Aber da ja inzwischen inflationär potentielle Väter und Mütter auftauchen, wird es allmählich wirklich komisch!!!!
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Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Press: Mark Lester: "I'm real father of Michael Jackson's girl"
Ich muß zugeben, daß ich hin und hergerissen war, als dieser Hautarzt vor ein paar Wochen ins Spiel kam. Jaaaa, ich schäme mich auch!
Aber da ja inzwischen inflationär potentielle Väter und Mütter auftauchen, wird es allmählich wirklich komisch!!!!
Das Schräge daran ist, dass diese Lady gestern tatsächlich im Gerichtssaal war und ihr "Anliegen" vorbringen durfte. Ich meine, es sieht doch jeder, dass diese Frau geistig verwirrt ist, warum hat man sie überhaupt reingelassen? Irgendwie schwanke ich zwische Lachen und Mitleid - jetzt macht sich nämlich die ganze Welt über sie lustig. Aber wahrscheinlich ist sie so gaga, dass ihr das überhaupt nicht auffällt.
Ich muß diesen Thread noch einmal hervorkramen, um meinen Ärger über diesen Typen Luft zu machen. Nachdem jetzt ein paar Wochen Ruhe war, dachte ich er hat eingesehen einen Fehler begangen zu haben und hält seine Klappe. Falsch gedacht . Heute hatte er seinen Auftritt in einer der größten amerikanischen Morgenshows- Today auf NBC- und hat den gleich Quark noch einmal erzählt. Verschwendet der eigentlich auch nur einen einzigen Gedanken an die Kinder? Die Großen sind in einem Alter, in dem man sie unmöglich komplett von den Medien abschirmen kann. Was ist, wenn sie zufällig den Fernseher einschalten, während der Rest des Hauses noch schläft und alles mitbekommen?
Mit geht es gar nicht so sehr darum, ob die Geschichte jetzt wahr ist oder nicht - ich kann mir sogar gut vorstellen, daß sie stimmt - sondern um die komplette Verantwortungslosigkeit gegebenüber verletzlichen Kinderseelen und den unglaublichen Verrat an Michael, der Lester seine intimsten Probleme anvertraut hat. Traurig auch, daß ein Sender wie NBC diesem gewissenlosen Schwätzer eine Plattform bietet. Ehrlich, der Typ regt mich sogar mehr auf als Dr.Murray
Und hier der Video Clip dazu:
Former child star Mark Lester took his paternity claim over the daughter of Michael Jackson to the Today show this morning.
He told Matt Lauer that he has "no idea" if he is Paris Jackson's biological father, but that it is a possibility. He says Jackson "wanted kids but was anxious about sex," adding the singer was "shy when it came to women."
Additionally, he says "Michael confided in me that he found it very difficult to do the sexual act."
Lester defends his decision to come forward because "the story was going to break in any event," and he wanted to tell the story on his terms to spare the shock to his family. He is not seeking custody or parental rights.
"When I [donated sperm] I made a decision that I had given something as a gift and I didn't want anything in return for it," he says.
Vor Michaels Tod war mir Herr Lester wirklich sympathisch,
daß hatte sich dann aber schon bei der letzten Geschichte erledigt.
Was ist eigentlich los mit dem Kerl?
Warum gibt der keine Ruhe????
So ein Blödsinn, wie hätte die Geschichte denn rauskommen sollen, wenn er seine Klappe gehalten hätte? Und jetzt macht auf fürsorglich, er wollte der Familie ja nur den Schock ersparen.....wie gütig.
