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  • Lady Gaga opens Philip Treacy hat show at London Fashion Week; All-black cast of models honored Michael Jackson
    The outrageous show, which featured an all-black cast of models, was a tribute to the fashion of the late pop star Michael Jackson.

    Read more:

    London Fasion Week: Der britische Modedesigner Philip Treacy ehrt in seiner Show MJ. Ein Tribut an den Trendsetter in Sachen
    Mode...Michael Jackson.
    lady Gaga eröffnete die Show.






    • Peter Pan-Syndrom
      Culkin: Er will nicht erwachsen werden
      Gerät depressiver Macaulay nach seinem Freund & Vorbild Michael Jackson?

      Macaulay Culkin und Pop-Star Michael Jackson verband jahrelang eine tiefe Freundschaft. Doch nun heißt es, der Kevin allein zu Haus-Star würde immer mehr nach dem früh verstorbenen Sänger geraten: Macaulay soll schwer depressiv sein und wie ein Kind leben. In seinem Haus Kostümpartys veranstalte er am liebsten schräge Kostümpartys und lebe ansonsten in den Tag hinein.

      Traurig & allein
      "Culkin mag es, wie ein Kind zu leben. Das Erwachsenenleben war für Macaulay bisher nicht gut. Er schauspielert nicht, aber das ist nicht freiwillig. Er würde seine Karriere gern wieder beleben. Er bekommt Drehbücher und geht zu Vorsprechen", so ein Insider gegenüber Radar Online. Doch der gesundheitliche Zustand des 32-Jährigen ist kritisch. Er soll nicht nur regelmäßig zu Drogen greifen, sondern sich generell weigern, die Realität zu akzeptieren. Nach seinem Liebes-Aus mit Schauspielerin Mila Kunis im vergangenen Jahr fiel der ehemalige Kinderstar in ein noch tieferes Seelen-Loch.

      Wie einst Jackson
      Die Parallelen zu seinem Vorbild Micheal Jackson sind alarmierend: Auch ***** litt Zeit seines Lebens am so genannten Peter Pan-Syndrom. Er weigerte sich, das Leben eines Erwachsenen zu führen, verschanzte sich auf seiner Neverland-Ranch und umgab sich am liebsten mit Kindern. "Es ist mein Schicksal, hinter einer Kindheit herzulaufen, die ich nie erlebt habe", hat ***** einmal gesagt. Und auch Macaulay scheint die Auswirkungen seiner frühen Karriere nie ganz verarbeitet zu haben.



      • Gut geschriebener Artikel, nur mit den Auszeichnungen haut es nicht ganz hin, ist aber nicht so entscheident

        In one night, everything can change. That is what happened when Michael Jackson died. It has been 3 years since the “King of Pop” suddenly passed away. In the aftermath, people now have a greater appreciation and understanding of all his valuable contributions and everything he pioneered in when it came to making superb commercial and accessible pop music. Just look at all the re-issues of all of his albums, his greatest hits compilations, his album of unreleased tracks and even a posthumous movie about him.
        But let us stop the hypocrisy and pretending that everybody respected the guy. There are a lot of hypocrites who are suddenly rooting for a guy they despised early on before his death. I clearly remember the last couple of years before he died: when he was the envy of a lot of people; how he was the constant joke in late night shows; and how he was parodied in sit coms and even cartoons.
        MJ’s name and legacy were tarnished further and made a joke of! Because the harsh reality in life is such that once you are down, certain people will kick you and make sure you don’t get back up! That’s how it was – a lot of people had forgotten that this genuine artist was untouchable in the 80’s to the early 90’s. He had sold out stadiums, had the highest grossing ticket sales at the time, multiple number one hits, and multi-platinum record sales. He revolutionized how music videos were made and he won a few dozen awards from different award giving bodies in the music industry.
        Can anybody top that today? I doubt it. And No, Justin Bieber is nowhere near this guy in terms of overall talent! Anyway, in what universe should the name of Justin Bieber even be mentioned in the same breath with MJ? It is like comparing an anthill to a mountain. They are miles apart and nowhere near in the same level.
        Say what you want to say about Michael Jackson and his personal life and how he lived it. But in the end, he was redeemed by the sudden outpouring of support and the rekindled fanfare of his illustrious career in the music industry. His death became his “comeback”! That was the memory that he was once the greatest pop star in history and that was enough for almost everyone to have a sense of nostalgia and to remember why they had loved his music in the first place. It is just too bad; he didn’t live to see the day–how important he has become again. Nobody can replace him and certainly no one can be the next Michael Jackson. People like him are not one in a million but rather, he was THE ONLY ONE and ever will be in existence!

