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Michaels Freund Frank Cascio unterzeichnet Buchvertrag

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  • #31
    Frank Cascio hat auf seiner Facebook seite einige Fotos veröffentlicht, die im Buch sein werden. die Seite heißt my friend michael. wer also dort angemeldet ist, kann auf diese Seite gehen. Ist für jedermann zugänglich.


    • #32
      [QUOTE=Dreamerdancer;469206]Weiß man denn, ob Frank Dileo sein Buch noch geschrieben hat???

      Hier sind ja so einige bei Twitter und seine Nichte hat doch glaube ich auch über ihn getwittert. Vielleicht ist das eine Möglichkeit da mal nachzufragen. Ich weiß zwar nicht, obs ein wenig pietätlos ist so kurz nach dem Tod, aber es wird sicher sehr viele Fans interessieren!


      • #33
        Tja, Cori - da kannst Du wohl 10 Leute fragen, ob das pietätlos wäre und 10 Antworten bekommen.

        Mal nüchtern betrachtet, wenn das Buch fertig geworden ist, dann wird es vielleicht erscheinen und dann wird man sehen...
        Es besteht also keine Eile..., dass ist das, was so zwischen meinem Daumen und Zeigenfinger der linken Hand als Antwort auf Deine Frage wäre.

        Kann sein, dass die Nichte aber sich durchaus freut, wenn man fragt, denn für manche Menschen ist Ruhe und Abstand Trauer und für manche darüber reden....

        Finde den Buchtitel zum Cascio Buch irgendwie gut. Hebt sich ja schon fast wieder ab vom Hochglanz und durchgestylten Ideenreichtum mancher Designer, früher hießen die ja mal Grafiker. Aber ist Geschmacksache, sagt aber nichts über das Buch. Mal schauen, vielleicht bin ich ja doch beeinflussst durch das Buchcover und kaufe es mir. Soll ja auch unbewusst passieren und wenn man glaubt, man ist davon nicht beeinflusst, dann hat das wohl voll funktioniert. Grins.


        • #34
          Schönes Bild oder? Von Frank`s öffentl. facebook-page


          • #36
            Zitat von Annika Beitrag anzeigen
            und noch ein anderes Buchcover
            Scheint dann wohl auch das endgültige zu sein.


            • #37
              habe heute das Buch bestellt. Es wird sicher ein positives Buch sein mit vielen schönen Einblicken, die ja mehr als 20 Jahre nicht den Weg in die Öffentlichkeit gefunden haben. Gespannt bin ich auf das Leben Michaels mit der Familie in ihrem Haus.
              Ein use, offenbar in Kontakt mit Karen, hat sie auf die kommende Veröffentlichung angesprochen und ihre Antwort ist folgende( klingt nicht gerade positiv für Frank)

              @DafnaDgani: @wingheart Hey Karen (Faye), I was wondering what's your feelings about Frank Cascio's new upcoming book about Michael? Thanks Dafna

              I have no feelings about it. Michael supported $$ many ppl. I guess they feel this is a way to get another paycheck. Michael was also my main source of income, because he was my main client for 27 years. I do understand how devastating it is, loosing that also, in a time of debilitating grief. I can continue being a makeup artist, some ppl do not have much to fall back on and see an opportunity to cash in. If I share anything about Michael, I want to give it freely to those who loved him, like he gave it to me, or I won't share it at all. I think those who want to buy it, and read it, should do it if that is what they want. I am sure there will be some things to learn about Michael in it. Michael was a good friend, and supported Frank and his family.

              und auch Arnold Klein hat was dazu zusagen. Muß ich jetzt ein schlechtes Gewissen haben?
              Ich komme da echt in Überlegungen.Auf der einen Seite geben sie mir Einblicke von Michael die mich nunmal interessieren und ich bin einfach "gierig" nach versöhnlichen Geschichten neben all diesen Trash und Tabloid.

              Arnold W. Klein
              Arnold W. Klein
              Frank you made tons of money off of Michael when he was alive. If you were such a good friend where were you during the last 2 years? Why did you not even comment on what AEG did?

              Christelle Burgard, Britta Hamburg and Cam Hamon like this.

              Cam Hamon Francesco Cascio is on FB
              about an hour ago · Like

              Arnold W. Klein i know and i know him and marc schaffel very well who made lots off of Michael!

              Cam Hamon Urgh dont get me started on Marc Schaffel. I cant believe Debbie is with him....WTH?!?

