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  • Great candid pic of Michael during the making of 'The Wiz'
    Thanks to
    Added info Michael is with actor Claude Brookes who appeared in The Wiz, he has appeared in several films and on TV including US series 'True Colours'

    Meet n greet/ interview 72

    Sind das Ike and Tina Turner mit Michael?


    • ich würde sagen NEIN

      oh dieses Lächeln..... sp6dd5sqm.jpg


      • Zitat von rip.michael Beitrag anzeigen

        Sind das Ike and Tina Turner mit Michael?
        Ja, sind Ike & Tina Turner.............................


        • In erinnerung an den 7. September 2001 MSG N.Y.C.

          Smelly Jackson

          7th September 2001.

          As Michael approaches Madison Square Garden for his sold out tribute show with Elizabeth Taylor by his side, a reporter asks him about the evenings entertainment. Michael replies: “ It’s a reunion! I’m honoured! I’m honoured that the world appreciates my art! I’m very honoured!” Wearing a loose, white, sequinned jacket and black leather trousers, Michael begins the evening seated on the front row along with Elizabeth Taylor, Macauley Culkin and his parents Katherine and Joseph Jackson.

          Marlon Brando appears, sitting on a couch and says that Michael was donating money to build a children’s hospital in Florida. Liza Minnelli sings ‘You Are Not Alone’, Minnelli telling the audience: “He’s sang for me for so many years, I’ll sing for him anytime!”

          The highlight of the evening for many fans is the reunion of the Jacksons who open their segment with ‘Can You Feel It’ and also include the songs ‘I Want You Back’, 'ABC’, 'The Love You Save’ and 'I’ll Be There’.

          Michael’s solo performances includes 'Billie Jean’ to which the crowd response is so enthusiastic that his video screen image begins to shake. The crowd chant along spontaneously during his extended dance segment with his patented moonwalk and robotic moves. Michael also performs 'The Way You Make Me Feel’ with Britney Spears.

          The extended Slash guitar solo at the end of 'Beat It’ has Michael on his knees and flat on his back. 'You Rock My World’ follows with Michael singing on stage with a 48-piece orchestra behind him.
          The concert ends with an all-star 'We Are The World’ and ‘You Rock My World’ finale at 12.25am.

          The official programme for Michael’s tribute concerts, a 94 page A4 in size and costing $25.00, is a must have for all MJ Collectors.

          Inside, the programme begins with the event’s Producer, David Gest, reminiscing of his childhood, growing up with Michael and his brothers, concluding with their rise to stardom. It includes photos of all the star guest performers, including Michael and a congratulations message to Michael from many in the entertainment business, including The Hit Factory, Artista Records, Gloria Estefan, Stevie Wonder and Gloria Gaynor. Also included are messages from American Airlines, Epic Records and

          Michael Jackson celebration of the 30th anniversary of his solo career.

          Source: soldierofmichael

          Als Michael Jackson im Madison Square Garden eintraf, wo seine ausverkaufte tribute show stattfinden sollte, war Elizabeth Taylor an seiner seite und ein reporter fragte nach den unterhaltungs highlights, worauf Michael antwortete: "Es ist eine wiedervereinigung! Ich fühle mich/bin geehrt! Ich fühle mich geehrt indem die welt meine kunst schätzt! Ich fühle mich sehr geehrt!" Er trägt ein weites, weisses, funkelndes jacket und eine schwarze lederhose. Zu beginn des abends sitzt Michael in vorderster reihe mit Elizabeth Taylor, Macauley Culkin und seinen eltern Katherine und Joseph Jackson.

          Marlon Brando erscheint auf einer couch sitzend und erklärt, dass Michael geld für den bau eines kinderkrankenhauses in Florida stiftete. Liza Minnelli singt 'You Are Not Alone', 'ABC', 'The Love You Save' und 'I'll Be There'.

          Michael's solo performance beinhaltet 'Billie Jean' auf das die menge so enthusiastisch reagiert, dass das bild des video screens zu zittern beginnt. Die menge singt während seines ausgedehnten tanz segments den moonwalk und robot moves zeigend, spontan mit. Michael performt auch 'The Way You Make Me Feel' mit Britney Spears.