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        • Ohne die Jackson 5 Jahre zu beachten, haben Stevie und Michael drei Songs zusammen aufgenommen: “Just Good Friends” auf Bad, “All I Do” auf Hotter Than July (1981), und “Get It” auf Characters (1987). Auf Off The Wall nahm Michael ausserdem eine Komposition von Stevie Wonder auf: “I Can`t Help It”.

          Quelle: Swiss Michael Jackson Community


          • Max Mutze gestern bei Leute heute auf SWR1

            Ab 17.40 (rechts das Audio anklicken) äußert er sich zu Michael Jackson


            • Thriller Live ist nun in Japan auf Tour

              News on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and More search

              Friday, Sep. 28, 2012

              Very excited: The cast of "Thriller Live" performs a Michael Jackson song on stage in London. While cast members don't seek to imitate the "King of Pop," male lead Sean Christopher (below) sometimes dons the star's iconic outfits. MUNEHIRA TAKADA
              Stage tribute to Jackson hits all the right notes

              By PATRICK ST. MICHEL
              Special to The Japan Times
              Like many people in the 1980s, Adrian Grant was a huge Michael Jackson fan. He was so fond of the "King of Pop" that he started a Jackson fan magazine titled "Off The Wall" in 1988. Grant says he wrote and designed the entire first issue by himself — in total, he published a scant 200 copies.

              From those small beginnings in his native England, though, Grant eventually found bigger stages to share his fandom with the world, culminating in the creation of a concert titled "Thriller Live" in 2006. The 2½-hour show celebrating Jackson's music has toured across Europe, and in South Africa and China. Since 2009, "Thriller Live" has played at the Lyric Theater in London's famed West End theater district, and the show makes its Japanese debut on Sept. 29 at the Blue Theater in Tokyo's Roppongi district. Additional shows are scheduled for Osaka around the end of December.
              "It's a journey through his career," Grant says about the show. "Starting with the Jackson 5, and on to the '70s and his solo career."
              Even though the show's male lead, Sean Christopher, plays the role of Jackson and performs his iconic dance moves dressed in outfits based off the ones from his music videos, Grant is quick to point out that "Thriller Live" isn't an impersonation show. Many segments don't feature anyone dressed up like Jackson, but rather a mix of the 21 singers and dancers who make up the cast, including female lead Samantha Johnson.
              "I am who I am because I'm affected by Michael Jackson," she says, wearing a faded Jackson T-shirt. "So I feel that for me the show is very easy. When I got here it was like I just came and I was the fan I was. (This role is) not like being a performer, but being a fan who sings and dances. That's how I look at it."
              Johnson, Christopher and Grant say the cast coming over for the show's Japanese run are "overly passionate, huge Jackson fans," and they make it a point to stress how important the singer has been to them personally.
              "As a fan myself, this is my way of giving back to the fans," Christopher says. "To say this is what he taught me and understand the passion of his music."
              Grant says he was in a similar frame of mind when he started his "Off The Wall" fanzine. "It was a way of bringing all the Michael Jackson fans together."
              The initiative to start the fanzine, though, came from another '80s superstar. "There was a Prince fanzine, and I used to get that from the record store. And it was selling like 3,000 copies," Grant says. "I thought, 'If Prince has a magazine, why doesn't Jackson have one?' "
              After asking for and receiving permission from Jackson's record label, Sony, Grant put together the first issue of "Off The Wall." Over time, the fanzine's fortunes improved. Grant says readers began contributing their own articles about personal experiences with Jackson and his music. "Off The Wall" started selling more and more copies, and Grant says he eventually got the magazine into Virgin Record Stores, which upped sales from 200 copies to 2,000 copies. Soon afterward, the project went national in England and moved 25,000 copies.
              The next big moment in Grant's history as a fan came in 1990, when he met Jackson in person at the pop star's famed Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara, California. Grant says the star's management team really liked "Off The Wall," as did Jackson himself. So Grant was invited out to Jackson's estate.