              Damien Shields Not to mention Frank's brother Eddie is the main person responsible for creating FAKE songs and selling them off as "Michael Jackson" to Sony and Estate, who released them, causing extreme fighting and unrepairable damage to the fan base and to Michael's now imperfect discography.

              Christelle Burgard they all know how to make money with michael's death : write a book, memorial concerts, new songs...that's horrible shame on those people. i won't buy anything of those productions
              about an hour ago · Like

              Daniel A. Gamboa Villalobos · Friends with Damien Shields
              Frank was busy attempting to perfect some false Michael Jackson musical recordings, for kicks. Hopefully someone will kick that family's ass one day.
              about an hour ago · Like · 2
              Damien Shields Arnold have you heard the fake songs?
              56 minutes ago · Like · 2
              Zuletzt geändert von cori79; 12.11.2011, 00:06.


              • #38
                Ich stimme Karen zu und mit ihr vollkommen überein.

                In Frank Cascio sehe ich spätestens durch sein Buch leider nur einen weiteren Schmarotzer, der nach Michaels Tod von seiner Bekanntschaft profitieren möchte.
                Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 12.11.2011, 01:03.


                • #39
                  jo wer is denn kein schmarotzer in dem geschäft? hier is niemand ausgenommen! weder die fans noch dem rest


                  • #40
                    In der Tat scheint es weiteres Trash-Buch zu sein. Auch wenn ich meine rosarote Brille ausziehe frage ich mich echt wie man mit dem Inhalt den Buchtitel rechtfertigt. Was auch immer davon wahr ist. Hat man es als Freund nötig posthum so ein Buch zu veröffentlichen.

                    NEW YORK — A personal assistant turned personal manager to Michael Jackson said the King of Pop had been taking propofol as early as 1999, and that the singer was drugged up ahead of his 2001 30th anniversary concerts.

                    Frank Cascio, who became a family friend to Jackson at age 5 and eventually one of the singer's closest friends and employees, writes in a new book that he first noticed Jackson taking the drug Demerol while accompanying the singer on his "Dangerous" tour in 1993.

                    He writes in his new book, "My Friend Michael: An Ordinary Friendship with an Extraordinary Man," that Jackson started the first of two anniversary shows in 2001 an hour late as a result of being drugged up in his dressing room.

                    "...My naïve belief that Michael wouldn't let his medicine interfere with the show blew up in my face," Cascio writes. "I can't begin to describe my disappointment and panic at this moment."

                    The Associated Press purchased an advance copy of the book, which is set for release Nov. 15 by William Morrow, an imprint of News Corp.'s HarperCollins.

                    Cascio became a friend of Jackson's after his father introduced him to the singer; Cascio's father worked at the Hemsley Palace in Manhattan, managing the hotel's towers and suites, where Jackson stayed. Following that, a five-year-old Cascio and his younger brother Eddie, spent time with Jackson at his Neverland Ranch.

                    He says Jackson was first introduced to Demerol in 1984 when he burned his head during a Pepsi commercial shoot, and Cascio writes that he first noticed Jackson using the medicine on his "Dangerous" tour.

                    "Now, on tour, and again in deep physical pain, Michael turned back to those drugs," he wrote.

                    Cascio says Jackson also took propofol in 1999 in Munich when the singer was 50 feet in the air and instead of coming down slowly, the platform Jackson was on fell down. Cascio also writes that Jackson had taken Demerol to treat the skin disease vitilogo, and grew worried about his drug use.

                    "It had become clear to me that Michael's drug use was escalating," he wrote. Cascio said sometimes he paid doctors in cash "because all of Michael's medical issues had to be kept from the public and their cost off the books." He also said he had some of the prescriptions written out in his name.

                    "Over the years, I had grown accustomed to seeing doctors coming and going, particularly in late tours, when Michael was under great stress and needed help falling asleep."

                    Cascio said he wanted to seek out help, but didn't know who to turn to. Ahead of Jackson's 2001 anniversary shows, he said he spoke to Janet, Randy and Tito about their brother's drug use. He writes that Jackson's siblings approached him, but the singer "simply pushed them away."

                    Murray was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter for supplying the insomnia-plagued Jackson with the powerful operating-room anesthetic propofol to help him sleep as he rehearsed for his big comeback.

                    "But in the end, physical and mental anguish prevailed, and Michael died in his endless quest to attain some inner peace," Cascio writes.

                    "My Friend Michael" also takes a look at some of Jackson's personal and professional moments, providing a somewhat behind-the-scenes look at the King of Pop's life.