Es gab in einer englischen Zeitung ein sehr entlarvendes Interview mit seiner Ex-Frau. Natürlich mit der üblichen Vorsicht zu geniessen, weil sie wohl Alkoholprobleme hat und man der Boulevardpresse sowieso nicht alles glauben kann. Sie behauptet, daß Michael und Lester sich zwar seit vielen Jahren kannten, so richtig dicke sind sie aber erst vor ca. 10 Jahren geworden, also nach Paris`Geburt. Außerdem schildert sie ziemlich ausführlich, wie Lester es genossen hatte, durch Michaels Freundschaft wieder in den Dunstkreis des Showbiz zu kommen. Er war ja ein gefeierter Kinderstar, der aber als Erwachsener nicht an alte Erfolge anknüpfen konnte und daher eine normale Berufslaufbahn einschlug. Sie sagte, sobald er wieder Showbizluft geschnuppert hatte, war er verändert. Er und seine Kinder haben Michael auf vielen Reisen begleitet - bezahlt hat natürlich Michael - viele Geschenke bekommen und durch ihn berühmte Leute kennengelernt.
Für mich klingt das durchaus stimmig, denn ein echter Freund und potentieller Vater würde NIEMALS so handeln wie er. Dem würde das Andenken an seinen verstorbenen Freund und das Wohl des Kindes wichtiger sein als alles andere.
Ich erlaube mir mal, den Artikel, auf den Cassandra hingewiesen hat, nachzureichen:
After extraordinary claims by the former child star of Oliver, an explosive riposte from his scornful ex-wife...
Is my ex-husband Mark Lester the father of *****'s children? No, he's completely nuts
By Alison Boshoff
After extraordinary claims by the former child star of Oliver, an explosive riposte from his scornful ex-wife...
Jane Lester sighs heavily when you ask whether her former husband Mark, the child star made famous by Oliver!, could possibly have made a sperm donation to Michael Jackson in 1996 - and thus be the biological father of Michael's eldest children, Prince Michael and Paris Jackson.
Mark Lester said last weekend that he had secretly given the singer his sperm - telling nobody, not even Jane, who was then his wife.
He said he was convinced that he has a 'special affinity' with Paris, who is his god-daughter, and claimed that his own daughter, Harriet, resembled her strongly.
It's certainly a startling story - but can it possibly be true? And what, you wonder, would prompt Lester, now living obscurely as a 51-year-old osteopath in Cheltenham, to tell such a story?
According to Jane, the claims are not even faintly credible. And just three weeks ago, Lester himself was of the same mind.
Speaking to Hello!, he ridiculed stories that ***** was not the biological father of his children. What an about-turn between that interview and last weekend's.
Jane tells me that the friendship between her ex and Michael Jackson only truly blossomed after Paris's birth. She describes Mark Lester as 'completely nuts' and says she found the association between her ex-husband and ***** 'frankly creepy'.
Jane, whose parting from Lester was acrimonious, says the friendship with Jackson was one of the factors that destroyed her marriage. She believes this was behaviour largely driven by Lester's ego, as well as his desire to cling to the limelight decades after he returned to obscurity. 'As soon as he got a whiff of Jackson's fame, he went ballistic,' she says.
For, although traces remain in his face of the cherubic little boy who asked for more, it must be said that the story of Mark Lester's life fits the classic child-star trajectory of overwhelming fame, followed by disgrace and rejection.
Born Mark Letzer - his father is Jewish - he was cast in Oliver! when he was only eight, and attended the Oscars aged ten.
He travelled the world, stayed in grand hotels and hung out with the likes of Oliver Reed. 'To me, it seemed perfectly natural for a boy of ten to be treated like royalty,' Lester told an interviewer.
But, as he later said: 'By the time I realised I was a star, I no longer really was one.' The success of Oliver! in 1968 was never repeated.
In the early years his parents had kept him on 25p-a-week pocket money. But when he was 18 he came into his fortune of £180,000, over £1million in today's money.
Lester remembers his 18th well - it was for this birthday that Oliver Reed bought him a rather unusual present. He said: 'On my 18th I was filming The Prince And The Pauper on location in Hungary. A huge party was planned for me, but it was a rather formal affair to be attended by my parents.
'Oliver Reed, who I had known since appearing with him in Oliver!, was determined to liven things up a bit for me. So he arrived with a surprise birthday present for me - a young Hungarian prostitute.
'I shall never forget the look of horror on my father's face, as he looked at this girl and realised what was going on. The poor girl herself took one look at the famous guests and fled in horror.'