              Super fans: Performers Sean Christopher (left) and Samantha Johnson, and director Adrian Grant all consider themselves major Michael Jackson fans. ARNI KRISTJANSSON
              "I was waiting in a room and I could hear Michael singing. It was just incredible," Grant recalls. "I had a really good day!"
              Grant interviewed him for his fanzine and afterward asked if it would be alright to snap a few photos of Jackson to go with the piece. The singer's management shot the idea down. Grant smiles as he finishes his story: "But Michael responded, 'Yes, he can take pictures.' "
              Grant remained close with Jackson through the years, and wrote three books about the star. In 1991, Grant began producing the "Michael Jackson Tribute" show, an annual event that was kind of a "Thriller Live" prototype. Grant says the big difference between the two productions was that the "Tribute" show featured no professional performers. Jackson personally attended the 10th anniversary show in 2001.
              Grant began developing "Thriller Live," during the time when Jackson was on trial for child molestation charges, a case that had dominated the media for two years. "We wanted to bring the public back to Michael's music, as the media at the time were just talking about the allegations," Grant says. "People forgot what a great artist he was."
              "Thriller Live" accordingly avoids any mention of Jackson's life outside of his music and, like Grant's previous tribute show, caters to fans. Fans like Johnson.
              "I felt like somewhat of an outcast at times (due to the perception of Jackson in the media)," she says. "There would be times during his interviews where he would look into the camera and say, 'My real fans know what's true, my real fans know who I am.' I always felt like he was talking right to me."
              Theaters in 2006 weren't as eager about "Thriller Live." Grant says it was very difficult to get the show booked at some venues. Owners were cautious about having a show about Jackson during a period where his name wasn't particularly marketable.
              "But when people saw the show and the reviews were coming in very positive, that led us to more venues," Grant says.
              Following Jackson's death in 2009, the situation completely changed.
              "It was popular before Michael passed away, but after Michael passed away everyone wanted to book shows," Grant says. "Thriller Live" has toured around Europe and, in 2011, made stops in China and Singapore. Next February, the production will debut on another continent, as "Thriller Live" shows are scheduled to be performed in Brazil.
              Grant says that unless a promoter requests specific changes (like how the Brazil run will feature some Portuguese narration), the production remains pretty much the same from country to country, with Jackson's music trumping language barriers.
              "Each country is different, but the response from the audience is the same," he says. "By the end of the show, everyone is on their feet, singing and dancing along."
              The Japanese run of "Thriller Live" is likely to have the same effect on audiences if early previews are anything to go by. The cast performed four sneak peeks of the show at this year's Summer Sonic music festival in Chiba Prefecture. The actors start to glow as they talk about the experience.
              "I love the Japanese fans," Christopher says. "They heard the opening notes to the first song and just started going crazy."
              Johnson says her favorite moment at Summer Sonic was when the cast performed after Canadian pop star Nelly Furtado. "I walked out on stage and the fans just started cheering," she laughs. "They didn't know who I was, they were just so excited to see what was coming next."
              That post-Furtado "Thriller Live" performance came late during the first day of the festival. More impressive was its 11 a.m. showing on Sunday, a time when many punters either sleep in or prefer to catch a nap at the back of the venue. The morning preview brought a few hundred viewers to the festival's large Mountain Stage area, and with each new song the crowd shook off their slumber and moved to classics such as The Jackson 5's "I Want You Back" or Jackson's "Billie Jean." Even ads for the show that played between the live-music sets received a fair amount of cheers throughout the festival.
              "We've had lots of inquiries about coming to Japan," Grant says. "It's an important market, especially because of how passionate Japanese fans are towards Michael. Michael loved Japan."
              Grant, Christopher and Johnson all emphasize how much the entire cast loves Jackson's music and how that music has moved millions worldwide.
              "I think it's timeless," Christopher says. "You can still feel the same energy now as when it first came out — every single generation knows it."
              It is Johnson, though, who hints that the show isn't devoted solely to Jackson's songs, but rather his impact on the world's music scene.
              "You can put something on and know it is inspired by him," Johnson says. "You know (singers) Usher and Justin Timberlake are inspired by Michael Jackson to the point they might fall under the genre of Michael Jackson. With 'Thriller Live,' we are really celebrating a big umbrella of pop music."
              "Thriller Live" runs at Roppongi Blue Theater in Minato-ku, Tokyo, from Sept. 29 till Dec. 9 (dates and times vary). Tickets are ¥7,500 and ¥8,500 in advance, with a discount for students. "Thriller Live" travels to Osaka from Dec. 18-27. For more information, visit .
              Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 28.09.2012, 19:44.