                    Cascio writes that he and Jackson "had gotten stoned on a few occasions up in the mountains," and that Jackson would drink wine out of juice bottles and soda cans.

                    Cascio and the singer grew close, and in 1993 when Jackson had been accused of child molestation charges, he asked the Cascio family to visit him in Israel while he was on tour. He later asked if the young boys could stay on tour with him.

                    "He went to my father and broke down crying," Cascio writes. "People might question my parents' judgment in sending two young boys off to spend time alone with a man who had been accused of molesting another boy. But to us, the suggestion that we were in any danger was completely absurd."

                    Jackson invited Cascio to work as his personal assistant a year after he graduated high school. He later became his personal manager.

                    Throughout the book, Cascio writes that Jackson never had sex with children, but had a love for them and wanted to father 10 kids in total.

                    Cascio says Princess Diana was at the top of Jackson's list of girls he wanted to date, and that the Jackson made out with one of his fan club members.

                    "He tended to like tall, slender women whom I'd describe as nerdy in a sexy way," he writes.

                    Cascio also said that Jackson used to claim that Omer Bhatti was his son, though Cascio did not believe him. Jackson later admitted that it wasn't true.

                    "By way of an explanation, Michael gave me the same reason he'd given for his marriages to Lisa Marie and Debbie Rowe. He needed to show the Saudi prince and the rest of the Arab business world that he had a family," Cascio writes.

                    When he worked as his personal manager, Cascio said he had to interfere when John McClain, now the co-executor of Jackson's estate, and the director of Jackson's "You Rock My World" music video, wanted the singer "to use makeup to darken Michael's skin for the video" and "to fill in his nose with putty." Cascio said Jackson locked himself in a bathroom and cried.

                    "They think I'm ugly?" Jackson asked. "They think I'm a freak, they think I'm a freak, they think I'm a freak."



                    • #41
                      Ich stimme dir leider zu, Lena.
                      Ob das nun wahr ist oder nicht, so etwas erzählt man einfach nicht über gute Freunde. Und schreibt es schon gar nicht in ein Buch.

                      Ich hoffe mal, dass diese Auszüge die schlimmsten Stellen waren und es ansonsten nicht so krass um private/sensible/umstrittene Themen geht, da die Cascios als langjährige Begleiter von MJ doch sicherlich wissen, dass ihm seine Privatsphäre sehr wichtig wahr und er manche Bereiche davon garantiert nicht thematisiert und veröffentlich haben will.
                      Ende letzten Jahres hatte ich noch eine recht hohe Meinung von den Cascios. Allerdings sinkt mein Respekt der Familie gegenüber immer mehr. Wirklich schade.


                      • #42
                        Nun, das sind alles wieder nur Fetzen, aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen.

                        Ich zitiere hier Ivy von MJJC, in Verteidigung v. Frank C.

                        Jackson was first introduced to Demerol in 1984 when he burned his head during a Pepsi commercial shoot - legit reason for pain killers

                        Now, on tour, and again in deep physical pain, Michael turned back to those drugs, - legit reason , it wasn't for high , he had pain.

                        Jackson had taken Demerol to treat the skin disease vitilogo, and grew worried about his drug use. - again legit use for skin procedures. and Michael wasn't doing his own skin treatments right? So he got worried that Klein was giving Michael too much demerol - oh the evil Cascio how dare him.

                        I had grown accustomed to seeing doctors coming and going, particularly in late tours, when Michael was under great stress and needed help falling asleep. - again he had reasons for the drugs and doctors.

                        and 2001 30th anniversary drug issue was so apparent and again it has already been said by Karen Faye 2 years ago, Jermaine wrote in his book that family talked to him at that time, Latoya said they went to the ranch after that concert, Gest also collaborated it - but let's hate Frank saying something that has been said 10 times before and trying to get help for Michael.


                        • #43
                          Und außerdem kann man KF nicht als Quelle nehmen.


                          • #44
                            Zitat von Cybertronic Beitrag anzeigen
                            Und außerdem kann man KF nicht als Quelle nehmen.

                            Finde ich sehr unfair und unbegründet !

                            Immerhin hat sie im Gegensatz zu anderen ihr Wissen niemals verkauft und sich Michael gegenüber immer loyal verhalten ! Auch nach seinem Tod.


                            • #45
                              Ist in Planung,daß das Buch auch auf deutsch erscheint? Ich habe schon an Aphrodite Jones zu knabbern. Noch ein paar Bücher auf englisch und ich werde nie damit fertig


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