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Man Behind the Myth

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  • Man Behind the Myth

    Es gibt ein neues Videoprojekt über das Leben und Sterben von Michael Jackson "Man Behind the Myth", welches die traurige und schmerzvolle Wahrheit aufzeigt und weitestgehende Verbreitung finden sollte.
    Es soll dazu dienen, Michaels wahres Images und Vermächtnis herzustellen, mit dem er tatsächlich in die Geschichte eingehen sollte.

    Man Behind the Myth

    Who was Michael Jackson really? Michael Jackson's work, life and his 'troubles' are not what you thought they were.
    Jackson was used and abused relentlessly by a media gone mad because any mention of his name drew crowds and cash.
    Learn the truth of who Michael Jackson really was as we take a look at the story behind the myth.

    Wer war Michael Jackson wirklich? Die Arbeit von Michael Jackson, Leben und seine "Schwierigkeiten" bestehen nicht darin, was Sie dachten, dass sie waren.
    Jackson wurde verwendet und unbarmherzig durch verrückt gewordene Medien missbraucht, weil jede Erwähnung seines Namens Mengen und Bargeld anzog.
    Lernen Sie die Wahrheit dessen, der Michael Jackson wirklich war, wie wir die Geschichte hinter dem Mythos ansehen.


  • #2
    Das ist gut, liebe Geli - DANKE !
    Ich wünsche diesem Projekt viel Erfolg !!!


    • #3
      Bezüglich dieses so wahren und emotional berührenden Videos und dessen Produzenten gibt es folgendes TwitLonger:

      777MJJ (@777MJJ)

      Posted Sunday 4th September 2011 from Twitlonger

      An Important Message About 'Man Behind the Myth Video' - READ & SHARE

      I've been asked who produced and created the astounding 'Man Behind the Myth' video that has been circulating the past two days. You can see it here:

      Who was Michael Jackson really? Michael Jackson's work, life and his "troubles" are not what you thought they were. Jackson was used and abused…

      Einfügung: PLEASE share these far and wide! Especially with doubters and ignorants.

      And also here:

      The producer and creators of the video wish to remain anonymous. There is no real reason for their identity to be known. What is important is the content of the video itself.

      I've also been asked if the video can be placed on YouTube. The producer and the creators of the video have asked me to tell you that they do NOT want this video on YouTube.

      It was placed on Vimeo for a reason: to maintain the integrity of the video and protect it from undoubtedly hateful comments that would ensue on YouTube's site.

      Trust me that there are further plans in the works for this video and this campaign. Placing this video on YouTube could thwart or sabotage those plans. So please, respect the request of the creators and producer that this video not be placed on YouTube.

      Thank you. · Reply


      • #4
        Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zum Videoprojekt "Man Behind the Myth":

        MJ Decoration is committed to delivering exceptional results while providing a seamless and stress-free experience for our clients. We take pride in our attention to detail, craftsmanship, and dedication to delivering projects on time and within budget. Our team of professionals is skilled in various areas, including carpentry, painting, flooring, electrical work, and more, ensuring that we can handle every aspect of your project with expertise and precision.


        • #5
          Ich bin sprachlos und zutiefst gerührt.... vielen Dank fürs reinstellen.


          • #6
            An Important Message About 'Man Behind the Myth' Film -
            READ & SHARE

            von MJJ-777, Sonntag, 4. September 2011 um 08:10

            7I've been asked who produced and created the astounding 'Man Behind the Myth' film that has been circulating. You can see it here:

            Who was Michael Jackson really? Michael Jackson's work, life and his "troubles" are not what you thought they were. Jackson was used and abused…

            And also here:

            For more information about Voices Education Project and Man Behind the Myth, see this link:

            MJ Decoration is committed to delivering exceptional results while providing a seamless and stress-free experience for our clients. We take pride in our attention to detail, craftsmanship, and dedication to delivering projects on time and within budget. Our team of professionals is skilled in various areas, including carpentry, painting, flooring, electrical work, and more, ensuring that we can handle every aspect of your project with expertise and precision.

            The producer and creators of the film wish to remain anonymous. There is no real reason for their identity to be known at this time. What is important is the content of the video itself.

            I've also been asked if the video can be placed on YouTube, and if it can be translated to other languages.

            Please note: The producer/creators of the film have asked that people refrain from editing or placing this video on YouTube or other video sites, as they would like the integrity of the film to be preserved for possible ongoing efforts to hold a mirror up to the media, to vindicate Michael Jackson's legacy, and as part of the 'Voices in Education' curriculum.

            If you do choose to upload the video, it MUST be reproduced on Vimeo because it is too large for a regular YouTube account. It may not be altered in any way - such as placing material at the beginning or end or splicing anything - it is to be shown in its full and original form. If your YouTube account permits videos longer than 15 minutes, it may be uploaded but ONLY in its original form and with comments disabled.

            You MAY translate the video to other languages using subtitles that do not cover the script on the screen. For example, if there is script on the bottom, the subtitles must be placed on the top and visa versa. However, permission is NOT given to substitute voiceover in another language.

            Please respect that much selfless time and effort on the part of many people went into this film and that the film may only be the beginning of their efforts to change the story surrounding Michael Jackson - providing these efforts are not tampered with.

            Thank you.


            Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 07.09.2011, 01:07.


            • #7
              Who was Michael Jackson really? Michael Jackson's work, life and his "troubles" are not what you thought they were. Jackson was used and abused…

              und hier findet Ihr beide Teile der Übersetzung: http://mjs-wacht-endlich-auf.blogspo...ersetzung.html ....

              Man Behind the Myth
              Who was Michael Jackson really? Michael Jackson's work, life and his "troubles" are not what you thought they were. Jackson was used and abused relentlessly by a media gone mad because any mention of his name drew crowds and cash. Learn the truth...


              • #8
                wollte euch nur kurz noch ein paar infos dalassen, für den fall, dass es der ein oder andere nicht kennt

                vom voices education project war auch das extrem beeindruckende video words and violence, es ist hier zu finden, habs hier im forum jetzt nicht gefunden:

                außerdem wurde vom voices education project auch "case study: the caricature" veröffentlicht, das haben wir hier schon in der deutschen übersetzung, falls es jemand von euch noch nicht gelesen hat:

                liebe grüße


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