              • Michael Jackson - Puppencreationen

                mmm 010.JPG mjm 008.JPG mjhaw 042.JPG MJA 023.JPG MJJJ 050.jpg mjr 008.JPG MJCH 025.JPG gfs 008.JPG mjg 018.JPG 403330_417289341667097_447612989_n.jpg fdd.jpg 1.JPG mjr 075.jpg mjsp 004.JPG
                Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 30.09.2012, 14:40.


                • Bryan Adams zeigt Fotos von Amy Winehouse bis zur Queen

                  Montag, 01.10.2012, 17:55

                  Der kanadische Musiker ist nebenher leidenschaftlicher Fotograf.
                  dpa / Georg Wendt

                  Er ist Musiker, Komponist und seit einiger Zeit auch Fotograf: Weltstar Bryan Adams (52, „I Do it for You““) präsentierte am Montag in Hamburg sein neues Fotobuch „Exposed by Bryan Adams“, das einen Querschnitt seiner besten Arbeiten zeigt.
                  Zu sehen sind Aufnahmen unter anderem von Amy Winehouse, Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson bis hin zur Queen. „Die ersten Fotos habe ich mit einer kleinen Kamera meiner Eltern gemacht“, sagte Adams über die Anfänge seiner Leidenschaft zur Fotografie. „Die Motive auf meinem ersten Film, Mitte der 70er, waren Konzertfotos von den Beach Boys, meine Freundin im Badezimmer, meine Mutter, mein Klavier, einfach beiläufige Dinge – aber genau diese waren um mich herum.“

                  Über die Jahre haben sich seine Fotomotive verändert, so standen ihm zahlreiche Superstars Modell, darunter auch Mickey Rourke in der Badewanne oder Dustin Hoffman im Anzug angelnd in der Meeresbrandung. Das Foto-Buch erscheint am 29. Oktober im Steidl Verlag (68 Euro). Im Crossover Showroom in Hamburg ist ein Teil der Arbeiten bis zum 1. Februar 2013 zu sehen. Danach wandern die Werke ins NRW-Forum nach Düsseldorf, wo 150 der Fotografien gezeigt werden.



                  Amazon hat es schon gelistet (ohne Erscheinungsdatum) - hier der Link:


                  • Ich wollte ja immer mal nachfragen, aber der Thread ist ja geschlossen. Da gab es doch so einen Brief von den Jackson-Geschwistern mit großen Ankündigungen. Was ist denn daraus geworden?

                    Die Vanity Fair widmet im November der Jackson-Famlie und ihren verzweifelten Versuchen seit Michael`s Tod an Erbe zu kommen und die Verwalter auszuschalten einen Artikel

                    Michael Jackson’s Family: Inside Their Desperate Attempt to Oust Estate Executors

                    Within hours of Michael Jackson’s death, the bizarre battle over his estate began. An adaptation of the author’s upcoming Jackson biography lays bare the clan’s desperate efforts—including an apparent abduction of its aging matriarch, Katherine—to oust the King of Pop’s executors, who have been accused of forgery and fraud.


                    • Die Entdeckung Amerikas
                      Von Lukas Meyer-Marsilius. Aktualisiert am 01.10.2012

                      Journalismus vom Feinsten: In seinen Essays und Reportagen erkundet der US-Amerikaner John Jeremiah Sullivan seine Landsleute und ihre Kultur. Die Kritiker sind von seinem Sammelband «Pulphead» begeistert.

