ACH MICHAEL, ICH VERMISSE DICH SO ......................
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Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Meine Gefühle zu Michaels Tod
Mein Gefühle am heutigen Tag, ich empfinde eine große Leere und Schmerz, hätte nicht gedacht, dass es noch immer so weh tut ..... alles was ich im TV sehe, macht mich noch trauriger ........ wie konnte es geschehen und wie herzlos und kalt muss man sein, um einen derart liebevollen Menschen wie IHN so zu quälen und zu zerstören. Ein Blick in seine sanften Augen, nur ein Wort von ihm und jeder mußte doch erkennen, dass diese feinfühlige und verletzliche Seele nie und nimmer dazu in der Lage war, jemanden etwas Böses anzutun. Das ist es, was mir immer wieder durch den Kopf geht, viele die ihn auch persönlich kannten, haben Michael von Anfang an nur benutzt - aus reiner Geldgier - und sie tun es immer noch ................
ACH MICHAEL, ICH VERMISSE DICH SO ......................Zuletzt geändert von gina; 25.06.2011, 18:49.
Auch ich will noch einmal meine Gedanken freien Lauf lassen.
Gestern hatte ich wieder dieses Gefühl, wie schon vor einem Jahr bzw. vor 2 Jahren. Dieses Gefühl, dass ein wunderbarer Mensch von uns gegangen ist. Es ist, als ob die hoffnungsvolle Welt ärmer wär. Dieser Mensch, der mehr für die Menschen auf dieser Erde getan hat, als kaum ein anderer. Es ist für mich unbegreiflich, dass es immer noch Idioten-so muss man sie einfach nennen-gibt, die sich immer noch gegen ihn stellen, verachten und respektlos behandeln, sogar jetzt noch. Diese Leute haben gar keine Ahnung, wer dieser Mann wirklich war. Solche machen mich immer wütend. Michael hat in einem Jahr mehr erreicht, als ein normaler Mensch in seinem ganzen Leben. Musik war sein Leben, aber er hat diese auch benutzt, um die Welt zu verbessern. Und dafür sage ich 1000x danke, danke, dass es dich gab. Vielleicht sehen wir ja uns irgendwann. Und dann hoffentlich in einer besseren Welt. Ich muss aber auch sagen, und das hört sich im ersten Augenblick doof an, wenn du nicht von uns gegangen wärst, würde ich heute nicht deinen Zauber spüren. Allerdings wäre es mir doch lieber, dass du heute noch leben würdest, denn ich wünschen niemanden den Tod. Allerdings würde ich auch dann nicht hier sein. Mögest in Frieden ruhen: Michael Jackson, der unbesiegbare King of Pop.
hallo Matze
dein SatzAllerdings würde ich auch dann nicht hier sein
Dass es das so viefach gab bzw. gibt, berührt mich jedesmal.....
3 Jahre Michael bist du nun nicht mehr da, alles hat sich verändert mein leben auf dem Kopf gestelltohne Dich hätte ich mich nie getraut und fast schon war alles wieder "normal" ich konnte dich lange nicht fühlen aber seit gestern überflutet mich wieder diese unbeschreibliche Liebe und auch Trauer es fühlt sich noch genauso wie vor 3 Jahren an. Ich hoffe Engel dass du jetzt wirklich glücklich bist danke dass du mich/uns immer noch mit Liebe überflutest.
God bless you
Sehr schön geschrieben heaven *tränchenverdrück*
Kann nichts anderes, als dir zuzustimmen. Mir gehts heute auch beschissen!!!!!!!!!!! Und es ist jedes Jahr gleich!! Könnte nur heulen den ganzen Tag. Nicht mal seine Lieder kann ich an solchen Tagen hören *schluchz*
Thanks for all you've done
I've missed you for so long
I can't believe you're gone and
You still live in me
I feel you in the wind
You guide me constantly
I never knew what it was to be alone... no
'Cause you were always there for me
You were always home waiting
But now I come home
And I miss your face so
Smiling down on me
I close my eyes to see
And I know
You're a part of me
And its your song
That sets me free
I sing it while
I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight
'Cause it comforts me
I carry the things that remind me of you
In loving memory of the one that was so true
You were as kind as you could be
And even though you're gone
You still mean the world to me
I never knew what it was to be alone... no
'Cause you were always there for me
You were always home waiting
But now I come home
And its not the same no
It feels empty and alone
I can't believe you're gone
And I know
You're a part of me
And it's your song
That sets me free
I sing it while
I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight
'Cause it comforts me
I'm glad He set you free from sorrow
But I'll still love you more tomorrow
And you'll be here
With me still
All you did you did with feeling
And you always found a meaning
And you always will
And you always will
And you always will
And I know
You're a part of me
And it's your song
That sets me free
I sing it while
I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight
'Cause it comforts me
(Alter Bridge "In Loving Memory")
Die Leute sagen, dass es besser wird. Wird es aber nicht. Ich sitze in der Schule, halte Unterricht, beschäftige mich mit Stundenplanungen und die ganze Zeit stehen mir die Tränen in den Augen. Ich vermisse dich so sehr mein Engel. Es tut so weh...