          Das ausgedehnte gitarrensolo von Slash am ende von 'Beat It' begleitet Michael auf die knie fallend und auf dem rücken liegend. 'You Rock My World' folgt, auf der bühne gesungen von Michael in begleitung eines 48köpfigen orchesters hinter ihm.
          Das konzert endet mit 'We Are The World' mit allen mitwirkenden zusammen und mit dem finalen 'You Rock My World' um 00:25 h.

          Ein 94 A4 seitiges offizielle programm von Michael' tribut konzert kostet 25 $ und gilt als ein must-have für alle MJ sammler.

          Zum inhalt:
          Das programm beginnt mit den worten des produzenten des events, David Gest, rückblickend auf seine kindheit und das zusammen aufwachsen mit Michael und seinen brüdern bis zu ihrem aufstieg zu stars. Es enthält fotos aller mitwirkenden gaststars, einschliesslich Michael und eine glückwunschbotschaft für Michael von vielen des intertainment business, wie The Hit Factory, Artista Records, Gloria Estefan, Stevie Wonder und Gloria Gaynor. Auch einen botschaft von American Airlines, Epic Records und ist enthalten.

          Feier des 30jährigen jubiläums von Michael Jacksons solo karriere.

          UK loves MJ
          "United we Stand" ~ "What More Can I Give" ~ "I'm not one to sit back and say, 'Oh, I feel bad for what happened to them. I want the whole world to sing "What More Can I Give", to bring us together as a world, because a song is a mantra, something you repeat over and over. And we need peace, we need giving, we need love, we need unity." ~ Michael Jackson

          In September, 2001, following the terrorist attacks in New York City, N.Y., Michael Jackson exhorts people to come in unity and raise money for the survivors and families of the tragedy’s victims, while announcing that charity song "What More Can I Give" was created both with this purpose and as a moral support.

          "I believe in my heart that the music community will come together as one and rally to the aid of thousands of innocent victims. There is tremendous need for relief dollars right now, and through this effort, each one of us can play an immediate role in helping comfort many people. We have demonstrated time and time again that music can touch our souls. It is time we used that power to help us begin the process of healing immediately." ~ Michael Jackson

          "What More Can I Give" was performed live at the 9/11 benefit concert United We Stand: What More Can I Give. Held at the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington, D.C. on October 21, 2001, the eight-hour concert featured numerous artists performing to a sell-out audience of 54,000 people.

          "United We Stand" ~ "What More Can I Give" ~

          "Ich bin keiner der dasitzt und sagt, 'O ich fühle mich schlecht mit dem, was da menschen wiederfährt. Ich möchte, dass die ganze welt "What More Can I Give" singt, um uns in der welt zu einen, denn ein song ist ein mantra, etwas was man immer wieder wiederholt. Wir brauchen frieden, wir brauchen das geben, wir brauchen liebe, wir brauchen einigkeit." ~ Michael Jackson

          Nach den terroranschlägen des September 2001 in New York City, N.Y., ermahnte Michael Jackson die menschen zur einigkeit und zum generieren von geldern zugunsten überlebender und ihren familien von tragischen opfern, indem er den charity song "What More Can I Give" als solchen bekannt gab, geschaffen zur zweckdienlichen wie moralischen unterstützung.

          "Ich glaube von herzen daran, dass die musik liebende gemeinschaft in einigkeit zusammenkommen und zur hilfe von tausenden von opfern sich zusammenschliessen werden. Ein enormer bedarf von hilfsgeldern wird jetzt benötigt, und mit dieser anstrengung kann jeder einzelne von uns eine wichtige rolle einnehmen, vielen menschen hilfe zu bieten. Wieder und wieder wurde erwiesen, dass musik unsere seelen berühren kann. Es ist an der zeit, diese kraft zum sofort zur initiative des hilfsprozesses zu nutzen." ~ Michel Jackson

          "What More Can I Give" wurde live anlässlich des 9/11 benefiz konzerts "United We Stand: What More Can I Give" performt. Das acht-stündige konzert fand am 21. Oktober 2001 im ausverkauften Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington, D.C., wo zahlreiche künstler vor einen publikum von 54.000 m,enschen auftraten.

          Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 12.09.2015, 18:49.