                      Er schreibt über Michael Jackson und Axl Rose, über die Tea Party und ein christliches Rockfestival, über Fidel Castros Kuba und den eigenen Bruder – der Journalist John Jeremiah Sullivan hat ein breites thematisches Spektrum. Auch formal ist er nicht leicht einzuordnen: Seine Texte bewegen sich zwischen Essay und Reportage und lesen sich oft wie Kurzgeschichten, ganz selbstverständlich benutzt er das Wort «ich».


                      Michael Jacksons Ururgrossvater

                      Diese Zeit ist auch nötig, denn Sullivan will es genau wissen. Wenn er sich ein Thema vorgenommen hat, liest er sich erst mal gründlich ein, macht Interviews mit Experten und macht sich schliesslich auf, um einen persönlichen Augenschein zu nehmen und die Leute zu treffen.

                      Bei Michael Jackson ging das offensichtlich nicht mehr, umso tiefer vergrub sich der Journalist in den Archiven und ging zurück bis zu Jacksons Ururgrossvater Prince Screws, einem Sklaven aus Alabama. Dass Jackson seinen Sohn nach diesem Prince benannte, zeigt eine grössere Verbundenheit mit der afroamerikanischen Geschichte, als ihm gemeinhin zugestanden wird – ihm, der sich mit plastischer Chirurgie möglichst weit von seinen Ursprüngen entfernte. Eines wird schnell klar: «Aber von all den Dingen, die Michael unbegreiflich gemacht haben, ist der Glaube, ihn verstanden zu haben, der irreführendste.»

                      Den Popstar verstanden zu haben, gibt auch Sullivan nicht vor. Dafür zeigt er neue Facetten eines Menschen, der praktisch von Geburt an im Licht der Öffentlichkeit stand.

                      Quelle: Basler Zeitung - Kultur


                      • Die ME-Bibliothek/Band 4 – Die besten Interviews seit 1969

                        Manchmal muss man schlucken. Etwa, wenn man jenes Gespräch liest, dass Sylvie Simmons Anfang der 80er-Jahre für den Musikexpress mit Michael Jackson führte. Sie erzählt vom Videodreh zu „Beat It“, von Gangs, von einer Janet, die vergnügt plappernd das Interview stört, vor allem aber von einem Künstler, der offenbar schon damals ziemlich weit draußen war: „Michael spricht mit dünner Stimme, wie aus einer anderen Welt. Er ist so schüchtern, dass es schon wehtut“, schreibt sie. Und Jackson? Spricht über Gott, darüber, dass er zu Jackson-5-Zeiten nicht mit den anderen Kindern spielen durfte und über seine größte Sorge: „Ich will nicht, dass meine Musik etikettiert wird. Etiketten haben was von Rassismus.“ Es ist ein bizarres Gespräch, eines das vieles, was später im Leben Jacksons passierte, ein Stück verständlicher macht.

                        Jetzt bequem und versandkostenfrei nach Hause liefern lassen: Auf 196 Seiten die 40 besten Interviews aus über 40 Jahren Musikexpress. Unvergessliche Interview-Momente zwischen Radiohead, Dave Grohl, Iggy Pop, Beastie Boys, Oasis, Mick Jagger uvm und der Musikexpress Redaktion.


                        • Freddie Mercury und Michael wollten ein Duett aufnehmen, aber Freddie fand es wohl nicht lustig, daß ein Lama dabei war

