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UNICEF + MJ Fans for Africa

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  • UNICEF + MJ Fans for Africa

    Als Tribut für Michael haben Fans diese Aktion gestartet:

    We ask that all of you do what could be considered the greatest tribute to a humanitarian like Michael Jackson:

    Wir bitten euch alle das zu tun, was man als das größte Tribut für einen Humanitär wie MJ bezeichnen kann: Spendet um gegen die Hungersnot am Horn von Afrika zu kämpfen.

    Donate to help famine relief in the Horn of Africa.

    In the spirit of Michael Jackson and the effort, that he and a group of artists started 26 years ago with We Are the World, we encourage you all to go the extra mile and donate.
    Im Geiste von MJ und dem Bestreben, dass er u. eine Gruppe von Künstlern vor 26 Jahren startete, mit WE ARE THE WORLD, ermutigen wir euch alle noch eins draufzulegen u. zu spenden.

    We think this is one tribute, Michael Jackson, without a doubt, would be very proud of.
    Wir glauben, dass dies ein Tribute ist, über das MJ ohne jeden Zweifel sehr stolz wäre.

    You can give a TRIBUTE DONATION in Memory of Michael Jackson or in the Spirit of We Are The World!
    Ihr könnt die Tribute Spende als Gedenken an MJ oder im Sinne von WE ARE THE WORLD tätigen.
    To donate , join the Team at the left of the page and follow the links! Thanks!
    Um zu spenden, tritt dem Team bei u. folge den Links! Danke!

    UNICEF has called the situation across the Horn of Africa the "most severe humanitarian emergency in the world." Nearly 720,000 children are at risk of death without urgent assistance in the Horn of Africa. In total 2.23 million children in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are estimated to be acutely malnourished.

    Funds raised will help UNICEF provide

    Emergency relief supplies;
    Therapeutic treatment for children and women with severe malnutrition;
    Access to clean drinking water and
    Vaccinations to prevent deadly diseases like measles and polio, as malnourished children are at increased risk of deadly disease.

    Children—the most vulnerable population in any disaster—as is too often the case, are most likely to suffer the consequences.

    In all emergencies, UNICEF focuses first on the survival of the children—which means providing health care, water and sanitation, and adequate nutrition.

    UNICEF is also there to bring immediate protection to children who have been abandoned or separated from their families. And UNICEF works to get children back to school as soon as possible, to help them recover from the psychological distress associated with emergencies.

    Millions of children suffer each year, victims of natural disasters and conflict emergencies. Humanitarian aid is crucial to support children. But with the number of people affected by disaster growing every year, more emergency relief funding is needed to help vulnerable communities prepare for disasters before they occur and to protect children when disasters do occur.

    Please donate now!

  • #2
    Danke für's Einstellen!

    Was glaubt ihr denn,wie seriös das ist


    • #3
      UNICEF + MJ Fans for Africa
      weitere Infos hier:


      • #4
        Vielen Dank auch dir liebe Blaue Blume !
        Leider steht da alles auf englisch.
        Kann ich aber nicht
        Bis ich was gefunden hab.....
        In M.J.'s Namen zu spenden,das würde ich (auch) gerne.


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