          • Smelly Jackson
            In a quiet residential neighborhood in Las Vegas is a home unlike any other. While it was built in 1952, it really got noticed in 2006 when a new family moved in. There were kids laughing and running through the halls, music filled its rooms, guests came and went. The house had a new life, and a new name.
            Michael Jackson had moved into Thriller Villa with his family.
            Producers, magicians, clothing designers, leaders in business, government dignitaries, dancers and singers all came to visit. Celebrities and friends from Hollywood, New York and all over the globe made their way to this amazing residence, formerly known as Hacienda Palomino.
            Brad Buxer and Michael Prince set up shop for songwriting and production. Tours were discussed. Songs were written. Plans were made. Neverland was part of his past, Thriller Villa was now Michael Jackson's home.
            I have never been there. Like most people I have seen pictures, heard stories, etc. Neverland I know like the back of my hand. Thriller Villa I would need a map.
            What if you could go inside? Not just for a quick tour, but for a full day. What would it feel like? What does it look like? How would Michael's music sound in his own home?
            What if?
            In The Studio With MJ has been granted permission to bring the seminar and a very small group of guests to the Thriller Villa on October 10th and October 11th, 2015.
            This is a very rare opportunity to step into Michael's world... into his former home.
            This will be a day you will not soon forget, filled with music, stories, laughter, love and emotion.
            Vegas will be the place to be the second weekend in October:
            Janet Jackson will be Planet Hollywood Friday Oct 9th and Saturday Oct 10th.
            In The Studio With MJ - The Vegas Sessions will be at the Thriller Villa Saturday Oct 10th and Sunday Oct 11th.
            Michael Jackson One will be at Mandalay Bay all weekend - and long beyond.
            Your friends will be there. The Studio Rats will be there. Will you?
            Tickets go on sale tomorrow.

            Source: In The Studio With Michael Jackson.

            In einer ruhigen wohngegend in Las Vegas befindet sich ein wohnsitz, der sich von den anderen unterscheidet. Das haus 1952 wurde erbaut, erhielt jedoch erst aufmerksamkeit, als 2006 eine neue familie einzog. Kinder lachten und rannten durch die gänge, musik erfüllte die räume, gäste kamen und gingen. Das has war mit neuem leben gefüllt und erhielt einen neuen namen.
            Michael Jackson war mit seiner familie in die Thriller Villa eingezogen.
            Produzenten, magier, bekleidungsdesigner, führende leute des business, würdenträger der regierung, tänzer und sänger - alle kamen zu besuch. Berühmtheiten und freunde aus Hollywood, New York und von überall auf der welt machten sich auf den weg zu dieser ausserordentlichen residenz, früher unter dem namen Hacienda Palomino bekannt.
            Brad Buxer und Michael Price liessen sich zum zweck des song schreibens und produzierens nieder. Touren wurden besprochen. Pläne wurden gemacht und songs geschrieben. Neverland war teil seiner vergangenheit, die Thriller Villa war nun Michael Jackson's zuhause.
            Ich bin nie dort gewesen. Wie die meisten sah ich bilder, hörte stories, etc. Neverland kenne ich genau. Für die Thriller Villa hätte ich einen plan gebraucht.
            Was, wenn ich hätte hineingehen können? Nicht nur für eine rasche tour, sondern für einen ganzen tag. Wie hätte ich mich gefühlt? Wie hat man sich's vorzustellen? Wie klingt wohl Michael's musik in seinem eigenen zu hause?
            Was wäre wenn ?
            In The Studio With MJ findet mit genehmigung in form einen seminars für eine sehr kleine gruppe von gästen in der Thriller Villa am 10. und 11. Oktober 2015 statt.
            Das bildet eine sehr seltene gelegenheit, um in Michaels welt einzutreten ... in sein früheres zu hause.
            Das wird ein tag, den man nicht so bald vergessen wird, erfüllt mit musik, geschichten, lachen, liebe und emotionen.
            Vegas wird der veranstaltungsort der zweiten wochenendes des Oktober sein.
            Janet Jackson wird am Freitag, 9. Oktober und Samstan 10. Oktober im Planet Hollywood gastieren.
            In The Studio With MJ - die Vegas session wird in der thriller villa stattfinden Samstag, 10.10. und Sonntag, 11.10.
            Michael Jackson ONE wird das ganze wochenende im Dandalay Bay und noch viel länger zu sehen sein.
            Deine freunde werden dort sein. Die Studio Rats werden da sein. Du auch?
            Tickets gibt's ab morgen.

