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  • Michael am Piano .............................

    Zuletzt geändert von toolate; 24.09.2011, 21:55.


    • Zitat von mira Beitrag anzeigen
      Ich hätte da auch noch zwei beizusteueren:


      Hmm, die Augen...


      die glatten Haare sind mein absoluter Favorit !
      .......auf dem Tisch....absolut mein Favorit.
      Hat das jemand größer????? Büdde,Büdde....


      • Paulyne,
        ein bissl größer...


        • toolate.....Du bist eine Wucht......Bussie,Bussie Bussie
          ....gleich 3-2-1- meins


          • Paulyne,
            was sollen denn die Lacher zwischen dem Rosenbeet, hä??


            • freu mich sooooooo.....


              • Paulyne,
                war mir schon klar...Küsschen
                So, zum Abschluss des Abends ein bezauberndes,aber wirklich bezauberndes Bild von Michael...


                • Frei nach dem Motto von dem Titel des buches von Richard David Precht...,,Wer bin ich, und wenn ja wieviele?"thumbnail.aspx2.jpg


                  • Paulyne,
                    nur für dich :


                    • ha,ha,ha,.....bist Du des wahnsinns......natürlich würde ich mit Mikel tanzen....Rumba,Samba,Salsa....Tango....was noch????
                      ...das kommt in mein Mikel Zimmer.....als Poster.....

                      Hast Du noch eins von One More Chance....auf dem Tisch????? Ja ich oute mich.....


                      • .....................................

                        Zuletzt geändert von toolate; 25.09.2011, 20:09.


                        • Für die kommenden Wochen eine besinnliche Geste zu einem besinnlichen Song :
                          "will you be there "............................................

                          Zuletzt geändert von toolate; 25.09.2011, 22:46.


                          • 320857_10150325334468911_278634743910_7853648_1994643911_n.jpg

                            September 24 1971

                            Jackson 5ive with Mom and Pop featured on the cover of Life Magazine with the story "Rock Stars at Home with Their Parents".

                            Excerpt from the article:

                            The Jackson 5 watched over by their parents, Katherine & Joe. They have made it very big in a way that is an old story in America.
                            The Jacksons' huge new house in Encino is testimony to gold records and sold-out concert engagements; swimming pool and basketball courts, minibikes, super clothes, toys and other pleasures.
                            Just three years ago father Joe was a crane operator. He says: "When the kids were little they won practically all the talent shows and it wasn't hard to know they could go in to be professionals. I wasn't surprised when they did make it!
                            I have tried to teach them to associate with everybody— it doesn't matter what class because all people are the same. The only difference is maybe some got a lucky break."

                            Auf den Seiten 50/51 des Heftes befindet sich der Artikel mit 2 weiteren Fotos aus dieser Zeit, die ich leider nicht kopieren kann.
                            LIFE Magazine is the treasured photographic magazine that chronicled the 20th Century. It now lives on at, the largest, most amazing collection of professional photography on the internet. Users can browse, search and view photos of today’s people and events. They have free access to share, print and post images for personal use.
                            Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 25.09.2011, 21:14.


                            • 302397_10150324310543911_278634743910_7848979_1508216042_n.jpg

                              Ever wonder why Michael Jackson wore that right armband so much in his wardrobe?
                              The armlet, is an old tradition that people would wear when in grief of losing a loved one through death. Michael wore his in honor and remembrance of children suffering around the world.
                              Michael is first seen sporting the right armband in the music video for "Smooth Criminal", from his movie Moonwalker, ironically a movie that involved him protecting and rescuing a child.
                              Each day in court for the trial of which he was fully acquitted of, an armband was noticeably seen on each right arm of the suits he wore.
                              It was to signify truth: that he had done nothing more than love and defend children, and that it was nothing to be ashamed of showing -despite what the media and public might have thought.


                              • .........................................uh60207,1266834192,45-3.jpg

                                immer für einen Spaß zu haben unser Michael....gleich zwei Bändchen.....


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