I'm going by a fruit plantation. The sky is bright blue, the sun is shining and already in the morning it is hot. The kids are running ahead and are playing with the dog. They are laughing. But I'm not truly here.
In my mind is playing the music. I'm lost in thought of him. My heart is crying. His songs, his words attended us during many years. For us he was an artist, singer, dancer, entertainer, star, controversial public person. But he was much more. A father, a son, a brother, a friend...just a human with weaknesses, strengths, doubts and certainties.
The raspberry bushes exude enticing flavor, the bough of the apple trees bend under their heaviness. It's the time of natural wealth, I love it and thank good for it. In the distance the green hills shone resplendent in the morning sun. Would he liked this place too?
A bird swings itself up in to the sky. I watch him, until he disappears in the glistening light of the sun.
The children are laughing an picking up flowers. They are the life, the future. I comprehend...from the mourning, the darkness in to the light, in to the future.
We have this future an we have our faith. We can hope and belief. We can wish him peace an gladness at the place where he is now, and we can pray for his soul, his family, his children and all those who feel attached to him.
There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, there is a time to be happy and a time to be sad, there is a right time for everything.
A small hand takes my hand an I feel the love he was spoken about. In the end we see, he's still alive in our hearts...
the king of the hearts...
gone too soon.