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[Offiziell bestätigt]"Behind The Mask" wird einigen Ländern veröffentlicht

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  • #46
    Am 3. Mai ist Einsendeschluss.


    • #47
      In Teaser Nr. 3 ist auch die Aufnahme von der MJ Party in Düsseldorf im April 11 dabei. Wäre super, wenn wir dabei wären. Ich finde die Ideen der Fans genial. Darauf hätte Michael vielleicht auch mal kommen können ( ist kein Vorwurf).
      Er wusste sicher immer um die Genialität und Kreativität seiner Fans. Ein MJ Video made by fans. Er wäre sicher sehr erfreut all das hier zu sehen.


      • #48


        • #49


          • #50
            Sind beide gut, wobei ich Michaels frischer und energiegeladener finde.


            • #51
              Michael singt viel klarer. Im Vergleich zu ihm nuschelt Eric Clapton ja total. Ich finde auch, dass es bei MJ spannender klingt. Auch vom Aufbau her und den begleitenden Instrumenten. Die klingen bei E.Clapton eher langweilig und 80s-like
              Michaels ist besser (überraschend....nicht dass ich voreingenommen wäre....har har)


              • #52
                WOW ! Danke fürs einstellen der Teaser ,ich freue mich jetzt schon auf das fertige Video Ich finde es toll wenn die Fans mit eingebunden werden
                Zuletzt geändert von rock my world; 23.05.2011, 18:39. Grund: korrigiert


                • #53
                  Sagt mal, weiß einer, ob sich mit BTM überhaupt nochwas tut?

                  Wurde das Video nicht für Anfang Mai angekündigt?

                  Ohje, Ohje...


                  • #54
                    Ich glaube, ursprünglich wars für die erste Aprilwoche angekündigt. Seitdem gabs aber nur die 2 oder 3 preview snippets von Sony, ansonsten keine weitere Info.


                    • #55
                      Oh, bin ich also der erste, der das jetzt posten darf...

                      Am 14. Juni wird das Fan-Video zu BEHIND THE MASK veröffentlicht.

                      MJ Site/ Facebook


                      • #56
                        Und ich poste mal den Bericht dazu:

                        June 8, 2011


                        Groundbreaking “Crowdsourced” Video to Debut on June 14th on

                        New York, NY – This spring, the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music gave everyone around the world the opportunity to be a part of Michael Jackson’s video legacy with The Behind the Mask Project. This groundbreaking, global online casting call prompted people in all corners of the planet who love Michael Jackson’s music to shoot, upload and submit their own unique performances for inclusion in the video; the project elicited an unprecedented response from 103 countries in the world. And on June 14th, The Behind the Mask Project will be unveiled on

                        Led by the creative team at and acclaimed director Dennis Liu,
                        The Behind the Mask Project launched in March 2011 with a state of the art website loaded with simple tools that defined the different roles one could play. Upon entering the site, users selected an action like playing an instrument, singing a lyric, acting out a crowd reaction or demonstrating a classic MJ dance move. Then, using the site’s split-screen template, contributors were able to shoot their move right on the website or with their web cam and upload the clip at the precise time it occurred in the video.

                        Dennis Liu comments, “This has been the most exciting and fun project I think I've ever been involved in. It's been such a privilege, and was incredibly moving to see so many people from all over the world join as one, their creative voices, dance and musical talents bound together by Michael Jackson’s spirit and incomparable artistry. We received submissions from the Sahara Desert to Venice Beach, from mountaintops to suburban backyards, with some shots featuring well over one hundred people apiece. All who participated delivered brilliantly.”

                        After submissions poured in from all over the globe they were carefully edited down by the director to the best 1600 submissions (including 50 kids and 36 animals). On June 14th, the 35 million Facebook fans of Michael Jackson will get the first look at this landmark video. New fans can log on to and click “Like” to view the video.

                        Technology journalist Natali Morris comments, “Michael Jackson was crowdsourcing his videos before crowdsourcing even existed. This project is a perfect way to honor his connection with his fans.”

                        The song “Behind the Mask” is a critic and fan favorite from MICHAEL – the unique collection of songs featuring Michael’s performances completed posthumously and released in December by the Michael Jackson Estate and Sony Music. MICHAEL was the #1 global album upon its release in December and has shipped over 3 million units worldwide making it one of the biggest albums of 2010. The album’s success continues to underscore Michael’s importance as a global icon and superstar, transcending cultures and languages.

                        Dennis Liu is an award-winning digital filmmaker at Dennis quickly made a name for himself winning awards for clients that include Apple and Microsoft and being honored in the renowned "Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors Showcase". is a global transmedia company that creates some of the world's most innovative content and the home to design+digital.'s award-winning projects include the Academy Award®-winning documentary “The Fog of War”; the Grammy®-winning “Concert for George”; the Independent Spirit Award-winning “Metallica: Some Kind of Monster”; the award-winning digital experience “The Wilderness Downtown” for Google Creative Lab and Arcade Fire; the Grammy-nominated “The Johnny Cash Project”; the Emmy® and Golden Globe®-winning pilot episode of the hit series “Mad Men”; the Emmy®-winning “10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America” for the History Channel; and five seasons of the critically acclaimed Sundance Channel series “Iconoclasts,” among others.

                        Twitter @michaeljackson #MJBehindtheMask

                        Meine Meinung dazu: Debut auf Facebook? Son crap. Dass es im TV danach gezeigt wird, wird gar nicht erwähnt. Naja, muss ichs mir wohl oder übel einfach auf Youtube reinziehen, da ich von FB nichts halte.


                        • #57

                          This spring, the Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music gave everyone around the world the opportunity to be a part of Michael Jackson's video legacy with The Behind the Mask Project. This groundbreaking, global online casting call prompted people in all corners of the planet who love Michael Jackson's music to shoot, upload and submit their own unique performances for inclusion in the video; the project elicited an unprecedented response from 103 countries in the world.

                          And on June 14th, The Behind the Mask Project will be unveiled on


                          • #58
                            Hier gibt es gleich 2 Videos dazu:

                            Zuletzt geändert von Tijaju; 09.06.2011, 19:55. Grund: 2 vergessen tztz


                            • #59
                              Und, seid ihr auch noch so unglaublich gespannt auf das Video wie vor ein paar Monaten?



                              • #60
                                Wie Ironie, verstehe ich nicht...


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