Lester's life became even more tawdry. Shockingly, he blew all of his money in just a couple of years in a display of out-of-control spending not unlike those favoured by his friend Michael Jackson.
He bought a Ferrari and a house in London's Belgravia. There were wild four-day parties for all his friends - he estimates he had around 30 hangers-on - and he would provide all the booze and drugs anyone desired.
Lester thinks he spent around £20,000 on cocaine, but once told an interviewer casually it may have been more - he was too off his head to keep track.
'I tried everything that was going - drink, dope, acid, whatever was on offer,' he boasted.
'Coke was selling at £60 a gram and I was buying it for myself and my house guests at the rate of four grams a day. I abused it mercilessly.'
By the time he was 20, his fortune was gone and he had a 'ghastly' operation on his sinuses to save his nose after his drug abuse.
You might think the experience of losing a fortune and of being washed up after early fame would have caused Lester to grow up.
But, it seems, Lester - arguably like his friend ***** - never really matured. 'I've had a ball,' he said when the money was gone. 'Given the opportunity I'd probably do it all over again.'
Lester says he had his first contact with Jackson in 1981. ***** was touring the UK and his agent rang Lester and said Oliver! was *****'s favourite film. Could they meet for a coffee at the singer's hotel?
There was a bond between the odd pair - both felt they had been warped by their experience of child stardom. Then there was the mutual love of spending and the seemingly arrested emotional development.
Mystery: Paris was born in 1998 - three years before Lester and Jackson reportedly renewed their friendship
But while ***** had prodigious musical talent, Lester was just another pretty actor. He gave up acting in the early Eighties because he wasn't getting work.
To what extent Lester and ***** remained in touch over the following 15 years is a slightly open question - Lester's claims of an intimate decades-long friendship are not quite what they seem.
As Jackson claimed superstardom with Thriller, Lester was becoming paunchy and depressed, and was working in his father's bar. He went on to work as an insurance salesman on £150 a week.
There was no sign of any help from his world-famous friend and his interviews from this period don't mention the singer.
Eventually Lester became an osteopath. This was the fortunate chance that allowed him to rekindle his association with Jackson, who was by the early 1990s suffering from recurrent back and ankle pain.
Lester met Jane - a radiographer - while training as an osteopath. They married in 1991 when she was pregnant with their eldest daughter Lucy.
Two years later, they set up a healthcare business in Cheltenham. This was the year when the Jordy Chandler abuse allegations emerged. In a lengthy interview in 1993, Lester made no mention of his alleged friendship with *****.
According to Jane, who is now living on a farm in the West Country, this is because the pair were not in touch at this time.
Jane Lester is described by both her brother and by Mark Lester as an alcoholic. She herself concedes: 'I do like a bottle of wine, that is my vice.'
She does not have custody of her children with Lester, and tells me that out of the four, only Olivia, eight, still comes to visit her.
That doesn't mean, though, that her recall is necessarily inaccurate - she is impressively collected and precise when talking about why she is certain what Mark Lester says is untrue.
'It makes no sense to me,' she says. 'Mark had only met Michael three times before we were married in 1991. From 1991 there was no contact with Michael Jackson for years.
'The first real contact the family as a whole ever had was when Jackson came [to the UK] after he had broken his ankle [Jackson had an accident in rehearsals in 2003].
'Michael only contacted Mark in 2001 and renewed the friendship. There is no way Mark could be Paris's father, as she was born by then.'
Indeed, the dates do not add up. Prince was born in 1997 and Paris in 1998. In Lester's defence, he claims he offered to make the sperm donation in a telephone call to Jackson in 1996 and the whole thing had been arranged without meeting face-to-face.
Lester says he made the donation in a Harley Street clinic. He presumes the sperm was frozen and taken to America to impregnate Debbie Rowe, Jackson's ex-nurse and mother of his two eldest children.
This is a big presumption. There are also claims that Jackson's dermatologist Arnold Klein gave the singer sperm donations.