            Mehr info und bilder zur Thriller Villa


            • Der Artikel würde wieder gut in den Brad-Sundberg-Thread passen, aber die Bilder sind auch hier willkommen.

              Von innen würde ich mir das Anwesen auch gern mal anschauen. Es ist schon erstaunlich was es für Ausmaße hat. Von der Straße aus ist es gar nicht so ersichtlich.
              Unverständlich war mir die kaputte Einfassung am Straßenrand.



              qw4bs8zzt9fq.jpg dtfuuwkw4u3s.jpg


              • Pontchartrain hotel 1979

                Christoph Boulmé facebook

                Ch. fügt ein französisches sprichwort an: “On n'est jamais sali que par la boue.”

                Heisst: "Nur durch schmutz wird man immer wieder beschmutzt"

                UK loves MJ

                "it is never soiled by the mud." ~ a French Proverb.
                A stunning photo shared by Michael's photographer Christophe Boulmé
                Michael is pictured with Shanti Wargo, the daughter of guitarist Jack Wargo, who played on the Jackson's Victory Tour in 1984.

                Michael mit Shanti Wargo, tochter des gitarristen Jack Wargo, welcher bei der Victory Tour 1984 der Jackson's mitspielte.

                Zuletzt geändert von rip.michael; 14.09.2015, 16:06.


                • Zitat von rip.michael Beitrag anzeigen

                  Pontchartrain hotel 1979
                  die brille /en mochte ich zwar nie...... aber ansonsten ein MJ-bild wie ich es am liebsten mag (einfach natürlich)


                  • In dem foto mit dem kleinen mädchen sieht MJ aber auch sehr natürlich aus ... finde ich.
                    Das frisurenstyling ist einfach klasse .. ich denke ganz und gar seine natürliche haartracht. Die brauen nur wenig korrigiert.
                    Wirklich ein sehr angenehmes erscheinungsbild.

                    Smelly Jackson
                    “She’s Out of My Life” is about knowing that the barriers that have separated me from others are temptingly low and seemingly easy to jump over and yet they remain standing while what I really desire disappears from my sight. Tom Bahler composed a beautiful bridge, which seemed right out of an old Broadway musical. In reality, such problems are not so easily resolved and the song presents this fact, that the problem is not overcome. We couldn’t put this cut at the beginning or the end of the record, because it would have been such a downer. That’s why when Stevie’s song comes on afterward, so gently and tentatively, as if it was opening a door that had been bolted shut, I still go, “Whew.” […] But I got too wrapped up in “She’s Out of My Life.” In this case, the story’s true – I cried at the end of a take, because the words suddenly had such a strong effect on me. I had been letting so much build up inside me. I was twenty-one years old, and I was so rich in some experiences while being poor in moments of true joy. Sometimes I imagine that my life experience is like an image in one of those trick mirrors in the circus, fat in one part and thin to the point of disappearing in another. I was worried that would show up on “She’s Out of My Life,” but if it touched people’s heartstrings, knowing that would make me feel less lonely. When I got emotional after that take, the only people with me were Q and Bruce Swedien. I remember burying my face in my hands and hearing only the hum of the machinery as my sobs echoed in the room. Later I apologised, but they said there was no need.”

                    Michael Jackson about the song " She's Out Of My Life".