We are Michael Jackson
During the days and weeks (meanwhile it are months) after Michael left this world I continued to ask myself why this loss hurt so much. Why did the death of a man I never spoke to personally touched me so much that it put my whole world upside down? Why was I unable to sleep for so many nights? Why was I in total denial for several months? Why do I still start crying when someone mentions his name or when something reminds me of him (even if it is only the full moon that makes me recall the Moonwalker)?
Yes, I love his music and it does mean very much to me. His way of expressing his innermost soul be it musically, with the help of lyrics or through dancing always touched me and made me feel at home, made me feel secure. For me, Michael was always there at the same distance. No matter where I was, how far away from family and friends, he was always there as he had always been. No matter how lonely or abandoned I might have felt Michael was always there. His music, his voice always offered me a safe haven. The mere knowledge that he was out there allowed me to feel close to him and gave me hope and strength to live in a world that for sure did not always feel like “Neverland”. In his humanness and gentleness he was a good example for me. His vulnerability and weakness allowed me to accept the truth and importance of my own fragility.
Over the years I met many people who felt equally and it was always a pleasure to share those emotions and those experiences with them. And even more: I could share his message of love and friendship with them more than it was possible with others, those who did not understand him the way I felt that I understood him. I was truly “not alone”.
And then there were those rare occasions when I had the honor to see him in person. Whether it was a concert or one of his other appearances, it was always (despite all the chaos) a magical experience. Being close to the man who influenced my life in such a lasting way made me feel as if I was taking a holiday from reality, as if for some hours or days that what was most important in my life also received my full attention. And yes, sometimes seeing Michael in the window of some hotel or on some stage or even just in a car made me feel stronger as if his mere presence approved my whole being. Close to him I felt good with being myself.
So how does it feel to live in a world without him? It feels as if the colors were taken away from this world, as if the only force that shielded me from the “cruel world” was taken from me. But what exactly have I lost? I lost a mentor. Someone who let me see the world as a good place to be in, someone who showed me what is possible with a little faith and trust. I lost a friend who showed me how much joy and happiness simple “being” can bring, how important it is to never stop dreaming. I lost a guide that was by my side for years, through good times and bad times. I feel like a tree that has lost a main branch and is now completely out of balance and deprived of an essential part. And now I am afraid that if I try to accept his death, if I try to live with it, that I would somehow betray his memory. Sometimes it seems as if the only way to remember and to love adequately is to suffer.
Mourning is like living in an upward spiral that starts at Michael’s passing away. I will come across this date or a memory of him again and again and yet every time this happens more time has passed, more experiences were made and I have grown a bit “wiser”. So how can I “sufficiently” store him in my heart and at the same time reduce the suffering? What do I do with the wound that is left from the branch? Maybe I will just try to do the same as the tree. Grow a new branch. No matter how tiny, how weak, how seemingly unimportant and insufficient this branch might be at the beginning, it is there for sure. I do not believe that we were made to suffer so there simply MUST be a little branch. Maybe I should allow myself to look at it. It is by no means there to replace Michael in any way but as time goes by there simply IS something that is growing from this wound. What could that be for me? Maybe I could try to loose my fear of this big, scary world and try to see things more in the way he did. That is what he tried to teach us anyway. So why not simply take a risk and try it? Why not attempt to live, to be what I admired in him? Be more human, be more caring, more giving, less receiving, simply: more loving! Michael was always a great teacher and I truly believe that he would appreciate it if I, if we all, finally followed his path. We might not reach his mastery but that is not our goal anyway. The goal is simply to try it, to never stop trying, never stop dancing Michael’s dream. It is through us that he continues to live. Through our words, our deeds, our love. Now WE are truly the ones to make the world a better place. We have not lost Michael! He is there, maybe even closer to us than ever before. “Michael Jackson” is no longer a man; he is a concept, an idea. WE are Michael Jackson! There is no need to be sad; there is no need to despair! We have lost a messenger, not the message, a lover, not love! This world needs his message and we are the ones who will continue to live it. Because We Are The World!
Wie gehts euch nach dem "Tag der Tage"? Mir kommt immer noch alles so unwirklich vor. Soll es wirklich schon 3 Jahre her sein? Der SChmerz ist genauso als wäre es gestern gewesen...
Ich bin heute mit dem Auto durch unser Dorf und das Nachbardorf gefahren, Radio auf laut und "Thriller-Album" rauf und runter laufen lassen. Ich wollte einfach alle an ihn erinnern. Er soll NIE vergessen werden!!! Ebenso trage ich seit gestern mein MJ-Shirt und seit 2 Wochen mein neues muss es einfach der ganzen Welt zeigen und an ihn erinnern!!!!
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