It is generally accepted that Jackson's youngest son Blanket, seven, is the result of an anonymous donor egg and anonymous donor sperm carried by a surrogate mother.
Who is to say that the same is not true of Prince and Paris?
It is true Lester was close to Jackson during his final years. He was the godfather to Jackson's children when they were baptised in 2003 and ***** was the godfather of his. This, Jane readily confirms.
Although, rather extraordinarily, she says Mark never allowed her to have any contact with his superstar friend.
'I never went with him to see Michael. Mark just refused to bring me along, saying: "Oh no, Michael would hate you," which was quite hurtful.
'I was absolutely uneasy about the friendship and about Mark taking the children over there, for obvious reasons. But I felt that Michael would not be interested in the girls and Felix was only young. He was two or three when he went to Neverland for the first time. He loved it.
'Mark liked to travel first-class and Michael would pay. Michael liked to have my son over there. Of course I was aware of the allegations, but, although I had my personal views, there was nothing I could do.'
By 2003, the Lesters' marriage was over. 'Of course it contributed to the end of the marriage. I remember that after one visit from Michael, Mark announced: "I'm going to be Michael's osteopath and I'm going to travel the world with him. I am leaving and will have a better life without you." '
Jane's father, Jeff, 79, who lives in West Mersea, Essex, confirms her story, saying: 'Mark wanted to go to the States but Jane didn't want to drag young children across there.'
Her brother Richard says he recalls Jane talking about Lester treating the singer for his back pain during visits. Lester was also travelling with him in Berlin when Jackson infamously dangled the infant Blanket off a hotel balcony.
So why were the two so close? Jane says: 'I think that all the fuss of being with Jackson appealed to Mark's ego.
'When I met Mark, we talked about his having been a child star. He told me it was behind him. He said: "I don't want to be a star any more, I want to be an osteopath. I want nothing to do with that side of life."
'But as soon as he got a whiff of it, he went ballistic. I remember one day David Gest rang our house. I had never heard of him but when I called out to Mark, I was almost knocked over by him rushing to get to the phone.'
Lester and Jackson's friendship was at its closest when Jackson was at his lowest ebb. The singer was tried for child molestation in 2005. After he was acquitted he fled to Bahrain with the children. As we discovered in a subsequent court case, he lived off the largesse of Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa.
In an interview this year Lester said: 'When we spent Christmas with Michael in Bahrain, immediately after he was acquitted of child abuse, we returned with 22 crates of gifts including everything from iPods, phones, digital cameras, computers, laptops and PlayStations to trampolines and water slides for our garden.'
Jane says Lester sold all the gifts, which upset the children. She adds: 'I am not sure to what extent Mark was a part of the inner circle. He never met any of Jackson's family for instance, but, yes, there were visits later on.'
She is perturbed that Lester has sold this story - and by the pictures for which their daughter Harriet, 15, posed to prove the supposed similarities with Paris Jackson. Jane says, somewhat unkindly: 'Harriet wants to be a famous model and is probably thrilled by the attention.'
The Jackson family are also less than thrilled. Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Londell McMillan, said: 'These genetic lottery attempts aren't going anywhere. They may seek five seconds of fame but the claims have no merit.'
It's not the response Lester was hoping for. He seems to have revealed the alleged sperm donation in a bid to regain contact with the Jackson children, after being abruptly cut off from them once the singer died.
Jackson family lawyer Brian Oxman is on Lester's side, telling me Lester is 'not making anything up'. He calls him an 'honest, straight and decent guy'.
He adds: 'Michael liked Mark a great deal. I think some of the closeness was a result of them both being child stars.
'Mark has had opportunities over the years to profit financially from selling stories about Michael and to sell off mementoes. He never has. So I don't believe that this is about money, or financial gain. Mark was a loyal and trusted friend.'
There's no chance of these claims being tested in law - under Californian law a child born to a man and a women is presumed to be the child of those two people.
Anyone doubting this has two years from the birth to make their challenge, which has obviously long past.
In the face of the Jackson family's negative reaction, Lester is backtracking - now claiming he had donated sperm but has no proof it was used.