                          Michael Jackson's llama wrecked Freddie Mercury's dreams of recording a hit duet with the King of Pop - because the QUEEN star didn't like working in a studio with an overgrown pet.
                          The tragic Bohemian Rhapsody singer made a friend of Jackson in the early 1980s and the two superstars plotted to work together, but things hit a snag when the Thriller hitmaker insisted on showing up to work with his llama.
                          In a new Dvd expose of Mercury's solo career, the late star's manager Jim 'Miami' Beach says, "They got on well except for the fact that I suddenly got a call from Freddie, saying, 'Miami, dear, can you get on over here... You've got to get me out of here. I'm recording with a llama... I've had enough and I want to get out."
                          And it seems Mercury lived to regret walking away from the project - in a lost interview recovered for the new Dvd, Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender, he says, "I think one of the tracks would have been on the Thriller album if I had finished it, but I missed out."
                          The expose features a snippet of a demo Jackson and Mercury recorded for a song titled There Must Be More To Life.
                          Director Rhys Thomas' Mercury movie also features new interviews with the singer's Queen bandmates Brian May and Roger Taylor, Spanish diva Montserrat Caballe, who teamed up with the rock star for an operatic album, and friends and associates of the late Another One Bites the Dust hitmaker, as well as rare footage of Mercury performing with the Royal Ballet and lost Tv chats.



                          • MJs ehem. Bodyguard Alberto Alvarez, Vater von 2 Kindern, der nach dem CM Prozeß ohne Job war, da die Jacksons ihn trotz seines loyalen Verhaltens nicht weiterbeschäftigen wollten, hat einen neuen Arbeitgeber..ONE DIRECTION.
                            Ab Juni 2013 wird er sie auf ihrer Amerika-Tour begleiten.

                            1D saved me: One Direction sign up Michael Jackson's former bodyguard

                            Alberto Alvarez has a new lease of life after being left penniless when the Jackson family sacked him after his evidence helped convict Conrad Murray, the People can reveal

                            One Direction have hired Michael Jackson’s faithful *bodyguard *after he was given the boot by the dead star’s relatives.

                            Alberto Alvarez, 36, tried *desperately to save ***** and called an ambulance as the star’s life ebbed away.

                            He could have made a fortune from his story but saved it for a court of law.

                            Michael’s family relied on the minder’s evidence to convict Dr Conrad Murray of *involuntary manslaughter.

                            But after the fuss over last November’s trial had died down, they sacked Alberto. And despite all his loyalty the married dad of two was left penniless.

                            Now he is overjoyed that the world’s biggest boyband have saved him. Alberto will join them on the American leg of their 2013 world tour next June.

                            He said: “I’m really excited. They’re a great group of young men and they have great *talent. I am proud to work for them. Working for the boys has *pulled me through a *terrible time. It really helped me cope with what *happened three years ago when Michael died.

                            “I’ve been through the mill but I am coming out the other side.

                            “I just wanted to get the trial over. Since then I have felt a lot better.

                            “The events of three years ago are less heavy on my mind. They won’t ever go away but I do feel *better. I started *working as a *bodyguard again last year.

                            “And *working for One Direction – the *biggest boyband in the world – is so *exciting. I did some work for them in California last year and they liked me.

                            “Now every time they are here I work with them. The other week I was with Zayn Malik at the Video Music Awards in Los Angeles.

                            “A few months back I spent time with Louis Tomlinson and his girlfriend.

                            “They were talking about me *accompanying them on their big tour.”

                            Security: Alberto Alvarez will join the American leg of One Direction's world tour

                            The boys, Zayn, 19, Louis, 20, Harry Styles, 18, Niall Horan, 19, and Liam Payne, 19, have taken the US by storm.

                            Their new single Live While We’re Young, released today, is already No1 in 40 countries thanks to early orders.

                            Bosses realised their security needed to be beefed up. The lads were mobbed by 15,000 screaming girls when they appeared outside New York’s Rockefeller Center in April.

                            US guards invariably have a *licence to carry a gun.

                            A One Direction insider said: “American *bodyguards have been called in because fans can be very full on there. Mothers actually offer the boys large sums of money to sleep with their *teenage daughters. It is ridiculous.”

                            It was Alberto who called 911 – the US equivalent of 999 – as his famous boss lay dying on June 25, 2009.

                            The bodyguard’s choked-up voice was heard across the world on the tape *begging for assistance. He said: “We have a gentleman here who needs help. He has stopped breathing.”

                            Dr Murray, 59, had ordered him to gather up all the bottles of propofol *anaesthetic before he called the *emergency number. Only later did Alberto realise the doctor was trying to HIDE the powerful drug.

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                            He told the court in Los Angeles: “I thought we were packing to go to the hospital. I had no reason to believe that anything else was wrong.”

