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Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Das ist ein wichtiges Thema.
Eine geburtstagstorte und jede menge glückwünsche zum 80sten wiegenfest gab's gestern bereits in Anaheim, Kalifornien,
für keinen geringeren als Seine Heiligkeit der 14. Dalai Lama von Tibet
allen Letztgenannten
Pearl, Dalai Lama, Smelly Gabi
herzliche Glückwünsche ...................................
Noch nachträglich ...
Beautiful tribute video for Michael on his Birthday by Happy Diho and his children.
August 29, 2015.
To show his gratitude to Michael for all his efforts to make our world into a better a place to live in for everyone, and being aware that it was Michael who motivated him to start his beautiful “Heal The World Miracle Project”, Happy Diho has been practicing diligently with his children to teach them one of Michael’s beautiful and meaningful songs, “Heal The World”, as a tribute for him on his 57th Birthday.
Please watch the beautiful result in the video below that shows the performance of the song by Happy and his children, filmed earlier this week. Especially for the occasion the children were wearing T-shirts from the project in different colors, and they were holding sunflowers created by them in a previous project along with gifts donated by good friends, and photos of Michael. The joy and excitement radiates clearly from the faces of all these wonderful children!
Happy Diho, thank you for being the loving and caring soul that you are, and for showing the world that you are truly giving your all to share Michael’s messages of Love, Peace, and Unity each and every day. You are a beautiful example of keeping Michael’s precious legacy alive!
Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived.
Michael Jackson.
Video by Happy Diho, LMJ Magazine exclusiveRead the article about Happy Diho's work:http://www.legendarymichaeljackson.nl/it-was-michaels-wonderful-loving-an...
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