                    "She's Out Of My Life" handelt vom wissen, dass die barrieren, die mich von anderen trennten, verführerisch niedrig und leicht zu überwinden sind, und doch bleiben sie bestehen, obwohl ich mir wünsche, dass ich sie nicht mehr wahrnehme. Tom Bahler komponierte eine wunderschöne bridge, die direkt aus einemn broadway musical zu kommen schien. In wirklichkeit lösen sich die probleme nicht so einfach auf und das lied handelt von dieser tatsache, dass das problem nicht überwunden war. Wir konnten diesen abschnitt nicht am anfang oder das ende der aufnahme stellen, da sie eine belastende situation beschreibt. Deswegen kommt der nachfolgende song von Stevie so freundlich und zögend daher, als ob er eine tür öffnet, die fest verriegelt war. Das begeistert mich immer wieder. [...] Aber "She's Out Of My Life" packte mich dermassen. In der hinsicht ist die geschichte war - ich weinte am ende der aufnahme, denn die worte übten plötzlich eine starke emotionale wirkung auf mich aus. So vieles in mir hatte sich entwickelt. Ich war 21 und so reich an erfahrungen und doch so arm an reinen, heiteren momenten. Manchmal kommt es mir so vor als ob meine lebenserfahrung wie einer dieser trickspiegel im zirkus ist, da fett und dort verschwindend dünn in einem. Ich sorgte mich, dass das bei "She's Out Of My Life" offenbar werden würde, doch wenn es die innersten gefühlen von menschen berührte, das würde mich etwas weniger einsam fühlen lasssen. Als ich am ende dieser aufnahme emotional reagierte waren nur Q und Bruce Swedien anwesen. Ich erinner, dass ich mein gesicht in meinen händen verbarg und nur das summen der geräte zu hören war und mein schluchzen widerhallte im raum. Später entschuldigte ich mich, doch sie sagten das wäre nicht notwendig."

                    Michael Jackson über den song "She's Out Of My Life".

                    Auch der gesichtsausdruck dieser momentaufnahme ist sehr anziehend, ob wohl sein ausdruck so sehr ernst sogar ein bisschen steng rüberkommt. *find*


                    • Vielleicht schaut er auch nur konzentriert oder traurig. Wie auch immer.
                      Hier hatte er Grund zum Lachen.
                      Am 13.9.1989 unterschreibt er den 28.- Millionen-Dollar-Deal mit L.A. Gear.




                      • und hier ist er mit einem anderen kleinem Mädchen zu sehen
                        Tiffani Trump


                        • The death of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, brings back the memories of his tryst with the Celluloid city - MUMBAI ,13 years ago, when he mesmerized thousands of Mumbaikars with his performance at jam packed concert Michael Jackson performed at a packed concert here in 1996. The event was organised by Shiv Udyog Sena, an outfit floated by then Shiv Sena leader Raj Thackeray with the objective of providing jobs to 27 lakh youth in Maharashtra.During his short stay here, life in Mumbai centred around MJ and his "stories".


                          The King of Pop, arrived in Mumbai on October 30th,1996 at Mumbai's Sahar airport in his private jet.Lakhs of people had thronged the airport to catch a glimpse of him. Jackson was greeted by Sonali Bendre clad in a nine-yard sari and a Maharashtrian nathni (nose ring), standing with an aarti thali to welcome MJ, along with Raj Thackeray, Sharmila Thackeray and innumerable politicians who were there to receive Jackson.
                          The actress welcomed Jackson by performing 'aarti' and applying 'tilak' on his forehead, at the Mumbai airport.Outside, Raj had organised a performance by a troupe of lezhim dancers with dholaks, and they wore traditional Maharashtrian clothes.
                          The popstar, when being driven in a 20-car motorcade from the air port, stopped his Toyota to meet the urchins lined up along the highway to catch a glimpse of him.He picked up several children and hugged and kissed them.
                          He then spent a few minutes with them before he proceeded to the Shiv Sena chief, Bal Thackeray’s residence, Matushree, in Bandra East. Here he was presented with a silver tabla and tanpura, which are musical instruments from India.


                          During his stay at The Oberoi Hotel, Jackson surprised the entire staff by mingling freely among his fans, who thronged at the hotel to catch a glimpse of the 'King of Pop'.
                          "He greeted his fans with smiles and by blowing kisses and shook hands with as many of them as possible," hotel sources recount.
                          According to Butler Manager, Sandeep Walia, who was attending to him with a team of three butlers, Michael loves sweet white wine. That is probably the only kind of alcohol that he consumed during his stay at the Oberoi. Apart from that, he loves orange drinks, Fanta being his favorite and a special German orange drink, Gatorade, which he carries with him. Michael drinks a lot of Diet Coke as well, prefers his drinks at room temperature. Jackson has a penchant for chocolates too, so The Oberoi made sure there were chocolates, of all shapes, sizes and flavours kept in every reachable corner of his room.
                          Michael Jackson likes a lot of festivity around him. The Kohinoor Suite at the Oberoi was decorated with flowers, balloons, confetti and bowls of sweets and chocolates to give it a spirit of celebration. While in his room, Jackson does not like to use the air-conditioner. He also likes his space. His body-guards have been instructed not to come close to him to give him enough space to move around.