'I'm sure, as far as I know, the children were all his,' he told a television interviewer this week, looking crestfallen.
He's too late though - the Jackson clan now class Lester with the other fruitcakes, charlatans and crooks who they think took advantage of Michael.
Now he's been left out in the cold. 'This isn't what Michael would have wanted,' Lester bleats. On that at least, they can all agree.
Falls es interessiert:
Ich finde, Paris hat die gleiche Kopfform wie Oma Jackson.
und jetzt kommt er (Mark Lester) natürlich auch wieder mit seinen Storys um die Ecke ..............
Der Amerikaner verriet gegenüber der britischen Zeitung 'The Sun', dass der King of Pop ein Alkoholproblem hatte und bis zu sechs Flaschen Wein pro Tag getrunken habe. So sei der Superstar total betrunken gewesen, als er im März 2009 bei einer Pressekonferenz seine 50 Konzerte der 'This Is It'-Tour in London ankündigen sollte: "Michael lag ohnmächtig auf seinem Hotelbett. Sein Arzt sagte, dass er zwei Drittel einer Whiskey-Flasche ausgetrunken habe und total besoffen sei. Er wurde dann wieder nüchtern genug, um durch seine 'This Is It'-Rede zu kommen. Er hat es gerade noch geschafft."
weiter im Link: http://www.gala.de/stars/news/newsfe...6pLid%3D175460
Was bildet sich der Lester eigentlich ein? Guter Freund? Soviele Lügen..... aber, für Money macht man alles und das Ansehen von Michael ist ja vollkommen uninteressant.... Ich will nen Kotzsmiley!!!!! Kann man all diesen Ratten nicht endgültig die Mäuler stopfen? Für immer!!!!!Zuletzt geändert von Ghosti; 29.04.2013, 15:16.
Zitat von Ghosti Beitrag anzeigenWas bildet sich der Lester eigentlich ein? Guter Freund? Soviele Lügen..... aber, für Money macht man alles und das Ansehen von Michael ist ja vollkommen uninteressant.... Ich will nen Kotzsmiley!!!!! Kann man all diesen Ratten nicht endgültig die Mäuler stopfen? Für immer!!!!!
Beste Freunde verbreiten also derlei Storys, nachdem der beste Freund verstorben ist.
Ich wünschte Michael hätte EINEN besten Freund gehabt.
Der gleiche Mark Lester in einen IV mit P Scofield und Fern B,
Fern and Phil also asked if Mark thought perhaps Jackson's family should have intervened if the stories of drug taking and not eating were true.
Mark said, "That's a good point. I had never seen Michael take an aspirin...he used to drink mineral water, he didn't drink... I'm just shocked, I never saw or had any indication that these things were happening."
Man muss halt flexibel bleiben, wenn man die Presse bedienen will.Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 29.04.2013, 17:34.
Naja ich weiß nicht, ob man dem soviel Beachtung schenken soll......wir wissen doch nun alle, was die Presse aus IV´s alles macht.
Zitat von BlaueBlume Beitrag anzeigenund jetzt kommt er (Mark Lester) natürlich auch wieder mit seinen Storys um die Ecke ..............
Der Amerikaner verriet gegenüber der britischen Zeitung 'The Sun', dass der King of Pop ein Alkoholproblem hatte und bis zu sechs Flaschen Wein pro Tag getrunken habe. So sei der Superstar total betrunken gewesen, als er im März 2009 bei einer Pressekonferenz seine 50 Konzerte der 'This Is It'-Tour in London ankündigen sollte: "Michael lag ohnmächtig auf seinem Hotelbett. Sein Arzt sagte, dass er zwei Drittel einer Whiskey-Flasche ausgetrunken habe und total besoffen sei. Er wurde dann wieder nüchtern genug, um durch seine 'This Is It'-Rede zu kommen. Er hat es gerade noch geschafft."
weiter im Link: http://www.gala.de/stars/news/newsfe...6pLid%3D175460Zuletzt geändert von magictree; 29.04.2013, 21:52.
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