signed by Michael on April 14.

                          Click on image to enlarge

                          In his Raffless Van Exel Interview, Frank Dileo bluntly lied about many things but there is one thing that he was right on the money about: Michael signed the letter, appointing Rowe only because Joe was looking over his shoulder.
                          Upon revising the letter of direction, you will see that Michael made amendments on it. The letter state that “Leonard Rowe is my authorized representative in all matters concerning my endeavors in the Entertainment industry ( and any other of my endeavors as he may be assigned by me”). Anmerkung: dieser eingeklammerte Teil ist im Original durchgestrichen ! Michael stressed that it applies to “financial overseeing ONLY”. Michael added “pertaining to finances and the O2 Shows in London. This can be revoked at any time.”

                          Michael did NOT appoint Rowe as his business manager. He authorised Rowe only to oversee his finances regarding the O2 Tour. He signed this letter to stop the incessant badgering by Katherine & Joe.

                          Michael had a habit of making promises, even if he wasn't confortable with it. He would then have one of his handlers recant his promise later. In this case, it was Frank Dileo. I confirmed with a source from the Jackson Camp that Michael indeed asked Dileo to meet with Rowe.

                          To penetrade into Michael's fort, Jackson Camp came up with a Plan B.

                          Joe insisted that Leonard Rowe and Katherine Jackson move into Michael's home. Katherine declined, stating that she didn't want to intrude into Michael's privacy. This is the reason Joe blamed Katherine for Michael's death.

                          Leonard Rowe in his book and Jacksons in interviews refer to an "intervention". They did NOT organize any intervention! An intervention is set up and carefully executed by an Intervention specialist. There is an elaborate method to an Intervention. It is planned out of concern for the loved one. A plan to take control of Michael hardly constitutes as an "intervention".

                          Jackson Camp wanted to move in Katherine and Rowe to gain control over Michael, NOT because they were concerned over Michael's health.

                          Katherine, Joe and Rowe saw Michael at a meeting on May 15 2009, Michael's health or an Intervention wasn't on the agenda of the meeting.

                          It was imperative for the Jackson Camp that Leonard Rowe was Michael's manager so they can talk him into performing the Family Concert. Leonard Rowe signed a contract with AllGood in February. The contract omnisciently predicted IN FEBRUARY 2009 that Rowe may be hired as Michael's manager. I will post the Rowe-AllGood contract in another post.

                          It was imperative for AEG Camp to insert Frank Dileo as Michael's manager so they may continue to control him as it benefits their agenda.

                          Michael did NOT hire NEITHER DILEO NOR ROWE as his manager. The pair were inserted by 2 companies, AEG and AllGood, who wanted Michael for their respective business deals.

                          Michael Jackson's last manager was: TOHME R TOHME

                          May 20, 2009 Leonard Rowe was terminated by Michael Jackson

                          Click on image to enlarge

                          May 15, 2009 Michael, Katherine, Joe, Leonard Rowe, Paul Gongaware and Randy Phillips attended a meeting in Beverly Hills Hotel.

                          In the meeting, Randy Phillips asked Leonard Rowe “WHO IS PAYING YOU?”

                          Leonard Rowe replied “IT'S NONE OF YOUR CONCERN”.

                          Who was paying Leonard Rowe?

                          STAY TUNED...

                          RELATED READ:
                          Frak Dileo was NOT hired by Michael Jackson as his manager

                          Bitte unbedingt den Link auch direkt ansehen, denn im Originaltext befinden sich weitere Links !!!
                          Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 24.02.2011, 00:04.


                          • Tuesday, May 10, 2011

                            Halima Rashid is Not Related to Tohme Tohme

                            Hey everyone--it has been a while since I posted but hopefully I will get in the swing of things again soon.

                            I am doing this blog at the spur-of-the-moment to clarify a rumor that has been floating around for over a year on various fan forums, Facebook and Twitter. The rumor was that the shady Tohme Ramez Tohme, Michael's self-proclaimed manager (in life and death) and one-time president of MJJ Productions, and Jermaine Jackson's wife Halima Rashid, are cousins. This rumor is NOT true as it was clarified on Twitter today (May 10th, 2011). My thanks go to Halima and Jermaine for clarifying this rumor.

                            This rumor was started by Joe Jackson's attorney Brian Oxman during a UStream event held on March 23rd, 2010. (

                            The following tweets dispel the rumor (some tweets may be out of order):

                            I hope Halima takes care of Oxman personally as he has said many false things regarding Michael's death, too. Someone needs to put him in his place about spewing false information. When I and many others tried to correct him on certain matters (ex. Michael did not have bacterial pneumonia or brain swelling prior to death) we were ignored or even blocked.

                            It is my serious hope that Jermaine will speak about Tohme in the near future as many feel he may be a pivotal player in Michael's death as he had involvement in just about every facet of Michael's life (the saving of Neverland with Colony Capital, the concert deal with AEG and the ill-fated Julien's auction that Michael had to stop via lawsuit ( and and Tohme was fired sometime in May but remained in the "loop" anyway. Michael stated he was afraid of the man (, he claimed to be helping Michael without charge yet was being paid $100K/month by AEG per the contract, he had $5.5 million dollars in his possession that belonged to Michael ( and gave it to the Estate a month after Michael's death. Tohme apparently bought a new house in July 2009, too. Let's also not forget that though supposedly fired, Tohme and AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips arrived at UCLA together the day Michael died (I will try to attach this footage in a comment below once I find it again).

                            Supposedly Randy Phillips has a sister named Janet who was married to Tohme in the 1970s, thus they are ex in-laws. I am not sure if this is true or not but would like to investigate it further at some point. It seems Randy Phillips (it was either him or someone with the same name) had worked with Michael before via the LA Gear deal that did not pan out so well. John Branca offered some brief words on Phillips which were captured in this book ( by Catherine Dineen.

                            So many questions still remained unanswered, so many answers remain untold and so many false statements continue to persist and complicate the entire situation. Hopefully time will tell the truth someday. At least there is one more false rumor put to rest today.

                            Hey everyone--it has been a while since I posted but hopefully I will get in the swing of things again soon. I am doing this blog at the spu...


                            • Michael Jackson: Die wahre Geschichte | Wiesner, Dieter | ISBN: 9783453196087 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon.


                              • .... ich werd's trotzdem lesen ...

                                With L.O.V.E. and respect
                                Lg rip.michael


                                thread unten