                          Prabhu deva going to meet the King of Pop - Michael Jackson


                          The 'King of Pop', Michael Jackson had a tryst with this celluloid city 13 years ago, when he mesmerised thousands of Mumbaikars with his performance at a concert. In this photo Jackson is seen with Shiv Sena Supremo Bal Thackeray.


                          Jackson performed at a packed concert in Mumbai in 1996. The event was organised by Shiv Udyog Sena, an outfit floated by then Shiv Sena leader Raj Thackeray with the objective of providing jobs to 27 lakh youth in Maharashtra.
                          Jackson seen here with Bollywood actor Anupam Kher.


                          The popstar arrived in Mumbai on October 30 and was greeted in traditional Indian style by actress Sonali Bendre, who wore a traditional Maharashtrian saree for the occasion. The actress welcomed Jackson by performing 'aarti' and applying 'tilak' on his forehead, at the Mumbai airport.


                          The popstar, when being driven in a 20-car motorcade from the air port, stopped his Toyota to meet the urchins lined up along the highway to catch a glimpse of him.


                          During his stay at The Oberoi Hotel, Jackson surprised the entire Oberoi hotel staff by mingling freely among his fans, who thronged at the hotel to catch a glimpse of the 'King of Pop'.


                          He greeted his fans with smiles and by blowing kisses and shook hands with as many of them as possible, hotel sources recount.


                          During his stay in Mumbai, Jackson relished several Indian cuisine, including South Indian and Mughlai.


                          Jackson was given a traditional welcome during his visit.


                          Children from orphanages were invited to meet and play with him at a high tea organised at the hotel pool side. He gave them gifts and chocolates that he had brought with him.


                          Jackson seen here with Raj Thackeray.

                          The over two-hour long performance on November 1 at the Andheri Sports Complex was a spectacular event, with fans lapping up every moment. For the show, Jackson flew in equipment in three Russian cargo planes.

                          Jackson's Mumbai tour had also triggered controversy with critics questioning Sena's notions of culture.


                          Bal Thackeray responded the critics saying ''Jackson is a great artist, and we must accept him as an artist. His movements are terrific. Not many people can dance that way. You will end up breaking your bones. And, well what is culture? He represents certain values in America, which India should not have any qualms in accepting. We would like to accept that part of America that is represented by Jackson,'' he had said.


                          Michael makes a promise to come Back… oh God!!!

                          After Michael Jackson had gone, when the hotel was preparing his suite for the next VVIP guest, they found Jackson’s gift to them: rather mischievously the great singer had scribbled on the pillow he had slept on
                          “India, all my life I have longed to see your face. I met you and your people and fell in love with you. Now my heart is filled with sorrow and despair for I have to leave, but I promise I shall return to love you and caress you again. Your kindness has overwhelmed me, your spiritual awareness has moved me, and your children have truly touched my heart. They are the face of God. I truly love and adore you India. Forever, continue to love, heal and educate the children, the future shines on them. You are my special love, India. Forever, may God always bless you”
                          originally written by Michael Jackson

                          Bharat Shah, jeweller and film-financier, bought the pillow for a fabulous amount in an auction held for charity.





                          • UK loves MJ

                            Backstage on the Bad Tour ~ and a lovely smile from Michael pictured with security in Pittsburgh.


                            • Zitat von rip.michael Beitrag anzeigen

                              UK loves MJ

                              Backstage on the Bad Tour ~ and a lovely smile from Michael pictured with security in Pittsburgh.

                              nun ich frage mich seit geraumer zeit, wo die fragen bei den hier eingestellten bildern eigentlich sind? darum ging es ja laut dem ersten post in diesem thread


                              • Hhm ... der thread nennt sich 'Bilder - allgemeiner Diskussionsthread' ... von daher ist dein einwurf berechtigt @cyplone!

                                Gibt's einen "nur Bilder" thread?
                                Dann könnte fotos mit und ohne kommentar da reintun.


                                thread unten