                            Alberto described how he pumped the star’s chest while Murray tried to give him the kiss of life as they waited for an ambulance to arrive.

                            Two months after 50-year-old Jackson died Alberto went to the police and told them what he had witnessed.

                            He turned down up to half a million pounds to tell his story on TV, saying he wanted it to come out in court.

                            At first the Jacksons vowed to keep him on the payroll to protect children Prince, 15, Paris, 14, and Blanket, 10.

                            But he was fired nine months later amid claims that he had failed to disclose a drink-driving arrest and a domestic *violence complaint.

                            Alberto’s friends say he was devastated by the loss of the job he loved. He *struggled financially because he had been forced to hire a lawyer to guide him through the Murray trial.

                            And he told how he was racked with guilt over Jackson’s death.

                            He said: “I’ve had sleepless nights. I play over in my mind what I could have done differently. I hoped people would *understand that I did everything in my *powers for Michael.”

                            Get the latest news, politics, sport, celebrity, TV and lifestyle from The Mirror. Big stories with a big heart, always with you in mind.


                            • 12.10.2012

                              Michael Hirte: "Liebesgrüße auf der Mundharmonika" via Telamo

                              München - Michael Hirte hat sich am 5. Oktober mit seinem neuen Album "Liebesgrüße auf der Mundharmonika" (Telamo) zurückgemeldet. Dabei interpretiert der Musiker die schönsten Liebeslieder in einer neuen Instrumentalversion. Es ist bereits das sechste Album des Mundharmonikaspielers, der als Gewinner der Show "Das Supertalent" bekannt wurde.

                              Michael Hirte interpretiert auf "Liebesgrüße auf der Mundharmonika" Songs wie "Let It Be“ von den Beatles, "Candle In The Wind" von Elton John oder "We Are The World" von Michael Jackson neu. Insgesamt sind 15 Songs auf dem neuen Album des Mundharmonikaspielers enthalten.

                              Die Balladen wurden mit Unterstützung des Sinfonietta Riga unter der Leitung von Normunds Sne in Riga und in der Schweiz aufgenommen. Ebenfalls im Studio mit dabei waren die Musiker Dominik Rüegg und Christian Schimanski an der Gitarre, Mandoline und Pedal Steel, sowie Brigitte Kobel und Martin Kohler als Backing Vocals. Tommy Mustac zeichnete als Produzent verantwortlich und steuerte bei den Aufnahmen seine Stimme bei. Zudem spielte er die Piano- und Keyboardparts ein.

                              Michael Hirte veröffentlichte 2008 sein Debütalbum "Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika". Es hielt sich sieben Wochen lang auf Platz eins der deutschen Album-Charts. Mittlerweile hat der Musiker beim neu gegründeten Schlagerlabel Telamo unterzeichnet. Michael Hirte stellt am 13. Oktober Songs aus seinem neuen Album "Liebesgrüße auf der Mundharmonika" als TV-Premiere beim "Herbstfest der Überraschungen" mit Florian Silbereisen vor.



                              • Mini-Michael hat geheiratet

                                Alfonso Ribeiro (41) hat sich getraut und gestern geheiratet. Wie People bestätigt, gaben sich der Kult-Schauspieler und seine Verlobte Angela Unkrich (31), um deren Hand er im Juli anhielt, am Samstag das JA-Wort.

                                Es handelt sich hierbei um die zweite Ehe Ribeiros. Mit seiner Ex-Frau Robin Stapler war er von 2002 bis 2006 verheiratet und hat eine neunjährige Tochter namens Sienna. Als Mini-Michael Jackson-Imitator in einem Pepsi-Werbespot an der Seite des King of Pop erlangte Ribeiro als 13-Jähriger große Bekanntheit und konnte sich als Schauspieler durch eine Rolle in der US-Serie „Silver Spoons“ und Auftritten in „Magnum“ und dem Cosby Show-Spin-Off „Collegefieber“ in der TV-Landschaft etablieren

                                Kult-Star aus 'Der Prinz von Bel-Air' hat überraschend geheiratet. Wer es ist, und was ihn weltberühmt machte, erfährst du hier!


                                thread unten
